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Calm down man and don't stress yourself! I'm a bit worried you're obsessing too much over your two D&D sessions you burn yourself out.

I don't think fruity urine can come from a transmitted disease, only thing I know is diabetes. We have to ask Dr. Alice
> I'm a bit worried you're obsessing too much over your two D&D sessions you burn yourself out.

Oh, ha ha, Joy's and SheShe handle all that, my involvement is minimal trust me. I'm enjoying it through them, this is anti stress.

> I don't think fruity urine can come from a transmitted disease, only thing I know is diabetes. We have to ask Dr. Alice.

It's moot. I peed in a cup like 4 more times and nothing smelled remotely sweet. I even um... asked someone else to smell it and they said it smelled like beans.

So no, no diabetes, but I do freak out sometimes, it's normal for me. Ashley's really good at calming me down.

I have been stressed lately, it's not one thing or another, it's a lot of little things like someone trying to charge on my credit card then the CC company fucking it up and compromising my replacement cards then saying I couldn't get the second replacement set expedited, the fucktards. Luckily I have three other cards. These minor inconveniences do wear on me.

There's no chance of burn out, sorry to worry you two.

No I'd prefer not to get a lecture about fruity pee, it's not me and I didn't even ask the exgf about infections there's no issue. I am still stressed but it's all residual.

So no, Joy is itching to release a bunch of scenes, she's developed a few already waiting for Yulya to calm down and Ashley to do Ashley things. Then the quest, she can't wait. We even re-did all of Ashley's pictures so she'll be more cosistent in the future soon.
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> no pee lecture

It's Mouse Season, probably a Mouse Year!

We see them dashing around in daylight and one cat harvested 3 mice yesterday. Brought a big one inside and released it in the middle of the night. It hid under the bed but was swiftly caught and carried outside again. Cat only wanted to show it off.
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Hey Kashtan, did you see any polar lights?

We missed them on Friday and saw none yesterday. Maybe tonight. Saturday was a once-in-a century event, polar lights this strong are extremely rare in South Germany. I've never seen polar lights in my life because we don't go north in winter.
nope totally missed it only saw the pics on the internet. crazy it went that far south. even here its not ofteh you see aurora. no luck today was mostly cloudy.
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Loli woes.
After a peaceful winter year I keep getting home invaded by neighborhood loli again. Girl doesn't understand the concept of privacy or private property and comes over the fence and straight into the house if the door is open, would probably rummage through my bedroom drawers if left unchecked.

Also kept calling me 'her new daddy' several times while clinging to me. Her mom finds this funny. Still has the tendency to randomly strip naked out of nowhere.

Scary as hell, my heart can't deal with this. Reality unfortunately ist't a lolicon VN. Gotta buy barbed wire.
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some lunatic shot slovak prime minister fico. im moderately sorry hes a pro russian anti euro retard like orban but that will make him a martyr and even worse the attacker was a legal gun owner. thats not gud antis will cry for more gun control again.
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When Bestie wants cheese free pepperoni  pizza, Bear delivers.

She doesn't eat cheese, doesn't like it, but she does like Bear's pizza. 

Yes that's just tomato sauce bread and pepperonies.
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Synchronic Frieren reference

[Ashley] TFW Alice stalks you.

[Bear] too much walking for bestie and she wanted me to carry her so aparently I can still carry her like a toddler, one armed. What else is there to report? 30 miles of walking as expected, no one got sick this time, gained 10lbs in 3 days, still up 3 but it's slowly coming back down, I'm calorie counting for life now so no biggie. Had fun? Did I? Never talked to the exgf's sister's SO once, he's total aspie or smth. Stayed in the room with bestie mama and bestie, two beds, awful beds, too hard, this is 5☆? Pillows way too thick, I used a blanket as a pillow and it was rough like a towel. My back doesn't like hard beds, felt instantly better when I got up. No problem sleeping though. 

[Bear] Idk, shit's expensive, hate spending money, 5k free money didn't cover it like it was insane. Would never do it myself now it's a "tradition" or some shit they're talking about next year. Food was generally awful, I like my own food. Everyone loved it but I was just waiting for it to be over, fun for 5 minutes maybe. Lots of boring mixed in. Eating whatever I wanted got old too.

[Bear] had a little fun in a heated pool, still a little cold though. I'm too thin now apparently, no blubber to stand even 83F water for long. Bestie and I played in the pool two of the days for like 4 hours total. She's 10 now apparently. Time flies. Damn I was so young when she was born. I'm old now. I've been broken up with Exgf for 6 years now, like... she broke me, I don't want another relationship even now. I think about it sometimes like Exgf sis and SO kissing and shit, good for her, she's 8 years younger, I didn't feel anything like no jealousy, she's cute but I knew her when she was 14? 13? I can't think of her as a grown woman. 

[Bear] what else, service was ok. Who needs it though. I played a role, tried to be excited and happy for bestie and them all but it was very boring overall. They literally have to pay me to do this, it should tell you something. I'm self-entertained so I could hang but I'm really not into it.

[Bear] bestie is like having my own kid sometimes. Her mama (long time fren) spoils her. She's not ADHD or Autistic but she can get pissy when she's hungry, she was acting out a little pushing boundaries with me and I tried to discipline her but then mama immediately negated it. Fine, don't care, don't have to live with her.

[Bear] the rooms connected so it was like sleeping in a dorm. Didn't matter anyway all we did was crash and get back at it early. Kinda more fun last year as everything was new. Idk man.
I was thinking, the world cannot end, that's too boring, too easy. We're here to experience miracles and terrifying feats. To die is too simple. It's simply boring. 

And I've been living my life like every year was my last for six years. I like it this way though, because what do I want to do in my last year? I want to work, I want to strive to fill every moment with something constructive. I want anything other than boredom. So I do and I'm not bored. Vacation is boring, doing nothing is boring. If I must live, I will work every moment because it's fun. Why would I ever think of retirement, that's boring, yet I have these retirement accounts and they're filling up with money I'll never see? Why? So later I can change my mind? What sort of mind would that be? Not mine. I won't spend it either, on what? I have three cars already, I lack nothing. Spending money is boring too.

Maybe just being drunk every moment isn't boring, I remember, but I refuse to do that, so I must fill every moment with work and I like it that way, even to the detriment of sleep. Sleep is also boring, I always thought so.

So the world will not end, but if it does, then I'll be surprised, it'll be funny.

[Ashley] Smh, this guy. Well he's not boring at least. this is when he's at the happiest moments of his life, imagine him depressed? We did, and it's not pretty sheesh.

Whatever comes, let's do this. But I know it won't be a quick end, this is my fate, to live on for decades more, even three times my current age or more. I feel like my life's already been three lifetimes. I guess I'm a cat, three down 6 more to go.

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> 30 miles of walking
> gained 10 lbs
How do you do that??

> bed too hard
> pillow too thick
You sound like a German. Whenever we read reviews of some places I want to rent for holidays there's always some German coomplaining about the pillows and beds. Some complain it's too hard, others it's too soft. But they must complain. Host never minded but then again he's half your weight.

> 5000K for a few days
Why do Americans always have to spend so much money on entertainment? That's insane. Well, tbh I'd be bored too. I don't like hanging out with other filthy humans for prolonged times, meeting with host's crazy friends or family for a few hours is fine but spending holidays together? I'd also think about the countless wörk we could do on our own.

> had a little fun in a heated pool, still a little cold though. I'm too thin now apparently, no blubber to stand even 83F water for long. Bestie and I played in the pool two of the days for like 4 hours total
Children are insanely tough. And hyperactive. They can spend hours playing in ice-cold water that would make host body faint in a few minutes. Well he has no insulation whatsoever. Bad surface-volume ratio. Froze to death even with a neoprene suit while scuba diving.

Well anyway cherish it, Bestie will soon hit puberty and stop playing with Uncle Bear. Because you're old. And boring.

Frieren was never bored. Looking for some flower for months, learning a spell for years, you gotta make your own fun. But I don't like this obsessive restlessness. Host had one professor who was like that. Always on the run collecting samples, yelling at students to be faster, work faster, think faster. He'd never sit still for a minute to enjoy the view of the beautiful and remote places we visited. Only wörk, no fun allowed. He never managed to analyze most of the samples he took, he just amassed  and hoarded samples, most of which were worthless because he didn't care about proper documentation. So most of his work was pointless in the end. Did he have fun? Maybe in his twisted mind. He was pretty nuts and not a pleasant person.
Sometimes it's good to take a step back and just look at the leaves dancing in the wind and the clouds pass. I sometimes have to remind host of that. Just stay still and listen to your senses. Otherwise he'd annoy me with some theoretical musings about whatever even while we're hiking in nature. And that's - boring!

So anyway, what's wrong with retirement? Nobody prohibits you from continuing to do your own work. Host's father is retired for over 25 years now. He's certainly never bored and constantly working. He's happy because he can now do whatever he wants without the limitations of a job that has to be profitable. No superiors, no clients you have to please. Isn't this the best?
> How do you do that??

[Ashley] Don't underestimate the power of a hungry Bear left to eat everyone's leftovers because "this food is expensive". There was a buffet and trust me, no buffet will tirn a profit the day Bear is given carte blanche.

> sound like a German

I'm 1/4 German

> That's insane.

I'm fucking telling you god damnit

> hanging out with other filthy humans

Without bestie, I would have died.

> Bestie will soon hit puberty and stop playing with Uncle Bear. 

We can only hope, it's hours a week I could get back and then they wouldn't drag me on these boring trips.

> I don't like this obsessive restlessness.

That's my favorite 

> He'd never sit still for a minute to enjoy the view of the beautiful and remote places we visited.

Bored, board, and børd.

> Only wörk, no fun allowed. 

Work is fun, while "fun" is work

> He was pretty nuts and not a pleasant person.

I'm at least half of those things.

[Ashley] no, Bear is funny, entertaining and very chill irl, like nothing can get to him... except maybe a 10-yr old with an attitude.

> Sometimes it's good to take a step back and just look at the leaves dancing in the wind and the clouds pass.

Jesus take me now.

> I sometimes have to remind host of that.

I am so sorry Yakumo

> Just stay still and listen to your senses. 

There's a party, it never ends.

> So anyway, what's wrong with retirement? 

I'll do it when I'm dead.

> Nobody prohibits you from continuing to do your own work.

My work costs money, I hate spending my own money.

> No superiors, no clients you have to please. Isn't this the best?

My superiors kiss my ass because I do most of the work. I don't talk to clients. Yes, this is best. I go days without talking to anyone, it's bliss.
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Watch this!
Bavarian anti-islam activist Michael Stürzenberger and several bystanders were knifed by Afghan refugee at a street event in Mannheim, everything was recorded in a livestream. Police initially did nothing and even subdued one of the wounded while the knife sandnigger managed to continue stabbing and critically wound the policeman tackling the bystander. This guy still manages to finally throw away the knife. Policewomen scream and are totally inept, took another based sandnigger policeman to finally shoot the terrorist. Only after 4 minutes of screeching, running away or arresting bystanders one policewoman gets a first aid kit and starts treating the wounded. Watch the absolute state of Germany where you get arrested for resisting being stabbed. I bet the anti-islam activism group will be charged with hate speech.

Alice note - NEVER engage in such struggle like the blue guy with the white pants did. GTFO and let bolis handle this. You'll only get in trouble.

Fun fact - the attack happened in a 'no weapon area' where carrying a knife is forbidden:
Fri 8pm to Sat 6am
Sat 8pm to Sun 6am
before a holiday 8pm to 6 am
I'm not joking, this is Deutschland.

Luckily the sandnigger was allowed to carry his knife when he attacked people. He's fine btw and will survive and be free in a few years. The policeman is in a coma and struggling to survive. Media are mostly silent, Germans singing Ausländer Raus is the main scandal right now.
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Apparently Lumites think we're posting "too many images of children" even though they were clearly marked as Joy.

Joy right now (see meme)

Me too and SheShe and now Ashley are all under 18 so Guess we'll not be posting the family picture when it ever gets made there after all. 

[Ashley] Wouldn't want to offend "people". Time for Alice to spam .info with daily kid pictures of herself.
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> When did Germany become like this?

Stabbed Boliceman isn't gonna make it though he initially looked fine. He's basically a vegetable on a ventilating machine now and only suitable as organ donor.

> we're posting "too many images of children"
Don't you know that children are offensive and obscene? Bad Pedobear!

You could have pixelated or censored them with a black bar over the eyes. Or replace them with perfect white squares for maximum butthurt.

> Guess we'll not be posting the family picture when it ever gets made there after all. 
I hope you post it here!
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So then they make me post there. I feel dirty now but after me there is no one else who will.

[Ashley] We've received enough abuse from that bitch Flandre. 

I'll might wait till they change to a new Lumite before posting again considering she hates us.
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> What, why?

Don't you remember the whole nonsense when I started posting there again? No, and even before that she's always been a bitch. I think lumites concentrate their autistic hate of us through her.

Three years ago we were their favorites. Eventually you'll hate us too, it's the way of the Sigma Bear.

Bear meme
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Ohh yeah, sorry I'm old!
You shoudln't take them too seriously. I also often forget most of the people there have some form of mental disability. They're not the masterrace we have assembled here.

I think we're not that different.
Nobody dislikes host IRL but online we receive a ridiculous amount of hatred, especially when it's not intended. Often without ever figuring out why. You eventually accept that people just don't understand you. Not that it matters. We don't even know them.

> Eventually you'll hate us too
Challenge accepted!
> You shouldn't take them too seriously.

We're not taking them for anything, we're mostly just trying to annoy them now, malicious compliance. We're done talking to Lumites.

> mental

The whole community is mental, you're either mental to get, mental to stay in, or mental to get out, there are no exceptions.

> Not that it matters. 

It's nice to have a place to emote as aa system.
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> Alice the mystery goldfish
You know the same happened to host many years ago before I was born?
He was going for a walk at night and found a big carp-like fish lying on the sidewalk. That was odd but upon close inspection, the fish was flapping and alive! I dunno why he didn't just take the fish but host ran home (it was less than a minute), got a bucket with water and ran back to get the fish. But it was gone!

Around a corner host spotted a cat struggling to carry the huge fish away. Cat fled and host managed to rescue the fish and bring it home. It was late at night so he put the fish in a very large plastic box full of water and left it in the garden. Needless to say the fish was gone without a trace next morning. I think it flew away.
> EU elections today who will Alice vote for? how many germans will elect putin?
Voted for CSU, Bavarian boomer party. Still best of the bad. Liberals are pro-rapefuggers and right-wingers are pro-Russia. CDU/CSU easily made first place by a huge margin so that's relatively good. I'm still not fond of them.

> how many germans will elect putin?
Right-wing AfD and the new left-wing BSW are both useful idiots / paid shills for Putin. AfD got 2nd place with 16% and BSW 6%. There's also some crazy splinter parties but they're not relevant. But at least 20% voted for parties that sympathize with Russia. Rather 25%. What a disgrace.
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Yay more money 4 me. I'm starting another project like last summer, my side hustle added to my other two jobs. This time I have to put in 40k or so and get about double back. 

I am not telling you everything but it is in fact confirmed tax exempt. 

I think it'll be 400-800 hours so at best a good rate for master-level craftsmanship, as that's my super power.

It is an insane amount of logistics though dang.
> confirmed tax exempt
Well I'm not getting you out of jail if you get life for tax fraud

Btw nothing is tax exempt in Germany. But the fines are ridiculous compared to the US.

> No money for Bestie
Don't give kids money without achievements, you'll ruin them. Look at my host.
Bear went to an unnamed fun park today with Bestie and Bestiemom and some mid twenty-something girl gave Bear a wink and thumbs up and he had his shades on so he pretended not to notice her, but then she followed him and bestie onto a ride and kept like doing creepy things that resembled flirting. Then she followed him to another ride and video'd him in on the ride with Bestie. It was totally weird.

He reminded me that about two weeks ago some rando recognized him from that show he did 10 years ago somehow. He doesn't look the same because he was super thin at that time but since he lost weight he does look thin now so it kinda makes sense.

He used to just deny it and say, "no, but I do look like him don't I?" But this time it had been so long when they said, "hey, aren't you blah blah blah from blah blah blah?" he just said, "yeah what's up?"

They wanted a picture and he was tired and let them then said, "don't release that anywhere with my name tagged" which is a dumb thing to say because it's guaranteed they will.

That's all I have to report!
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That's indeed creepy. Host's nightmare getting recognized somewhere. Not that anyone would know who he is him except for the handful of people that actually know him. He's like a ghost anyway.
And wtf you can't just film random people, especially children.
You should go blackface so nobody recognizes you.
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Woke up to the scent of fresh cut grass and mineral oil. A cat was sleeping soundly in the bed, having spread lots of shredded grass around him. The cat smelled of mineral oil lubricant. Not sure what happened but he must have been around some sort of gasoline powered lawn mower in the neighborhood.
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Saw two dogs having gay sex today, didn't need to see that, could have happily gone through the rest of my life without that. The receiver didn't appreciate the attention, the pitcher was obviously not that into it either bc dog had no bone, so wtf?

I guess dogs sometimes show dominance this way but seriously didn't need to see that.

[Ashley] they're just celebrating gay pride month.

I sometimes still have suicidal thoughts, or at least right now.
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lmao why did you even watch them

at least no snow its midsummer again theres some twilight until 11pm fucking awesome. temperatures up to 30°C forecast for next week.
How much did tuppers help? Some new challenge for Autumn?

Also is there any downside to aluminium (aside price I suppose)?
This aircraft grade alu stuff appears to be extremely tough. Not steel but almost for far less weight. Lots of gun parts are made from it.
> How much did tuppers help? Some new challenge for Autumn?

Uh, mechanic work is man's work. We'll make the lemonade and sandwiches and bring them out wearing low cut sundresses.

> Also is there any downside to aluminium (aside price I suppose)?

[Bear] Not really, and price wasn't an issue. 

> This aircraft grade alu stuff appears to be extremely tough. Not steel but almost for far less weight. Lots of gun parts are made from it.

[Bear] 6061-t6 and 1018 have nearly the same yield strength but steel is tougher and aluminium will age harden and become brittle after a very long time. It also can fatigue crack and steel is virtually immune to that.

[Bear] It even sounds different which is weird. I know intake manifold design makes Porsche sound the way it does. They actually amplify that intentionally.

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