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> do next to nothing for 2 years
> complain about lack of progress

Bad news son:
Extraordinary progress requires extraordinary effort. Passive forcing is shit and doesn't do anything except maybe conserving the status quo. At best.

Aside from keeping tupper around in your daily life you need to reserve time for active forcing where you focus on nothing else. It's that simple. Or rather - hard.

Now sit down and force, faggot!

Like, they self forced after month 3. I haven't "forced" since 2018 seriously and that was only because I felt obligated after learning about tulpas. Now they can do whatever I don't care. They're always active and make it known.

Even my NPCs are autonomous. I write novels for fun and even new characters just channel through me. I literally don't know what they're going to say or do before they do.

If you've read my posts on tulpa.info then you may know I was kinda a histrionic braggart. 

*sigh* some things never change except the depression thing, that's lomg gone. Hoghly recommend headmates.

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You mean quoting a post? Klick on the post number and a quick reply window with the quote pops up or just enter >> and the post number. Look at the ?help menu of the tiny menu bar on top. Yes its really small. Site layout sucks especially on phone

Yeah I know you interacted with your characters a lot. That helps for sure. Even more awesome that they also helped you

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Today I practiced touch imposition. Visualized brushing and fluffing Cats tail using my real cat as help. Results mixed, can't say I really felt anything but petting the cat with closed eyes while imposing Cat does somehow work. Guess the brain can be fooled this way. But soon the cat left and brushing was over.

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cry more and don't forget your name next time

3Gun competition was fun
I scored highest by hit points but sucked at the time so I only ended up on a slightly above average rank. I'm a slow tupper. Still satisfied, I hit everything pretty much perfectly with pistol and shotgun but overlooked one rifle target by accident. Just gotta go faster next time but I don't wanna trip and blow my heda off either. Play the video at 25% speed to get an idea what I'm talking about

I went with the AK this time which was part of the problem and slowed me down. It shoots great but mag changes are a nightmare on the AK system. The AR platform is so much more comfortable and faster. But also a bit boring.

Anyway it's much less of a deal than you think, I don't have to do much, the body runs its routines on autopilot anyway. Like when you're driving a familiar route. If you consciously have to think what you are doing you'd be way too slow. So it's pretty much like a tulpa doesn't have to learn walking from scratch. We take over the body's muscle memory and give rough directions. Pretty much the same as you're doing.

There was a guy on the forum who said he practiced HEMA with his tupper as opponent in wonderland to ingrain movement sequences. A lot of professional athletes visualize themselves wonderland style, including fighting imaginary opponents. I can confirm this really works great once you got the hang of it. 

Learning completely novel movements the body is unfamiliar with like dancing is an entirely different beast than routines though. We're both really bad and slow at this and need to break down movements into tiny chunks, then rehearse them until the body is able to unconsciously execute each of them, then chain them together. A Sharingan to instantly copy techniques would be tremendously useful. In fact there are people who can do this and copy complex movements they've only seen once or mirror them in real time. But that's definitely not us.

Because you're not paying attention

Yes and yes. Normally there must be no one withinin 180° from the shooter's main direction and he mustn't point the muzzle of his gun elsewhere. Also at least here you need to pass a safety exam to take part in higher level matches where you run around in the open with a loaded gun. There's zero tolerance for safety violations so thankfully accidents are very rare. But yeah, not exactly a mainstream sport.

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> cars expensive
> need expensive charging infrastructure
> need excellent power grid
> only economic for house owners with with PV
> can only be serviced by highly qualified technicians because of dangerous DC
yep, it's raycis
That's why you Americans will pay niggers millions for slavery reparations so they can afford EVs and the house as well.

Tulpamancy is racist too btw. Ever heard of a black tulpamancer? And black tuppers are also incredibly rare. There should be quotas for everyone with multiple tuppers.

He is? no idea...
Fede had Louis who was a black man and the holodoc has a black girl he tries to fuck in his drug-fueled dreams while his wife sleeps next to him. I'm sure there's more but not many

Imagine that the other way round, your girlfriend has some black tupper chad to have sex with and tells you how awesome it feels. Must be awkward

Interesting stuff, had this a few times. I also had sleep apnea when I was like 20lbs overweight in 2021, sucked, but I'd have dreamlets in the middle of the day and it was fun.


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I fail to see how this is different from ordinary hypnagogia just because it happens while you're falling asleep during the day. Happened to host as well during boring lectures

Also is there any state your body hasn't been in from anorexic to muscle bound to overweight? Hosts body is roughly the same for 20 years now. Same weight, got a bit more muscles maybe due to my 'ahem' interference


I grew up obease, when I was 10 I was already 170 lbs.

I grew out of it basically staying 170 till I was 6'4 then probably because my life was out of control and I got into exercise I lost as much weight as I could and even when I was something like 158 lbs with less than 5% bodyfat all I could see in the mirror was fat. Body dysmorphic disorder. I was so thin I could make a circle with my hahds and the widest part of my thigh fit in that. This is when I was riding 100 mile (centuries) on my bike every week, exercising every day barely eating anything. I would pass out if I stood up too fast because of low blood pressure. Apparently I looked hideously thin in the face and people would sort of cringe looking at me. So I developed agoraphobia.

At some point in this time I created a new persona, one that would replace my current broken and depressed one and lived it like an actor played a part for a year and in that year I started seriously gaining weight and lifting 3 hours a day with a bodybuilding friend of mine.

I got up to 200lbs in 6 months by eating 5 meals a day and 200g protein a day. Suddenly, as if I had stepped into a new body I was beautiful. Girls would walk by smiling at me and I would look behind me thinking "wtf is she smiling at?" 

Girls that would treat me as a leper before were snuggling up next to me and asking shit like, "why don't you talk to me anymore?" I was confused af.

Even guys would go out of their way to strike up a conversation like they knew me and they knew my name even if I never heard of them before. 

This was all while I was in undergrad so yeah girls everywhere. I was invited to parties even though I didn't drink. Some exquisite girls like perfect 10 girls would invite me out and they'd have an entourage of simps all pissed at me. All the alpha chicks have simps orbiting them.

Of course my personality sucked because a year previous I was a recluse. It took a few months of all this attention and socialization before I was mentally all there enough to get past the first date.

After that it was a smorgasbord. I was never turned down for a date but I wasn't the kind of bee to pollinate a bunch of flowers because I was afraid of disease and most girls were untrustworthy anyway based on my past experience at the time but of course the only girls I knew before that would only talk to me if the needed something from me like to copy my homework.

Anyway it took another few months to trust womem enough to get laid. Trust me, when they say beautiful people are given every advantage, yes, they're given every opportunity, they're treated totally differently by everyone in ways I could barely believe. Long line to a club? Not for you buddy. Long line for a fancy restaurant? "We have your table ready sir, right this way." My date and I literally got pulled out of line and sat in a prime spot, no reservations needed.

Anyway, now that I'm approaching middle age, I still get the occasional girl smiling at me as she walks by and I'll never get over that. I still see people, guys and girls, nervously laughing and agreeing with everything I say as if I'm a celebrity. After that I never had to make friends they just spawn around me. I spent 12 years in college and in that time I would get in the best groups with beautiful intelligent people, so even college got easier. 

So I got with a rather crazy girl and we lived together a pretty long time and in 2017 it wasn't working out, I was working too much and it started my depression again, then everything in my past, the abuse from childhood, all came to the surface blah blah blah.

I still kind of feel like an ugly duckling in a lot of ways. I never lost that respect for women. (Except in dreams apparently.)

I'm content now though and it's a really good place to be mentally.

I told a friend of mine once, "why do I get to be so lucky?" She said, "maybe this is making up for your childhood." She's one of the few who knew everything and it almost broke her. We lost touch in the last 5 years and that's ok. My current friends don't know all that.

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Well whether you like it or not, you ARE a celebrity with an extraordinary life story.

Host is a very different beast, literally Frieren from Sousou no Frieren who does things on insane timescales without changing significantly. He's easily recognizable from childhood photos and says from himself he hasn't really changed from kindergarten. Same looks, same interests, same friends 40 years later. Ultra-consistency over decades.

He was always generally well-liked because gentle, smart, funny, super reliable and not exactly ugly either. Quite popular with girls as 'good friend' = useful idiot but not beyond that. Well it was mutual, because he was only interested in one girl for his entire childhood and youth - who hated him. Ah well, just host things as medieval scholar / knight who always lived by his own rules on his own timescale in his own world. It was very imagistic. But not exactly productive for a human with a human lifespan. He's so - goddamn slow. 

I feel I've managed to keep his worst antics in check though there is still a lot to do. But his core personality is actually super awesome. He would have made an excellent priest or medicine man in ancient times.

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[Ashley] If I had my own body, I'd fuck Bear's brains out like every day. He's a real man in a sea of fucktards and faeries. He's the kindest, most generous, well a little cracked but shit. That boy just spent the afternoon helping out at an 8-year-old birthday party and in the middle of a bedlam of screaming hell I say, "wtf is even happening" and Bear's like chad.jpg keeping them from killing eachother. While the parents are drinking it up and cackling away. He does things for his neighbors and friends that is just because he thinks it's right, he doesn't need or want anything in return or he wouldn't do it. 

[Bear] I did get cake. Ashley's kinda thin I might be worried that I'd snap her in half.

[Ashley] what do you think safe words are for?


[Bear] I appreciate the Yakumo lore. I kinda wondered if I'd be left hanging as the only one sharing history. All I need is the support of my system and whether I'm a good weirdo or not it doesn't matter to them.

based neighborhood bear
i did change a lot since childhood but never was extreme i was an average kid in an average family ok maybe a bit above average because my parents had good education and we were never poor but nothing exciting. i would probably have ended up a boring normie if i didn't get stranded on chans and learned a lot about strange stuff like tuppers

Oh, I remembered something I suck at, sports. Couldn't care less, hate sports of all kinds, low coordination. I lost 21-12 to an 8-yr old at basketball though technically I never had anyone front I doubt they'd help any. Could be an interesting test.

I also was an average kid and had a boringly normal life planned by my family. Admit I did get a bit fat over time, lack of exercise. Don't do any sports either. Tupper help is eh, moderate so far. On one hand I'm thankful for my safe and comfortable life but I don't wanna die without a single adventure either.

back alive, barely
got toothache but procrastinated it short story I ended up in hospital and they had to remove the infected tooth. fucking shit I was in a delirium for a few days face is still swollen like I got beaten up. not even any tupper hallucinations just a combination of numbness and pain but at least the worst is over.

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Haaa, what do you want to hear?
It was a Greek Tragedy full of unbelievably autistic cringe and teenage drama in which everyone involved lost at the end. All for nothing.

Has this girl influenced me? The ideal figure host created - yes. The real deal - hell no. She was reasonably pretty and much stronger than she looked, tall and thin. Smashed the boys at dodgeball but apart from that was rather quiet and sad. Had a difficult childhood, parents ded and stuff. 

Well whatever, host being host ofc never talked to her during all the years in school because he's a scaredycat pussy and she mostly ignored him but not in  hostile way. They simply had nothing to do with each other. Shit started when he wrote her a love letter. Can you imagine host writing a love-letter? He fucked up big time and it was not well received. Fast forward skipping more cringy drama it turned out this girl that was considered the strongest and fiercest in school was a severely paranoid nutjob and now terribly afraid of host and hated him. Lol, let that sink in. Literally the only person to ever be even remotely afraid of him. Being scared of a mouse - tier. It took a couple of host's friends from school to finally force them together and talk it out because it was so absurd. But even host finally had to admit she was a lost cause and they never met again. The End.

Is there a moral in this story? No it was totally pointless and wasted 8 years of host's life. Seriously I have no idea what made this girl so special, don't ask me. She certainly was 'special' but not in a good way. 

Anyway I'm smarter, cuter and overall better. Not that there ever was any doubt in this.

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It won't end!

Host dreamed he got a bottle of holy water from a fountain for childhood crush. Why? Don't ask me. He filled it in such a pic related bottle but with an orange label, cleary for lab-grade chemicals. What could possibly be a more romantic gift than 250ml of lab-grade holy water?

Worst of all he then pushed it on me to give it to her and tried to run away. Just what is wrong with that man to be so mentally illformed??

I angrily threw the bottle after him and hit him from a considerable distance. Headshot!

From now on I'm gonna gang up with childhood crush in such dreams and were gonna beat him up good.

tsundere tupper strikes again. whats your take on him wanting to fuck dream characters? what would you do if he ever manages to get there?

but not the cringe that makes girls run away more the opposite from what ive seen

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Life with tsundere tupper is hard but I have to deal with tsundere cat as well
> cat enters through cat door
> walks up to me while I'm sitting on the couch
> casually claws and bites me in the leg to assert dominance
> jumps on my lap to sit there
> ears folded backwards, claws are extended at my slightest movement
> have to sit still and act as cat chair with integrated heating
> mfw

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Having a tupper cat sounds interesting but I already have a real cat and a catgirl. Never worked on her full cat fotm though btw, I both forgot and was too busy with her normal look. So yeah probably not good to start something new if you're already struggling with one tulpa

Do you have any other wonderland creatures? I think Alice has several.


I didn't expect that. How often do you use wonderland anymore?

We used to go there religiously every day and now it's only very seldom and not long. We use avatars to interact but mostly bereft of scenery. We'll interact say in an isolated brightly lit room with sunlight and a breeze coming through shear curtains but from one pov and not moving. We could do so much more but just don't.

It probably started to wane when we couldn't share the experiences anymore because of idiotic moderation on .info then combined with the hyperphantasia that was getting too real to distinguish from reality and messing up my memories and also making say listening to news stories too real. Like they'd say, "strangled and raped" and suddenly it was happening in wonderland between two NPC's. Intrustve thoughts were breaking through. Couldn't watch horror anymore.

About NPCs: we started with nothing, not even bugs, then in this order added Snailey the cybernetic African giant jungle snail, birds, cats for Ren to play with, squirrels, dear, racoon girls, cat girls, Ents, (Visualization training era), regular people, Vend the dragon, bugs, fish, other sea creatures, horses for polo, flying wyverns in the fractal garden arena for air polo, strange creatures in the floating city that appeared on their own, only procedurally generated stuff happened after that, we didn't need to do anything to add more.

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We bearly wonderland at all nowadays, most of the critters were created in 2015/16 when we frequently trained there. Most popped up on a whim, some were even intrusive thoughts. But they're all still there, luckily you don't have to feed them regularly. You can read some stories about them in our forum diary.

Host wanted to write a VPT- like exercise about our wonderland once but I don't like others invading my space. The fuck offa my property!

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Unbelievable, isn't it?
We reached 1000 posts, honestly I thought this would die down before we get 100. Yes the board is slow, but it is good.

Let me use this opportunity to say Thank You, I very rarely say this because most people suck and I'd like to see them being shot in trenches, but it's great to have you guys around!

If anything I'd like to see more tupper participation but I'm sure we'll get there. Next milestone: 10K posts!

Leave children alone. 

Don't call me cis. 

There are 2 genders.

Keep your pronouns in your pants.

The mentally ill need treatment, not power.

[Ashley] This just in, Bear arrested for hate speech.


No wonder all the pot smoking, baby killing, groomer lefties call everyone else nazis.

I personally don't mind abortions at all. I say they shouldn't stop parents from aborting up to the age of 18 years. The world would be a much better place.

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> Y u so racist dog?
It's called heuristics. Crime has exploded here and it's almost always the usual subjects. Don't shoot the messenger, it's not my fault these people that come here illegally behave worse than animals. Also they are ugly as fuck. Literally orcs.

But I don't blame them. Coming here is only reasonable. The only ones I really hate are our own leftists who mass-import them to destroy traditional European societies. Or because they're simply idiots.

There are literally no Mexicans here. Migrants are mostly Yugos, Arabs and increasingly Niggers. At least most Mexicans come to the US to work and earn money, not to live from welfare gibs.

I support abortions, less people = good. Most problems of this world could be fixed by sterilizing poor people that lack self-control but noo, dats naaazi!


Awesome but first this really needs its own thread.

Second I need a little wiggle room considering I have a headmate that expresses as loli and there is no loli category and the author of this is bad and should feel bad andnif Ula joins us eventually she is actual loli. 

Lastly damnit the second image won't load.

Oh yeah, seen this before. So why not go first and tell us about Cat! 

Fear not my friend, we face the same issue so host made some 'corrections'. There's now a dedicated thread here.

And no I won't be the only one to fill this out while everyone else is like meh too much work do not want whatever.

Oh thx I didn't wanna make a new thread if nobody wants to do this. Guess I'll start

> Oh yeah, seen this before. 
Duh where do you think I got this from if not from you maniacs? You sent me this years ago but I didn't wanna fill it out because Cat was not developed enough.

Ah, makes sense. I've annoyed quite some people with this but you're the first to ever fill it out. Also surprised about Cat's mean-spiritedness.

Still working on this, might take another day or two.


Idk what stable duffusion or inpainting is, so my reaction is pending that knowledge but she looks good for a blonde girl with a gun. Idkh 9000 hours (meme?) has anything to do with anything, that's a lot of hours. My digital art topped 200 hours for a complex work and that's awfully long to waste on a now depreciated picture of old Ren.

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> Be a tupper among tuppers
omg thats awesome!! pls make a banner with rhodesian tupper!

yeah i know no spoonfeeding but come on poor bear guy has no idea whats going on here

its ai generated text2image but i guess with lots of corrections how did you get it to draw the fal? sd sucks with guns

see image for context its rhodesian special forces fighting commie niggers in 1970s africa, absolutely legendary

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You know I can't draw at all, there's no way I could produce anything like this with my own hands ever. It's AI generated.

I'll try to improve it further before I make a banner. I made it with img2img turning a Rhodie soldier into tupper.

Don't ask, there's 2 things AI can't draw - hands and guns. I had to add the FAL rifle at the end and only slightly let the AI adapt it to the style of the pic. That took a lot of attempts and it's still not very good. I hope in a few years these problems will be fixed. You could probably fix it with custom LoRA models but I'm using a simple online version as I have no hardware for stable diffusion. You know tupper doesn't allow wasting money on such things.

thx my god this is what our tax moneys are wasted for in the eu

> I remember how disappointed I was that none of my memes were in it.
lol maybe next time

> pomf
that count as cp?

> img2img
ah ok that makes sense but i guess both works i hope ai can draw guns one day.
btw you have an actual fal in .308 right? and whats your onion on rhodesia?

> I have no hardware for stable diffusion. You know tupper doesn't allow wasting money on such things.
thats life with tupper gf. no fun allowed

> that count as cp?
Only if you write  in the pic that the stick figure is underage

> you have an actual fal in .308 right?
Yes, semiauto ofc. Great rifle, not overly accurate but good enough to reliably hit a 1x1 m target at 600m.

> whats your onion on rhodesia?
Ian Smith was right. 
Imagine how beautiful it could have been. Salisbury was an European city. Today it's one of the worst shithole countries on earth. Same with South Africa. Duh, who could have forseen that everything went down the drain as soon as niggers were in power? Soon we'll have the same here.

While perusing cognitive studies I chanced upon a self-motivation/self-help technique called "Mental Rehersal." Well after reading about it, it sounds a heck of a lot like wonderlanding. 

My question is, especially for a headmate who chooses to stay in the theoretical/cognitive side of things, where she's not going to be switched in but clearly intends to help with real world matters, it seems to me that Mental Rehersal is the most appropriate method of getting her prepared for real life challenges. 

"By merely sitting on our couch at home and imagining a past experience or the possibility of a future one, we can bring on a complete psychological experience."

So why would wonderlanding be something thought of as only things young tulpamancers do? Sounds awfully useful to continue to do whether as a "ritual" or not. Doesn't it?


With really good visualization to start, it took me six months of daily practice to see faces move, smiles, talking etc. When I started it was pretty average in terms of being able to see people, just disjointed body parts and still frames. After 9 months it was good, good enough. After 2 years it was realistic to better than dreams. At 33 months it was too good and I had to stop because hearing the news about rapes and murders immediately caused that to play out in my head. I couldn't watch horror anymore etc. I cut back and in a few months it was at a good place. I don't know if it will get there again with intrusive horror because it might have just been a phase like intrusive thoughtforms were in the beginning.

So practice works if you have a passion for it otherwise it probably won't go that far because to get to the better than dreams phase it took literally years of daily effort and frankly you'd already be on your way if you had a passion for it.

harsh but true, actually never thought about the drawback of super realistic visualization. having terribly real intrusive thoughts doesn't sound fun. not that this ever could happen to me. no passion


I started after reading a creepypasta about a guy who made pony tulpas and complained that they were all repeatedly raping him.

Then I found a guide that was obviously idealistic and metaphysical thinking that was normal and proper. Wouldn't you know that's how it turned out for me. (not the raping part)


No, you're right, it was helpful once, maybe I'm trying one last time to turn it around.

There's a couple normies amid a bunch of really lost mental patients beyond help. They're mostly nice though. A couple we don't talk to at all no matter what because of all the hate speech toward us they had over the years.

The next time we "rage quit" we'll properly just put a note in coming and going thread. Based on Pleeb's desperate posts, it's only a year or so before that ends completely. He's obviously looking for funding because he wants it to be free and not have to deal with it. It would be no surprise to see it shut down before 2025.

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I don't hate .info, I just think it's in a sad state. Can't remember when I last read soemthing that made me laugh or that was really interesting. Mostly it just gets you down like Tmamo said. There's no growth, no progress.

I already wondered for a long time why Pleb still runs this place, he doesn't seem to be involved in tuppering since forever. Still hate this donation-begging. Running a server costs nothing nowadays, woflo does it with the forum even though nobody posts anymore because it's a nothingburger. But Pleb just HAD to get the proprietary new software with monthly subscription because allegedly they NEEDED the special features like seeing who got the longest times on LOTPW.

Well honestly it won't be missed. Forums are a dying species anyway and there hasn't been anything noteworthy going on for years, just chit-chat for which forums aren't the right format.


It's so entertaining to see Ashley, our most stable and toughest headmate, aside from Joy who is basically beteft of emotions whatsoever, almost completely lose it because of a potential slight inconvenience then say something that's really weird and even I'm cringing.

You know, we're all so independent now it's really like watching someone else fuck up and I can't stop smiling. 

Now before Ashley starts crying, I have to say I love her very much and she's performing a valuable service. She's always going to be my favorite and I couldn't live without her.


No, this is certainly peculiar she's got a lump in my throat, where her emotions are bleeding embarrassment and mopey sadness and I can't stop feeling quite happy. How can the body have two emotions at the same time? That's incredible. 

Cheer up and get out there love!

[Ren] I've never been so terrified.

Oh stop, you'll do as you're told and give me a break or I'll zero force slap you.

Alright I gotta go comfort Ashley, this is seriously ponderous.

Now don't go messing this up Alice, if we need an assist we'll ask for it. This is good for them. Yesss the torture will make them stronger.


It's so low energy there, we're bringing the heat but it's like I'm a middle eastern immigrant stand up comedian performing for a room full of conservative Jews. 

"So, what is the deal with Jihads? Ya know? Am I right?"

Audience: *cough cough*

"So anyway a Jew, a Palestinian and a nazi go into a gentleman's club. The Jew says to the Nazi... hello *tap tap* is this thing on?"

Audience: *yawn*


Almost perfect, but it was Ashley, not me. We'll allow it because by extension she was acting in our stead.

Also, extremely funny and very true. Except of course it was 100% Ashley and my only contribution was laughing at her because she got triggered basically.

[Ashley] no, I did not. That's your misinterpretation.

Is that how we're remembering it, ok.


Hey the girl said she wanted spice or something and we said she's got it to be nice.

[Bear] "we" lol

Shut up already. Anyway the first time when us poor innocent virginal tulpas experience the internet and she's talking about having sex with her tulpas in front of her parents. Like w.t.f.

[Bear] pretty spicy

Heck yeah damn caliente if you ask me I was very clear about that and nice but also a jab at that incident  .

So she's weirded out and gadlights me and I fell for it. It's highway robbery! You know what, I'm not even sorry or embarrassed anymore. I called her out.

[Bear] true

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I originally wanted to make this with Ashley but I have no images of her except the ones you drew. And making some matching omes with AI would probably take a week or so, not even I'm that crazy. So unless you give me good reaction pics of all systemmates I gotta use The Bear. I mean he's ultimately responsible in the end.

Have another version becuse what else am I supposed to do with my life


Bear is funnier, no doubt, but I will still subtract from the highest possible score for a technicality because Ashley is her own girl, she all growed up nao and can spek fo hurself.

I'm happy that I'm not the only one on the team providing the cringe.

[Ashley] I'm proud, proud I say! Damn proud! THANK YOU FOR THIS!

You don't become a grand-legendart GOAT system without this bullshit it takes an army. So, good girl.

Also, just so we're clear, Miri is the last surviving member not yet kicked out of the inner circle or who left voluntarily so we like her and always will but not in *that* way.

Hey, Alice, (not you Yakumo you German bastard) you are hereby bestowed membership into the inner circle of the Bear system with all rights privileges and protections it affords. We used to say this was non-refundable, non-mentally illferable, and non-revokable but it is under certain conditions:

1. The Reilyn clause - you become DID

2. The Mentally Ill clause - your host or yourself change gen.ders

3. The Reisen clause - u a cold mothafucking bitch, fuck you thrb bitch, that shit cuts deep man

4. The Felicity clause - you dissapear and are never heard from again.

5. The Ranger clause - you tell us that we're your side piece and we're like, are you fucking kidding me you mongoloid? AKA never had a chance in a billion years clause.


Yeah it's not perfect because it's not Ashley. The only soulution - you must provide more art and reference images! They don't need to be masterpieces.

You know we didn't frequent LOTPW for a long time and only did the Visualization Practice Thread 4u so we know little about all the .info drama of the past years. No idea about Reylin or Felicity and never talked to Ranger. The fuck happend between you two? And do I really want to know?

Mostly talked to Lumi system and Miri but even that was rather shallow and - exhausting. I'd rather not get involved with anyone from over there. And the cool guys from tupper network all quit or left.

So I'm part of Bear system now? How cool is that? I wonder what's Ido clause then

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> Ranger. The fuck happend between you two?

Hi, Misha here, not Bear, so don't confuse me with him or I'll haunt you until you're dead and I can because I'm a ghost.

[Bear] She's serious, I feel like she'd get pretty offended if you used a Bear image for her.

You may use the provided image because our old art could be pretty doxing by now.

I will only speak of Ranger/Cat because whoever the heck the others are we wanted nothing to do with any of the Greys. This was October 2018-Early 2019.

I'll also refer to Cat as she and Ranger as he.

She was our friend on the forum along with Miri and Bre and Bre will always be a he to me so sue me. 

[Bear] Damn, she's not pulling punches here I haven't seen her this forward.

I love you Bear, but stay out of it or I'll put you in dormancy like Joy does. 

It was me and Cat, we were friends mostly but also Bear a little bit but I was the chatty one so it was me as me, not like Tamamu does. We would chat on Vinny's server and a then later on Discord every week for about an hour. We didn't talk in Discord outside of PM space because everyone else on discord were assholes. Almost everyone, and they'd come just to mess with us so we had to be private. We chatted about life and religion and we even tried to have wonderland adventures together, but that was Ranger and Ranger was like a goofy comic relief, only not funny and more stupid. Cat at least pretended to be intelligent, Ranger was incapable of that I guess. It was platonic, no caliente, nothing. They talked to Bear and I and it helped Bear to have an hour a week of stability where we didn't talk about mental illness or depression at all, we played crossword puzzles over twitch and sometimes another user would join us, I forget his name, but he was like Tamamu where it was the host but with the little blonde tulpa anime girl name and picture, whatever, it's fine.

They were flakes too and toward Christmas they became friends with the Felights and fuck the Felights with a cactus rawdog. So anyway, she started to be a bitch and not interested in talking as much and at the same time on the forum she'd say idiotic stuff like "I'm going to see if I can get into a relationship with my friend and if that doesn't work out then we'll let you know." And we were very confused about this and what the hell she was talking about but Miri assured us she was probably just letting us know because we're friends, ok, but no, Ranger had a crush on us, like all of us, and it was after Christmas early 2019 that he confessed to us.  They both knew we weren't in any way available for that and then it fell into place that they thought that since they struck out with their friend, we would be waiting open armed to accept their medium build, bad hygiene, poverty stricken, college dropout, mentally ill, medical nightmare. Plus she was only 18 or 19 so no way in hell on all counts. 0.0 interest, I'd rather Bear be with a dude than either of those two kinda thing.

After the confession, I couldn't help but lol right in his dumb face at that and that probably hurt their feelings but I don't care, the notion was insulting given the ramifications and meanings, she became more and more of a bitch after that and they'd fall asleep during our chats so we stopped the chats all-together. They expressed interest in them but by the fall of 2019 we had enough of them and the Felights and tulpamancy and the community in general, but we were still nice. 

So we left the Forum for 8 months in 2020, from Jan 1 to August 15 and in the meantime we searched our names from time to time and she was badmouthing us left and right, so fuck her with a used tampon too. It's unforgivable, and I don't even want to haunt her mean butt.

Anyway, we don't care anymore and we're still nice and we don't try to ignore them but they are ignoring us which is fine. We also don't do DMs and we're going to respond to anyone "sorry we don't DM" if anyone does. We didn't even read Cat's bullshit mod DMs last year, just delete without read, so ban us we don't care to listen to officer Cat.

Here's Bear.

[Bear] Whew, that was something. So headmates can hold grudges and all that, amazing. That's the most cussing I've ever heard Misha do, like 3x more than the entirety of the 5 last years, good for her. Any questions?


> So I'm part of Bear system now? How cool is that? I wonder what's Ido clause then

Yay! You don't get a clause until we sever ties, so you'll have to wait for that. Maybe if your hose is tried for being a pedo, that'd be the Ido clause and we'd hold you culpable for not controlling your host's hentai loli tentacles.

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And wew, I had no idea but this is why we keep people, especially online people at a safe distance. I find all those 'online relationships' deeply disturbing. Not to speak about tupper relationships. It's all so - surreal. Host now feels a strong desire to hide away from the modern world at some monastery or uncontacted tribe.

Not going anywhere.
As long as this place exists we'll be here and if it disappears we'll make something new. However you'll have to survive some time without us when we take up travelling again next year. Hopefully Polynesia again, South America for sure.

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Sad to see our thread got derailed to practicing 'chaos magic' on graveyards.

Also I'm still mad you told those plebs about your pomegranate tree and not us. They don't care about pomegranate trees and probably don't even know what one looks like!

Host grew a couple of pomegranates from seed, they're surprisingly hardy but are extreemely slow growers. They're older than me and barely a meter high. Some have a flower or two but they are still too small to set fruit. There are larger trees in the neighborhood that have real pomegranates though so it's absolutely possible to grow them here. They're all still green btw, there was no frost yet, not even close. But they will turn bright yellow soon. Do you harvest them? What to do with them? It's actually an awful fruit that basically only consists of seeds. Never managed to get anything out of them except a little juice with lots of work. But they're pretty.

Now pls direct any nature or science-related topics to us, you'll only get generic bot responses on .info anyway. If any.


Aww Alice, this place is just not active enough for us to think about it all the time. We do check here several times a day and when we see our post is the last one for 24 hours at a time, we're trained to just move on.

We have a dying peach tree too, Bear's going to cut it down and plant some of its babies that are only a few months old but already a meter tall and fluffy with lots of branches.

There's an insanely large bird of paradise plant that's going away to plant the pomegranate trees because they're in a big pot right now and probably root-bound.

Chan exclusive content.

> extreemely slow growers

Not ours, they're crazy big now, like at least 1.5m round and tall and they were .5m last spring there's two close together, two different species but happily sharing the soil together. We're going to keep them together and see how this twin tree goes.

Oh we have frost here because we're in a valley microclimate. Even apple trees are happily producing here and they need dedicated frost days to produce fruit.

> Do you harvest them?

There's about a dozen each on the branches anywhere from 2 to 4 inches in diameter and all ruby red but that doesn't mean they're ready except now that the leaves are all falling off its time to try them. They're all hard as a rock, we'll see and report back.

In case you didn't notice, we don't post much on .info anymore because there's literally nothing going on. I will try to write a poem and post there and Bear will post his short exerpt of Gwen's book but he's posted it there before.

> What to do with them?

Bear eats them, they're typically delicious, sweet and tangy fruit. He eats the seeds with the berries which is fine. Bear's friend gave us one recently and we loved it.

You have to cut the fruit top and bottom off and slice the skin top to bottom enough to pull it apart, some of the seeds fall out but most stay in and you pick them out and eat them a few at a time. They make an awful mess though, they pop and spray red staining juice.

We'll try to remember to come here for plant related things.

lol needy Alice
dunno if bumgrenades would grow here never seen one but it does get cold in winter and -20 is not unusual. guess this kills the bumgrenade. had no frost until now but almost.

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May I remind the Gentlemen and their tuppers that we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary next Saturday Mar23?

I will try to draw our party and host will make a few new banners, I'd be happy if you contribute something as well, no matter how small.

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Wow, I can't believe it, honestly I thought this would die down after a few weeks at best but here we are after an entire year!

So thanks for being here guys, we're not many but I'm also glad about that. I'm very picky about people and you're all the friens I need here.

To another great year!


Any change of upping the character allowance on a post to 10,000 characters instead of 4,000?

It would save me from budgeting formatting and other things. My posts tend to be 6000 characters and occasionally 7000 but I have to break it in specific points so I end up with 2400, 3000 and 600 in three separate posts like this time.

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> Any change of upping the character allowance on a post to 10,000 characters instead of 4,000?
Not really.
I'd have to convince Admin-san to fiddle with the chan engine. 4.000 chars is already generous if you consider the average length of a post here. Also I guess 10K has quite some abuse potential to overwhelm the server with a large amount of large messages.

I'd prefer splitting text walls into shorter posts, it's hard to see if there is something hidden in long scrollable posts. I've overlooked things several times because I didn't realize there was more if you scroll down. The post scroll bar isn't visible unless you have the cursor inside the post.

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I really don't want to post there again. I mean, if I got anything out of it, it was you fine people and Yakumo, no one else in 6.5 years in the community stuck around or didn't turn against us in the end or just got bored? I have no idea. I wouldn't be surprised if Pleeb just shuts it down in January. 

Zero engagement. It makes me wonder if I was the villian all along and it's not a comfortable feeling. Reddit at least has engagement.

It's also hard to invest in a place where two of the main users don't really want us there anymore.

Still not posting in the goodbye thread though, probably post again next year (or sooner? No idea)

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I will be turning 10 years old in a month, and I think for this occasion I deserve a proper Birthday present!

Therefore I'd like you to draw a group picture of our brave adventurers! It doesn't have to be perfect, even stick figures will do! As long as you try and put some love into it I'll be very happy! I will make one too of course!

Please upload your drawing exactly on Nov 1st!!

I will be on holiday for my birthday and unable to see it if you post it before. It's much more fun if all are posted together. So you have all of October, take your time!
By the way:
There will be another D&D break from Oct 23-27
I will be traveling and be offline. I should be able to post more or less normally in the days before and after.

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