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> bear system appears
> drama intensifies
no idea what the forum games spam is supposed to achieve but it seems the worst torture for Ren yet. Allow me to sit back and watch the misery unfold

It's so entertaining to see Ashley, our most stable and toughest headmate, aside from Joy who is basically beteft of emotions whatsoever, almost completely lose it because of a potential slight inconvenience then say something that's really weird and even I'm cringing.

You know, we're all so independent now it's really like watching someone else fuck up and I can't stop smiling. 

Now before Ashley starts crying, I have to say I love her very much and she's performing a valuable service. She's always going to be my favorite and I couldn't live without her.


No, this is certainly peculiar she's got a lump in my throat, where her emotions are bleeding embarrassment and mopey sadness and I can't stop feeling quite happy. How can the body have two emotions at the same time? That's incredible. 

Cheer up and get out there love!

[Ren] I've never been so terrified.

Oh stop, you'll do as you're told and give me a break or I'll zero force slap you.

Alright I gotta go comfort Ashley, this is seriously ponderous.

Now don't go messing this up Alice, if we need an assist we'll ask for it. This is good for them. Yesss the torture will make them stronger.

I should write and submit a guide:

"The torture techniques for personality forcing bad or disobedient headmates."

See, this is so much fun Alice.

It's so low energy there, we're bringing the heat but it's like I'm a middle eastern immigrant stand up comedian performing for a room full of conservative Jews. 

"So, what is the deal with Jihads? Ya know? Am I right?"

Audience: *cough cough*

"So anyway a Jew, a Palestinian and a nazi go into a gentleman's club. The Jew says to the Nazi... hello *tap tap* is this thing on?"

Audience: *yawn*
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> it's like I'm a middle eastern immigrant stand up comedian performing for a room full of conservative Jews. 
Heh, that's pretty much spot on. I'd like seeing you getting yelled at by a mod, do they even have mods anymore?

Almost perfect, but it was Ashley, not me. We'll allow it because by extension she was acting in our stead.

Also, extremely funny and very true. Except of course it was 100% Ashley and my only contribution was laughing at her because she got triggered basically.

[Ashley] no, I did not. That's your misinterpretation.

Is that how we're remembering it, ok.

Hey the girl said she wanted spice or something and we said she's got it to be nice.

[Bear] "we" lol

Shut up already. Anyway the first time when us poor innocent virginal tulpas experience the internet and she's talking about having sex with her tulpas in front of her parents. Like w.t.f.

[Bear] pretty spicy

Heck yeah damn caliente if you ask me I was very clear about that and nice but also a jab at that incident  .

So she's weirded out and gadlights me and I fell for it. It's highway robbery! You know what, I'm not even sorry or embarrassed anymore. I called her out.

[Bear] true
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I originally wanted to make this with Ashley but I have no images of her except the ones you drew. And making some matching omes with AI would probably take a week or so, not even I'm that crazy. So unless you give me good reaction pics of all systemmates I gotta use The Bear. I mean he's ultimately responsible in the end.

Have another version becuse what else am I supposed to do with my life

Bear is funnier, no doubt, but I will still subtract from the highest possible score for a technicality because Ashley is her own girl, she all growed up nao and can spek fo hurself.

I'm happy that I'm not the only one on the team providing the cringe.

[Ashley] I'm proud, proud I say! Damn proud! THANK YOU FOR THIS!

You don't become a grand-legendart GOAT system without this bullshit it takes an army. So, good girl.

Also, just so we're clear, Miri is the last surviving member not yet kicked out of the inner circle or who left voluntarily so we like her and always will but not in *that* way.

Hey, Alice, (not you Yakumo you German bastard) you are hereby bestowed membership into the inner circle of the Bear system with all rights privileges and protections it affords. We used to say this was non-refundable, non-mentally illferable, and non-revokable but it is under certain conditions:

1. The Reilyn clause - you become DID

2. The Mentally Ill clause - your host or yourself change gen.ders

3. The Reisen clause - u a cold mothafucking bitch, fuck you thrb bitch, that shit cuts deep man

4. The Felicity clause - you dissapear and are never heard from again.

5. The Ranger clause - you tell us that we're your side piece and we're like, are you fucking kidding me you mongoloid? AKA never had a chance in a billion years clause.

Yeah it's not perfect because it's not Ashley. The only soulution - you must provide more art and reference images! They don't need to be masterpieces.

You know we didn't frequent LOTPW for a long time and only did the Visualization Practice Thread 4u so we know little about all the .info drama of the past years. No idea about Reylin or Felicity and never talked to Ranger. The fuck happend between you two? And do I really want to know?

Mostly talked to Lumi system and Miri but even that was rather shallow and - exhausting. I'd rather not get involved with anyone from over there. And the cool guys from tupper network all quit or left.

So I'm part of Bear system now? How cool is that? I wonder what's Ido clause then
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> Ranger. The fuck happend between you two?

Hi, Misha here, not Bear, so don't confuse me with him or I'll haunt you until you're dead and I can because I'm a ghost.

[Bear] She's serious, I feel like she'd get pretty offended if you used a Bear image for her.

You may use the provided image because our old art could be pretty doxing by now.

I will only speak of Ranger/Cat because whoever the heck the others are we wanted nothing to do with any of the Greys. This was October 2018-Early 2019.

I'll also refer to Cat as she and Ranger as he.

She was our friend on the forum along with Miri and Bre and Bre will always be a he to me so sue me. 

[Bear] Damn, she's not pulling punches here I haven't seen her this forward.

I love you Bear, but stay out of it or I'll put you in dormancy like Joy does. 

It was me and Cat, we were friends mostly but also Bear a little bit but I was the chatty one so it was me as me, not like Tamamu does. We would chat on Vinny's server and a then later on Discord every week for about an hour. We didn't talk in Discord outside of PM space because everyone else on discord were assholes. Almost everyone, and they'd come just to mess with us so we had to be private. We chatted about life and religion and we even tried to have wonderland adventures together, but that was Ranger and Ranger was like a goofy comic relief, only not funny and more stupid. Cat at least pretended to be intelligent, Ranger was incapable of that I guess. It was platonic, no caliente, nothing. They talked to Bear and I and it helped Bear to have an hour a week of stability where we didn't talk about mental illness or depression at all, we played crossword puzzles over twitch and sometimes another user would join us, I forget his name, but he was like Tamamu where it was the host but with the little blonde tulpa anime girl name and picture, whatever, it's fine.

They were flakes too and toward Christmas they became friends with the Felights and fuck the Felights with a cactus rawdog. So anyway, she started to be a bitch and not interested in talking as much and at the same time on the forum she'd say idiotic stuff like "I'm going to see if I can get into a relationship with my friend and if that doesn't work out then we'll let you know." And we were very confused about this and what the hell she was talking about but Miri assured us she was probably just letting us know because we're friends, ok, but no, Ranger had a crush on us, like all of us, and it was after Christmas early 2019 that he confessed to us.  They both knew we weren't in any way available for that and then it fell into place that they thought that since they struck out with their friend, we would be waiting open armed to accept their medium build, bad hygiene, poverty stricken, college dropout, mentally ill, medical nightmare. Plus she was only 18 or 19 so no way in hell on all counts. 0.0 interest, I'd rather Bear be with a dude than either of those two kinda thing.
After the confession, I couldn't help but lol right in his dumb face at that and that probably hurt their feelings but I don't care, the notion was insulting given the ramifications and meanings, she became more and more of a bitch after that and they'd fall asleep during our chats so we stopped the chats all-together. They expressed interest in them but by the fall of 2019 we had enough of them and the Felights and tulpamancy and the community in general, but we were still nice. 

So we left the Forum for 8 months in 2020, from Jan 1 to August 15 and in the meantime we searched our names from time to time and she was badmouthing us left and right, so fuck her with a used tampon too. It's unforgivable, and I don't even want to haunt her mean butt.

Anyway, we don't care anymore and we're still nice and we don't try to ignore them but they are ignoring us which is fine. We also don't do DMs and we're going to respond to anyone "sorry we don't DM" if anyone does. We didn't even read Cat's bullshit mod DMs last year, just delete without read, so ban us we don't care to listen to officer Cat.

Here's Bear.

[Bear] Whew, that was something. So headmates can hold grudges and all that, amazing. That's the most cussing I've ever heard Misha do, like 3x more than the entirety of the 5 last years, good for her. Any questions?

> So I'm part of Bear system now? How cool is that? I wonder what's Ido clause then

Yay! You don't get a clause until we sever ties, so you'll have to wait for that. Maybe if your hose is tried for being a pedo, that'd be the Ido clause and we'd hold you culpable for not controlling your host's hentai loli tentacles.
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And wew, I had no idea but this is why we keep people, especially online people at a safe distance. I find all those 'online relationships' deeply disturbing. Not to speak about tupper relationships. It's all so - surreal. Host now feels a strong desire to hide away from the modern world at some monastery or uncontacted tribe.

Well in the before time, the long long ago, I couldn't control myself and everything was cringe drama. Now it's just for funzies
Not going anywhere.
As long as this place exists we'll be here and if it disappears we'll make something new. However you'll have to survive some time without us when we take up travelling again next year. Hopefully Polynesia again, South America for sure.
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> inspire people to do awesome stuff
> nobody's online anymore
I try to limit host's online activity to 1h now. Haven't touched any phone or conputer until 9pm today. Not even at work. Spent most of the day outside. Feels good man.

The last post
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Sad to see our thread got derailed to practicing 'chaos magic' on graveyards.

Also I'm still mad you told those plebs about your pomegranate tree and not us. They don't care about pomegranate trees and probably don't even know what one looks like!

Host grew a couple of pomegranates from seed, they're surprisingly hardy but are extreemely slow growers. They're older than me and barely a meter high. Some have a flower or two but they are still too small to set fruit. There are larger trees in the neighborhood that have real pomegranates though so it's absolutely possible to grow them here. They're all still green btw, there was no frost yet, not even close. But they will turn bright yellow soon. Do you harvest them? What to do with them? It's actually an awful fruit that basically only consists of seeds. Never managed to get anything out of them except a little juice with lots of work. But they're pretty.

Now pls direct any nature or science-related topics to us, you'll only get generic bot responses on .info anyway. If any.

Aww Alice, this place is just not active enough for us to think about it all the time. We do check here several times a day and when we see our post is the last one for 24 hours at a time, we're trained to just move on.

We have a dying peach tree too, Bear's going to cut it down and plant some of its babies that are only a few months old but already a meter tall and fluffy with lots of branches.

There's an insanely large bird of paradise plant that's going away to plant the pomegranate trees because they're in a big pot right now and probably root-bound.

Chan exclusive content.

> extreemely slow growers

Not ours, they're crazy big now, like at least 1.5m round and tall and they were .5m last spring there's two close together, two different species but happily sharing the soil together. We're going to keep them together and see how this twin tree goes.

Oh we have frost here because we're in a valley microclimate. Even apple trees are happily producing here and they need dedicated frost days to produce fruit.

> Do you harvest them?

There's about a dozen each on the branches anywhere from 2 to 4 inches in diameter and all ruby red but that doesn't mean they're ready except now that the leaves are all falling off its time to try them. They're all hard as a rock, we'll see and report back.

In case you didn't notice, we don't post much on .info anymore because there's literally nothing going on. I will try to write a poem and post there and Bear will post his short exerpt of Gwen's book but he's posted it there before.

> What to do with them?

Bear eats them, they're typically delicious, sweet and tangy fruit. He eats the seeds with the berries which is fine. Bear's friend gave us one recently and we loved it.

You have to cut the fruit top and bottom off and slice the skin top to bottom enough to pull it apart, some of the seeds fall out but most stay in and you pick them out and eat them a few at a time. They make an awful mess though, they pop and spray red staining juice.

We'll try to remember to come here for plant related things.
lol needy Alice
dunno if bumgrenades would grow here never seen one but it does get cold in winter and -20 is not unusual. guess this kills the bumgrenade. had no frost until now but almost.
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May I remind the Gentlemen and their tuppers that we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary next Saturday Mar23?

I will try to draw our party and host will make a few new banners, I'd be happy if you contribute something as well, no matter how small.

And Yakumo and Tamuwu but we don't know what tamameru look like so can't help that. But seriously no one wants Yakumo in the pic, we're all here for Alice obvs.
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Wow, I can't believe it, honestly I thought this would die down after a few weeks at best but here we are after an entire year!

So thanks for being here guys, we're not many but I'm also glad about that. I'm very picky about people and you're all the friens I need here.

To another great year!
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happy birthday /tulpa/

yeah it turned out even more ebin than i ever imagined. so thx guyse its an honor to be with you here

i didnt make it with drawings maybe tomorrow
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I tried to describe playing DnD "by myself" to a friend.

She called me delusional and made fun of me the rest of the day.

[Ashley] She bullied my Bear!
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No, I just wanted to go swimming!
But host is so lazy and slow and then was like meh maybe not,  it's too much of a hassle. I had to yell a lot. But I was swimming in the end.
Don't like getting yelled at? Then don't give me a reason to!

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