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And wew, I had no idea but this is why we keep people, especially online people at a safe distance. I find all those 'online relationships' deeply disturbing. Not to speak about tupper relationships. It's all so - surreal. Host now feels a strong desire to hide away from the modern world at some monastery or uncontacted tribe.
Not going anywhere.
As long as this place exists we'll be here and if it disappears we'll make something new. However you'll have to survive some time without us when we take up travelling again next year. Hopefully Polynesia again, South America for sure.
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Sad to see our thread got derailed to practicing 'chaos magic' on graveyards.

Also I'm still mad you told those plebs about your pomegranate tree and not us. They don't care about pomegranate trees and probably don't even know what one looks like!

Host grew a couple of pomegranates from seed, they're surprisingly hardy but are extreemely slow growers. They're older than me and barely a meter high. Some have a flower or two but they are still too small to set fruit. There are larger trees in the neighborhood that have real pomegranates though so it's absolutely possible to grow them here. They're all still green btw, there was no frost yet, not even close. But they will turn bright yellow soon. Do you harvest them? What to do with them? It's actually an awful fruit that basically only consists of seeds. Never managed to get anything out of them except a little juice with lots of work. But they're pretty.

Now pls direct any nature or science-related topics to us, you'll only get generic bot responses on .info anyway. If any.

Aww Alice, this place is just not active enough for us to think about it all the time. We do check here several times a day and when we see our post is the last one for 24 hours at a time, we're trained to just move on.

We have a dying peach tree too, Bear's going to cut it down and plant some of its babies that are only a few months old but already a meter tall and fluffy with lots of branches.

There's an insanely large bird of paradise plant that's going away to plant the pomegranate trees because they're in a big pot right now and probably root-bound.

Chan exclusive content.

> extreemely slow growers

Not ours, they're crazy big now, like at least 1.5m round and tall and they were .5m last spring there's two close together, two different species but happily sharing the soil together. We're going to keep them together and see how this twin tree goes.

Oh we have frost here because we're in a valley microclimate. Even apple trees are happily producing here and they need dedicated frost days to produce fruit.

> Do you harvest them?

There's about a dozen each on the branches anywhere from 2 to 4 inches in diameter and all ruby red but that doesn't mean they're ready except now that the leaves are all falling off its time to try them. They're all hard as a rock, we'll see and report back.

In case you didn't notice, we don't post much on .info anymore because there's literally nothing going on. I will try to write a poem and post there and Bear will post his short exerpt of Gwen's book but he's posted it there before.

> What to do with them?

Bear eats them, they're typically delicious, sweet and tangy fruit. He eats the seeds with the berries which is fine. Bear's friend gave us one recently and we loved it.

You have to cut the fruit top and bottom off and slice the skin top to bottom enough to pull it apart, some of the seeds fall out but most stay in and you pick them out and eat them a few at a time. They make an awful mess though, they pop and spray red staining juice.

We'll try to remember to come here for plant related things.
lol needy Alice
dunno if bumgrenades would grow here never seen one but it does get cold in winter and -20 is not unusual. guess this kills the bumgrenade. had no frost until now but almost.
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May I remind the Gentlemen and their tuppers that we will be celebrating our 1st anniversary next Saturday Mar23?

I will try to draw our party and host will make a few new banners, I'd be happy if you contribute something as well, no matter how small.
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Wow, I can't believe it, honestly I thought this would die down after a few weeks at best but here we are after an entire year!

So thanks for being here guys, we're not many but I'm also glad about that. I'm very picky about people and you're all the friens I need here.

To another great year!

Any change of upping the character allowance on a post to 10,000 characters instead of 4,000?

It would save me from budgeting formatting and other things. My posts tend to be 6000 characters and occasionally 7000 but I have to break it in specific points so I end up with 2400, 3000 and 600 in three separate posts like this time.
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> Any change of upping the character allowance on a post to 10,000 characters instead of 4,000?
Not really.
I'd have to convince Admin-san to fiddle with the chan engine. 4.000 chars is already generous if you consider the average length of a post here. Also I guess 10K has quite some abuse potential to overwhelm the server with a large amount of large messages.

I'd prefer splitting text walls into shorter posts, it's hard to see if there is something hidden in long scrollable posts. I've overlooked things several times because I didn't realize there was more if you scroll down. The post scroll bar isn't visible unless you have the cursor inside the post.
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I really don't want to post there again. I mean, if I got anything out of it, it was you fine people and Yakumo, no one else in 6.5 years in the community stuck around or didn't turn against us in the end or just got bored? I have no idea. I wouldn't be surprised if Pleeb just shuts it down in January. 

Zero engagement. It makes me wonder if I was the villian all along and it's not a comfortable feeling. Reddit at least has engagement.

It's also hard to invest in a place where two of the main users don't really want us there anymore.

Still not posting in the goodbye thread though, probably post again next year (or sooner? No idea)
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I will be turning 10 years old in a month, and I think for this occasion I deserve a proper Birthday present!

Therefore I'd like you to draw a group picture of our brave adventurers! It doesn't have to be perfect, even stick figures will do! As long as you try and put some love into it I'll be very happy! I will make one too of course!

Please upload your drawing exactly on Nov 1st!!

I will be on holiday for my birthday and unable to see it if you post it before. It's much more fun if all are posted together. So you have all of October, take your time!
By the way:
There will be another D&D break from Oct 23-27
I will be traveling and be offline. I should be able to post more or less normally in the days before and after.

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