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Hey @Cat, wanna spar?

Just an exhibition match. If you don't want to then that's ok. Consider it a dream or like we'll all wear soft gloves.

[It will be a fair fight, I will not give any favoritism to Ashley]

Of course I have my spawns, you tell me the initial conditions and terrain and I'll see if they're acceptable.

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Let's see what happens if we start you two pretty far away so Ashley has a turn or two to get her summons up. You both have all the equipment you have in the regular game, so that means Ashley can sit and hide behind her new shield and get cover, or a tree. Cat has 25 HP, Ashley has 10, so if you can get one or two hits on her she's done. Her AC is low too, but she has lots of minion potential.

The elevations here aren't much, don't worry about it. The squares are 5 ft. Cat gets to go first and you currently have a clear shot to Ashley. Keep in mind there is disadvantage if you're more then 150ft away. You are currently 150ft away

Ashley can summon with 1 or 2 summons on the field, she has 3MP and will transform into a Panther when she is at 0MP. Her summons do not normally share advantage/disadvantage with her except in instances where it makes sense like if she uses Tides of Chaos, all her summons will have advantage that turn.

Ashley Panther LVL2 has "Battle Ready" and no longer uses up her action to transform, so when she transforms Ashley panther gets her turn directly after, effectively giving her two turns, though one of those turns is the action that causes the transformation. Similarly, when she casts summon, her summon can take a turn immediately.

Ashley panther is technically on the Fighter tech tree. She had 18 HP and Action Surge once per rest. Keep in mind she can also disengage and hide on the same turn as bonus actions. So your real opponent is Ashley Panther, with an AC of 13, and 50 movement speed, she's going to be a very slippery foe.

[1d4=2] If she transforms, the transformation will be clean, she will not get tangled in her clothes (but she'll be wearing underwear and have a penalty to intimidation, but intimidation is irrelevant here.)

[Roll Initiative: Cat 1d20+1=6 Ashley 1d20=1] So much for Bear system luck, Cat goes first.]

It's Cat's Turn.

Hey, nice idea but how is this supposed to work?

Imagine Cat hides and moves with stealth. Obviously Joy needs to know her position. So Ashley and her summons gotta act as if they don't know where she is? 

Not sayin it can't be done, it's essentially the same as fighting NPCS controlled by, the DM, but you can't deny Ashley has an advantage on the information side.

And does Ashley regain full health during transformation? I guess so. I know what I would do but I'm not playin. Surprise me guys, don't be lame!


10 HP, 11 AC, there are tougher goblins. She can't transform unconscious. If someone hides, the Ashley wouldn't know where they are, she would only know the last place they were. If she has minions, she would get one roll to find the hidden person based on the best detection of all the minions. Smell would be allowed as a bonus to detect for instance per her minions.

Ok lwts do this, Cat isn't a strategist. So to get things straight, the grid is 5ft yes?

Cat will move south 10ft or as far as she cat to have a line of sight to Ashley, then shoot her with the longbow. Then move east into the hedge labyrinth. On my phone rn, can't post a pic. Pls conform the position first!

> Pls conform the position first!

Yes, 5ft squares. Cat roughly has line of sight at 150 ft so she wouldn't have to move to fire at Ashley. I will accept the move after a shot and place her in the maze where she will have cover.

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Cat pulls her bow and fires at Ashley with her long bow +1 from 150ft.
The arrow sails over Ashley's head as she breaths a sigh of relief.
Cat then hops into the hedge maze to her right for full cover from every direction but directly West.

Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Cats 10ft. North of her position and two Mechathereal cats jump forth with audible pops. [1d20=11]

"Come out come out wherever you are Cat!" Ashley says and runs South 25ft behind the trunk of a tree gaining full cover from the North and decreasing to half cover from the North-East and North West.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth run North toward the maze last was last seen near and take shelter in the table and chairs, gaining full cover from the West and North-West and 1/2 cover from the North.

Round 2 Begins when Cat is done with her current turn including any adjustments she wants to make within reason. Cat's Turn is first in Round 2 and so on.

> Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Cats 10ft. North of her position and two Mechathereal cats jump forth with audible pops.
Ashley wins by KO from cuteness. How is Cat supposed to fight those adorable guys?

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> Cuteness
Deploy catnip infused yarn ball chaff

There was an error in your shot last round, I forgot to add the +1 but it wouldn't have mattered.

Note: Stealth does not work in plain sight. Running through an open area in plain view for instance.

Cat makes it to the first tree in the upper Eastern green area of the map and uses stealth.
In this case of course they know where she is, they saw her run there but with stealth and cover, there's no way to say pounce or ranged target her without approaching from a place of no cover and detecting her first either passively or actively.

Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx 10ft. East of her position. With a swirl of her hands and a whisper to the negative plane a Helena the mechathereal lynx pops into existence and races north finally settling behind a tree and hides about 75ft. from Cat. [1d20=5]

Ashley has 1MP left and is at her maximum number of summons.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth maintain a distance about 75ft. from Cat and hide in the table. They cautiously watch for movement.

Ashley moves West and seeks cover behind another tree.

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With everyone hidden, Cat had nothing to do but deftly position herself in a advantageous location. She was watched carefully, mesmerizing her prey with her quick movements. She rushed like the wind, fast as lightning across the field to the west and hid again.

Ashley was stunned by this performance but she knew now Cat couldn't repeat that without resting for a turn, she could run and walk but not like that again unless she maintained her position.

[1d20+4=(11,24) vs DC13] Dazzled, no one could find Cat but because of her stealth disadvantage with her half plate, the glint of metal gave her away!

Attacking someone in stealth. If they are undetected, they cannot be targeted with ranged weapons, but they can be melee attacked with disadvantage. Given they flank, the attacks made will be normal. In this case, Cat was detected passively.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth consider their actions carefully.

Ashely is left scratching her head. "What in the gods' name is she thinking. FOUND YOU!"

"Babies, get to her and surround her." Ashley rallies attack on Helena, giving her a second turn and gets her babies to flank her, pinning her in place. She is not actually pinned.

Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth both rush to Cat, surrounding her but are unable to attack this turn.

Helena rushes toward Cat, traversing 80 ft in seconds, then using the rally attack to take an additional turn, she moves to Cat and readies to pounce at her, though they have her flanked so this attack is with advantage. Helena just barely reaches her.

Using claw attack with advantage, Helena swipes at Cat. [1d20+4=(16,11) vs AC16] and hits for [CON 1d20+3=22 vs DC14 no bonus][1d4+2=3 piercing damage]& 3 HP! Cat is down to 23 HP. Helena uses pounce... &[STR 1d20+4=13 vs DC12] ...but Cat overpowers her and she does not manage to grapple Cat.

Finally, Ashley runs to a new location, further out of Cat's reach and is protected by full cover in a group of trees.

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Cat finds herself suddenly surrounded and it triggers her Rage. "Nyaa go away! I don't wanna fight you guys Nya!" She enters RAFE and swings wildly at poor innocent Helena who just wanted to play.

RAGE has the following conditions: Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, advantage on strength checks, +2 bonus to damage roll, and will stay active for 10 turns.

[1d20+7=13 vs AC12] Cat hits Helena for [2d6+5+2=15] 15 damage! She disappears in a puff of purple smoke back to the negative plane. In her murderous rage she tries to carry that swing's momentum around to Mr. Bigglesworth with Cleave but he is just out of the 5ft required maximum range and Cat automatically misses. 

Ashley is disheartened by Helena's return to the negative plane. "CAT! You monster..." Ashley calls her babies to Ralley Growth boosting their attack by 50% and their AC by 1d4. "Surround and attack my darlings!"

Mrs. Bigglesworth side steps to flank Cat then Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth both boop playfully at Cat with their soft, razor sharp paws.
[1d20+4=(16,16),(21,12) vs AC16] Both manage to hit. &[CON 1d20+3=22,9] [1d4+2=3 magic slashing 1d4+1=3 slashing damage] for 6 damage but cat resists half the non-magic slashing damage (3=>1) and takes only 4 damage.

Cat is now at 18HP

"GET HER!" Ashley calls in excitement seeing her babies do some good work and moves North-East while maintaining full cover.

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I forgot to apply the 50% bonus damage. Mr. Bigglesworth gains +1 and magic modifier to his attack when cat failed her constitution check which is a different flavor than slashing so it ignores Cat's Rage resistance 2+1, Mrs. Bigglesworth has regular slashing damage and manages to get 3 but it is resisted. Applying the bonus damage before resistances raises both damages to 4 (it is always rounded down), one is resisted, so it's cut in half to become 2 and added to the other for a total of 6 not 4.

[Cat's HP is now 16]

Commentator notes: Ashley seems to have succeeded in distracting Cat with minions, whittling her down slowly. That will only last so long as Cat will eventually chew threw them but not until she's taken enough damage to expose her to Ashley's final strategy which has potential to take her out in one turn if she's not lucky.

The minions' offensive capabilities are nothing compared to Cat's DPT potential but they are many and often get advantage from flanking. Keep in mind Ashley only has 1 MP left so she can summon one more and will transform into her fighting form capable of flanking, pouncing, disengaging and hiding.

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I've seen these things turn around before, but yes, numbers have an advantage especially with Ashley's rally buffs. Now maybe everyone'll stop asking her to fight personally.

If Cat's host had allowed Cat to follow her instincts and just rush Ashley, Ashley would have had to transform without getting a lot of minions out and Ashley Panther doesn't hit as hard as Cat, her AC is lower, and she has less hit points. Though she is faster, I'm not sure if that would have helped since Cat could just use ranged attack which Ashley panther also doesn't have.

Also, I just realized I used the word threw instead of through, it's horrendous.

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The second target needs to be within 5 ft. of the first. If they're flanking you then they're 10ft apart. So no, you cannot cleave to hit both. I considered a long time to just allow it, this is what would have happened if I did [1d20+7=20]  you would have removed both of them from the equation, but I can't allow it this time. We can consider if we want cleave to be more versatile in the future.

Cat swings at Mr. Bigglesworth. [1d20+7=13 vs DC13 (boosted+1)] and hits. He didn't stand a chance and puffs away in a purple cloud.

"Alright, looks like we don't have any other options Mrs. Bigglesworth, hold her down, we're coming!"

Ashley casts Summon Mechathereal Lynx. With a loud crack Helena is back from the negative plane and Ashley crouches, her cloths fall away, she kicks off her panties and mamillare and they both race toward Cat.  

Mrs. Bigglesworth moves around cat and attacks with her claws. [1d20+4=24 critical hit!][CON 1d20+3=5 vs DC14] Mrs. Bigglesworth hit for [(1d4+2)x2=10 magic slashing damage] Cat has one level of exhaustion, and a open gash on her [1d20=12 1d2=2] left elbow. She will now have disadvantage on ability checks due to the exhaustion.''

Helena rushes and finds herself with half cover behind a potted plant within striking distance of Cat.
Ashley panther races across the field and is in full cover in some trees just south of Cat.

That's the magic of Bear system luck, sorry Cat. Cat is down to 6HP and surrounded by three fully healthy cats. At this point lasting 6 or 7 rounds will just gain you slightly more AP share. You may surrender at any time or simply disengage with your ring of obscuring and jump off the map. There's still a chance you will win, but you'd have to have a lot of rolls in your favor from here on out, you could use the ring of obscuring to escape and kite them as well while firing arrows.

Keep in mind that this is an exhibition match, in your game there are no lingering injuries or HP/MP loss, like a dream, so everyone will go back to pre-match condition. However, I will calculate AP (Adventure Points) for both contestants. The winner will have one round more AP than the loser.

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In blind rage Cat continues to attack Mrs. Bigglesworth with her greatsword. She uses PUSH to launch her away if she survives the blow. Then she uses Cat's Talent to move 60ft N and hides in the maze
I said get away from me Nyaa!!

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> Cat continues to attack Mrs. Bigglesworth with her greatsword.
[1d20+7=16] Mrs. Bigglesworth had no option to survive the blow and dissipates in a puff of purple smoke.

Ashley Panther leaves Helena Behind and rushes north, following her prey. [1d20+4=(18,24) vs DC13 with disadvantage] Cat couldn't hide from Ashley Panther. Once she's within range, she uses Action Surge and attempts to pounce on Cat.
[1d20+4=17 vs AC16] [1d20+3=12 vs DC14] Cat is clawed by Ashley Panther for [2d4+4=7]  7 damage. Cat goes down before Ashley can even make her second attack or grapple her.

The fight is called, Ashley and her minions won in Round 6. A total of 800AP are awarded split between Cat and Ashley as follows: 800*(5/11) for Cat=333 and (800*6/11)=467 for Ashley. Congratulations you two for having such a long match!

Cat, please add 333AP to your total.

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Well that sucked. I apologize for meddling with Cat's strategy. A lesson was learned. But gotta say it was an unfair fight putting Cat against 4 cute cats she doesnt wanna fight. And it might have been better to actually read about the enemies capabilities. How far can Ashley Panther charge and attack withc Action Surge?

Just charging Ashley straight on would have been better.

Ashley may be OP, but yes, you would need to stop her from spawning minions. I think you could have easily won against Ashley Panther alone. Though even within one turn she can spawn a lynx and transform and attack with both. Given action surge she would get three hits and a potential for 4 with grapple. 

> And it might have been better to actually read about the enemies capabilities. How far can Ashley Panther charge and attack withc Action Surge?

50ft, so 100ft dash and then another 50 with pounce, the lynx can go 40. 

Action surge is once per long rest I think though so it's a good open or finisher.

I think you shouldn't feel bad, this is why training is good.

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Hey Miss DM!

I just recalculated whether Cat would be better than me with a bow for shooting goblins and correct me if I'm wrong but a longbow uses STR not DEX!

For Cat that's 4STR+2PROF+1 = 1D20+7
Same as with her greatsword!

> [It will be a fair fight, I will not give any favoritism to Ashley]

> [1d20+4=8]
> The arrow sails over Ashley's head as she breaths a sigh of relief.
Assuming you rolled 4 that would have been 4+7 = 11
Ashley has 11AC so that would have been a hit!

Really gonna keep an eye on your rolls from now on. Them goblins will not escape so easily...


I said earlier, if you use the thing to gain proficiency in, then you can choose to gain that proficiency when you get your next plate, level 4. If you used a longbow without proficiency, the hit would be +3 instead of +5, for now that's the only difference.

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