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post some fucking video games this time

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If you choose to further restrict it with things like not allowing evolution, the difficulty can increase greatly. It'd also be worth noting that it's typical to not use items mid-battle either. Sure, you can just grind to oblivion, but that can be made a challenge by choosing a pokemon in the slow EXP category.

Perhaps they made later entries more challenging, I just remember Red/Blue being a complete joke when you play through with your starter.  Even the enemies most resistant to its attack types go down easy from all the built-up level from fighting everything with it.

red/blue have their fair amount of challenge, but is overlooked by the numerous bugs and oversights by the devs. They are by far the most broken mainline mon games for a great number of reasons. Naturally, starters are meant to have good stats so they don't feel weaker compared to what you'd normally find in the wild. So overleveling your starter can make the game quite trivial, especially if they've got good moves. Type coverage isn't much of a worry. Red/blue is also made very easy with any psychic type as they have no weakness in practice and have good stats all around. DPP (my favorite gen) is made trivial by only ever leveling chimchar, as infernape has good speed and attacking stats and a good move pool. Not to mention, almost all of the gyms are weak to it's STAB moves. The most difficult run that one can do is to do a run with a gimmick pokemon, like ditto or wobbufet or something that is incredibly weak, like magikarp or shedninja.

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GTAV Online, level 38, max strength, super heavy armor
explode in one shot, wasted
never see where it comes from
no idea if they were in the air or on the ground or what it even was
happens every time i log into a public session
huge pain in the ass to try anything that requires public
wtf am I doing wrong?
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GTA5 is allright, but online is hot garbage, I just don't get why would anyone want to queue 5-10 minutes for that experience, let alone pay for it. All the servers are filled with screaming kids and hackers, and even if you manage to get the required amount of people to do an activity someone just quits for whatever reason, then back in the queue you go for another 8-10 minutes. It's a waste of time.

you region is hot garbage anon, GTAO is kind of a interesting game but how it is applied is utter garbage R* can't online for anything and burgerfags has plenty of cheaters just like in winnieland, especially winnieland, always report these cheatfags with the Other function because they can't block it, enough reports draw admin attention to the bitch.

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It's buried deep in the game's options but I'm pretty sure you can actually set the default behaviour for all vehicles to be replace automatically. That way you just need to opt-out on the rare occasion you don't want it.

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ITT we post our top 5 favorite games in order to get to know each other a little bit and celebrate the fact that we got rid of the cake kike. I'll start, feel free to criticize my normalfag taste:

1. Ocarina of Time
2. Super Mario 64
3. Splatoon 2
4. Dark Souls
5. Final Fantasy 7
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Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction
Starcraft: Broodwar
Sacred: Gold
Age of Empires 2
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Guild Wars
Counter Strike: Source
Dawn Of War 2
Planetside 1
Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast)
Halo: CE (Xbox 1)

Daily reminder Diablo II was a dumbed down skinner box designed primarily for multiplayerfags while Diablo I was a dungeon crawler that started out as a more action focussed take on Roguelikes. Every 'Diablo clone' since then has actually been a Diablo II clone taking all the wrong lessons about an addiction loop instead of quality gameplay.
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Not an argument. Diablo II added the ability to infinetly grind in SP and the ability to run so you could infinetly kite superior enemies. The entire game devolved into mindlessly killing trash mobs while you farmed the handful of potential loot sources for worthwhile equipment. Compare this to D1 where levels didn't repopulate and you had to live and work with what you got like an actual goddamn dungeon crawler.
Even if you dislike both there are clear gameplay differences.

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Part II (Video Games)

•4chan/Steam (cross) "Video Game Stores are Terrible"

•4chan Retro/ Steam Community "Best Console Ever, Bitch!!!!!!!"

•Altanen (I need Money 💰,  please donate to me So I can buy more Video Games)

The point of porn games you don't just jerk off to is to desensitize you further to porn. Like if you can play a porn game that's an actual game without jerking off then you either have the best wife ever or are completely desenitized to tits and pussy.

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About an hour ago the official server for Genesz, devs for the driving game with a cult following "The Long Drive", was completely pwned by persons unknown.

Quote of the night comes from the unofficial server which has served as a 'lifeboat' for the massive amount of people banned for no reason, BS reasons, or refusing to validate LGBTQP.

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