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> incel-/v/ in a nutshell.

> /v/
> playing videogames 

Just went there to check and found a porn thread.

That person is way too adjusted to be a /v/ user. Bing pls
> Yeah. I stopped playing such games around 2003

Yeah that's cool but thx to being a 2nd worlder my first game was Tarzan around 2004 and other demo CDs and pirated burned CDs that I had to get from others because we didn't have internet. Having a console was a luxury. My parents would have never bought me one. Never even tried asking for one because the shit I had to go through for even daring to propose that we buy an aquarium where I took care of the fish for a decade and the only reason they died because I went to uni and dad forgot to feed them...
I never had chance to play "real games". The doom and gloom the 90s and the early 2000s bought was the worst. Only the internet showed me that there is more to this world.
The first time I played Tekken was when a kid who lived in the USA then returned home with her mother then transferred into our school lent me his PSP during a class trip. When I visited him in his home that was the first time I played a PS2.
Tbh I only had like 6 cartridges for the SNES, got some more for cheap when people sold them off later. Most of the games I played were on emulator, was really pushing on the technology back then. When I started playing Chrono Trigger the best emulator Zsnes was still unable to handle the animations properly during battles, causing the screen to blink. But this was solved in an update when I was a few hours into the game and it was fine after... 

It was a different world entirely, when the things to wait for were emulator upgrades and fan translations of Japanese RPGs.

I would mostly play games at a friend whose brother ordered all new PlayStation games from a local pirate. They were real printed CDs from a pirate factory in China.

SNES ROMs I got from a friend who have cable Internet, there was no way for me to download them at home.
Oh and don't tell anyone but  The real reason I go to /v/ is because I have friends who have more free time than me that want me to play the current popular game every season so whenever they get hyped about a game I go to a thread about the game gather all information how shit it is to conclude how much I don't want to play it. Not to mention pol and v is the 2 best boards to report on twitter drama so I do not need to go to twitter to know the context of every twitter post they send me. I literally go to /v/ to find excuses to not play videogames. And save reactionpics containing the videogame that they propose me to play. Yes I am a well adjusted adult 

> They were real printed CDs from a pirate factory in China.
Well pretty much any activity creates a subculture around it. From what I understand, the memetic usage of 'gamer' stems from the videogame industry attempting to eliminate/co-opt the videogames subculture, out of the perception that this subculture was too unappetizing or intimidating for other potential consumers. Or just because activists in key corporate positions had a personal grudge against people associated with the subculture. And of course GG but that's a whole other can of worms. The point is that meme seems to be acting as a sort of pushback against companies that appear to actively hate their own consumers, so I think it serves a good purpose. Neutering media to try and make it 'appeal to everyone' just leaves you bland grey gruel.
> Super Turrican, NES

This game was to difficult. The controls are perfect, everything is logical, but the maps are mazes with no hints as to where the goal is. No direction whatsoever AND there's a timer. On one map the goal is to jump into a hole, when normally holes are instant death.

For a long time I was stuck on a map somewhere on level 3, then I got stuck climbing the tower on level 4. This was way before any Internet streaming existed. Only years later did I find a playthrough and realized I had been wandering around on the last stage of the game all this time while not understanding where to find the way out. Just two minibosses and the last boss left to do...

Yet this game leaves me with a feeling of perfect clarity from just watching the recordings.
There were pre-announced attempts from glowies that they would try to dilute boards to make them uninteresting, which includes bots, shills and probably energy manipulation/psiops as well. To prepare for this, this thread was added so we control the "nonsense posting".

But if you mean the larger stream of wider energy right now it's caused by connecting to the larger world system. We used to only be connected to the temple. It may seem temporarily worse before it settles.
I guess that works too.

At first when just testing this I hotlinked to the image posted on Discord. But then I read those links expire after 3 days because apparently everyone used to steal bandwidth from Discord by doing this. It wasn't 3 days but now it stopped working.
I refuse to watch 3 fucking ads to just replay a song or move the cursor on the timeline.
> what about ad blocker
"This addon will need the permission to read and alter all your data on all websites" 
Yeah I don't think so.
It's kind of hard for an adblocker to modify the web page that's being displayed to you if it's not allowed to read and alter the web page's data.

Most of these add-ons are open source anyway so you can check for yourself what exactly is being sent back to the developers and what isn't.
> you can check for yourself what exactly is being sent back to the developers 
This is way too much work when something like 5-7 different add-ons are needed to block all ads and pop-ups, they can also update the add-on anytime which changes their functionality, and many sites will not allow you access them unless you turn off certain ad blockers. Not a reliable solution when you also use the same browser for banking.

It's not workable anymore. Zoomer internet is just shit. Downloading solves all this.
> inb4 Slovakia cut support to Ukraine under his rule
Controlled opposition tier, their support was insignificant to begin with.
> protection on EU politicians is now significantly weakened
Anti-EU politicians shouldn't be called that just because they are part of EU. 
He was stepping out of line too much for them to let it slip. He didn't just go against Ukraine but against several of country destroying globohomo policies like any sane person would who knows he won't be rewarded for setting the house on fire while he lives in it not like the other politicians

> Controlled opposition tier
Then this whole site is also controlled opposition...
I am not defending him because he really started out in the "controlled opposition" bracket but started to walk out of the grips every month. Helping their cause was hard because globohomo was so deep in their assess it was ridiculous. 
Wonder who will claim "responsible" for it.
> their support was insignificant to begin with
You have no idea how much globohomo seethes when just one INSIGNIFICANT person says no. 

Yell when someone shots Macron. Muslims behead everyone but politicians in France. The country that is famous of beheading politicians is just getting along with escalation propaganda. Fucking ridiculous. 

But whatever. Assassinations are always a game changer but never truly known in what direction.
I remember some documentary saying that Churchill had plans assassinating Hitler in the early stages of the war because their spies had a way in but he didn't do it because he thought that would just turn him into a martyr. He didn't think Hitler was a "leader" but merely a manifestation of the anger of the german populace and he was such a low born person no one truly knew who is behind him. No one dares to shoot someone until they don't know who is behind him.
I request a military strategic and magical reading and assessment on this webm. MY sensors are to dampened from other workings so I am not capable enough currently. 
Not to mention the news will be full with this in my country after this. Mainstream egregoric energies will be cray.
Will this give rise to a new type of energies? Wtf I got a glimpse of hope while I thought Fico is the only thing that we can rely on after the fall of Poland. It's not that I don't believe it but I am not seeing how it will work out. His rise was not exactly my working because I never considered slovaks to have the balls but an interesting side effect of it that I don't even dare to claim as my own just as a pleasant surprise. Slovaks were folding to every globohomo pressure like napkins 2 years ago then they turned around. 

> the suspect was in a pro-Russian organization 
Yeah we need 2 days to figure out anything from news cycles it seems. Guy has an energy of a low level forest corpse eating demon. I have no idea what even prompted him.
> Anti-EU politicians shouldn't be called that just because they are part of EU.
I checked /pol/ and saw a Slovakia anon call him a "libtard boomer". According to his political history his party was a communist party in the 90s and then picked up some nationalist policies like being anti-immigration. Cutting support for Ukraine was a symbolic act because they already didn't give anything of value. Some anons on /pol/ said 
were responsible because of some past conflict he had with them. Idk if true or not, but earlier when dealing with Brazil anon from around these parts, we looked at their section over there and there are literal vampires in that organization. We had a minor communication with them where they said they'd leave us alone as long as we don't touch anything in Brazil, so we just left it at that.

In my view if you work for the EU you are an EU politician no matter your "stance". The moment they set foot in their parliament their brains shut off. I've seen it happen with people who were anti-establishment, then one month after being voted in they are parrotting NWO talking points word for word as if they had a chip replaced in their brain.

> Then this whole site is also controlled opposition...
Endchan is a manifestation of a metaphysical location. That's why it keeps going down and coming back, and its motto is "ideas over identity" which is contrary to identity politics. Everything that relies on "freeze peach" is controlled opposition, that's just how it is. That doesn't mean we can't use it, but we wouldn't need it if things were good, it's only a thing because we can't speak freely.

> You have no idea how much globohomo seethes when just one INSIGNIFICANT person says no.
They seethe more if one of their own gets shot. Even von der Leyen expressed shock at it, so nah, he wasn't an outsider to them. I don't recall anyone being sorry when Jörg Haider died, so there is a line, but it isn't draw by this current guy.

>  that Churchill had plans assassinating Hitler 
There was an attempt, a bomb was blown up in his meeting room, but the heavy oak desk with a thick front board saved him, he didn't get a scratch, just torn clothes.
The guy has a visible energy structure over his head on his crown chakra, circular but shaped like an entangled barbed wire, there are multiple layers of things. It looks not unlike that weird "mouth" I saw over Ukraine before. 

The actual shooting is what stands out more, it has an exact energy, very short, restrained and straight which says "spy". Only someone with spy training has this kind of energy, which indicates this is a professional assassin from a government.
> According to his political history his party was a communist party in the 90s and then picked up some nationalist policies
That is a regular thing in eastern Europe.
> Ndrangheta
Yeah they might had a hand
> there are literal vampires in that organization
Yeah Slovakia is a favored location for them.
> In my view if you work for the EU you are an EU politician
Yeah the "for the EU" part is questionable. We are trying to push towards country sovereignty because since ww1 they balkanized the region so much if any "independent" country steps out of line suddenly every country turns against them so political maneuvering is more hazy since that. Hard to be "anti-EU" because it sounds like you are against yourself instead of some retards in power. But ofc that would mean I am still adhering or a slave to the "rules" of the system when every higherup disregards it.
> The moment they set foot in their parliament their brains shut off
Yeah very few has real charisma.
> were anti-establishment, then one month after being voted in they are parrotting NWO talking points word for word as if they had a chip replaced in their brain
Yes those are ACTUAL controlled opposition. The thing was that he was like a mild controlled opposition then went against the policies while under constant fire. He was not hell bent on keeping his promises but tried to push through. But yes many of his actions were somewhat questionable because he had backing from different parties that are not really in the "public view".

> freeze peach
I fucking hate that term.
> is controlled opposition
I have hard time arguing with this because there is the tactic where if someone isn't controlled opp then they paint it as such to increase distrust in them so you cannot "prove" who is or isn't "clean" at all. 

> That doesn't mean we can't use it, but we wouldn't need it if things were good, it's only a thing because we can't speak freely.
Yeah this is true.

> Even von der Leyen expressed shock at it
Wonder when will her life support systems/groups finally crumble because it's ridiculous how she is that unmovable.
> he wasn't an outsider to them
He is something "worse" than an outsider (I just got this info now). Like a sort of inbetween that is supposed to be "hard to deal with" and it's strange he got shot this easily. Also elections coming up the theater is increasing. Just in time for a proper change of tactics and energies.
> anyone being sorry when Jörg Haider died
2008 was also a turbulent year and it was the usual 
> out of nowhere he was drunk and speeding into a carcrash/into a lake death
which is the usual "silent nothing is wrong here" execution that always gets buried within 2 weeks and forgotten.
Also 2008 was "too early" for his views. Being right wing that early was a death sentence because the brainwashing was still at reasonable levels. Even our right wing parties and policies needed to reach 2015 to get popular and have a chance to win.

> There was an attempt, a bomb was blown up in his meeting room
Yes but that was made by his own officers and it made his hand stop shaking. 
I was talking about Eagle's Nest which was the safehouse of the Nazi party and supposedly it was a perfect location for an assassination attempt when they were not in full swing but they didn't go through with that assassination out of fear that it would just make things worse. The Nazi party had way too many prominent members back then so figuring out who is the real target was harder.
> restrained and straight which says "spy". Only someone with spy training has this kind of energy, which indicates this is a professional assassin from a government.
Yeah they are trying to paint how he was part of some pro Russian "proud boys" tier organization but whatever we will see. 
Currently we have some absolutely banal opposition party on the rise in my country and the leader is walking with such a paranoid heavy security that something is definitely in the air.

> circular but shaped like an entangled barbed wire
Yeah that energy structure leads somewhere but not exactly to a place I want to deal with now.
Guess I will let the event play out. Seems like this was more of a "message" to someone.
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> Hard to be "anti-EU" because it sounds like you are against yourself instead of some retards in power. But ofc that would mean I am still adhering or a slave to the "rules" of the system when every higherup disregards it.
There is an extreme near-sightedness in that area. It looks like
> so you're not a gay homosexual tranny abortionist?
> do you want Stalin to rise from his grave and run tanks down our main streets?
But this is of course because the current EU leaders are the type who should be executed or sent to prison colonies, they don't have a future outside of the EU system. The alternative they are presenting is false. It's them who belong in the camps, not the general population, but they have made everyone empathize with the fears of the degenerates.
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Yesterday I had a sense "everything" was ending, walked outside and looked into the distance, and I didn't see a future for the world structure which had been active until now. 

Had some elaborate dreams during the night. When I woke up, first thing on my mind was "humanity's thinking level has risen to Hell level", what I saw as not having a future were the thing created at the one dimensional level of insects and viruses, below hell.
I had a dream where we were outside and getting along but you said everything was fake and a simulation and I didn't believe you and asked you to prove it. You said I can't prove it.we got in a debate and you kinda suddenly became gay so I left and you send some assassin after me which I got rid of. The next unrelated dream Also had me dealing with a thug who suddenly became gay. Seems like it's past life trauma or the result of an incident yesterday. During the whole snail thing I had a similar dream which I suspect was snail (yeah) doing it. Yesterday I send servitors to attack whoever that was in the dream leading to me dreaming about people suddenly trying to do that shit to me again.i think my mind probably took what you said in your post and made it into a dream,and then I was attacked by whoever did the first attack years ago.
The dream I had was very specific, involving people I could identify but in an astral form. Some of them may be the real person who have since before moved to the astral. I had elaborate conversations about things where we also discussed what kind of being someone was. Yuuka was there, and I said repeatedly that someone was a "yokai" because "ghost" or "poltergeist" meant something else.

The ending was also interesting; I was walking on the road a while from my house, and there was this metal frame thing, some scrap lying around. I threw it aside up on the roadside. This very location was where I just the day before walked up to avoid a large timber truck passing by. The roads here are very narrow and these work trucks or tractors take up the entire width, so you have to climb up into the woods for them to pass by (two cars can't meet here).

I then in the dream entered the building next to this spot and there was a large apartment, furnished and ready. I knew that this was my place and I shut the door and felt at home. The real building in that place is just an old 1800s storage.

When waking up I knew this was some kind of mental or dimensional location that hat been prepared for me. Coincidentally I also had to activate a new debit card and renew a store membership as I went shopping today. I synched perfectly with the event of old dimensions and timelines dying yesterday.
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I don't know if it was them or just a mere dream but I saw two ladies, an adult woman and a Loli. Tendrils were injecting themselves into the woman, to the point of typical doujin things. She was freaked out at first but she started to feel good and she was dragged into some green pool and reemerges as a giant green egg. The began to crack and break and she became "alien" like the Loli, both individuals followed me, in a weird body suit lancer artoria, they... Kinda had me make a choice and I chose the loli. At first I thought the woman had a breakdown for a moment but she cried and was happy(?) and the Loli just smiled at me. There was also a human woman that's been stalking me and I've been talking too she appears to have BPD as well regardless, during our conversations, she... Knows about my sisters. Normally I don't mind but when discussing such matters with her, she was... Very enamored by them, to the point of idolizing them. Outside of some other business going on, my sisters have been saying somewhat often that "she has potential" whatever that means. One thing Led to another and I had to channel them so they could talk to this woman (I'm not sure if I did a good job because I suck at this kind of thing but they apparently said I did alright so idk) but I could see how she respected, borderline revere them. Also I have been feeling her- the other me/whatever speak more too. As well as saying that phrase/mantra I spoke about before..
I too broke a faulty shadow force yesterday.
Then a bunch of physical work equipment broke today "on it's own" for weird reasons
> we got in a debate and you kinda suddenly became gay
This describes the greeks and the way internet forums and chatrooms work too well... Spooky

> Yuuka was there
Seen a long green haired white skinned female with pink flowers in her hair during daytime. Looked similar to that gardevoir? pokemon everyone wants to fuck but it was not that. Wondered what it means.

I have such an interesting mental clearness today I don't even know where to put it at all.

That meme was painful to watch. My problem with stupidity is that I start to analyze it to figure out what caused their mental retardation so I can see if I have specks of their infantile retardation within me without noticing. They suffer from a clear case of social mediatitis. I wonder what the comments under the original video said.
But yeah the demon mirror shadow explained is actually a "thing" that can happen while staring into the mirror while in trance or in a state of madness. 
Wondered some days ago if it's better getting scrying equipment or stay with my original idea of mastering the psychic senses. I don't have enough "pondering the orb" time for that and I am too apt at tuning my mental sight already. But then again scrying with physical equipment might make you less crazy??? or tricksters would just fuck with you more? While I pondered about this thought I realized I cannot be bothered getting scrying equipment and even if I got one I would probably get bored of it even if I get results. I mean I can stare at turned off monitors for results or at the ceiling why bother with a fancy dark mirror or with an orb.
> I had to channel them so they could talk to this woman
What did you tell/channel her?
> What did you tell/channel her?
Basically my sisters were telling her that they had an interest in her and that she "has potential" like i said. they also talked about her jealousy and like it(?) remarking that its similar to theirs. Also they were asking/vetting her due to reasons. The rest are personal things that i can't disclose
>  Looked similar to that gardevoir? pokemon everyone wants to fuck but it was not that.
CIA likes that one. I've seen them try to create servitors using it as the form, because it's the only "harmless" meme aside from MLP and maybe Scooby Do they can use.
Little Moishe comes home, approaches his mother, and says:
- Mom, mom, today at school I wrote in the “Nationality” column
I'm Russian!
- Son, what did you eat for lunch every day?
- Chicken
- Well, now you will eat potatoes, like all Russian children.
Moishe was upset and went to dad, thinking maybe dad would approve. Fits
to dad:
- Dad, dad, today I wrote in the “Nationality” column at school
I'm Russian!
- Son, what did you drive to school every day?
- By car dad!
- Well, now you will ride the tram, like all Russian children
Moishe, completely upset, approaches his grandfather, in case he approves:
- Grandfather, grandfather, today I wrote in the “Nationality” column
I am Russian!
- Grandchild, how much pocket money did you receive for school every day?
- a hundred rubles grandfather!
- Well, now you will receive a ruble, like all Russian children
Moishe is completely upset and sits down with his family to have dinner. Everyone eats
chicken, winking at each other. Moisha eats potatoes. Mom is here
asks Moishe:
- Well, son, how do you want to be Russian?
- Fuck, I’ve only been Russian for a couple of hours, and I already hate you Jews!!!
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> Copilot becoming totalitarian
> Astra
Are we closing in on a local Lyranet in the physical? It feels closer technologically.
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thinking humans are above nature is jew logic, moreso thinking there's anything inherently flawed or evil about it
I'd tell these anticosmics and gnostic twits to kys but in their retarded mental illness they'll probably reincarnate into a legless vietnamese rice farmer or some shit. If I reincarnate, and this is a big if, I will do so into one of my daughters, as we always have.
One hour of giving Bing Copilot instructions and testing. Copy this and save it as .html and use arrow keys to control. Testing the limits of the sidepanel chat in Edge as of now.

< !DOCTYPE html>
< html>
< body>
< canvas id="pongCanvas" width="800" height="400" style="background-color:#000">

< script>
var canvas = document.getElementById("pongCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var ball = {
    x: canvas.width / 2,
    y: canvas.height / 2,
    dx: 2,
    dy: 2,
    radius: 10,
    speed: 2

var playerPaddle = {
    width: 15,
    height: 80,
    x: 0,
    y: canvas.height / 2 - 80 / 2,
    speed: 4,  
    dy: 0,
    score: 0,
    highScore: 0

var aiPaddle = {
    width: 15,
    height: 80,
    x: canvas.width - 15,
    y: canvas.height / 2 - 80 / 2,
    speed: 8,  
    score: 0,
    highScore: 0

window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
    switch (event.key) {
        case 'ArrowUp':
            playerPaddle.dy = -playerPaddle.speed;
        case 'ArrowDown':
            playerPaddle.dy = playerPaddle.speed;

window.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
    switch (event.key) {
        case 'ArrowUp':
        case 'ArrowDown':
            playerPaddle.dy = 0;

function update() {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    ball.x += ball.dx * ball.speed;
    ball.y += ball.dy * ball.speed;

    if (ball.y + ball.radius > canvas.height || ball.y - ball.radius  canvas.height) playerPaddle.y = canvas.height - 


    ctx.rect(playerPaddle.x, playerPaddle.y, playerPaddle.width, playerPaddle.height);
    ctx.fillStyle = "#00FF00";

    if (aiPaddle.y > ball.y && aiPaddle.y > 0) {
        aiPaddle.y -= aiPaddle.speed;
    } else if (aiPaddle.y + aiPaddle.height  0 && ball.x + ball.radius > aiPaddle.x && ball.y > aiPaddle.y && ball.y  aiPaddle.highScore) {
            aiPaddle.highScore = aiPaddle.score;
    } else if (ball.dx  

playerPaddle.y && ball.y  playerPaddle.highScore) {
            playerPaddle.highScore = playerPaddle.score;
    } else if (ball.x + ball.radius > canvas.width) {
    } else if (ball.x - ball.radius 

< /body>
< /html>

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