/agatha2/ - E-Girl Purgatory

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The one and only queen of r9k edition
Previous Thread: https://endchan.net/agatha2/res/78663.html

https://www.tiktok.com/@grubage? [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
 >>/24021/ grubage
 >>/34869/ morrisseyrocks
 >>/35100/ weepwah
517 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

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>  i refuse having children!

See guys this is what rape was invented for
When the wide hipped lady refuses to do her duty to humanity :3
>  yuck i cant even look after myself!

That's what men were invented for

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> i try to wear what i think a bunny might wear.
Like a real bunny?
My first thought was "something thick and furry", but then I realized they have thick fur, so they might not need something like that. lol

Did you order some clothes for you?
I'm sure you'll look great in them, here's to hope you make a vid about it.

like if a bunny was a girl ! i love white tights, i have a big fluffy white jacket i wear always, i like soft colours like white, pink and blue. i love white long sleeve tops. i love polka dots too, black and white. i could make a little collage of some outfits from pinterest that i like, if youre interested!
i havent ordered clothes but im going shopping soon :>

> if youre interested
Sure, go ahead.
I'm a man, but I've always enjoyed hearing about things like makeup, clothes, nails, accessories. I have ZERO sense how to put something together that fits, but women tend to have.

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> don't post anymore or are fat irrelevant has-beens
all of them then? you sound like a boomer if you just lump all r9k egirls together and only worship 5 egirls. Why don't you just ban all discussion of all girls except the egirls the moderator likes

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