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oh okay im sorry, i thought she was 17. i understand how you could think thats weird, i just thought she was really pretty and im jealous.
i really dont know what you want from me, people told me to leave the whole time i was posting. i dont know what i did to make you hate me so much and it honestly hurts, so im sorry if i did something to offend or annoy you guys but i stopped posting because you all told me to so why are you trying to create random drama i dont understand

I mean I wasn't the guy who called you crazy, but I kind of agree with him. Like that girl was traumatized by her e-girl stint, let her rest and dont post her anywhere. She's exhausted. Anyways most of these people always hated you, just look at every other girls threads you're not any exception.  They were just acting. Did you ever go to therapy for your bpd and after what happened with your ex when he payed a camwhore?

okay im really sorry, i wasnt aware about any of that or anything about her really, i just saw her thread and i thought she was beautiful and i had seen people mention her name before. sorry puka wherever u are.
no i dont have bpd because bpd isnt real and no i didnt go to therapy :< im going to leave again i just wanted to apologise for the pukara thing and whine about people hating and being mean to me.

bpd is absolutely real. do you feel like while you can have a complete view on somebody you feel strongly for, you can often only ever "feel" either all the good in them, or all the bad? Do you often have one "favorite" person that you obsess over, and ignore everyone else for? Do you often have violent fantasies?

all of that somewhat applies, but i think people accuse 16-25 year old women of having bpd any time theyre emotional/crazy/irrational, as if people have somehow forgotten that women are just crazy  and the bpd label is unnecessary because theyre all like that

I'm pretty familiar with what bpd looks like, and I'm probably not gonna sleep tonight. if you want you can add me and I can share some of my experiences. I'm actually really confused about alot of things and I have alot of questions for you because you sound similar to a girl I used to date. 


ki, i know its hard for you to be assertive, but you need to tell trauma dumping anons like this to leave you alone. guys are actually pretending to be suicidal and stooping this low to get a girl to message them? wow.

> you all told me to
Nah it was one delusional kid that wants for yourself.
Check the big, fat ban message here at the end of each post:

This was ALL one guy and he wants to groom you in private.
Most of the rest of us just wants to just see pics and videos of you since you are beautiful and hot. But you have been told this before, do I need to quote those posts too?
So yeah, you pretending like nobody wants you here IS annoying and childish. You can understand that, right? You are like all the other egirls only focusing on the haters, giving those annoying kids exactly what they want.

> bpd isnt real
Stop lying.

> im going to leave again 
So you can continue reading our posts? Again, I don't get it.

> women are just crazy
Most aren't.
Not saying you have BPD.

> if you want you can add me
Smooth, but too obvious.

In case it isn't obvious, don't talk to these people in private. They will try weird shit on you.
Just keep interactions public as much as possible.
But it seems you have that sense, which I'm glad you do.

> i stopped posting because you all told me to so why are you trying to create random drama
Because you haven't stopped posting. You've posted every single day without failure. That's what happens. Either take the attention and stay, or don't. It's not a mystery.

Sure, but are those common adult women into MLP also posting memes about pedrophilia and wanting to be groomed while also sharing pictures of their panties on a board known for grooming? Lmao. Ki has a ddlg fetish and fetishizes the idea of being a kid despite being an 18 year old who looks 25. She's extremely stupid for thinking she's being subtle. I wouldn't be surprised if she actually was in her 20s and lying about her age as part of this fetish. Not even confirmed groomer fetishists who like MLP like Bee act like this.

It's not just a meme about twilight sparkle being a groomer, Ki. There's also
> retweeting posts about bringing back grooming
> posting a literal child who's an actual victim and publicly seething in jealousy because you want to be her
> admitting to trying to look as childlike as possible
> saying you want an older man
> getting exposed for slutting around with older men and cheating on them when you were still underage
> exposed for selfposting on almost every single 4chan board before settling down here to beg for attention
> befriending bee the pedrofucker
> posting panties on request but feigning innocence about this board's purpose because you want the benefits of being a whore PLUS the benefits of not being a whore

obviously i didnt mean bring back grooming.. i didnt think people here of all places would be so normie and take things so seriously. its a joke. also i have never spoken to bee lol. idk  why youre attacking the most minuscule things but whatever call me what you want i know im gross and i know im pathetic, youre not achieving anything

Well Ki, what DO you want?
As expected, you are still here reading and posting, despite claiming at least twice now you wouldn't.
So I'm asking, what is it that you want from us? And be honest, no "uwu just be cute" act.

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if there was a thread about you, and people constantly said mean things about you, would it not be like cripplingly tempting to defend yourself ? maybe i phrased that wrong, im tired, but i honestly dont know what i want so im sorry i cant answer that. i want to stop posting here and ill keep trying not to care but its difficult :c 
i also really dont know why people are reading so deep into things i post on twitter, i dont know im so bleh im sorry for doing this and posting here and being gross can you just pretend i never existed

but ki we arent being mean to you, we love you, most of us want to talk to you and be your friend. its just a few bad applea who are saying mean things. mmost of us think you are super cute and interesting. you dont have to be afraid to be yourself around us.

> would it not be like cripplingly tempting to defend yourself ?
No, because a) I don't post my face online and b) it doesn't matter what randos on chan boards think of me, I'm not that young and gullible anymore.
I just walk away, since I don't crave Anon attention, unlike you seem to do. You clearly idolize this whole thing with how you post about Belle and others.

> i also really dont know why people are reading so deep into things i post on twitter
Because it's the cheapest way to get you to reply. lol
This works with all egirls and you have just proven it again. It is such a common thing and it is such a piss easy way to trigger girls like you. Ask cewl and vamp, who btw just posted again recently too saying she can't stop being here.
It is probably some form of mental illness or because you got neglected IRL, who knows, I'm not a therapist.

> can you just pretend i never existed
No, you are too hot for that.
I've said this before. kek
And I'm not the only one who gets turned on by your pretty face and style.

Maybe if you like drama and lulz, but if youre trying to protect yourself and stand up for yourself, you should talk to people who are actually interested in you instead of people here who just get off on harming you and making you flustered. Because now you're giving the haters what they want, they know they can talk shit about you and that you will read all of it and even respond to it. And you're giving people who hate you your own time and energy. With haters, it's nothing personal, they just want to gain your attention in a negative way that hurts you. You're thinking it's personal and about you but it's not. 

It might be smart just to check in every now and again just to read what people are saying, but responding and being active on here is just making things worse. Hope this helps.

am i the only one who thinks your guys comments are strange? you are basically saying to her, "this board ,which i am a part of, is full of the worst pedrophiles and groomers on the internet. stay away!" most of you guys post here often im sure of it, and you are calling yourself a horrible person and also making her not want to talk to us. to make it a metaphor, its like we are all having thanksgiving dinner together, and a hot girl is showing up. she wwants to sit and eat wih us, and you basically answered the door and told her to go away. like why?

i think it's gaslighting... they're "fishing her" quite literally, so she will be engaged here more often. I can be sure that every hater of her here is also the same giving compliments and saying to ignore trolls...

yeah it's fucking annoying and retarded. i think it's mostly one guy doing it though and his motives are different than what he pretends they are. just pretending to be altruistic so they can feel good about themselves while they harass her due to whatever personal issues they have. (notice this only happens to the actually attractive girls that post here, the less attractive ones don't get the same kind of obsessive hate and demands that they leave.) also annoying when people pretend this board is so bad when it's relatively tame compared to the other places she could end up going to for attention instead. no one is helping her by trying to drive her away from here. nothing bad will happen to her here as long as she stays away from namefags and discordniggers. she wants to post here and these faggots are cockblocking us for no reason.

> i think it's mostly one guy doing it though
I think it's the horsefucker who went all uwu a few days ago.

> notice this only happens to the actually attractive girls that post here, the less attractive ones don't get the same kind of obsessive hate and demands that they leave.
I can really only think of cewl, vamp and Iris that have been regularly posting here in the past few months and all of them get hated on, probably by the exact same people.

There was some dude trying to be all cute and shit with how he writes, trying to emulate being a young girl himself.
He immediately rubbed me the wrong way, because the only men who type that way on chan boards do it to for weird reasons.
There is a line between being nice and being a fucking creep about it.

No one on fucking ENDCHAN has the right to use "weird" in that context. Kill yourself, normalfag. Accept degeneracy because it is reality. The reason none of us have any real friendships is this idiotic bullshit notion of having to be "normal." Your stupid fucking job at Walmart doesn't matter, doesn't make you "better," and should be done by androids.

This is how things are here, what are you expecting? Not sure why there are so many fags complaining about the way people talk to or about the girls on this board recently. Unless it's all women coming to defend their friends.

Bro you will just private it again next week and say for the 4th time that you won't come here anymore.
It makes no sense to me what you are doing, it's a stupid and pointless dance we are doing here, no?
The comment about therapy wasn't a joke, but well meant advice. You must see it yourself something is not right with how you are acting.

They are not truly annoyed. This is a common tactic to keep you here, and as your mental state goes, they laugh and get what they want, which will eventually be your body or something bad as self-harm. In another words: This is pure manipulation, gaslighting, etc...

> They are not truly annoyed.
I have said several times already in this thread all I want is to see her pics and videos, because I find her hot. I don't know how much more open I can be about it, so even a brainlet like you understands it. So yeah, this constant bait and switch IS annoying, even Kiki understands that.
It's ok if you don't find her attractive, not everybody has to be into everybody.

Stop that, don't just say you are sorry, you should actually agree or disagree. Saying sorry means very little when you keep doing the same thing over and over.
Think about why you act this way and what you actually want, because you are making no sense to me. It's why I suggested therapy, because chan boards sure aren't a self-help group.
If you think I am correct, then admit it and say what you want. If you think I am being unfair, then say that. Be honest to yourself.

> Donut
Don't care.
Didn't ask.

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i will post more either here or twitter, i said im sorry because i recognise how irritating it must be, but why dont you make a throwaway account to follow my twitter so that you can always see the stuff even if i private? ill try not to private things but i get embarrassed or insecure or scared and i want to delete my existence its weird. im sorry if this is making you dislike me, you are right. i just want people to like me and talk to me :c

> Donut
> Don't care.
> Didn't ask.
This is not your thread, therefore I don't care if you asked. Kill yourself. You're fucking obnoxious, worse than namefags.
And you really show your colours with this post, you just want to fap to her, use her.
> It's ok if you don't find her attractive, not everybody has to be into everybody.
> Don't care.
> Didn't ask.
It's a bit controversial you care about what I find or don't find attractive while being passive-aggressive about something you probably made up to keep her here and more prone to manipulative tactics you use.

If I wanted to do that, I'd talk in twitter DMs with her.
Checkmate, atheist.

Her big eyes, her full lips, her skinny legs, her slender hands and I think the dark hair with pale skin combo is perfect. Also like her style in general.
Can't say much about her upper body, since she hasn't shown that a lot yet.

> Her big eyes, her full lips, her skinny legs, her slender hands and I think the dark hair with pale skin combo is perfect. Also like her style in general.
You didn’t mention anything meaningful, like her personality, her voice, or how she connects with people. It’s just shallow admiration for her looks. Let’s be real, you are probably here for attention, not because you actually value her as a person. If anything, it’s manipulative, and you are just trying to keep her around so you can keep pretending to care.

Constantly calling her out for not doing what you want, bringing up "even Kiki understands", like you're trying to pressure her into compliance. You're treating her like she owes you something just because you've stuck around. If you were being honest, you'd admit you're just throwing a tantrum because you can't control her.

You don't get to decide what others are into.

> like her personality, her voice, or how she connects with people
I don't know much about any of those, do you think you do? I'm not going to judge her based on like five short youtube videos and some comments she wrote on endchan.

> I don't know much about any of those, do you think you do?
I do.
> I'm not going to judge her based on like five short youtube videos and some comments she wrote on endchan.
Then you're not seeking her outside these places; you're just waiting to be served by other anons talking to her on Twitter. I find it quite amusing how lost you seem to be.

This situation is weird... Your logic and character got challenged and I got banned only in this thread. Anyway, I warned Kiki on Twitter that you are the moderator or helping him in some way, and willing to see "more" of her God knows why.
You should enjoy her videos and interactions, if you want to fap, I'm sure other places can help you with that.

> I warned Kiki on Twitter that you are the moderator or helping him in some way
I did nothing.
It's kind of ironic how easily you feel persecuted, mr. childporn poster.
And double ironic how you are talking to her on twitter in private I guess, but accuse me of doing something scummy.
You are just a hypocrite and feel threatened by random anons on endchan.
Grow up.

> I did nothing.
Oh... Poor you!
> It's kind of ironic how easily you feel persecuted, mr. childporn poster.
I posted several times in other threads but only got banned here, interacting with you. Why? You and the moderator have a similar writing style. You're a pattern seeking guy who gets carried away and mad when people spot you.
> And double ironic how you are talking to her on twitter in private I guess, but accuse me of doing something scummy.
I talk to her on Twitter because I can, and you are weird. I can tell more or less who you are but I won't make wild assumptions, but I did tell what you are.
> You are just a hypocrite and feel threatened by random anons on endchan.
Threatened? What does this even mean?
That's not the admin's ban message, that is from someone who moderate this board and can make up any ban message he wants.

> What's a BV?
Board Volunteer

And also, wow, how many people slid into the DMs? I'm trying to just have someone to talk to and NOT talking about drama shit... Angery. Why can't you freaks have normal interactions with anyone?

This nigger thinks everyone is the same person lmao. Probably because he constantly samefags and pretends to be different people so he projects this behavior onto others. Severe mental illness.

> At least Ki now knows not to trust you on twitter and what kind of person you are.
That's quite the opposite of what's happening because I over-explained why I got banned and she's free to ask me anytime about anything regarding my ban or history with this website, including how I made this place better for you to post after all bug finding and code bullshit.

This is the typical groomer mentality by the way, isolating your target and only talk with her in private about accusations, so you don't have to defend yourself in front of others. That way you can form your narrative the way you want. It becomes even more obvious why you want her to stay private and not talk or post here - because you don't want her to find out about you!
Poor ki probably doesn't know any better than to believe you, but it's good she saw these posts and why you got banned.
But yes it is completely believable that somebody posts cp on the same board as you post on, at the same time, in the same threads and uses the same vpn too. Yes yes you are toootally a victim and not a perpetrator.

If you have any fucking decency left in you - doubtful - you'd delete your twitter account again and let ki just talk to other girls. But of course you won't do that, nobody like you does that.
I'm really afraid for her if she ever decides to not talk with your psychotic ass anymore. Will you also keep harassing her and make new accounts, like you keep evading your ban here? You obvs can't take 'no' for an answer.
Go on, keep arguing with everybody here, calling everybody else insane and not you.

> wouldn't you do the same?
No, because that'd be a laughable accusation. Most people here don't get accused of that... because they don't do what you did.

> But yes it is completely believable that somebody posts cp on the same board as you post on, at the same time, in the same threads and uses the same vpn too. Yes yes you are toootally a victim and not a perpetrator.
Oh, you know me so well! I wonder who you are... Can you show us? You're a moron for making it obvious...
> This is the typical groomer mentality by the way, isolating your target and only talk with her in private about accusations, so you don't have to defend yourself in front of others. That way you can form your narrative the way you want. It becomes even more obvious why you want her to stay private and not talk or post here - because you don't want her to find out about you!
But I did defend myself here as well and she is free to see the posts, if you don't delete them first ;)
> If you have any fucking decency left in you - doubtful - you'd delete your twitter account again and let ki just talk to other girls. But of course you won't do that, nobody like you does that.
> I'm really afraid for her if she ever decides to not talk with your psychotic ass anymore. Will you also keep harassing her and make new accounts, like you keep evading your ban here? You obvs can't take 'no' for an answer.
Doom, or BV... You don't know the first thing about me and Kiki's interactions, only she does and she is free to answer you if she wants to, I won't post our DMs.

I'm banned from this board, just that. The admins have no reason to ban me, if anything I helped quite a lot with the report system (funny deal you simps have no idea), the iplogger thing (lame, I could've done better), and next will be how images are treated as images and not files here, but that's something I'm brainstorming. Be sure not to download any egirls' rares, lol.

I was going to say something to her about leaving this site but you’re right. She keeps going back and forth about how she is “ragequitting” this site, but then keeps coming back. Wish she’d just make up her mind. I don’t understand why she talks about shopping and cooking, who does she think is reading her posts? I can’t imagine the average anon caring about that. If she wants to talk about those things, then stick to posting on Twitter. If she doesn’t like how supposedly mean everyone is to her, then she should have never posted herself all over 4chan like the whore she is.

act your age, being unstable isnt an excuse. youre not 14 anymore no matter how much you wish you were. bpd basketcase downfall looking pretty imminent for you. idk how you havent realized only 1 anon is actually pretending to care about your day

> bpd isnt real
Very convenient for someone who matches every single symptom to believe. Sure, you could argue that psychiatry is just trying to group together some related behaviors and isn't about physical science, but that doesn't make you NOT a destructive slutty basketcase.

The reason she has to try so hard to starve herself is because she has a very unfeminine body. Broad shoulders, huge knees and elbows, wide waist. This is usually the case for wannabe anorexics tbh, but they can't change their bone structure or natural muscle mass no matter what they do.

i think she looks great. i like very thin girls. ki has awesome collarbones. im guessing her ribcage is amazing as well. i hope to see it some day. also flat chests are god tier.

i want normal accounts to follow me instead of weird burner/porn accounts,and i want to post more personal things that i can be comfortable posting to people i know wont be extremely mean to me for whatever reason, like on here :< im sorry for irritating you but its my account, if you want to follow me you can but its not fair to do this. im sorry for the rude tone in this message

> i want to post more personal things that i can be comfortable posting to people i know wont be extremely mean to me 

thats us. we want it to be us, but you wont let it.
> i want to post more personal things that i can be comfortable posting to people i know wont be extremely mean to me

.. did you not read the message? i like posting and talking to people but i want to post more personal things because i have friends on twitter and i like interacting with them because theyre funny and sweet (ーー;)

i want it to be you too, i literally tried when i posted the outfit and when i was being extremely honest and vulnerable by sharing my insecurities! but people were mean and thats why i dont want to do it here :c i totally understand that a bunch of you are always sweet and kind to me and i appreciate it, i love talking with you guys, so im sorry that everyone else ruined it

because i love 4chan a lot and people are really funny, i like talking to people! literally all i did was private my twitter idk what the big deal is and if you hate me you can go, i said it before im clearly kinda unstable and i switch between loving attention to wanting to delete everything 4ever because im just like that blah blah , why not just accept it and accept that ill probably post more soon and then be dramatic about it lolol if you hate it you dont have to interact with me and you dont have to look at the thread :p

I was hoping she might make a server or something so just friends and people like me who like her could join and talk to her and give her attention and get to know her, but i guess that was just a dream

you just sound directionless, confused and frankly, a little bit stupid. you've also chosen the worst places to farm attention from people, 4chan and endchan, which are both notoriously antisocial and known for being unfriendly towards women. i wonder what exactly precludes you from simp farming the normal way with tiktok and instagram like all the other mentally ill e-girls. every time you post i understand more that you are in fact just a snake behind a pretty veneer like most of those that pass through here and all you want is to parasitize the attention of retarded and disaffected chronically online men who are so dysfunctional and socially sidelined they earnestly believe that if they simp hard enough for someone like you that your resolve will collapse and you'll give them a chance. i could turn your own logic back against you and tell you that if you don't like negative attention in your threads, stop making a spectacle out of yourself here and on 4chan. women seem unconditionally incapable of demonstrating basic dignity as long as even a shred of attention they can parasitize from a situation is on the line.

At least read a book about the history of psychiatric diagnoses before saying things aren't real. If BPD isn't real, neither are PTSD or autism based on the same exact argument you made earlier. You just like the idea of having PTSD or autism more because they're "cute" while BPD isn't, which means you're aware of the fact that your behavior IS far more unpleasant and unstable than behavior strictly associated with PTSD and BPD. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need trauma to end up behaving in the ways outlined by a BPD diagnosis, and sending nudes to an older guy out of your own volition before cheating on him isn't trauma anyway. It's so nasty seeing you intentionally try to manipulate everyone here into thinking that, because BPD "isn't real," then your behavior and obvious personality defects must not be so bad after all.

hahahhaaha you're so uneducated and misogynist i have to laugh. if you actually want to discuss this we can talk about it somewhere else but you're just extremely wrong. impulsive hypersexual behavior is a symptoms of other mental illnesses that don't have a history of being a modern hysteria diagnosis.

You match up with the exact criteria of BPD.

Not true whatsoever. An unpleasant experience that changes you is not inherently traumatic. Trauma is defined by prolonged, persistent flashbacks, panic attacks caused by the memory, disturbed identity, night terrors, etc. Most people with PTSD don't act anything like bpdemons. BPD diagnosis doesn't even require any trauma.

DIAGNOSES ARE NOT FUCKING VALID, HOLY SHIT!! All fucking doctors are con artists preying upon people who can NOT afford their fake services by making people think they're "defective" and can't function without tons of brain destroying drugs! God FUCKING damn it, this board is so stupid!!

1. Are you using a VPN? Or even something simple like incognito mode? Sometimes that can fuck things up. 
2. If you're using it in a mobile browser, try the app or vice versa. Also try making one on desktop first then logging in on mobile.
3. If you've been banned from twitter before they might log your device/IP.

Idk, social media sites are always breaking in weird ways.

what? i dont think autism or ptsd are cute lol i have no idea how you got that impression. im not claiming to have any of those disorders. and i absolutely never cheated on anyone! im not debating if bpd is real with you, you can believe whatever you want to but in my mind its not a real thing, its not about cuteness like you think it is for some reason
this person was not me ! i am not hypersexual and i would never say that i am.

The things I've seen on Discord make me want to vomit. Routinely. Discord is inherently sociopathic. Yes, so is Twitter, but ALL the fudgin' services are horrendous... so I don't know what to do. People should  be using Signal and Zangi but I found out today, holy shidd, people still use FRIGGEN SNAP CHAT.

Well, good night, my delusional freaks. Maybe I will be able to get back on the X and appeal that shit tomorrow if I'm lucky. Need love and smooches and I want to die hahaha. 🥲

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oooohhhhhhh i love bagels so much i absolutely adore bagels. i love bagels with sesame seeds the best because they are so visually beautiful and i heart sesame seeds because they are a little bit crazy and i love bagels with butter or cream cheese or smoked salmon or avocado or melted cheese and quorn ham because i dont eat meat, i love bagels i love bagels 
what do you put on bagels?

I feel myself getting dumber every time I look at this thread but they won't look at my fucking appeal on X. Bros... how long does the stupid X team take to review an appeal?!

So tempted to just make a new account. Sick of this shit.

...Wow, that is kind of an honour then. I had no idea that I actually had some reach. If only people would actually subscribe instead of leeching. I have really bad writers' block right now because YT keeps deleting subs and it discourages me...

hi i know im the worst fruit, and ive said this loads of times, but im going to stop living here because its causing me a LOT of ‘grief’ and it sucks and its making me more bleh and insecure, so if anyone pretends to be me without a timestamp, just ignore them. 
i know im the worst im sorry (ーー;) you can forget about me . please 
i looked up how to sage posts but idk so just pretend this is saged. SAGE!

I caved and bought a small amount of meat to make bagel sandwiches. Going to stop when I have more good tofu recipies. But I will usually make a sandwich with it or have it with melted cheese or butter or a spread like Nutella or something.

I got everything bagels this time. I also picked up a seasonal special wine that I bet tastes good.

I give her two days tops unfortunately, but MAYBE she'll really stay gone from this awful thread, but if so, I really need my damn X back. What a stupid fucking site, man, I should be able to tell someone to go jump off a bridge anywhere and anytime I want to.

if ki wont make a discord or insta or facetime or snapchat or kik or telegram or bluesky, then she doesnt deserve attention or to be popular. if x is the only means of interacting with her, thats not going to cut it! shes like a cute little crab that stays in the tidepool and is afraid to come into the ocean

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> Oh man, she is SO sexy when she gets enough sleep. What's the deal with the old man hand? Is that from somebody else, or is she a WHORE (AKA a girl letting someone just like us touch her and we are jealous)?
Shut up Delastelle. You look disgusting and you will never be a cute e-girl.

Real. Dude, I have a problem eating enough food to stay alive. I get nauseous from ANYTHING!! Skin and bones fetishism is fucked up. I worry about my ability to even stay alive much longer and here you are pushing an idea of intentionally starving when already thin as a rail.

Please tell me that's not Ki's tummy because that is DANGEROUS levels of underweight.

no sweetie thats called a very hot, sexy tummy that we would all want to lick honey off of. ok? just stfu and gtfo of here . youve been so normalized nasty obese oinkers that seeing a naturally cute skinny girl is shocking to you.

Skinny women aren't for sex. If your body can't handle giving birth in nine months it is not ready to take a dick at all. You gotta have at least a little plumpness to be able to really handle taking some big adult penis.

> Skinny women aren't for sex. If your body can't handle giving birth in nine months it is not ready to take a dick at all. 
Hey man I'm sorry that you haven't had sex yet. I hope you can lose your virginity and I hope it's meaningful for you. I've had tons of sex with a ton of women. Skinny women are always better

thats true but they usually adapt to their environment and assimilate to the culture they are living in, especially a girl like this who has no mind of her own. but she just comes off as a dumb american thot in her speech, clothing, posts, actions,etc

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I had noticed like the other anon that the times she most often posts would be very strange for someone who was living in the US. She also mentioned having visited Sweden and there were videos on her previous youtube channel of her and her families trip to France. 

This tweet and the time it was posted seems to confirm that she's living somewhere in Europe.

Actually the smart ones START college at 16 in Europe. Even if she was in Europe, which shes not, she was raised in the US for most of her life given that horrible vocal fry valley girl thot voice. So either way it's super funny she said AP classes must not be a thing in her country since she had never heard of them. Americans and Canadians have AP drilled into their heads the second they enter the most retarded basic honors course.

why is she even entertaining the idea of taking orbiter money if her family is so rich lmao? i miss when egirls were actually unwell like us. instead now we have a bunch of wannabees pretending to be awkward and mentally ill because they like the aesthetic and the idea of having a legacy.

she was entertaining the idea. she told anons she might let them buy her things in exchange for pics then asked questions like what kind of gifts shed get in return lol then when an anon called her a whore she claimed she was never going to do it

Ki-tan's female oomfies are so mentally ill I'd never voluntarily speak to one of them unless she was begging me for sex, and even then I would hesitate because they might be trappin'.

oh, ki. you sweet thing. you notice how this thread is becoming less active dont you? im sure you do. youre reaching a critical point ok? the point where either you post here more and open up to us more and let us into your life, and let us buy you cute things, or the interest in you is going to fade. its already fading. soon no one here is going to care anymore. is that what you want? if so, ok i guess. good luck i guess. its sad though because you have so much potential, but you wont force yourself out of your comfort zone at all.

i never pretended anything and i STILL have never said that any of that stuff is true :c 
i think it would be funny to put a small bruise on my face just because, it literally wont even hurt much because i get bruises from literally nothing :p 
i hide my face with my hands a lot because im posting/being posted on a board among really gorgeous girls lol

like looks or personality or both? im not going to ‘rank’ them because it feels creepy but here are my opinions, i will admit.. the more i talk to someone and appreciate their personality, the more beautiful i find them.

i think vamp is so beautiful and unique looking and i think she could easily be a model, shes also been extremely kind to me and i love her aesthetic and little interests i think shes so sweet. 
i think cewl is super pretty, her aesthetic suits her and i think shes really funny and cool and i see her like older sister vibes, she always reminds me of grass for some reason.. lol, in a good way.
im obsessed with belle delphine but idk if she counts so i wont talk about her much but shes just in my soul and heart always especially her older aesthetic before the whole kawaii egirl onlyfans stuff.
i dont know much about kay but ive lurked her thread a little and she looks insanely cool and perfect and im envious of her pretty hair and style.
i havent talked with bee much but im honestly intimidated by how cool she is.. i love her haircut and she looks like she could look good in literally any aesthetic ever.
i obviously adore agatha and bia because they are cuties but everyone adores them so theres not much to say.
one egirl i dont really like much is iris, this is kinda unjustified because shes not mean at all, she hasnt done anything bad so this is literally entirely in my brain but i just dont like how she pretends she isnt pretty.. she always posts about how ugly she is and how nobody likes her , but then all of her posts get loads of likes and positive comments.. she also constantly talks about wanting gifts/money and stuff from people. 
this are basically my opinions.. im not sure if i answered this right lolol

> i havent talked with bee much but im honestly intimidated by how cool she is
She's literally in an open relationship with a confirmed child molester who's responsible for grooming 1/4 of the girls on here when they were 14-16 then leaking their CP. She also turns quickly on other girls and anonymously posts behind their backs while pretending to be nice to their faces. Beware.

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o yea i love ciara too of course, i really enjoy her videos and the way she talks, but i dont know much about kennedi at all other than shes perfect 
also im suiuiper obsessed with regular skinny eugenia before she got too skinny  
also also donut was kind to me in dms and i think shes cute but i dont know much about her

Don't hit your pretty little face, idiot.
Hit your cute butt instead. That'y where a girl like you deserves to be slapped.
Spank it until it's red and then show us.
Or better yet, record a video of it.

>  just dont like how she pretends she isnt pretty.. she always posts about how ugly she is and how nobody likes her , but then all of her posts get loads of likes and positive comments
Oh you mean like you, huh?

What the other anon said about bee dating a serial pedro is correct. She also completely disfigured most of her body with cuts.
Be is completely mental, even if she can talk like a normal person.
I know you don't care about any of this though.

> o yea i love ciara too of course
Ciara was pretty at some point, but also blackmailed people and other egirls with CP.
She was human trash.

You're hot without makeup.
Also, stop covering your sexy lips.

a girl like me ? :c
> Oh you mean like you, huh?
not at all! sometimes i feel ugly but all of my posts arent whining about everyone hating me or wanting money and gifts.. and my comments are from my mutuals where she gets like 100 likes for a video of her standing.. -_- anyway its cringe to talk about that stuff but yea its just why i dont rlly like her :p
> She also completely disfigured most of her body with cuts.
i dont think thats relevant, its mean to bring that up as if it makes her a bad person. she’s beautiful and sweet and fun 
> Ciara was pretty at some point, but also blackmailed people and other egirls with CP.
whaattttt no way!!!? 

im covering a spot on my nose :p

> a girl like me ? :c
Yeah, a skinny pretty one like you that likes to show herself off. Your little butt was cute in that one photo and I'm sure it'd look adorable when it got spanked a little. Give it a try.

> if it makes her a bad person
Somebody who has issues that can end up rubbing off on other people, is what I was trying to say.
It DOES paint a clearer picture of her and why she accepted a certified child abuser into her life though.

> im covering a spot on my nose :p
It probably looks cute on you though!
Come on, don't tease us like that, that's unfair! Show us your entire pretty face.

It's not fair for you to dislike Iris. The reason she acts that way is because people on here genuinely hate her and have for years. Everyone bullied her for being black and called her a nigger every day. She only just recently got attention on twitter, I'm talking like two months ago.

no iris is annoying because she posts herself all the time on r9k and here and gets tons of guys calling her pretty, guys begging to play games with her on twitch, and she still says shes ugly and no one wants her. she even had an asian bf. and yet still says no one would ever date her? thats annoying. shes a fake femcel.

there are no "femcels"
If you are female,you get to have sex,its as simple as that
All femcels are just mid women who want chads to lower their standards for them but are unwilling to do that for mid men who are more realistic partners

> if i was a guy id want to be rich and spoil pretty girls because it makes me so happy when girls are happy about gifts their little smiles aaaaaaa
And yet you wouldn't let me pamper you...

> it feels like id be exploiting you in some way
You know that's not true.
You don't want it because you don't want the stigma that is associated with it and the retards here have maybe already ingrained in your mind.

i know you all think im a brainless idiot but i actually do have my own opinions about things. i think its weird to accept gifts from completely anonymous people on a whim, either theyll expect something in return, theyll try to gather sensitive information about you, or they are just lonely and in that case, i think its exploitation to take things from those people, who just want attention or love. im sorry if this is rude but i just really dont want to get involved with that stuff from people i dont know, even if your intentions are completely innocent

> im sorry if this is rude but i just really dont want to get involved
I have already accepted that earlier, I was just pointing out the kind of hypocrisy in your tweet. lol
For me it would have been transactional and I am pretty sure I was always been very clear about that?

This has nothing to do with stupidity.

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well if someone wants 2 do something like that thats not nsfw and its not strange u can dm me on twitter about it and ill c but ahh now it feels like im asking for gifts and i dont want to be one of those people but if its nice and normal ill think about it, if anyone WANTS to

You were so off put by it, so I never bothered with it. lol
Like you don't know for sure what you'd be ok with doing and what not, and I don't want to pressure you.
So I'm just going to drop the topic.

Marina is fucking cool.

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okay!! u can dm about it if u want but i think its just complicated now so its fine :> 
marina is da coolest i love her sooo so much her aesthetic is my favourite, i listened to teen idle like 928493 times a day when i was 14 and emo LOL i think it shaped my whole personality forever

loll i actually do that all the time whenever i feel like i look fat but i just didnt cut it out of the video because idk i wanted it to be acknowledged that i know my arm looked big so that people wouldnt talk about it as if i didnt know

Don't call your own mental health cringe. Why would you do that?
Downplaying your issues is just going to make you suffer longer.
Screw the butt pic, if this is how you think about it and what you do, I definitely don't want anything like that. It's very off putting.

> how do you always know its me (╥_╥) 
We've got a special connection~~~

I think it's obvious to most here actually. lol
You always reply to negative comments.

> my stomach hurt
Probably because you didn't eat enough, girl!

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