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so bee is friends with delastelle, the notorious groomer and CP poster who keeps ban evading because he's addicted to grooming? I guess that says a lot about bee that she is back on cewl's pedro server hanging on with notorious pedrophile Delastelle.

> wholesome picnic date, she must love baking mm imagine her cooking
> no food in the photo whatsoever, just a bottle of juice from the store
Girls like Bee are always shit at cooking because they live off fast food, mommy's slop, and frozen junk

I think Bee should show us that birthgiving pussy, probably all stretched out from giving birth to her incel son. Sosa's little dick doesn't do shit for her anymore so she has to use a giant dildo whenever he falls asleep so she can cum.

Because that's not what she actually looks like. That's from when she was HEAVILY filtering and editing her pics. She still does, but not as much lately. Her lips aren't actually that big, as you can see in candids and the OP image and other recent pics that don't have so much editing. She stopped doing the forced pufferfish pout that made them look bigger, too, thank god. That face made her look so fucking bad:  >>/116772/

Bee, if you're reading this, I have been a hater but I support your recent looks. You look so much better and it's definitely healthier for you to ditch the editing and try to work on your appearance by eating right and taking care of your skin. Ditching the bangs makes you look a lot better too because it balances out your face. And I know you think dark circles make you look like a classic qt chan girl, but you look much better with a full night's rest and some makeup on them. Sometimes it feels like you've tried to nerf your looks to appear more homely to appeal to the whole autistic egirl idea but you look better than ever now that you're softcore looksmaxxing and learning what works for you. 

With that aside, I still don't like you. If you ditch the pedro pandering and get a therapist I probably would.

She mentions a baby like once every few weeks, which just wouldn't be the case if you were a single mom and taking care of a new baby 24/7. Newborns take over your life. Also, why did she never have a pregnancy bump?

uhhh that's not a baby bump? thats just bloating. she documents every part of her life and is such an attention whore that if that's the closest thing she ever posted to a bump, her baby is definitely fake. she also never talked about giving birth. she probably just missed her period after she fucked that ugly mexican and thought she was pregnant so she ran with it.

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> her baby is definitely fake
I never want to hear this shit again.
Michael Sosa is a pedrophile who impregnated Bee.

im actually laughing at this "evidence". she probably told him she was pregnant because her period was late or something, and he believed it. but then she realized "o im actually not pregnant and not having a kid well ill still keep the lie up cause that will get me a lot of attention!"

also you realize anyone faking a pregnancy can put baby clothes on a wishlist to make it seem more believable?

with how much bee is an attention-seeker (constantly bumping her own threads self-posting, baiting people into complimenting her, etc.) she would NO DOUBT post baby bump pictures and ultrasound pictures. that never happened, because she was never pregnant.

that still... literally proves nothing? someone could have bought those for her when she lied to them about being pregnant.

the fact is, she is an extreme attention-seeker and love sympathy and compliments from people. if she were actually pregnant, she would have been flaunting her "pregnancy journey" and being a mom constantly. she would have AT LEAST posted an ultrasound photo. but she never talked about being pregnant except for when she might have thought she actually was...? or when it was the beginning of her lie and she was hyperfixated on getting people to believe it. if she actually had a kid, she would talk about her struggles as a mom 24/7 because she loves sympathy from people. but she almost never talks about it, and only really mentions a vague notion of a baby when someone questions her about it.

Be real. None of these things make sense to post when you’re involved in these online spaces and discords. The list she posted is something recent too. Why would she want people to waste money on that unless it’s for a different Bee person.

kek she posted that because she saw people were getting on her ass for the pregnancy and whole ass kid being fake. if she wanted to post actual proof, im sure if she were pregnant she would have an ultrasound photo and a baby bump photo and she can post that, otherwise she can fuck off because it's obvious she's trying hard to post "evidence" now. wouldn't be surprised if this was her im replying to also, considering her "dedicated simp" is sus as fuck and is definitely her just self-posting every single day.
doesn't exist and never has. you can look at the photo where she posted her bloated belly and use your imagination though.

The extreme skepticism you have and distorted perspective of the dynamic around her could only arise if you were only paying attention on here I think. No one in the servers she’s in is demanding proof and it always seems she has multiple simps in them. You come off as schizo if you’re not trying to bait her and you didn’t really address the logic of why she’d post a list recently with 3 items purchased.

literally just said why she would do that. because she checks her thread 24/7 for bumps and saw the skepticism. why would she suddenly post about her baby now when she's being called out? everything she's posted is easily something someone who is faking being pregnant/having a kid could (and would) post, because legit anyone can buy a few cheap things off of a wishlist and return them or lie to a random about having a kid and have them buy those for you.

how about she posts her nursery that she has for the kid? because if she actually has a child, she should have a room with a crib and all baby essentials.

I noticed this poster was posting here the same time Donut was posting in her thread claiming she wasn’t posting in others which is hard to believe.
You are definitely Donut because this was the same thing you were saying on Discord.
I mean one you have no proof that whichever post here is her and that she “checks here 24/7”, but you definitely do considering how fast you openly reply to your own thread and admit to obsessing over other girls threads. You’re just schizo posting believing which ever posts here are whoever you want them to be. And two those things combined aren't cheap together and returnable. It would be an extremely wasteful larp. Also you never addressed how it’s stupid for anyone to post sensitive things on image boards such as these and affiliated discords. Notice how every other person who has kids in these groups is reluctant to over share in regards to them as well. She literally gets nothing out of posting good enough proof and in reality where she’s interacting with people no one is asking for it.

dumbass because she posted a bloated pic at the "beginning" but never posted anything afterwards. she's so self-obsessed that she would be posting pictures of her with a bump during the "pregnancy" and talking about her kid for sympathy points constantly. 

kek if you think $50 is expensive then you're definitely a child or living off of welfare checks. she also could buy it and return it like i already said, or someone could have bought it for her (since she has so many simps right?). it's weird she randomly posted that after skepticism arose in her thread.

also idk why you're acting like you found out who the zodiac killer is. after the mods exposed me for samefagging, ive never tried to pretend to be anyone else or denied that it's me when i'm posting. do you want me to sign my name at the bottom of every reply or something? lmao

She has anorexia brain and has already stated she got fat while pregnant, I don't see why a girl who cares so much about her appearance would post pictures of herself where she "looks fat."
Perhaps you are coping this hard because she can actually afford to have a baby while you abort your own spawn like it's going out of style?

Besides the fact that you’re too autistic to see that’s a joke and ignore all other serious posts. No one is going to provide proof to an idiot that says Satan makes her kill her own babies and wishes death on others children.

Going to predict right now that when the day finally arrives that a picture of the baby gets posted Hoenut will still be here pounding her fists on a table screeching about it either being AI generated or somehow staged by professionals like she did with Pukara's baby photos/candids.

Remember when you said none of your boyfriends ever loved you? I’m sure this is where all your jealousy stems from because even though Bee is fucked up, girls like you, Medoi, Vore etc. are much more unbearable to be around.

You said it on Discord and you never said they were obsessed. It was explained one only wanted you for sex at times as an occasional slampig and the other keeps in contact because you keep threatening to expose him.

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Man this place got boring since Cewl fucked off. Bee and Vamp are too likable to get the deluxe Doom treatment, I don't know who kiki is or any of the other girls with active threads and do I care to get educated, and Pukas threads a cringefest(not the fun kind). The girl I'm associating with now is actually fairly sane and we're pretty good for each other.
I miss the toxicity of this place.

Anyway, Bee r cute in like a mentally ill way. Hope you're doing good Bee.
< 3

Delle, if you read this, fuck you. I miss you, you cocksucker.

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You will never understand how difficult it is to be a man trapped in a mans body and you have no right to judge me. I recently transitioned from a man into a man and I've never been happier.
Unlike you I'm not afraid to be my true self. Stay mad incel.
Not really friends, We talked in private a few times and she seemed really down to earth and relatable.
I ended up ghosting her for reasons unrelated to her. I was going to readd her but than i was just kind of like fuck it and eventually found a new besty that takes up a good amount of my attention and kind of forgot about her and the other e-girls I've been trolling/simping/baiting/bating with. Just dropped in because like i said before, I kind of miss the drama this place can produce. Chaos is the best drug for a nihilsitoholic.
> What do you like about her?
Her personality, she's cute, I get the impression that if I met her before Cewl we would have hit it off and maybe become friends but it is what it is. She seems nice like enough of a person well still having that "I'm batshit fucking insane" aura.
I like sticking my dick in crazy, and if possible, I'd stick my dick in Bee :3

god i love bee she’s so cute. her adoration for other egirls is something i value in her, where other girls are catty and pick me like, she loves other women and doesn’t put them down for male validation. donut chan could learn from her.

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