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yeah you’re right I understand. Alright I’m sorry and I don’t condone any of the harassment towards her, please stop if you are. She didn’t do anything wrong. Mods, if you could delete the posts with the photos and the social links, that would be appreciated

plenty of these girls are decent people but people are still desperate to post them and nitpick. i will say, there is a lot of irony in “lucy” being an orbiter herself and openly gossiping about girls with other people (including ole asteriaa) but having the gall to freak out the second she’s posted.

I think, if she wants that info and photos removed, she should simply just request such herself, along with providing timestamp for verification, of course. I really think this would be best for everyone.

> I am so much better than everyone for being so trad and pure and Christian, I see most women as beneath me and hopelessly lost! Truly I pity them, if only they would read the word of the Lord
> Btw look at this pic that barely shows my face and is 99% my bare legs in a skirt which I'll feign ignorance over. Oh and I used to talk to Sosa daily and sent him lewd pics too but stop talking about that because he's just an evil guy, ignore what I did

as one of the autistic theorycels from the ken thread, this is such a painfully obvious misreading of that book. why is a tradcath also trying to larp like she would agree with anything whatsoever from what’s effectively a radical feminist leftcommunist takedown of both the patriarchy and bourgeois feminism and how both are internalized by everyone (it’s not just about women despite the name). it even rips religion a new one. did she even read it or just like the excerpts ken used to post on tumblr? and lol at “my bourgeois conquests” just immediately signals that book is not what she thinks it is about. what on earth. 

of all people, why do so many girls either want to be or look up to this specific autistic communist radical feminist, even the girls who supposedly hate everything she stands for? will never understand this phenomenon. seems like these girls don’t think very hard.

Idk but I'm glad she did, she's such a whiny bitch. Loves acting like she's morally above everyone in e-harem/grooming servers but why is she there in the first place? Maybe she finally realized her hypocrisy.

Doubt it, she always comes back to them. She’s done this many times. Spends every day scolding everyone for being degenerate and not pure enough while she’s doing the same exact shit as everyone else, it gets pointed out that she’s doing the same as everyone, she leaves, then she comes back to post selfies every day, repeat.

I follow her on letterboxd I don’t really see how shes a ken wannabe through that. She is pretentious for sure but she has completely different tastes from Ken. Time to stop labelling all academically-inclined pseudointellectuals as Ken wannabes, its actually an insult to Ken.

> Time to stop labelling all academically-inclined pseudointellectuals as Ken wannabes, its actually an insult to Ken.
Time to stop upholding Kennedi as an intellectual just for having an interest in literature/philosophy, its an insult to authentic female academics

You explicitly mentioned the possibility of posting things that could be 'used against her', including her school and place of employment. Those were your words. Seems pretty clear what the intention was. Engaging in or promoting real world harassment, or any other form of illegal activity, or posting content that will enable or incite others to do so, or could be interpreted in such a way, is not allowed. This stands whether the information is public or not.
As to the comparison to how content regarding Kennedi is moderated, as far as I'm aware this girl did not intentionally share her full name, and there is a distinction there, one that has been made on this board in the past. The situations are not the same and so they will be moderated differently with regard to the level of personal information that will be allowed to be posted. 
And, by the way, it would still not be allowed to post Kennedi's place of employment, if she had one, or to encourage actual harassment of her.

How did that file get nearly instantly deleted? It wasn't even a bad photo and nothing identifying was in it, just some random people. I don't get how that would be instantly removable considering all the pics posted here of people's entire families without consent.

I see. I wasn't the one who posted it, just curious. That makes sense, except the second point since that applies to a lot of other photos here too. Not trying to say you're modding wrong or anything though. I agree she deserves privacy.

It’s because she lurks and has definitely been in contact with the mods. she is super paranoid bc she’s very academically focused and there’s stuff online that could be used against her work and school life. also the photo I posted above doesn’t have any personal info so yes it is special treatment. meanwhile other girls on here get revenge porn posted of them, which is illegal, and kennedi’s pics of her whole family and her as a child have been posted and nothing was done about it.

The obsession with comparing her board treatment to kennedi’s as a justification to doxxing is odd. What’s with the vendetta posting against lucy obsessively finding her personal info to share like her Linkedn? Did she steal your ebf or something?

It's funny how many different people we've been accused of giving 'special treatment' at various points.
In the case of other similar photos or personal information on the board that isn't removed, I will say that there is a different standard if the subject has openly, willingly, and intentionally shared their full name (as have, for example, Kennedi, Ciara, Marky, Sunny,) since in these cases, there is nothing really to dox. Everyone already knows their info and there's no way to change that. But I wouldn't feel good about enabling the proliferation of personal information that isn't already out there, and that could potentially lead to harm or harassment, especially when it seems to be for no apparent reason. If this girl was continually attention seeking in chan-related spaces and/or engaging in nefarious activities, I might feel differently about it, I don't know.
> the photo I posted above doesn’t have any personal info
The name of her school can be seen in the photo.
> other girls on here get revenge porn posted of them
I don't know that to be the case.
> kennedi’s pics of her whole family and her as a child have been posted and nothing was done about it
The circumstances are completely different and Kennedi hasn't indicated that she has a problem with those photos being posted.
If everything else is cropped out it won't be removed.

Who cares about that mixed that keep her ass out of the sun trying to be fair and end up with a yellow greenish terribly ugly skin tone that even with filters she looks bad and ashy

I highly doubt that considering her prudish behavior and whole tradlarp persona she wanted to maintain.
Anyways is anyone following her instagram? I've been requesting for a long time and she never seems to accept despite her being public before

No, it was posted casually in chat and the discussion wasn't about lucy. All the ticked e-girls and also others in that list, like kasper and satyrn, have been leaked.

All e-girls have nudes. The real question is whether they have been leaked or not.

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This has piqued my interest. Is there any more info on this whole situation? What was this person trying to blackmail Rhea with and why? And where did she know her from in the first place?

I've looked into this a bit.
The 'Mio' referred to, who used to go by 'clownworldvictim', and was supposedly also being blackmailed, is this person: https://www.instagram.com/wrtheringheights/
I found her mentioned in the archive by her old username here: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/59458733
Her and Rhea both follow each other on Instagram.
Evidently, from the screenshot in  >>/26775/ Mio was involved with online 'extremists' and had her nudes passed around.

The 'Tristan Ricks' person who is claimed to be a Nazi and pedo was also mentioned here:  >>/18320/
So evidently that Vivi girl was also involved in this same circle. It's said that Vivi e-dated this Tristan guy and it's suggested that Rhea may have also e-dated him. Is there any more info on this guy or his relationship to/with Rhea?

Now, also in that Vivi thread ( >>/18299/) there was a post (later deleted by mods) alleging that someone named Brandon had created the thread and this post also contained a link to a doxbin with, of course, his dox, along with other information about him. In the doxbin it's alleged that Brandon is a pedophile with a history of stalking and harassing women and initiating sexual relations with underage girls online. The doxbin also contained this link https://files.catbox.moe/hneq3m.MOV of some girl (I don't know who) talking about her experience with Brandon. But the interesting part is this: around the 4m 12s mark of this video you will see some screenshots of DMs Brandon had with some other guy where Rhea is mentioned; this is where the attached image is from. It looks like Brandon may be referring to her when he says he 'used to be close to her', and like the prior comments in the conversation are also about her. The full context of these messages isn't entirely clear, but you know what it looks like they're talking about.

All the details of this aren't clear, but, putting together the pieces, it looks like Rhea/Lucy, Mio, and Vivi were all involved together along with these Tristan and Brandon guys in some sort of alt-right/nazi-larp grooming server, or gc or the like, where underage girls pandered to pedos. What was the full extent and nature of Rhea's involvement with this group and these people? Her friend Mio apparently had her nudes spread in those circles; was Rhea also sending nudes to this Brandon guy and possibly others, as it looks like she may have been? Was that part of what this 'thousandknives' girl tried to blackmail her with, possibly due to some intra-group drama? There's probably a lot more to this.

lmfao the siege mask, fucking classic.
Anyway has anyone been able to access her instagram recently? I've been requesting for a long time without being accepted. Seems like she's gone schizo mode and locked down her account and is not accepting any new requests.

I have always thought she was pretty nice looking. She has that asian hapa egirl streamer look so I wonder why she sought attention from incels on discord rather than just started streaming or something. Always the 0 input fags shitting up the board with racebait.

Anyone have any recent pics of her? I don't know her socials.

Yeah but shes not exactly like Ken? She likes anime and popular anime, completely different literature, music, and film taste, different aesthetics- Ken is more vintage and Rheanne is very modern.

 You can't just cherrypick the most popular leftist theorists (Marx, Zizek, Fisher) and say she copied her, because Ken copied every single other breadtube leftist then in that case.

You can't just cherrypick one artist they both like, when Ken is vastly more interested in John Maus, and Rheanne only ever listened to Maus in 2020.
Also Im not sure about her politics but last I remember shes still a tradlarping TERF with minutely leftist economic ideals.
And all of these egirls are pick-mes with exclusively male friends. I don't see your point.

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Pathetic Ken wannabe.

How about you get your own personality, hoe? Oh, sorry, forgot you're just an empty skinwalking husk loool.

> of all people, why do so many girls either want to be or look up to this specific autistic communist radical feminist, even the girls who supposedly hate everything she stands for? will never understand this phenomenon. seems like these girls don’t think very hard.
Because Ken is an ALPHA BITCH in sheeps clothing. Other e-girls have an instinctive urge to mimic her as a show of submissive behavior. It's biological.

being a lawyer is the worst decision anyone could make and instantly reveals someone to be a soulless insect person. and no man gives a fuck about career women so you couldn’t make it any more obvious you’re lucy herself. she took inspiration from ken with music and movies so much she used to get accused of copying ken on the daily which made her rage every time, and we all know the “movie” she’s making is going to be absolute shit. imagine having so little going on you put that you’re working on a personal film on fucking linkedin. ken also comes from a heap of shit in the middle of nowhere from abusive redneck druggie parents and an ex who tried to kill her, while lucy was groomed from birth to become a lawyer by rich gook parents yet still spends all her time online baiting for attention from pedros like sosa. and ken is still smarter and more interesting than lucy ever will be.

taking the l to admit i misread making moves as movies but all my points still stand. she’s seething because she has to become a lawyer to “make it” despite the tradwife larp because she knows no man wants to support her unlike ken.

You're all pathetic she has a bf rn and looks like shes happy with him and throughout all this she has not returned to attention-seek at all how do y'all keep bumping this thread with 0 milk

> she has a bf rn and looks like shes happy with him
She's been dating him for years and while doing so she still sought attention on discord pedro servers, posting risque photos of herself, flirting and meeting up with guys from there irl. Tbh a lot of the time it seemed like she was hoping to find a new bf in those servers (in addition to the usual orbiters and paypigs.) She would also talk about wanting to marry rich and openly said at least once that things weren't going well with her bf. I feel kind of bad for him because it doesn't seem like she's that into him and is kind of just with him by default at this point and will drop him the second a better opportunity comes along.

I mean, she was even talking to guys like Sosa and Seymour, too, accepting money from them and sending them God knows what in return. It's actually really fucked up all the stuff she was doing behind her bf's back and these are only the things we know about.

I'm pretty sure no money is ever given without the expectation of reciprocity and that it always entails obligations and was actually for bikinis and lingerie that she'd been sending him and asking him to buy for her.

If you've ever actually spoken to Seymour he says that a lot of the money he sends  to various egirls is just out of good will such as paying for uni books, money for drugs, money for clothes. Besides if Lucy had lewds in the hands of the likes of Seymour they'd be out by now- they always get leaked

samefag here, yeah its fucked up with her bf but they're still together so he clearly probably enjoys it or they sorted it out. Its funny because compared to other egirls Lucy never did anything too risque besides attention whoring and pandering to incels for a month and were still talking about her 2 years later.  Honestly this normie bitch is not worth the constant bump to first row. Everyone says she has nudes/lewds leaked and yet we still have nothing.

hate to be that guy but yougotta stop eyeing these girls that are seas away from you, you'll find plenty of girls like these where you're from if you just made an effort. lucy probably doesn't know you even exist. think about that.

lol. wtf do you think this board is. obsessing over girls you'll never meet is the entire point. and if she doesn't want this kind of attention from people she "doesn't even know exist" then why does she shill herself in places like this? like what does she hope to accomplish with that, what's her motive? it's literally her job to be a fantasy gf, and she's failing at it.

Ok but after she was posted here she literally cut off all contact with this community. She went private, she left all the discords, she definitely got into contact with board mods to attempt to remove her doxxes and probably remove the thread as a whole. It's been 2 years and her thread still gets bumped at least a few times a week and for what? To gossip about her nonexistent activity exclusive to monthly instagram stories? Its not lik she asked for a thread to be made about her?

> Its not lik she asked for a thread to be made about her?
she was the first person to mention herself on this board. just like she was the first person to post about herself on 8chan.

so what exactly is it that she wants?

I think she just wanted to experiment and try something fun with her hair for the summer, because she won't be able to do stuff like that once she goes back to work and when she starts working full-time

notice the beautiful innocence in her face in this photo, contrasted with the photo above where she has dyed hair. she has lost her innocence, has most likely had sex and betrayed all of her beliefs. you can see it in her eyes. its heartbreaking.

The feminine wants to lean into the masculine.

She wants to enter his world, feel his strength, feel his protection & submit to his guidance.

When a man leans into his girl, he reveals that he feels needy & lower value. He reveals that he has a weak mindset, and that he feels dependent on her.

This is exactly what turns her off. She is looking for strength and confidence in a man, not weakness.

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By leaning in, you unknowingly reveal your feelings of inferiority. So don't do that. Stand up straight.

It's your frame. If she wants you to hear her better, she should be the one to lean into you. SHE should bring herself to your level.

When you lean in, you ruin the polarity between you and her. It subconsciously shows that you value her opinion more than your own. 

You are at stage 1.

Lmao this is even worse than something Kennedi would post. The fucking filter over a generic party picture where she's dressed slutty while surrounded by men, all of them holding beer with a gay ass tryhard copied and pasted poem by one of the most overrated writers of all time. It's like she's always trying to seem more artsy and intelligent than she is but it's all so surface level shit that would only impress skinnyfat guys wearing bucket hats like the ones in the pic.

shes drinking? wow. thats really unfortunate. i used to talk to her when she was on discord and i remember her telling me whenever shed meet up with the irish discorders at a pub, she would insist on just drinking ginger ale or water while everyone else was getting wasted. shes was very anti alcohol and drugs, a real goody two shoes. she was a hardcore catholic tradgirl. but i guess thats all a thing of the past now. you finally caved to peer pressure huh lucy? couldnt stand by your morals , you had to start drinking and having sex and doing drugs like everyone else. i hope youll have a good explanation when you come before god and face judgement

> she was a hardcore catholic tradgirl
It was a larp to appeal to online men in these circles who overwhelmingly prefer conservative girls. That's all it ever was. Now that she no longer prefers internet attention, she's pandering to the men around her irl instead, who naturally want her to show off her titties in cosplay outfits, pretend she cares about old /mu/core like Swans and Boris, and get drunk every day. There were never any real morals in place. Just female social manipulation on display.

I still remember her fucking whining and making fun of people (almost always other women) for being less "pure" than her on discord every single day, despite her being close friends with Sosa of all people at the time. Now look at her, lmao. I'm willing to bet she still does the constant holier than thou act too, just without pretending to be catholic now. 

I bet her finally getting fucked by her first bf is what made her stop caring, since she used to whine any time someone mentioned having sex, spazzing out and saying they were going to hell for it and they should be ashamed. Now that she finally got a taste of what she was always secretly jealous of she couldn't care less.

she literally has her tits out on display in the op pic bro

22 hours in the past week lmao. she probably does nothing inside most of the time and plays vidya desperately waiting for one of her faggot friends to invite her to get drunk and it’s the highlight of her month.

I've said it before here
If one girl is talking shit about another for being a slut or any other kind of moral judgement it is almost guaranteed she is jealous or trying to deflect from herself doing the same things.

Yup. Now that she's finally fucking and getting drunk, I bet she copes by saying to her friends "yeah, I know I do these things too, but I don't do it like THEY do, which makes me better than them. I do it DIFFERENTLY which means I'm BETTER."

Multiple hours of video games a day isn't low unless you're a male NEET with nothing else to do. For a full time student who likes to pretend she's always busy, that is a LOT, especially for a woman. Women who play too much video games are not to be trusted.

i thought she was not only a full time college student but in law school or whatever. she shouldnt have time to get drunk and play video games every day. do you think she dropped out?

> Women who play too much video games are not to be trusted

I've met a couple of them and their playtime is like 70-110h in 2 weeks. 22h is just 1.5 per day. normies waste as much time on instagram, tiktok and netflix

Lol, I still remember you sperging out and having a meltdown and attacking her just because she said she didn't want to fuck a bunch of random dudes and preferred to wait until marriage. You shouldn't still be this mad years later, sneep. Becoming enraged because some girl DIDN'T want to be a complete whore is insane.

Hanging out with friends, consuming a couple of alcoholic beverages, and possibly having had sex with her long-term boyfriend? I always knew she was a fucking larping whore!!

nta but ive literally never heard of that user so you must be lucy if you still remember a rando making fun of you years ago in a discord server that was an offshoot of an offshoot of a hundred other discord servers. seymour also used to get on your ass about christianity, but seymour is seymour so. 

samefag. it’s okay pretty girl. you can be happy and not listen to the peanut gallery.

> Catholic tradlarp
She literally went to catholic all-girls school so its not a larp. 

> Now that she doesn't want internet attention she wasnts irl attention by cosplaying
Also shes always been into dressing up and cosplaying, even since during and before her time on discord and 4chan.

> Pretend to care about /mu/core
If you look at the likes of her RYM she's been into /mu/core stuff like Swans since she was 15.

It checks out that random newfags on this board wouldn't actually bother to read up on an egirls history, that would be too much work.  It's almost like you fags want vapid whores who just post nudes and reject girls with actual hobbies and personalities. I don't doubt that her morals have slipped as she drinks now and probably even smokes or does some normie drugs but that kind of experimentation in college is expected at what? She's like 20 now

vaping is cringe but girls that smoke now do it because they're the type who try to act like boys/only hang with guys or because it's le obscure vape alternative. from what I've seen you might as well treat it as a red flag because they're usually way more mentally unstable and whorish than the average woman

> why? he gets to cum inside her every day
I feel like if she feels the need to post pictures of herself half naked then maybe not. Big slap in the face to him imo because as her boyfriend he should be the only one seeing that kind of stuff

she has a bit of one especially on some words but i guess you can't really hear it there. reason it's only slight and she sounds kind of american a lot of the time is because she was born in the philippines and i think lived there until she was ~7 or so.

Thing is I think she was around 14 at the time she did this judging by her hair and when the movie was released so it didn't really have that connection with roastie egirls back then. Plus her short her was pretty cute

This is such a specific and defensive post you have to be her. No one else would know so much about you at FOURTEEN years old or care enough to make a post like this kek. The movie absolutely did already have a connection with roastie egirls too, Ciara was doing joker makeup well before her death.

this makeup is so cute on her I’m in love.. 
always freshly manicured nails and simple makeup that really suits her. She’s always so put together, AND is smart, well-read, amazing taste in literature/film/music, knows multiple languages and instruments, and has her shit together school and career-wise at her young age. most accomplished egirl on here

There isn't anything ambiguous about her ethnicity, she's just Filipino. Both her parents are Filipino. She lies and makes things up about her ethnic background a lot, usually pretending she's hapa when she's not. For a while she was saying she was Chinese (she isn't.) I don't know what the point of it is.

I love this gif. She looks cuter in the joker makeup than any other girl that did it. And I know there's no way this gif is the only content of her with this makeup, either, she must have taken a bunch of pics/vids with it on, an entire set. I need the rest.

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i remember when she first got into vaping back in december of 2022. she posted this pic of her new vape she'd just gotten. she said she just wanted to try it to be cool like all her friends. but that was it, she was hooked. within a few months she was talking about how she couldn't even get out of bed in the morning without having a dab. it's all been downhill for her ever since.

he's genuinely so fucking hideous i dont understand what she sees in him. he looks like an ugly fat pig with a TERRIBLE haircut and she looks like a model compared to him. and dont tell me his personality is good because i can already tell this man is an average 4channer gooner. i hope he's paying her thousands of dollars a month just so she can be in the same vicinity as this ugly turd and his ugly 4chan friends who are likely retarded misogynists. another example of asian women falling for the ugliest white men. even that indian/arabic dude in her class is more fuckable than this.

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In this pic specifically you can see how much of a tub of lard he is. She’s dating the most objectively unattractive man out of the 5 of them. He looks like he smells bad and I bet his lardy pasty white fat belly peeks out when they fuck

you’re all losers that do nothing but harass and stalk girls trying to live their lives because you’re too pathetic to try and build something of your own lives. seriously seek God

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