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Alright you absolutely retarded faggots that's enough. Vamp is my friend, very dear to me. I don't like to post here if I can help it but vamp doesn't deserve to deal with this shit and she certainly doesn't need a new thread.
The video is real, but the girl isn't vamp and the man isn't me. I didn't even have a valid passport so I couldn't leave the country even if I wanted to. I thought I made it clear enough when it was getting posted around but the same 2 or 3 spergs keep bringing it up. I figured they would run out of steam or trip over their flimsy story after enough time so I just ignored them and encouraged vamp to do the same. They're just baiting hostility or trying to stir up drama.
The backstory to the video, is that it was posted in an irrelevant r9k discord server where people were trying to make me out to be a pedrophile because a lot of people didn't like me and they knew I was in contact with vamp. They posted it because we really did look quite similar, but there are some dead giveaways like how it looked like it was recorded in 2008 with a fucking nokia.
It shouldn't be taken seriously obviously, because this place is purpose built for making shit up and bullying egirls... But unfortunately not everyone is sane or aware of that reality.

yeah, yeah, i know the drill at this point

you were stupid and confused blah blah and now you're reborn christian/muslim/whateverothercult and don't give deep throat blowjobs anymore

the thing is vampy, I WANT MY BLOWJOB TOO!

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I intend to, and I do think its stupid that vamp is still here even after all the unpleasantness this brought her.
I can't force her to leave but I can make it abundantly clear that she should and that there's no reason to feel like posting anymore.
This has been a public service announcement. Have a nice day.

That Santa hat photo is probably the first one I saw of her last year, in that thread where she called herself ugly. She really is a cute girl. Sucks we won't get any more pictures, but leaving this place is the best outcome she can ask for.

Alright Its actually over for me. My ex friend texted me and told me that mf sent the pics to everyone on my following list. 
How do I cope with this shit now, everything I had is destroyed and I even have extreme social anxiety so I dont even know how i would conform these people irl. Its pretty bad, Im going insane

It's not the short hair doing it. It's the makeup. She's insecure so she tries to imitate egirls that people thirst after on tiktok. Doesn't suit her. Vamp, you're very pretty with natural makeup and barefaced. Don't have to try to be someone you're not and I'm glad you're trying to embrace your natural features lately.

I am aware that I should not be here, but I cannot help myself due to the overwhelming fear I am experiencing. Everything I have shared thus far is true, and these issues are significantly impacting my personal life. I wish this were a mere dream or some kind of illusion, as I long to go back in time and change everything. This situation is entirely my faul,it was inevitable, but I never cared enough because I believed I was mentally stable enough to avoid such a scenario.What makes this even more challenging is my craving for validation, and now, no one can see me in a positive light. It feels as though everything is over. However, there might still be hope. If I can change my mindset and gain control over my thoughts, I can make myself not care as much about others' perceptions. After all, this situation primarily affects how people view me and not anything more serious, I hope. This whole bs has consumed my thoughts this past week and I am not functional to do anything else besides think about this. 
I was supposed to block this website but I have so little controll over myself Its crazy I am so dumb. I cant even kms how do I deal with this

You still lack imagination where I have experience vamp. It can and it will get worse if you continue to make it so. You need to leave. Good decisions are rarely made out of panic. You could have prevented all of this if you just told me early on. I really don't think you deserve to feel like this but you're wasting it if you don't let it motivate you.

you haven't done any long-term irreparable damage to yourself. it'll suck for a while but you're in a very salvageable situation.
the whole
> no one can see me in a positive light
is just the initial panic doom that hasn't been digested just yet. you'll be fine, but you really should disappear from the face of the internet at the very least for a little while. the less you make yourself known, the less sand you shift and the more you minimize your chances of actually getting screwed over. people will forget about you and that's exactly what you want.
ye it'll be a battle stopping yourself from incessantly checking these places but you just gotta trust me on this one, find a distraction and forget about all this shit. it'll still be here for a while, but it'll eventually blow away. everything does.

> I am aware that I should not be here
why? we have done literally nothing to you

if anything, you shouldn't be on discord with underage pajeets

> What makes this even more challenging is my craving for validation, and now, no one can see me in a positive light.
you have nice tits, does this count as positive validation?

> craving for validation

that's normal, what's not normal is trusting ENTJeet, I don't understand, you could've just shared your tits with that one dude from your country who you talk to on r9k sometimes, I'm sure he would've loved it and it would've been a million times more secure than fucking ENTJ. How did you end up talking to that piece of shit?

like fuck dude, before my fembot gf shared things like that with me she had my SSN, my phone number, my address, and we would spend all day talking to eachother. She got to know me really well, and that's what kept her safe.

on second thought, the fact that you E-girl'd at all probably made it impossible for you to ever engage safely with others. It puts a huge target on your back, and makes people be fake to you. I suspected there are discord groups where people coordinate and plot how to fuck over egirls.

Can someone post the "Sextape" of her and dizzy? Vamp and dizzy swear it's not them so it's legal porn and it should be no problem to post. Or where could I find it? I just want to see if the moles match up, and why anyone ever thought it was her, since she confirmed it's not.

this is very true, egirls love non-white men

> Vultz and cute Russian fembot had Asian bfs
> Tahlia dated Mexican, admitted to being attracted to Indian men and Asians
> Marky dated a Brazilian
> Ciara, Kasper, Lily fucked Marc Linden a mulatto
> Iris fucked an Indian man
> Vamp sends nudes to pajeet
> Bee with Sosa

fuck you so much , if you knew how she was you will not be so kind to her, she take advantage of my insecurities and i trusted her so much enough to show my face and my life details but she still was so mean, she completely deserves what is going to happen to her xd

You have no idea how much this sucks and hurts. I can barely find enjoyment in anything since theres just something wrong with my head. 
I destroyed my whole life because I wanted to find a reason to kms. I haven't felt happiness in a really long time, or maybe thats because my memory is so fucked up. Now Ive got the reason but I cannot pull the trigger since I'm a pussy.

lina please I am so sorry I didn’t mean for any of this happen I just want you to talk to me again and to give me affection and to comfort me i am so lonely it is insane ;-; i really meant it when I tell you you made my summer

No more arguing in my thread. Only nicepilled people are allowed, Its time for a dictatorship..Only If mods let things in my hands. 
Have a great and wholesome week everypony

Also, this goes to that anon who added my letterboxd from here. Do you even enjoy watching movies or you like torturing yourself?!Not even a single movie with a five star. Sorry for stalking tho

Yeah, not having any five star ratings isn't really something I did on purpose, it's just kind of how it ended up. You can just think of my 4 1/2s as 5s, it's all relative. Using a 9-point rating system rather than 10 kind of makes more sense to me anyway though, because 10 has no mid-point. Basically I rate films I'm ambivalent or indifferent to 2 1/2, and everything above that is stuff I liked to varying degrees, and below, disliked. So I 'enjoyed' anything I rated 3+.

Well, interesing rating system. I wish I didn't rate my movies since I am pretty shit at doing so but now Its pretty late to do so. 
> why are you such a stupid bitch?
It's addictive and it's hard to go outside my comfort zone. Consider this as self-harm since I cannot physically do it. 
> Why do we have to keep telling you to leave?
> stupid bitch
You gave the answer to yourself.

That's what I have been saying my whole life. I never blamed this on others even though, people had a big impact on how I view and perceive myself. For me to completely leave this site and the internet aswell is to self-love which isnt that easy as you think,for me atleast.

Vamp why dont you just post anonymously ? You of course know that every post you make just brings attention to your nudes right? You know that it's still on the clearweb and actually extradonarily easy to find? Just stop Vamp, the e girl run is over and nothing of value was lost. Go make friends with people who you can actually talk with and you dont need to wag your pussy in front of them for their attention, stay anonymous

while it's true there's nothing I can do to actually stop her, I think it's better to at least try, losing all hope in something is not the way to go. i don't want her going down the route of girls before her, nobody deserves that

I forgive you but just stop whatever you are doing and dont do this to other girls again. As you said actions have consequences and they definitely catch you too.
Anyways ill stop, dont do anything silly. Things arent going good for me in other aspects too  
Ok I'll try leaving my egirl persona even tho its hard for me to get detached from it. Ive always wanted to be a niche figure when I was younger so i took opportunity to start it on the chans since it wasnt going to well in normie social media. However looks like its nothing how I perceived it

> . Ive always wanted to be a niche figure when I was younger so i took opportunity to start it on the chans since it wasnt going to well in normie social media. However looks like its nothing how I perceived it

How did you think this would go? honestly. By the way about suicidal kid larp ENTJ is doing, I know you're trying to be political and hedge your bets but it's funny you don't just call him a nigger pajeet and tell him to go fuck himself already. He's going to do the damage he wants to do it's out of your control, every word is deceitful and he's proven this already. You don't negotiate with these people they get off on it.

> i never even talked with her
There are literally screenshots of you talking to her and in her server.
> i didn't groom pukara
Yeah you failed and then sperged out and attempted to harass her off the internet.

I guarantee this guy has done the same shit to other girls too. He tries to get close to girls while collecting their info, which he then uses against them if he doesn't get what he wants, contacting their friends and family, extorting and blackmailing them.

yeah he does to a bunch of girls. hes a manace. legit personality disorder haver. he sends a bunch of girls nudes and brags about taking advantage of him. hes retarded tho and he sent a pic to me once confirming hes 15.

*menace *them
he sends all this shit in my server openly and says he "doesn’t know what he did" and is ""confused"" to why the girls get mad when he sends their nudes to their irl friends. if he was a girl he'd be the biggest eslut ever. he's basically a pedro groomer prodigy.

vamp, the cope needs to sptop

you got groomed by a 50yo pajeet larping as a 15yo twink

and even then you only got sloppy seconds after aztec queen saw right through him, you were a side piece

its so over 😭

naur i’m not vamp. it’s possible it could be a lie but considering the shit he says in my server, i don’t think he’s lying about being a 15 year old mexican boy. the pic he sent is of a far ugly boy, if he was larping he could at least pretend to be a twink skinny european or some shit.

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A year ago he said he was 19 but somehow now he's only 15. How does that work? He's obviously not underage. He larps as a kid to make it easier to get closer to underage girls, to make himself appear less threatening and to make people think he's impervious to consequences for his actions because of his age, and so he can do his little "i don't know what i did >.<" act.

damn! i thought there was a little boy in my server….. just another pedro *sigh*
but idk if it’s the same person in the screenshot, he goes by ougi and seems pretty stupid. but then again i’ve met plenty of adult retards. 
fuck him, i hate fake face reveals now he’s gotta send me a real one.

I don't know, but my case is isolated I guess, they are literally about to send me to a fucking psychiatric hospital lmao and I literally don't care, I'm still completely in love with Lucerne, I will take her eyes to every prison that locks me up

…lina listen I know u don’t want to talk to me but u ruined the only friendship I had…. the least u could do is talk to me for a couple of minutes, if your goal is to make everyone happy that would honestly make me so happy so please…

kat ( my friend ) forgave me for being mean but vampy had to ruin it and tell her what I was doing and now I have no friends thank to her. It’s all fine tho bc vamp saw what kat did because of her fault :3

dumb commie whore, the fuck happened to each according to his needs? what do you think incels need, your fugly caked in makeup selfies?


This is an imageboard, not a forum for shilling discord links.
Besides that, it's not allowed because it can be used to circumvent board and site rules which we have no way to moderate. And this server in particular we've received multiple complaints from several people about it containing cp and hosting doxxing campaigns. So it is not and will not be allowed here.

she has commited suicide, a close friend that knew her irl said that she OD on pills. Its on local albanian news aswell if anybody is interested to read. A police investigation has been opened so someone might get in trouble. RIP she really didn’t deserve it…

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Haiii frens and haterzzz,I am back and apparently, according to some, I am texting from the deepest circle of hell! Jokes aside, thank you to those who've been nice and sweet to me despite my silly degenerate actions that have resulted in severe consequences. I deeply regret what I did, even though it was an act of self-sabotage. There is no excuse for it, but demoralizing and humiliating me is too far, Anons. I don't think I am a whore, and I won't let society tell me otherwise.I may be uncertain about myself and mediocre at understanding who I am as a person, but in the end, no one understands me better than I do. Others can't and will never determine my worth. I'm struggling a lot to develop a healthier mindset, away from societal expectations. I really wish I could be autonomous once in my life instead of always expecting others to help me, as I won't always have hands to reach out for me.
I understand that many of you are sexually frustrated, but there are a lot of insightful things in the world beyond just a bunch of e-girls. Enjoy life before it drains the little energy you have right now. I didn't wish for things to go this way, and I really thought people liked talking to me, but I was wrong. That was just a mere delusional utopia of mine to cope and believe I had a personality when in reality, I feel so blank inside.
But I promise I'll work more on understanding who I am so I can excel in the things that actually interest me. Maybe I should try to be a more expressive person in real life so people don't think I don't care about them. There are so many things to improve, and I suggest my friends here do the same. Engage in things that make you happy and try to work towards a healthier life. Enjoy the wonders of nature and reconnect with it if possible. Immerse yourself in the green, shiny grass and let the greenness flow through your veins. Transcend into the trees.

ALSO As a communist, I don't owe any of you sex. I am a virgin and will stay that way until I find the right person. Just because my political beliefs support public property doesn't mean I am public property. Stop watching porn, which profits from the addictions of incels and the degradation of women. Stop financing them for the sake of the next generation (not that past generations were any less degenerate, despite what traditionalists may claim).

Not all communists are egalitarians, as everyone seems to misunderstand due to socialist realism propaganda. Marx argued that advocating for equal pay in one dimension can lead to inequality in other dimensions since it would be unfair to "pay" the same to people who have the same ability but work different amounts.
I really wish we could turn this into a comfy thread away from drama. Wouldn't it be better if we were just nice to each other and talked about random stuff or even vented?
(drawing is inspired by aspie chan, also don't mind apu apustaja I made a mistake while drawing him. I like sketching for fun silly things)

> ALSO As a communist, I don't owe any of you sex.
The female race as a whole owes me sex.

> I am a virgin and will stay that way until I find the right person.
What if I'm that right person tho?

Also, you're not e-virgin anymore, you lost it to that Mexican pajeet.

> Just because my political beliefs support public property doesn't mean I am public property.
You make yourself public property by posting here.

> Stop watching porn
I'll stop if you give me your pussy.

> Wouldn't it be better if we were just nice to each other and talked about random stuff or even vented?
But I AM venting.

Vamp gave you the option to be comfy with her and you're rejecting that implying her only value is her pussy. Yet there are many pussies online that are free. So using this information I think you write this kind of stuff to vamp specifically because degrading a young lonely girl gets you off. That is really sad

I'm all for being comfy, but only after I get all of my basic needs met.

And I'm not implying anything, I'm telling her to be the change she wants to see by giving me some pussy so that I wouldn't need porn.


Thank you for sticking up for me fren. I really appreciate it. I dont get it where is the fun degrading people in the internet. Humans are very weird creatures, Its crazy how we are so alike and different at the same time. 
Keep your schizo tendencies outside my thread. How do you people come up with things like this? A bohemian opium smoking forum, really? I dont even smoke opium, dude.. 
> get real your HOLE has been USED
Let me get it straight to you, women are humans not objects. You dont USE them, silly. 
You're not an incel but a fakecel. There is plenty of women your age who would probably go with you, however you decline since apparently you believe you are a manchild and worth of teenage girls. Stop it, women your age are fine and beautiful aswell.

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> You're not an incel but a fakecel.
Cope. I had never had a gf, and had to pay money to lose my virginity. I'm as incel as they come.

> There is plenty of women your age who would probably go with you
Real talk, I DESPISE those women. Can't fucking stand them.

Not only are they ugly on the outside, they are even uglier on the inside. ROTTEN.

Rejected me when I needed them the most. At my WEAKEST.

Now I don't need them anymore.

> however you decline since apparently you believe you are a manchild and worth of teenage girls
I decline because they want me not for who I am, but for what they can get out of me.

I might as well give all that money to young girls than to some haag.

It's not my fault that you've got rejected and I am sorry for that.. 
Older women aren't ugly inside-out they've gone through alot and age like fine wine.

> I decline because they want me not for who I am, but for what they can get out of me.
Do you not see the hypocrisy, really?

> ALSO As a communist, I don't owe any of you sex. I am a virgin and will stay that way until I find the right person
you sent that guy nudes though. why cant i get to cum to your cunny? i want what they have just like you commie hypocrites want everything else people have. incels are sex starved. if you think its ok for incels to watch cute girls like you make other guys cum then its also ok for homeless people to starve while other people eat mcdonalds and get fat

and he delivered all of them here, quit whining. You arent even a communist so why are you asking for "equal" pay. Anyways commies dont demand that and we don't want everything else people have. 
Such a weird analogy you got there...

> It's not my fault that you've got rejected and I am sorry for that..
You're not sorry. You reject me too. 😭

> Older women aren't ugly inside-out they've gone through alot and age like fine wine.
Yea, they've gone thru a lot of Chads lol.

You don't know them vampy, they are jaded mercantile bitches with an IQ of a dog.

> Do you not see the hypocrisy, really?
What hypocrisy? I like young girls for who they are.

> if you're in that position, you're not an incel
Cope. Betabux is an incel too - women don't want him, there is no passion.

Haags want commitment from incels, while being okay with sharing fuckboys in their youth.

You decide for yourself if that's really what you want. I'm personally is NOT okays with this.

> that's laziness or insecurity, not necessity
I didn't get any pussy so I was FORCED to pay for sex. That's a definition of necessity.

You could make a Benny Hill skit out of the way I lost my virginity. It was VERY stressful, I literally needed to psychologically BREAK myself.

> Cope
it's non-negotiable: if you have have the choice to sleep with a chick but don't, you're not an incel
> I didn't get any pussy so I was FORCED to pay for sex
not getting sex =/= no capacity to get sex. and protip: if you truly exhaust your options besides solicitation or force, and all the women you've tried to get with didn't want you, they're not the problem.

I have the tape, but it's not vamp or dizzy, it doesn't really look like them, and it's not cp. It is the video that was passed around the servers back then though. Send me your disc, and I'll give you the pornhub link after payment

> it's non-negotiable: if you have have the choice to sleep with a chick but don't, you're not an incel
I don't negotiate with cunt worshipers

I was an incel throughout my most formative years. THAT'S why I will forever be an incel even if I get bitches raining down on me from the Heavens.

Once an incel - forever an incel.

> if you truly exhaust your options besides solicitation or force, and all the women you've tried to get with didn't want you, they're not the problem.
yeah, I know the drill, the female race can do no wrong, I'm the problem, yada-yada

sex is a social activity in human species, it's not about individuals, and it's not about me

> I don't negotiate with cunt worshipers
you couldn't if you wanted to
> Once an incel - forever an incel
probabilistically yes, technically no. incels are redeemable in theory.
> the female race can do no wrong
they can and do, plenty of it, there's just a point at which your problems are caused by no one other than yourself. the idea that you couldn't ever be at fault here is just pure narcissism.

Fight the voices of the Devil, you can do better! Sinning only dooms you and brings nothing but suffering contaminated with eternal misery! 
Take the nice-pill and you'll find the path to happiness. Dont be ebil plz 

Also guys im I still capable to pursuit a career in politics with all my digital footprint here?!Please I want my delusional dreams back, they would atleast keep me sanee and motivated.

yeah I just thought i'd comment and point out you're samefagging your thread to appear relevant.

Also I'll remind everyone you are a gay man larping as a girl, as if it weren't obvious from your photos despite the angles and filters.

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Well you are technically right, I forgot I come from an extremely anti-communist country which is highly misogynist. 
How can I make my threads less drier?!
Do you even know what samefagging is? I am not larping to be anyone but myself. Yeah I do talk alot in my threads because I am bored and its just really fun talking here

lemme get a closeup on your eyebrows so i can make fun of u :3
anyways idk if u forgot but this is agatha so half the people here are mentally retarded , instead of posting compllicated comunism shit that only few people would understand you could try talking about more general topics , by the way i been meaning to ask but why do your fotos always have weird filenames

Nuh uh, my eyebrows are pretty bad and I am too lazy to fix them myself  
Well you're right, I dont think talking about philosophy or anything "complicated" will make my threads less boring. I just have no idea what else to talk about since those are my special interests since I was young. 
> by the way i been meaning to ask but why do your fotos always have weird filenames

Lmfao i dont know what to name them 

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XP she did like lol, she only copes by saying she sent it to sabotage herself so she can feel better that it got leak but tbh i wish she would have at least been honest about it to anons..
anyways enough derailing the thread wit this, even tho she haven't changed, what's past is past and vampy forgavee me already so :p

Goooood morninggg fren!!
But anon, i look better w make-up on. :(
Why would I cope by saying that? It makes me seem more like a whore that way so there is no point in projecting in that kind of form. 
You used to threaten me with doxxing and before that you would derail my agatha threads cuz I was ugly

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