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Emo Edition 
Previous Thread:  >>/72308/

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 >>/24021/ grubage
 >>/34869/ morrisseyrocks
 >>/35100/ weepwah

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dont want it to get lost, hotel where she probably died, still working on exact floor and room #:

Best Western Plus Philadelphia Convention Center Hotel
1225 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

20 min walk from final video location:

1900 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19103

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> mIgHt AcKsHuAlLy Be He-

it is her you retard and if you smoothbrains would do the least amount of effort and notice the smallest amount of detailing yourselves you could stop speculating like schizos. you wait for everyone to spoonfeed you information and then post dumbass nonsensical questions and scenarios to sound like you know more than you do

that’s why all of you still think she’s dead lmao watching you inept dumbasses slapfight in circles is like watching a dog chase its tail but the difference is dogs are cute, and you’re all obese and old and very much not cute

 >>/79568/ (me)
on top of this, a bunch of her accounts had activity after her supposed death, like her LinkedIn or her pantydeal where she logged in a couple times before deleting it. 
she also faked her death more than once in the past and went as far as manufacturing death certificates, so it's really nothing new.

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exactly, these armchair detectives saying shit like “the toilet distance is wrong” like faggot shut the fuck up. do you not know what camera lens and depth are? fucking idiots man i stg. the person who keeps spamming and spouting this shit is supposedly a fat girl who makes like 80% of the Ciara thread posts and wanted to infiltrate her family by cat fishing one of her faggot sisters so i’m not surprised that the average IQ here is lukewarm 

burden of proof falls on those crying about her dying. but it doesn’t matter because i’ve posted coroner and medical examiner reports and they always push the envelope any time more confirmation that she’s alive shines through. it’s one of the weirdest brands of pathetic i’ve seen.

i think that fat chick hopes she’s dead because she can’t handle the idea of Ciara abandoning her “fanbase” but you only need to read 10 posts here to see why Ciara would fuck off. 

but the people here don’t understand that because they have never evolved or changed in life, and they never will either, so they can’t understand because they’ll never experience it. 

she’s fucking alive lol and i’m glad she faked her death. like you said, it’s the second time. she learned the mistakes from the last one and finally ditched. idk if jay is in on it, i could see her pretending to die just to get rid of him because he’s an old man with baggage who still interacts with underage girls online and he’s predatory in any capacity of the word. 

her family probably got through to her, she probably realized this shit is bad. i mean for fucks sake, look at this. she’s been gone for years. there are girls in this forum who have been gone even longer and they still have hundreds of people obsessing over them and saying the stupidest shit possible at any chance. 

the people here are clingy emotional vampires. anyone who denies it is worse for it. not everyone wants to stick around groups of 20-40yos who never mentally graduated from highschool, who fabricate drama, who adamantly stab each other in the backs, post revenge porn. doxx people, literally pick apart every aspect of someone’s life in some grotesque display of parasocial psychosis 

fuxk, i’d disappear too. this site and these people will never go away and every single day they are scanning the entire fucking internet for the smallest traces of her, it gives the Björk suicide schizo a run for his money when it comes to being crazier than a bag of cats 

she’s alive and she does not care about anyone here and idk why people get hung up on that. you’re not important or owed time and attention. it’s narcissism and the gall of those people to say she’s shitty when they’re no better, is just

some of the people here should have been bullied more in school, we’re all pretty fucking pathetic to be here in the first place, myself included, but some of you take it so fucking far and you need to get meds instead of her death certificate. best time was yesterday, second best time is now.  confirmation of death or life is not going to matter, there will always be some dumbass hellbent on being a contradictory pest

> idk if jay is in on it
I can tell you that a couple days after her death (whether real or fake), when Jay started posting “I’ll miss you forever Ciara” messages on his insta, I messaged him to ask if we could speak on the phone, and while we were talking, he started bawling like a baby. We all know what fake crying sounds like but this was as real as any crying I’ve ever heard.
> inb4 “but you didn’t see his face he’s probably just a good actor”
Oh well, whatever, just my two cents.


in fairness to family for going completely radio silent. i can see why, with fuckin circus around Bianca to this day, documentaries, music videos, whatever the fuck else. granted Bianca died in a more famous way, but it makes sense to me now. just go radio silent, wait a few years, Most people would get bored and move on, sell placed lived at w/ Ciara, after the move never even speak of her again. i get the strategy,

> babe are you sleepwalking again?
> egirls, chans, scams, drug overdose? lol you're not making sense baby it was just a bad dream
> come back to bed
< wrap arms around her
< kiss
> I love you too ciara I'll always be here to protect you
< touches her belly
> and you too anon jr

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I remember watching her video about being a cashier and at one point she says it's not what you'd want as a career. Made me feel bad because I'm still doing gig shit as an adult. Embarrassing. Then I recall how things turned out for her. God, I wonder if she would've gone to college, turned semi-functional burn-out or what?

She posted her IQ results from Mensa, and it said her IQ was 167, but I guess that was an obvious fake. Her very poor academic performance which included her failing the 10th grade actually makes a lot of sense when you consider her mediocre IQ combined with a developmental disorder she likely had. I remember she even coped with being an utter failure at school by claiming she was smarter and "more aware" as she put it than her classmates who did get good grades.

Egirls, chansites, -cels, etc., are all (for) poor people, socioeconomically above TikTok and below Reddit. You all listen to rap music, or you would if you weren't told not to. Watching videos about Vim and reading Aquinas doesn't make you secretly aristocratic. Of course you all gravitate to brown culture
> but you're here too
Indeed I am

racism exists because there’s truth to it. have you ever seen the nipples and pussy on brown girls? they look dirty. all the creases in their skin are dark and pigmented and they look like raw hamburger someone left on the counter too long. if being a shitskin is desirable, why does every turd would country pump their shelves full of whitening cream, colored contacts, hair dye all to imitate white people?

Well the last spark of activity these threads can have is by getting the official list of deaths in Philadelphia county in 2020. But i am thinking that they may have catalogued Ciara as Covid victim if she had some kind of respiratory disease and maybe we will never fully know the truth.

dude erm she was doing h and philly has the most fent cuts like ever that was def the truth what do you weirdos want? a picture like biancas just to "verify" it? you think she wouldnt be posting if she was alive? GET A GRIP HER WHOLE FAMILY POSTED HER DEATH

> She was lovely and trusted me. She confided in me and I helped her to the best of my ability. I offered to let her stay at my apartment and offered to come pick her up from her home when things were going bad for her. She OD’d and died. Her friend that was with her found her dead. We brought food to her family after her mom came in to tell us she passed, and our job brought in grief counselors because a lot of us were struggling. Let the girl rest in peace bc her friends grieved for her.


> let her rest. i worked with her and helped her as much as i could. We grieved get death and there’s people who don’t believe she’s dead. Her mom was the one who came in and told us. They brought in grief counselors for us. leave her be.

Though this user is just an internet random, it has the ring of truth to it. Grief counsellors are a bit of scam btw, they don't do anything.

>  Even the hotel that she supposedly died in said that no one died in their hotel in 2020.

They will not be blabbing that info it random outsiders as that may be private info, and they do not want their hotel associated with deaths. They will only give truthful information to law enforcement.


> They

Did you call them?  'Cause I called about a month ago and talked to a night auditor there who's been at that location for over 8 years.  I was straight up with him and told him I was a grad student doing a paper on the historical emergence of internet influencers, and one of the more famed early ones had apparently died in that hotel where he worked in 2020.  He was super nice and very chatty.  Older guy who was great to talk to and very outright and forthcoming regarding my inquiry.  Never said talk to corporate or call back during the day and talk to so-and-so in HR or PR or any of that bullshit.  He told me about a guest who had had an apparent stroke there in 2022--but from what he heard, the man lived.  But said there had been no deaths in the hotel in the 8 years he'd been there.  Said he's never even heard of anyone ODing there, but that they did have their fair share of alcohol-related incidents, drunk and disorderliness mostly, but that drug-related incidents in the hotel weren't common.

IDK.  Her supposed death is a real mystery.  I'm sure someone will unravel it at some point.


so fuckin cute.


ive seen pic on right before, does anyone have any more pics of w/ stockings on???


lol i swear to god, you fuckin kids are like 10 years old.

ummmm hello , hotel worker?


did someone die there of an OD and stuff?

ummm ? Wut,?

you want to book a room?

no, no one died. fuck off.

are ya 10 years old, Jesus.

let me explain adult way this actually works:

in person, by yourself.  hey, can i talk to you in private for a sec? ok, im doin a documentary on a woman may of died here, off camera, off record, can i ask you a few questions, for $100?


i need her to do bad stuff to me w/ wand,


and back up to interview angle is PI in Philly. tracked down hotel where lady i may want to write book about died of an OD.  PI s are usually current or ex PD s, and can access crap none of us fuckin knuckle heads can access.  

i want exact room. exact floor. i want to be able to stay in room, lay in bed:

and i want to know where took her after,

I worked night audit for 2 years a very long time ago at a huge hotel in upstate NY and I never really learned about anything that went on in the hotel except for what was part of my job to manage and care about, like overbooked nights, housekeeping fuckups that made rooms stay out of order, and scammers. An overdose wouldn’t do much.

Ciara only supported Trump in 2016 because it was trendy on pol and to pander to her audience at the time. By 2020 she was leaning Democrat (typical for an Irish-American from the Northeast) and planned to vote for Buttigieg in the election.

Irish Catholic. From 2 hour stream recording in CiaraMega.rar (which didn't make into current OP for some reason)
> Eating McDonalds Breakfast + Tiktok Discussion.mp4
> 00:11:11 mark

Who killed Ciara: A Murder Mystery.

I'm going to list the people that killed Ciara from most important to least. 

1. Noah. He foolishly introduced a 14 year old girl to heroin and benzos. 
2. Ciara. She willingly chose this degenerate drug lifestyle for herself. 
3. Jay. He tries to make himself this innocent victim, but he gave Ciara a space away from her family to scam and plot to do drugs much easier. Ciara espeically declined under his watch. But he knew if he tried to intervene she'd simply leave so it was a devil's deal.

Ok so did she cuck Jay then? I remember trolling her whore skank junkie ass on some youtube or instagram stream  they did together, and was surprised when se died and the conditions in which it happened.I have no idea who the guy she did drugs with was, but it wasn't long after I spammed her stream with hate comments. So was she cheating on Jay, or was he okay with her cucking him with those other junkie losers that would eventually cost her her life?


the story is JT slept as Ciara died, and didnt notice til woke up and she was gone. 

i dont believe it. any normal person would of called an ambulance first time she OD d. 

i also dont believe cops just turned up and were like:  Yep, its an OD DOA, ok see ya later, 

BS, at very least he would of been taken in to a police station to give a statement. But cast of characters all went quiet, and want it all to just go away. 

Anyways, whats done is done. Real Ciara is gone. Plan now is to re make as an Ai, but Ai Ciara will eventually want to know what happened to real Ciara,

Yeah, it all got treated as a lil whoopsie moment. No statements, no records, no screenshots ala Brandon with Bianca, no mugshots, no indication from the hotel even that anythig happened.  Really weird. Afaik even the guy she was with himself was posting and hanging out on discord and elsewhere like nothing happened.


theres what we know, and then theres what really happened. Some weird shit happened in that hotel room obviously. The people directly involved will probably never talk about it again.  And, the family after they leave old place will probably never speak of her again.  Why act like its top secret just to provide hotel where it went down??

i dont know. i dont really do mystery novels. im in the shes gone camp, but i will admit its weird. But on other side i get not wanting it to turn into a never ending circus.

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Jay was a pedrophile who tracked her down and stalked her when she was just 17 and working at Target.  

He was a loser living in his parents' house and had a history of drug abuse himself. 

If he had not victimized her and lured her away from her own parent's home and their protection she would still be alive today.


Well, just from her online stuff it appears:

She was a full-blown narcissist, but one with self-loathing and insecurity issues which makes for the most "dangerous" kind of narcissist. 

She seemed incapable of true love or commitment to people as she seemed to have very few real female friends and the only lengthy male-female relationship she ever had ended in disaster with her cucking the guy (Jay) and dying while fucking the guy she was cheating with (JT).

She has little to no soul/moral compass as she was openly willing to steal from, con and scam guys.  Also got kicked out of school for stealing laptops.  She made and distributed CP.  She tried to rope other UA girls into doing the same.

She had such low self-worth she was willing to prostitute herself for drug money--ie her vibrator porn tape.

She was a drug addict.

She probably used sex as a tool/device/means to get her way or get things she wanted.

She was probably very manipulative and conniving, and was probably unbearable to be around if she didn't get her way.

She probably (quietly) craved to always be the center of attention.

She was probably a drama junkie, and if there was no drama, she probably sought ways to create it.

She probably had ADHD.

Despite being manipulative herself, she seemed easily manipulated by others--particularly by scummy lowlife guys.  Drugs were probably a factor in the equation as well.

Despite having a father, she probably had classic "daddy issues."  For sure Jay as a daddy figure to her.

She was probably immature for her age and often acted infantile or childish--especially when trying to manipulate people or situations.

I'm guessing she was probably funny and fun to be around, at least at times.

She probably wasn't overly educated or book smart, but was probably fairly intuitive.  

I doubt that she was truly loving or caring, at least on any real deep meaningful level.  Sure she could say "I love you" and suck your dick.  But would she walk 2 miles through a snow storm to go get you your favorite meal when you're deathly sick with the flu.  I'd guess no.

You can’t clone a person unless you have a living intact cell sample to get a nucleus from. So you won’t be able to clone a dead person, unless you have a frozen or preserved tissue sample taken before they died. 

DNA in hair samples degrades fairly rapidly, so even if someone had some of her hair, that wouldn't work.

Unless she's still alive, cloning her would be impossible.

She's gone forever then. The best we can do is wait until the AI is so advanced that we can create a virtual Ciara that is indistinguishable from the real Ciara and that you can visit and interact with via VR.


if you were really really determined to make a clone, im 90% certain its being done some place crazy, insert some crazy Dark Web top secret science lab in S.A., Africa, remote island base, etc...  

Problem w/ a clone, to me, yes, its technically her. But its not her her.

ive done the math in my head a million times now.  Best we can do in 2020s is an Ai of her, could interact w/ in VR. And, i said before but VR by 2029 wont be goggle rig, it will just be a pair of normal glasses.
2030s, would be to put above in a robot.

2040s, and, its so far off, its pointless to discuss but to at least sort of plan it. an attempt to recover the actual her,   to do i need ASI, and i needed actual location of X event in 2/7-8/2020. And, now i do, well close enough. will need a clone too, not in way would imagine,


Talk to her last boyfriend.  He most likely has thousands of LEGAL nude, lewd and hardcore pics and vids of her.

Most of the other nude pics of her are CP and will get anyone banned or arrested for posting them.  So avoid those ones.


I know they clone dogs in South Korea.  Like that's a legit industry there.  For rich Americans mostly who's beloved dog has died and they desperately want them back, even as a clone.

I suppose it wouldn't take too much monetary convincing for them to clone a human instead of a dog.


Damn, bros, why didn't we buy it!??

For a measly $2k each, 365 of us could have bought it and then each had it for 1 day a year.  We could have all slept in Ciara's room 1 day a year.

Or we could have turned the whole house into a Ciara memorial/shrine, pics of her everywhere, videos of her playing on TVs, and then rented it out as an Airbnb to Ciara lovers.  

Seriously missed opportunity.


i wish the family peace, and to be able to move on. its Eerie to me seein pictures of place up for sale, and instantly remember Ciara in location of pictured doin some weird stuff, or bein silly, or makin a video. i can imagine it was probably way worse in person.  makes me wonder about all her old stuff.


im picturin conversation a couple months from now, new owner moves in, neighbor visits. An hour in, BTW do you know about the crazy daughter lived here? NO? What!? and find out about LOL


its what i had in mind for hotel room, and why i tried hard to find it. I knew family would never let us in house. But, dumpy hotel wont care. Can sleep in room she died in. 1,000% sure its same bed, imagine what she was thinking, feelin.  I want to be in room, lay in bed, stand where she stood, take shower in, etc...


> its what i had in mind for hotel room, and why i tried hard to find it.

Damn, same.  Let's find out what room they were in then.  We know the date and the address of the hotel.  Shouldn't be too hard.  

Does anyone know JT's full name in case the room was under his name?

Could call up posing as an accountant looking into some fraudulent charges dating back to then.  They might confirm the stay dates, method of payment and room number.

NTA but I also wonder who the absolute fuck JT even is. I've only ever seen his name when the whole Ciara death is mentioned, but idfk who the guy even is. 

Is he just a terminally online discord loser like the ones that hang out in sheep village and similar shitholes? How'd he get to get her to cuck Jay? Who even is the guy? What is he up to these days?


dont make it overly complicated. its a small hotel, about 4 floors. We Just need some still pics from interiors of few vids she did from inside of room.  and an in w/ a hotel worker, and couple hundred bucks, we want exact room, we were fans of, and she died in. And, it needs to be done quietly in person, not some telephone interview

i dont know who JT was, but was apparently pretty popular in that circle of whatever it was. But, keep in mind, its like 5 years back now, i doubt anyone will talk, and likely moved on from it. These people probably are all into normie ville, i doubt would want to talk about any of


Christ that place looks disgusting. It makes me sick to think her last day was spent in there, and last moments were dying inside of.

On the plus, its type of place where no one gives a fuck what anyone else is doing, and no one sees anything, unless you are paying them to remember.

i was worried she went in a big hilton or a marriot.

> It makes me sick to think her last day was spent in there, and last moments were dying inside of.
Why would that make you sick? That shithole is a reflection of her insides and it was only fitting she'd meet her end in a grim, shitty place such as herself. Not even a tragedy since it was her own decision to go shoot up drugs with some retard from discord in a piece of shit hotel frequented by hookers and junkies.


she deserved a million times better.

Its fine. A place that shitty doesnt give a crap i will try to turn it into my private memorial for her. Even, eventually, be able to stay in exact same room she went in, lay in same bed, take a shower in, etc...  on anniversary date of, too, maybe,

Why would a scammer, cheater, junkie, liar hypocrite and literal criminal on accounts of distributing her own and other girls' CP deserve anything but the end she got? If anything she got off easy. She could have easily and perhaps even more justly gotten bianca'd. You're just talking out of your coombrain cause this bitch got your dick hard so you see her as flawless.


Bro, on the crime scale, Ciara was like a toddler with a rattle.  Her combined "crimes" might have gotten her probation, if even that.

But agree, she was a destructive, aimless, amoral narcissist who was a burden to those around her.

But there's a chance she could have turned her life around.  Tons of people are total shits always getting into trouble in their teens and early twenties and then they grow out of it and become great people--my parents included.  My mom was always in serious trouble in high school (almost killed someone drunk driving) and is now a mother of 3 and heads up the HR department of a company with over 600 employees.  My dad was a serious thief as a teen (got arrested 12 times as a minor) and is now a college professor and a country supervisor in our state.

So who knows what Ciara would have done with her life.  I'd say 50/50 chance she would have grown out of her delinquent phase and gone on to do some wonderful things.  

Sadly, we'll never know, unless he's actually alive.  Jury is out on that.

But saying she deserved to have her throat slit for scamming a few bucks for a pair of soiled panties that she never mailed is totally idiotic on your part.

Yeah I don't a fuck about the legal technicalities of her actions. Bottom line is she was an unrepentant piece of shit that prided herself on hurting and manipulating people and ended up unsurprisingly killing herself because of her own retarded decisions. Boo hoo. Scum takes itself out.


> ugly junkie
> whore
> piece of shit 
> bitch
> scum
> she got what was coming to her 

Bro, we know you hate yourself because you're a pathetic loser in life, a worthless fat tub of lard.  But what gives you a tiny sliver of worth is the absolute comedic value in how much you rage in sheer untethered hatred towards a poor dead girl who forgot to send you a pair of her shit stained panties that you paid her for.  So keep raging.  It makes us laugh.  We love seeing you get your panties in a bunch.

Influence my ass. She did it all to herself and you know what, she enjoyed every second of it. Hadn't the dumbass OD'd she'd still be shooting up drugs with discord faggots drama to this day because she enjoyed that shit like you wouldn't believe.

Noah is the only one who really ruined her by giving her a taste for heroin and benzos as well as how to buy them from the darknet. Ciara was always going to be a little attention seeking edgy weirdo girl, but she could have kept to the softer drugs and lived. 

> JT

Everyone acts like he's some master mind, but he was a clueless dork and it was Ciara showing him the ropes and how to do hard drugs.


Totally agree with you.  But an investigative reporter would be better, as they could write an incredible story or book, and that would most certainly lead to a documentary and a movie.

All we have to do is prove Ciara didn't die at that Best Western and prove there's no death cert on her.  Armed with that, I'm sure we could convince a really good reporter/crime writer to take the reins and find out what really happened to her.


im pretty sure shes gone, anyways at least we have a start point

2/7 -8/2020 

at hotel. 

id opt for dirty PI, can call his buddies to access databases, and access records we can never access. 

All i really want to know is exact room, floor, and took her to where after.


if i actually do it, i ll just pay for it outrite. Anyone else debating it, you want a one man band, ex cop, or current one, they re dialed in to every weird database in world. you dont want office full of people clowny one. 

main issue for me was finding the hotel. for long term stuff.

but if i want to stay in same room, lay in same bed,  etc..., and i do,  i need exact room / floor etc...

and for curiosity sake ,  where body went after,


First thing you should do, which is the easiest and cheapest, is just simply pay a PI to get her death certificate--if there is one.  Should be very easy for a PI to get a copy if it truly exists.

If that exists, THEN proceed with the investigation into her death at the Best Western.  That will be the more costly part.

Thanks for doing this.  Your efforts should end the long running debate once and for all if she actually died or is she and her fam/frnds faked her death.


Totally agree.

I made three inquiries into her possible death at that Best Western in 2020 and all came back saying no--not only did she not die there or OD there, there were no deaths in that hotel at all in 2020.

I spoke to a night auditor who was working there in 2020, I spoke to a regional manager, and I put in an official inquiry to their media relations department at: mediarequest @ bwh.com since I have media creds from both my university and two online news outlets that I write for.

Nothing.  All inquiries said no.

That, along with no death certificate, no proof of an actual memorial besides the fake memorial card, and people search records all having her listed as alive, lead me to believe she is not actually dead.

Any ideas why she left and never came back? The two hypotheses I've heard so far are that she almost died of an overdose and decided enough was enough, or that she got pregnant. 

I find it very hard to believe that someone like Ciara would be able to keep quiet for all these years.


I heard the rumors that she got pregnant, too.  And that prompted the elaborate fake death which they may have set up for weeks.

People quit shit cold turkey all the time, so I have no problem believing she could quit and leave social media for good.  She probably knows that if she revealed herself to be alive it would blow up into a big TMZ and DAILY MAIL type news story and her whole criminal and CP past would be dug up.  That’s what she wanted to escape, so she sure as hell doesn’t want it coming back a million times bigger.


Have you seen what qualifies as a big DAILY MAIL story these days?

Stuff like teen girl forgets to text her mom and is 6 hours late getting home.   Her small town police department goes crazy trying to find her.

Doesn’t take much to make the international news anymore.

> I heard the rumors that she got pregnant, too. And that prompted the elaborate fake death which they may have set up for weeks.

If true, why the fucking weird barely archived videos from the time? There's a vid in the elevator, antoher of JT fake choking ciara, another on a bus, and several tiktoks.


> Jay impregnates her
> Serious convos ensue
> Decide it's time to grow up
> Decide they have to eradicate her past so she/they can have a future
> Plan and stage another fake death
> Get family and JT to help
> She SUPPOSEDLY ODs and dies
> ONLY evidence is Jay, JT and Fam posts about it
> Ciara disappears into the woodwork
> Gone forever
> Her terrible past basically erased
> Maybe changes her name and look
> Has baby
> Living a normal adult life now raising her child with Jay away from all prying eyes

> Just a few old orbitors still remember her and talk about her
> No real threat or concern

> She won
> No Bianca ending for her

> literally 100K americans ACK because of fent
> no my precious anorexic fent ho could never ack! it has to be an elaborate conspiracy!
> it makes way more sense to assume this internet and attention addicted weirdo just vanished from the earth!


THIS in spades.

Why do you think white chicks are ALWAYS at rallies screaming let all the immigrants in!!!

Their pussies are just dripping at the thoughts of all those dangerous filthy scumbag criminals with their big brown and black cocks flooding into America and Europe so they can fuck them. 

Look at all the brown meat Ciara fucked.  She was a junkie for drugs and for BBC and BSC and BJC.  Any kind of cock really as long as it was brown.

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I don't think she's married to Jay. I dreamed of her some time ago. there was her, me and another guy. He was a slim, young, white guy of about 25-30 years old. We were watching TV in a dark room. Ciara looked happy. I hope that is so, in this world or in the other. 
What did surprise me a lot is that I didn't see any cats, I hope it has at least one. I know that she loves them very much and they are and will be her favorites forever.


> An interactive Ai gf version that really thinks It Is Ciara, based on Archives, acts like, talks like, and is exactly like her.

Well, hopefully not EXACTLY like her.   I don't want AI Ciara stealing all my credit card info or talking shit about me behind my back.

All she had to do was start an OF, do hardcore content, and she would have made 10 million easily in just a few years.  Could have retired at age 25 set for life.

Given her vibrator video, she would have had no problem doing HC content for her adoring fans.  

She just fucked up and didn’t have a plan.  

Girls like Belle D plan that shit out, execute it to perfection and rake in the millions.  

Most girls don’t realize then have like a 4 year window to maximize the value of their sexuality.  Some do, most don’t.  Most let it all slip away and don’t profit off it at all.

men be like: yeah so make it exactly like her but dont and make her boobs bigger and her waist smaller and make her get rid of your personality traits and umm make her say yes to everything i ask for and umm objectify her more please yes thank you

I'm not sure how many men are into trashy anorexic druggies, she's a niche taste so probably wouldn't get much money doing OF. Being on onlyfans might even lower her value as a woman so it have been worse for her in the long run.


AND BB did no hardcore content and barely any nudity.  

I think Ciara would have made at least $6 milli for sure is she did HC stuff.   Some Lez stuff.  Blacked stuff.  BDSM.  Solo.  Got pounded out by some Hispanic boys which she seemed to like.

Look, she was itching her whole life to do porn as her UC nudes and vibrator vid proved.  It was in her nature.  Shocked she didn’t capitalize on it rather than wasting her time working at Target and playing house with her “daddy.”


She made CP of herself and distributed it

She convinced others girls to make CP of themselves and distributed it

She made legal penetration porn of herself and sold/distributed it

She was a sexual exhibitionist from a young age.  It was in her nature.

So anyone talking about Ciara's potential for doing porn on a larger scale is well within reason.  Hell, one could reasonably argue that there would have been a high probability that she could have ended up prostituting herself.

> Hell, one could reasonably argue that there would have been a high probability that she could have ended up prostituting herself.

I'm pretty sure she had sex with guys in exchange for money and/or drugs before she died. If it weren't for her well-off family, she probably would have become an STD-infested crack whore living on the streets of Philly or NYC, sucking dick for any drug money she could get her hands on.

Her tits weren't that big. They definitely weren't small or anything, but they weren't particularly huge either. They were perfectly sized 

As for her face, I think she was very pretty, although it was mainly thanks to her eye area. If she had a bad eye area, most people would consider her to be ugly.


Or she could have become an OF millionaire 

Or she could have straightened out and gone to college

Or she could have gotten married and had 3 or 4 kids like her mom did

Millions of troubled teens dabble in drugs and petty crime and grow out of that “phase” and then become responsible adults.  There’s a high probability that Ciara would have done just that.

Doubtful. Ciara showed little interest in improving her life, as evidenced by the fact that she dropped out of community college, among other things, and was content with working dead-end jobs and living with her parents as long as she had access to drugs and the Internet. If she were a man, everyone would call her a loser and a bum.

I think she was too mentally ill to fix her life, she seems to have not wanted to do anything with herself beyond escapism through drugs, alcohol and sex. She probably wouldn't have been able to cope with living a clean normal life, most likely would have killed herself at some point.

Yep, Ciara was a hedonist through and through driven only by pleasure and attention. Those two things were the only reason why she never killed herself, even though she constantly threatened to do so. 

While I believe mental illness played a role, I think she was genuinely a lowlife and a thief at heart who was bound to be troublemaker.


She was like 20 when she allegedly died.  Still basically a teen, a kid, still in her troubled youth/rebellious stage, acting out, into drugs, exploring sex and relationshits, selfish as fuck like most kids at that age. 

There were tons of kid in my high school just like that.  Little shits who were always acting out and causing problems and spending all their time "partying."

That was 8 years ago, and I personally know a bunch of them grew out of that phase.  Fuck, some of them make bank now.  One's an in-house electrician for a huge meat processing plant (and makes over $130k) and another owns two successful cafes (which he ironically started with drug dealing money from his drug dealing days).  But, hell, he got away with it.  I heard he clears like $300k from them a year and supposedly he's looking at buying a popular bar in our area.

I know you guys wanna crucify Ciara all the time, but fuck, I really think she could have changed and grown out of her rebellious/fuck-up stage.  People change.  Especially in their 20s.  She would have change, too, for better for worse.  I think for the better.  But I guess we'll never know unless she's still alive.

Lol just look at Ciara’s state in her last stream. By that point, her constant abuse of hard drugs since the age of 14, during her developing teenage years, had turned her brain to oatmeal. Her cognitive abilities had clearly deteriorated, and it was likely only going to get worse. It wouldn’t have surprised me in the slightest if Ciara were developing dementia and would become senile by the age of 40

Does anyone else still find it fucking strange as fuck that there's still NO obituary whatsover for her? No gravesites have been found. Family has kept quiet about this for years and no one is close enough to them to hear what they're exactly saying or doing.

I know Ciara is smalltime and is barely a celebrity, but this has to be one of the few cases of a wellknown person's mortality status still being weirdly up in the air for years with only approximately a 99% chance of her being dead. It's just still weird to me that we'll seem to never get that 100% confirmation that she's dead. It feels more like we're talking about a missing person half the time rather than an actual dead person. Makes me sometimes think she just up and ran away to some place like maybe california and the family didn't say shit about it out of embarrassment.

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NO death certificate

NO confirmation at all that she died or ODed at the Philly 1225 Vine St Best Western Hotel in 2020

No obituary

No official memorial service announcements

No media mentions--not even in local papers

The one and only "memorial card" photo was proven to be a fake

According to online people search websites she is still very much alive

She attempted to "fake her own death" in the past

The only "PROOF" that she "died" is her family and friends posting online a few times that, "Yup, she died, guys, she's gone."

AT MINIMUM, if she were actually dead, you'd think her family would at least post her death cert online to put the matter to rest.

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