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The bored four NEETs

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Woken by clattering, charged naked into the kitchen wielding a bayonete only to realise it was a RAT! Chased the RAT! around the kitchen but unable to get a clear shot the RAT! hid under the oven.
Very, very tired. Going to try and sleep. I miss cat, woe.

25 years ago every UNIX box, switch, and router we had in service had a serial cable going to a Cisco terminal server. The terminal server had both an Ethernet connection and a GSM modem attached. Very few reasons to ever need to physically touch anything.

faggot showoff gets what's coming to him
snake catchers should even be a thing
just snake shotgunners

There is a line up all day there.
Today I got there before opening and there was a granny on a two wheeled scooter shouting at each new liner-upper-er that "she was here first".
Some boong schitzo sheila sitting on the floor talking to herself.
Couple of fat cunts leaning on empty shopping trolleys.
There were two middle-aged dykes who cut the line when the doors opened.

Got a sausage roll from the bakery. The girl there looked familiar, swear she's the same girl as this high schooler who lives on my street, but that can't be because it's currently school hours. Wish I wasn't such a face blind autist.

I keep wondering how old Tintin is. He started adventuring in the 1920s, was still going in 1970s, still a twink. Seems to be old enough to travel by himself, claims to be a reporter, but never has a job.

The place I bought the Kia from had a couple of $300k RAM trucks in the room where the paperwork girl was, and the bonnet on those was about 5 feet of the ground. You could easily run over women and elderly men without knowing they were even there.

They should not give old ladies difficult to open bottles.
You were right that she could very easily have hurt herself doing those ridiculous things trying to cut into it.
She could not humble herself enough to ask a neighbour for help. Tell her that pride is a sin.

suck a fuck. This guy was a cowboy and a pair of gloves would have saved him. That venom will fuck him permanently, I reckon. We need less of these steve irwin lion tamer fuckers what dont respect nature and just want to get likes off of faceblurk. Its cool how a deep bite can snuff you out within half an hour tho, thats a good take home.

Lol. I was rolling hot into work super early and suddenly theres this body on the bike path so I throw the bike down and start yelling into this young guy's face who's snoring, HEY YOU WAKE UP RIGHT NOW cos it could have been a normie commuter having a vaxx attack or some legit shit. Then he's mumbling and his eyes start tracking and I look around and theres this big square flagon of cointreau next to him. I'm still yelling like OHO WHATS THIS HAVE YOU BEEN ON THE SAUCE YOU RUMMY and i tips the rest out, like one third and says I'M JUST GONNA LEAVE THIS HERE SO EVERYONE KNOWS TRY NOT TO PISS YOUR PANTS BUDDY  and just like that im back in the saddle and off to teh wage. 

True story.

Just got back from the cop shop. The pigs picked me up because some busy body complained that I was being a nuisance homeless but all I was doing was having rest in the park after my double shift at KFC, The boss wanted me to clean the deep fry sump and I was there until 4AM and just exhausted so I lay down in the park on the way home until my bus which comes at 5AM and was asleep and then suddenly theres this wanker yelling at me and accusing me of being drunk and he tips this random bottle of goon on me and says now everyone is going to think im a drunk, basically i got assaulted. I was so shocked I thought he was gonna rape me, I just froze and then the cops come and i'm covered in someone elses vile throwbacks with a smashed bottle next to me and the pigs frog march me into the paddy wagon and I ended up in the watchhouse with murderers and drug dealers and no one would beleive me that I was just exhausted. They went through my bag and found my uniform and must have called my boss because When I got my phone back theres this message saying I dont have a job anymore because KFC doesnt employ neets who get in trouble with the police. I really needed that job to pay my car off and basically the rent and food. Now I'm going to lose everything and be on the streets. Why does this happen to me?

I am playing Portal Revolution. The puzzles are okay but the computer voice is really bad. He is no Glados. I looked to see if I could change it but there is no option. Annoying American redditor style voice.

3 hours into the Hobbit and nothing but short cunts with hairy feet, dirty old wizards and that Smeagol creature. Where's my fire-breathing numismatist ffs? Granted it's free-to-air TV with lots of ads. And honestly the long build-up to the dragon's reveal is what makes its scenes so good, but still, I can only remain sober/conscious for so long.

Well rested. Calm. Had some chamomille tea during the night. Looking back I was in a serious state of anxiety for the past few days, I may need chamomille at least twice a week to function.

Decided I am just going to wear that incorrect colour polo shirt that Johnny Pigg sent me a while back. I don't need to impress anybody.
Still have to go to the ATM and get an onion and some orange juice.

Is it worth changing day old clothes and spraying some de-odorant before I go to visit a computer store neets? Surely the big stinky nerds there will accept me as one of their own.

> I hope you got everything I wanted.
Just got home.
No white onions. Apparently South Australia and Tasmania grow the majority of Australia's onions, but somehow our supermarkets have none.
Having one of those On The Menu cheese burgers and a Balfours snot block for lunch.

I have used those tabletop ovens for years, they are good, looks like it will be easy to get your money back if it craps itself. Bad thing about these is they are are basically impossibe to keep clean on the inside walls even with regular cleaning, crap is going to build up.

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I had thisafternoon planned nicely. It was sunny and had to go vote, then get some crimps and heatshrink from  Jaycar. Had the bike in the car. Was going to going to ride around Maroochydore and i soon as i got there Nigger weather started blowing in from the ocean.

Fuck it. Plan B. KFC acquired. Bottle of champagne cracked. Let the gooning Commence. Not even sure if there are any moofies worth torrenting.

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Genre:	Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Runtime:	93 min    -    Rating: n/A
Director:	Janeen Damian
Cast:	Lindsay Lohan, Ed Speleers, Alexander Vlahos…
Plot:	When the love of her life gets engaged to her best friend, Maddie puts her feelings aside to be a bridesmaid at their wedding in Ireland. Days before the pair are to marry, Maddie makes a spontaneous wish for true love, and the next morning she wakes up as the bride-to-be. With her dream seeming to come true, Maddie soon realizes that her real soulmate is someone else entirely.

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Got some new socks and briefs from Target on the way back from teh wage. I went out of my way to throw my retail rubbish into the empty shoe box with 60¢ in it, belonging to some junkie beggar in the mall. Was ready for a reee but he took my abuse meekly. I think these underthings should wear okay. The machines they make them on are all the same, in the socks and underpants province of china where they are made.

A lot of improvements come from the wider colour gamut and HDR or if your display can show it or the even better Dolby Vision. Which is why you need to calibrate two settings on your tv, one for 4k content the other for sdr.

Have any of you Best A NEETs ever seen Dare iced coffee for sale in 2L bottles?
They have it interstate. I think we might not get it because we get that Farmers Union camel piss instead.
I am sick of paying $5 for a 750ml Dare when the 2L doesn't cost much more than that.

I took my mong freind out shopping to dangerfield because she needed some new shoes. She had just enough money saved up from her mong bux and was getting bullied at the sheltered workshop because the other ones were stuffed. So she buys one pair but wants to walk around the block to make sure that type were okay, so she tells me to wait in the mall with the empty box and her change and the receipt inside. Then im just minding my business and this enormous nazi looking ugly jerk chucks a bunch of rubbish in the box at my feet and some gross chicken bones and half a thickshake and calls me a filthy beggar and a degenerate and walks away laughing. So I'm like whatever you nigger you do you and Im about to do the right thing and chuck the box in the bin but my mong GF comes back and wants to return the shoes because they hurt her mong feet, but the box and the receipt is slimed and the sales clerk is iffy about the return so she calls her boss who must have been the nazi's buddy because he is like No, no I cant sell them without the box and receipt and they're soiled. So mongette is stuck with these shoes that hurt her feet and the stuffed ones and she's crying because it took her weeks to earn the money at the sheltered laundry, working down in the steam press dungeon. I have to console her all the way back to her group home on the bus and explain it to the mong herder there because he's like what did you fuck up? She was still bawling her eyes out when I left and I dont have enough money myself to buy her new shoes because I lost my job at KFC the other day. 

Why are nazis so horrible? I just want to do the right thing for the mongs but nazis wreck everything.

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I am aboard the wagon although in a wounded state. Recovery bound. 
Finally managed to do that big shop I had planned for last Saturday night. Got a 20 piece nugger meal too. 
Was basically hallucinating when I jolted awake at 2am this morning, sweating and shaking in a state of withdrawal. Kept having repeated dreams and every single one was a nightmare, and I was lucid in these dreams too. Woke up from the last one with what seemed like sleep paralysis, couldn't move, only open my eyes. Thought I had carked it from a stroke or something. Was very scared. 
The absolute state

> Australia’s tidal wave of mass immigration-fuelled population growth is showing no signs of letting up, with over 113,000 long-term foreign arrivals in January – a new record.

> The figure, revealed in a data release published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on Thursday, is an increase of more than 33% on last January’s numbers.

It baffles me that there is no opposition to it. No protests, no other party seising on it as a policy issue.
We need an army of hovel dwelling warrior priests to capitalise and take forth the reigns of power to begin a new and glorious age.

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How are you supposed to go to the doctor nowadays? I have some retarded lump on my inner thigh and I think it's probably a cyst but I can't tell. Is there any way to get it actually looked at that doesn't involve having some specialist appointment booked in 2 months?

The BEST A NEETs are getting together to do something similar, except we will be sharing some KFC and probably only going up to the clouds.

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Good morning NEETs

Slow cooked pork knuckle and crackling, lightly toasted Turkish bread roll , green Guzman jalepino special sauce. 

I am calling it the EL’ Nuro

Served with organic coffee and honey iced coffe shaken in a jar.

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It smells like freshly washed sheets and cool air conditioning 
add more grease
me and two empty champagne bottles
kind of i knew a guy who actually grew some plants and collected some resin
pretty much this place

also just checking transmission. True Lies 4k finished overnight. Looks really good. Cant wait to watch it tonight.

Multitools are cursed because as soon as you have more than one you end up with multiple of the same thing built into other objects. 
Also cursed are complex cleaning products, you end up with 20 bottles of what are all essentially detergent. Things that stack in each other are cursed because the inner things are often totally useless and included only because they fit.
Picture frames are cursed, they make everything feel hideously cluttered.

Already filled the bit with junk, going to put a bag of junk next to the bin, burning things this afternoon

> Australian takes American barbecue to new heights building 19,000L smoker big enough for 150 briskets

143 isn't even in the ballpark of "insane"

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My partner for the day at teh wage arrives with full cry for help blue hair. Apparently it was an 8 hour hairdresser sitting with a blue scalp and ears into the bargain. All the silly clucks being polite but, yeah luv you made a big mistake. 
I wanted to say something but I'm not that smart and would have got a dose of her radioactive psych issues in one way or another. Standards of professionalism cant survive in woke workplaces, I think because such is the fashion to be a free spirit and do your own thing, and do affectation maxxing and chose your gender identity and abo heritage and have a pride flag lanyard, or just roll up unshaven with long hair and dress down and wear flip flops. Its an intimidating and oppressive environment for a professional, who might use countenance, and deportment and elocution in an effort to be taken seriously. And its not worth being HR'd, or Union'd or frozen out if you make an issue. 

Radio active girl also uses bad language, and she got frozen out by one client who I had no problem with, keke. I guess I got to use the fukn abysmal standards in that office to raise my own. Maybe one day I will say something. 

To the devil with it all.

I reckon hot chips have been the biggest inflation and shrinkflation victims over the past decade or so.
Minimum chips used to be more than one NEET could eat on his own and cost almost nothing.

I used to love getting a potato fritter or two from the fish and chip shop.
Gone forever now. I can't enjoy something that costs that much. The joy has been removed from eating out.
Even the Specials Board can't justify its prices.

We got the Meadow Lea, salt reduced margarine. My grandparents got the Meadow Lea but not the salt reduced. The red one rather than the blue.
Grandpa had had a heart attack. The doctors told him to do it.

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