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Back on the william gibson audiobooks, this time it's All Tomorrow's Parties. There's much talk about nodal points, things changing, which I suspect have a lot to do with the book being written in 1999, a year when many people were looking forwards to exciting changes in the near future.


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Same, but now I'm on a cut with a fan blasting in my face almost 24/7.
Holy based although alcohol is such a shit drug. Hangovers suck because then I always get HSP and fuck up my body by drinking a shitload of diet soda. I was smoking weed everyday but it's not fun when you do it all the time. I wish phenibut was legal so I could go to bars and not have to drink to talk to people.

wagie wagie drown in cagie

> Victorians are being warned of a "swarm of thunderstorms" expected across the state tomorrow, causing heavy rain, flash flooding, large hail and damaging winds
Goodbye Vic neets.

Ask it to quantify the gradient/rate of improvement word it betterer between the step pyramid of saqqara and the giza khufu one (apparently less than 100 years between them) and if any other tech as improved at that rate.

Chevapi is coming together. 
Garlic and herbs are cooking in the Greek yoghurt, chilli tomato sauce has been microwaved, boiled and steamed rice with saffron, cardamom, tumeric, other spices, griled kebabs with minimal spice and grated onion. 
Basted the rice in a mixture of the lamb juices from the grill, chicken stock powder. 
None of this really took any time, meat is still grilling.

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Life should not be that way. There's this place in Japan, I forgot where, for a bunch of people that want to work only a few days a week and they have second hand shops and repair shops. Pretty hippy shit but beats whatever the fuck this is. It seems syndicalist but it beats working 6000000 hours a week and destroying your life over it for mr shekelbergsteinblattgoldmann

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Looks don't do it justice. 
The rice contains the sauce and gives it body, only the tomato is sweet, only the yoghurt is sour, only the meat is rich and salty.

The cardamom was a gamble,  next time I'll use less but it gave end notes to a dish which might otherwise finish on oil. Took this from biriyani.

It's the ground meat that is the kebab, the stick/sword is called shish. Whole chunks of meat on a shish are actually shashlik which means skewered thing. 
You can get this wrong on purpose to start a kebab fight and balkanize your local donner shop.

It's from Coles in house baker, and is also shit. Had I not puffed it in the wok it would have been like cardboard. 
They only cook these things 80% and put additives in them because most people eat them out of the packet without puffing them. 
Thank you neet, cost about $15 to make 8, not great value. Cheap but it's mostly empty carbs. 
Sounds stupid but you do the thing that takes longest first. Only took 5 minutes to mix the meat and throw it under the grill, pressure cooking rice is 6 minutes, so I had the sauce done before turning the kebabs which is when I drained the juice.

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"Proclamation Day crowd, dressed in their best, walking past a variety of refreshment tents and marquees along the promenade at Glenelg beach. Picnicers with their horses and carts are seen in the background. [On back of photograph] 'Glenelg / Looking north from the Institute / December 28th / 1896- 1900'."
Mark Twain was a guest speaker at one of those events, coining the 'City of Churches'.

the kids are alright

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Loco moco, cut your beef thin and pound it a little so it releases juices, into the oven on convection hot air mode, 20 minute on 392°F, when it's done take out meat from meat juices, mix spoon of flour and a little bit of cream in a mug mix it well no clumps, add to sauce, add peppercorn and salt, boil it on stove wait until it starts thickening. Make rice and egg, while you are cooking beef in the oven.

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