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My family poops big. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it's our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega-poop, you know that sometimes it won't flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you. Growing up, this was a common enough occurrence that our family had a poop knife. It was an old rusty kitchen knife that hung on a nail in the laundry room, only to be used for that purpose. It was normal to walk through the hallway and have someone call out "hey, can you get me the poop knife"? I thought it was standard kit. You have your plunger, your toilet brush, and your poop knife. Fast forward to 22. It's been a day or two between poops and I'm over at my friend's house. My friend was the local dealer and always had 'guests' over, because you can't buy weed without sitting on your ass and sampling it for an hour. I excuse myself and lay a gigantic turd. I look down and see that it's a sideways one, so I crack the door and call out for my friend. He arrives and I ask him for his poop knife. "My what?" Your poop knife, I say. I need to use it. Please. "Wtf is a poop knife?" Obviously he has one, but maybe he calls it by a more delicate name. A fecal cleaver? A Dung divider? A guano glaive? I explain what it is I want and why I want it. He starts giggling. Then laughing. Then lots of people start laughing. It turns out, the music stopped and everyone heard my pleas through the door. It also turns out that none of them had poop knives, it was just my fucked up family with their fucked up bowels. FML. I told this to my wife last night, who was amused and horrified at the same time. It turns out that she did not know what a poop knife was and had been using the old rusty knife hanging in the utility closet as a basic utility knife. Thankfully she didn't cook with it, but used it to open Amazon boxes. She will be getting her own utility knife now.
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I was in a pub once, had a shit that was barely under the time-limit; a real photo finish, iykwim. I shotgun blasted that toilet into oblivion. There was a clear delineation of where the seat was raised splattered on the back wall and even the sides of the stall. The backsplash hit my ass and I was quite unhappy about that. Even my legs got hit a little. I ended up duck-walking to the sink and just grabbing a handful of paper towels to take out most of the muck, but I literally forgot to flush so some poor fuck had to go in there at some point and see ground zero. I don't envy his job, but also I kind of wish someone had captured his expression. I went home commando that day, it was so bad.
> be me
> go to take a shit
> sit on the throne for easily 20 minutes, and just can’t shit
> can feel the turd pushing against the inside of my asshole
> say fuck it and just take a shower
> while in the shower I get an idea
> soap up finger and stick it up my ass
> feel something hard but not very big
> get my finger behind it and pull it out of my ass, it hurts a little
> suddenly I lose control of my bowels and a torrent of yellow-green liquid shit forces it’s way out of me
> it burns
>  I drop to my hands and knees with my front half hanging over the edge of the tub
> after a solid minute if shitting it ends
> it takes me a few more to recover and stand up
> shower as well as myself covered in liquid shit
> I can only describe the smell as “sour”
>  turn shower up and hose myself down before stepping out to get some cleaner from under the sink
> while cleaning the shower I find it
> a hard as fuck turd the size and shape of walnut
> stand there amazed that it was the only thing keeping the torrent of diarrhea I expelled in check
> flick it into the toilet and flush it
>  finish sanitizing the shower then properly bathe myself
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I just landed a shit that was so massive; it was the size and shape of Florida... I practically had to stand up to deliver it... seriously, Norse Sagas will be written about it.... I knew it was gonna be huge when I had to strip naked beforehand... fists clenched, body sweating and shaking... it seriously smelt like rotten prawns left laying out in the mid-summer sun for a week... it had glowing eyes of corn as well (I dunno when I last ATE corn - FUCK!) It stood up and was so long it nearly toppled out of the bowl, which I thought was gonna crack... I gagged - violently. My neighbors called out, worried I might need an ambulance. I think I tore something inside - Jesus. I had to stomp that fucker down with MULTIPLE flushes. Plus I ran out of paper. Afterwards, I just sat shivering on the tiled floor in the shower, sobbing. No more Scottish family restaurant food for me for a while, I think... just thought you should know about my day...
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My family poops big. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it's our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega-poop, you know that sometimes it won't flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you. Growing up, this was a common enough occurrence that our family had a poop knife. It was an old rusty kitchen knife that hung on a nail in the laundry room, only to be used for that purpose. It was normal to walk through the hallway and have someone call out "hey, can you get me the poop knife"? I thought it was standard kit. You have your plunger, your toilet brush, and your poop knife. Fast forward to 22. It's been a day or two between poops and I'm over at my friend's house. My friend was the local dealer and always had 'guests' over, because you can't buy weed without sitting on your ass and sampling it for an hour. I excuse myself and lay a gigantic turd. I look down and see that it's a sideways one, so I crack the door and call out for my friend. He arrives and I ask him for his poop knife. "My what?" Your poop knife, I say. I need to use it. Please. "Wtf is a poop knife?" Obviously he has one, but maybe he calls it by a more delicate name. A fecal cleaver? A Dung divider? A guano glaive? I explain what it is I want and why I want it. He starts giggling. Then laughing. Then lots of people start laughing. It turns out, the music stopped and everyone heard my pleas through the door. It also turns out that none of them had poop knives, it was just my fucked up family with their fucked up bowels. FML. I told this to my wife last night, who was amused and horrified at the same time. It turns out that she did not know what a poop knife was and had been using the old rusty knife hanging in the utility closet as a basic utility knife. Thankfully she didn't cook with it, but used it to open Amazon boxes. She will be getting her own utility knife now.

That retard who was running the video sounds like Herbert the Pervert. Are you putting together a crack special ed grooming gang?

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Vit överlägsenhet och nationalsocialism och heteronorm under Guds ledning!

Inget jävla pälsbögeri och djurrättsflummande veganidioter!

Inga jävla judar och muslimer! 

Inget jävla blöjbajsande och djurknullande och annat onormalt och perverst beteende! 

Inga jävla aspergererier och CP-skadade dampryck!

Utan sunda och vita och normala värderingar!


Looks like his Wranglers have finally caught him, diapered, strapped him down and locked him in for the night.

Because the "poop" was  never delivered. Don't you realize how lazy jackasses are. 
> but gulped  down the- 
It simply never happened because it's NOT delivered, and it's NOT wanted. 

Regarding your shitty lego troll magazine I threw it out. Yeah, I finally got rid of the 'zine you whined about. 
No proof of it exists either. 
You don't have any lore because you only ever reply to it, not write it down. Either way you're still wrong.

> I will never offend
why do you keep getting chased away from normie places
one minute its all hey i like pzds and its fine
next its fuck i need to retreat to barag with the other pedozoos
sounds like you offend a lot of people lol

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