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Dunking on the mentally ill

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> Please stop
You first.
> we have no child slaves
Why should I believe this when you lie about everything else?
> you're such an idiot.
Don't forget to post those I.Q. test results!
> i'm not an adult.
Not mentally and not in lifestyle, good of you to admit it.
> this isnt engagement.
... the PDD suffering groomer replied, thus engaging with the post.

life was more fun when 9chan was a thing 
if it hadnt shut down in 2022 i would've made a goldmine with the art i had made 
too bad its only viewable with a fucking ARCHIVE, thanks to someone carelessly shutting it down and not leaving it up permanently. not to mention i couldve had more fun there too. 

this is just a shell of its former self. it's almost too reliant on calling people names, and other stupid asinine shit like calling out pedophiles and other shit. im no apologist or defender, but i can tell when something sucks and is bad. and they dont deserve all this nonsense we have today. you doggon' people really blew it. i could've been managing 9chan every day, if not browsing it. 

this just feels like the beginning of the endtimes, in terms of any actual interesting platform

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How is your voluntary work going? The place where you are stacking shelves at your local Market? That's what you said you are doing for a job now, remember?

Or did you deliberately LIE and MISLEAD people about that?

Why won't you answer these simple questions?
What are you trying to hide... or avoid?

inb4 "I never said that" or other PDD Autistic deluded bullshit etc etc
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But Thyla, I did "find" your burner just by looking at the formatted posts you aritten, but in and outside of youtube. And you use the word "cronie" occasionally. And you sometimes misspell mistakes, and you clearly follow what are your own friends, including James. 

And why did you repost a minor's artwork when you're an adult? You've also blocked one of my mutuals (and asfalaf)... how the hell would you be any more obvious that you hate me and my friends so badly. I'm not stupid. Oh and you play minecraft, even on your youtube? You can't call yourself a burner if you willingly post what you like. Lol..
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> t-t-they can't co- 
i was a clear minor before 2022 
notably, i didnt even have dark spots at that age or time. i was 16 then, i was 17 there.
> m- 
no, megan's larp was when i created them as a minor 
you're being weird about it
> d-d-do you ha- 
by not interacting with it, and not letting them know i blocked them? blocking is technically an interference, and i hadn't done that. 
you dont even use bsky anyway so why should i tell you any of this. kill yourself.

> that was AFTER being a minor dumbass
fuckin lol
geordie so dead set on arguing with me that he forgot what he was arguing about and agreed with me
> that was AFTER being a minor
> you posted plenty after you were 18 too
> and thats what the lora was trained on
so we agree
who the dumbass now poopoo pedozoo

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A quick question to confirm:


Did he lick his OWN poop?

If not... was it someone else's' poop? If so, the ramifications of such a concept are simply horrifically staggering.

We all know that Jordan has acknowledged as a fact that he licked poop and that it tasted like a pill. That goes without saying.

The question that needs confirmation is: WHO'S poop did he lick?
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it'll never be canon lore no matter how you paint it. using other peopole's videos and photos, as well as shitty AI stunts is not going to market this as "canon lore". you have no grasp at "canon" or "lore", and you never will. please stop using those words as you dont understand them, at all.

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