/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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There was a retard on 4chan's /bant/ who is basically a mini Chris-Chan. He gained notoriety with his actions (licking his own shit, piss bottling, being a gay pedo furry diaper fetishist, being fat and retarded etc.) and branched out into altchans.
Over time, his trolls created rival boards everywhere he created a board and used them to mock him, this is one such board. He runs his boards like a dictator, banning and deleting dissent, so the rival boards are a lot more relaxed.
>>>/baaa/ is HIS board and should give you more of an insight into his ways.

the rundown is this board is a fail and you should leave. this harasses any kind of adult and is a secret cartel that sells drugs, and bombs. and has tutorials on how to bomb a plane and house 
wrong. i am not a mini chris chan. i dont even lick shit, piss on bottles, or even be a gay pedo to anybody. nor am i fat or retarded.

> the rundown is this board is a fail and you should leave.
Better than your boarda.
> this harasses any kind of adult
Just one adult who pretends to be a child.
> and is a secret cartel that sells drugs, and bombs. and has tutorials on how to bomb a plane and house
Lol what. You're the one brewing jebk and piss jars. And getting cleaning crews, called constantly.

> wrong. i am not a mini chris chan.
Okay, if you want to be pedantic about it, you're a less famous but physically larger Chris-Chan.
> i dont even lick shit
> piss on bottles
> retarded
I don't have the links for these two, does someone have the "I have a condition" screenshot or the "He's 5 years old in his head" Vocaroo?
> or even be a gay pedo to anybody
This one needs the erotic Discord roleplay screenshot from his month with that minor.
> nor am i fat
You have tits Jordan. You're either fat or transgender.
> what peak
That peak.
> you retard
You forgot to post those IQ test results again Jordan, was it 40?
> nobody gives a flying fuck
Did you miss the part where it was an answer to a question?

still wrong, again. stop comparing me to either literal children or 40 year old who raped their mother. 
> Does someone ha- 
that's from Bardial, not me. retard. 
I can tell by someone siply changing their name in one of the older streams, also streamyard is for chumps. 
> or the- 
Again, does a 5 year old think about fucking toilets and diapers? No. Stop comparing me, an adult, who's into fetishes to a fucking child whose brains aren't even developed to know what a fucking diaper is. God forbid if they ever be another diaper messing degenerate.  
> you have tits 
males do not have tits, you mean nipples? 
> this one ne- 
Linking a old video isn't going to change things lmao klim

Whatever you say Chris 2.
> that's from Bardial, not me. retard.
> I can tell by someone siply changing their name in one of the older streams, also streamyard is for chumps.
To quote a furry Hong Konger: "Prove it."
> Again, does a 5 year old think about fucking toilets
Yes. They think they are the funniest thing in the world.
> diapers
Slightly retarded 5 year olds might, but they should have grown out of them by that age.
> whose brains aren't even developed
Like yours. That's one of the Ds in PDD.
> to know what a fucking diaper is
You know those are for little children, right? The only children that don't know what diapers are were raised by wolves.
> males do not have tits,
So you're female?
> you mean nipples?
I mean fatty deposits underneath the nipples. Something that women, transgender women and fat men have, but healthy men do not.
> Nope
Too late, see all 3 here  >>/37637/. Also  >>/37618/ as a bonus.

> yuo know thos- 
just because i like diapers doesnt mean i like when litearl children wear them??? dont ever assume that again. 
> y- 
okay, and the difference between a child that is 5 - thinking about toilet HUMOR, and ME, a guy - who likes toilets for different reasons is there. I do not cross the line of finding anything about a literal kid, okay? 
> too- 
your mom's late

You like diapers, hang around on pedo websites and you talk to minors on regular sites, asking them to talk to you in private places like Discord. It doesn't take Poirot to get to the bottom of this mystery, you kiddy fiddler.
> okay, and the difference between a child that is 5 - thinking about toilet HUMOR, and ME, a guy - who likes toilets for different reasons is there. I do not cross the line of finding anything about a literal kid, okay?
Which means you do, got it.
> your mom's late
If you mean pregnant, that's unlikely. If you mean dead, that's possible but must have happened since last week since I spoke to her then. If you mean tardy, that's your mother although that's a different meaning of the word.

> you like 
ahem buddy i have mor than one fetish 
not my fault i keep it private these days. i mean who wants to see fat art, right? also im not even IN the community, i dont want ot be a degenerate messing piece of shit who avoids toilets.
> ha- 
Nope. By 'pedo websites' you mean browsing the most fucked up freaks who don't directly harm but still make children uncomfortable - that are imported unofficially on baraag? Baraag isn't a pedo site, and don't blame it on the cub art for existing either. That's not a good look. 
> and you ta- 
No, I don't. 
> aski- 
Nigga I'm not the one that made teens horny. Stop blaming me for the epitome of this. Been horny since 15 and don't regret it still. 
> it doe- 
Who's fucking poirot? Insulting me with names that I'm not won't validate. 
> which means you d- 
Do what? 
Not like children? 
Good, I'm not into literal human children anyway. 
I'm into toilets for DIFFERENT REASONS, which means, again, looking at them sexually. Not irl, though. 
> if you mea- 
It was a roast dumbass

> ahem buddy i have mor than one fetish
How does that change what I highlighted?
>  i keep it private these days
As you should have in the first place. What kind of creepy degenerate is so obsessed with their desires that they feel the need to tell strangers on the internet about them?
> Baraag isn't a pedo site
The rest of the Fediverse has them blocked because they are a pedo site. The only people who federate with them are other pedo sites.
> That's not a good look
To pedos. I'm happy with upsetting the pedo community, feel free to let them know about me if you like. I'm sure you'll be chatting with the rest of your ring again soon.
> No, I don't.
I'm not interested in your distorted perception of reality, I will continue to state this fact. You do.
> Nigga I'm not the one that made teens horny. Stop blaming me for the epitome of this. Been horny since 15 and don't regret it still.
"The minors wanted it."
Bold assertion, doesn't make you any less pedo. A big part of grooming is convincing the children that they like it as much as the adult.
> Good, I'm not into literal human children anyway.
> I'm into toilets for DIFFERENT REASONS, which means, again, looking at them sexually. Not irl, though.

> Do what?
> Not like children?
> Good, I'm not into literal human children anyway.
> I'm into toilets for DIFFERENT REASONS, which means, again, looking at them sexually. Not irl, though.
Meaning you do like children and toilets, yes. You said already.
> It was a roast 
Does your mother get roasted now that Hector left? Nothing to stop her blocking both ends now...
> dumbass
Don't forget to post those test results!

> meaning yo- 
> as you shou- 
maybe go ask the 19 year old teenage-drawing-like freak to not include any information like it in the first place? 
> distor- 
What's distorted about NOT grooming? You're the distorted one for projecting the same thing. Jeez. Talk about actual repetitiveness 
> d- 
i'm still not a pedo, man. 
> what kind of- 
nigga when is making a cartoon, doing comics, and COMPLETELY FICTIONAL ART "creepy" at least im not drawing messing diapers

... to someone with a PDD? That's not surprising.
Along with saying you didn't ERP with minors, that you weren't the one masturbating in the Discord call and that it was a ghost, that you are dead, that you didn't lick poo, or saying that you aren't fat? You lie constantly, so who is to say this isn't just another lie?
> maybe go ask the 19 year old teenage-drawing-like freak to not include any information like it in the first place?
What are you wittering on about?
> What's distorted about NOT grooming?
That you are doing the opposite. You ARE grooming.
> projecting
We're still on 6 to 0 Jordan, want to try and name a minor I'm meant to be in contact with to balance out that score, or do you still not know what projection means?
> i'm still not a pedo, man.
"I'm still a pedo man."
Fixed that for you.
> nigga when is 
Still going with the non sequitur approach are you? I'll ignore that and bring you back to what that part of the conversation was talking about. What kind of creepy degenerate is so obsessed with their desires that they feel the need to tell strangers on the internet about them?

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Oh… we can't wait for his pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of this latest shit revealing what he's done (as usual)... oh, don't forget the screaming dismissive denials, outright lies, misdirected nonsense and childish delusional bullshit gibberish etc etc.

🙄 inb4 Poopcat’s childish retarded PDD screaming-sperg-out Autistic paranoid delusional BULLSHIT nonsense AAAA klim did it no u yaddah yaddah yaddah… 🙄

Nigga just give up. I'm not lying when i say I'm not fat, and i've never even remotely licked poop??? And I've legit never jerked off in any call. Unless i said something sexual about rot i don't think you should keep claiming this. And no I don't "erp" either. Literally zilch of that. 
> what are you- 
Wow you forgot about Thyla already? 
What's a 6 to 0 have to do with your rambling? You shouldn't be contacting kids lmao you'll just make yourself an idiot to them. 
> Fi- 
You can't fix anything. 
> Non sequi- 
Not really, yhou're just ignoring the fact that i dont do any of these things. You're powerless, insane, and pathetic. I don't go out my way to actually tell people I'm into diapers or fat whatever stuff

> Nigga just give up. I'm not lying when i say I'm not fat, and i've never even remotely licked poop??? And I've legit never jerked off in any call. Unless i said something sexual about rot i don't think you should keep claiming this. And no I don't "erp" either. Literally zilch of that.
You see? Since you lie about all that:
Must be another lie.
> Wow you forgot about Thyla already?
Oh, it was another non sequitur? Okay. What has she got to do with your years of screaming at the internet about your sexual desires?
> What's a 6 to 0 have to do with your rambling? 
Poor PDD Jordan, so soon he forgets. Here:  >>/34595/
> You shouldn't be contacting kids lmao you'll just make yourself an idiot to them.
We already did that bit too. Check here:  >>/34675/
Try to catch up. I know you're slow, but two months behind is pushing it.
> You can't fix anything.
You should have been fixed.
> Not really, yhou're just ignoring the fact that i 
... hope someone out there will believe what you know are lies. Yes, I disregard all your lies and continue to state the facts. That must be very upsetting for you.
> You're powerless
I think you'll find that's you here Jordan. You can't stop me telling the truth about you, the only person you have power over is your beaten mother and those minors you groom.

> You're powerless, insane and pathetic. 
Thanks for proving my point. You waste your own time on me when you could be doing something productive like "working" and rambling your brains out, but no, you act like I'm some cause of a nonexistent marriage, or even worse, you think I'm a terrorist. Fuck off

> Thanks for proving my point.
You have no points your entire body is a round mass.
> You waste your own time on me when you could be doing something productive like "working"
Yoy should spend your free time working on yourself 
> and rambling your brains out
HOW IS THAT even productive
> but no, you act like I'm some cause of a nonexistent marriage
True, you'll never marry let alone date someone.
> or even worse, you think I'm a terrorist. Fuck off
Stop being a terror to Carmen.

> You waste your own time on me when you could be doing something productive like "working
I get paid either way. Dunking on a literal retard is more fun than my job. By the way, you're slacking a little. Reply more often, I had to resort to online chess yesterday and that's more obvious to see what I am doing.
> I'm some cause of a nonexistent marriage
Literally the opposite. You're the cause of a relationship's end, not the cause of one.
> you think I'm a terrorist
The word is "pederast".

I'm surely morally correct because I DON'T believe in advocating for enabling pedophilia or zoophilia. 
Cartoons are NOT PART of those, PISS OFF. 
I'll ignore you as long as you fuck off back to sleep for a permanent time. You can't be living with these stupidity posts you make. 
Bro doesn't get speech.
> you shou- 
Oh, I have. 
I've made myself confident in actually giving a damn about my drawings and not showing them to anywhere on this wretched board. The only thing that's nearly stopping it is an old man who wont stop sucking my cock lol 
> how is that eve- 
Oh I dont know, are you wizard? I'm not talking to you. 
Dunking on smart people is not a job. 
> by the wa- 

> I've made myself confident in actually giving a damn about my drawings and not showing them to anywhere on this wretched board.
Don't seem confident when you don't wanna share it to anyone.
> The only thing that's nearly stopping it is an old man who wont stop sucking my cock lol
Why is it you finding old men performing that impossible act, not only funny, but preventing you? Is there a grandparent, from the Rivera or Bautista side, you are hiding?
> I'm not talking to you, no, just the idea of you wanted your board to be. You are on this board after all.

> Dunking on smart people is not a job.
That's correct, but I should point two things out:
1. I didn't say dunking on you was my job, I said that it was something I do while I am at my job. Unlike you, I have an awareness of the world of employment.
2. I've posted my IQ test results on 4chan a while back, we're still waiting for yours. The only smart thing about you is the reluctance to prove exactly how low your score is.
> Bye
Do you say these things just for the sake of something to say? You always come back, even when you "blocked the site".

> Unlike you, I have an awareness of the world of employment.
I forgot to predict the bit where Jordan replies to this with an example which proves he doesn't have an awareness of the world of employment, maybe listing something he does which is a hobby, or some other retarded non-job.

> I forgot to predict the bit where Jordan replies to this with an example which proves he doesn't have an awareness of the world of employment
Doubt he knows the stress of keeping the lights on over the internet. Or the issues of knowing you've returned from medical leave, having your hours cut. Let alone knowing his tard ass has so many programs that assist the disabled. Which, his mind is.
> maybe listing something he does which is a hobby, or some other retarded non-job.
Leisure time, is when you're set and comfortable, say your day off. Making your hobby turn into a job, takes the fun out of it. So idk why, Geordie thinks his free time is a job. That pays.

Speaking of which, winter is coming, which means follows next year's tax season, fuck. Forget voting I gotta best find a method to dodge paying tax ladies to do it for me.

You shouldn't be messing with random strangers on the internet while doing your supposed job, that's slacking. Hiding it from your boss or cameras will not do any wonders, there's cameras at workplaces like the one you go to.
> for the sa- 
You're actually gratingly annoying, just for the posts alone. You can't have a job and argue with someone younger than you, even if they're what, legal? It's unhealthy considering the few times of this. And I'm not playing your "we" game either. Give up. 
> durrr unli- 
Nope. Still pretty darn aware. 
> calls me the same insult 300 times 
> misspells "you're" and "ill" 
> misuses it on someone who isn't ill at all 
okay, calling you out for racism is one thing, but this is just absurd. do you even know what you're saying? don't you see that's childish, if not immature to call an autistic queer 'ill'? 
I don't show it because you would make fun of it, or just not care. I am confident in posting on other websites while keeping most exclusives at Blogger only. I haven't coded a personal site for me yet but I'd get there too. 
> why is i- 
It's a joke and a metaphor. I can obviously ignore him, and god forbid he gets a prostitute or suck any dick.

You're just jealous of the fact that other people can make any type of animation, with or without a studio. 
Fuck your "hobby" excuse man. At least it isn't fucking corporate greed that happens in my projects. You can't even "predict any bit" either. I'm out.
I have had my lights off in days too, why would you assume otherwise? 
> let alone knowi- 
Knowing that I have ignored your kind rightfully, Lemonz? 
> thinks he- 
I have lots more than just free time. I have played games outside of projects too. At least this "job" is not stressful. Doing things like concepting animation alone isn't exactly bad as you think. 

Now if you'll excuse me I have things that dont involve 30 or 40 year olds screeching their head off because they want the work to be done their way.

> You shouldn't be messing with random strangers on the internet
What are you gonna do fire him?
> while doing your supposed job
He obvi has a work routine, you gotta include commute.
> that's slacking.
There's some retard saying I heard once, you start off strong and earn your hours, then don't wanna do anything, after getting your hours secured.
> Hiding it from your boss or cameras will not do any wonders, there's cameras at workplaces like the one you go to.
Thankfully there are no toilet cameras in work areas. I don't like where your mind is going tbh.

> you can't have a job and argue with someone
You've never dealt with those situations have you? I constantly land in hot water over arguments. Be it coworkers or management. Every single time, it's an actual threat to what I decide.

Some Japanese businessmen have such an issue dealing with the reality of life that they pay prostitutes to treat them like babies. No shock that retard boy likes diapers, it goes with his entire perspective on how life should be lived. Even the responsibility of toilet training is a challenge.
You handle tax in the winter? Ours is April. As for voting, you can pick the rich asshole who wants to take your money or the rich asshole who wants to take your money. The uniparty is fun isn't it?
Getting Jordan to do your taxes is a bold move, he can't count. In fact...
1. Can't do the job he is being hired for.
2. Is brown.
3. Is retarded.
4. Is a gay and a groomer.
Are you trying to raise your DEI score or something? He sounds like the perfect candidate.

> Are you trying to raise your DEI score or something? He sounds like the perfect candidate.
It's always a headache collecting my forms. I was bringing back something. Then now I gotta pay. To support Geordie.

> You shouldn't be messing with random strangers on the internet while doing your supposed job, that's slacking.
Well this is newsworthy, you're actually right for once.
> there's cameras
Not pointed at the desks, are you thinking of prison?
> You can't have a job and argue
The past years suggest otherwise.
> I'm not playing your "we" 
That's because the only time your views align with the rest of a group is when you're talking to your fellow groomers.
> You're just jealous of the fact that other people can make any type of animation, with or without a studio.
There's nothing to be jealous of Jordan, anyone can make animations with today's technology. Fuck, anyone could make animations with the technology of the decade before last. Flash is ancient by this point.
>  "hobby" excuse
A retard pootling around making things for no money and not following the legal framework required for registering their activities is not a company and that's all there is to it. Hobby might offend you, but there's no more accurate word.
> You can't even "predict any bit" either
Did you read your own post?
> I'm out.

Nigga grow up and get a proper life. Endchan isn't forever you know. You won't even use it when you're 90! 
Sounds like manipulation. Cameras are litearlly in workpalces whether you- believe it or not. And Im not talking about TOILET cameras you fucking pervert, i'm going to lobotomize you

I've followed about every framework and registration levels by uh, simply doing just that. 
All you have to do is check if the NAME isn't taken yet (and even then, no one would really care. you hadn't stole THEIR idea, right?), and boom, company is already done. You say this yet you don't have a fucking company of drawing anything. You're not an artist, so uh, why should you be talking anyway? 
I'm not a 'retard pootling around' for 'no money'. I already had finished the script for my show anyway so nothing to prove your point thanks you :)
> ha, ga- 
Dead meme. Grow up.

> nigga what taxes
> i already have been hired
"... in my head by the play-pretend. Next I will be an astronaut and a pop star and I will have a pony"
Five years old.
> All you have to do is check if the NAME isn't taken yet
Even if that was the case, you don't do that either. You're priceless, Jordan. Make up your own retarded business rules and can't even keep to those.
> you don't have a fucking company of drawing anything. 
That makes both of us.
> I'm not a 'retard pootling around' for 'no money
So when did you get that tax code for the money?
> Dead meme.
Only to gay retard trannies.
> Grow up.
Learn to drive, get a job, earn a wage, stop living with my parents, move into my own place, then pay the bills?
Did you mean grow up like that? Good idea. Imagine if I didn't do that, what kind of a PDD retard would I be?

> fake quote 
Lol you're just mad I can actually have friends to help with the company. 
I mean, why do you think I'm doing the short film with a presonal mutual now? 
Or are you going to assume it's "Cooper"? 
> E- 
Nigga I check names. Plus there's a billion star named companies anyway, they're ALL "Star, Inc.". 
> T- 
No, just makes one of you. 
> L- 
I mean grow up as in "stop arguing to an adult with autism 24/7", do you ever read context? 
And I don't mean getting wage as in argue 24/7.
Stop pretending to feel bad, you have worse life than me lol, at least I started behaving over time. You however just still the same

> Lol you're just mad I can actually have friends
The correct term is "groomed minors".
> Or are you going to assume it's "Cooper"?
Talking of groomed minors...
> Nigga I check names.
So you check to see if a name is taken and then use it anyway when it is? That's retarded.
> No, just makes one of you.
I have a company as much as you have, since I don't have a company.
> do you ever read context?
Does polly want a cracker? You're parroting back another phrase that I levelled at you.
> And I don't mean getting wage as in argue 24/7
What does this even mean, was it from a translation app?

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This has been added to the This is now confirmed as Official©️®️™️ Jordan/Yonkers/Poopcat/Macker/Mittens Canon Lore.

“So Mote It Be”

🙄 inb4 Poopcat’s childish retarded PDD screaming-sperg-out Autistic paranoid delusional BULLSHIT nonsense AAAA klim did it no u pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of this latest shit revealing what he's done (as usual)... oh, don't forget the screaming dismissive denials, outright lies, misdirected nonsense and childish delusional bullshit gibberish  yaddah yaddah yaddah… 🙄

>  >Lol you're just mad I can actually have friends
> The correct term is "groomed minors".
>  >Or are you going to assume it's "Cooper"?
> Talking of groomed minors...
This aged beautifully. Somewhat ironic, as Jordan hates it when they get too old.

nigga your fake days are not of a sane person's doing, even as a joke. penis inspections are like, fucking gross even if you insist it's "normalized". 
> w-
no, fuck your "we". 
Your terms are really lame. There's no groomed people. 
you're so fucking RETARDED if you think that's my answer. if you weren;'t retarded then why do you still fail to guess non existent answers, are you insane

that's not opposite talk, i'm calling out your logic cuz it sounds STUPID lol. stop calling your posts "bait", that's not even how it works you absolute dingdong. you aren't shitposting anything, you're being plainly unfunny, and you have worse humor than me anyways.. at least i dont immediately call everyone opposite talk or 'bait'.
the way you do "bait" is sad. seriously you're like a kid in a geezer's body... 
Literally not.

> Your terms are really lame. There's no groomed people.
Except all those minors you groom.
> you're so fucking RETARDED
> posts his reply in the wrong thread
Exceptional. Your dedication to comedy is appreciated.

My posts aren't bait, I'm confused why Mittens has fame, and you refuse to make income off it. Which would make you helpful. Make a shirt I'd buy it. Make a patch, or sticker my stupid patches sell. Cant find one
 On phone. But you get idea.

Mittens has fame because he's a "famous" cartoon character. 
> a- 
Nigga unless you're OP, please don't try to say this shit. 

AND I HAVE OTHER characters besides FUCKING MITTENS! I CAN'T draw him every fucking day!

I had a week off work, so his distractions were not needed. Strange thing is that it looks like his activity went down too during that week. Can't work out what he would need a distraction from...
Many an internet celebrity has faced downfall as a result of being caught pedoing. Jordan has the order mixed up and started grooming before he was even properly famous, so fame at this point would be an instant implosion.

I can understand why Hector left. I only have to deal with Jordan through my own choice and even then his concentrated retardation can become annoying, living with it must have been hell. I didn't go anywhere special, just took the opportunity to fix the car, sort out things around the house, give the garden a last cut fo the year, the kind of things that aren't fun but need to be done. I think about what those tasks would be like if the house had a shit licking, wall punching, screeching psychopath following me around undoing everything, then feel a great sense of relief.

Honestly, I'm stuck in stupid on what's next to my dog, turtles, and all that noise. I sound like a retard but time comes for us all. Rn it's Copper and Koko I'm worried for.
> garden
Do tell, I love that noise.

> Honestly, I'm stuck in stupid on what's next to my dog, turtles, and all that noise. I sound like a retard but time comes for us all. Rn it's Copper and Koko I'm worried for.
Dogs are the worst, lifespan speaking. Long enough to be a big part of your life and short enough to really hurt. My sympathies.
I suppose the turtles should be alright, don't they routinely outlive everyone?
> Do tell, I love that noise.
Well, it's now October, which means 6 months of rain and/or worse weather is on the way. The grass needed cutting, the slabs needed weeding, the shrubs had to be cut back, all that kind of thing.

> Long enough to be a big part of your life and short enough to really hurt
True, mines got maybe 3 years left. And it's fucking crazy how it went from mascots you kept outside to considered beloved companions. To paying medical bills for them.
> turtles
Besides the tortoise. my red ears will notice winter soon. And it'll become another hibernation soon. Tortoise already found her spot. So no more terrorizing fights between those clans.
> 6 months of rain and/or worse weather is on the way
I hate the holidays that come with this season, Halloween,  Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the new year fireworks. Etc. But I can always indulge in cold weather. Only thing I'm concerned about are my trees.

>  True, mines got maybe 3 years left. And it's fucking crazy how it went from mascots you kept outside to considered beloved companions. To paying medical bills for them.
The circle of life...
>  Besides the tortoise. my red ears will notice winter soon. And it'll become another hibernation soon. Tortoise already found her spot. So no more terrorizing fights between those clans.
I heard they're aggressive little bastards, but is there much harm they can do to each other?
>  I hate the holidays that come with this season, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the new year fireworks. Etc. But I can always indulge in cold weather.
They're mostly there to distract you from that weather, so I guess it makes sense that you don't like them if you do like that.
> Only thing I'm concerned about are my trees.
How so? Hurricaines and that kind of thing?
> I was never famous
That's what I said.
> nor a groomer
Except for all those minors you groomed (and are probably still grooming since you're still in contact with them).
> If they aren't fun then why are you doing it?
Perfection. Jordan genuinely doesn't understand the concept of responsibility, a 5 year old's life for a 5 year old's mind.
Do you think that sewage workers enj- that's a bad example for you, never mind. Do you think that childcarers like hanging around with childr- another bad example for you, sorry. Do you think that people who work with the elderly, having to change all those adult Pampers and wipe stinky a- forget it. I can't think of a terrible job that you wouldn't enjoy.

> The circle of life...
It happens.
> I heard they're aggressive little bastards, but is there much harm they can do to each other?
The red ears just avoid the tortoise at any cost, and yes, it's so much of a fucking issue I built a blockade to keep their little pond out of reach to the aggro desert monster. But I don't have the cold heart to just give either side away.
> They're mostly there to distract you from that weather, so I guess it makes sense that you don't like them if you do like that.
I'm not into loud exploding noises, because the animals I house obv, I'm not into the rest, because... I guess my thought of it is, why celebrate what you weren't there for. Same for birthdays, I was just born don't mean I need a reminder of it every year. It only matters to me, when I gotta pay taxes or check my income when I receive those forms. Idk man, holidays seem like a selling point for no clear reason.
> How so? Hurricaines and that kind of thing?
I'm Westcoast, but the fruit is growing, and in the past the weight of return on a branch has snapped under it. Or overwhelmed a few pots and seedlings. Oranges, lemons, apples, guavas, and a few others, all good. Just a few I need to consider since it seems it's when they wanna go full bloom. Tbh I can't into the life of me into papaya trees, they grow strong in summer heat, but lose hope in cold weather's no matter what I do.

> I built a blockade to keep their little pond out of reach to the aggro desert monster. But I don't have the cold heart to just give either side away.
Israel/Palestine reptile reenactment society!
> I'm not into loud exploding noises, because the animals I house obv, I'm not into the rest, because... I guess my thought of it is, why celebrate what you weren't there for. Same for birthdays, I was just born don't mean I need a reminder of it every year. It only matters to me, when I gotta pay taxes or check my income when I receive those forms
That's fair, a sign of getting old I guess.
> Idk man, holidays seem like a selling point for no clear reason.
As I said, it's to cheer people up. Such a coincidence that Jesus was born in the coldest and darkest part of the year etc. when spirits need lifting the most...
> I'm Westcoast, but the fruit is growing, and in the past the weight of return on a branch has snapped under it. Or overwhelmed a few pots and seedlings. Oranges, lemons, apples, guavas, and a few others, all good. Just a few I need to consider since it seems it's when they wanna go full bloom
So that means harvest time?
> Tbh I can't into the life of me into papaya trees, they grow strong in summer heat, but lose hope in cold weather's no matter what I do.
Aren't those the ones that stink? If you wanted something smelly which is hard to control and doesn't do a single thing it's meant to, then you could have just adopted Jordan.

You're only putting "bad examples" and calling others 5 years old because you're jealous, and you hate children.
You hate them that you constantly bring up REAL ones, OR, rather unfortunate bad luck adults. 
And, you bring up already frowned upon topics like "diapers", and sewage "workers". You, are a disgusting man.  
> I can't thi- 
We have a job, it's called not succumbing to you.

> You're only putting "bad examples"
You offer so many.
> and calling others 5 years old because
... they have the mental age of a 5 year old, caused by their PDD.
> you're jealous
Of what? Honestly now, I want to hear.
> you hate children.
Hate is a bit strong, I simply don't like them. You like them though, don't you Jordan? You like them a lot.
> You hate them that you constantly bring up REAL ones, OR, rather unfortunate bad luck adults.
What language was this supposed to be?
>  And, you bring up already frowned upon topics like "diapers", and sewage "workers".
I work with what you give me. When the subject of conversation is a poo licking diaper fetishist, then it's destined to go to shit both metaphorically and literally.
> We
A multiple personality disorder and each of those personalities is a NEET, beautiful.
> job
No Jordan, you get the retard play pretend life. Don't worry about employment, leave that to the people with adult minds.
> it's called not succumbing to you.
Fight reality all you like, it doesn't change it Chris Chan 2.
> You're not sorry.
Nuance is a beast isn't it? Sometimes the words you see in a sentence mean something different because of the context they are placed in. I know that must be very hard for a 5 year old to understand.
> You're a disgrace.
Like an unemployed poo licking minor groomer?
> The only fitting punishment for you, is death.
I remember when you claimed that kind of talk makes someone a necrophile. Does that mean you're a necrophile now, Jordan? In some ways I suppose that's better. Just promise me that the minors you groom will already be dead when you find them and don't start killing them yourself.
> Or rather, a hanging chamber with no key, or keyhole to let you out of.
Your desires are leading you to torture cages now are they? Kinky.

> Israel/Palestine reptile reenactment society!
Youre so fucking dumb lololol, but yeah I'm stoked they're almost all hibernation.
> That's fair, a sign of getting old I guess.
Not so much, I have a personal reason. That stays as it is for ignoring 
> So that means harvest time?
I waited all year,so all of my yes.
> the ones that stink?
I cant into tropical trees or plnts unfortunately. Yet.
> wanted something smelly which is hard to control and doesn't do a single thing it's meant to, then you could have just adopted Jordan.
He might as well be yours you beat more sense into him, than he did into Carmen.

You were talking to someone else. 
> what langu- 
It's either you hate children or you don't. Disgusting. I'm not a nuance. I know exactly how you're not worth forgiving. 
It's only necrophilia if what, you SEE me as that. This is another context. Plus you are kind of annoying and insufferable, so, i wouldnt be surprised if you got somewhat off'd. 
> just pro- 
I don't groom. :) 
> Mu-
No, and their personality is not a neet. There are no "neets" anymore.

> What language was this supposed to be?
He can't into Spanish despite Carmen and Hector knowing it, and struggles into English. But if Geordie is now in his 20's is Carmen in her 40's? What about Hector? How old were those two when they spawned our little Belphegor into life.

thumbnail of legendary-story-la-llorona-weeping-woman_670382-108598.jpg
thumbnail of legendary-story-la-llorona-weeping-woman_670382-108598.jpg
legendary-story-la-ll... jpg
(45.57 KB, 626x526)
> and you hate children.
Tbf I don't like the idea of constantly being awake to ensure safety for little gremlins, same way I don't like adopting puppies or kittens for constant scratches and bites. As a reward for discipline. Nvm food and shelter, they age and take advantage of your behavioral attitude toward knowing you won't beat the shit out of them. Same as Hector couldn't do it to you, but dealt it with Carmen.
> You hate them that you constantly bring up REAL ones
Did you honest enjoy being held back in school? Did those little tards look up to you, or vise versa? I fucking hated my school years, so ditching classes and wandering mountain areas til class got out was no thing. During suspensions. I didn't need someone holding my hand.
> OR, rather unfortunate bad luck adults.
I've no idea what you're with on this one, you better not be talking witchcraft, I know Carmen believes in LA lorrana, but I don't have to fear her you do.

Calling children gremlins? That's a red flag, and you're not any better. 
> assuming being held back 
Unless there's legit proof (and a way) to go back all the way to the FIRST SCHOOL i've been to, which was almost 20 years ago, there isn't a time where i was held back. Trying to attempt going to Cedar Place would result in just an ask to leave. 
> for constant scratches and bites 
Sounds like you just dont know how to take care of them. And I was not talking to you, you seem at least tamer than your little cousin named WiZ.

Will you take the opportunity while they are inactive to change the situation in some way? Further separated areas or something?
> Not so much, I have a personal reason
Fair enough.
> I waited all year,so all of my yes.
The fruits of your labour, both metaphorically and literally. Will you need to preserve any of it in some way?
> I cant into tropical trees or plnts unfortunately. Yet.
That corner of the planet is hot on oranges and bananas isn't it?
> He might as well be yours
Much like you, I don't like the idea of that kind of burden. Slapping Jordan around and then turning him off for a day or two like a bad game is much more appealing than the idea of being woken up at 4 in the morning because he's screeching at the internet again and punching holes in the wall. Hector sounds like kind of a shit, but I understand completely why he'd have done a legger.
> you beat more sense into him, than he did into Carmen.
I wonder, do you think it's possible that someone can be so retarded that brain damage actually improves its function afterwards?

> durrr, i dont know school. i dont know sped classes durrr
My god, you're SO fucking retarded you don't even know any type of school facility? Wow, congratulations on being more dumber than my past self.
> you: *accuse falsely*
> me: *doing nothing but writing words about MERE fictional characters and interacting with people over 18 or 21 lol* 
Did you ever look in the mirror and see a liar in that? Do you really think your FUCKIng fragile *stereotypical* ego is going to get you through in life? 
Portraying me as a non existent "woman beater" and a previous chronological age is disgusting. First off, I had not even remotely intended to, nor even tried, to beat a girl. Second, I don't even want to think about others being rebels. Third, it makes me feel bad for the planet to hear of anyone attacking their own mother, much less a woman. 
Fourth, it doesnt mean I've done it though, did I? And EVEN if she got beat up, it wasn't because of "haha i hate her".... no. I don't even hate gender.

Seriously, how can you call *me* retarded if you don't understand the points i make.. this 'bullying' shit is unhealthy, the amount of unwanted memes/stolen arts, the amount of reposting the same thing (sometimes even a year ago), the name calling, all of that spam is unhealthy. It cannot be done in moderation, it is unacceptable. 

You need to think about other things besides one indie artist queer. Reposting the said things I described isn't going to reduce your little problem either. I am not your boy, I am not "stupid", and I am most definitely NOT a fucking 'phile. I don't even fucking draw porn, nor harass people, nor am I racist, nor am I anything inappropriate that I'm almost exclusively called on any website or board. 

It's time to grow a fucking pair and leave me alone. I wqas already vulnerable to this then, and I'm not going to back down to freeloaders on their asses claiming they "work". Saying someone is a "pedo" for drawing ficto porn art; or doing something they did NOT CAUSE TO HAPPEN is not work, nor a real job. If you wanted money so bad you could spend it on making foods that are not le slop schnozzle garbage, or help direct a film, anything that isn't spending 20 minutes or more for an imageboard witchhunt over a guy who was only curious over 4chan years ago as a kid. They had never meant to ruin their life in any way like this

To think my reply is a joke is fucking awful. Follow your own advice and suck it.

> You were talking to someone else
Your point being?
> It's either you hate children or you don't.
That's an amazingly binary choice for someone so into that queer shit. Are you saying there's only two genders too? Is there only gay or straight? No other options. Feelings for children are also a sliding scale:
Hate - Dislike - No feelings either way - Like - Love
I am at 2, you are at 5.
> Disgusting
People generally find adult men who dislike children less disgusting than adult men who like them so much they sexually roleplay with them on the internet, go ask around and see which of us is the "disgusting" one.
> I'm not a nuance
Hillarious, not even a passing understanding.
> I know exactly how you're not worth forgiving.
Handing out forgiveness like a priest now, are you? Reverend Rivera has a ring to it and it goes with your love of young boys.
> It's only necrophilia if what, you SEE me as that
So you were wrong before when you were calling others that?
> Plus you are kind of annoying and insufferable
Retarded people do find me frustrating, yes.
> so, i wouldnt be surprised if you got somewhat off'd.
Is that how you solve problems? I mean, we know you solved that little internet problem with beating Carmen into compliance, so it's not really surprising.
> I don't groom. :)
Another word you don't understand? Your actions fit the definition, so it must be one more for the list.
> No, and their personality is not a neet. 
Identifying as employed doesn't make it so NEETy.
> There are no "neets" anymore.
...aaaand back to his PDD imagination land he goes.
Maybe they only switched to Spanish when they were arguing about him.
> What about Hector? How old were those two when they spawned our little Belphegor into life.
Well, the chances of autism increase with age (assuming the parent or parents carry of course). Jordan is riddled with mental impairments, so that seems at least part of it. The one picture of him we have seen, I remember there being greys in the facial hair. That can happen at any age, but of course gets more likely as time goes on. Maybe he was already 40s back in the day?

Oh boy, midweek Mexican madness! Thanks for all this extra material Jordan, but I have stuff to do at the moment. I had a day off work yesterday and things are piled up. I'll get back to these tomorrow.

> Portraying me as a non existent "woman beater
Were you lying when you said you hit her?
> And EVEN if she got beat up, it wasn't because of "haha i hate her".... no. I don't even hate gender.
All that "I didn't beat her" talk got bookended with "and there was a good reason I beat her. Spectacular.
> Seriously, how can you call *me* retarded if you don't understand the
... incoherent babbling of someone with the mind of a 5 year old? I'm not into childcare, so I haven't researched the best ways to interpret child logic.
> all of that spam is unhealthy
That's true actually. Unfortunately for you, adults can make their own choices and may prioritise entertainment over health.
> your little problem
I know this is juvenile, but it's too funny to not point out. You're the one with a "little problem" Jordan.
> I am not your boy
When did I say you are?
> I am not "stupid
You come back here every day to get angry, what part of that is not stupid?
> and I am most definitely NOT a fucking 'phile
Then it should be very easy for you to quit contacting minors, shouldn't it?
> nor harass people
I saw you making those alt accounts to continue hassling the autistic girl because she'd blocked you. How is that not harrassing her?
> nor am I racist
You should try to use the n-word less then.
> leave me alone
Someone post the cartoon of a fat retard going into Endchan and interrupting them to scream "leave me alone".
> Saying someone is a "pedo" for
... befriending minors on DeviantArt and sexually roleplaying with minors on Discord, following people who proudly stated they are pedos on Baraag and having 'mutuals' who tried out a bit of pedoing? Sounds very pedo to me.
> is not work, nor a real job.
I know that, Jordan. I am aware of what work is. The things you (incorrectly) described, (if they were correct) would be the things I do when I am supposed to be working. Unfortunately for you, I am an exceptional worker and can do things on this computer far quicker than my colleagues could, giving me plenty of time to fuck around and still get everything done.
> To think my reply is a joke is 
... a good idea. Funny joke Jordan, well done!
> suck it.
I'd have to find it first, micro man.
> mexicans dont jerk off to american furry porn
1. Prove it.
2. I thought you weren't racist? Why are you prohibiting a whole race from certain activities? Someone who wasn't racist would think any race can do anything any other race can.
3. This is known in the trade as a "false premise". Because the opening statement is false, the conclusion your argument led to is also false.
> i'm american.
Latin America, yes. Mexico.
> ive never liked children
I thought not liking children was one of your "red flags"?
> i never roleplayed
So since you're not even trying to hide the lies, should I just assume the rest is the opposite of what you say as well?
> no
Means yes.
> im doing fonts not grooming
Means "I'm doing grooming not fonts".
> nigger
What were you saying before about racism, Jordan?
> is your keyboard stuck?
Almost a joke, good attempt!

> Will you take the opportunity while they are inactive to change the situation in some way?
I have to do so for their well-being those assholes are going to outlive me after all.
> The fruits of your labour, both metaphorically and literally. Will you need to preserve any of it in some way?
I have the best neighbors currently tbh, we can borrow our tools, pick up each other's mail when on vacations, etc. So I toss all the nursery trees to my neighbor, and he does his magic. When I decide I want one tree back he does so. Meaning even without me asking he takes his lawn mower to my yard and knows the apple tree is for all.
> That corner of the planet is hot on oranges and bananas isn't it?
Idk why for the life of me, but my only two trees that yield fruit are the orange and lemon, during winter. Apple, guava, and the rest did their job. I got peach growing everywhere even. My only problem is branches snapping under the stress of weight when it's not ripe yet on those trees. And a dying 


Women are so messed up that things like not having a kid seems fine to them.  It's a strange type of stupidity that blinds oneself to their own desires.  Slavery is something taken for granted compared to suicide.  Job, the reason he is relatable is because he didn't deserve that treatment.  What can be said to someone who ruins their own house for pleasure?  So many people live in filth and sadness.  I want to have sex with a child bride, this is just a simple male fact.

Adults can't make choices that are spamming.... idiot. That is not healthy, you're fucking nuts.  
> inco- 
It's not incoherent to explain the OBVIOUS, CRYSTAL CLEAR flaws of your board and the behavior. This isn't from a 5 year old, because they are children, this is not from a child; you're sick for thinking that. 
> too funny 
I hope someone puts you down, we'll see who's being "funny" then. 
> Then it should be easy to not do a thing you never did 
Lol jetski 
> i saw you mak- 
Thyla is not autistic.
Never said the n word.
> S-s-s-omeone po- 
But that's not an accurate cartoon and it's not even of me anyway, lol. No one should do anything for you. You're not their boss, nor should you make people your slaves.
> befri- 
No :) 
> rolepla- 
no :))
> followi- 
nope :) 
> mutual- 
that aren't freaky zoophiles who want to rape an actual animal or baby one, no i dont have those as mutuals. kill yourself. 
> i am awa- 
You waste your time on an adult younger than yourself. That's not worth doing any money. You're living a sad life when you could be moving on from me. I'm not the cure to whatever problem you have. It was already described correctly, you waste your time, and then you regret it one day. If you can't do that then you're narcissistic and need help. Get out of the internet. 
You don't even desreve to do "Everything done".
> my colleagues 
even they aren't as low as you are. 
> i'd ha- 
LMFAO dude i didnt mean that. You're perverted. 
> 1, 2, 3, no one cares. 
> more incessant regurgitated slop 
get a life. 
i never said not liking minors was a red flag
no i am not bieng opposite, i am just merely telling you that is not me roleplaying with anybody you identify as "kid"... 
No does not mean yes, 

First you need to confirm that you're a sick fuck who harasses a 20 year old all day for petty reasons. Your life is much worse than of a degenerate.

> Adults can't make choices that are spamming
Who do you think does it then?
> That is not healthy
... says the fat, minor-attracted poo licker.
> This isn't from a 5 year old, because they are children, this is not from a child; you're sick for thinking that.
Nobody said you are a 5 year old, Jordan. It's your mental age and lifestyle which is that of a 5 year old. You remember mental ages, right? It's that concept you argued didn't exist for a while until you started parroting it at Klim.
> I hope someone puts you down, we'll see who's being "funny" then
Death threats, necrophile, blah blah. You remember the retard shit you spouted in the past in response to these kinds of posts, back at ya!
> Lol jetski
Again, the conversation has moved past that one Jordan. I know you like to go back in time, but that ship has sailed. We are no longer on the DID YOU? phase, you clearly did and the evidence all says so, combined with your inability to prove otherwise deeper than "no" like a toddler.
> Thyla is not autistic.
Good work Jordan, I didn't mention her name and you immediately thought "Oh yes, I remember making alt accounts to harass this person, it must be her that he is talking about". Thank you for proving you were harassing her.
By the way, SHE says she's autistic so you might need to correct her with your expert diagnosis Dr. Diddles.
> Never said the n word.
Check your post here  >>/38728/ fuckwit. At least pick a different thread to lie in reality-challenged.
> But that's not an accurate cartoon and it's not even of me anyway
Too subtle for you, was it? Everyone else could see what they were getting at.
> No
> no
> nope
Low effort Mexican Mirror Madness, all confirmed as yes due to no proof supporting claims.
> that aren't freaky zoophiles who want to rape an actual animal or baby one, no i dont have those as mutuals. kill yourself.
You're the one who said this "Rob" friend of yours tried out grooming.
> That's not worth doing any money.
EFL, but true. However, my employers don't know about it so bad luck.
> You're living a sad life when you could be moving on from me. I
I'm slapping you around to pass the time at a place I have to be in order to earn money. You don't hear from me at night or the weekends because you are no longer useful. Thanks again for your service Jordan, it's very good of you to dedicate your time like this to help me out!
> Get out of the internet.
That actually would get me fired. The database isn't very useful without the internet and emails don't send either.
> You don't even desreve to do "Everything done
What language was this?
> even they aren't as low as you are.
So why am I able to slap around a pedo retard and still manage to do as much work as they do at the same time?
> LMFAO dude i didnt mean that. You're perverted.
That's okay Jordan, words can be hard... unlike that micro.
> get a life.
Instead of living with my mother, staying up until 4 am to argue with strangers on the internet, being fat and unemployed, licking my own shit and grooming minors? Yes, good idea. Getting a life sounds smart.
> i never said not liking minors was a red flag
> no i am not bieng opposite, i am just merely telling you that is not me roleplaying with anybody you identify as "kid"...
> No does not mean yes,
MMM, the Mexican Mirror Man madness continues!

> I have to do so for their well-being those assholes are going to outlive me after all
Yeah, good point. Respect your elders or something.
> I have the best neighbors currently tbh, we can borrow our tools, pick up each other's mail when on vacations, etc. So I toss all the nursery trees to my neighbor, and he does his magic. When I decide I want one tree back he does so. Meaning even without me asking he takes his lawn mower to my yard and knows the apple tree is for all
That does sound remarkably sociable, at least you'll all do well in an apocalypse.
> orange and lemon, during winter. 
That is weird. Was there a mistake in the inital planting or something?
> Apple, guava, and the rest did their job. I got peach growing everywhere even.
Ah, all good then!
> My only problem is branches snapping under the stress of weight when it's not ripe yet on those trees. And a dying  avocado tree.
Is it a disease issue? There's a lot if that over here.
> Fucking phone posting..
I sometimes consider composing replies in a notepad file. One too many accidental fuckups where I refreshed the webpage and cleared the lot.
> I know which img you're talking about, but I can't find it
Don't think it's been posted since Jordan spazzed out that one time. I know Klim's posted it on 4chan at least once, but good luck narrowing down which of his million posts it was in!

thumbnail of IMG_1631.jpeg
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IMG_1631 jpeg
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On their own, I think, men would do good.  Without desire, without the need for pleasure or hunger, men would always choose good because it is the smart option.  This is why God introduced women.  Women fill men with an evil desire, the desire for a human to submit sexually for their pleasure.

Why?  So imagine, hypothetically, the perfect good.  It would be an almost still, boring thing to be perfectly good.  Sex is the act we need that brings us into an evil setting, from which if we overcome the poison of it we have a journey to doing the true good; overcoming evil.  That said this proves Solomon was right, and women were created for and produce only evil, even just in your own mind's physical calculations for desire.

So at least one thing in this reply was too difficult a truth? Interesting, I'll make a note to bring these up again.
The other candidate promises jenkem for all low income families and to reduce the age of consent to fetuses. What are your campaign policies?

No, a nazi would gloat about how "good" Hitler is. Or appreciate what's considered controversial due to numerous claims and news archived about what Nazis did, along with their "leader", the late Hitler. 

They wouldn't really tell you to kill yourself, as the internet didn't exist in those times. and no one would ever tell you a thousand year old threat like that. 
No, it's not any logic. It's merely a post suggesting you to die, because of the actions you do. They are unjustifiable, plus you're really annoying

Jordan, I thought you were pro-Palestinian? Those guys hate Jews. Also, you support Ukraine, don't you? Go and check whose team they were on in World War 2.
Sounds like you should be the Hitler fan, he shares your world view.

I don't fucking agree with you at all. You're beyond illogical, you're a numbskull. 
> u-u-use- 
WHAT logic are you talking about. You aren't even using logic, nor am I bringin that up.
Your IQ is abhorrent at best, given the amount of times you keep evading your PREVIOUS bans on my board too. You're fucking retarded.

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