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Chronology Pack: https://mega.nz/folder/FjhVgRqQ#o6mXZrNggxb9OHQCh188GQ (MP4s, Instagram Pics & Stories)
Streams: https://mega.nz/#F!oI8lnIIb!tx-7ck3DiZCkK8KSZhrJsw
Gifs: https://mega.nz/#F!0cUQEY5J!HgGoMgczzr3OujwC4SHk1w
Misc. stuff: https://mega.nz/folder/9ZNDjA6a#mHx0ketjN1AeDWmkCzVuNQ
(Edits, Memes)

Useful links:

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Dear bonbibro,

I have a small confession. Forgive this pouring of my heart.

I cherish bbg, where we first met. The moment I clapped eyes on you, I knew you were going to be a cute friend. Recently, I have began to regard you as much more than just a cute friend.

My feelings for you intensified when I saw you post in the moonlight. I was further wowed by your tremendous editing skills.

You have bonbis like strawberry shortcake and the best redbons I've ever seen. When I look at you, I just want to hug you.

I know that to you I'm just a bright fool but I think we could be happy together, be nice like two nice bros.

Please, say you'll be mine bonbibro!

All my love

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Ahh, a nice new thread.

luv Bonbi
luv Bonbibros
simple as

Now back to my schizo discussion.
Are you insane? Maybe you're just jerking me around? You're persistent I've got to give you that.
First off, Belle isn't the only feminine cosplay she's done. She's done LOADS that were very well received by everyone. If she's humiliated, she should be humiliated that she cosplayed a sex worker and not that she did a feminine cosplay.
She didn't start the Belle thing specifically because of Bonbiwaffen, but because of various 'incels' who got offended when she did her Samus bodysuit cosplay and other sexier cosplays. Maybe they were part of that group, but it wasn't specifically them. Read it again. Not ONCE did she mention BonbiWaffen.
The whole Belle controversy was a full year ago. She has consistently done feminine cosplays in that time and 0% boyish and barely any tomboy cosplays until Ticci Toby. There was no opportunity for a difference in public feedback until then.
People kiss her ass, tell her she's beautiful and subscribe to her patreon no matter what she does. Sexy and feminine outfits increase this. Maybe a tiny minority say negative things about her sexier and/or feminine cosplays and wish for Boyish Bon. They're drowned out by vast majority of normies and white knights.
In conclusion, her not wanting to be feminine has very little to do with both BonbiWaffen and the Belle Controversy. I love you Bonbibro, but it's a very weak hypothesis.

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Dear anon,

It is flattering that you think about me so fondly. Alas, it was not meant to be, for I too have someone I feel so strongly about.

Her name is Bonbi. I think about her night and day. She consumes my thoughts. She's the apple of my eye, my muse, my everything.

It's not that I haven't enjoyed our time together. Posting with you has been some of the greatest memories I have. You're an amazing person and I'm sure you'll find your special one, but it's not me.

I hope I haven't been leading you on when I say I love you. The love I feel for you is more familial than anything. I see you more as a brother or a dearest friend.

I hope this won't change anything between us. I don't want to ruin what we have together, perhaps we can remain friends instead?

Your good pal,

I hate to open an old festering wound. But I was looking through one of these drama folders because I like to update myself every few months and found that someone linked a myspeld acount to DGG. a streamer's website. This streamer happens to keep detailed logs of their chat since the inception of the website. given that there were no screencaps of it, I assume this was a detail over looked. 
The days of energy that autistic followers of this creed once has are long passed but if there is anyone out there that still has interest I thought I'd post the link: https://dgg.overrustlelogs.net/myspeld
You can look back at his old post history from as far back as 2016 where he made his first post. He disappeared around 2018 when the memeing first begun. given his consistent activity up to that point he may have fled into a different alias and still post to this day. 
If you have interest in looking up other usernames in these logs the best way to do so is the url and replace the area after the backlash. the search field doesnt work

hey lad i'm back. this particular chatroom i frequent for a bit so I recognized some of the users in it. i looked a few of them up because they also had interest in pedophiles and anime
this is an account I found. the myspeld account made his last post on 11/5/2018 this account made its first post on 11/6/2018. such a coincidence is almost impossible to overlook. 
additionally both account had some interest in jordan peterson from post history. Im not going to look too much more into it but if you do there resources are there. the chatroom is destiny.gg/bigscreen. if tyson is an alias of myspeld it is too ambiguous to find more information. these people often link their reddits and twitters though so if you look through the logs enough you may find something.
happy hunting if anyone is still out there

last post i'll make on this. tyson was least active in the early months of 2019 when the bonbi arc was in fullest swing and he had his most power as far as I understand it.
This pattern of losing interest began in november when the bonbi arc started. and had no posts in mid to late December when bonbi was making her original comeback. 

I am totally open to being incorrect about this in full or at least about this account. just thought it was interesting. he may have abandonned his original alias myspeld because of drama within the community i read some bans or reputation damage. 

again i didn't read into the logs very deeply and if you can poke any holes in my theory please go ahead

the hypothesis came to me after the david cosplay where she started talking about gender identity and what not, so maybe its bonbiwaffen who made her think about that, with there comments on her cosplays and different reactions to different types of cosplays. thats all I have to say.

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It was a fine idea in the spur of the moment but it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about it more. Who knows, with how bonkers things can be, maybe it'll turn out that you were right the whole time. I'd just take it with a grain of salt until we know more. I appreciate you coming up with ideas that no one else has thought of though.

fuck sleepy anons
fuck irish anons
fuck nonces
fuck dontcare niggery 
fuck 4d chess players
fuck incels
fuck chad plumbers laying mad pipe
fuck people who dont like things i like 
fuck hbo 
fuck subuwu outbacks
fuck mcdonalds 

praise be wrestlerkun
praise be diaper anon
praise be roman quote anon 
praise be schizo posters 
praise be peak fangs

What the fuck is your deal with Russians? Can you knock it off? Russians haven't even done anything bad this thread. You look insane.
I stopped seething at discordniggers, who are objectively worse in every way, so maybe you can find it in yourself to stop seething at Russians. They're good posters and I love having them here.

I know everyone's probably thinking this is Emily signaling that she's okay with Bonbi's relationship with Seth. But maybe Bonbi just gets herself super hungry and complains about it when they're playing LoL or Overwatch together, and mentions sandwiches loads. Emily probably doesn't even know the hidden meaning of it. Of course it has the hidden meaning of Seth, but Bonbi also just likes sandwiches in general. Bonbi only eats like four kinds of foods anyway. Sandwiches, ramen, chips and gum. 
I just don't think this is conclusive evidence of anything except that Emily wants to give Bonbi something that she likes, and Bonbi is being appreciative that she listens to her. Maybe I'm being naive but I think more evidence is required to prove anything. I think it's just cute and wholesome.

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How unexpected. These are really good, and it's nice that she's doing the classic cosplays. I loved her old Cat Noir Toks. The entire new look of her new Cat Noir is fantastic. The wingy bois were a great addition. Her lipsyncing is a little lazy though.

But where is the homestuck content? Is she over it? I thought for sure she'd come back to it after doing one or two non-homestucks.
Well, maybe it's for the best that she plays around with one or more Boyish cosplays so she can get that out of her system, before she goes onto more feminine characters like Roxy and Meulin.

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I don't understand the doomer night walk thing, why would you go outside? just stay inside and watch bonbi. unless you have nature or good parks near by, walking in your shit neighborhood is torture and will make you more suicidal.

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Being a doomer I understand it pretty well. Sometimes you just want to get away from it all. Walking around feels like you're doing something and you can clear your mind of most of the depressive thoughts even if you have a shit neighborhood. Being an introvert I don't want to see any people around, so doing it at night is preferable. Feeling the cold night on your face and the darkness hugs you like a blanket. It feels good. It's pretty comfy walking around your neighborhood listening to Bonbicore.

the songs she uses is nice, even the popular ones makes me feel good bonbi memories.

I love the big resolution, makes me appreciate her face more, her eyes is the best part, no matter what color she uses her eyes are beautiful

Sorry applying some changes to Endchan, so the restarts are making it fail over to 9chan more than often today. Also I can only debug why it fails that way when Endchan is down, so haven't figure dout why it ends up on 9chan yet.

We'll get it all fixed. Enjoy the new tor block BO option.

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oh ok, comforting to know it's just because there's work going on under the hood, thanks for letting us know

I've also been getting this error consistently when I try to post, is it related?

Internal server error. MongoError: connection 40 to [ip address here I removed] timed out

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What will be left of  these threads in five years? Until recently, she was a naive child with a pure soul, now a teenager who knows what kind of world and society is shit. 3 years ago, she was the most popular girl on the Internet, not just a meme or multimedia product, but a new hero in history, she cleansed our souls of dirt for a moment and showed us how perfect people can be. She became an idol not because it is pleasant to look at, listen to, learn at a beautiful, sweet, new creature, but because she is a unique person, literally the son of God, nephelim, an angel. Such people quickly spend the essence of life and become unnecessary to anyone, what is happening now. All of this will end forever and we will not have a hero, Bonbi you are a hero. It is like a rush of heroin when in childhood your dopamine is sensitive, and you go out in the summer in the morning and feel the smell of nature, cool wind rushes through your body, you hear birds singing, and your eyes illuminate the clear blue sky, and now remembering this you understand that it will not be so beautiful, carefree, but you were almost in paradise. Bonbi forever in my heart, I love you Bonbi! Everyone loves you, even the Devil

braping up the thread when something brapy is posted
braping it up when the brapy gets bropted
braping it down when the brapy brep bropted
braping it right when bre brapy brep bropted
braping it left brep bre brapy brep bropted
braping it brept brep bre brapy brep bropted
braping br brept brep bre brapy brep bropted

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It isn't a big deal at all, I'm pretty positive this whiner is the same faggot that astroturfs and shits up threads literally everywhere he goes just for funsies
Just ignore him, and continue to post whatever bonbi relevant content you want to

i suppose its admirable you lash out at ""drama"" posts the same way regardless if they're negative, or if they reaffirm the likely positive, but i still think youre overreacting to this
you could theoretically have a really deep philosophical discussion about that short clip, especially on such a slow board. maybe you keep this thread open at all times waiting for new bontent and get really peeved when it's not.
anyway, reading this likely took longer than that twitch clip so maybe you can seethe at me next.

anon, don't just stare at it, eat it. 

> how sweet of them, they really do be caring and sweet, not about hurting, doxing, and humiliating her at all.
of course, that's also why it is so funny from the outside.

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The anti-drama posters are making a mountain out of a molehill. Drama has always been a mildly amusing side activity when the threads are slow. It increases interest and gives people something to talk about. Drama is only a problem when it dominates the threads and drowns out everything else or when drama posters keep repeating and seething about the same old drama that everyone already knows and is tired of. But new developments aren't that bad. I seriously doubt any of you would still be here if she was just a tik tok girl that we all knew nothing about.

Saying the Bonbi general thread is ONLY for posting Bonbi cosplays comes off as a little disingenuous when nobody has ever used these threads for that ever. Not only is that never going to happen, but that sounds boring as fuck tbh. But you can always make your own thread where you just post Bonbi cosplays and no one comments anything other than "Cute!" if you want to. Me personally, I want a thread with drama posters, schizo posters, brap posters, lewd posters, purity posters, and every single other type of poster. I want them here whether I like their posts or not. Why have so many of you lost the ability to just ignore posts that you don't like? There's only a few posts here anyways.

all my good memories on bbg are from bonbi posts and speaking about bonbi without the drama, or from speaking about random stuff with bonbibros and staying away from drama, so if you agree that drama is a problem sometimes so a different thread makes sense.

> when drama posters keep repeating and seething about the same old drama that everyone already knows and is tired of.

that is what the donators are trying to do, they are milking the shit of the old drama and spending money in hopes of getting new content and clips for that old drama we are tired of.

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except it stopped being bonbi's personal business when she herself chose to make it very much public business, repeatedly flaunting and flexing about her pedophilic relationship as though it was going to win her clout and praise

it would also be extremely hypocritical and disingenuous of emiru to have an opinion like the one you stated, given that a large portion of her own income is in fact also from a bunch of adult men on the internet she has intentionally fostered the attentions of for her own financial benefit

tldr: webm related

> spends years practicing and honing her craft
> starts posting videos online to a public video sharing social media platform
> makes considerable efforts to increase her audience engagement and account visibility
> regularly livestreams to her fanbase
> sets up multiple social media accounts to reinforce her brand and further her reach
> joins fan servers to directly engage with her audience
> advertises patreon / kofi links across her various accounts to promote revenue

Yes. Bonbibonkers is a construct of madelyn's intentional and concerted efforts via multiple avenues. It is quite literally bonbi's fault that she exists.

Continuing to spasm and froth unintelligibly only serves to undermine whatever point you may think you're trying to argue, and makes it quite apparent that your only intended goal is to discourage any otherwise rational discourse

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> except it stopped being bonbi's personal business when she herself chose to make it very much public business, repeatedly flaunting and flexing about her pedophilic relationship as though it was going to win her clout and praise

I remember DN's like Dr. Phil and Mr. Black tried to get that through to her way back in the day. Then the "sandwich and mayo" 2019 Valentine's Day thing happened, we all know the rest. Then Halloween 2019. The self-ownage was mind blowing. Granted those DN's are also at fault for not stopping it all earlier. And obviously her parents are garbage.

I guess it's better to fuck up early on and hopefully learn from it, even if it's only after more red flags than a commie parade.

Now, a minute please...

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we need the feet pics british bro! it seems that the aidf has retreated, they lost a big battle and now they must find a way to do their aidf ways, they will damage control and aidf-it, how will the russian and esl posters do now? they are not Bri'ish and will never be able to combat our poetic wit, now they will just post pics of bonbi and post edits, they will hide behind their webms and mp4s and will post 3 year pics, the british anons and anti discorders like us will expose their lies, they think they are safe now? OooOOoh no, we will strike with british steel and anglo pride! we are the british bros and we are cumming, we need our feet pics right now!

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Goddamn I knew I'd find one based one among the crowd of retards. Fuckken aidf and seth bros demoralized all us bonbilads for many years now but hoarding her feet pics for themselves is a goddam step 2 far. Can you imagine the louisinian dirt on her smexy toes creaming my pants just thinking about it. anyhow I'm thinking about murdering seth how you feel bout it,? fucking discordniggers btw. real hard times thinking about the feet

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glad we have an anti discorder and a proud anti sether among us, lets post memes and make these aidf learn a lesson, we will show them how to be an anon and not a discorder cuck! discordnigger hard times 2.0 

lets murder some people, american psycho for life... or british psycho if you want, seth makes makes me cream my pants, especially when I think about murdering him

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you a brit you must be lime, cute twink last i heard he was gay. Im russian my names Soloninoforser and Bonny reminds me of pornstar: Johhny Sins, he has cute feet too. Here we see bonby sad in the face. Thus, we can reasonably say bonbiewaffen made her transgender! Should have thirsted over her toes to encourage her femininity. 


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To me it's just a simple and natural looking cosplay that also reminds me of OOC bonbi which is why I like. Also you might be right with the bias thing because I went and watched AoT after her cosplay came out and ended up really liking it which made me appreciate her cosplay even more.

with her taking longer and longer times between posts and frequent breaks, i cant help but feel she doesnt like/is tired of cosplaying, and will eventually quit sometime soon...

A lot of it is this. When I was a teenager I did dumb shit too, but the difference is that I wasn't an Internet personality, nor did I have to deal with all the bullshit Bonbi gets on the regular. 

I want to help and do good things for Bonbibonkers! I want Bonbibonkers to be happy! Go Emiru, save our Bonbi!

I personally don't care what she does in her free time. If you like to flick your bean to some retarded gay art then you do you Bonbi, do whatever you want. 

But the fact that she's promoting this artist is just... yikes. Honestly she's lucky that she's a nobody on TikTok. Nobody really cares about her. Because if people did she would get cancelled so hard over this shit.

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You're not boomer, just normal. By "normal" I mean "less fucked up by technology and media than these other people who have marinated in it their entire lives, but much more deeply than you did".
> incest
> underage
> pedophilia 
> publicly associating with all of these things
I know time is a flat circle but good God, man.

for a second there she was almost based
then she ruined it all by spouting the same gaslighting drivel as usual
I'm still on the fence about whether emiru is smart or retarded
maybe she's just equal parts of both

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She's all over the map. "She's not dating him", avoiding that they were at one time (might still be but that's beside the point) but also admits in a runaround way that he was a problem and she helped deal with him. The "stalking" is the only reason she ever knew about any of this at all. The first bonbi twitch stream and the fallout from it are why she knows anything. 

Obviously there are bad eggs like the dn who finally doxxed bonbi and so on. For there to be no distinction between them and the types who exposed seth, and to be more vocally against them than seth, is a little strange. It's best for her to engage minimally rather than gaslight.
Not what she said. A curt "It's been dealt with, it's over" would be best all around. Gaslighting and doing the 
> evil bonbi fans 
song and dance for the umpteenth time does no one any favors, especially since the fans are the only reason she knows anything about this.

anything other than painting everyone that has ever voiced concerns about the public grooming of children via social media as an obsessive pedophilic stalker
there are a multitude of things that could have been said and/or done in the several literal years that have passed, and attempting to pass blame and whitewash over the unfortunate reality of bonbi's plethora of seemingly intentionally toxic fuckups is just insulting tbh

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This jogged my memory and it dawned on me that this guy left us almost 2 years ago.


Pour one out for the fallen...

Alzheimer's Anon


Weightlifter Anon, who I remember said he was groomed in his early teens


Wrestler Anon (no particular post saved, sorry)

Smugface, a dn who made good edits in the mid-oughts Youtube aesthetic (one of which is attached)

Roman Quote Anon, who had apt quotes of ancient Romans at the ready for seemingly any situation.Searching names like Horace, Sallust, Cicero, Persius, Martial, etc will bring up some of his quotes. Eventually he began posting his own thoughts. Choice posts:






His goodbye:


He periodically drops in and updates his poem and commentary, but may have stopped by now:


P E A K is still with us, as recently as a few weeks ago. He drops in about once a month it seems.

NEREVARIN, a tormented young Russian boy denied his Bonbi gf. He would namefag on /wsg/ and tried to get unbanned from D*scord many times. He was very perceptive for such a young man.





Fact Anon, who made edits with interesting statistical facts about Bonbi's tiktoks. He was also the dn "CIA man".

College Dropout Anon: a college dropout who was having some hard times. I hope he's better now.

I've probably forgotten a few, chime in if you want.

what fucking silence? she's acknowledged the questions several times and answered that they aren't together anymore. what the hell do you want emiru to say? "i can confirm that madelyn sherman aka bonbibonkers is no longer associating with known neet pedophile seth waters, and I am happy to commend the gentlemen of /bbg/ for their assistence in the matter, and I further wish to highlight how it is not at all creepy that these grown ass men have a community focused around their obsession with madelyn."

With you on that =- actually the best thing for Emiru to do now would be to just not reply. With Bon not streaming or doing Insta stories people use her as a way of communicating. It will continue as long as she keeps answering.

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> meanwhile in the background emiru's silence is deafening as her mentally ill and hormonally imbalanced moderators attempt to ban bonbi's entire fanbase from any and all social media accounts linked to both emiru and bonbi
it really makes you think.

he left her in her las B-day thats why she cries. so every b-day is a torture for her. she is no anymore with him......... but she still love him ... so much. they were together for a long time and of course they will be together again. the fanbase doesn't want bonbi to be in a couple. anyway, .... i'm glad he didn't get her pregnant.

> discordniggers getting slaughtered
Anonymous 4chan/endchan /bbg/ bros win. After two and a half years and a lot of grooming and probably sexual violation from Seth, but still.

a lot of bonbigrugs were banned from emirus discord and twitch. including loyal simps and non-nasties. when people started to complain, they were called subhumans and also banned from bonbis twitch. people still cling to the hope that it was all just the fault of a single power-tripping discord jannie, but it's more likely that emiru and bonbi are in on it, are sick of discordniggers and want them gone. our cute dwarf chimpanzee is probably chilling in emirus server right now.  

you can read about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/emiru/comments/mnswbl/respectfully_questioning_the_actions_of_emirus/

I think it's perfect, now emiru's sponsoring companies provide him with protection. obviously they are protecting their interests or investments from potential money inflows, which toxic comments or donations with weird questions are banned immediately. zero tolerance to fake followers who just want to bother with personal and meaningless questions through donations. That's why she says ask your questions directly.
For example. Bonbi is in a couple, or how is she doing, or when is she going to post something?
and things like that.
and don't post "what do you think about pedo with a girl under 15 blah blah blah blah blah blah......"
anyway ..... all change. >>/23515/

what a drama whore. coulve skipped it without saying anything, but now people will go googling the lyrics and creating more drama speculation.

> cant believe bonbi started cutting again. is that the reason she hasnt posted in over a week, bros?

some ppl were banned from both em and bon's respective twitch channels. Keep in mind Emiru's a girl who put effort to scrubbing the internet of things she didn't want people to remember, not like it worked 100% but still. This kind of thing isn't new for her, though ofc there are some really annoying ppl to deal with in this particular case.

Nothing that means she's a bad person. There's the leak that happened because she sent supporters some nudes, and the fact that she initially was using her sex appeal pretty blatantly to get ahead, like a proto-titty streamer. Other stuff. There was that site that has a long ass thread about it where petty roasties were throwing shade.

What are you—yes you!—still doing here? If you have need of rendering your affection onto someone, you would more justly be served doing so on a more deserving target. Might I suggest the delightful—despite her liberal views—Eve, whose moniker online is one of “undeniablyinadequate” and “probablyinadequate”.
-Roman Quote Anon

Looks like he updated bits and pieces of the poem again.


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Nyx is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness). Her appearances are sparse in surviving mythology, but reveal her as a figure of such exceptional power and beauty that she is feared by Zeus himself.

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Nyx is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness). Her appearances are sparse in surviving mythology, but reveal her as a figure of such exceptional power and beauty that she is feared by Zeus himself.

I remember using awemer in 2019 but deleted it because people were saying it had a virus. Any idea where to download it from? The pastebin link is dead and google only shows old archived threads when I search for it.

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In alchemy the egg stands for the chaos apprehended by the artifex, the prima materia containing the captive world-soul. Out of the egg — symbolized by the round cooking vessel — will rise the eagle or phoenix, the liberated soul, which is ultimately identical with the Anthropos who was imprisoned in the embrace of Physis.

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If the same could be said for everyone, I would have omitted that from what I wrote; while the best decision is seldom made, the worst is generally avoided. Note that having your mistakes broadcast to a million viewers is a singular error, a mistake 99% of people do not make.-Roman Quote Anon, the month of Juno, 2019 A.D.

On another note, we've lost so many bros, bros.
Forgetting about twitter is a good thing.

everything that made the bonbiverse interesting is gone now. people no longer spend the entire night making edits after she streams. sure, there was a lot of toxicity and craziness going on, but with it came creativity and true genuineness. now it's just a girl playing video games and guarding herself all the time. whatever, it was nice while it lasted and i can't blame her for wanting it to be over.

> There's almost 0 chat interaction and she only talks about the game 
she's probably focusing on the game cuz she's nervous which is understandable, and it'll get better with time.
to be fair though, she actually answered quite a few questions this time. 
i do hope she gives streaming on tiktok/insta another chance because that was always the comfiest shit

She played with Emiru and some of her friends, but all of these people are several tiers above her in terms of skill so Bonbi was just lost. The stream was awkward as fuck as a result of that. She was clearly not enjoying it.

I think bonbi doesn't like those games like LOL, she likes more dynamic and fast paced FPS games like Overwatch. In the whole stream I didn't hear any scream of ìra. I would like her to stream games that she enjoys playing. Also the team I had the guys talked to each other, but with bonbi they didn't talk or talked very little to her.


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper

the showrunners are getting creative again


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I thought he was a NEET that also works with bonbi? NOW HE IS A COP! my brain is overwhelmed by this multidimensional figure. I SMELL TRICKRY! he is grooming the authority of the US to commit Insurgency and become fuhrer of the world, he is grooming America! wake up people, the AIDF forces will soon march over your corpses!

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the idea of this demented pedophile getting enlisted in the police force is so comical it's surreal

it did make me think again on what bonbi said here about "saying too much" until she's in a "more safe environment"
it could be open to interpretation either way, but perhaps seth just span her some more white knight bullshit and the breakup was just more lies and misdirection after all

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> met a girl
> we fall in love together
> she even let me lick her feet
> she gets in an accident and lose her legs
> she asks me "will you stay? I know how much you liked my feet"
> I reply "nah" 
> leave and never look back

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Bonbi in 2021 is a FIST in the face of dramafags who want to make her look bad, you can see Seth posters DESPERATLY searching for drama on FaceBook and come here to spasm and seethe when no one cares, it warms the heart to see the seth fans buying Sandals just to get a crump of drama.

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hello lads, what about Seth and his Cop career? what about we go to the LAPD building and do a protest? we can shout stuff and feel cathartic about it.

Discord niggers are not our cops!
pedo groomer plays overwatch!
pedo NEET deserve no job!
Seth is a known pedophile!

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its not her fault that she is herself, if you think about it rationally she had no choice and just wanted to have fun on tiktok, what could go wrong that she ascends into godhood and be the creator of /bbg she still had no choice and didn't physically create it

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Stop using bonbi to defend a pedophile and groomer who apparently wants to be a cop.
It was like this even back in the /wsg/ days. There are one or two persistent "people" who use bonbi's well-being as a reason to shout down any talk of Seth. Then some crazy new shit about him is found and the coping begins. Rinse and repeat. Always the same pattern.

>  >I also prefer the artificial spergy cute version of bonbi, spergy, autistic, and says WOAAAH wOAOOAH every three seconds like a retard.

yes she still does it, but the WOAAAH wOAOOAH and the dolphin sounds she only does it to emiru. what a lucky girl.

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I agree, she outgrew that quickly, yeah there is spergyness but it was occasional and not artificial like the first comeback streams, like Umaru and roxxy. it was only a brief moment in 2019 that she got like that. maybe she wanted to get in cosplay and act like the cute characters (it makes sense for umaru) but she gradually stopped doing that, and her OOC streams were more chill.

yeah she does it occasionally, even in the twitch stream she screams every now and then and fools around, what's not normal is when she force it and then people expect her to act like that all the time, its stressful and thats why she stopped doing it quickly.

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I agree that there is cute and spergy moments in the pre hard times streams but it wasn't all over the place and retarded, it was just like her 2019 OOC streams and late 2019 tiktok streams, it was chill and had cute  moment here and there, nothing was artificial, bonbi returned being like that long ago but people kept saying they want the early 2019 spergy one like it was the original bonbi.

same I like spergy bon, I enjoyed Nico and Umaru streams but its not realistic to be like that all the time, and I kinda like the chill streams more, where she talks with the viewers and tell stories or share plans and stuff, like most of the OOC streams.

sometimes I would like to meet bonbi personally so that my heart would be disillusioned that bonbi is like any other toxic girl and that the magic of falling in love with her was just a fantasy that I invented to continue living in this shitty world.

lol, we all hit this stage sooner or later. i enjoyed the love, but i am also glad that i am about to move on from this. it does make me wonder though, why this kind of online love can be so intense and seemingly better than anything real, when you don't even meet the person in real life. and like you have said, all of this would crumble, once you would interact with bonbi for a few  minutes. it has to do with what you can project onto her, so you mostly end up loving a fantasy that you create in your head. but still, it only works with her. i never had a weakness for simping before i came across the bonbiverse. i think the bonbiverse is the canary in the coal mine when it comes to how people seek love in the future. more and more people will probably choose this kind of online love, as it is more intense and less likely to hurt you. i know i will forever compare my future SOs to what the bonbiverse was able to provide for me.

> why this kind of online love can be so intense and seemingly better than anything real when you don't even meet the person in real life. and like you have said, all of this would crumble, once you would interact with bonbi for a few minutes

What you and many others have experienced in all this is "hyper reality", and the disillusionment is reality breaking through again. Hyper reality is what this  >>/23978/
is referring to with Jean Baudrillard's "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place". It may also be what the old "bonbibonkers is not real" poster was getting at, whether or not he heard of hyper reality as Baudrillard describes it. This was also touched on in that blackpill copypasta that was first posted after the twitch debut with Seth in late 2019, the last line being "Maybe Bonbi was the real cosplay". 

Here is a good video about Baudrillard and the hyper real:


"Baudrillard builds on the work of Guy Debord, the situationist author of 'The Society of the Spectacle'. Baudrillard traces the symptoms and tendencies of the trajectory of the postmodern; a set of concepts appropriate for a new world of technologies of images and communication developing in the late 20th Century."


In 1993 the speaker was talking about children being overloaded with information from devices such as the NES.

What does he think of 2021?

Also, is he disappointment we dont have full body VR sex suits ? :-)

we must rescue a more unintelligible world, a more enigmatic world, we must rescue more metaphor, we must rescue more the illusion of destiny, the poetic and enigmatic value of thought.

If his love is based on fantasies alone then he will not fall in love more. Some bonbibros just love bonbi with no fantasies and unrealistic expectations, they just love her the way she is. If they met her they will fall in love even more, they will enjoy learning more stuff about her life and will enjoy watching how she is IRL.

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Interesting stuff, but not sure if it all holds up. For all his prophetic predictions, most of our current technology is nothing more than a glorified Skinner Box. There is nothing wrong with humanity wanting to reach transcendence through technology, but it probably will not happen anytime soon, if ever. Right now, the best way to reach it is through a combination of drug use, meditation and the internet. I think the bonbiverse was once such a tool, that helped people reach transcendence. It's why it was way more creative, wholesome and loving than your typical egirl community. You always see these rare, very distinct communities popping up from time to time, outgrowing what they were initially about and becoming a force of their own. Unless you are a hardcore simp, I think we can all agree that Bonbi was just a small mosaic of this community. Sure, she was at the center, but all the people who made edits and kept the chans alive were also doing their part in creating this organic space, that made it way more nurturing than what a single teenage girl from another continent could provide on her own.

the illusion that bonbi gives me keeps me that positive attitude that I need, gives me wings to imagine, also to face the loneliness that we find along the way. it gives me energy, enthusiasm and joy.
it is my secret, my treasure to feel happy. and despite having a bad day, when I get home, seeing her picture or video or just listening to a song that reminds me of her, I feel better and I have a positive attitude, happy and in love. Bonbi generates positive illusions within other illusions and so on infinitely. this joy is something mine and I don't want to share it with the people around me, but I like to share my joy with my bonbibros.  Even so, what I feel is inexplicable because it happens.
someone should do a thesis on it.

doesn't look like she's posted anything in almost 2 full months now
a bunch of her donators were probably also arbitrarily banned during the Great Emiru Purge though, so who knows what the state of her patreon is these days

Serious technical question. Why do the old bonbi videos look with a higher quality than the new videos that look with a very bad quality.
Should we help bonbi to buy a new phone?

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way better to have multiple videos for a cosplay, because when you like that cosplay you want more of it, her schedule is fine now, its good for the activity here too, people are posting here and coming back every time she uploads ones a day or whatever she does.

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