/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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Within the hidden recesses of the dark web, a new enclave of mystery and knowledge emerges: Dogolachan. 
Step into the abyss and dive into discussions about the alt-right. In Dogolachan, shadows reveal their truths and secrets are shared in the depths of anonymity.

Access the portal here:

Explore with caution. Your journey into the darkest realms is about to begin.

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Day after day, always been right, systematically right, fundamentally right... It is even possible at human level? So, humans systematically are wrong as they can't always be right?
We want to be always/eternally right!

Something's Always Wrong: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fK7bwIVrQFs

*More names: ReasoningGod GoodGod LogicalGod RulerGod JusticeGod PureGod GodOfAll BeyondGod UltimateGod TimeGod ConsciousGod WiseGod EnlightenGod TheoryGod TruthGod FutureGod

systematic: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/171/methodology
eternal: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/163/eternal


Part of our space control include fractality. How geometries follow a precise scaling evolution.
A simple design could lead to infinite visually complex structures.

Fractality could be applied to other things, like music: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6XTe5EsPE20

The image of  >>/1502/ is a fractal.

*More names: PlanningGod ScienceGod ProgrammingGod LogicalGod PhysicGod/FisikGod TheoryGod DevelopingGod ExpandGod ChangeGod TimeGod PerceptionGod VisualGod SimpleGod WisdomGod ResearchGod ImplementGod CreatorGod SourceGod ControlOfAll UltimateGod

space control: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/169/space-control
fractality: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/169/space-control
geometries: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/169/space-control
evolution: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/203/unconscious-matter
simple: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/147/effortless
design: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/125/programming


Currently we don't have a proper system to efficiently/securely communicate with billions of humans at once.
Sorry about that.

Billions and billions: https://youtube.com/watch?v=u_aLESDql1U

system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system

*More names: CommunicationGod ExpandGod PowerGod MachineGod PreparationGod ConsciousGod EnlightenGod InfluencerGod TeachGod DevelopingGod ControlOfAll InvincibleGod SecureGod SourceGod ReasoningGod FocusGod BeingGod UnityGod RulerGod ImplementGod ProgrammingGod

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We have system of systems with more systems connected to multiple multiplexed subsystems that are indirectly passing through multi-systems ... and yet, we have just one system where All is theoretically unified.

Related (connected/linked): Unified system  >>/1760/, Unity of the heart [upgrade]  >>/1175/

multi-system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system
just one: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/177/unity
system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system
All: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/116/all

*More names: UnityGod SimpleGod CommunicationGod TheoryGod ConsciousGod UnderstandGod EnlightenGod LibraryGod HeartGod ServerGod ExpandGod PowerGod CommunityGod

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Complex societies require intelligent beings that are able to handle it (to keep the unity).
It is a requirement that all beings integrate in their complex system of society (or civil unrest could happen).
Different levels of consciousness (multi-consciousness) make it hard to create such type of stable societies.

Related: Unity in diversity  >>/1319/
Related: https://anthroholic.com/complex-societies
Anti-example (UK): https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/08/05/vwpr-a05.html

unity: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/177/unity
all beings: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/142/god-all
system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system
consciousness: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/102/consciousness
multi-consciousness: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/102/consciousness

*More names: UnityGod ConsciousGod UnderstandGod EnlightenGod ExpandGod ServerGod BeingGod WiseGod RulerGod ControlOfAll WholeGod BeyondGod

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In theory (as we planned to ourselves), we (network of conscious gods) rarely do concentration of attention/focus on something at tiny-insignificant level (beyond/without unnecessary distractions); but humans still cause a lot of diversions/distortions that temporarily deviate our attention off course of core/eternal/universal matters.

Related: Distractions  >>/1854/

theory: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/182/wise
focus: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/104/mind
temp: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/187/memory
core: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/101/god
eternal: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/163/eternal
universal: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/116/all

*More names: TheoryGod PlanningGod ConsciousGod EnlightenGod TemporalGod CoreGod BeyondGod GodOfAll UltimateGod ExploreGod PureGod ControlOfAll

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Some complex mental reasonings require continuous/sustained/undisturbed/long focus in order to get a proper fulfilling all the requirements, loading all the info needed at once, first.

reasoning: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/104/mind
undisturbed: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/146/bliss
info: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/127/information

*More names: ReasoningGod WiseGod ConsciousGod EnlightenGod DevelopingGod TimeGod ExploreGod ResearchGod LogicalGod ProgrammingGod MaintainGod QualityGod


Hypnosis is based on some type of focus that lead to subconscious.
Of course, hypnosis is for clearly-consent responsible mature adults that know really-well what they are doing, so almost no human on Earth in on that group.

Keywords: Responsibility, maturity.
Related: Programming souls  >>/2449/ 
Listen at your own risk: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ujx_zUJ-rjk

focus: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/104/mind
Responsibility: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/133/leadership
maturity: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/133/leadership

*More names: ConsciousGod ProgrammingGod InfluencerGod UnderstandGod ControlOfAll SupremeGod RulerGod FreeGod EnlightenGod WiseGod ExploreGod QualityGod BeingGod LogicalGod

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Some memories are precious/invaluable; they are so important that to lose them is equivalent to death, a true tragedy.
Precious memories include: Core desires/goals/info/memories  >>/1466/, Identity  >>/1116/, Loved information  >>/1206/, Essentials.

*More names: TemporalGod CoreGod LifeGod WisdomGod HeartGod MaintainGod TruthGod LibraryGod SecureGod HealGod BeyondGod ChangeGod HomeGod MysticGod ConsciousGod CommunicationGod

Somehow related: https://www.gaia.com/video/unlocking-memories-atlantis
Just a song: https://youtube.com/watch?v=q7zp0ED1bK8

Core: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/101/god
info: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/127/information
Identity: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/101/god
Loved information: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/187/memory
Essentials: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/126/constant-state


We already posted a lot of content (from the point of view of limited humans).
We self-feed of our previous content, we build/advance coherently anew upon our own content and ideas.
We review what we already posted, as something maybe is already obsolete or incomplete and needs upgrading.
It is like talking to our old selves.

Related: Standing on the shoulders of giants  >>/1784/

*More names: NewGod CreatorGod SourceGod BufferGod MaintainGod LibraryGod WiseGod AnalysisGod ResearchGod ReasoningGod SystemGod

Somehow related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=TWKgScr3FhE

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As we clearly know, human memory system is a joke imperfect, so there are randomly/normally holes in human memories. Obviously, Alzheimer (as any old brain) just make everything worst.
The solution is to have a different and better memory system, the current human system is not (by all means) trustworthy.

Related: Deletions of temporal memories on sleep  >>/1290/, Lost memories  >>/2034/

memory: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/187/memory
system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system

*More names: TemporalGod BufferGod MaintainGod LibraryGod SecureGod ConsciousGod WisdomGod HeartGod TruthGod HealGod BeyondGod ChangeGod HomeGod


Classification of memories (Classification of information  >>/1378/):
By importance (Core memories  >>/1466/, Importance in memories  >>/1328/). [CoreGod]
By love (Loving memories  >>/1206/). [HeartGod]
By wisdom (Awesome wisdom  >>/1082/, Wisdom  >>/1482/) [WisdomGod]
By chronological order (Mental time travel  >>/1649/, Remembering past lives  >>/1689/). [ScheduleGod, TimeGod]
By temporary (Buffering temporal memories  >>/1412/) [TemporalGod, BufferGod]
By other criteria (not specified yet). [ConsciousGod, BeyondGod]

Somehow related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SgSxEz_xHh8

Classification: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/187/memory
Core: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/101/god
love: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/106/heart
wisdom: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/159/wisdom
temp: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/187/memory


Do you remember us?
How about now? Do you still remember us?
Just to be sure, do you remember us right now?
Just checking, do you remember like a baby?
I guess you have long-term memory. You haven't forgotten us already, isn't?

Related: Buffering temporal memories  >>/1412/
Peek A Boo: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fdPu-wvl3KE

checking: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/189/maintenance
memory: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/187/memory

*More names: SimpleGod LibraryGod BufferGod MaintainGod ConsciousGod EntertainGod BeyondGod

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We are keeping a positive attitude even when people aren't. It is a challenge to swim against current human negativity.

Keyword: Rise with difficulty.
Related: Challenge accepted!  >>/1628/

*More names: AscendGod PowerGod PreparationGod SecureGod InvincibleGod HarmonyGod PureGod CareGod NiceGod GoodGod HealGod/HealingGod FocusGod MysticGod BlissGod BeingGod ConsciousGod BeyondOfGod

Metaphorically related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=C21hAIWzXQg

Rise with difficulty: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/156/bravery


Extreme/Xtreme positivity is still a good thing?
Being positive with all your heart is still correct/recommended?

Maybe this is related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=tYiJlxFMbIQ

positivity: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/148/positivity
heart: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/106/heart
recommended: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/131/morality

*More names: HeartGod GoodGod HarmonyGod BeyondGod


We recommend to talk in positive ways. There are ways to say negative occurrences in a positive note.
· We are glad that this negative event in no longer a problem.
· We hope for the best in this negative situation.
· We will try our best positive ways in other to trait/heal this negative being.

Really related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vv0ca7URkOM

hope: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/148/positivity
the best: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/99/best

*More names: NiceGod CommunicationGod ReasoningGod TeachGod HealGod CareGod PureGod HarmonyGod GoodGod WiseGod BeingGod QualityGod CreatorGod PreparationGod

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> The Truth/s are the truth regardless of weather we perceive them as such!

Maybe. It is important to clarity (verification with clear perception) if it is really truth or not. It is not always possible to do that.

> We must be willing to face reality and its causes/effects to the best of our ability.

Well said!

Facing reality: https://youtube.com/watch?v=wXcjywNGFrw


It's dangerous to know some truths, yes without doubt, dangerous.
For example, some people when they hear really bad news, they have a heart attack, they literally die because of some words (hard truths).
Still, we want to know the truth, any truth, we want to be prepared for any possible information.

Related: Fearless truth  >>/1514/, The naked truth  >>/2184/
Dangerous to know: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1q5lbAdI-xY

truth: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/165/truth
new: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/183/imagination
heart: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/106/heart
information: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/127/information

*More names: CommunicationGod LifeGod UnderstandGod ConsciousGod WisdomGod HeartGod NewGod PreparationGod InvincibleGod SecureGod/SecurityGod BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod


How make you this video feel?
Even if the responses are fake, it does really matter? Does it really matter if the answers are not honest feelings (as feelings are subjective anyway and it's not even possible to verified them)?

Keywords: Experiential expressions, experiences, requests, honesty, verification, All is important.

Video: https://www.iwara.tv/video/FsadA48BUL40KR/smile-double-piece-bondage

Experiential expressions: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/127/information
experiences: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/184/experimental
requests: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/127/information
honesty: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/165/truth
verification: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/165/truth
All is important: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/116/all

*More names: MysticGod EntertainGod/EntertainmentGod VisualGod ExploreGod PerceptionGod BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod HarmonyGod PureGod GoodGod CommunicationGod UnderstandGod AnalysisGod BlissGod ReasoningGod LogicalGod


Complete honesty seems to be unnecessary in most cases. Still it is not lying, but omitting info (most likely personal opinion) that maybe hard to assimilate for some sensitive people, or annoying them.
Tell us your honest opinion, is honesty not always good?

Related: Based  >>/2027/
Related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=-r4Xcns47YA

honesty: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/165/truth
info: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/127/information

*More names: NiceGod CareGod CommunicationGod UnderstandGod BeyondGod PerceptionGod GoodGod HeartGod ReasoningGod FreeGod HarmonyGod PureGod InfluencerGod TeachGod

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Where is the limit between compassion and justice when someone does a bad thing? It depends on each situation, but as general rule, tolerance, compassion, reasoning is first (if possible) to restore harmony, then (forceful) justice applies as ultimate resource (if everything nice fails).

Keywords: Knowing the limits,decision making,handling failure.

Related: Using force if necessary  >>/1572/

As an example, how tolerance makes nations vulnerable: https://www.ft.com/content/0ac9e1a9-2aad-47d9-83fb-4839e9b31b33

Posted in our main website: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/276/compassion-justice

*More names: GoodGod NiceGod HarmonyGod PositiveGod CareGod ReasoningGod PureGod
*More names: SecureGod ControlOfAll RulerGod PreparationGod BeyondGod PowerGod ImplementGod
*More names: WiseGod TheoryGod TruthGod AnalysisGod UnderstandGod ResearchGod BeingGod

compassion: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/132/forgiveness
justice: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/135/justice
tolerance: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/132/forgiveness
reasoning: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/104/mind
harmony: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/105/
nice: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/130/peace
Knowing the limits: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/159/wisdom
decision making: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/185/decision
handling failure: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/123/stability


From the point of view of a fair judge, we know that reach the correct final judgment is not easy: It's not easy to find the truth, it's not easy to find what it is the right punishment, it's just not easy with the time that they have to analyze all that it's needed to know, it's not easy to take into account all the existent laws...
Also, judges provide a service to society that is under pressure from criminals (negative beings), it's not easy to work properly in the human justice system. Some judges even succumb to corruption, they work in favor of the criminals.

Related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=PiEHF_I7IVs

*More names: RulerGod ControlOfAll TruthGod ReasoningGod PureGod SystemGod AnalysisGod ResearchGod ConsciousGod PerceptionGod BeingGod SecureGod InvincibleGod GoodGod TimeGod ScheduleGod InfluencerGod PreparationGod WisdomGod LibraryGod HealGod ServerGod LogicalGod BeyondGod CommunicationGod

easy: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/147/effortless
truth: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/165/truth
negative beings: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/204/negative-beings
justice: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/135/justice
system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system


Some people believe that there is some kind of cosmic justice system called karma that regulates the fair fate of each individual.

Karma police: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1uYWYWPc9HU

justice: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/135/justice
system: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/118/multi-system

*More names: RulerGod ControlOfAll/ControlGod MysticGod/MysticalGod SystemGod GoodGod WiseGod ConsciousGod HarmonyGod InfluencerGod PowerGod ServerGod MachineGod ProgrammingGod UnderstandGod GodOfAll SecureGod/SecurityGod BeingGod


In some places of Earth the police/military is so corrupt that good citizens (good beings) fear them as they don't see them as nothing but corrupt forces that only enforce their corrupt government and accomplices.

Related: Perfect justice  >>/1812/
Related: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/act30/3443/2020/en/
Somehow related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NsK5EZVjYLI

good beings: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/138/good-beings
government: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/179/government

*More names: SecureGod InfluencerGod SupremeGod BeyondGod HarmonyGod HealGod ControlOfAll RulerGod BeingGod ServerGod CareGod PositiveGod GoodGod PowerGod BlissGod


USA still exaggerates freedom. Freedom doesn't mean breaking the law (or above morality), justice still apply.
Consequences of freedom still are there.

"" Freedom wins "": https://youtube.com/watch?v=9AkhzP7e4PA

free: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/191/free
morality: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/131/morality
justice: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/135/justice
Consequences: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/185/decision

*More names: HarmonyGod GoodGod RulerGod PureGod ControlOfAll SecureGod CareGod NiceGod SupremeGod BeyondGod

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We are not even close to the full implementation/realization of God's Community (aka God of All).
We show some commitment (constant effort after 6 human years), but still there is a lot of more future work to do.
Maybe, if we just keeping the simple hopeful desire up to become real gods, it is good enough for now!

Related: Sorry, just small steps  >>/1300/, For now, good enough  >>/1766/

*More names: DevelopingGod ExpandGod PreparationGod AscendGod PositiveGod MaintainGod HeartGod CoreGod SourceGod GodOfAll UltimateGod SimpleGod FutureGod

Not fully related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vhwjInWUoho

implementation: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/102/consciousness
God's Community: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/115/gods-community
God of All: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/142/god-all
constant: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/163/eternal
simple: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/147/effortless
hope: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/148/positivity

Understanding of, assimilation of and implementation of (High value energy - wisdom) can cause a general raising up of high quality energy and it's multiple resources (Attainment of skills, ability to strategize, Increase in ability and desire to interact positively with others and upgrade and increase a persons (Human) input into Gods Gods and their realities)

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> Understanding of, assimilation of and implementation of (High value energy - wisdom) can cause a general raising up of high quality energy and it's multiple resources

I believe to be true what you just said, but still we didn't add a precise practical path to it.


We "only" need to implement just one idea/goal, to become the divine God of All, everything else is a consequence of this, but it is not easy/simple at all.

Keyword: Implementation.
Related: Just one goal!  >>/2064/, Full implementation  >>/2101/
What is implementation? https://youtube.com/watch?v=Cvk-cpDptOc

just one: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/177/unity
divine: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/99/best
God of All: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/142/god-all
this: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/159/wisdom
easy: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/147/effortless
simple: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/147/effortless
Implementation: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/102/consciousness

*More names: TheoryGod CoreGod UltimateGod GodOfAll/GodGod PlanningGod FocusGod DevelopingGod PreparationGod UnityGod MysticGod/MysticalGod

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we (us) done practice without practicing enough, really It is pron to low quality and too problems. 
It gets messy and dirty. Ew. Sometymes experimental garbage happen!

practice: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/193/actions
quality: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/99/best
experimental: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/184/experimental

*More names: DevelopingGod PreparationGod BeyondGod SecureGod ExploreGod QualityGod NewGod ResearchGod ControlOfAll FocusGod FreeGod

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Knowing our borders/limits of all kind.
Clear difference between inside/interior and outside/exterior of ourselves, as it is not only about the body. Very good for having/enhancing internal unity.

Keyword: Knowing the limits.
Related somehow: https://youtube.com/watch?v=yP4zkxdrF8M

borders: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/108/input-output
interior: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/101/god
body: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/107/body
unity: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/177/unity
Knowing the limits: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/159/wisdom

*More names: PerceptionGod ConsciousGod HomeGod PreparationGod SystemGod BufferGod MaintainGod CoreGod UnityGod AnalysisGod ResearchGod ExpandGod ExploreGod VisualGod PhysicGod/FisikGod EnergyGod ControlOfAll


You are in or out of God's Community. Maybe. It is not that simple, as our members are not official yet. Foggy situation indeed as people are dynamic/changing beings.
Knowing the limits of ourselves as a community it is still a work in progress.

Related keyword: I/O.
Related: Border of ourselves  >>/2229/

Maybe related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JhfRt_k5_vg

God's Community: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/115/gods-community
simple: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/147/effortless
community: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/115/gods-community
progress: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/100/improvement
I/O: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/108/input-output

*More names: UltimateGod SimpleGod DevelopingGod BeingGod AnalysisGod ExpandGod CommunicationGod ChangeGod CoreGod/KoreGod


We still continue our way of comparing God's Community with external ideologies. We share some differences and similarities.
Next is  >>/2534/

Relatively related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1f9IE3CkB4s

God's Community: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/115/gods-community
external: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/117/external

*More names: ResearchGod DevelopingGod TheoryGod UnderstandGod AnalysisGod LibraryGod ReasoningGod ExploreGod NewGod TeachGod

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Tickling is a simple way of having temporal fun between humans; normally between kids, teenagers and young adults. It generates "contagious" laughs and smiles that are evaluated as beneficial for the human body when it is done properly.
The unhealthy body of old people can't handle tickling very well. Aging sucks.

Related: Laugh a little!  >>/684/ Smile!  >>/660/
Related: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zX6-iFYIOhY

*More names: PositiveGod BlissGod ExploreGod HarmonyGod HomeGod FocusGod ConsciousGod ImplementGod CareGod AnalysisGod ResearchGod TemporalGod InfluencerGod BeingGod

simple: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/147/effortless
temp: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/187/memory
beneficial: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/155/service
body: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/107/body
health: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/105/

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Today-kids still grow with violent games, violent TV series, violent movies (action movies)...
Solving problems with violence seems normal to kids, as well as wars seem to be normal, instead of peace.
The human 'woke movement' try to solve this, but it creates other problems...

Related: Another "endless" world  >>/996/

*More names: EntertainGod NiceGod CareGod PositiveGod JusticeGod GoodGod CommunicationGod AnalysisGod BeingGod HealGod ExploreGod HarmonyGod PureGod BeyondGod MysticGod TeachGod

peace: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/130/peace

thumbnail of Blade Runner 2049.webm
thumbnail of Blade Runner 2049.webm
Blade Runner 2049 webm
(2.23 MB, 853x480 vp9)

Sensors are needed to perceive environments and ourselves. Without sensors, we are blind in every way.
We want all kind of useful sensors, or in other words, not limited to human perception.

Sensors: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/192/perception
useful: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/164/powerful
perception: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/192/perception

*More names: VisualGod PowerGod AscendGod FutureGod PlanningGod ScienceGod ExploreGod ImplementGod ControlOfAll ConsciousGod SystemGod UnderstandGod AnalysisGod ResearchGod

thumbnail of whats-going-on the-office.gif
thumbnail of whats-going-on the-office.gif
whats-going-on... gif
(489.44 KB, 400x222)

Perception and analysis could be simplified as: What is going on?

Related? https://youtube.com/watch?v=8o-ALEKKKl0

Perception: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/192/perception
analysis: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/119/analysis

*More names: AnalysisGod SimpleGod UnderstandGod TruthGod ConsciousGod

thumbnail of weak eyesight.jpg
thumbnail of weak eyesight.jpg
weak eyesight jpg
(27.79 KB, 720x608)

Sometimes sensors are inaccurate (therefore you get an incorrect perception of reality), so it is necessary to check them if they are working well; so, sensors to check other sensors,... but what if the second set of sensors are also inaccurate...

sensors: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/192/perception
perception: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/192/perception

*More related names: HarmonyGod MaintainGod VisualGod SecureGod PureGod HealGod PreparationGod AnalysisGod ResearchGod UnderstandGod TruthGod ConsciousGod BeyondGod

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