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Previous:  >>/50296/

Nothing much going on in Syria anymore. Bit of ISIS I see on the map, and the SAA bombarding rebels on the north east. Beside that Israel is constantly attacking into Syria, targeting Iranian backed terrorists, and Iranian backed militias, and apparently Iranian militias themselves.
In Israel, the IDF still wrestling with some Iranian backed, dirty, barefeet, stone throwing kids since October... Where Yom Kippur and Six-Day Wars disappeared? Anyway. In Gaza they bombing Iranian backed Hamas, in Lebanon the Iranian backed Hezbollah. Sometimes they have a cease fire to release hostages as the Iranian backed Qatar negotiates it.
From Yemen, the Iranian backed Houthis raiding the shipping lanes with drones and whatnot.
In Ukraine the Iranian backed RAF/RuAf is on the attack. The initiative is theirs, AFU tries holding their trenches, forts, and foxholes. I heard couple of interesting things today, but would need some drawing and look up possible sources.
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Two days old article but we lost nothing yet.
The article is behind paywall, which can be disabled by disabling JS on the page. Made screenshots for Bernd, I hid the empty fields for images and advertisements.
Why the politics in the Congress was politicized and the limelight was directed on it, the Department of Defense put together the material package they'll send, or some of it at least.
> depending on where they are stored.
I assume they already have those depots in Polan filled.
They'll send 155mm shells, and missiles for medium-range rocket artillery, should alleviate the urgent need for those. 7 to 14 days from now we might expect stronger resistance on the frontlines.
> It is also probable the Pentagon will provide Ukraine with a fresh tranche of air defense equipment and ammunition
Patriots? I heard Russian planes performing close air support, so they are basically free to do whatever at the moment.
Lel, did he not share enough with those above him in the feudal hierarchy, his seniors?
> Timur
Based name tho.
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Some map wankery related to this  >>/51902/
The breakthrough at Ocheratine and how it "bloomed" from April 22nd to 28th (today). It will be interesting to follow how it develops.
Made an animated gif how the breakthrough and bloom at Popasna happened. Two gifs, with 1s and 0.5s refresh rate. I'll try to post 4 key moments in the next post of the evolution of the front.
There were some back and forth, AFU managed to push back at places, so here at Ocheratine this also can be expected, but I think it's established enough that they won't retake the place. At best they might stop the further expansion from there in the near future (on longer run I believe the Russians will push forward).
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The Battle of Popasna started on 2022 April 7th, when the AFU reported that the RUAF was planning to storm the town. To keep things short I won't upload an image of that position, it is obvious what was the original setup. The same day the Russians pushed in south of the town, towards the village of Novozvanivka.
It took a month to capture Popasna in full. First screenshot depicts this, it was on May 8th.
Then the blooming started. The RuAF expanded around town, I think the screenshot of May 21st captures this well.
June 18th shows a fat bulb, and on 22nd the two frontline in the NE closed to together. I think this could be the endpoint of the bloom as the front basically gets shortened, continuous and stable. From here they pushed to Soledar (perhaps that would be good to check as well) and then to Bakhmut.
Was musing about when Ukraine lost the war and if "The War" was avoidable. Realpolitik says it never is tho.

I think Ukraine lost the war in 2014 when it got decided that it's gonna be war.
With Maidan happening I think Moscow decided Ukraine was lost, and they had to salvage anything they could, so they took Crimea, the one region with key importance, and instigated the separatist movement to have further way in to Ukraine when later becomes necessary, or when the time is right.
Why I say Ukraine lost it already? Because no matter the outcome, Ukraine will lose with a war being fought on her soil. They'll lose population/manpower and for there is no chance to stand alone, they lose their assets, land and production facilities to the West in return for the help "help".
So in early 2014 it was sure that war is unavoidable. Frankly it started already. We might just did not see it some surely did, but if they claimed they "always knew with utmost surety" that would be just backwards forethought, there are always differing opinions, and with enough amount of opinions some bound to be right in the end, no they cannot actually know until things happen and make them right. But prior to that?
With the collapse of the Soviet Union US thought now everything is up for grabs, so they started to chain up their new vassals, gradually moving to east. For example Hungary joined NATO in 1999 the year when NATO bombed Serbia to pressure the release of the parastate Kosovo. And Hungary joined EU in 2004, that year saw the so called Orange Revolution of Ukraine, which helped the pro-West/pro-EU Yushchenko into power in 2005, which meant a drift away from Russia.
I think it goes without saying that while there surely were local groups - and people in general - in Ukraine, who favoured the West, US, EU over Russian relations, neither the Orange Revolution, nor Maidan could have happened without Western meddling, without them artificially creating and inflating local movements. And they probably went beyond astroturfing, using professional agents to do stuff as well.
I think Ukraine's only chance was not being a rope in a tug-of-war, which could have happened if Western Europe and Russia could have reconcile, and started to cooperate. Ukraine could have been a bridge in the process that connects, instead a rope pulled - and now torn to pieces.
So essentially Ukraine had no chance. Countries that entered NATO started to enjoy the protection of the nuclear arsenal of the West and the MAD that comes with it. But Ukraine had none of that, but the US's pull, and Russia's jealous stare.
But what if Russia had been quicker and prevented at least the Maidan, and perhaps the Orange too? Maybe Ukraine would be in peace now, but perhaps a different civil war had been broken out, just in the west with secessionist Lwow and such.

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Easter is here, Good Friday today.
Looked up a bit of folk believes, and traditions related to this particular day within the greater holiday of Easter, which actually starts 40 days before, with the Great Fast.
One group of customs is a type of health conjuration, all related to water, more specifically to fresh stream/brook water. Most often is bathing in it, washing oneself, just face or fully submerging in it. Sometimes done at early dawn. It could help with various ailments, give beauty, or just health in general. It should help with animals too, either the through should be filled, or the animals has to be led into the water. I like the one where girls seek out places where willow trees grow next to the water for bathing in it results in long, thick, healthy hair (on their scalp).
Christianized explanation of this power of brooks: when the soldiers led Jesus, they pushed him into the Cebron/Kidron river.
Another group is the so called "Pilate burning". A literal act is when they burn a figurine made of straw, which they name either Pilate of Judas Iscariot. This has some derivatives. Sometimes they beat the strawman before burning. At places a child was chased around the courtyard and if he got caught, he got beaten. At one place the priest hit the step leading to the altar with the Bible, and the congregation beat the benches with sticks. The custom of Pilate burning should be known in other ex-parts of the Habsburg monarchy - Austria, Czechia, Poland, Croatia, etc.
Banishing pests - such as rats or cockroaches - can be done on Good Friday. There are taboos, such as butchering chicken or plowing must not be done on this day. There are places where they light fires, sometimes young men jump over it, in some regions they hold vigils at these fires. It was also customary to treat the day as if someone from the family died, and act accordingly (like dress in black/dark clothing, cover mirrors, etc.)
> site that lists all Easter traditions around the world?
This does not exists. Wikipedia has lots of things but missing even more. And they have biased editing too, they just skip what it doesn't fit in the picture they paint.
What I wrote above for example is specifically for Good Friday, and I found in a Hungarian Catholic lexicon.

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ITT: post interesting sattelite images and what's notable about them.

These are shots from Rondônia state, where human settlement is strikingly clear. Highways -most notably, the BR-364 flowing SE to NE- and their evenly spaced perpendicular side roads flow deep into the jungle, with deforestation, cattle herding, agriculture and urbanization (roughly in this order) following suite. This leaves a light green (mostly composed of pasture) grid dotted with gray points where lines meet, overlaid on a dark green matrix. Few other places have so many clear, sharp edges that can be easily seen from extreme heights.
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This and their other video on Saharan circles was just what I yearned for, I wish they'd do more on this format.

> It's surprising that there are places on this Earth, where people can just get the idea and move to a remote place and create their own settlement noone knows about, and live in relative peace, on their own.
You can find private ventures founding new settlements on newly deforested land less than 50 years ago, but those made every effort to connect themselves with the rest of the world. To be fair, Anosibe Ambohiby isn't a closely guarded secret, they have to sell their crops and buy consumer and capital goods and some or most of this trade necessarily happens in the nearby villages. Given enough time and insistent interviews, the film crew could have gathered at least superficial information on Anosibe without entering the massif.

This blog post makes important questions:
>  Haubursin’s excellent video opens up many more questions. I’d love to learn more from the farmers of Anosibe Ambohiby – how did they negotiate access to the land with nearby villagers and the cattle grazers used to free rein in the crater grasslands? How do they manage the free-burning pastures fires that must annually come close to their new orchards? Do they have connections to a trustworthy citrus merchant who regularly buys their oranges and lemons? And finally, what is the impact of their new-found internet fame? Will it bring more settlers seeking out the volcanic soils and plentiful water? Will it bring government services or the tax man? Will it bring dahalo cattle rustlers and thieves?
They even filmed cattle on the road to the village, and another notable piece of evidence is the village elder's story - he got to know the area while trading cattle. I saw no fences but that land did belong to someone, no matter how loose property claims may have been. And Anosibe's settlers must have had a good degree of pooled wealth to invest in buying land in the area, they are successful cash crop producers after all.

One of the video's themes is the inaccessibility of certain locations from the Internet. But being unlabelled is the default state for the entire planet. Urban areas are the exception, you can expect Google Maps to name just about every single street. Rural areas have no streets but they do have equivalents to neighborhoods, and those are hard to find on the Internet. I know one such case easily accessible by a state highway, with a sign on the road and well known by locals, and yet Google has no trace of it. You might find such places by downloading massive PDF maps or shapefiles from government databases.
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The vegetation on the right bank of this stream was mostly deforested , while the left bank is mostly intact. Usually you'd expect deforestation on both banks at the valley floor, with patches of intact jungle preserved at the hilltops.
> happens in the nearby villages
According to the video they sell it in that one town. Which makes sense as probably that's the center of trade with a market where people form nearby villages go to sell their stuff and buy whatever they need.
I'll read the article later.

> that land did belong to someone, no matter how loose property claims may have been.
The land can be privately owned or by the state. If the state lacks the resources to keep track of whatsgoingon, or lack regulations and people can squat anywhere perhaps they really can just settle and produce what they need.
For me its hard to imagine for I live in this bureaucratic shithole EU, and semi-authoritarian shithole Hungary. For example we have a law that says I can spend max 24 hours anywhere in the woods at one place, and can't erect permanent structures. Maybe Madagascar lacks such law. Could be /out/ist wet dream. Who knows.
> well known by locals, and yet Google has no trace of it
I concur with the implication that while we have the unprecedented power to look at any place in the world, or get information just about anything, this also creates the illusion of all-knowing and makes us blind to massive amount of information that really exists. Language barrier is still there no matter of auto/AI translators, and possibilities to get certain information in governmental databases - which might or might not be accessible online even for the locals - is slim.
Read that blogpost here  >>/51926/ and I suspect it's a Madagascaran practice of land development to let communities to form themselves, let inner migration free to occupy and cultivate previously seldomly used lands, turning the unused means of production (the land, the soil) to be put to work and naturally allow growth without state investment.
I do suspect there is a merchant in that nearby town who deals in wholesale products and buy fruits and who then exports it.
There is still that chapter from the book he links to be explored or directly the laws of Madagascar. I'm not sure I'll go to either direction.

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I just realised something... something spooky as fuck.
You know how sumo is derived from some ancient rituals? How it was performed in shrines, to appease the kami, to ensure prosperity? It was only later professionalised, and is now performed on a national level by salaried wrestlers, but there are still many religious elements, from how the ring is consecrated by a priest before each tournament, yokozuna entering the ring with that big white rope around his belt, to wrestlers actually throwing salt into the ring before each bout as a means of consecration. It is a deeply religious ritual, somehow performed to appease the kami for the entire nation of Japan. Kinda like how the ancient Olympic Games were performed on temple grounds, and were a form of vitalist worship of Greek gods.
You know when's the last time sumo wasn't performed as scheduled? March 2011. The March of the earthquake and tsunami that rekt Japan. But guess what? The tournament was cancelled a month before. Because of some match-fixing scandal. Yep, that's right. And the earthquake happened 2 days before the tournament was scheduled.
The earthquake happened because the sumo ritual wasn't performed. Because the kami weren't appeased. They were pissed and caused the earthquake as a warning.
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In other news, Kirishima has now joined ex-Kakuryu's Otowayama, as his stablemaster is retiring. His poor performance was due to neck and elbow broblems. Hope he can recover.
I read Miyagino was or is a branch of Isegahama or something.
> What happens then? Can Miyagino-beya branch out again?
I assume this is temporary.
> Hakuoho and Atamifuji won't be able to face each other – not good for rivalry development.
Not to mention the third rising star Takerufuji. And with Onosato we're starting to run out of promising new talents. Hoshoryu is veteran at this point (heh Takerufuji is same age). Gonoyama is new but I'm not sure of hist capabilities. Sometimes his fights are impressive. Oho isn't good, although if he could muscle up, he could counter skill with strength.

I like Kirishima so I do hope it will work out. Luckily at least one other rikishi, and personnel are transferred, so not entirely new situation.
> Hope he can recover.
Heh on Natto's discord there is a couple of users who are vocal Kirishima opposers. They see attitude problems with him, he smirks a lot apparently. He does do that but it doesn't seem haughty to me. So basically they just find him antipathetic. Happens.
Akebono died at age of 54. Heart failure.
I saved some Terunofuji laughing pics, but I hold on to them to some other day.

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Previous one is autosäging.

Wanna watch The Longest Yard, the original Burt Reynolds movie.
I only see two remakes, the Mean Machine with Vinnie Jones, and the Adam Sandler comedy from 2005. Probably the only good Adam Sandler movie. It's greatest selling point is the catchy tunes played in the background and the supporting cast. Judging by the screenshots it follows the original story quite tightly. The Mean Machine is adapted to the circumstances of a Bri'is prison and normal football. It was entertaining too.
One more remake was made, and Egyptian one: Captain Masr in 2015. Not sure if it's available anywhere, or has any English dubs or subs. Also features normal football.
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I'm somewhere before the pissing scene in the book. Blackthorne is more pro-active, he tries to learn the customs, and pick up words, get a general feeling about their situation. So he's more like in the first miniseries in this sense. On the other hand, in the new series he walks weird and looks frail, from the book that makes sense for all of em, the sailors that is, suffered illnesses, scurvy in the firs place. Tho in the book from the scurvy they were recovering fast for they got boiled and fresh veggies in the Japans. I imagine they suffered wounds, that not heal properly due to lack of vit C so such could cause permanent damage in health. In the old miniseries however Blackthorn seems fit as a fiddle.
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Finished the show. 10 episodes.
I don't know. Much of it feels just filler, pointless dialogs and standing about. There are couple of cool scenes, like when Toranaga's kid uses the cannons to kill Ishido's envoy.
They demoted Blackthorn to be entirely observer of events.
I prefer the original series. I leave my final judgement after I finished the book, because right know I can tell there is much more to it than either of the two shows provides, and perhaps enough in it to explain the new one's shift of focus to the Japanese characters' thoughts and struggle.

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I'm looking for a car but I don't know much about them. I am thinking of a car like a Fiat 500 or a VolksWagon Beetle. What other cars are there like this, cars that are small so they are easy to park and don't use much fuel but that also look interesting and nice.
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I should also mention, this is an Australian army channel, they have released a few fairly well polished videos recently about important battles in Australian military history.
I wonder if the routing Korean units could have been stopped and recruited to do fortification works, and perhaps create some reserve from those who are willing to fight. But ultimately Chinese were stopped so.
Bombing own/allied units is a surprisingly common phenomenon.
> Bombing own/allied units is a surprisingly common phenomenon.

Particularly for the US, what was that WW2 Joke again? Something like,
When the British fly over the Germans duck, when the Germans fly over the British duck, when the Americans fly over everybody ducks.

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I've checked the catalog couldnt find any good youtube channel threads(delet if there is any)

share, shill and subscribe



These are about old guns about and stuff, which include muzzle loading ones as well.
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Glad to see you're back Turkeybernd  >>/51755/

Can you please comment (and like and subscribe) on my recent post involving a few Turkish girls I met.

> Small story about 2 girls that were visiting my city from Turkey.

> One was raly nice and had a husband. But she looked raly overworked and tired most of the time. She worked in a hotel and went to visit Turkey a lot.

> The other girl was raly whore-ish. And she always told everyone around my social group how much she hated Islam in regular conversation (being srs), was super Atheist, ate pork all the time out of spite. She was also liek hyper feminist. Kind of a weird experience dealing with her. She even hated Muslim men and Turks too.

Pls extrapolate your opinions
> Now they're all down it seems.
They are. This pissing me off a bit. I think youtube is fucking with the code again, they jihading adblockers those faggots.
Piped seems working (liek https://watch.leptons.xyz). For now.
I don't think that's Turkbernd.
Could be the guy from bernd.group who mods the site and posts with Turkball soemtimes, but I don't think he is from Turkey.
Could be the Bernadette from >>>/agatha2/ who is apparently studies in Turkey.

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> Also most of the escapades might not be glorious.

Ack bernd but that's the entire appeal of KC. Assbergers, srs discussions and the occational mishaps that life gives us. We can't just cover bernd highlights in life. We gotta document Alle!

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