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> /kc/ humour thread
I've been told I have no sense of humor because I laff at 10yo memes that trigger my sense of humor, by people who know when to laugh a bit like how a blind person knows that the crowd has stopped instead of walking into ongoing traffic.

> I've been told I have no sense of humor
If you are Bogdan, you really don't.
> I laff at 10yo memes
No problems with that. "Old" is not really old. Even jokes are ancient, they just get updated time to times. And what was funny X years ago can be funny now the same.

I'm trying to say that usually when people talk about "sense of humor" they mean either the sense to pretend something is funny for social reasons, or you should find it truly funny but not because you sense anything from the joke itself, or the joke would be amusing even while it starts to get old or overused. Otherwise being the butt of a joke should be the perfect reason to not laugh at a joke, because to you it is something you already knew and others just now noticed. But that's exactly when people are told they have no sense of humor, if they are the only person in the room already bored with the punchline.

I'm a bit on edge by how the culture decided to choose the exact words that are definitely a false statement, when they express this emotional idea of "sense of humor". It's a cultish vibe. Why not just be at least slightly accurate to reality.

> when people talk about "sense of humor" they mean either the sense to pretend something is funny for social reasons
No, they never talk about sense of humour in such cases, if anything they try to avoid any topic which relates to their insincereties.
The second case, yes, sometimes who doesn't laughs gets "accused" that he doesn't have a sense of humour - or more often the person gets explained what's funny in that.
In most cases when sense of humour comes up it's about the person coming up with a joke (for example a situational)or jape, or telling a joke (when and what joke is also included), or spotting a genuinely funny moment during an utterly everyday happening.
> when people are told they have no sense of humor, if they are the only person in the room already bored with the punchline.
If you are bothered by this, then when the joke is told you quick and loud you "shoot the pun" and say in a very condescending tone:
> HAHAHA very funny, it's a joke with a beard
...so you don't get the label. In exchange they'll think/say you are rude, so weigh the pros and cons.

A family of five (father and mother, daughter and son, and mother-in-law on the Hungary when we mention mother-in-law we usually talk about the bride's mom, so we use the viewpoint of the husband first, although ofc we call both the same) is having dinner. The kid asks:
- Dad, what's the difference between theory and practice?
- Let me demonstrate you, my son. - then he turns to the female members of the family - Would you have sex with [insert very handsome actor's name] for 10 million HUF?
- Well - says the mother-in-law - in my age it would be really flattering, ofc I would. I could spend the money well too.
- Khm - clears her throat of his wife and continues with red cheeks - you know how much the spending of our family, the education of the kids takes away a lot of money, I could use some new clothing, and we could travel some place nice in the summer... so... you know... for the family.
- Ofc I would - laughs the daughter - all my friends were so jelly! And all that money!
- You see - turns the man to his son - in theory we have 30 million HUF, but in practice we're living together with three whores.

A driver on the road is phoned by his friend:
-Stay safe partner, I just heard on the radio there's a mad car speeding on the wrong way in the highway you're in.
-You sure it's only one? I see dozens of them!

> on the Hungary when we mention mother-in-law we usually talk about the bride's mom, so we use the viewpoint of the husband first, although ofc we call both the same

There are two different words in Russian for both mothers-in-law, тёща (tyoscha - wife's mother) and свекровь (svekrov' - husband's mother). Of course every joke is about tyoscha, she always hated by husband in joke and show some stereotypical traits.

I've thought that this is just joke, but some of my friends are married, and yes, these jokes are true.

Yeah, mother-in-law jokes here are the sames. Also the stereotype, when we say házisárkány or home-dragon, we either refer to wife or her mother.
We also have a stereotype with the husband's mother, usual complaint of husbands that their wives ain't cook as well as their moms. Well, not usual but there's the type who complains. Huh, maybe I heard similar in western media products, maybe referring to sonbasket husbands.


What did the kike pedo say to the little boy?
Would you like to buy some candy?

How do you crucify a spastic?
On a swastika

Why do Negroes always have sex on their minds?
Because they have pubes on their heads

What's it called when you blindfold a Chinaman and spin him in circles?

Did you hear about the Polak who thought his wife was trying to kill him?
On her dressing table he found a bottle of "Polish Remover"

Did you hear the one about the sober Irishman?
yeah, me neither

How long does it take an Abbo to shit?
9 months

What did the Englishman call his son?

Why don't people hire British workers?
Lazy bastards take too many tea breaks

Specialized tool you can see through concrete walls.

The number one reason of divorces.

Why did the little Stevie fall off the swing?
He has no arms.

- Who's there?
Not the little Stevie

Policeman caught the golden fish:
- Policeman, if you throw me back, I fulfill two of your whishes!
- Would you make it three?
- Done! Now what's the other two?

How do they call the Japanese fireman?
On the phone.

Why can't the T-Rex clap?
It's extinct.

A skinhead walks into a bar and notices all but one of those present are white. Approaching the counter, he raises his finger and voice and says:
-I'll pay a free drink for everyone here... except that nigger on the corner!
Everyone cheers. The nigger bursts into laughter.
The next day he finds the same people. As soon as he closes the door he says again:
-I'll pay a free drink for everyone but that nigger!
The drunkards cheer. The nigger laughs even harder than the day before.
-Why are you laughing?!? You don't get a drink!
-I own this bar.*

I'm a master of dark humor. In fact, my humor is so dark it picks sugarcane.

Want to hear a heavy, dirty joke?
The elephant fell on the mud pit.

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Some awkward Dilma quotes.

I'm really happy to be here in Bauru. The mayor told me that I am, among the presidents, in recent times, one of the(♀)* presidents, or presidents, who have been here in Bauru.

If today is Children's Day, yesterday I said that children... the child's day is mother's day, father's and teacher's, but is also animals' day. Every time you look at a child, there's always a hidden figure, which is a dog, behind, which is something very important.

We won't set a target. We'll leave an open target, but when we reach the target we'll double the target.

So far hydroelectric power is the cheapest, in terms of how long it lasts, of its maintenance and also for the fact that water is for free and we can store it. Wind could be this too, but you haven't yet gotten technology to store wind. So, if the other countries' contribution, let's assume that it's to develop technology that can, in wind [power], that can store, that there can be a way for you to store, because wind, it's different in hours of the day. So let's assume there's more wind in nighttime. What would I do to store that?

No civilization was born without access to a basic form of nourishment and here we have one, as natives and American Indians have theirs. We have the manioc and here we are, and, certainly, we'll have a series of other products which were essential to the development of the entire human civilization through the centuries. So here, today, I salute the manioc, one of Brazil's greatest achievements.
[In the same speech, holding a ball which "came from New Zealand" to "last as long as necessary"]
We're of the human genus, of the sapiens species, we're those who have the capacity to play, to toy, because playing is this. The important is not to win but to celebrate. This is the human, ludic capability to have an activity whose end is itself, the activity itself. Sport has this condition, this blessing, it's an end in itself. And it is this activity which first characterizes children, the ludic activity of playing. So to me, this ball is a symbol of our evolution, when we created a ball like this, we transformed into Homo sapiens or women sapiens.

Paes is the happiest mayor of the world, who heads the most important city of the world and of the galaxy. Why the galaxy? Because the galaxy is Rio de Janeiro. The Milky Way is peanuts next to the galaxy which our dear Eduardo Paes as the honor of being a mayor of.

I don't think that whoever wins or whoever loses, nor whoever neither wins nor loses, will win or lose. Everyone will lose.

*This is a convoluted. "Presidente" is used for both male and female presidents. To make a point of her status as the first woman heading the country, Dilma insisted on being referred to as "presidenta", a valid female-only form which fell into disuse because it sounds unpleasant. However by force of habit she herself sometimes refers to women in presidential positions as just "presidente", as was the case here. Not only that, but she also referred to women presidents in the plural when she was the only one.

Bzb. Politicians really have some golden spits It think I explained this in the idiom thread.
> store wind
It is stored in beans.
She really sounds like a prime retard to be honest. Or drunk. Most of this shit should be pre-written.

I remember Gyurcsány's two fun saying (was PM 2004-2009).
The first one I can't quote exactly, he talked about how the Hungarian citizens deserve more, a better life. A new house, a car, a younger wife...
The other one was a slip of the tongue I guess. He messed up the speech, basically was an unconscious wordplay. He wanted to say, "elősegíteni a csontok összeforrását", which means helping to heal the broken bones, but instead he said "elősegíteni a fontok összecsórását" which translates: helping to steal the pounds (sterling). A freudian slip, everyone agreed.

> She really sounds like a prime retard to be honest.
And she was supposed to be a cultured, academic administrator with a background in Economics didn't stop her entire rule from being a transition from golden years to stagnation to economic collapse. She even tried to give off the image of a harsh technocrat bossing and firing subordinates, and was known to be a micromanager. But when speaking she couldn't maintain a coherent line of thought and always went off the rails. Having the charisma of a potato didn't help. And maybe she didn't get any real knowledge from her intellectual background.   
> Or drunk.
That was Lula, and he was charismatic and always in control. His golden spits were of a different kind, frequently just being expressions of ignorance.

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- 911 what's the emergency?
- He wants to kill me!
- Who?
- The black cat!
- Is this a prank? Who is this?
- Charlie the parrot.

Blondie calls the airport:
- How long does the flight take from Budapest to New York?
- A moment...
- I see. And back?

A firing squad will execute, in order, a ginger woman, a brunette and a blonde. As the ginger is lined against the wall and soldiers raise their weapons, she points to the other side and screams "Tsunami!" Dazzled, her executors don't notice as she runs away. Next, the brunette is lined up. As the guns are about to go off she repeats the ginger's gesture and exclaims "Landslide!" In the confusion, she escapes. Finally, the blonde is placed for execution. From the depths of her lungs, she shouts "Fire!"

An ornithologist's two parrots, one green and one red, fly to a madhouse, where they roost on a tree in the courtyard. One of the internees reaches the branch, picks up the red one and takes it to the ornithologist, who replies:
-Thank you a lot! Can you bring me the other one?
-It's not ripe yet.

Tried explaining what a 'blind date' was to a Saudi the other day... when I said I saw the girls face he assumed I meant rape.

On his 18th birthday a Saudi father presents his son with five sex slaves all in burkas. "Son, each of these women are young models but you may only choose one and I will keep the rest." "But dad, they are in burkas, how do I know which one to pick?" "That is the secret of the burka my son, the face does not matter because they all look the same from behind."

During the communism little Maurice is asked by the teacher:
- Little Maurice, can you tell the class which countries are friendly nations?
- Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, East Germany, Bulgaria.
- You forgot the most important, the Soviet Union!
- But the Soviet Union is brotherly nation not friendly.
- Why?
- We can choose our friends...

He was regular on KC main. I think he still is on Kohl.
Uh, he had an e-mail address and a PO box. Whenever someone wrote about suicide, he begged in the thread to send him a plushie. It's a good plan. Someone who will die nor money neither identity matter anymore, so that person just might send him something. He got a couple I remember.
I dunno if the senders killed themselves or not.

In Soviet Armenia official propaganda said: "Perfect communism shines in the horizon". Local peasants couldn't understand and requested an explanation. State radio replied that, as the definition of communism is already clear, they should look up the definition of horizon. The definition they find is: "imaginary line which separates heaven from earth and gets further and further away from us as we approach it".

Cited in the Oral History of the Army, volume 10, page 204.

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There's a few posters that always managed to get a giggle from me. The Russian DOOM poster, general HAPA threads, the German bernd who would always sperg out in the most EBIN matter. 

/kc/ is just a funny type of place to be in. What is it about this board that always brings people together and brings out the EBIN out of them? Is it the memes or is it the bernds?

Lots of people left when they changed the css on the site. Could feel site quality plummet after that.

And after the kohlzine fiasco, I think most true bernds just called it quits. Shame really, I really liked early kohl tbh. 

And the fourth pic is from here actually tbh. From our resident meme master Turkeybernd. RIP in pieces, wherever your wings may fly you to

read it better:

style change -> people leave (because they don't like it) -> quality drops (because people leave)

i personally stop visiting websites when they try to be more "epic and cool" (not boards, but from boards i can remeber ylilauta that sort of changed its design always to become more and more finnish reddit as the result everyone left their /int/ it is now a ghost town lol

hey but at least they have normies! win-win

What exactly has changed and why is it bad? To this date Kohlchan looks much more like Krautchan than this board for instance. There are some differences due to LynxChan and even new original features, but that's natural.

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> there is no shaming for being who you are
On most chans' most boards that is exactly what a large part of the conversation is. They try to press any information out of you, or picking up whatever voluntarily shared information and try to shame you for it. Or they just make up something and try to shame you for that.
Sometimes it can be funny - since this is a thread about joges -, telling any Swede "that's enough grappa" for any or no reason it's quite funny. Once. After that it loses novelty fast (for most people). Granted those who get told wouldn't enjoy that. Especially since everyone feel he has to say it once, and they are a lot, receiving people are way fewer.
But then there is the other side. I'm breddy sure not one Swede on Kohl embraced it and shitposted as grappa for fun. Adding more to the "one/lone Swede theory" meme as well.

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> that's more to do with chans are politicized to the core, including kohl. you cant engage with bernd anymore but only with their masters and their memorized lines.

I just wanted to have Serious discussions. Why can't I have serious discussions? Is it illegal to talk about haplotypes nowadays? Why must the bernds suffer?

Personally, I blame the keins for this. They are always plotting against us!

This true. What was the firs which pol grew out from? /news/ on 4chan? Or something like that. It was a fuckin mistake. And people can't compartmentalize, they will inject the shit of a board they visit into another one.

A starving Cuban child gets home after school and begs for food, but his mother says they have none. Then he points at the family parrot and asks:
-Why don't we eat parrot with rice?
-Because there's no rice.
-Why don't we eat parrot with vegetables?
-Because there are no vegetables.
-Why don't we eat baked parrot?
-Because there's no gas.
-Why don't we eat fried parrot?
-Because there's no oil.
The parrot interrupts them, screaming:
-VIVA FIDEL!!!!!!!!

Reminds me:
Workers are traveling on a train, comrade Lenin is the engineer. Destination: communism. They run out of fuel and the workers turn to Lenin:
- Comrade Lenin! We have no more coals to feed the engine! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Do not worry comrades. All the food are combustible, throw those in the engine.
They do as told and the train rolls on. But soon they run out of food.
- Comrade Lenin! We have no more food to feed the engine! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Do not worry comrades. All your clothes are combustible, throw those in the engine.
They do as told and the train rolls on. But soon they run out of clothes.
- Comrade Lenin! We have no more clothes to feed the engine! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Do not worry comrades. All the railroad ties are made of wood therefore combustible, tear those up and throw them in the engine.
They do as told and the train rolls on. But soon they run out of railroad ties.
- Comrade Lenin! All the railroad ties are gone! We have no food, no clothes, can't move forward but can't go back! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Comrades! We arrived!

I think I posted this in a previous humour thread.

What is an Englishman?
A gentleman.
What are two Englishmen?
A club.
What are three Englishmen?
A colonial empire.

What is a Frenchie?
A gourmet.*
What are two Frenchies?
A fashion show.
What are three Frenchies?
A perfect relationship.

What is a German?
A soldier.
What are two Germans?
A factory.
What are three Germans?
A World War.

What is a Hungarian?
A lord.*
What are two Hungarians?
Three different political views.
What are three Hungarians?
No such thing. One of them is either a Swabian or a Jew.

*Couldn't remember exactly, had to come up with something, I can justify my decision.

Type of jokes is the "grumpy piglet" jokes.
Goes something like this:

Grumpy piglet walks in the woods. He meets a fairy.
- Hey little piglet, I'm in a very good mood, I will grant one wish of yours.
- Suck my dick!

Grumpy piglet falls into a pit. The bunny notices and tells him from above at the edge of the pit:
- I'm gonna get some help. Just wait patiently.
- I won't wait!

Hahaha, good one comrade.

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On the other hand...
This is potato candy, made of starch extracted from potato and turned into glucose. It has a peculiar taste I were never fond of. It's not too bad, I just found it a bit weird. It also can be caramelized just the same as normal sugar.
So potato is also a sweet.

Watson comes home a bit earlier than usual and sees Holmes having sex with a clearly underage girl. 

-What the fuck Holmes? Is she in high school!? 
- Elementary, my dear Watson

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