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> It's the fact that Miles Mathis keeps injecting his genealogical nonsense into everything
It may be a way to confuse his followers, or to just misdirect them. He always writes "more on this later", or "lets save this find at the end" to throw the readers off. In the kennedy paper he used pictures that was a recreation (!) of the event and said it was live ones, and then later on saying it was a recreation. Its all a mindfuck. 

He claims, in an essence that everything is faked and only he can discern reality. It makes people question their own judgement which is probably the goal of it all. 

> It's also that he is instant ammunition against any legitimate movement. He'll just accuse them of being a psy-op, and everybody will believe him and not trust any actual dissent. Miles believes that it's useless to resist the JWO, instead, painting yourself to death in Taos, New Mexico while appearing to be a lifeless "truth-seeker" who believes in moral relativism and isn't going to utilise the truth anyways.

This technocratic tyranny/technological slavery requires peoples data/output to function. So just stop feeding the beast. Grow your own food. Dont use technology. Its that simple really.
His paper on uncle ted always annoyed me because it was filled with so many conflating stories. His summary was that it was a way to blackwash enviromentalists and lefties. How does that make any sense at all? Ted hated enviromentalists and people who "worshiped" the earth. 

There is alot of things that doesnt make sense with teds story either though.
> He claims, in an essence that everything is faked and only he can discern reality. It makes people question their own judgement which is probably the goal of it all. 
Other way around: It's to make people believe in moral relativism. Just ask yourself, why do all of these "truth-seekers" say that all of their drivel is "only their opinion"? Because they don't give a flying french fry about the truth, they're only trying to laugh at the people gullible enough to buy it while injecting enough facts, that people who reject him will question them. 
> This technocratic tyranny/technological slavery requires peoples data/output to function. So just stop feeding the beast. Grow your own food. Dont use technology. Its that simple really.
I'm talking about founding a tribe dedicated to this. What will all of these "truthers" like Miles and Hexane think about it? They'll immediately claim it's a psy-op and that EVERYTHING is either  a government op or will be infiltrated and become on. Prime-tier demoralisation. Say he doesn't go with that, Miles believes in moral relativism, so to him there's no purpose to found a tribe, instead literally writing papers 24/7 and eating a bunch of junk food is the way to go. Say he doesn't go with that, he'll probably reject it as a psy-op because Miles is a liberal, and tribalism needs to be hierarchical to function properly; he'll claim we're Phoenicians or something for doing so; and he'd forbid any racialist or anti-homosexual beliefs! In-fact, so much so that on the forum Cutting through the fog, there are literal crossdressers that admit to being longtime Miles readers:
CTRL+F to "Lloyd Kinder"'s post. 
> The trans community is pretty small, so it’s easy not to know anyone in it if they don’t happen to inform anyone locally. But I feel like part of that community loosely. At times I’ve enjoyed crossdressing. Only about 2% of men are said to be crossdressers. There’s a good forum for them at Crossdressers dot com. That’s where I learned quite a bit about them/us. They have discussed the bathroom issue after the last election, but I haven’t checked out the forum much since then. They all have different views, but they seem mostly rather tolerant. The forum has a section for people transitioning too, which is private. This is just to let folks know that the community isn’t completely fake. Many of them dislike the word tranny, because it’s used in porn, which most of them dislike. The word is okay with me. I’m not offended.
And who knows all the other sodomites that lurk his website and believe his drivel!
So what I meant is that there's no way to starve the beast with Miles' beliefs, only to feed it while being artificially "aware" of the truth.
It's the Amish that believe in that, there's a ton of art in Islam. By the way, I was obviously exaggerating what I was saying, my main point was that industrialism and all its components are utter fecal matter.
> industrialism and all its components are utter fecal matter
Wholeheartly agree and I would go a step further and say that the renaissance was a complete disaster for the earth. 

> Other way around: It's to make people believe in moral relativism. Just ask yourself, why do all of these "truth-seekers" say that all of their drivel is "only their opinion"? Because they don't give a flying french fry about the truth, they're only trying to laugh at the people gullible enough to buy it while injecting enough facts, that people who reject him will question them. 
I get the feeling he wants to impose nihilism unto his followers, not necessarily meaning that he is one. 
> I'm talking about founding a tribe dedicated to this. What will all of these "truthers" like Miles and Hexane think about it? They'll immediately claim it's a psy-op and that EVERYTHING is either a government op or will be infiltrated and become on. Prime-tier demoralisation. Say he doesn't go with that, Miles believes in moral relativism, so to him there's no purpose to found a tribe, instead literally writing papers 24/7 and eating a bunch of junk food is the way to go. Say he doesn't go with that, he'll probably reject it as a psy-op because Miles is a liberal, and tribalism needs to be hierarchical to function properly; he'll claim we're Phoenicians or something for doing so; and he'd forbid any racialist or anti-homosexual beliefs! In-fact, so much so that on the forum Cutting through the fog, there are literal crossdressers that admit to being longtime Miles readers:
Liberalism is a funny word because it can mean so many different things to different people. Same with anarchism. Its really a war of words, or with memes to understand the meanings of things. I just read the other day that the term "smart" has over 90 meanings! 
> So what I meant is that there's no way to starve the beast with Miles' beliefs, only to feed it while being artificially "aware" of the truth.
Miles papers are like poison to the soul because its just his "opinions" at the end of the day. There is no facts backing it up, no positive message, no solutions what so ever. Im completely comvinced that all alt media is controlled because they all follow the same template. Have you heard anyone telling people to not use technology? To make their own food? Its all just depressing stories about oligarchs getting richer whilst the poor suffer, without any end to it.
> renaissance
I've stated that all the bad ideas coming during the renaissance and ancient periods were unable to be fully applied in a non-industrial world, which is why some semblance of sanity remained during those times. 
> Liberalism is a funny word because it can mean so many different things to different people. Same with anarchism. Its really a war of words, or with memes to understand the meanings of things. I just read the other day that the term "smart" has over 90 meanings! 
And Gerry admits this in his papers, yet Miles goes scotch-free while advocating for liberalism. It's just emperor's new clothes, everybody just assumes that Miles is right without ever questioning his liberalism. If they do, they'll be considered a fascist and thus a jew and thus a spook, and be expelled. It's ironic Miles complains about Karl Marx in his paper, and how he complains about how mainstream conspiracies are just about people dying in agony, but he promotes class struggle more than anyone else! It's just that it's only two-sided, the "common people" vs. the "spooks" with no solution. In 2014 there's a "What can I do" paper and 6 years later, "I'm okay with the jews ruling, they should just do a better job".
And the proper term for his die-hard transsexual followers should be "lemmings" or "yes-men". They will agree with all of Miles opinions and treat it as infallible truth, everyone who doesn't is a spook.
The fact that some of his followers are crossdressers and many are pro-transsexual and that Miles is basically a cult-leader should ring a bell, by the way.
*nevermind him taking a 7 year old girl as his "muse" and making a blog where his adult self-insert fucks a 13 year old, while NEVER calling out pedophiles in any of his works. This swarthy, hook-nosed pedophiliac liberast is supposed to be the guy accusing others of being "gay jewish actors". YEAH RIGHT.
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Now that I think about their similarities, I wouldn't be surprised if David Koresh and Miles Mathis are the SAME GUY:
> Miles Mathis - born on 17th September 1963, Amarillo Texas
> David Koresh - born on 17th August 1959, Houston Texas
> both are cult-leaders with a god-complex
> look extremely similar; if David shaved they'd look identical
> both are pedophiles who either fucked little kids or wanted to fuck little kids
> And Gerry admits this in his papers, yet Miles goes scotch-free while advocating for liberalism. It's just emperor's new clothes, everybody just assumes that Miles is right without ever questioning his liberalism. If they do, they'll be considered a fascist and thus a jew and thus a spook, and be expelled. It's ironic Miles complains about Karl Marx in his paper, and how he complains about how mainstream conspiracies are just about people dying in agony, but he promotes class struggle more than anyone else! It's just that it's only two-sided, the "common people" vs. the "spooks" with no solution. In 2014 there's a "What can I do" paper and 6 years later, "I'm okay with the jews ruling, they should just do a better job".

Which is a total mindfuck because both josh and miles are jews (!). Communism and capitalism is the same thing and they are both heading towards the same goals. 

> And the proper term for his die-hard transsexual followers should be "lemmings" or "yes-men". They will agree with all of Miles opinions and treat it as infallible truth, everyone who doesn't is a spook.
> The fact that some of his followers are crossdressers and many are pro-transsexual and that Miles is basically a cult-leader should ring a bell, by the way.

Which fits into your david koresh theory. All cults work this way though. Communitarianism especially.

> Now that I think about their similarities, I wouldn't be surprised if David Koresh and Miles Mathis are the SAME GUY:

Could be. We dont know though if miles exist, or if he is just a committee.
danebernd did you read any jacques ellul or lewis mumford. I can also recommend uncle teds anti technology book its the green one. 

do you have a mail so we can keep in contact
> danebernd did you read any jacques ellul or lewis mumford
I actually haven't, most of my anti-technocrat views comes from both my personal experience with technology and Ted's works. 
> mail
I've made a throwaway one just now, you can respond to it, I'll respond with my real email after that (anonymity matters):
spirituality, or religion or call it what you like, fits together with technology. I think it was rudolf steiner who said it was harder and harder to be a human with all this electricity. it seems, that when people put their faith in technology more and more, they become less religious, and the faith in technology replaces it. 

propaganda is essential for people to actually buy into the technological society. because technology creates more problems instead of solving the existing one. 

I first looked at it from a biological perspective, since the advent of electricity, and radiowaves/microwaves everything went way downhill. cancer and diabetes was virtually nonexisting 200 years. now 2/3 men and 1/2 of women get cancer. things like dementia was unheard of in the past. 

I get your point about the ancient world having the same approach, since so much was standardized then. women got arthritis in their 30's because they were grinding wheat all the time. now as you pointed out, with industrialization everything just got more perfected.

what do you think about stoicism?
From what you guys have been talking about, is it fair to assume that religion is simply done away with by the presence of non-religious explanations?
Because most agnostic or atheist people don't understand the Big Bang, and neither do I, but they still see it as more valid than the Christian creation theory.
So I'm not sure if scientific explanation is the only reason.
Miles might be aware of this thread:
> Also, there’s an entire thread at another forum where people are bashing you and your disclosures. Especially the connections to peerage and Phoenicians. Won’t post a link here though. Just wanted to share this here. Some of us have more time on our hands. If anybody is interested in going to that forum to help set the record straight, I’ll email the link to Josh and he can then share it with you privately.
Connections to peerage and Phoenicinas = my entire statement on how assuming every "Stewart" is some blueblooded spook from the House of Stuart is ridiculous. 
> Thanks, Echo, I got your e-mail with the link. Spook nest confirmed.
So Josh, the Californian jew with no bio is now accusing someone (be it me or someone else if it's some other forum0 of being a spook apparently.
> They are trying desperately to get me to sue them for defamation, since that is all they have left. They figure that will make me waste a lot of time and energy, and maybe cost me money I don’t have. But everyone already knows those people are paid liars, so I don’t really need to prove it in court.
Red-flaggish, could be referring to someone else. Nothing's pointing to me trying to sue them for defamation.
> But as I have said before, if anyone wants to take the case pro bono, I recommend it as a slamdunk. They have also called me a pedophile, so there is some money to won there. I will give a very large percentage of any money recovered to the attorney.
So he's sending a bit of a spook brigade against whatever the forum may be. Some Canadian popped out of nowhere, and that's really suspicious isn't it? And nobody "accused" him of being a pedophile, he outed himself as one, by self-inserting as a nude artist fucking a 13 year old girl in a blog, or having a 7 year old girl as his muse. I don't know how I could sue him for this however, considering only the act itself is punishable. Either way, having pedo tendencies as a whole is a massive red flag, especially when he's denying jewish correlation with pedophilia. 
Whatever the case may be, I don't give a damn about trying to sue anyone. Only one person brought the narrative in, and that's Miles. Another pointer indicating that this could be some other forum however is that "Chris Ryska" says this:
> One guy was really coming against him, saying he researched his school history in Austin and found him wanting. He was accusing Miles of everything in the book so he was pretty much outing himself.
Nobody here saw his school history in Austin, so it may refer to some other spook hellhole. However, that spook hellhole is pushing rhetoric otherwise suspiciously similar to what's going on here, and around the same time. Odd, whatever the case may be.
I dont think they are refering to endchan. And frankly, who cares. Why waste energy on a spook? I would go for weisbeckers theory that "miles" is a writing committee. 

Neither do I, but it's a possibility, things are close. However, they said that they were talking a lot, and there aren't many people here trying to defend him. In that case, it's that they're possibly false-flagging in-order to increase their reputation. Anyways, aside from that, there should be enough talk on Miles already. He's already been outed as a spook (assuming he's an entity with a real name) trying to bait in gullible people, as with the vast-majority of the "truth movement", whether they identify as such or not. Unless there are people from the forum trying to shill for Miles here, that shouldn't be a problem to actually write about anymore.
It's pretty basic logic. To stop anyone from actually rising against you, just create disinfo rabbitholes for people to hop in instead, That's why everybody talks about "going down the rabbithole" but never about leaving it and rising up. It's a trap. 
So-far, the entire alt-media is basically just a massive psy=op dedicated for this purpose. Redirect from and/or twist real information.
I partially agree. Lies from the players are made in a way that the direct opposite of that won't be true either. But I don't think they create the opposition, it organizes itself on the basis of the false assumption that the 180 degree direction will be the truth, it's very easy to think there's only two options.
Meanwhile what's really contrary comes from a 90 degree angle.
This is why I can't find noone to support in Hungarian politics for example. I'd rather form my own opinion, and at least I'm aware that noone represents me.
> So the conspiracy theorist dude is a conspiracy himself. Would be fitting.
It is about controlling the discourse, and language. The alt media is way more controlled than regular media I think. 

We dont have to buy into the dialectic.
I haven't seen proofs about them being against niggers or anything like that, on the contrary, they uphold christianity's universalistic core, it's just that they select people based on whether they'll fit in, which is described as basically speaking the language and wanting to live that kind of life. No mention of race. I'll read the thread and hope to be proven wrong. I know mennonites have non-whites, but they're evangelists unlike the amish.
>  the Lithuanian language was heavily edited by the CIA to fit that of English, and that most of Lithuania's population was replaced with Turkic and Caucasian
> Also, there was apparently an MKUltra program in Europe that's completely glossed over and "forgotten", not even documented like the American one.
Where can I find more about this?
We'll never know sadly. Oh well.

Which site? Using Tor could alleviate the problem perhaps.
According to some https is:
- burden, both programmatically, and philosophically/politically (centralization, creating regulations, and authorities)
- gives false sense of security, serious actors can break it.

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