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1. this is the same Historicist Bible eschatology that even people like Luther used, so it has nothing to do with a single person.
2. Show me a single other person who has done something so accurate even closely similar to the Five Years of Political Mastery.
Luther's Historicist eschatology was basically having the pope as the Antichrist and having prophecy being fulfilled historically, since 70 AD concurrently with Daniel (which ended right before Jesus came), which is exactly how the older books worked like Isaiah, Ezekiel etc.. He was right, and prophecy was continued to have been fulfilled after his age, with the wound of the beast (Napoleonic wars), the drying of the Euphrates (fall of the Ottoman empire, Sykes-Picot) kings of the east as modern-day Asian superpowers, etc. These high technocrats are Darwinists, rabbinic jews, and Jesuits working in tandem, and the latter are specifically trying to bring about this 3rd age of Joachim through technology which once again leads to the Vatican.
Five Years of Political Mastery is better in video form as it shows all the video citations. Basically it's about all his predictions  centering around this same Historicist eschatology stemming from Luther occurring after the COVID hoax began.
I seem to remember miles mathis writing about martin luther yes? Rosicrucians or something. We both agree that miles or whomever is writing it can go fuck themselfes but there was some good points in that text. 

Just my gut feeling tells me 300 years of technocracy is a bit too long for my liking.
Not really. Lutheranism has the rose cross as a logo, but that isn't sufficient evidence that he was a Rosicrucian considering that they supposedly didn't emerge until a century later. Why do I believe they aren't allies? Because although "Miles Mathis" or whomever writes those papers tries to claim popes were jewish he still believes that Rosicrucianism was this conspiracy against the church, he can't differentiate between Feudal Catholicism and this Joachim 3 age mystic crap. The rebels against the feudal order were literally called "Joachimites" and the Rosicrucians continued this idea of a liberal revolution, which is actually against both Luther and the "normal" Catholics. Luther actually chose to marry instead of choosing to remain this celibate monk, which is wholly against Joachim's faction.
> 300 years of technocracy
At least 200 with Darwin and the Huxley family, but this monastic ideology that advocates for these measures goes back thousands of years to Buddhism in India rebelling against the caste system, Plato, etc.. The technocratic agenda with all this industrial technology to institute these measures in particular however began with Darwin and the Huxleys, since they couldn't enforce this monastic society 2500 years ago; now they can, and this has been my point for over a year now. The Huxleys clearly began using Gnostic/Joachimite philosophy since the Jesuit transhumanist Teilhard de Chardin was the mentor of Julian Huxley when he was the first director of UNESCO. The pope (now an open Jesuit) also supports Teilhard de Chardin. So the "technocracy" we're talking about is clearly this synthesis between Huxleys/Social-Darwinists and the ancient monastic ideology.
Also that whole thing about sleeping in for over 8 hours? This is the technocratic diet. Artificial meat/veganism + robots do all the work, so people have all the time to sleep. 
When I first began eating raw primal, I felt great even with only 5 hours of sleep.
They're either part of or getting it from this Russian NEET, they have a discord where they coordinate all these lies and spread them, and those were refuted in that video. That Russian was extremely angry about having to eat raw primal and having to go outside instead of playing video games for 12 hours so he made all that stuff up.
> Wanting and doing are two different things. 
Yeah but it's still bad. That's a pretty jewish thing to say, .
> I find it funny that drake uses this word neet all the time, since the majority of the people who reads his tragic writings are neets themselfes. Its similar to miles insulting his readers.
Well he wants nothing to do with them, that's why he called them out so much. 
> Bible couldnt even foreseen close future
Not so fast! The book of Daniel is literally dated to the 2nd century BC by secularists/Jacobins just because all of its prophecies went til' Antiochus's time and were true, though the language it uses is 6th century BC Aramaic. Jesus predicted the fall of the Temple so the Gospels are dated to 70 AD. They claim Mark is the first book and not Matthew but ignore that the 4 Gospels were originally written in Aramaic, not Hebrew.
Secularist scholars also completely gaslight the Book of Revelation, claiming it was just about the fall of the jewish temple in 70 AD and thus it doesn't matter; however this is the preterist view, originally created in the 16th century AD by a Jesuit priest named Luis De Alcazar and only takes into account it and the futurist view, also created by a Jesuit named Francisco Ribera. None of these even work like the Book of Daniel, which was clearly fulfilled throughout centuries of history and the symbolism of which clearly fits into the book of Revelation. Seeing that and the fact that the city of Rome is clearly the harlot of Revelation (seven mountains and all), the Historicist view that Luther and the Reformers all held thus makes the most sense. For instance the feet of iron and clay of Daniel 2 is also the ten horns of Revelation, with the seven heads referring to the earlier Hellenistic and earlier Near Eastern empires. There are ten toes in two feet and Western Rome split into 10 main barbarian kingdoms. 
>  31-45 This image represented the kingdoms of the earth, that should successively rule the nations, and influence the affairs of the Jewish church. 1. The head of gold signified the Chaldean empire, then in being. 2. The breast and arms of silver signified the empire of the Medes and Persians. 3. The belly and thighs of brass signified the Grecian empire, founded by Alexander. 4. The legs and feet of iron signified the Roman empire. The Roman empire branched into ten kingdoms, as the toes of these feet. Some were weak as clay, others strong as iron. Endeavours have often been used to unite them, for strengthening the empire, but in vain. The stone cut out without hands, represented the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, which should be set up in the kingdoms of the world, upon the ruins of Satan's kingdom in them. This was the Stone which the builders refused, because it was not cut out by their hands, but it is become the head stone of the corner. Of the increase of Christ's government and peace there shall be no end. The Lord shall reign, not only to the end of time, but when time and days shall be no more. As far as events have gone, the fulfilling this prophetic vision has been most exact and undeniable; future ages shall witness this Stone destroying the image, and filling the whole earth.
It's also worth noting that 1260 days of Rev 11:2 is actually 1260 years as per the equation of Dan. 7:25 23 (42 Months, the Time(1) + Times(2) + Half a Time(.5) = (3.5), and the 1260 years are the same time period. 3.5 years is 42 months and 42 months is 1260 days.). 1260 years after the fleeing of the saints into the wilderness after the jewish temple was destroyed was John Wycliffe's birth and the hindrance of the papacy's dominance over Europe with the beginning of the Lollards.
> Yeah but it's still bad. That's a pretty jewish thing to say, .
21 Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:
22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
Wanting to murder someone is still bad.
Well I typically read the KJV in English with a Greek lexicon, I don't think the Bible needs so much interpretation once you strip the actual theology of all popish doctrines. 
Sorry, there's just nobody else with a complete coherent theory, years of scholarship defending the Bible, an eschatology that has led to accurate analysis of modern events that actually faced scrutiny for it, and has a real feasible solution. If you can show me anyone else like that feel free to convince me otherwise.
So you aren't investigate a specific thing or for a reason, just read it out of curiosity to get some insights about it?
> a complete coherent theory
But this sounds like you want some context about it. What kind of theory are you looking for?
I think he is wrong and I will tell you why that is.

In his paper on plagues he wasn't just wrong on one thing, it was pretty much the whole paper just telling straight up lies. 

The black plague wasn't caused by burning coal releasing mercury. People weren't using coal to heat their homes 800 years ago. What was happening 800 years ago was a solar minimum causing temperatures to drop, causing widespread crop failures and vulcano eruptions making it even worse. 

It's the same thing with polio, aajonus claims it's the tinned cans causing it, whilst completely ignoring DDT. 

What aajonus were spouting and drake isn't science. Science is honesty, objectivity and logical reasoning. 

How would aajonus explain the Antonine plague? Plague of justinian? Perhaps these bloody romans were burning coal too. 

My point is, if a person deliberately lies about something, you can be sure they will lie about other things aswell to suit their agenda.
I'm not a professional in this field, so I won't pretend to be one/argue for or against Aajonus here. I would generally lean towards the Solar Minimum being the reasoning for these specific plagues too. 
> My point is, if a person deliberately lies about something, you can be sure they will lie about other things aswell to suit their agenda.
This is a begging the question fallacy (assuming they're deliberately lying about this and deliberately ignoring DDT) and an appeal to association fallacy (if they lie about one thing they'll likely lie about other things; no analysis was done of everything else here). Again all of this comes from Aajonus, and he was fairly new to Aajonus's works at that. Rejecting years of scholarship and a development of epistemology, theology, and political solutions as false just due to a vague association with Aajonus's theory regarding historical plagues without actually looking into them and refuting them is extremely dishonest, especially as I know you're a novice regarding theology.

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