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How to find friends and girls? Where?
How to initiate conversation with people or girls in different situations? How to talk to a stranger?
What places can you go outside home? What can you do there?
What activities can be performed by humans? In what places? How to go there and do them?
How to sex people?
How to talk to humans in common places and situations?
I am at some public open space, there is me with friends (or without), some girls are sitting not far from us. How to approach?
I am at pool or beach. How to approach girls or people, talk to them.
I am at park. There are girls. How?
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Fuck of ayy lmao space nigger.
Best way to start friendship is usually at a place where you share some interest. Ie: class that teaches some skill, seminars, conventions. Or via mutual friends. That way you will have instantly what to talk about. Just approaching people on the street is hard, because you will have little to no things you can build conversation from.
I make myself do some small talk with staff, so that just speaking isn't an issue. Also I always keep it in a back of my mind, that most people, that I approach this way I'll never see again / they won't remember me. It also depends on what kind of relationship you want. At beaches and parks it's hard and you'll have most success with something casual and fun like inviting for a game of volleyball or some other shit to pass time. Also doing  something unusual like flying a kite / rc airplane or doing a barbecue will make people curious. Think of things that would attract kids (no pedo intended). What they seek is casual interesting fun. Then you can welcome people to join you.
Big part of not being creepy is being casual and interested in what you do, not the people around you plus if you are really interested in what you do, you'll have fun regardless.
Another big thing is groups. Go with some friends (also known as co-piloting). This way people will be more eager to approach you. Also you can have way more activities and will be more confident and could do more blunt things. Also, make sure to listen to the other person and try to with all your heart understand what they feel. People would kill for attention. 
Being extraverted I'm quick to befriend people, but rarely would make an effort to build on that as I got some good friends already. I also have texting and reserve it for just casual short meaningless conversations with most. Going out will have much more impact and that's what you should strive for. Hang out, have fun, have and do things that interest you and be passionate about them. That's my experience at least.
OP posted this thread all over the place, but it's ok, I left it up maybe some serious discussion would come out of it. Funny thing, it really sounds like a problem, Bernd would face, so even fits the genre.
Have some thoughts of meself, maybe will write them, but it isn't something coherent "program" to follow.
How's your hobbit cave doing?
> Best way to start friendship is usually at a place where you share some interest. Ie: class that teaches some skill, seminars, conventions.

Where is the list of all possible classes, seminars, conventions? Which ones should I go to?

> Or via mutual friends.

You need to have friends in first place for that. What if someone moved to a new city or state?

> It also depends on what kind of relationship you want.

Don't know. What kinds do exist?

> At beaches and parks it's hard and you'll have most success with something casual and fun like inviting for a game of volleyball or some other shit to pass time.

What other stuff to do at beaches and parks?

> Also doing something unusual like flying a kite / rc airplane or doing a barbecue will make people curious.

That's true but not sure if I can do those things or if I will like that activities.

> Big part of not being creepy is being casual and interested in what you do, not the people around you plus if you are really interested in what you do, you'll have fun regardless.

I am interested in clicking stuff on PC. A lot of interesting stuff.
What fun things can be done outside PC?

> Another big thing is groups. Go with some friends (also known as co-piloting). This way people will be more eager to approach you. Also you can have way more activities and will be more confident and could do more blunt things.

What activities can I do if I go with friends?

> Also, make sure to listen to the other person and try to with all your heart understand what they feel. People would kill for attention.

Hard to be interested in what normalfags feel. They are boring, brainwashed, bluepilled. How to find more interesting people?

> Going out will have much more impact and that's what you should strive for. Hang out, have fun

Where is a list of all places you can go out?
Now that I read this  >>/41787/ I think this  >>/41787/ advice ain't that bad.
If you are an awkward autist who will weird out people, then get comfortable with it, and own it. At the first uncomfortable silence just say "sorry I'm very bad at personal interactions" or something along the line. And get used to be ashamed. Most people don't want to harm others - even if they laugh at them - and some feels bad about others unfortunate situation, and a few even want to help.

But at this line:
> Hard to be interested in what normalfags feel. They are boring, brainwashed, bluepilled. How to find more interesting people? 
I have to say being an elitist autist makes things infinitely harder and only one thing left: giving up.
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Now this is bait material isn't it? Or are you really that bad at it or just autistic in general? Because if you are that somewhat explains it. I have a friend who has aspies and autism and he struggles with things like that a bit too. Mostly just not knowing what is apropriate. But that's why me and my friends like him, because he's blunt and doens't bullshit anyone and says what he actually thinks of you.
> where is the list of possible classes etc.
What the fuck do I know? Depends on your area. You should go to those that interest you or seem jsut remotely interesting. Just as an example most eurobros have folk singing / dancing classes.
> You need to have friends in first place.
We'll then use any of the other approaches I mentioned.
> What kind's of relationships exist?
Again I don't know. From my experience there are people you know with but have no interest in hanging out with. There are those who you do stuff with, have casual convos and sometimes would hang out with if they asked but not much else. Then there are your close friend with whom you spend most of your social life and both of you try new things together. Finally there are people like your family or serious romantic interest, with whom you pretty much live together. The status of any relationship can change mostly by spending less/more time and becoming more distant/closer.
> What other stuff to do at beaches and parks?
Any stuff you want to do in fresh air and in the sun. Games mostly, being with pets, sports, exploring places.
> ...can do those things of if I will like the activities.
Then don't try anything. Stay where you are and nothing will change. Sure, you won't have solved your problem of making friends but hey, at least you won't have to put in any work and do anything that maybe slightly scary.
> I am interested in PC... What fun things can be done that are not that?
Step one: turn off PC for a few days. You'll see that everything is interesting as fuck. Anything that you pay your attention to and try to understand instead of dismissing it as instantly not worthy of your time. If you actually try for example sand castle building, you'll find that you actully know next to nothing about that and that there's so much shit you can learn and master with it that. Internet makes it so easy to find info on this kind of nieche stuff. You can spend weeks on the beach just building sand castles if you wanted. And this is just a first thought that came into my mind. You will never find anything interesting if you have no curiousity in the world that surrounds you and won't agree to explore it.
> What activities can I do if I go with my friends?
Same ones that you can do alone, but in teams or against each other. Shooting hoops by yourself is one thing but with friends it becomes basketball. Flying RC helicopeters is one thing, but in group it becomes a race. One great strategy is to go filming a shortfilm and then ask people around you to act a bit. It will be fun, casual and you will have reaon to get together again for doing that. Whatever you all share an interest in. Have at least some imagination.
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> Hard to be interested in what normalfags fell...
Ah, yes the chosen one. Can I have any of your pride? Truth is noone knows what the fuck they're doing with their lifes and most of who call themselves redpilled sit day and night on the internet preeching about how everything sucks and how to change the world without doing anything. The hardest pill to swollow is that it's you and only you who can change anything in your life. That knowled is worth nothing if you don't apply it. Noone will ever know everything so stop arguing online and go out and actually test your knowledge and refine it. After meeting people you find the ones you "click" with and then will be able to get deeper knowledge of their inner world. In my case at drama class we spent a lot of time coming up with play ideas and refining them by just talking about problems and our experiences with them. It was pseudo therapy to be honest. And if you actually listen you'll find your'e more alike than different. And besides if you think everyone is so boring don't you think that noone else would find you boring and bluepilled too?
> Where is a list of places you can go out?
Any place that people can go to spend their time because they want to.
At this point I'm quite pissed of actually. From your wording and responses it's as though you want change but want everyone but yourself to work for it. So listen. I was akward and din't really have many true friends for most, I was a nerd at school. But that kinda helped me. I would go to all kinds of competitions and science fairs and so on. I got used to it and was open to all kinds of request's to do stuff at school. And it became awesome. Once you leave your pride as being better and just help people around you, engage in afterschool stuff you'll find all kinds of opportunities flying right at you.
> Hey bernd, it's start of the school year, I'm a new teacher and maybe you wanna join my drama class?
> Yeah, why not.
Best decision in my life
> Hey bernd, wanna go to end of the year school summer camp?
> Sure
Got a gf from there.
> Hey bernd, what's up?
> Not much, how are you?
> Oh im so and so been there and there
> Oh yeah? How was it? Did you like it?
> Yeah blah blah
> And how did it make you feel?
> Oh, I felt as thoug blah blah
> Why do you think that happened?
> Well it's... Have anything like that happened to you?
> Yeah I was once at. But it was a bit different.
You see how easy it is you actually are interested in thing and people around you. So be grateful and humble, don't think you know shit, just do stuff and see how it goes. It must be tough for you, but with the right attitude and work you can make friends and meet the girl of your dreams.b
My preferences are irrelevant to the thread. If OP (you?) wants friends and girls, do hobbies and activities that means dealing with normies, if it's impossible for him, then tough luck, end of story, nothing will happen until he changes his mindset. That's very hard to impossible, depending.

A little cash can help immensely.
> look like something alien infiltrator would ask so he can blend in better into human society
Zuckerberg is posting on our board? Neat.

> Now this is bait material isn't it?
My money on troll. But started a small snowball of replies so no harm done.
> How to find friends and girls? Where?

Anywhere you share something in common, university, school, library, computer store, hobby shop, dog walking park, hiking trail, net cafe, conference, work
> How to initiate conversation with people or girls in different situations? 

< Hello my name is Nanon, I'm new around here and trying to meet people. How long have you been attending current event

> How to talk to a stranger?

< Hi, I'm Nanon nice to meet you. [the thing you wanted to say]

> What places can you go outside home? What can you do there?

The ocean, lake or a river:
Fishing, swimming, kayaking, enjoying the nature
A park:
Walk around, enjoy grass on your feet, watch animals do cute things
Spend money like a consumerist retard, get homeless people begging you for money, people being rude to you because it's a globalist hellhole and everyone hates eachother, but at least you can find international restaurants, personally I like to eat sashimi
Net cafe:
Play gaemz with poorfags, get a headache from bad smell, buy weed
Hackerspace, or something similar like a conference:
Make friends, work on projects with people, meet people that aren't completely retarded for a change
Hiking trail:
Go hiking or mountain biking, don't really interact with people but its comfy anyway
etc etc etc etc
> How to sex people?

Lower standards, have secks with some sluts and then realize you weren't missing out on much. Continue to wait until you find a real girlfriend who is wife material.
> What activities can be performed by humans? In what places? How to go there and do them?

Whatever you want, just join a club and go do it
Knowledge doesn't build courage or quell fear, only experience does. Being told where to find friends wont make you brave enough to go do it. If instead you had acquired the experience of talking to a girl in the park and to your luck she had responded positively, then your courage would actually be boosted to try again.

All pickup artist books are the same. They recommend to fake it till you make it. Go outside, and talk to girls. Pretend like you do this all the time, even though you are terrified on the inside. After a few times you will literally gain intuition and comfort and a better understanding of how this all works.
Today I was at the medical checkup for wörkings.
It happened that a cute gorl who also had zoom meeting on work safety with me, was also there.

I made ans new fren's.
I pretty much just met her, lol, I'm exaggerating.
Still it's a bit different, finally getting to meet new people after corona shit robbed me of my usual habit of going to gigs, hitting the bar with friends, and just simply uni courses (though I'm also finished with that now)
Bogdan pls

Socialising is natural. There should be a term for 'thinking enough to commit mistakes' there more you think about animalistic things more you are likely to commit mistakes. There is a reason why lots of humans with well developed brains be worse mother than stray cats. 

Anyway I wonder if anything changed for OP.
> Unavailable For Legal Reasons 
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Does anyone know what's wrong with Kohlchan? Can you reach it? Is the entire site down?
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Hello. I can reach it. See picrel.
I dunno what can be the problem. Give it a day, try again tomorrow.
Until then, feel free to hang out here, check catalog, maybe you find a thread you are interested in.
The thread was about types of Muslim converts. Basically European people converting to islam. I'm guessing that Norgeball is Turkette dominatrix appreciator.
I just opened Kohl and made a screenshot however.

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