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Good match. Spain is leading by 2-1. France is surprisingly offensive, but after the 2nd Spanish goal they deflated. It's not that they switched to defense, they just don't have the enthusiasm.
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2-1 Spain wins!
The quality of the match declined with time. Spain didn't risk daring attacks, France couldn't create attempts.
Look at this. They could sweat together 6 and 9 attempts whole match! I had hopes in Spain, but they failed.
England won with a last minute goal
Second half was mostly boring, made me sleepy as fuck. Still couple of good action. I hoped Netherlands will win, but England wasn't bad. With Spain perhaps the final will actually be exciting.
2-1 final score, Spain is the champion.
First half went down with one actual shot on goal, although there was couple of attempts. Second half seen an early Spanish goal and the pace perked up. More Spanish attack followed then England leveled the score. In the 87th minutes Spain managed to score one more and despite a spectacular attack (3 consequent headers at the goal within one attempt) the score remained the same.
It was a relatively good match. Wasn't great, but was watchable at least. I'm glad its over within the normal time limits.

All in all the tournament was lacking, lots of boring games. The "big" teams didn't opened up to risk getting a goal, so they don't score either, their whole tactic made their games boring. Except Spain, and to a lesser extent Germany. This sucked.
Too bad our team was dropped out during group stage. Oh well.
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Surprising news.
The upcoming UEFA Nations League Belgium vs Israel match will  be hold... not in Brussels but on the Hungary.
Because of
> hightened risks and serious security concerns
They can't guarantee the safety of the Israeli team and fans.
> The city officials said they did not want to take risks, amid the ongoing Gaza conflict and strong pro-Palestinian sentiment within the Brussels’ migrant population.
> Some observers argued Hungary’s choice was ironic, after the country received criticism for not opening its borders to migrants from majority-Muslim countries. Now, they say, Hungary appeared to offer Europe’s only safe location to organise a football game against Israel, without threat of terror or attacks.
> “Outside of a war situation, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that a European country has officially recognised that it is no longer master of its territory, due to an overly pressing Arab-Muslim presence,” said French political activist Damien Rieu.

This article also mentions other matches, specifically in Poland, that cannot be held.
I know that sometimes they organize matches for Israeli teams on the Hungary, but they aren't too publicized.

Interesting tidbit, from BBC:
> In October, a gunman killed two Swedish people before a Euro 2024 qualifier between Belgium and Sweden in Brussels.
They link another article which says the shooter was an Arabic speaking man.

I might have my own commentary, but perhaps it's too political for this thread.
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Olympics is here.
For this year Paris was awarded to hold it, starting tomorrow. I heard about hordes of migrants and trashheaps everywhere. That's the gossip.
I dunno if I'll follow, perhaps gonna check the news occasionally. This is one sporting event - combining lots of sporting events - where Hungarians tend to fare pretty well.
Oh silly me. While the football circus went on the "water" euro cup also went on. We also tend to do well in those sports. Basically in everything, water polo, swimming, kayaking whatnot. I really should look that up too.

This should be official site for the Olympics:
Btw some football is already going on, not sure what's up with that. Have to look it up sometimes.
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We are about at the half time of the Olympics (July 24th to August 11th) and we aren't faring too well with the medals.
So far we have a gold and a silver in swimming, and a silver (for team) and a bronze in fencing. But many of our contestants are still in the race in many sports, quite a few of them are in the final, so guaranteed silvers. I hope they aim the top tho. CAM ON! SKOR SUM FECKING GOLDZ!
I don't think I'll post 'em all, I'm hoping they'll be too many.

Ofc, this fugging Olympics in an Enlightened Western country has to be about trannies and related idiocy. Bernd surely knows about the opening ceremony, but for example today in women boxing our competitor has to face a man with she/her pronouns. His previous opponent was the Italian contestant whom he beat up like an English football fan does with his bird. Georgia Meloni was not amused.
The curious thing that the dude is from Algeria! What the fuck those muzzies doing there?
Australia has 8 Gold medals so far, we generally do well in swimming and other water related sports.

Japan has 8 Gold medals as well. Unfortunately there is no Karate this time, Japan might have got a few medals in it plus I think it's a good sport to have, certainly better than Break Dancing. I'm not going to complain about Skateboarding considering the fact that two of Japan's Gold medals are in that sport and so removing it would be bad.
Yes, Australia traditionally tend to do well, they are one position above Hungary in the all-time medal ranking of Summer Olympics. She's a rich country with plenty to spend on sports, facilities, training - but relatively low population so fewer people to select talents from.
Japan however is rich with quite a lot of people.
No karate? I did not know.
It seems that most of Hungary's success was during their communist days and they are not as successful now, that makes sense to a degree given how much effort communist nations put towards the Olympics.

Our population has been steadily growing, we have 27 million now. But still, that's not much compared to most other nations. It's still less than Germany and the UK who we are also beating.

Karate was only in the Tokyo Olympics. They added Skateboarding, Surfing and sport climbing to the Olympics in Tokyo as well but the latter 3 are staying whereas Karate was dropped. Sad.
Well this is a sport. Started to watch Russ Cook running the length of Africa, from the southernmost to the northernmost tip.
Since he was doing couple of videos assisting Geowizard I expected similar all cozy running footage showing the landscape he jogs over. Instead I got bullshit support van drama, mind numbing support crew chatter, loud beep censoring of profanities, sitting around and talking, eating, and no run and scenery.
An impressive challenge done, too bad viewers can't get anything out of it.
Hungarian grille is running. She's not a beauty let me tell you. There is an Australian one too. She looks okay. In the previous run one of the Jap grille was good.

> Leo Neugebauer
> neger
What the fuck. Why Germany gives German names to her negers? Liek Rüdiger.
After first round Khalif leads by a hair. Was a fair judgement I did not think Luca hit that many.
It seems to me Luca keeps her hands too low and wide, especially the left.
The Algerian contestant does not look much more competent either.
2nd round just ended.
Listening what she's saying while resting. She says she can't win. Bad mindset.
Fuck this buggy shit. Fucking streaming site and stream ate all the fucking memory with 100% CPU. Lost the broadcast in the half of the last round...

Imane Khelif won apparently. In the first two she was better, not by too much. I can't really judge the third round, fuck this, but it seemed tiring, broke the match with a bit of wrestling so to speak. She probably won deserved tho.
Perhaps Luca lost heart, she tried in the third I saw that much, then again I dunno how she fared through the whole thing.
Oh well.
All right closing to the end of the Olympics and medals started to flow.
4 gold, 4 silver, 5 bronze, 13 all in all now. I'll check who won what. Lotsa swimming and canoe ofc, we are strong in those sports. One bronze in shooting.
Australia has 18 gold medals so far, which is our best result ever(we got 17 in Tokyo and Athens).

But Japan only has 13, which I guess is still a lot but still. Japan got 12 in the Rio Olympics and Tokyo was an outlier as they were hosting. So maybe 13 is good for them actually.

Looking at Rio, Germany got 17 back then and Britain got 27 and Australia only got 8. How fortunes have changed since then.
Indeed Germany and the UK aren't doing well compared to themselves. But still some time till the closing ceremony, they could gather some more.
Australia is doing extremely well, golds matter more than the rest, it means the sports they compete in, they do the best.
I'm hoping we can jump one or two places in the toplist, but have not checked the upcoming events yet.
Japan shot above us and they are now on 20 Gold Medals(and Australia is still stuck on 18). Japan did really well in wrestling and they also got a gold medal in women's Javelin and women's Breakdancing.
Our women's breakdancer became a meme... She wasn't very good.

Both China and the USA are on 40 gold Medals now and I am going to bed. The Olympics will be over when I get up and I hope that China will push ahead of the USA and manage to win. That would be something.

I would guess that you regret calling New Zealand a non-country, given that you are below even more of a non-country now. But New Zealand is doing really well, they have 10 gold medals at the moment. New Zealand is doing even better than Australia is per capita.
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Olympics came to their end. The sporting drama ended - they seem to be proud of such bs.
The final ranking established, both US and China won 40 gold medals, but the US medal harvest in volume was greater. Much greater by 35 medals. Many countries would be glad just with the half of that.
This table is chiefly weighs the gold as the metrics to establish the rankings. Purely if we count all the medals won, the order would change a bit. Not by much, but Brazil - with her low gold count - would jump a lot.
As for Hungary, the expected medal count was around 20, which "target" our competitors accomplished. Basically on the level of previous olympic achievements. Surprisingly no medals in water polo, which we are traditionally strong in.
If we take a look at the sports and the medal distribution - athletics, canoe, fencing, swimming, pentathlon, shooting, taekwondo - we can declare we "specialize" in canoe, swimming, and fencing pentathlon also include swimming, fencing, and shooting. Taekwondo is a fluke. It would be nice if our athletes could diversify, and bring results in other sports.
We'll see in four years how they fare. If we live that long.

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