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I do some training on and off, sometimes it goes on for months. Never in the gym however.
I'm fairly active otherwise I do exercises every day just to make all of my muscles move, I like to take walks, and go on hikes, I live near to the woods. While I walk, most of the time I do various stuff, like breathing exercises, or posture fixing ones.
> If not, you should start!
I do agree, everyone should do something. Our societies do very little to their health, and we focus way less on physical training in schools, and we miss the opportunity to give the new generations a healthier lifestyle.

I've never been to the gym I just excersise at home.

I used to play soccer until I tore my ACL and had to have a knee reconstruction, I used to do Karate until I went overseas, I was meaning to get back into it when I got back but Covid hit and it's been so long now I think I might just find a new dojo but the problem is that not many in my area are good. And who even knows how that works now.

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Well, sports are part of self improvement. They not just exercise the body, but the mind too. A sport can improve our willpower, tenacity, or even teamwork, leadership skills, like planning, coordinating, etc.
Swebernd opened a thread with a video I watched since then. It is a good video, not because of the revolutionary thoughts in it, but for the sum of what's already been said, and the easy to understand explanation. I'll delete the thread, but here's a screenshot of it, and the link he shared.

I don't but shortly before covid I was thinking about going to. But truth be told I have physically demanding job and I just don't have the energy to do much more this kind of activities on regular basis. Also I used to go to swimming pool rather regularly for the most of my life.

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Giro D'Italia is on. I rarely watch sports, this neither, just some blokes pedaling. Why the fuck I'm posting this then? Well, for some reason they have couple of stages on the Hungary I have zero idea why, but that's that.
From one of the towns next to the route some historical reenactors made a bit of hussar show galloping with the cyclists.

Heh, X-ed against Germoney, 1-1. Nice. Now we are second in Group A4, after Italy, since we beat England 1-0, and got beaten by Italy 2-1
UEFA Nations League. Quasi-friendly competition, so opponents probably don't give everything they've got, but still, this is p good result in that group. It's liek the 2020 Euro Championship all ovah again when we got Fronce, Germoney, and Poortugal for the group stage.

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So WTF is Nations League?
It is a new thing, this is the third time it is organized, UEFA started it in 2018-19. It replaces the usual friendlies fixtures, creating a new competition.
Four leagues were made, with 16 teams in A, B, and C, and 7 teams in League D. The teams are sorted in these Leagues according to their rankings - for example Hungary started in C in 2018-19, then rose to B, and now plays in A. During each season each league is divided further into groups of four teams by drawing their participants. The winners of each groups in the lower leagues gets promoted to the next one up. The last one of each group in the upper leagues gets relegated to the next league below. The four group winners of League A participates in the knockout style League Finals - last time France became the champion.

Back to Hungary.
For now we played 3 matches, against England at home, Italy away, Germany at home. Beat England (3 points), failed against Italy, and X-ed against Germany (1 point).
Next is England, away (next Tuesday), then Germany, away again (in September), and then against Italy at home (in September).
Our chances ain't good, these are all fine teams.
Right our group looks like this:
1. Italy 5 points
2. Hungary 4 points
3. Germany 3 points
4. England 2 points
If England only gains 2 more points, then we are clear, because we either played a draw with them, or even beat them, so then we would have 5 or 7 points.
I think we have a good chance of gaining one more point, and a fair for two or three by drawing two matches or winning one. Getting three points with X-ing all three matches (two played away!) is very unlikely. I highly doubt we could gather 4 more points (1 draw, 1 victory), it is way more possible that we'll got beaten in all three upcoming matches. But I think we'll at least draw one.
To be honest till September I'll forget about this competition.

A bit late, a bit early, but is anyone looking forward to the World Cup?
I think the fact that is in summer in the southern hemisphere is kinda neat, but the time schedule kinda worries me.
Then again Russia wasn't terribly bad when it came to schedules so I'm sure this will probably be the same

It seems like a lot of matches may be VERY early in the morning. Back when russia was happening I could still witness people cheering for goals of Argentina at 4pm at the bus.
Realistically there will also be matches at that hour, but those would be the last for the day

Huh. 13, 16, 18, 19, 22 - Arabia Standard, UTC +3 hours. Which means 10, 13, 15, 16, 19 UTC; which means 11, 13, 15, 16, 20 CET which is fine by me but in Americas indeed those are early.

> Too much oil money in FIFA.
I concur.
I wonder how team Qatar will fare against those teams in Group A (Ecuador, Senegal, Netherlands).

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Meanwhile Germany beat Italy 5-2 (two matches resulted in 11 goals, that's a lot), and now we are leading the 3rd group of League A in Nations League. Above Germany, Italy, and England. Okay. Even if we get beaten in September from the others, still we remain in League A.

Costa Rica also qualified for the WC after beating kiwis at 1-0
And Peru lost in penalties to 'straya.
Seems like the Peruvian goalkeeper had his paper in a bottle and Redmayne threw it away when he was busy GK'ing.

WC and NTs are iffy.
On one hand you'd expect nations with popular leagues to be fairly ahead with things like the Premier League.
But then you get stuff like Rio 2014 where Costa Rica and Korea were the top teams in their group against England and Italy

Yes, nothing is decided. Still the big names tend to achieve better results.
I'm talking with friends about this win of ours. We haven't beat England for 60 years, since our home win against them, now this 0-4 away, this is football history for ours.
I've read couple of articles - Guardian, Telegraph - they say England have not suffered such beating at home since 1928. So this is a historical moment for them too. Their fans are pissed at Southgate now.

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Some years ago I started a thread about Hungarian football where I wanted to redpill Bernd about it. Managed to be too detailed and made the task too large to finish and trailed off even before the Golden Team. But here's a summary from Wikipedia.
Additional information: now we are 40th at the FIFA ranking, and have an upward trend.
More additional information: we already played tiki-taka even before it became fashionable (a leader of a Hungarian football club in an interview said about an opponent team that they play tiki-taki well; this was mentioned in the context of discussion short passing quick gameplay; I've yet to check the original article, but for mentioning the source's sake, the paper was Sporthirlap, 1942 June 10)

Many football fans here mourns the lost glory. People are divided how they think about the situation and our team. Many can't accept we are playing on lower levels then we should according to them. Many can fall into extreme emotions depending on the results, they can sing praises in one moment then after a shamefur dispray they are very abusive, damning the team and the staff. Some always talk down on the team no matter of the result usually liberals, and here politics also comes in since Obrán likes football, and the Fidesz government supports it, so large liberal media and opposition opinion-shapers shit on the results all the time, some can turn too optimist and think we'll win the next game too easy-peasy.
I'm kinda pessimist, maybe realist, and I think we should treat each game individually. I accept that failure is always in the box, but I see that we are capable of holding a level, and adding surprises like this win against England. I accept we aren't among the leading teams, we have a saying: small "money, small football, big money, big football", we can't afford the salary, the staff, the facilities of world class clubs, and I see and accept that. But I think it is on us to school young players who are enthusiastic towards football and want to give the most of their abilities; in this we have a say, and we should.

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New WC chart making chart tool dropped.
I still think very good of germoney when it comes to football, from all the WC matches we got against them, we only won one. Dunno if it changed much over the years but I doubt it even if they say their NT sucks

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> Romania got beaten by Montenegro: 0-3
> With this loss our neighbour reached the level of such illustrious football nations like England and Italy.

Speaking of which, Hungary just beat England 0-4.



> Hungary condemn England to worst home defeat since 1928 | Reuters


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Not sure if this is related, but can we post sports and exercises that we do daily itt? Or in another one?

Me: I spent most of my summer exercising and lost a lot of weight. No longer have a fat tummy and look somewhat muscular. Gonna buy some dumbbells and work on my arms next

r8 my stats

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We beat Germany at home (their home) for 0-1.
One more match, with the Italians. With an X we can remain first and move on to the finals. It'll be played at home. Great hopes but realistically we'll lose. Whatever happens we stay in League A which is a good result.
Also England gets relegated.


Nice. Im on the opposite side now. Im temporarily disabled now so Im gaining fat and tummy already got slightly bigger. I lost some muscle mass in my leg simultaneously so my weight is more or less the same. Gonna be doing eexercises to rebuild my leg now.

> Nice. Im on the opposite side now. Im temporarily disabled now so Im gaining fat and tummy already got slightly bigger. I lost some muscle mass in my leg simultaneously so my weight is more or less the same. Gonna be doing eexercises to rebuild my leg now.

Oh that sounds awful. What happened?

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Went to the gym just today. I'm doing a linear progression program and it's going relatively well. Still putting on more weights at almost every session. Progress is definitely slowing however. I think I have another month or so until I'll have to switch to a more advanced program. Pic rel.

I use the reddit beginners routine. It's conceptualize with the big compound lifts in mind so you develop basic strength and get accustomed to the most important movements.

What happened to the chart is that I moved in September. Before, I lifted in a homegym I discovered in the cellar of my commieblock and I assumed that the bar that was available there was weighing 10kg. After that I began visiting a proper gym that had standardized bars and with all my lifts being somewhat below my previous lifts I inferred that I simply overestimated the weight of the homegym bar by 2kg or 3kg

> develop basic strength
What they consider as basic strength?
> overestimated the weight of the homegym bar by 2kg or 3kg
Happens with equipment bought together from different sources and/or second hand and/or home made. Also from what I know bars are tend to be 10 kgs, so I would have guessed so.
But can just step on simple bathroom scale with and without the bar.

> What they consider as basic strength?
Until the linear progression stops working, which means until I'm at the point where I can't just put on more weight every work out any longer. Alternatively they always write about "up to three" months but I don't actually know why that time span exactly.

> But can just step on simple bathroom scale with and without the bar.
True, but I wasn't that concerned with the actual weight but with my progression. I do know the actual weights now so everthing is alright. The dink may look funky in the graph but since I still am relatively certain it didn't stop my progression it doesn't bother me.

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The World Cup starts this Sunday. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make time for it, and how it will conflict with the sumo.
I'm still planning the draw Polanball comics, but I'm trouble with the general theme. Maybe I'll draw em similarly to the curved fields last time I used.

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2nd goal. I'm just stealin these from spartschan. Thank you mate.
Qatar plays like shit to be honest. I think the very first goal which wasn't a goal took much out of them. Maybe was an offside, but I don't think that calm them. And then the 2nd put closed the gate behind them.

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Argentine vs. Saudi Arabia 1-2

It was a good game. 3 goals of the Argentines during the 1st half were invalid due to offside...
Saudis then scored two quick goals at the start of the second, then defended well, while causing some excitements at the goal of the opponent.
Long game, due to the video referee crap, and injuries long pauses were had so long overtime was decided.

1-0 to Germany by a penalty after the first half.
Japs are trapped on their on half of the pitch, Germans on them, sometimes breaking in.
They also had a goal, which was deemed offside. It pisses me of that the commentator says "it's valid, it surely wasn't an offside", then VAR says after 2 minutes that it was offside, and invalid.

its oghay
I took a glance around 80th minute, saw the score, said "oh we're not loosing" out loud and turned it off
after literal decades of seeing our national team being destroyed I dont have much interest in watching footie anymore lmao

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Watching eSchwitzini vs. Cameroon.
15 minutes in, it's quite good match for now. Both team seems to be offense oriented but differently.
The Swiss team positions itself forward, they defend basically at the half line even, and they create good chances.
Cameroon relies more on counterattacks, and managed to explode through the Swiss lines. Very nice.

Had to repost this. Since then most of the game trickled away quietly. Still not bad, but it seems there will be moments with actions, and moments with boredom. I hope won't turn it into many minutes of boredom.

Argentine beat Mexico, who also X-ed with Poland, so only 1 point. They can beat Saudis. That would give them 4 points, which will equal Poland if they lose to Argentine, which they probably will, but not 100% considering Argies got beaten by Saudis.
So I'm guessing:
Argentine 6
Mexico 4
Polan 4
Saudi 3
Goals will decide, won't they?
But Polan only needs 1 point to secure her place, then:
Polan 5
Argentine 4
And doesn't matter if Saudi 6 or Mexico 4, Polan is in the knockout.

Australia vs Denmark
At 30 mins. Still 0-0.
Denmark dominates the game with more dangerous attacks, but Australia can reach the opponent's 16, their attacks just don't have enough in them.

Rare 2 minutes long overtime.
Denmark isn't that good. I think Australia has a chance to win this, and even more to X it.
Tunisia just won't defeat France (that's still 0-0), so I think Australia might just advance to the knockout stage.

Australia did Denmark, 1-0. It was an okay match. The teams themselves did not impress me much. Denmark fell apart after the goal, even the commentator noted he expected them to shift gears. They were the stronger team theoretically. 

Meanwhile France got beaten by Tunisia. The latter led by 1 for long, then in the 98th minute French scored. After long consultation with VAR, they invalidated it for offside.

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We went against Cameroon with our reserve team and not caring much because we're at the top of the group in any case. They made us pay for being complacent and scored. The last minutes were a frantic counterattack but every shot was botched in some ugly manner. This team can't score at point black range. Shameful display, they should all commit seppuku.

Poland advanced to 1/8 finals and surprised everyone. Poles were prepared for 3 matches and now we get at least one more. Tomorrow we're playing against Fronce and thats probably going to be it.

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Neymar is back and our performance against the gooks was outstanding, we were in total control in the first round. But the upcoming semi-final against Argentina leaves me very anxious.

Brazil will inevitably win a sixth title within the next 30 years, we have a winner's mindset even if when it's unrealistic. Every four years we plaster Rumo ao Hexa on everything.

Shieeeet. Germany did not advance form group stage?! That's a surprise...  >>/47970/
Well Argiebro's prediction  >>/47969/ ain't better either.
I don't want fugging France to win the cup.
Well, I'm rooting for Former Hungarian Crown Dependency of Croatia. But I don't see them reaching the final. Brazil, Argentine, Netherlands are all strong teams I think. So even if they advance a stage, the next round they might very well lose. I can't say who has the most chance from the three. Perhaps Brazil, now that Neymar is back. Netherlands I'm not sure of, I have not seen them playing for quite a while now, they're just traditionally good.
From the south branch, France vs Portugal next, and then... France. Well I still hope Portogoose will beat them.

I don't think Croats would care too much about losing 1 v 0 now. On the other hand, expecting the 1st place everytime and not having the skill to reach it for two decades is a source of eternal angst.

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Maybe I should have watched it, but Brazil goal in 105 minute, then Croat in 117. Wtf? I don't like these long matches. Then Penalties decided adding 4 and 2 goals.
That 5-3 should have happened during the normal time. Now that surely would have been an exciting match.

One missed shot by Argentine. Good job.
It was a nice match. Argentine controlled most, they somehow managed to dun goofed the end of the normal playtime. I guess it was more liek the talent the Dutch decided to show, but why they waited for that this long???
In the second 15 of the overtime Argies had many, many opportunities to score. They put the pressure on.
At the penalties their goalie catched the first 2 nice, that probably gave some comfort for the scorers.
I'm glad I decided to watch it.

Tomorrow Frogs will beat England.
Cmon Portugal!

Argentine in the final. They played great football, but I think they needed that penalty goal to begin play calm, and relaxed which made them try bold stuff.
Croatia did not defend as they should have. They should have close it tight like a virgin on her first night.

Now the challange is there, to win the cup. I think it's Messi's last chance to do it.

Argentine vs Fronce in the final.
It was a spectacular match, action rolling continuously, both teams were dangerous. Morocco kept spilling their spaghetti at the end of all their attacks. Despite it they did well. Morocco doesn't have football tradition, so essentially a new team. Time will tell if they can mature.

I'm still bitter about this loss. Even the 7v1 wasn't as bad, it was a semi-final against the would-be world champion. Croatia's victory was unsurprising, because the Brazilian team proved itself weak on the first round and the overwhelming emotion was angst. And yet in the end defeat was very easy to avoid. All it took was to stall for a couple minutes and win 1v0 and yet the retards tried to attack. Neymar deserved better than this, he was the only one to produce results and had one last moment of brilliance. He's unlikely to play in 2026. It's over.


Then I rooted for the Netherlands, England, Portugal and Morocco. I sympathize with Argentina more than with France, so I guess the French are winning this.

> A Euro one full of hotties
You are aware the players are men?!

Many surprising early defeats. Especially on the Morocco line.
> All it took was to stall for a couple minutes
They could have get one even from that situation, the ball sometimes get lost to the opponent. Now everyone would say "they should have push for another score for padding".
> I sympathize with Argentina more than with France, so I guess the French are winning this.
The unlucky charm.

> Then I rooted for the Netherlands,

I liekd that match with Argentina tbh. Was probably the most intense game in the entire FIFA tourney. We were SOOO close to winning against them. But, the goalie got distracted in one of the penalty strikes from what I saw, so that's why we lost

INFA 100% Argies will probably win

Maybe Germany will recover and catch up earlier. Argentina's present good phase won't last forever. Brazil might not get a sixth title ever, there's some long-lasting systemic weakness in the national football confederation and talent selection.

They only got the watermelon.

Perhaps. Germany always has the potential to pull stuff together. Has access the money, facilities, teams, players; abundantly. As for Brazil, good players will keep emerge, I was trolling a bit with my previous post.
I'm curious what'll happen with Morocco. Was this a one time thing, or they'll keep up this form. Apparently their head coach is new and has a good grasp on things.

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Should enter the new year without mentioning, and frankly celebrating the fact that Hungary is out on the UEFA Euro Cup 2024!
We came out on the top of group G without suffering 1 defeat. Such as this had not happened since the 1972!!!! Extraordinary excite!
We landed in Group A, and will face Germany, Scotland, and Switzerland. Germany is the absolute boogeyman here, and they host the Euro Cup, which will make 'em press the doorbell so hard, they will mow each opponent down.
Which means we'll compete with the Scotts and the Swiss for the second place. Which won't be a joke, but with them - at the moment considering the quality of the Hungarian team - are on more or less level, so while no matches can be taken granted, we can say we have a chance.

In our team's recent successes the key figure is Marco Rossi who manages our so called "National Eleven". Absolute legend. God Bless Him! He got his citizenship in October, I hope it won't end his fortune.


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It starts today. Opening match: Germany vs Scotland, at 21:00 CEST
Not sure I'll watch the whole thing. And in general probably will try to watch the Hungarian matches.

Here's the group stage fixtures:
Hungary plays (all CEST):
June 15th 15:00 vs Switzerland
June 19th 18:00 vs Germany
June 23rd 21:00 vs Scotland
No sure win, but should beat Switzerland, hopefully Scotland, and with luck (perhaps a miracle is not needed) Germany. X-es will be acceptable depending how the others play.
Group B would be worse with Spain, Croatia, and Italy. Poor Albania is gonna be beaten flat.

Well this was ridiculous. 5-1, Germany scored 6 times (for Rüdiger put one into his own net).
Scotland played abysmal. I think they were to nervous at the beginning, tried to hard, failed then they essentially lost the match. They had barely any shots on the goal, if they had any, I don't even remember.
Lotsa goals but weren't an exciting match. Very one sided.
German team is strong. Everyone in the group will have a hard time beating them. But it is expected, they are indeed the strongest team in the group as noted before, they are traditionally good team. And they play in Germany, home team usually do well on these cups.

1-3 for eSwitzini
The first half our team fucked it up big time. Their minds were elsewhere, the defense had more holes than a sieve. The two Swiss goals here essentially decided the match, we had to run after the score.
The second half we did much better. Gradually pushed more until we managed to create situations in front of the Swiss net, over and over and scored. Then we kept the pressure on to the last minutes when suddenly the team fell apart let the opponent in couple of times, which allowed Switzerland to score another one.
How a team can change so drastically is insane.
Well congratulations to Schweiz, I hope we can get an even with Germany on the 19th, and beat Scotland at the end. Not sure it will be enough, but would be nice at least.

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England just X-ed with Denmark, 1-1. The first goal was 100% fault of the Danish defender, but they scored a nice equalizer, strong long shot.
After the first goal the English team sat down, they did not push much, their play was disappointing all in all. Perhaps they were told it's enough. Or just this lame they are.

With an own goal by Italy, Spain won the match, 1-0. It was not exciting. Italian offense was non-existent. Traditionally they founded their play often on strong defense in the past, but Donnarumma had to mind their net on quite a few occasion, so their defense wasn't the most solid either. He did very skillfully and denied Spanish tries however.
I'm gonna try to catch the Polan vs Austria tomorrow.

1-3 to Austria
I feel sad for Poland, but it was a well deserved victory for Austria.
They started with a leading goal but after the Polish equalizer they started to play choppy, was nervous, and the Poles could get a hold on them. The match was equal slowly turning to favor Poland.
But for the second half Austrians not just recovered, but could push hard. And then the third goal from a penalty (goalie did a fault) just closed the gate in.
It kinda felt the Polish team didn't try hard enough. Kinda lost the will.

It was... well it was a match. Not a good one.
0-0 but they weren't pushing the whole game, just played the time away. They were mostly pussyfooting around. There were some great action, but these were fleeting moments. Most entertaining parts were Griezman failing over and over in front of the net. Missed chances on both sides.
Netherlands scored one, but was invalid due to offside.
France has not scored yet, after two games. Shameful display.

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Turkey 0 - 3 Portugal
The first half was fun. Turkey gave a free own goal to Portugal, and this basically ended their game. They tried. Even in second half there were long minutes when they nailed the Portugals to their penalty box, but they ultimately failed. They always hesitated before they tried to score and this gave plenty of time for Portugal to defend. Defend well.
Like 4 interruptions by fans, mostly wanting a selfie with Christiano Ronaldo. The first was a kid. Then more idiots got inspired...
That own goal was the most retarded from all I've seen during this Cup.

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Last matches of the group today. Starts at 21 CEST.
I'm gonna watch our match ofc.
I think we can win this. Will it matter? I'm not exactly sure, but I would bet: no.
Standing now is:
1. Germany 6
2. Switzerland 4
3. Scotland 1
4. Hungary 0
Beating the Scots would secure the third place. Four of the six teams ends on the third place in their respective groups will advance based on points and goal difference and such. We scored once and suffered 5, that's -4 Goal Difference. Which sucks to be honest. And the rest of the teams will play on the upcoming days so god knows how the third placers will look like.

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Switzerland 1 vs 1 Germany

Scotland 0 vs 1 Hungary
It was a very exciting match. Best what I've seen this far, action packed.
Scotland had the ball more, but we have all the shots on target and attempts. Scots had some attacks that made me worried, but our sons kept on pushing.
About 70th minute one of our player stayed on the ground after a crash. It looked like a neck injury. They brought a tent/cover thingy to hide the player, then they rolled in a stretcher to take him out. Had to transport him to a hospital.
The match stood to about 75th then it started again with renew vigor. We had attempts one after another all missed. Then 10 minute overtime and in the 11th of that managed to score a very nice goal. Szoboszlai seemed spent by that - he was the first attacker arriving for the pass and he missed it. Our second player coming in did the winning kick.
I'll try to get the goal somewhere.

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thumbnail of BBC Sport Highlights  Scotland vs Hungary  Uefa Euro 2024
BBC Sport Highlights ...
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After searching a bit, and looking through useless videos here's a professional one, highlights of the game by BBC Sport. It makes it look like the Scots were on the attack through the whole game, despite their first attempt was about at the 60th mins, until then Hungary had like 10, with 7 shots on goal.
But whatever the winning shot is here in good quality at least. There are some fan footage on youtube and an English/Scottish dude covering his trip and the match in 15 mins, which is nice.
From the news I gathered Varga isn't good, he had to be operated, but at least he is recovering. He suffered concussion and bones of his scull/face was broken at couple of places. They don't said anything about spinal injury luckily. He is a good header which field he might suffer later. I dunno about his career.

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Here's stats of the game. Tells it all.
Possession: 60% vs 40%
Attempts: 4 vs 14...
All that possession and passing game, Scotland couldn't translate it into shots on goal. They had to win and push for win, but most of the passing around eat up the time.
On the other hand 14 is a good attempt, and only one goal at the very end. Perhaps more possession would have helped.

Here's team Hungary. Look at that happy blackfella there. Kek.
And with fans.

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This two today. Watching Croatia vs Italy.
It is possible that if both Albania and Croatia loses that team Hungary might just be in the knockout stage. I think it's enough if Albania X-es, but Croatia has to lose.
Frankly in the next two days as well, if the "big" teams beat the "small" ones that secures a place for Hungary. Problem is not that we're gonna get harder opponents in the next level (well opponent, I doubt we'll advance more than the first round), but I have to support such cunts like England over Slovenia (or today Spain and Italy).

Italy equalized last minute!!!! 1-1
I feel sorry for the Croats, but THIS IS WAR!
Spain won by 0-1.

Tomorrow Clobenia have to lose against Small Island.
If not Czech Rapeublic and Georgia must not win (draw is okay).

France had the lead for most of the game with a penalty, then Polan shot the equalizer... from another penalty. 1-1 honor is saved for Polan. They have to pack and go home. Oh well.
Meanwhile Negerland was beaten by Austria: 2-3. Neighbour is the group leader.

We are still at the third place in the advance table. I hope Slovenia loses. Sorry Slovborg.

0-0 on both matches.
This group is unbelievable. England is unbelievably shit! SHIT!
They held the ball for liek 99%, and couldn't manage to score. They have idiotic passes. Ofc respect to Slovenian defense, but still.
England is group leader with 2 scored goals in three matches.

Now Poortugal has to X at minimum against Georgia, and Turkay ditto against Czechia.

Turkey scored one more! 2-1, probably the last goal of the match.
But Georgia won 2-0, good by Euro Cup!
Poortugal will get Clobenia in the knockout stage instead us.

Question is whom to support from here?
Okay, actually this isn't too hard. No Croatia, so it's Italy. Perhaps the aforementioned Slovenia. It pained me not cheering for them against England, so giving back a little.

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That's it.
> why not
I don't hold any grudge but that sounds ridiculous. I could support them against Negerlands. But then we have a very cool Dutch poster here. And then if Turkey beats Austria, and Romania beats the oranges, then whom should I support. Turkey isn't just Turan, but we had Turkbernd who is a cool dude as well. So there we go.
I rather stick with the classics, and cheer for Italy.

Knockout stage is tarting on the 29th, two fixtures each day, at 18:00 and 21:00 CEST.
Starting with:
- Switzerland vs Italy
- Germany vs Denmark
So Italy I'm gonna support, I've no preference in the other match.

The performance of the Italian team was abysmal, Switzerland had her well deserved 2-0 win. They dominated in scoring attempts and scored nice goals.
In the end I might end up rooting for Romania.

Germany won 2-0
Their first goal was from a penalty, right after the referee - with the help of the VAR - invalidated a Danish goal. The offside was literally a toe more than the defender's position.
Danes did not lose heart, and struggled till the last minute.
The match was disrupted by a storm, that brought hail, at about the 35th mins.
It was an action packed match, both team playing well, but one obviously better. Reminded me of the Germany vs. Hungary match.

Fuck. Long day.

It was in intense match. Northern Hungary lead the game for long by 1 - from the 25th mintues. And in the 96th minutes England equalized. It was a nice acrobatic goal. Then in the overtime they put another in.
NH. pushed on, refusing the defeat, had many attempts, no avail. Kinda sad, they played well.

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It was an enjoyable match, albeit lopsided. Spain won by 4-1.
The lonely Georgian goal was an own goal by Spain. One of the goals of Spain was also own goal
Team Georgia played with good morale whole game, but couldn't reach the Spanish net. They had only 4 attempts, none shots on goal. The Spanish defense closed, and checked them very efficiently.

On the 5th the Germans will meet the Spanish team. Great struggle expected. I would say both team would be in the final, but they destined to meet before that. Only one of them remains. It will be a close one, I wouldn't bet neither of them. Perhaps the Spanish team feels like they working together better.

Half-time ended in 0 egal. Portugal had quite a few chances, Slovenia is struggling to get near to the opponent's net. Still, better match then the previous.
Slovenia is giving everything, they would deserve a win.

After a long, long 0-0 it came to penalty. Diego Costa blocked all three Slovenian attempts, while the Portugal penalty takers scored.
Sloven players did their best, and made Portugal sweat blood.

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Today I'm gonna have the pleasure to support Romania against Netherlands. There's a first for everything. Since the Dutch is a traditionally strong team, this match ought to be boring.
In Austria vs. Turkey two small teams will meet. This one probably be exciting. I'm not sure which one I prefer. I don't mind either of 'em winning. I've seen Turkey having an enthusiastic team with hesitant attackers. I've not seen Austria playing. Scored goals against Netherlands.
We'll see.

The second match just starting.
In the first Romania got beaten 3-0. Was a bit painful to watch their struggle. They started out strong but that only carried them for 15 mins, then disappeared. They suffered a goal and two injuries, one player had to substituted early. The third goal happened at the very end.
All in all better match then expected.

And Turkey just scored at the 2nd minute.
Match started quick, attempts in rapid succession on both sides.

Long match again. It wasn't boring for sure, only at places.
Spain won 2-1 against Germany, at the end of the 2x15 min overtime. A player of theirs essentially sacrificed himself to stop a German attack at the very end. He wouldn't play next match for he gathered too many yellow, this match being one, then he committed a foul to stop an opponent, got the second yellow of the match, and a red ofc. Was very interesting.

Long match ends 0-0.
The absolute state of strikers. Complete inability to score. Attackers overcomplicating situations instead of trying to kick the fuckin ball at the net.
France beat Portugal in the end with penalties, 4-5.

Good match. Spain is leading by 2-1. France is surprisingly offensive, but after the 2nd Spanish goal they deflated. It's not that they switched to defense, they just don't have the enthusiasm.

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2-1 Spain wins!
The quality of the match declined with time. Spain didn't risk daring attacks, France couldn't create attempts.
Look at this. They could sweat together 6 and 9 attempts whole match! I had hopes in Spain, but they failed.

England won with a last minute goal
Second half was mostly boring, made me sleepy as fuck. Still couple of good action. I hoped Netherlands will win, but England wasn't bad. With Spain perhaps the final will actually be exciting.

2-1 final score, Spain is the champion.
First half went down with one actual shot on goal, although there was couple of attempts. Second half seen an early Spanish goal and the pace perked up. More Spanish attack followed then England leveled the score. In the 87th minutes Spain managed to score one more and despite a spectacular attack (3 consequent headers at the goal within one attempt) the score remained the same.
It was a relatively good match. Wasn't great, but was watchable at least. I'm glad its over within the normal time limits.

All in all the tournament was lacking, lots of boring games. The "big" teams didn't opened up to risk getting a goal, so they don't score either, their whole tactic made their games boring. Except Spain, and to a lesser extent Germany. This sucked.
Too bad our team was dropped out during group stage. Oh well.

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Surprising news.
The upcoming UEFA Nations League Belgium vs Israel match will  be hold... not in Brussels but on the Hungary.
Because of
> hightened risks and serious security concerns
They can't guarantee the safety of the Israeli team and fans.
> The city officials said they did not want to take risks, amid the ongoing Gaza conflict and strong pro-Palestinian sentiment within the Brussels’ migrant population.
> Some observers argued Hungary’s choice was ironic, after the country received criticism for not opening its borders to migrants from majority-Muslim countries. Now, they say, Hungary appeared to offer Europe’s only safe location to organise a football game against Israel, without threat of terror or attacks.
> “Outside of a war situation, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that a European country has officially recognised that it is no longer master of its territory, due to an overly pressing Arab-Muslim presence,” said French political activist Damien Rieu.

This article also mentions other matches, specifically in Poland, that cannot be held.
I know that sometimes they organize matches for Israeli teams on the Hungary, but they aren't too publicized.

Interesting tidbit, from BBC:
> In October, a gunman killed two Swedish people before a Euro 2024 qualifier between Belgium and Sweden in Brussels.
They link another article which says the shooter was an Arabic speaking man.

I might have my own commentary, but perhaps it's too political for this thread.

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Olympics is here.
For this year Paris was awarded to hold it, starting tomorrow. I heard about hordes of migrants and trashheaps everywhere. That's the gossip.
I dunno if I'll follow, perhaps gonna check the news occasionally. This is one sporting event - combining lots of sporting events - where Hungarians tend to fare pretty well.
Oh silly me. While the football circus went on the "water" euro cup also went on. We also tend to do well in those sports. Basically in everything, water polo, swimming, kayaking whatnot. I really should look that up too.

This should be official site for the Olympics:
Btw some football is already going on, not sure what's up with that. Have to look it up sometimes.

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We are about at the half time of the Olympics (July 24th to August 11th) and we aren't faring too well with the medals.
So far we have a gold and a silver in swimming, and a silver (for team) and a bronze in fencing. But many of our contestants are still in the race in many sports, quite a few of them are in the final, so guaranteed silvers. I hope they aim the top tho. CAM ON! SKOR SUM FECKING GOLDZ!
I don't think I'll post 'em all, I'm hoping they'll be too many.

Ofc, this fugging Olympics in an Enlightened Western country has to be about trannies and related idiocy. Bernd surely knows about the opening ceremony, but for example today in women boxing our competitor has to face a man with she/her pronouns. His previous opponent was the Italian contestant whom he beat up like an English football fan does with his bird. Georgia Meloni was not amused.
The curious thing that the dude is from Algeria! What the fuck those muzzies doing there?

Australia has 8 Gold medals so far, we generally do well in swimming and other water related sports.

Japan has 8 Gold medals as well. Unfortunately there is no Karate this time, Japan might have got a few medals in it plus I think it's a good sport to have, certainly better than Break Dancing. I'm not going to complain about Skateboarding considering the fact that two of Japan's Gold medals are in that sport and so removing it would be bad.

Yes, Australia traditionally tend to do well, they are one position above Hungary in the all-time medal ranking of Summer Olympics. She's a rich country with plenty to spend on sports, facilities, training - but relatively low population so fewer people to select talents from.
Japan however is rich with quite a lot of people.
No karate? I did not know.

It seems that most of Hungary's success was during their communist days and they are not as successful now, that makes sense to a degree given how much effort communist nations put towards the Olympics.

Our population has been steadily growing, we have 27 million now. But still, that's not much compared to most other nations. It's still less than Germany and the UK who we are also beating.

Karate was only in the Tokyo Olympics. They added Skateboarding, Surfing and sport climbing to the Olympics in Tokyo as well but the latter 3 are staying whereas Karate was dropped. Sad.

Well this is a sport. Started to watch Russ Cook running the length of Africa, from the southernmost to the northernmost tip.
Since he was doing couple of videos assisting Geowizard I expected similar all cozy running footage showing the landscape he jogs over. Instead I got bullshit support van drama, mind numbing support crew chatter, loud beep censoring of profanities, sitting around and talking, eating, and no run and scenery.
An impressive challenge done, too bad viewers can't get anything out of it.

Hungarian grille is running. She's not a beauty let me tell you. There is an Australian one too. She looks okay. In the previous run one of the Jap grille was good.

> Leo Neugebauer
> neger
What the fuck. Why Germany gives German names to her negers? Liek Rüdiger.

After first round Khalif leads by a hair. Was a fair judgement I did not think Luca hit that many.
It seems to me Luca keeps her hands too low and wide, especially the left.
The Algerian contestant does not look much more competent either.
2nd round just ended.
Listening what she's saying while resting. She says she can't win. Bad mindset.

Fuck this buggy shit. Fucking streaming site and stream ate all the fucking memory with 100% CPU. Lost the broadcast in the half of the last round...

Imane Khelif won apparently. In the first two she was better, not by too much. I can't really judge the third round, fuck this, but it seemed tiring, broke the match with a bit of wrestling so to speak. She probably won deserved tho.
Perhaps Luca lost heart, she tried in the third I saw that much, then again I dunno how she fared through the whole thing.
Oh well.

All right closing to the end of the Olympics and medals started to flow.
4 gold, 4 silver, 5 bronze, 13 all in all now. I'll check who won what. Lotsa swimming and canoe ofc, we are strong in those sports. One bronze in shooting.

Australia has 18 gold medals so far, which is our best result ever(we got 17 in Tokyo and Athens).

But Japan only has 13, which I guess is still a lot but still. Japan got 12 in the Rio Olympics and Tokyo was an outlier as they were hosting. So maybe 13 is good for them actually.

Looking at Rio, Germany got 17 back then and Britain got 27 and Australia only got 8. How fortunes have changed since then.

Indeed Germany and the UK aren't doing well compared to themselves. But still some time till the closing ceremony, they could gather some more.
Australia is doing extremely well, golds matter more than the rest, it means the sports they compete in, they do the best.
I'm hoping we can jump one or two places in the toplist, but have not checked the upcoming events yet.

Japan shot above us and they are now on 20 Gold Medals(and Australia is still stuck on 18). Japan did really well in wrestling and they also got a gold medal in women's Javelin and women's Breakdancing.
Our women's breakdancer became a meme... She wasn't very good.

Both China and the USA are on 40 gold Medals now and I am going to bed. The Olympics will be over when I get up and I hope that China will push ahead of the USA and manage to win. That would be something.

I would guess that you regret calling New Zealand a non-country, given that you are below even more of a non-country now. But New Zealand is doing really well, they have 10 gold medals at the moment. New Zealand is doing even better than Australia is per capita.

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Olympics came to their end. The sporting drama ended - they seem to be proud of such bs.
The final ranking established, both US and China won 40 gold medals, but the US medal harvest in volume was greater. Much greater by 35 medals. Many countries would be glad just with the half of that.
This table is chiefly weighs the gold as the metrics to establish the rankings. Purely if we count all the medals won, the order would change a bit. Not by much, but Brazil - with her low gold count - would jump a lot.
As for Hungary, the expected medal count was around 20, which "target" our competitors accomplished. Basically on the level of previous olympic achievements. Surprisingly no medals in water polo, which we are traditionally strong in.
If we take a look at the sports and the medal distribution - athletics, canoe, fencing, swimming, pentathlon, shooting, taekwondo - we can declare we "specialize" in canoe, swimming, and fencing pentathlon also include swimming, fencing, and shooting. Taekwondo is a fluke. It would be nice if our athletes could diversify, and bring results in other sports.
We'll see in four years how they fare. If we live that long.

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This season of Nations League our team isn't doing good. During regular group matches we only managed to beat Bosnia once, got 2 big suits from Germany and Netherlands I assume the both teams learnt from our last years results against the big teams, England, Germany, and Italy, and they went all in, the rest were thin draws. This was only enough for not get relegated from Group A straight away, we can fight to stay in.
We got Turkey as opponents. Yesterday we lost 3-1. I listened the short interview with Szoboszlai, his initial assessment of the team was that they sucked. Oh well. I know they are capable of more, they have 2 days rest and then they have to beat Turkey bad, but now on home turf.

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