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thumbnail of Miku Monday.png
thumbnail of Miku Monday.png
Miku Monday png
(1.03 MB, 1024x768)
Miku Monday!

Join us for music and fun every Monday evening.

Alternating every week.


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Unrelated BO here. I ran through the board settings page. There is nothing to control the disclaimer in settings by a BO. The options setting is by the user, per user, for they who roll with them javascript engine enablelified. I guess it's also doable on the user end with css overrides. I suppose we'll see some industrious BO attempt a customized board css hax to do away with it eventually. No telling how long that might last tho.
It sounds natural to make it "per user" only. That way, hiding the disclaimer is also the users responsibility, making sure the BO or site owners aren't liable for the posts.
I don't like this approach, I don't keep cookies longer than the browser stays open (for security reasons) so it will reset every time I open the browser
If the background in custom css is set to the same shade as the disclaimer text, then the disclaimers will disappear (they'll still be there but wont show up unless highlighted)
Wasn't it enough to have it on every page? I think this is obnoxious and poor site management
I hope they'll change it because its Josh/infinity next tier level of bad choice which will drive away users
Managed to make a post on  8kun /miku/
I just found out that the disclaimer itself is stylable so it can be colored as the same color of the posts
They also have the rules and stuff in the actual captcha entering thingy

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