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I'm looking for a live version of Man on the Silver Mountain. This version has a higher tempo and I think it was about 7 minutes long but I might be wrong. The song has Dio singing the normal lyrics, just faster for a few minutes then it cuts to a long gutiar solo by Blackmore. The tempo slows down after that and Dio starts singing again but this time he sings things like "We are all night people" then he starts saying "I'm the man" over and over, the tempo starts increasing to how it was in the beginning of the song then Dio starts singing the song again just like in the beginning.

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> people complaining about no youtube embeds
come on folks you can fucking convert youtube to mp3 if you really want to post that, you can use the youtube-dl command or sth

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> finally someone ripped a rare release that only a corrupted version with silence gaps was only available
> sounds even worse
> more hiss
> it's in mono
> "huh whats mono"
> fucking retard believes that transcoding 128kbps into 320kbps improve quality

this shit makes me want to die

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thumbnail of Wardruna-Runaljod-Yggdrasil-CD.jpg
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thumbnail of 01. Here I Come (There You Go).mp3
01. Here I... mp3
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thumbnail of 02. Walk!.mp3
02. Walk! mp3
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thumbnail of 03. When I See You Dance With Another.mp3
thumbnail of 03. When I See You Dance With Another.mp3
03. When I... mp3
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thumbnail of 04. People Say That I'm Over The Top.mp3
thumbnail of 04. People Say That I'm Over The Top.mp3
04. People... mp3
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thumbnail of 05. Kung Fu Lovin'.mp3
thumbnail of 05. Kung Fu Lovin'.mp3
05. Kung... mp3
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> Maybe listen to technical death metal
I fucking was. I had to pause it for this trite, unoriginal, cliche garbage. 
> Muh complex rhythms
Yes how dare musicians have, I don't know, technical ability?

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thumbnail of 05. Can We See Well Enough To Move On (Part One).mp3
05. Can We... mp3
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thumbnail of 06. Can We See Well Enough To Move On (Part Two).mp3
thumbnail of 06. Can We See Well Enough To Move On (Part Two).mp3
06. Can We... mp3
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Soulseek is great because of the quality of the collections of the users. Everybody is basically expected to maintain a collection of well maintained and complete, albums. It works like a really old file sharing program (with some nice features for discovery) You can almost be guaranteed that if you search and download some song you like, and browse the user that you downloaded from, and download absolutely random tracks from them, you will find things you really like. 

And then when you know that artist or album, you can get it in high quality.

Can't say enough positive about slsk. Just make sure to share some quality and full works

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Frans_Hals_-_Luits... jpg
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thumbnail of Magic & Mayhem Soundtrack.JPG
Magic & Mayhem... JPG
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Silent Hill 2... jpg
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thumbnail of Tally Hall - Be Born - Live on Fearless Music.mp3
Tally Hall... mp3
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thumbnail of Tally Hall - Ruler of Everything - Live on Fearless Music.mp3
thumbnail of Tally Hall - Ruler of Everything - Live on Fearless Music.mp3
Tally Hall... mp3
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thumbnail of Tally Hall - Sacred Beast.mp3
thumbnail of Tally Hall - Sacred Beast.mp3
Tally Hall... mp3
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