I would like to make use of the already existing /dump/ board
But the last owner purposely vandalized it with custom css, by making the input form unusable
The common input fields, like subject, name, mail, comment, etc, have a custom css making them display: none;
It's possible to circumvent that vandalism by browser direct css editing, but that doeasn't change the board is currently vandalized
My test attempt which confirmed the input form still works but it's vandalized by css
Can any admin or site moderator clear the css vandalism? And remove the previous person responsible for the vandalism?
There are also some leftovers of porn spam vandalism, in addition to the css vandalism, could the porn spam be removed too by a site mod?
On a side note, I wouldn't mind taking ownership of that board myself, but I'm still waiting for the confirmation email to validate my account, which isn't coming at all
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