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Endware Hidden Service

I wiped the keys and hostname and started over.  It was stalling out for some reason and inaccessible.  Removing the directory and restarting solved the problem.
I just added a self signed certificate for ssl access over Tor.
Endware Hidden Service TLS/SSL

Also I think that my website was blacklisted by the Tor directory authorities.  This is the 3rd time that this has happened.  The secure computing practices list ,SCPL, is hosted on the same computer, which is in my computer room/ study.  The connection was up and I could access the SCPL site, but couldn't access the Endware site.  The log for Endware showed all activity suddenly drop to null for 2 days straight, while activity on SCPL remained constant.  Same computer, same connection, different tor URL.  The tor connection was up and I could use it from the computer, and access the SCPL hidden service from other computers behind tor. No access could be gained from any computer through Tor to the Endware Hidden Service.  I fixed the problem by deleting the old hostname/ key pair for Endware and restarting tor.   

I hypothesize that the Tor project can and do censor people and websites at the request of Government Authorities through their control of the directory authority.  This is unacceptable.  I believe that Tor should be forked and the directory authorities replaced by a distributed blockchain based solution. Tor / Tor Hidden Services are not censorship resistant under the current model.  Based on this experience I believe that they can block your Tor Hidden Service if they don't like the content. 

Meow: Oooo I have some leaks!!!  I'll use my phone call now!
Agent Smirk: ....What good is a phone call if you can't .....speak?
Meow: MMmmm Mmmmmm mMMmmm MMMMmmmmm aarrghhh Mmammmmm *Chair falls over*.

You can check my ssl certificate (valid for 3000 days / 8 years ish) against previous connections if I have to repeat the process, although it is tied to the current onion domain so it may give you an invalid certificate error if the new domain doesn't match cert when I wipe and restart next time it happens.

I placed the setting of the PATH variable for Winstream.bat into the file it self, so you can make a shortcut to the file and put it on the desktop.  Change the icon to that green play-button, and rename it just to winstream . Open the file with a double click from the desktop.  Works like a charm, tested it on several computers at school, takes about 2 mins to download mpv.exe and youtube-dl.exe into a directory and run it.   You can also just make it portable and put the thing on a usb key so that you don't have to download anything. You can now turn any MS Windows computer into a thousand channel live streaming device.

Yeah it's possible.  Except that most of the youtube channels and livestreamer channels and some of the other channels that have dynamic addresses won't be easily ported over.   For instance all of the channels from twitch...There's no m3u8 link for those channels.  Anything with a static m3u8 playlist address could be easily copied into an m3u8 file.  Will I be doing it?  Probably not right now.  I've seen some pretty extensive playlist files on github in my search for new channels.  Here are some examples.   


Take one of these and copy what you want from endstream.sh and merge the two lists and load it into your KODI player.
On second thought, maybe I should make such an m3u file... I'll think about it.  This would make the channel listing more usable in other players like VLC, etc... If I make something it will largely follow the layout given in winstream.  It might happen.  Thanks for the suggestion/feedback.

The twitch streams play with mpv when placed into an m3u file, they might not work in other players, i'm not sure I haven't tested it out in VLC or Windows Media Player yet.  The only things that will be missing will be the youtube streams, and any livestream.com channels that don't have static linking, as I use curl and grep / awk to grab the dynamic links from these websites.  Anything with a static link will port over.  I should have a partial list posted by tomorrow.  It will just be for the English and French channels to start, I'll add more stuff later.
Here you go: that took around 6 hours to produce and test. Mainly by the tedious task of copying, pasting and deleting with backspace. I have a bunch of other streams still to add to the list, but I'll do that later when I feel like it. 


I've placed these onto the hidden service .onion repository as well.  This is cool and all, it removes pressing 3 keys from the channel up procedure (q + enter) to just shift > or shift <, loading is faster, saves about 1.5 seconds between channels.  I still like being able to stop and go back 10 channels by keying in the number, but this is useful for a lazy channel climb or as an iptv package.  

$ mpv --fullscreen --no-resume-playback endstream.m3u8

Load it up in your KODI player and let us know if its working.  Thanks.
Wasn't someone on this board (endchan)  complaining about wanting to hack a satellite broadcast to drop truth bombs or something... way easier to set up a stream.  I'll add it to endstream if it's any good.  In fact I expect post 1488 to be a post in this thread that links to this truth bomb stream. You have exactly 68 posts left to set it up and test it...get cracking.
Hey Adolf, I'll place this new channel of yours right between Newsmax and Freespeech TV, so like on channel 26. It should be called TruthMax or something else equally nifty like polTV or something.  Get on it, hire your best H4x0rs to get it up and running, then run 24/7 truth streams in 720p...then shill the endstream playlist everywhere and people will tune in for sure...

On a side note, I totally watched Fiddler on the Roof the other day on BYUTV, and I wondered if they were sending that out for us here at Endchan...  I watched the whole thing too, Tradition!  Tradition! Tradition!  The Papa!! The Mamma! Tradition!...When Tavia's second daughter (Hodel) ran off with the gay commie guy I was like "Tavia lock that bitch up, hand cuff her to her bed", but Tavia was all like "I like him he is a good man..." and let his daughter go to Siberia to be with the gay commie guy. But then when his young redhead daughter wanted to go with the blond haired masculine German/Ukrainian gentile guy Tavia blew a fit, and I was like "No Tavia, this is good for your gene pool...", but Tavia was having none of it and disowned is daughter...a tragedy really...very sad...
I'm literally watching this black dude on MNN2 dropping some truth bombs and drinking sun kissed grape flavor purple drank. This could be you...

Earlier I watched some nasty fat black girls grinding and booty shaking to rap music naked on MNN 3.  Clearly whatever you have to say couldn't be more edgy or offensive than that... 

Stream through twitch, or set up something independent , wear a mask and connect through a VPN, or get a proxy to host the show.  I think channel 26 is too close to the top, but definitely there's a spot for this kind of content/ info right after MNN. Channel 66 is all yours. Make it happen. Rally your top talent, set up some kind of proxying, and connect the proxies to twitch or to something self hosted and stream it, with Power Point presentations, readings from Mein Kampf etc., whatever you want. Tape a 5 hour show 3 times a week and put it in a continuous loop.  I'm pro free speech on the internet. Make it happen, post the link and I'll add it as a channel in endstream.
Yeah, the Mormons... I know right...?

They took their free stream down and you have to sign into their website which has a stream with DRM.  So I'm going to remove it from endstream.   I've made a reserved channel sign for PolTV on Channel 80, since leaving an empty channel in between channels messes with the flow. 

I would move it to channel 88, but then that would be invading France...and I think that wound is still too raw.
I'm back in school, so things are going to go slow until December.   I'll fix up the endstream.m3u8 playlist over the next two weekends or so, so that it conforms with the current version of endstream.sh .  I'll be around but I'll be busy with school.  Leave comments or suggestions for Endware below, leave off topic comments in the Discussion II thread.  Thanks.
Hmm no, that's a bad idea.

I'm basically looking for something else, something to merge the contents of multiple files in a directory of multiple folders in one big folder that has no duplicates and has no overwrites of files with the same name, so it's basically a new thing altogether.

Sounds doable, I'll look into it next weekend. 

> and has no overwrites of files with the same name

What should be the specified action should this occur? Rename, or prompt for overwrite or something else? Do the file names matter? or just the extensions? If not then every file name gets a unique number and it just counts up or something.  I need more details. 

I have a physics quiz tomorrow on projectile motion, so I'm busy doing practice problems.  I'll look into this next Friday.
Automated forced rename to name(1).ext and if that already exists, the next one that isn't already used without having something abysmal like name(1)(1).ext, that's a big no.

Let me rephrase some of what I said before to be extra clear

I want whatever directory of choosing to copy all files recursively in all the folders in that directory into a new destination folder without copying the folders in the previous directory, without overwriting any files in the destination folder and that includes the files that's in the directory that has the same name and file extension.

Doesn't need to be in bash, use whatever programming language you like that can be executed in the terminal by putting it in a .bin or whatever and chmod +x and all that typical basic stuff that's on the end user to deal with.

It's also available on the hidden service. 


Try it out and let us know how it works.  Post any additional product ideas, feature requests, comments, or bug reports below. 

I'm starting to get really busy with school so any new requests might not be looked at or filled until mid December.  Post them anyways I might tackle it if it looks interesting and I have a spare hour or two on a Friday night.
It seems to work exactly as planned but I'm not quite certain myself. I'm using wayback_machine_downloader https://github.com/hartator/wayback-machine-downloader and using condense.sh to get them all under one folder. Some of the files the wayback machine had downloaded are merely links with whatever extension file and name but it's 0 bytes which there's a shit ton of them for certain websites I want to save. I'm no developer, zero desire to learn how to code so even thinking about making a script like this makes my eyes roll backwards. If it's a simple one liner I'll just add it to my .zshrc as an alias but stuff like this is way beyond my capabilities and I just can't be bothered.

Also, a feature to delete 1x1 pixel images would be nice.
I have uploaded a working port of endstream for openBSD 

It's currently missing most of the channels.  Getting this to work starting with endstream.sh, required deleting most of the channels as there is some syntax bug that ksh doesn't like on openBSD.  I'll be reading the channels incrementally and deleting the channels that cause the problem running endstream.sh until its up to date.  Next I'll make a port of endradio.sh and endtv.sh for openBSD. Work in progress. Test it out and let me know if it's working for you.

Available here and in the usual locations:




Endware Hidden Service
This was tested working on a fresh install of OpenBSD 6.9 on a Dell Vostro Core 2 duo laptop from 2006.  mpv and youtube-dl were added from pkg_add. Video and Sound playback is fine at high resolutions and somewhat choppy at 1920x1080 resolution streams, but its working for me.  I'll do some more work on this product on the weekend.
I have uploaded a script that is an approximation / translation of endwall.sh into pf for OpenBSD called endwall_pf.sh.  The script runs, and pfctl says there aren't any errors but I don't think it's actually working. Right now I think this script is equivalent to the default /etc/pf.conf even though it looks fancy.  I'll be doing some more reading and I'll figure out how the pf system works eventually.  But here is my preliminary work anyways.

Available here and in the usual locations:




I estimate that I should have this working like I want in about 2 months.  I'm a pf newb and I'm not sure that I have the chain set up correctly. After testing it seems to be not doing what I want.  I'll be working on this on the side until it works. Maybe someone knowledgeable in pf can offer suggestions to help me fix it. 


Renamed to endwall_pf.sh since there are other firewalls for BSD like ipfw
I figured it out. endwall_pf.sh is working as intended now.  Feel free to use it and modify it as you see fit.  The next steps will be figuring out mac address binding for server stuff, testing server inputs and then figuring out how to get the blacklist table to work (I tried this as specified in the man page and it didn't work. It's commented out for now until I do more reading / figure it out). 

TL/DR: The script works as intended now, go ahead and use it.

renamed to endwall_pf.sh since there are other firewall filter programs for BSD like ipfw.

"The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.

Details: 0xF0 — The requested onion service descriptor can't be found on the hashring and therefore the service is not reachable by the client."


Same computer, same internet connection, same tor daemon. Computer is online, tor daemon is up, can browse from tor on the computer. 

X-Files theme. Tor can be censored and this is proof.
If this doesn't clear up in a day, I'll delete the host key and restart the tor daemon, you can check the https:// site of the new onion address and check the sha256 fingerprint to verify that its the same service/website server (just with a new onion address).   This method solved the problem the last time that it happened on onion v2. 

I guess someone didn't like my Gentoo kernel config ...
I commented out the exclude nodes from {US}...
section from my endtorrc, and it can connect again.   

It seems that directory servers went down in the regions that I allow, and I couldn't upload hidden service descriptors to the directory servers in excluded regions and so it failed.  Still its strange that SCP stayed up.   I'll run it with no excluded node regions for a couple of days and see how it goes.  

I still stand by the censorship comment, if they blacklist your address from all of the directory servers your site will become unreachable by anyone.
The links seem to still be up.  Use the latest stuff from the hidden service. I have to think about how I'm going to go about updating github after they canceled plain logon.  The latest stuff is on the hidden service. 

Endware Hidden Service



I'm back in school, so I'll try to work on this stuff on the weekends.  Any requests, suggestions, bug reports, place them below. I'll deal with it eventually.
Which file are you looking at?  It could be either or.  Probably hasn't been touched since then. Last thing I updated was endstream.sh and winstream.bat last weekend, I think I updated the version #s and dates but I'll have to check. I have to update endstream_bsd.sh to fix the RT streams that switched recently I'll do that after I'm finished my homework, I have stuff due on Monday.
It might also be a typo in the header or maybe I forgot to update the rev date.
The rev date for endwall.sh is rev_date="17/07/2018", but it says July 17, 2017 in the header which is a typo. I'll fix that later. Some of the files haven't been touched since they were originally created after a couple of revisions.  Some of the files were working in the past and then something changed and now they're not working, but they haven't been updated or fixed ex. proxyload.sh .  I work on what I feel like working on when it occurs to me to do something about it.  

The things I use the most are endwall.sh, endlists.sh and endsets.sh,alogz.sh, mlogz.sh, spamlogz.sh, iplookup.py, check16.sh ,check8.sh, endfix.cf, and endtorrc for my the torrc on my servers. I also use oldtube.sh, endtube.sh, endget.sh, endcurl.sh and endloads.sh , when downloading stuff frequently. I use endstream.sh, winstream.bat and endstream_bsd.sh a couple times a day to check the news or if I get bored.  endtv.sh was the prototype that endstream.sh was built on based on tv channels from filmontv. endradio.sh is an internet radio behind torsocks program.  Many of the radio channels have died / switched streams so it needs an update, probably a project for Christmas. pdfclean.sh was a pdf cleaning and PDFA format enforcing script built from instructions posted in >>/tech/ by another user. pdfmerge.sh is a script I used to finish a homework assignment, I felt it might be useful to users so I added it, merging pdfs comes up every once in a while.  endnode.sh is a script to determine the final exit node in your tor chain, I use that every now and then to check and see.  condense.sh, renum.sh and rmdupes.sh were built from user requests / specifications. endstream.m3u8 was a user request, it needs to be updated badly but I don't have the time right now again maybe over Christmas.  

I use endstream.sh a lot so it usually will get an update within a day or two if a channel breaks.  I usually have 2-4 deliverables due each week for school, so that takes precedence, and Endware is hobby-ware for the weekend.  

This software (script) collection was an attempt to automate some of my (and other people's) ideas about best practices for performing downloads and stuff anonymously using tor or with obfuscation (proxies, randomized download timing, and user-agents). Endstream is accidental software that isn't really related to the project goals, and doesn't provide viewership anonymity, but I use it daily so I added it to the collection.

What's there is what's there. If I have an idea I'll try to make something.  I think that for messaging endfix.cf and endmail.sh can take you far. The mail address posted on the hidden service hasn't been up for a couple of years and I should probably remove that from the html. I'll put a new hidden mail service up when I have some time, again probably over Christmas.  Until then just use the protomail address, or post something here to get my attention.   The hidden service website is hosted under my desk in my room at home.  My power has been shut off in sequence multiple times, and my identity is known to the Government(s).

I have a very dark view about the future of computer privacy, and anonymity.  It's a completely solvable problem (theoretically), but it won't get solved for the masses because of convenience and inertia.   And most of the people who think they have it solved are delusional.
I set up a rapberry pi 4 model B on Raspbian 11.  I modified endwall_wifi.sh, and got it working.  I have uploaded the iptables configuration that works for the raspberry pi on Raspbian 11 Bullseye and called it endwall_raspi.sh.


I tested endstream.sh from wifi and it works well. The audio works as well through HDMI. This will make a good multimedia streaming device.  

Also Debian 11 bullseye switched their firewall system from iptables to nftables, so I'll be looking into translating endwall_wifi.sh into nft,sometime in the future, probably over the summer if I have time.
I have just completed a preliminary translation of endwall.sh from iptables into nftables syntax.  It is tested working on Debian 11. I'll work on a translation of endwall_raspi.sh into nft later when i set up the raspberry pie on raspbian 64 bit. I'll do that later maybe in July. 



I have some more shell functions to translate and test but I'll do that work later on.  The translation was fairly straight forward, and it seems to be working as of right now.  Test it out and let me know if it works for you.
The endstream repository has been DMCA taken down. I didn't infringe on anyone's copyright.  I'll have to look into this.  

$ git push github master
ERROR: Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown.
See the takedown notice for more details:

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.


Lines: 502, 3695, 3703, 3713, 3721, 3729, 3737, 3745, 3753, 3761, 3769, 3777, 3785, 3793

A URL doesn't infringe on a copyright, its fair use. I'll look at the specific lines in a second. 

Line 502
set link="https://live.corusdigitaldev.com/groupd/live/49a91e7f-1023-430f-8d66-561055f3d0f7/live.isml/.m3u8"

Line 3695
set chan_name="ICI Tele Mauricie CA"

Line 3703 
REM #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=440000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=440000,CODECS="avc1.42c00d,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=320x180,FRAME-RATE=29.970,AUDIO="program_audio",CLOSED-CAPTIONS="CC"

Line 3713
set link="https://rcavlive-dai.akamaized.net/hls/live/696614/cancbftprem/master&#95;5000.m3u8"

Line 3721

Line 3729
REM #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH=1210000,AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH=1210000,CODECS="avc1.4d401f,mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=852x480,FRAME-RATE=29.970,AUDIO="program_audio",CLOSED-CAPTIONS="CC"


The github repo for endstream is locked and taken down. I need advice on how to proceed. Please post below. Thanks.
"Please describe the nature of your copyright ownership or authorization to act on the owner's behalf.

Authorized representative of Corus Entertainment

Please provide a detailed description of the original copyrighted work that has allegedly been infringed. If possible, include a URL to where it is posted online.

The links in the files listed lead to downloads of Corus Entertainments videos. Corus Entertainment pays for the distribution of these feeds via AWS, so any stolen views are also being paid by Corus. They are also losing ad revenue from traffic being diverted."



Corus owns GLOBAL TV in Canada. Most of the copyright lines were for CBC which they  don't even own...
I submitted a response / counter claim. We'll see what happens.  In the meantime I will remove global TV stations from the program so I can update the file once I get back control of the repository.  

I stopped pushing to gitgud a while ago due to an unsolvable merge conflict.  I'll nuke the repo and try again on gitgud.  I don't actually think that they have the legal grounds to do this, but I'll just remove their stations anyways.
Github gave me 1 day to access the repo and deep scrub the file from the repository using git repo-filter ... .  So I nuked winstream.bat, endstream.sh and endstream_bsd.sh off of all of the github repositories, to remove any trace of the links that Corus Entertainment is complaining about. 

I won't be putting endstream back into the endware directory on github. This is to prevent the endware repository from being taken down over copyright troll behavior from streaming companies. 

I have uploaded a new version of endstream.sh to the endstream repo on github that avoids the links that Corus media complained about. I think I'll make a repo just for endradio so that it will remain available in the event that the endstream repo gets taken down again.   I'll also start looking at fixing the problems I have with gitgud.io to have a proper backup.

Hopefully github gives me the green light sometime this week and that will be the end of the issue. However I expect this to come up again with some other troll media companies in the future.   

I'll do some work on endradio this summer to bring it back up to functionality as a tor internet radio program.

Lines: 502, 3695, 3703, 3713, 3721, 3729, 3737, 3745, 3753, 3761, 3769, 3777, 3785, 3793

The file is now visible again, somehow this isn't the latest version of the program, the line numbering is different than in my current master copy. In any event the lines are all links to the news feeds for Global News streams that they publicly distribute in the open at,


And you can see these links in your web-browser by going: right click on the page -> inspect -> network , and watching the traffic. 

Publicly visible URLs, from their public open access broadcast. 

The website and streams are not Geo-Location blocked, are public access, don't use a token or a cookie for authentication, are not behind a username/password log on or a paywall, don't have any DRM and are not encrypted.  They publish the link themselves in the browser.  

All of these links are visible and freely accessible in any modern web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc) 
by right clicking the web page -> Inspect -> Network , when watching the publicly broadcast streams available at,


Their complaint is that by playing these links in mpv or vlc, it circumvents their banner add above the stream...are they going to sue add blockers like uMatrix and uBlock-origin ?  Also they have adds playing in between the news segments in the stream so you see their adds anyways if you watch the stream. 

I removed the file instead, I'll re-upload it to github in the endstream repo with the channels and URL links removed.  I'll do that on the weekend.

Posting 14 URLs in a text file is fair use. They publish these links themselves in their public broadcast. 

Also they violated my EULA. They violated clause 9) and 10), by claiming copyright on my work, and may attempt to violate clause 15) by suing me in court for damages.

I removed the files and the text of the specific links that they requested removed. I expect that other vendors will attempt this in the future as well, so I'm going to isolate the streaming products in this repository, and keep them away from other more useful products, so that they don't get all taken down together.   We'll see what happens.
In other news, I have created and tested versions of endwall_nft for wifi, I developed this file on Raspbian 11 64 bit on a raspberry pi 4 model B, and then tested the file on Debian 11 on my mom's Dell Latitude laptop.  With some minor adjustments to the wifi version, wifi is working. The files are,







Use the raspi version if you're using a raspberry pi on Raspbian 11 32bit or 64 bit. Use and modify the wifi version if you're on Debian 11 on a laptop with wifi, or any other distribution that now uses nft.  

I worked on some of the function translations and will backport them into endwall_nft.sh on the weekend. 

These files are more important than winstream.bat or endstream.sh, and I'd rather nuke the entire endstream repository and stop developing it than loose distribution of these more important security and anonymity products.

Anyways, its a good-news, good-news day today.  Good news, I got the endstream repository back, and good news I have just developed a new endwall firewall product that handles wifi. Enjoy.

Next I'll work on figuring out wifi on OpenBSD for PF, I'll start working on that next week, I'll have to do some reading and it might be a couple of weeks until I have anything to show.  Afterwards, I'll work on getting the ipset like functionality for nft working on the Linux branches. Hopefully I can get some of this done before school starts again in Fall.
I have just done some work on endlists.sh, to finish making shell functions for all of the list methods. I then made a translation of endlists into nft, as endlists_nft.sh'





I use this script to do all of my /8 bans for regions I have no business with like Asia, Africa, India.
If there is a specific range you want blocked just drop it into blacklist.txt, and then run the file. I've left this section commented out. I should probably uncomment it so that it's available.  

Next I'll work on adding verdict maps (vmaps) in nft to replace the functionality of ipset. The next product I'll try to translate is endsets.sh.  Once that's done I'll be able to set up my clearnet server hosting using nftables as a replacement for iptables.  I'll post an update when I have something to show.
I have completed translating endsets.sh into endsets_nft.sh using the native sets capability in nft.  Tested working on Debian 11. 

The files are located here:




Let me know if the files are working for you.

I also made some minor bug fixes to the following files:
endwall.sh, endwall_nft.sh, endlists.sh, endlists_nft.sh, endsets.sh, endsets_nft.sh. Located in the usual places. 

I'm going to work on endwall_pf.sh and try to get a working wifi branch for PF. I'll work on it in my spare time,so it might take a while.
I just ported endstream to macOS using a MacMini 2014 model with MacOS 12.5 Monterey.  Using the Homebrew package manager you can install youtube-dl, curl, openssl, and mpv, and then the program will run.  I've tested this port as working, and have placed it onto the github repository and onto the hidden service. 


Endware Hidden Service

Now endstream is tested working on the following operating systems : { GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, Windows NT, MacOS }. I'm planning on going back and making winstream.bat into a powershell script so that it is fully compatible and can access all of the streams. Right now winstream.bat just uses fixed links and m3u8 playlists and can't access the Youtube live streams or other dynamic playlists.  I'll have to learn more about Powershell first which might take a month or two.  Its a side project. 

My next task with endstream is to fix up the channels on the OpenBSD port and test it, I'll work on that in around two weeks when I have some free time.  

Summary: I made a cross platform killer app, and gave it away for free on the internet...

I have completed and tested as working, a translation of endwall_wifi for PF. Tested working on a Toshiba Tecra with OpenBSD 7.1. I have also bug fixed the previous versions of the pf model, and added some new models for different use cases. The pf_wifi model is for locking to your internal LAN wifi. The pf_wifi_roam model is for allowing the wifi to connect to any network without re-running the firewall. The pf_roam model allows all interfaces to connect to any private LAN network for ethernet or wifi, basically you can plug in to anywhere or connect to any public wifi without re-running the firewall. 

Obviously the more restricted the better,however these models might be useful for some applications, like using wifi at coffee shops etc. I have also made a roam version for nft which allows for the laptop to plug in anywhere. These are all available in the usual places:

endwall_nft_wifi.sh (wired ethernet is static but wifi is roaming)
endwall_nft_roam.sh (all interfaces allow connecting to any network)
endwall_pf.sh  for wired ethernet (internal lan static connection)
endwall_pf_wifi.sh (1 wired and 1 wireless interface both static) (internal LAN static connection) 
endwall_pf_wifi_roam.sh (1 wired static connection and 1 wireless static + roaming wireless). 
endwall_pf_roam.sh (all interfaces can connect to any network)
I have to make a nft model for static wireless + static wired connections for nft_wifi, and then rename the current nft_wifi model to nft_wifi_roam. 

The use cases are as follows:

1) Wired only desktop computer connection with 1 interface for wired ethernet in your home connected to your LAN, which supplies DHCP with a static ipv4 address. -> (endwall.sh, endwall_nft.sh endwall_pf.sh)

2) You have a wired LAN router and a wireless LAN router both supplying static ipv4 DHCP addresses to your internal network. -> (endwall_wifi.sh, endwall_nft_wifi.sh, endwall_pf_wifi.sh).

3) You have a Laptop you use in your internal network, wired, and or wireless, but you sometimes take it with you to school, or to a coffee shop and require the wireless connection to allow roaming connections to randomly assigned DHCP addresses. Also useful for investigating the networks of neighborhood wifi networks in your vicinity . -> (endwall_nft_wifi_roam.sh, endwall_pf_wifi_roam.sh)

4) You have  a laptop and you want to plug it in to ethernet anywhere you can get a DHCP address (school, the library, your friend's house), and also use wifi on any wireless network (school, library, coffee shop, friend's house) and both get a randomly assigned DHCP ipv4 address, without re-running the firewall. -> (endwall_nft_roam.sh, endwall_pf_roam.sh). 

The security decreases as you go from 1)->2)->3)->4).   Best practice is 1) no wifi, only wired connections on desktop computers, no wireless interfaces, and connections in your own LAN network using static ip assignment from the router with mac address binding. Next best is 2) only use your own wifi, in you internal network as well as wired on your own LAN with static IP. 3) You have static ethernet and WIFI LAN at home, but sometimes you bring the laptop to school and need to connect to a randomly assigned ipv4 address on their WIFI without re-running the firewall rules, or you are at home and want to connect to or investigate local neighborhood wifi networks without re-running the firewall.  4) You want to be able to plug in to any ethernet jack anywhere (school,library, friend's house), and use any coffee shop WIFI but only for allowed/selected ports.   

I'll work on creating the nft_wifi_roam and nft_wifi models sometime next week. School is starting in 2 weeks, so I have to wrap these projects up before the session starts. I'll be too busy to do anything consistent once the semester starts up, other than some maintenance and bug fixes as I find them. I'll do what I can, on Fridays and Saturdays during school, but I'm going to be busy with school assignments and studying.  

Let me know if these are working for you.  Post bug reports, comments or requests below. Thanks.
I can report that endstream.sh launches and plays with no GUI in GNU/Linux. Tested in tmux in the shell with no desktop or GUI, on Debian 11. I wasn't aware that this was possible until recently.  Sound and full motion video work.  Good news for people who don't use desktops, xorg or wayland or any GUI. mpv can play videos in the command line with no GUI, interesting development.  

I did some updates to endstream_bsd.sh, endstream.sh and winstream.bat, including adding some streams from cozy.tv. Available in the usual places:

I just tested endstream_bsd.sh in the shell on OpenBSD 7.1 (no GUI no Xenocara). And it also works. It goes to full screen, with full  motion video and sound working on a Toshiba Tecra Laptop. You can use mpv from text mode in OpenBSD 7.1.

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