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I should add - a Leftist won't accept the definition no matter how many times you explain it. No matter what Giovanni Gentile, the creator of Fascism, said about it. They're stubbornly retarded. Only THEIR meanings count. Everyone else is wrong even when they're clearly fucking wrong. And they don't just do this about their politics. They pull this shit for everything they ever talk about. Something that didn't happen in Game of Thrones? Fuck you, it happened because the Lefty said so. Something is clearly made for females? Fuck you, it was made for males because the Lefty said so. Always the same with them. This is also the reason they'll never unify. The idiots stubbornly can't agree on even the smallest, most insignificant bullshit. It makes Leftists nothing but obnoxious twats.

Pandering Corporations unfortunately listen to them because they're the loudest minority of voices promoting trash when everyone else doesn't give a fuck.

1650s - Father Christmas
1773 - Saint A. Claus
A fucking ethno-state? What, with just Santa and Ms. Claus? He has beginnings from the Dutch Sinter Niklaas from Sinterklass when Saint Nicholas fed hungry children. How retarded does someone have to be to think 'Elves' is derogatory? They're the classiest of the fictional characters. That said, the entire thing is an obvious shitpost. Tongue in cheek. Someone thinks they're clever with parodies over there.

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The New York Police Department found illegal tunnels that were dug under a Jewish organization building in New York City and the Jews started rioting. Many Jews were arrested and some mattresses with weird stains on them were being thrown around. All sorts of insane footage was recorded. Chabad, the Hasidic Jewish sect, has secret tunnels that were discovered under their headquarters in NYC, and are now being shut down by the NYPD. Arrests are being made. Riot broke out as NYPD attempted to fill tunnels with cement. Why would Jews would have numerous stained mattresses contained within a series of tunnels under Chabad World Headquarters in the Brooklyn, New York Synagogue? Those mattresses should be forensically analyzed for sure. WHAT were the Jews doing in those tunnels?
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Definitely trafficking and ritual related no doubt. This opportunity should be used for propaganda regardless of the reason. When you think of underground tunnels it is always associated with crime and bad doings. The damage control has been entertaining to watch. It went viral so quickly.

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and my favourite as its sort of relevant 
why this exists to begin with
> Definitely trafficking and ritual related no doubt.
funny thing is they cope with their propaganda that these tunnels are and i quote "covid tunnels to dodge lockdowns"

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General, could I ask you to speak about what interested you to enlist in the army?
Otto: Yes, I came from a patriotic family, whom were always greatful for the fatherland and all that our nation provided. Germany in the 20s was in turmoil, as I am sure you know the Communists and their allies were trying very hard to gain power over the German people. The National Socialists were fighting to keep Germany German. I could see early on that Hitler would carry the day, as most Germans viewed the Communist’s as a foreign, ungodly idea, and Moscow as the leader seeking to take away our national identity. By 1930, it appeared to me that the military would be a good career, as I gambled that if Hitler ended up elected he would make good on his promise to repel Versailles. That meant the army no longer would be forced to limit its size to one hundred thousand. I went to take my entrance exam and due to my schooling, I was accepted as an officer candidate. After completing training in 1932, I was an officer in the German army and never looked back.

You were in the war from the very beginning, what was it like?
Otto: Yes, my regiment was sent east during the Polish crisis, we knew something was brewing, as news about Polish attacks on border farms was weekly it seemed. We knew the Führer could not ignore what was happening, so the only logical response was militarily. Deep down we hated this, as Germany was a nation of peace under National Socialism, our leader only wanted a return of the lands taken by the Allies, which was all. They bear responsibility for starting the second war, they (England) pushed Poland to refuse any offers that we made, and in the meantime, Polish nationalists and criminals were attacking German farmers and stealing what they could take with them, sometimes killing them. So on 1 September we attacked Poland and I remember being welcomed by the cheering civilians in every town we entered, they felt as if they were being liberated from an oppressive master. On 3 September, we received the news that the Allies declared war on us, this was not a good thing, but at the same time, we felt it was our duty to just as in the first war. Therefore, into the great unknown we went. As we moved further into Poland, combat became more frequent, the Polish army was well trained and supplied. It took the Luftwaffe’s help to break open many stubborn fronts; the Polish soldier was defending his home so he fought very hard. We suffered heavy causalities due to this, but once the Poles broke, they ran away and became prisoners.

Authors have asked me about war crimes and I can confirm that I sadly saw evidence of Polish soldiers and militia kill German civilians whose only crime was being left behind when the Allies took land away from the Reich. We entered into a small farming hamlet, the name I can no longer remember, in which Germans were found shot. There was such a feeling of disgust and anger that they would do this to innocent people. These stories are long forgotten today, our enemies want you to believe it was we, the Wehrmacht, who killed innocent Poles as we hated Slavs and looked upon them as vermin. The many millions who helped us or the thousands who volunteered in the Wehrmacht, and died for Europe would disagree. The east front was the hardest, it was a cruel place and the Soviet soldier was taught to be hard and cruel to the fascist invader. Many villages we came across had inhabitants that had been terrorized by their own soldiers. It was very strange. Soldiers are there to protect what is behind them, but in Russia, if the population did not retreat they became an enemy to the state. I have learned that those who were left behind and did not retreat with us were arrested and many killed; Russia then blames their deaths on us as part of some made up lebensraum plan. Saying we killed these people to make room for German settlers. Their claim of 30 million dead is absurd. [continued]
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> That photo of W SS sergant on left doen corner
Someone failed in their dress code as NCOs had no permission to carry breeches
And that next to wilder is as ludicrous as interests on central banks loans as i dont need to point out in that pic that for some reason
> Tankers
> Music corps
> Lacking any undershirts to tunics
> Flak personell
> Armed civilians in background? 
Screams that again someone failed in his uniform dress code knowledge but i dont want now to ruin my nerves even when i dont have to deal with such bullshit outside of this imageboard i have to see daily by various nazbol zigger boomers or quasi historians 
> It's sad when the jews have one job - lying. But they can't even do that well
But to be honest it feels good to be right again they will use it for yet another attempt to destroy reality

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If you're not sure who Alexander Dugin is (I'm sure most of you already do know) Alexander Dugin is one of Putin's top advisors and Russia political strategists and is the the man who has sold nationalists in the west the idea that Russia is somehow no longer controlled by jews or has a lingering shadow form of the USSR. The perestroika deception. Ironic since you can get arrested for reading Hitler or Evola there, Countless Russian National Socialists have been arrested also. Alexander Dugin also openly praises Stalin, Aleister Crowley, Kabbalah and Freemasonry, and is meanwhile subverting western nationalists in to hating western civilization (Which is easy because we're so corrupt.) But he essentially wants us to break free from our chains, only to be under his chains.(The chicom neo soviet world order chains). Which I personally believe is the next stage of the One World Government, As the bolscheviks and jews subverted the west and have deceived many on Russia not being controlled by jews, That this neo soviet chicom world order Which is btw in full support of zionism. Alexandr dugin is not a Christian either, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. he is outwardly and orthodox. But he is a kabbalistic judeo freemason and crowleyite inside. He believes in eastern occultic mysticism, and wants to form a eurasian NWO of the end times. He is also a vehemant Anti Catholic. Dugin also denies the existence of Marxism, and calls it "Cultural Liberalism" to blame everything on the west. But the thing is Marxism wouldn't exist without liberalism and the enlightenment revolutions. This whole eurasian bloc is part of the kalegri plan to destroy the white race. Plus also Putin and Dugin are anti polish and deny the katyn massacre. Another thing is Richard Spencer and Mathew Heimbach from the alt right were both pushing Duginism and praising the soviet union. As well Richard Spencers ex wife Nina literally was the person who translated all of Dugins works in to English. I think this is where I will end my autistic spergy rant but here are some links and videos on Dugin:

> Alexandr Dugin doing a crowleyite freemason kaballist nazbol ritual:


> Introduction to Dugin:


> Duginism and Eurasianist Dissident LARPERS:


> The Masonic Eurasianist Neo Bolshevik Plot against Our Lady of Fatima Unmasked:

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> it suffers from the same "don't name the jew" sickness
Even this board suffers from the same types constantly trying to distract from that. It makes me highly suspect the "2% of the population" claim. Probably more like low percentages of kike blood means several millions more of the parasites.

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12 Undeniable Signs Despotic "kikes" Are Engineering the End of Humanity

It's no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation. Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.

Mainstream media now frequently talks about "climate lockdowns" as a good thing -- to cease human activity on planet Earth in order to "save the planet" from so-called climate change, a wholesale fabrication and fake science fraud rooted in the lie that carbon dioxide is somehow bad for life on the planet. (Without it, there would be no photosynthesis, no plants, no animals and no humans.)

Now, corporate media is openly calling for climate blackouts and lockdowns, the rationing of air conditioning and possibly even banning the use of electricity to cool homes and buildings during hot weather days. This is all being positioned as necessary to save the planet, of course. The Los Angeles Times, for example, recently published a story asking whether an "occasional blackout" might "help solve climate change."

Green agenda alarmists in the corporate media are now calling for widespread electrical grid blackouts for “the greater good” of “solving the climate crisis.” In an article from the Los Angeles Times, the establishment media outlet argues that it would be “easier and less expensive to fight climate change” if the public would “be willing to live with” blackouts.

We are past the point, in other words, of the controlled corporate media saying that engineered blackouts and climate lockdowns are just a conspiracy theory -- even though NPR still claims that the push to get people to eat bugs is a conspiracy theory, not long after NPR promoted insects as the next great food source. Now, the controlled media is openly claiming that the functioning of human society will destroy the planet. Therefore, they imply, the only way to save the planet is to take down the food and energy infrastructure that keeps humanity alive.

MY COMMENT: They are gearing up to take America offline and off-grid after they crush Europe the same way, so you best be prepared and have contingencies planned! Never ever trust this government to do anything good for you or to protect you, remember they want us all enslaved or dead!

The current population of human beings on planet Earth, of course, is a function of affordable food powered by affordable, abundant energy (mostly in the form of fossil fuels). Ending this -- which is now the admitted goal of climate cultists, Democrats and the same "science" community that told us COVID vaccines were safe and effective -- will inevitably result in global depopulation of the human race. No fuel = no farms. No farms = no food. No food = no people. This is the openly admitted goal.

Here, I list twelve undeniable signs that kikes are actively seeking the extermination of the human race from this planet.


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> 3) They've given up on educating young people to be prepared for a productive future - Notice that government-run schools no longer teach anything resembling practical skills, independent thinking or even basic knowledge needed to carry out jobs in a productive society. This is because there is no plan to deploy the younger generations of human beings in any productive activity whatsoever. The plan is to exterminate them, and when you are planning to exterminate a population, you don't need to bother teaching them skills or knowledge. The abandonment of education -- a scheme now fully endorsed by teachers' unions, by the way -- is a proxy for the abandonment of any hope in the future of the human race.
The only thing sane folks can profit off them is by providing these young kids woke content, unfortunately. And Tiktok dances. We must save Gen Beta (offspring of sane gen-Z), especially if 2030's millennial kingdom start rings true. God bless us!

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Let's write together the Pissrael defeat song

Proposed lyrics:
We are the children of the generation of defeat
Victors will kick us out to wherever they see fit
Displaced will return to their homes and it will be lit,
while we drift around begging in the street

Guitar tabs:
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Now reborn of rubble they may rule
Having overcome a fate so cruel
Now for our own fate we must thus march on
Wait to see now how the cards are drawn
(the narrator isn't a jew or arab, he's a white man who starts by mocking the "victory generation" song, should probably take a different direction at this point.)

> South Africa's genocide case cites PM Netanyahu's invocation of the Biblical Amalek which says: “Now go, attack Amalek, and proscribe all that belongs to him. Spare no one, but kill alike men and women, infants & sucklings, oxen & sheep, camels and asses.”

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> kikes citing biblical sources in the video along with their corrupt Talmud
> kikes OF COURSE lying about Hitler saying he was Amalek
> blaming "white supremacy" bullshit
Again purposely twisting words, as the kikeroaches tend to do. 1 Samuel 15:20 has said that Amalek was already destroyed.
> black bitterness instead of a soul
> kill all children and women when they're breastfeeding
lol. These jews always lie and think they're the special ones. It's clear who the evil bastards are.

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What's wrong with all of you poor, pathetic, sissy-boy Whites out there nowadays?!!!!!!!

Once we were strong, we...

*killed off most of the savage Natives in America.
*beat back the British army back to Britain.
*killed many fanatical Japanese Army soldiers.
*killed many hardened and tough German Army soldiers.
*destroyed Iraq back down to the Stone Age, and killed off their Republican Guard.

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> killed off most of the savage Natives in America.
*beat back the British army back to Britain.
*killed many fanatical Japanese Army soldiers.
*killed many hardened and tough German Army soldiers.
*destroyed Iraq back down to the Stone Age, and killed off their Republican Guard.

Ahoj žid watcha doing?
As always kvetching why amalek knows?

Netanyahu's not a white boy. Nor is any Yidd. The British army were white. Japanese Army was fighting for the white German AXIS. Only pussies literally known as "dogface" killed German army soldiers because they were as pathetically loyal to Zionist control as dogs. Zionism destroyed Iraq through false flags, actual terrorism committed by Mossad. So while you commendably hate Netanyahu, you're still clearly a dipshit.

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Audrey Hale resented attending Nashville's The Convenant School, a Presbyterian private school, at an annual rate of $16,500 when the kike identified as transgender. In retaliation, she shot and killed 9 year old Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinney as well as the teachers Katherine Koonce, Cynthia Peak and custodian Mike Hill. Two officers then shot the violent kike dead. Hallie Scruggs was the 9 year old daughter of Chad Scruggs, the senior pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Rather than shining a light on the fact transgenderism is a direct sign of mental illness and that Audrey was a demented jew; Zionist stooge President Biden instead called for his old agenda of banning assault rifles.

Hale is a jewish (Ashkenazic) variant of Halle. If it's not clear to you now that jews want you dead, you need to start paying attention.

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Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell, a Democrat, says his office is immediately investigating the unauthorized release of some of the images from the Nashville trans shooter’s manifesto. Authorities have tried to prevent the release of Hale’s writings before the leak.


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with mRNA vaccines causing turbocancers, along with the cardiovascular side effects, now pharma jews doubled down and are selling ... cancer vaccines

Pfizer gets OK for $43-billion Seagen deal after donating cancer drug rights
> Dec 12 (Reuters) - Pfizer (PFE.N) said on Tuesday it expects to close its $43 billion deal to buy cancer drugmaker Seagen (SGEN.O) later this week and plans to create a new oncology division that includes the acquisition early next year.
Moderna, Merck begin late-stage study for mRNA cancer therapy
> Dec 11 (Reuters) - Moderna (MRNA.O) and Merck & Co (MRK.N) said on Monday they have started a late-stage trial of their experimental personalized mRNA cancer treatment in combination with blockbuster drug Keytruda for patients with a type of lung cancer.

Cross was the Coat of Arms of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Jerusalem
> The Kingdom of Jerusalem, also known as the Latin Kingdom, was a Crusader state that was established in the Levant immediately after the First Crusade. It lasted for almost two hundred years, from the accession of Godfrey of Bouillon in 1099 until the siege of Acre in 1291. Its history is divided into two periods with a brief interruption in its existence, beginning with its collapse after the siege of Jerusalem in 1187 and its restoration after the Third Crusade in 1192. 
> The First Crusade was preached at the Council of Clermont in 1095 by Pope Urban II, with the goal of assisting the Byzantine Empire against the invasions of the "Turks and Arabs" and "to destroy this vile race from the lands of our friends."[6] However, the main objective quickly became the control of the Holy Land.

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