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Imagine a degenerate wasting 4 hours a day watching youtube, what a waste, a controlled creature of instinct and hedonism. I was this creature years ago and I come to tell you it wasn't nice.
If you browse image boards for half an hour a day, don't own a smartphone, and understand the degeneracy of modern entertainment, this guide may have a little good information, but it won't change your life.


> What do I do?

 * Stop using a smart-phone, this is critical.
 * Stop using social media, or minimize their use.
 * Avoid FAGMANS: Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Samsung.
 * Only use secure, encrypted, foss, chat apps for communication. Email is not secure.
 * Get rid of smart-watches, and smart-tvs, etcetera. If it has an internet connection, it is evil.
 * Get rid of supermarket discount cards and membership cards of any kind.
 * Don't get a genetic test.
 * Use uBlock origin to mitigate tracking.

> What is the problem?

 * You are being data-mined.
 * Your smartphone, smart tv, and smart dildo are all data gatherers.
 * Social media, and cookies are the same. Social media is surveillance, and cookies are trackers. This is re-branding.
 * This data is being used much like weather stations, enough data and a model can be set up that predicts human behavior, this information is in the worst possible hands.
 * This system can also be used to entrap or spy on you.
 * Internet of Things is mass surveillance extended into other appliances.
 * Tech is made addictive on purpose. This includes gaming, porn, etcetera.

> QUI is behind this?

 * Same as always
 * Logistics and specifics are implemented through FAGMANS. There are others.
 * The US feds, through the pentagon, and alphabet agencies, mostly NSA.
 * The CCP has Xiaomi and other companies that do mass surveillance.

> This is difficult weh weh I'm a faggot!

 * Apply /SIG/ principles.
 * Take one thing off of this list, stop watching youtube videos all the time and read instead.
 * Next week, Stop using facebook.
 * Next week after that, replace your smartphone with a dumb phone.
 * Since you still may want to use messaging apps, use them on BlueStacks.
 * Slowly but surely, release yourself of these chains.

> But I like tech! Is there any virtuous use of technology?

 * Yes, this guide is for people who have a problem with tech.
 * Halfchan's /pol/ is tech, and accidentally redpilled a generation of people, social media allowed for unprecedented spontaneous organization, this was accidental of course, we were never meant to be free to speak.

In all seriousness, if you do not intend to stop using your smartphone, stop reading and kill yourself.
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"Social media" is a re-branding of "mass surveillance". In the same way "Cookies" are "Trackers".
Facebook, may in fact be, a US gov surveillance project straight out of the pentagon.

Social media is designed to be addictive and to keep you using it:
Facebook feeds you outrageous news in your feed because rage keeps you glued to the screen.
Gab functions in exactly the same way, it is a nest of republicans seething about the last bad thing democrats have done.
Youtube had a star system, this was a fairly good and useful rating system. This was replaced with a numberical system of likes and dislikes, the dislikes are rumoured to have their days numbered.
With facebook, there is no opposite of the like; There is only "like" and "this makes me angry".
Most social media sues an infinite scroll feed of information, you keep scrolling down looking for one bit of dopamine, surrounded by uninteresting drivel. This is more effective than to constantly serve you quality, as it would burn out your dopamine receptors.

This addictivenes is by design in both social media and entertainment in general.
In entertainment the examples are clearer.
In porn, Pornhub quite readily admits that they are feeding your porn addiction.
In gaming, lootboxes are designed around the same principles of casinos. Android games are even worse, as they are designed from the ground up around perpetual play and revenue streams.
Old games are cool tho.

This addictivenes serves a purpose, after all, it makes no sense to build walls around cattle you don't intend to milk and slaughter.
The walls are detailed above, they are your own instincts.
The profit however, is huge.
It is the knowledge of human group behavior.

Human beings are influenced by their environment and guided by their genetics.
We don't comprehend how exactly this process unfolds...
But tech giants have cracked a definite and reliable way of predicting the outcomes of these processes.

You should ask, why is every corporation looking into AI and Big Data?
On the surface, the answer seems to be that it is a corporate meme.
Most of it is, as it is implemented by brainless webdevs and pajeets who can't program for shit.
But as we've seen, much of it isn't.
Further still, how is it that target can tell that a woman is pregnant before she knows it?
How can it be that Amazon knows what you want before you tell them?

Try to remember: Was there any instance in which after mentioning an activity while talking with your friends, google showed store results with that item, and Amazon did too?
This is because all your online presence and FAGMANS accounts are linked to exploit you.
How this happens behind the doors is quite elaborate:

Firstly, you are more interesting as your demographic than as an individual.

Secondly, what websites you visit, and what links you click, what products you move your mouse over (and keep it there) are all recorded and associated.

Thirdly, this information is analyzed. Chiefly, what is a common behavior displayed by this demographic, and is there a relation to time or seasons, etc. This function has a job description: Big Data Analyst, or AI specialist.

Lastly, this information is sold to the highest bidder. This information is sold as a subscription because trends change.

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One concept that you have to understand is that all FAGMANS accounts are linked, there is no difference to the interested agents between your Facebook, and Amazon account, they are all linked to you.
Most social media and other apps, services etc, require your phone number or email. Have you used a different one for each?

The first step is the identification of demographics.
> Pic related
about a campaign Signal led on facbeook and Instagram (facebook owned) where they showed people directed ads based on facebook's cathegorization.
Countrary to what people believe, these ads do not find out information about you.
The ads are created and sent for a specific target. Facebook knows you are a pregnant woman with an interest in fitness, but the advertiser merely sends out an ad to pregnant women who have an interest in fitness.

How this is done is dependent on the site.
Facebook has groups. What those groups are about is reported by the users through tags, in the interest of being found by people who want to be a part of a sports group.
Then, you go and join those groups. Depending on your interest, which is calculated based on your constancy of participation, your interest is ranked.
You have a set of interests derivated likely from group belonging, as well as likes and other mechanisms.
Instagram does this mostly through your likes.
youtube obviously keeps tracks of what videos you watch. These videos have tags.
You can make a weighted accumulation of all tags you've consumed: 
Take the amount of time you watched a video, and assign that as a weight to a tag, then add those tags together and you get: [ "puppies": 3.6, "metal": 2.4, "republican": 1.2, "democrat": -0.6, ... ]
This is known as a profile. These tags are incredibly useful to categorize you. More so if they are weighted. They quite literally are worth their bits in gold.

It is unknown to me how other social media do it, but every single one without exception does this.
There are no arbitrary elements in a social media webpage.

> With smartphones
the issue is darker, and much more crude.
Smartphones can tell where you are through GPS or telephone signal towers triangulation.
Smartphones never turn off, most have a BIOS battery, meaning removing the battery does nothing for a while.
Most don't even have removable batteries.
All have bluetooth, which is an absurdly insecure technology.
Smartphones are almost always connected to the internet.

If you install LineageOS with NO google services, you will notice a two week battery life, or one week maybe.
This is because google services are surveillance.
Most apps will behave badly and some will stop working.
Banking apps refuse to work on rooted devices or those without google services installed.

> Smartwatches 
are the logical next step and are worse.
They know how many steps you've taken.
Your heartbeat.
What notifications you care about and which you won't even open.

They could predict illnesses.

> Smart-tvs
are less of a menace, as they do two things, provide mind-numbing entertainment, and are aware of what entertainment you watch.
Some have cameras though. Most have microphones on the controller. Those are always on.

In short, a meta-account is created for you out of all accounts and devices you use, including those without an account. 
Facebook calls them shadow-accounts, for people mentioned on their platform, but who haven't created an account yet.
And then, information is linked to it, collected, as if milking a cow. Because you are cattle to them.

Many services promise anonymity, by telling you your data is anonymized.
There exist paid services where data is cross-linked automatically and de-anonymized.
Your data may be linked to an anonymous number, but it is still identifying data.
After all, there is only one person in this planet with your exact behaviour patterns.

So, to stop most of the damage, stop using your smartphone for any nu-necessary tasks, stop engaging social media.

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> pic related
In case you were wondering.

This data is analized through AI, and Big Data. Go look up a tutorial on python for how to do this.
The tutorials will speak about means, correlations, and patterns.
This is a very complex field, so to be short, I will give you its applications instead of how it is done.
Also, to be frank, I don't understand half of it myself.

The best example is weather prediction models, because of how open the whole affair is:
Firstly, data is gathered by hundreds of weather stations, many maintained by hobbyists, and students at universities.
These gather humidity, air pressure, wind direction and speed data, and many others.
This data can be visualized, for wind data in spain: (spain has a lot of wind activity and very interesting as well.)
Wind data can be correlated with seasons, elevation, and the other factors such as pressure. It could also have to do with how much greenery exists in an area.
Then along comes a Big Data analyst. with a computer, takes all of this data, and spends weeks trying to find correlations.
Such correlations as temperature and presence of trees. Trees keep the area slightly cooler.
So from this correlation we can derive that cities should plant trees on walkways, this is better for people!
This data can also be used to create a model.
> At any instance in which "this and that" happens, this other thing will also happen 90% of the time.
When a cold front is observed, certain winds and rains can be predicted in it's wake.
Tornadoes are predicted like this as well.

So how do we jump to predicting the purchase habits of most pregnant women who like fitness?

Enter the silicon revolution.
Your smartphone alone is more powerful than the entirety of computational power of the NASA in the 70s.
Dates back in the 90s were stored as a series of numbers. To save space, the year used 2 numbers alone instead of 4.
Today, I can store dates in their whole string format and nobody gives a shit; such as "The first of October of the year two thousand and thirty-nine".
It would be a stupid idea but I could do it, and if I did go this stupid route, I could parse and use this information with minimal impact to my app.
This is because computers are comically overpowered. Most people subestimate how absurdly powerful computers are, it isn't even funny.

So, couple this capacity to store arbitrary amounts of data, with asburd processing power.
Social media harvests lots of data, even the arbitrary kind, and then people with the job description of Big Data anlists come in and tell the executives, "here, I found a pattern, now gibs me the reward."
This data is analized real time, packaged, and sold to whoever pays more for it under a convenient subscription model.
Imagine as a company that sells shoes, that you know what trends are in vogue, and how many people you can expect to enter your store based on who you appeal to.
Or even better yet, who buys the most shoes!

Apparently, it is this mythical pregnant woman who likes crossfit, for some inane reason.
Nobody knows why, they just know that is how it is. The numbers do not lie.

And AI is a step forwards in this same direction.

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Isn't tech good though?
There is a virtue to using technology.
Technology is indeed freedom, if used right.
You can network with fellow /pol/lacks, and create online communities that investigate globopedo together through the power of internet autism.
You can also video-conference with your grandmother from across the world. I've never seen them so happy other than when I was personally there.

The purpose is to use technology, while not letting tech giants use you through technology.

> But isn't this fight hopeless?
> It's better to be done with 80% than to never deliver 100%.
Mark Zuckerberg said it himself.
Tech is curious, in that computers are very straightforwards, they only do what you tell them to.
So it is very complicated and difficult to get them to do everything with perfect adaptability. However, it is easy to get them to solve most of your problem.
Inversely, it is impossible to escape ALL surveillance. You will eventually have to do something that involves what we tech people lovingly call the "botnet".
But, it is relatively easy to fight the majority of the battle.
What's more, fighting most of the battle will make you invisible, because most people don't fight; and because the data harvesters can only ever conduct surveillance on most people, and only on those who are compliant and collaborative.
There is very little if any monetary gain in surveillance of someone who doesn't use social media.

Unless you're labelled a dangerous element to the state. But that's not what we want to do, we want to get rid of the nasty harvesting done off of our backs.

> How do I get rid of Zuck's cucking?
Firstly, adopt a liefstyle approach to no-tech.
If you throw your smartphone into a lake, tomorrow you'll be back to using it.
Simply put, take baby steps, and then take bigger steps.
Purge any negatives of technology while keeping the positives.
If you use social media for activism, remember not to lurk, post actively.
Lurking on social media is what "leaks" your likes and information.

Here's an unexhaustive list:
 * Smartphone
 * Smart *: watch, tv, fucking fridges for gods sake what the fuck.
 * IoT, devices which have no need to connect to the internet, but do anyways.
 * Social media: one at a time.
 * Send EU GDPR request to delete accounts on social media. Contact support directly.
 * Same for online games, your blizzard or steam account.
 * Swirch to linux.
 * Have a separate windows machine with epic games store, blizzard, steam and game on it, nothing else.
 * Alternatively, stop gaming and lift.
 * Switch from Chrome to Ungoogled-Chromium: https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium#downloads
 * Switch from firefox to Librewolf
 * Use uBlock origin, (never disable the google analitics filter).
 * Stop storing cookies on your browser, delete history on exit: https://www.tipsdotcom.com/chrome-delete-history-on-exit.html
 * This means you will have to log in to your accounts every time, so use a password manager: https://keepassxc.org/
 * Replace your software with foss and or decentralized options: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/foss-software-alternatives-popular-proprietary-software
There are many more.
You could also plant a garden, it will make you more independant, ground you on what is real, instead of the addictive nature of social media and smartphones.

Whatever you do, remember that drastic changes are difficult to hold on to.
Take tiny steps and move your emails to tutanota this week, that is a good first step.
Then next week, walk further.

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Now, this is the most suspicious post ITT. First, you're being hypocritical by posting on the internet. That part is painfully obvious to anyone. Second, you're here on a National Socialist board trying to convince people here to stop using the internet instead of any of these kike platforms. It makes you seem like another in a long line of actors who have tried to subvert in the past.

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OP, those are a lot of good advises and great info. It'll be a nice walk for those willing to step out of the social media nets and it's worth it, they must realize it ended up becoming an addiction, and the fuckers running the show know it, and don't want users to drop it. About that gaming thing, users are being farmed too, biggest companies in that industry are Sony, Microsoft, Tencent, Nintendo, Activision, Valve Corporation. And what do you think they do? pic related is a position in valve's psychology team, but I doubt anons here play much, so just remember to tell others how shitty that industry is. Make sure you create small communities with people that you know in real life and do your best to take your friends and families out of the social media nets, try to implement your own services, it can be done, it's not easy, but I bet you have a friend or two who are willing to help you out.

Op, watching youtube is fine. I watch tutorial vids and interests. It's part of education. Unless you're watching political shit, and history, it's absolute shit, yes I think we agree. Do not insult us by calling someone a hedonist because they watch car repair tutorials, computer programming, athletic work outs, the list goes on and on. 

Sounds like you just discovered nothing is private and secure anymore. But you're not all wrong. It's good to be aware and up to date with the basics of tech.

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Real, total war has become information war.  it is
being fought by suble electric informational media
--under cold conditions, and constantly.  The cold
war is the real war front--a surround--involving
everybody--all the time--everywhere.  Whenever
hot wars are necessary these days, we conduct
them in the backyards of the world with the old
technologies.  These wars are happenings, tragic
games,  It is no longer convenient, or suitable, to
use the latest technologies for fighting our wars,
because the latest technologies have rendered
war meaningless.  The hydrogen bomb is history's
exclamation point.  It ends an age-long sentence of
manifest violence!


t. Marshall McLuhan // The Medium is the Massage // 1967

> Fucking normies with their moderated efforts and baby steps.
> Theodore Kaczynski pdf - the Unabomber
Ok. So what do you think is going to happen if someone here blows up a synagogue? Or the Federal Reserve, the White House or Hollywood studios. Basically anywhere there's a bunch of jews. Nothing? Fucking kikes will cry crocodile tears, demand Endchan shut down and demand the government passes more laws against "hate speech".

> Fucking normies with their moderated efforts and baby steps.
> Kaczynski pdf
Shut the fuck up, don't associate the insane Kaczynski with this movement. Acts of terrorism have never and will never work, they certainty didn't work for the lunatic Kaczynski.

> use them on BlueStacks
> Spainflag anon is retarded because I'm bored, respond to threads over a year old and a low wage pajeet farmer paid by Hasbara to start shit
You're quoting a thing to do, whining there's only "what to NOT DO". Randomly attacking anons here isn't a bright idea. This is not 4chan. Go try your division tactic somewhere else.

Just wanted to ask if any of you guys ever got replied with your name on /pol/, with an ID from a country you don’t know many people. Iv stopped using /pol/ the last few days after this and i think they are much more prepared than we would like to think. Im not shilling, take care of yourselves, please.

Well, fuck, if so, i hope i can go on without being fucked somehow. Anyway, the ID was acting like a "friend" towards me and everyone on the thread, not as a shill. Not much after, a few threads about how they are making a database about us.

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Why are so many people dying in their sleep?

61.22GHz endogenous opiate-induced respiratory depression = brain and heart ischemia.

It's the same mechanism as an opiate overdose, just from endogenous opiates. When you're asleep you can neither feel your body dying nor notice you aren't breathing.

Both the 5G towers and many devices emit this frequency. For some reason phone manufacturers aren't advertising that they use this frequency, which is called WiGIG among other things.



Americans said that they hated freedom 100 years ago because the environment was dirty, there were murders, and medicine was dangerous, but the US is now a police state and the environment is still dirty, there are still murders, and medicine is still dangerous.

Making plans is difficult when you live in a police state.

Everything is illegal.

You are not allowed to go outside. You don't know if you can buy a house because you don't know if the government will close your business.

You are not allowed to travel or escape.

The state can indefinitely detain you without trial, grope you, kill you, torture you, or destroy or steal your property at any time. You are not allowed to have free speech, the government wiretaps you, you cannot go to church, and you cannot own a gun.

Americans are now just slaves like North Koreans are.

> Blah blah I don't know anything about America blah blah
AIDSkike, the United States government doesn't give a fuck enough to wiretap us. They're too busy sanctioning Russia to fuck our gas prices and rolling out green agendas to fuck our food prices. This is happening across Europe as the U.N. follows Biden's dumb ass.

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I would like to add to OP's great thread that one way of fighting the globohomo mind-control media machine - because the endgoal of its mass surveilance is manipulation (read R. Thaler's book on Nudges) and therefore, mind-control - is to organize in small and tightly-knit social circles.
These social circles are extremely resilient to mass propaganda, mass hysteria and all the tools they use to manipulate and control.

Now, living in the country side is the best way to implement this, but not everyone can do it right now this instant - if at all. Fret not however, as small communities tend to naturally and unconciously aggregate around the magical circle: the family (=one straight couple with a stay-at-home mother and a few kids), nuclear families naturally exert this gravitational field as part of our biological programming. You'll notice btw that all I'm describing has recently been the target of vicious and unrelenting attacks (probably a coincidence).
When you secure a stay-at-home wife that escapes society's mental pollution and stays away from social media, you will have a considerable cultural inertia against the rampaging hurricanes of modern media.
There's no secret. The Woman is the best piece on the chest board, it is the most precious thing to protect because she ensures the posterity you want. But I understand that they're a species facing extinction so good look finding one (try, faggot).

I could go on about how small tightly-knit communities resist to propaganda but keep these main ideas in mind:
- meals
Meals should be eaten together and NOT watching a random screen. These events are like system updates where all the members of a family resynchronize their brains with the newly digested elements of the most influent member (the patriarch)
This is also why birthdays and holidays are important, and kids visitting their grandparents is crucial, otherwise don't be surprised if they end up talking like Eminem and hating their own race.
- language
Insular communities naturally develop their own references, language and, eventually, culture (think 4chins, t*mblr, etc). Thus it becomes harder for outsider to infect their minds with poisonous ideas seeing that they would speak differently, think differently, etc. This is how r*dittors happen to be identified and told off sometimes.
- kinship
It has been demonstrated that people statistically are more suspicious of strangers and foreigners, whatever that means. "People that do not belong to the group", basically. This unconcious inclination is one of the causes of the universally observed phenomenons of racism and endogamy. The Hitler Youth, Communist schools, and even Japanese highschoolers etc all used to dress in the same uniforms.
As a consequence, the mere fact of having a group of people that surround your family (they could be neighbors, extended family, friends) and acting/eating/talking/dressing the same will increase your mental immunity to ideological subversion.

The problem with churches is that many of them became an efficient relay for the Antichrist's degeneracy and harmful ideas. But you never know, finding a good church and tight community around it could be one of the best things to happen to you.

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Ok. I don't mean to contradict anything you've said. It's mostly accurate and mostly truth. However, what if every woman you come across (as they're not facing extinction but rather more easily brainwashed) is a demented, maladjusted pro-immigration, anti-racist BLM Antifa Karen bitch? All because she turns on the stupid box and watches shit like The View or numerous woke movies and other television programs out there with THE MESSAGE. What if you're stuck smack in the middle of the Statue of Liberty's "wretched refuse of your teeming shore"? Such as almost everyone around you is not Caucasian and the few that are: they've bought into the girl boss mentality. As in the few peach skins you know of are "yass queens". Feminism never relented and never let go of that whole "We want the good stuff. Let men keep the bad stuff" idea. These bitches are stuck in an "I'm in charge" mentality and they don't know how to be anything but cunts. The delusions they have. The makeup illusions. The man is not the bread winner. The woman does not stay at home.

You may think that's an attempt at demoralizing. I'm just witnessing the truth surrounding us.
Jews got what they wanted and society is turned inside out.

I own a shitty flip-phone but only because it was forced on me by my service provider with the clarification they would be canceling my old keyboard-slide-out. I think the old wasn't 6G. Regardless, I never do anything "sketchy" (as it would be to our ZOG overlords)

Ionizing radiation is what damages your DNA. Television waves, radio and cell-phones are low level non-ionizing radiation. Your body is constantly subjected to cosmic rays. Radionuclides such as radium, uranium and potassium are in soil, rocks and food. Long story short, you can't escape radiation. There's no point in trying.

One of the best opsec tips is simply FORWARD SECRECY. Only tell people what you want them to know (or deceptively believe) what you want them to. As toxic as it may sound, little white lies here and there can throw of a good witch hunt too.

Here is a thread from /b/ about OPSEC (OP was well meaning but very naive but comments are very good):


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> because the Stasi have decided to work for the elites now instead of respecting the Bill of Rights.

Confirmed giga aidskike thinking hr csn sell one of the most vile secret communist police in history as honorable citizens

Dipshit stasi was anything but not an bil lof rights
> Black mails
> Drug trafficking and narco poisoning of public
> Property destruction to instill fear
> Good old fashioned survrilance
> Even having its own porn production btw
Why i am even mentioning it as anyone with a brain can look the sick stuff stasi did

told to kill myself by a 4channer because I wanted to eat ramen and watch a silly mario romhack overview https://youtube.com/watch?v=OHB06Do6cIs

I don't know what you gain from telling people to end their lives because theyre not "perfect" and have different convictions to yours. The answer to your troubles is Jesus Christ, Not living in paranoia and Hatred for everything in the world you live in.

Abstain from ever telling people to kill themselves, It might not seem serious to you but every word we utter holds power, Power that can be used for evil and good, Bless then, Bless and do not curse. I'm sure you're an avid reader based on the demands you demand from others so consider reading the Bible to become the strong objectively correct man you strive to be.

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Don't pretend like you're not responding to  >>/95044/ Acting like the subject is completely different.
Hasn't your bible warned you about deceit? It sure warns you about jews.
All jews should kill themselves immediately.

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