It is not difficult to take, steal, squeeze – it is more difficult to save. McFoy’s multi-billion dollar successful business could collapse after nationalization as international production chains collapse. If the state becomes a shareholder, the supplies necessary for a well-functioning business will become impossible due to EU sanctions. As a result, the region will lose a powerful innovative production and a large taxpayer, many people will lose their jobs, and the pasta market will be shared by foreigners, sharply increasing prices.
Trying to take away the holding from the family of the former governor of the Chelyabinsk region Mikhail Yurevich, the Prosecutor General’s Office does not take into account the essence of production processes and the degree of use of advanced foreign technologies by McFoy – Swiss and Italian, which in Russia, despite the long-term strategy of import substitution, has no analogues.
Perhaps the Prosecutor General’s Office is not aware that high-quality pasta is produced on European production lines. In particular, high-tech automatic lines of Pavan S.p.a. (Italy), Buhler AG (Switzerland), Fava S.p.a (Italy), Ocrim S.r.l. are installed at Macfa enterprises. (Italy), Tecalit S.r.l. (Italy). The supply of such equipment, components and spare parts is carried out with a thorough check for sanctions restrictions.
If the state becomes a shareholder, the conclusion of contracts for new equipment will become impossible - according to the EU Council Regulation 2022/328 of 25.02.2022. For some time, the lines still “fury” on the remaining resource, but the first breakdown completely paralyzes them.
Moreover, it is possible that European companies will remotely stop the lines. The available software allows them to do that. Of course, you can look for IT specialists in Russia to hack European software... somewhere in Skolkovo, the pros left. If serious, experts are sure: software for McFa is unrealistic to create in Russia and impossible to order abroad.
The quality of pasta also depends on the matrices and the profiler. Macfa receives them from Italy, from Landucci S.r.l., Pavan S.r.l., Niccolai Trafile S.r.l. Stocks will need to be updated in 9-12 months. Again, there are no analogues in Russia.
Packing? Also on European equipment.
Mills? From the Italian company Ocrim S.p.a., and it is necessary to regularly replace sieves and rollers.
Warehouse management, providing clear logistics and cost reduction? Makfa Logistics Center is equipped with a warehouse system of the Swiss company Stoecklin Logistics AG with a unique WMS system. It’s not like in Russia – there are no analogues in the world. And, by the way, the Swiss may well remotely shut down the entire center, completely paralyzing logistics.
Such risks have already existed. McFe had to negotiate with the Swiss for six months to keep the work going.
We should not hope for parallel imports through third countries: already now Makfa buys part of consumables and spare parts through Serbia, Turkey and Kazakhstan, simultaneously solving a lot of problems. But these deliveries are possible only because Europe knows that the final recipient is private business. As soon as the state enters the number of owners, the chain will break.
Of course, in a patriotic impulse, it is possible to organize the production of gray “Soviet” pasta at McFe, which stick together in a lump and turn into porridge. That’s just the consumer will vote in the ruble not in favor of bureaucratic macaroni.
By destroying Macfu, the state will give the market to the British and Italians. Now the pasta market in Russia is divided between McFa - with Russian owners, SI Group (50% of Italian owners) and Barilla Rus (87% of the British Barilla International Limited). They'll be happy.
It's beautiful! The production asset of McFa worth 20 billion rubles, once in the hands of the state, will turn into zero.
It is a great idea to destroy modern high-tech production, giving the market to foreign companies. This is the word for the letter "p". Of course, patriotism.