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The previous two edits were made last month where this one was a picture that I hadn´t seen before on Derpi  (the serial number shown in the thumbnail is Bronibooru´s one, not Derpi´s)

Given that we could be witnessing the rise of new alternative boorus in this post gen 4 era,I went to the Bronibooru site which Bridgefag linked on his /golden oaks/ thread and I decided to put my hands on this one. I ended up making two versions of it, the first one keeps the drawn contours whereas the latter exposes a watercolour effect that removes the thin lines and diminishes the noise coming out of the original.

As always, I am leaving both versions  next to each other so you can compare them. Or if you find yourselves making a better edit  than these ones, try it.

Anyway, here they are.
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> dot-Com?
eeeyup, it´s the only domain available for that site.

> it lacks for good tagging. 
definitely. I am not a fan of the generic Danbooru format either. 

> Also "anime AF" should not, imho, be a tag for anything.
that tag exists... I mean, I have run into a few Derpi picture with the "Majestic AF" tag but I didn´t imagine that this smaller booru would have the tag that you are mentioning.

And it´s real. The tag contains 230 pictures so far and pic related counts as one of them.

About your edit, I am noticing that you have added more intensity in order to adjust Trixie´s skin to her natural blue color by removing that purple tone. It fixes that although it´s a  subtle change.
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just type the serial number of Derpibooru and you will found out that none of these are mine. I simply search for: "traditional art" and I keep turning the pages until I find some potential material to edit and try something with them.

You wouldn´t post these pictures easily out there so despite having the option to edit good images on their own, I prefer experimenting with a base that doesn´t hold up as nicely as it should. If the edit is better than the original, technically you "win the thread" 

> Where did you come across such washed out originals?
Derpibooru. It´s not a secret. Just that these pictures normally don´t have high ratings nor the average user would bother to check these more than once. Anyway, here you have the original (even by typing the serial number from the thumbnails in the URL, you can find them as well):


> These aren't your pencilworks are they?
nope, sadly I don´t have the skills to draw. Normally, in a chan, you would have a drawfag to provide new content and I don´t. The closest attempts for offering original content were  >>/5222/ (and I am not satisfied at all with the drawings I made back in 2017) and the redrawn picture from Bridgefag  >>/5681/ last March (original was  >>/3858/). 

> Fine drawing just bad scanner settings, methinks.
yeah, several random factors that contribute to the drawing for not looking all that good as they could. I tend to experiment more with those picture that have nothing to offer. Those that only need adjustments to fix that bad scanning (or wrong lighting for example) end up way more limited in terms of edition as a result.

However, there are way more steps than the apparent look delivers to the viewer (so you might believe that these ones consist in adding a little effect but I would need to explain several features from the editor programs that go further than that and some of these edits have in-between images that don´t get posted here but I have in my folder. For example, this edit  >>/4234/ took me like 14 checkpoints, so I have skipped the steps behind the spotty correction and I needed a few hours to fix the mess in the background)

> /* Err, and have my edit, done with IrfanView */
I haven´t had any experience with IrfanView (so I am not familiar with its features) but I am predicting that you have modified the luminosity (or brightness). I have used Photoscape and Windows 10 Photo Program for all these (yeah, this is what happens when you don´t have Photoshop)

It looks better indeed but there are more aspects to take into account with that Daybreaker picture (intensity, colour or contrast for example). The problem arises when you have to adjust several things at once and then, try to find a balance that works out for the final product (which turns out to be the biggest challenge for accomplishing a nice look and frustrating most of the time).

Perhaps one should start with images that only need a correction or two by adjusting contrast/brightness, shadows or colour (or even simply resizing an image); and then use other tools like noise reduction, spotty correction, effects and contours (eroding or dilating the lines) 

After one toys with the basic features of any editor program, one realizes that it is always the same and almost everything else relies on trial and error by using those options strategically (and having a little bit of luck within the process)
anyway, figuring out the options from the editor program is quite trivial (even though I could understand the struggles at exploiting them for a while). This thread is a mix of trying to post unusual content, fun by messing around with the editor and attempting to dig all the possible potential that any picture can offer (especially if those images don´t say much by themselves) while looking for feedback or bringing more ideas on top of that content.

In no way this beats the drawing practice (very few edits would be worthy to upload in a serious manner out there)  but I suppose that this doesn´t seem to be the most common thread that you would find on a pony board. So hey, we fill this with experiments, leftovers and random ideas that swirl inside our heads.

I´ve got to end my activity right here.

Good night /endpone/
Nice seeing ya join us in editing. 

> IrfanView
Wow, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. How would you rate it?

Cool edit here. 

>  I have used Photoscape and Windows 10 Photo Program for all these (yeah, this is what happens when you don´t have Photoshop)

>  So hey, we fill this with experiments, leftovers and random ideas that swirl inside our heads.

> I´ve got to end my activity right here.
Me as well. Been working on a /go/ update and a expermintal thing but neither are ready atm. 

Goodnight /endpone/
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> Cool edit here.
It looks really pixelated despite all the gained aesthetic though

I downloaded it once as an alternative for Paint. Perhaps I should give it another chance by judging it as an editor.Maybe it offers more options than the ones I know.

> Been working on a /go/ update and a expermintal thing but neither are ready atm.
well, those unfinished projects have more hype from me than Pony Life. So,there is that bold statement from my part.
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thumbnail of 2346690__safe_artist-colon-hierozaki_octavia+melody_earth+pony_semi-dash-anthro_bipedal_cello_female_flower_lantern_mare_musical+instrument_solo.jpg
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why I am envisioning that this gif could be perfectly used for shitposting in Pony Life threads? 

> MFW I've spent most of the day trying a crazy edit
a few edits in the past took me days so you are not the only one here. You can spend a few hours trying to figure out what works for that picture and end up with nothing satisfactory that comes close to what you initially wanted to achieve.

Basically, I know that feeling. Then, you edit a picture for 10 minutes or less and ends up being better received than the one you put more effort within the process (true story)
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TheCageTransformTool png
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> I should give it another chance by judging it as an editor.Maybe it offers more options than the ones I know.
Well, it is often seen as  inferior  open source attempt at photoshop, so it just might! It certainly can do more than paint. 

Here is a tool I've used in a few tests but I don't think I ever used it an edit. You make a cage around an area and then can move the nodes to stretch it or shrink it. Hence the name Cage Transform.
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> a few edits in the past took me days so you are not the only one here.
Indeed this one is one of those. I wouldn't call it "good" but it maybe the most ambition thing I've done. Again, I stress that it may not have a cool result but I do find it an interesting test.

> Sometimes the End lets me attach images.
It seems like the end gives you special grief. I have had it happen but rarely on anything below 10MB. Heck, I uploaded something over 100MB recently...

As for your edit, I do think the Sepia looks a bit better. Reminds me a bit of an older book illustration tbh. 

Here is some cheap edits of the Lego Golden Oaks that you uploaded at  >>/6303/
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> it is often seen as inferior open source attempt at photoshop, so it just might! It certainly can do more than paint.
yeah. There are so many options in that program that I don´t even know where I should even begin, it´s overwhelming to domain it properly. 

Not only that but it runs somewhat slow in my PC when I try to apply certain filters (consuming the CPU as if I were playing a video game), freezing at some point that ruins the progress and becomes an annoyance. 

Despite fixing the connectivity by getting (finally) the optic fiber last year, my PC seems to be quite stuck in the 2000s.

> You make a cage around an area and then can move the nodes to stretch it or shrink it. Hence the name Cage Transform.
that could work for extending the body of a pony (you know what I mean) or making certain adjustment to imperfect/eclectic images that are ruined because of disproportionate dimensions within the original drawing.

The crucial point of this feature relies mostly on which picture this should be used.

> I wouldn't call it "good" but it maybe the most ambition thing I've done.
perhaps something could be compiled in the next thread  but yeah, sometimes these tests aren´t meant to display something amazing but mostly a visual example of  a certain practice that you have been working with the editor (as if we were talking about material only meant to be filed and report in public but nothing else)

> Here is some cheap edits of the Lego Golden Oaks that you uploaded at  >>/6303/
the emboss filter kind of works though. I have to ask myself what appeals the spark appeals to you so much. Just curious because despite having that option available, I´ve never found (so far) any fitting reason to use it. I find it quite complicated to place it into an image and end up with ""natural"" results by resorting to that effect.
> too much of a green tone

That's because I slid the blue all the way to the left, and dropped the red a bit too. Left the green as it seemed appropriate for the setting.

original seems to be from here:
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oh...oh, alright, I feel a little bit stupid for implying that the image that you had posted was the original. I realize that you did for aesthetic purposes...just that I didn´t have the info or the edit word in order to notice that you made your own version.

A little bit awkward. Well, this thread is full of lies and illusions, so I have been tricked.
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> I was actually trying to un-sepia it
you are referrring here about the noise and not about the color right? Because otherwise, I would be quite confused here.

I think that the image editors (GIMP, Krita, Photoscape...) have an option that diminish the noise (noise reduction). Depending on your editor, you could use a slight blurring as well.

I suppose that this was the intended objective for that edit.
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SepiaShootingDay jpg
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> you are referrring here about the noise and not about the color right?

No, the color. Here it is with sepia added, and just a little color washed out. My original attempt was to make it look like the pair were out shooting in the desert's mid-day sun -- but the background is not all one color, and using irfanview's color-replace (replacing selected "gray" with "white" lead to ... what you see above.
Which was a thing, too I suppose so I posted it.
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> Here it is with sepia added, and just a little color washed out.
ah alright, you used the effect first without getting rid of the colors. Alright, I get the steps then.

> Irfanview's color-replace
so, you are using Irfanview...well, I am not familiar with that editor but I am implying that it has the essential features (like the Windows 10 editor has) in terms of brightness, contrast and colors. But if you find yourself limited at some point, try other editors as soon as you grow familiar with those tools. 

> Which was a thing, too I suppose so I posted it.
yeah, I see.

By the way, don´t take this edit too seriously. I am only sharing it because there is a certain texture that could bring ideas for a custom mosaic.
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Well, we all know how this goes I guess. I have like two versions of this picture (or you could add your version to the contest like  >>/5237/ did)  and I find myself undecided which one should be the one that appeals the most.

In both versions, they share the increase of brightness, just that I would like to check out how much of it is enough.
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thumbnail of BothPrimaryColors.jpg
BothPrimaryColors jpg
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I started trying to lean them toward the joke DWK made which was pretty much the joke made in the episode where spike's head apparently is what his cutie mark looks like.

"You're both purple unicorn with sparkly stuff on your plots"

But "purple" is a variant of *red* and BLUE is a primary color that very much stands apart from red

Inverting the image just gives us the Daring-Dont recolor of Glimmypoo.

thumbnail of 2694455__safe_artist-colon-symbianl_starlight+glimmer_trixie_pony_unicorn_blushing_cape_clothes_cuddling_cute_diatrixes_drool_ear+fluff_eyes+closed_female_fluff.jpg
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the editing thread... it´s been a long time since anything was posted over here.

Well, that edit clearly displays the primary colors (the greenish one for the most part) and while I am not all that fond with the blue contours, the parts that are supposed to look pink/purple seems to fit quite nicely. 

> But "purple" is a variant of *red* and BLUE is a primary color that very much stands apart from red
the primary colors are indeed red,green and blue for adjusting them with software. However, aren´t the main ones yellow, blue and magenta? Mostly because purple would be the mix of both magenta and blue (technically). Or are these three colors meant to be manually mixed for painters exclusively?
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thumbnail of rgb-vs-cmyk.png
rgb-vs-cmyk png
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> Or are these three colors meant to be manually mixed for painters exclusively?

RGB is for photons that you look at, CMYK is for pigments you smudge into materials that then refuse to reflect photons you could look at.

Opposing but complementary systems, if you will.
Also, unrelated, but somehow my browser has incessantly decided to remember, as the last downloaded-to location, H:\Stuff\Hacks\Game-reltd\Fo_NV
So EVERY TIME I want to save an image, or a .pdf, or an installer, I have to scroll around to find the root of my drives and decide, in *this* case, where to this file belong?

Which is sorta how it always is except instead of defaulting to C:\ or my documents, it remembers that over the summer I installed New Vegas and went looking for updated mods.
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Rendered_Spectrum png
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> RGB is for photons that you look at
so, that goes according to the wavelength that they have within the visible spectrum then. Alright, I have checked the whole visible spectrum and turns out that the ranges coming from the other visible colors (yellow, violet,cyan and orange) are so slim that the main three ones eat up the whole visible spectrum when those colors are put on a gray background. 

> CMYK is for pigments you smudge into materials that then refuse to reflect photons you could look at.
so they work as a barrier...got it.

> Opposing but complementary systems, if you will.
yeah, fair enough. 

> So EVERY TIME I want to save an image, or a .pdf, or an installer, I have to scroll around to find the root of my drives and decide, in *this* case, where to this file belong?
why? have you recently downloaded anything related to NV? The command normally goes to the last folder where you decided to download the last archive.Are you using Pale Moon, right? 

well, the donkey mouth could work as meme material. Although I wonder what led you to copy the horn and use the angle for the whole image (3D effect, i guess?)
thumbnail of 2532906__safe_artist-colon-florarena-dash-kitasatina-fwslash-dragonborne+fox_oc_oc-colon-katie+rubywing_changedling_changeling_absurd+resolution_cel+shading_cha.jpg
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Alright, I am leaving a reply so other users get a warning before clicking that spoiler with a clip of 40 seconds (it´s Surf and/or Turf´s intro, by the way)

And...WOW, freaking wow! That´s really trippy.

I definitely DO NOT recommend watching this with headphones (unless that you want to experience the hearing embodiment of taking mushrooms) Considering the huge amount of delay and overlapping (the voices are repeated three times if I am not wrong), I swear that the first thing that popped up in my mind after going through those 40 seconds was this:


The first 11 seconds make sense and the CMC exclaiming: "Princess Twilight, we are glowing!" just simply work and instantly reminded me of this track full of psychedelia (singing repeatedly "On my father´s grave" 8 times in a row.  Also, don´t look at the cover art because it moves by itself even when the video is stopped)

However, after those first 11 seconds...

...I just simply say good luck at keeping track of all their voices (and you might find Twilight´s laugh genuinely creepy) 
> Posting video to the image editing thread. I have a couple of mildly experimental projects but unfortunately have ran into some issues in rendering them. So have this instead.
< MFW haven't done this.
> And...WOW, freaking wow! That´s really trippy.
Maybe I should become a punk/insane Tridashie.

> https://youtu.be/DRFlyfcbcFM?t=160
Way nicer though!

> (and you might find Twilight´s laugh genuinely creepy) 

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The Pony of Shadows... what can I say for the context for this character?  I find myself at a loss for words, not in awe nor disappointment, just thinking of where I could take this. I have watched it three times and tried to see if you have any subtleties hidden within. My first impression is a haunting feeling but also a dark one. This feels a little creepy and there is a almost a eldritch feeling with how some of the pictures are edited though I am not sure that was your intent. 

I am interested in what you mean with Po(L)S. I presume it means, Pony of Shadows, correct? A double meaning, if I dare bet on something more specific here. How Stygian in limbo as the Pony of Shadows he really can't prove his "life" if that makes any sense? I am trying to think if I could word that better. 

As for a review. Well, this was perfectly fitting for Nightmare Night. This is something that is relatively simple but the effort to make it uniform with edits (plus some possible other editions) puts it above a lot simpler "picture shows" that were popular back in the day. 
 and apperently still somewhat recently???? https://youtube.com/watch?v=PktlKTnGSfU [Embed] 

I feel something else ought to be said but it alludes me at the moment.


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