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thumbnail of grayscale.jpeg
thumbnail of grayscale.jpeg
grayscale jpeg
(2.36 KB, 2500x1750)
Yep, 4x4 sampling trips up Imagemagick.
But muh low score of 1634 bytes.
Have this grayscale, probably absolute minimum possible to post (bar the all gray image, believe me been there done that) jpeg as a substitute.
thumbnail of Compressed so hard that 0 goes everywhere.jpeg
thumbnail of Compressed so hard that 0 goes everywhere.jpeg
Compressed so hard... jpeg
(189 B, 2500x1750)
thumbnail of No image. No Colors. Quantisation tables only. JPEG Compression - The Final Destination.jpeg
thumbnail of No image. No Colors. Quantisation tables only. JPEG Compression - The Final Destination.jpeg
No image. No Colors.... jpeg
(171 B, 2500x1750)
If we take it to the extreme, this is the result. 189/171 bytes. It's still the same image as before, no graphics editing beforehand, no manipulation, just pure tuning of compression parameters.
What's funny though, that it's way smaller than GIF or PNG. Another win for JPEG.

The 171 bytes version arguably is nonconformant to the standard (the JFIF header removed), so it's a grey area pun not intended

I had to rebuild my mozjpeg to save those 18 bytes, hence why posting this with this lag. I could've just hex-edited the header out myself, but meh. No cheating.
thumbnail of 1654831 pc+ mobile edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1654831 pc+ mobile edit.jpg
1654831 pc+ mobile... jpg
(824.8 KB, 2523x1983)
> My first thought was how darkening and inversion of color is often used in edgy art of tweens and teens
yeah, in fact, I see those edits Derpibooru approved when they are about the show but not when they are about a related image of certain artists because it is in the Do not post lists. The filter doesn´t look that good, much less with the show vectors (surprisingly enough it doesn´t manage to ruin Amore completely). Applying it directly without much thought will lead to....well, those edgy results. That CMC pic describes how fitting that filter is for this franchise.

> Those album covers look interesting... I almost feel a little inspired.
because that inversion or darkening of pictures can lead into results that don´t manage to get into that edgy point so clearly. In fact, that dark element might end being edgy bait but it may not transmit at its core those thoughts.
Everything that is dark gets to be called edgy these days. I don´t find that reductionism really healthy for establishing a critique on something that doesn´t scream flowery stuff.

> I just think it was a little smoother.
I cannot deny that
> it is being overspammed right now so it could be a bad choice to make anything as it may age quite poorly in my opinion
yeah, the 80s especially the pixelart trend on Instagram and indie games, kinds of makes the formula somewhat tiring. The 80s has been thrown to this geenration in a nostalgic way just reminding about the generic part of it.  I do love the underground music scenes of that decade though. But definitely, the imagery of futurism and 8 bit material has already pleased a lot of normies. 

> with your taste in chaotic avant-garde music and for me randomness causing the /end/ to become on drugs
I hope you don´t ever come across to listening to dreamy music because that would be like spreading your wings into a distorted  rainbow. About the avant-garde part, I don´t listen to it as much as /mu/ elitists (in fact, I only have listened to Confusion is Sex and I still prefer Bad Moon Rising)but I do enjoy certain amounts of experimentation. All music has been invented since decades ago but yeah, I posted them to give you a vision that bands with certain popularity show around their material.

> maybe we should fuse the styles together. and BO could join in with a style too and have something truly interesting.
the owner is having a wild attempt at compressing the bat pony image to further and beyond. He may reach negative bytes of the uploads. 

> I aways feel like they could be a little bit more to them. Not saying the others are bad, just simple improvements, these have a bit of an identity to them.
that´s what I meant. Putting some sort of thought and edition that you cannot repeat so easily and getting to a point in which you ask yourself how you made that edit in the first place. They add another layer and that´s why I keep mentioning them and wishing I could give a surprise again even if that requires several failures.
Pushing the boundaries and testing in order to give the original content a twist is something that requires a good selection of pictures and the idea.

> I suppose she delivers something different for being what she is. I was thrilled with how the BO made it into a banner.
I am also surprised that he actually put that image as a banner. And it literally came from this thread as another edit to shitpost.

 >>/3202/, >>/3204/, >>/3205/, >>/3206/, >>/3207/, >>/3208/, >>/3209/
in these posts, we see how the BO attempts to go beyond the physical laws and compress the image to insanity levels. I can barely see the images zoomed whenever I click on them. 

> I had to rebuild my mozjpeg to save those 18 bytes, hence why posting this with this lag. I could've just hex-edited the header out myself, but meh. No cheating.
holy *yay*, 171 bytes by just using the compression parameter. JPEG>>>gif, PNG
> JPEG>>>gif, PNG
I find myself believing this unironically with each passing day. Especially since JPEG also supports lossless mode. And they're actually smaller than PNG (sometimes) (on why see next paragraph).

> I can barely see the images zoomed whenever I click on them
I think arithmetic coding (aka my main weapon in crushing filesize of those images) is to blame. The patents on it have only expired few years ago, so the support for it isn't yet widespread.
For example even I encounter some bugs on its way. I recompressed the image from  >>/3215/ with arithmetic encoding, and after expanding it I see blankness. Stil works if viewed in separate tab (funnily enough, first characters of md5sum of that image spell 'bad', as you can see for yourself in the URL)
But man, is it the killer feature of the jpeg imo. The all grey 171 bytes image? 17 kilobytes with regular Huffman coding. In 90% cases it's achieves superior compression to Huffman tables.

I tried  >>/3215/ with Huffman coding just now and it actually came out with smaller filesize than arithmetic coded one. WTF ARITHMETICBROS THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN
I guess this just goes to show that there is no golden panacea for everything
> I find myself believing this unironically with each passing day. Especially since JPEG also supports lossless mode. And they're actually smaller than PNG (sometimes)
this statement should be more taken into account for its practical applications we deal daily.

> The patents on it have only expired few years ago, so the support for it isn't yet widespread.
so the server cannot activate those old patents...right.

> is it the killer feature of the jpeg imo. The all grey 171 bytes image? 17 kilobytes with regular Huffman coding. In 90% cases it's achieves superior compression to Huffman tables.
such an accessible feature has good results almost all the time....well, the commercialization and standardization served for something. A little detail but a practical one.

> there is no golden panacea for everything
this thread is based on testing and testing most of the time, even though it´s a bit more focused on gaining a different perspective of the original images. Although you have achieved to carry it into a technical point in the end.
thumbnail of standards.png
thumbnail of standards.png
standards png
(23.74 KB, 500x283)
thumbnail of 1882659__safe_screencap_marble+pie_best+gift+ever_spoiler-colon-best+gift+ever_animated_cropped_cute_cutie+mark_giggling_grin_marblebetes_perfect+loop_.gif
thumbnail of 1882659__safe_screencap_marble+pie_best+gift+ever_spoiler-colon-best+gift+ever_animated_cropped_cute_cutie+mark_giggling_grin_marblebetes_perfect+loop_.gif
1882659__sa... gif
(95.14 KB, 171x257)
> so the server cannot activate those old patents...right.
Sorry, but I could't help but smile and giggle inside at that sentence.

> well, the commercialization and standardization served for something.
Going full Stallman, au contraire, patenting, and by extension, commercialization, prevented open source/free software community from embracing this technology for long years. Standards are good tho. Be wary of pic related tho, too.
> Going full Stallman, au contraire, patenting, and by extension, commercialization, prevented open source/free software community from embracing this technology for long years.
goddamn. Old traditionalists try to stop the new tendencies until they cannot undo that unavoidable trend. 
Even though they tried to prevent more the technological things that was piracy more than anything. 

> Standards are good tho. Be wary of pic related tho, too.
the standards are always pretty derivative. Only a few minor changes happen and that´s it or are most likely patches of the original ones. The basic ones always stay and it would too big headed to think that one can create new ones unless they happen spontaneously around.
While it´s true that the brony fan sites keep a different feel in each place, it´s not because of the standards but more as the vibes created around the content users post and build around their content.

/endpone/ could perfectly just apply that picture and make it real for the lolz or whatever. However, everything has been invented so even if one tries to make those standards universal, there wouldn´t be much difference in the state everyone is in.
thumbnail of There's no Plan 9 pony, which is sad.jpg
thumbnail of There's no Plan 9 pony, which is sad.jpg
There's no Plan 9... jpg
(164.23 KB, 1376x1492)
> that was piracy more than anything
Can You elaborate?

> the basic ones always stay and it would too big headed to think that one can create new ones unless they happen spontaneously around.
It always amuses me a little how everyone wants to invent new best standard/tool for many contemprary things, yet some things like IP stack, DNS etc. (standards from 1960s no less) are rock solid and untouchable.
thumbnail of 1073832 mobile + pc edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1073832 mobile + pc edit.jpg
1073832 mobile + pc... jpg
(176.59 KB, 1128x849)
> Can You elaborate?
I was subtly speaking of the music industry trying to prevent the system that Napster brought into the table with the P2P sharing. Distributors try to avoid it at all costs by shutting it down but they failed. The original may not exist anymore but others like Emule or Soulseek remain intact after so many years. They had to give up with the streaming services...and they had a lot of power back then. Refusing to use technology because it would ruin their monopoly and that they wouldn´t become essential at delivering music to the masses.

> It always amuses me a little how everyone wants to invent new best standard/tool for many contemprary things, yet some things like IP stack, DNS etc. (standards from 1960s no less) are rock solid and untouchable.
that´s pretty funny. Those who think that they can become the new Einstein or historical person to cause an impact in this society are fools. Ambition is fine and one wants to achieve new objectives to what we have.
However, one has to go back to the old basics because that´s what we have in the end. The only thing that will matter is the recontextualization behind its remix. 

Technology is stagnating pretty fast after the mobile phone bubble. Science...going back to the roots and the only innovative things that could come would be minor observations of specific things. The roots of everything have been studied and strongly solidified.

That mentality is how you detect actual plebs that know nothing.
well, that´s an edit....I cannot disagree with the thumbnail. 

Based Celestia even though I only drank ME like twice in my life and never again. 

> Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
Pirates of the Caribbean intensifies*

no seriously, I thought that it was dead but it´s alive an kicking. I only knew it because of
a family member for downloading documentaries and music. I thought that it was the P2P that would give you malware all the time but I haven´t tested it for myself.
so folks, the thread has like 30 posts before reaching the bumplock, so my question is:

do you want to keep going with this or do we give it a rest for a while and focus on something else?
thumbnail of Amazing_High_Quality.jpeg
thumbnail of Amazing_High_Quality.jpeg
Amazing_High_Quality jpeg
(56.68 KB, 1024x1024)
This edit is my favorite. I like the fire within the ice. A cold heart with a burning rage on the inside. Feel like there could be good symbolism potential. Though  >>/3309/ is the best of the batch if I'm going to be entirely honest. Of these two,  >>/3310/  >>/3311/ yeah, not much can be done with just corrective edits ( but with a philosophy of creative destruction maybe useful even...)

Your call. Do you think feel a bit of nostalgia for the thread or a bit stuck and wanna break? Sure, why not? If you're still posting edits and just wanting to gauge others opinions, we can just let it take it's course.   Though I still have some material to post, it's just mostly scraps, so I'd be focused either way on the near term with /go/ and something else going on in the background. It won't bother me either way. 

>  Standards are good tho. Be wary of pic related tho, too.

So you don't think JNGs, APNGs and webps are a good idea? 
 Don't think I've forgoten about our compression fight! 
> It always amuses me a little how everyone wants to invent new best standard/tool for many contemprary things, yet some things like IP stack, DNS etc. (standards from 1960s no less) are rock solid and untouchable.

Plan9 vs unix in a nutshell. 

 No plan9 pony!? 
thumbnail of 1948537 flawed mobile edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1948537 flawed mobile edit.jpg
1948537 flawed mobile... jpg
(2.45 MB, 1600x1500)
thumbnail of 1945837 pc + mobile blurry eddit.jpg
thumbnail of 1945837 pc + mobile blurry eddit.jpg
1945837 pc + mobile... jpg
(491.77 KB, 1600x1500)
> This edit is my favorite. I like the fire within the ice. A cold heart with a burning rage on the inside. Feel like there could be good symbolism potential.
I don´t have anything planned about that but if it inspires anyone for that concept, feel free to do explore it. 
Using that technique is like repeating myself but I suppose, I set a comfort zone by editing Celly like this. In fact, these edits  >>/3308/ and  >>/2655/ come because of the positive reply of this pic  >>/2417/ with the icy mane  >>/2408/. 
I don´t know which pic I will use for opening the next thread but I am considering it as a contender. 

> Though  >>/3309/ (you) is the best of the batch if I'm going to be entirely honest. 
aesthetically it´s the most logical way to show her. It came while I was messing up with the adjustments on the PC editor so I decided to make a copy for it.

> Of these two,  >>/3310/ (you)  >>/3311/ (you) yeah, not much can be done with just corrective edits ( but with a philosophy of creative destruction maybe useful even...) 
well, that pic has like 8 upvotes on Derpi, (I think?) and it had the artist needed tag on it. 

I have been trying to apply that philosophy at first. I cannot control all that much the flawed effect and if it´s overused, it brings actual aberrations. 
I tried for 20 minutes to adjust it with the colored edit and I simply cannot do anything. It ended up in a huge mess that didn´t make any sense. However, a couple of hours later, I tried your request again with monochrome edit as the base material and I fortunately found a solution. 

Blurriness is what balances the mess so if you try to define the picture more, you get punished with more nonsensical lines. The first comes straight out of the mobile app and the 2nd has a circle of blurriness around Fluttershy. The unexpected part was that while I was editing with the PC, by intensifying the colors, it brought some variety in that circle, so there is a huge contrast between the black and white focused part and the unfocused zone.

So, yeah, challenge accepted even though using the flaws strategically is kind of random. 

> Do you think feel a bit of nostalgia for the thread or a bit stuck and wanna break?
nah, I ask mostly that with a mindset of: do you enjoy or find this entertaining? Editing anything is easy at this point. 

> If you're still posting edits and just wanting to gauge others opinions, we can just let it take it's course.
That´s what interests me more in fact. Mostly because I want to figure out which way should go next.

> Though I still have some material to post, it's just mostly scraps, so I'd be focused either way on the near term with /go/ and something else going on in the background. It won't bother me either way. 
alright. I can keep the thread for those scraps because not all the edited pictures are valid to show them off in a thread to expose them (mostly because that thread is more focused on exposing rather than testing).

I don´t know. I guess these questions happen because I feel I will have to organize a bit the material created. 

> Don't think I've forgoten about our compression fight! 
that Skystar reminds of those RPG vectors. The compression certainly makes you travel back in time.
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thumbnail of glynis_theplan9pony.jpeg
glynis_theplan9pony jpeg
(143.3 KB, 1060x984)
*raises bump limit to 750 posts*
pssssh, nothing personel kid

Nah, not really. Still an option tho

> No plan9 pony!?
I know, right? I guess two pics related are indeed related to the situation.
I'm no artist and this probably looks like drawn shit, and it won't do the situation any justice, but let's falsify that claim, shall we?
thumbnail of 391158__artist+needed_safe_fluttershy_bird_cute_forest_singing_solo.jpg
thumbnail of 391158__artist+needed_safe_fluttershy_bird_cute_forest_singing_solo.jpg
391158__artis... jpg
(218.34 KB, 1000x1346)
thumbnail of 391158 pc edit.jpg
thumbnail of 391158 pc edit.jpg
391158 pc edit jpg
(237.31 KB, 1000x1346)
> *raises bump limit to 750 posts* pssssh, nothing personel kid
what I replied: to the BO
what I expected: 500 posts
what I got: 250 posts as a bonus

2 much content 4 me

> Nah, not really. Still an option tho
yeah, 500 posts is a good standard in general. Not too short like 350 posts but not the ideal number of posts for a fast thread or a big happening. As we are just very few anons around here, that option of adding more is discarded mostly because it would overkill the purpose of reaching an /end/ and receiving that feeling of personal accomplishment.

I would shitpost more if we had more replies and distribute the content in more posts instead of having it contained. 

I simply asked if you wanted this thread to continue or if there has been some kind of entertainment out of it.
> Nah, not really. Still an option tho

750 seems a bit much. Though, pending we don't feel really nostalgic about some thread I'm probably recommend leaving it when I think it over. It'd makes thm long enough with th achievement still in reach. 

> I'm no artist and this probably looks like drawn shit, and it won't do the situation any justice, but let's falsify that claim, shall we?

 Did you make that yourself?  
 Pretty good, tbh. It feels like a simple doodley style of someone who has done a fair bit of notebook sketches non seriously but still significantly 
thumbnail of 729420__safe_artist-colon-mysticalpha_diamond+tiara_silver+spoon_abstract+background_adorabullies_confused_cute_dawwww_diamondbetes_earth+pony_eye+cont.jpeg
thumbnail of 729420__safe_artist-colon-mysticalpha_diamond+tiara_silver+spoon_abstract+background_adorabullies_confused_cute_dawwww_diamondbetes_earth+pony_eye+cont.jpeg
729420__safe_artist-c... jpeg
(336.16 KB, 2560x1600)
it makes the image more useful, that's always a plus.

This looks better as an OC than flutters. It's not amazing but  I like it.

This one looks a lot sharper and clearer. Way nicer even if simple.

This one is 100% my fav. Brightness makes all the difference, AJ looks so much cooler.

This one is the one I'm most mixed on. Like the glow in the mane but really don't dig the fog.
> it makes the image more useful, that's always a plus
yeah, there are a few there that worthy to post for that aspect alone. The only difficult part of it....is by finding the picture more than anything, basically nothing.

> This looks better as an OC than flutters. It's not amazing but I like it.
glad that you like it but honestly, I don´t know what I adjusted and if anything, it was me touching buttons until it made sense by jumping into OC levels.  

> Way nicer even if simple. 
yeah, the PC editor brings that sharpness that I cannot apply on mobile 

> This one is 100% my fav. Brightness makes all the difference, AJ looks so much cooler. 
I don´t know why I didn´t post this picture earlier. Definitely the brightness adjustment defines a gap of likes and attention from the viewer. Maybe it´s me but I sometimes do these edits not for being cool but because my mind is killing me for seeing those pictures without that little detail that makes everything. Brightness is such an easy problem to fix yet there are pictures that suffer slightly from it.

> Like the glow in the mane but really don't dig the fog.
> complete change of opinion after looking at this one s 3rd time. It looks like the cloud is glowing under her and when I visualize it as that fully now I kinda like it.
wow what a plot twist. I added that excessive brightness just to make the ethereal mane shine more than the original. I can´t tell if you are right about her sitting at at the clouds or the snow. 

I could make a sharper edit but I have tried to clear that fog and it basically removes the brightness on her mane. I could make like a thousand edits out of this picture yet by acknowledging that fog, I simply decided to go for it (maybe this happened because I was listening to dream pop music, so I suppose I wanted to follow its route). 
thumbnail of 6eb15c4e683d93ca2b5aef651ceccdd1.png
thumbnail of 6eb15c4e683d93ca2b5aef651ceccdd1.png
6eb15c4e68... png
(240.86 KB, 569x896)
> This edit has been made more because of a personal mania than achieving a cool edit to show off.

Looks like ya got rid of some of the graininess from the crayon/markers. Yeah I can see what you wouldn't consider it much to show off, but I can understand the reasoning of a slight adjustment.

This one looks cool with the edit. Main thing that looks off putting is the portions of the heads, particularly Cadence's chin but they aren't that distracting in the edit.

This one is my fav. It's like a bit smaller version of what you did with that Apple Jack picture. The more vibrant colors and shading make an already nice picture look beautiful.   

 note, proof of life, do to minor matters that have arisen leading to a bit of delay in full replies. 
thumbnail of 1991370.jpg
thumbnail of 1991370.jpg
1991370 jpg
(898.27 KB, 2082x2700)
thumbnail of 1991370 pc edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1991370 pc edit.jpg
1991370 pc edit jpg
(1.01 MB, 2082x2700)
instant scary flashbacks intensify! 

*Sweetie Derelle screams

> Looks like ya got rid of some of the graininess from the crayon/markers.
that simply takes by increasing the clarity bar to a higher number. I wouldn´t using it with a higher number of 140 more or less (pixels will appear and that downgrades the quality of the picture). By 140 I mean, putting the 100 number and then editing it again with more clarity above the edit.

> I can see what you wouldn't consider it much to show off, but I can understand the reasoning of a slight adjustment. 
it´s simply what I view and what my body asks me to do, nothing else. It simply takes me like a couple of minutes to made an edit like that on PC.

> This one looks cool with the edit. Main thing that looks off putting is the portions of the heads, particularly Cadence's chin but they aren't that distracting in the edit. 
yeah, in fact I believe that Chrysalis was wearing a mask that she is levitating with her magic. That aspect might turn a little bit off, I simply found it and I wasn´t all that convinced about its brightness/contrast. I didn´t expect to reach this level of edginess but I decided to jump onto the no wave route this time around. Basically, the album covers that were shown over here  >>/3195/.

> This one is my fav. It's like a bit smaller version of what you did with that Apple Jack picture.The more vibrant colors and shading make an already nice picture look beautiful.
funnily enough, that required like a minute or less. The image spoke by itself and I only had to adjust the brightness and take care of the contrast and the clarity in order to upper its quality. It has like 88 upvotes on Derpi...and I wonder how much the edited version would get if it was uploaded over there.

> do to minor matters that have arisen leading to a bit of delay in full replies. 
I am also having stuff to do yet I make these quick edits just to not bore the personal.

Alright, so how do I judge you?

it seems that you have intensified the purple tone and the first image looks pretty clear as well. It hasn´t been downgraded yet.

 The 2nd one is purely A E S T H E T I C out of 10. If you want to impress someone with a retro vibe (vaporwave, synthwave,80s futuristic scenery in general), this is the picture to pick. It´s like the image has lost a bit of clarity in order to bring an aura of blurriness because of the excess of purple tone. 

now, this gothic image is what I though about a what if. Basically, I knew that oversaturating the image of contrast it would lead to a darker body, especially her face. This one shows more than the first one because of the red tones that are randomly yet strategically put (?) in order to bring an edgier feel. 

As for the emboss edit, I would imagine that this is the most badass stallion that one could see. I am not seeing Luna but another pony that showed this serious but serene face in the middle of an uncomfortable situation. If it wasn´t because of the female eyebrows, I would mistake her.
thumbnail of apppple_jaaaack_by_marenlicious_d6u3n0d-preMinorEdit.jpg
thumbnail of apppple_jaaaack_by_marenlicious_d6u3n0d-preMinorEdit.jpg
apppple_jaaaack_by_ma... jpg
(161.83 KB, 885x903)
thumbnail of apppple_jaaaack_by_marenlicious_d6u3n0d-pre.jpg
thumbnail of apppple_jaaaack_by_marenlicious_d6u3n0d-pre.jpg
apppple_jaaaack_by_ma... jpg
(74.83 KB, 885x903)
>instant scary flashbacks intensify!
 do you have something traumatic? 
 (just joking of course) 

funnily enough, that required like a minute or less. The image spoke by itself and I only had to adjust the brightness and take care of the contrast and the clarity in order to upper its quality. It has like 88 upvotes on Derpi...and I wonder how much the edited version would get if it was uploaded over there.
I wonder too. I mean it makes the difference for me. 

> it´s simply what I view and what my body asks me to do, nothing else. It simply takes me like a couple of minutes to made an edit like that on PC.
That is how I feel with the current edit. Just a random little itch to change something, in this case make Apple Jack look like she standing on a stage. Is it hi effort? No. Is it a big change? NO. Would the change's intent be immediately noticeable to anyone beside myself? Maybe. It just is an edit for an edit's sake.  

> The 2nd one is purely A E S T H E T I C out of 10. If you want to impress someone with a retro vibe (vaporwave, synthwave,80s futuristic scenery in general), this is the picture to pick.
It probably is the most coherent of them Though my fav is still  >>/3736/ semi-gothic.

> I would imagine that this is the most badass stallion that one could see. 
The wrinkles look muscular and masculine don't they? I like it. Wonder if I could remove some of the feminine futures to make it fully work?
thumbnail of 1989628__safe_artist-colon-sketckpad1_silverstream_bubble_chest+fluff_cute_diastreamies_ear+fluff_profile_sea+pony_seapony+(g4)_seapony+silverstrea.jpeg
thumbnail of 1989628__safe_artist-colon-sketckpad1_silverstream_bubble_chest+fluff_cute_diastreamies_ear+fluff_profile_sea+pony_seapony+(g4)_seapony+silverstrea.jpeg
1989628__safe_artist-... jpeg
(178.84 KB, 1280x1280)
thumbnail of 1989628__safe_artist-colon-sketckpad1_silverstream_bubble_chest+fluff_cute_diastreamies_ear+fluff_profile_sea+pony_seapony+(g4)_seapony+silverstrea (2).jpeg
thumbnail of 1989628__safe_artist-colon-sketckpad1_silverstream_bubble_chest+fluff_cute_diastreamies_ear+fluff_profile_sea+pony_seapony+(g4)_seapony+silverstrea (2).jpeg
1989628__safe_artist-... jpeg
(276.28 KB, 1280x1280)
> do you have something traumatic? 
< Yes, I dreamt these faces coming at me all the time at night  >>/3173/. After that, I repeated it all the time so I could join them and traumatize others in random threads instead.
t.Sweetie Belle

> I wonder too. I mean it makes the difference for me.
I am not a fan of uploading things on Derpit but like this picture and Flurry´s one, it really picks you up and see it on practice.

> It probably is the most coherent of them Though my fav is still  >>/3736/ semi-gothic.
yeah, I could comment about that one instantly. I get why you are attracted to the edgy one but despite having its touch, it doesn´t drive me 100% to convey that edgy feeling. It feels somewhat subtle in comparison to the other two edits.

> The wrinkles look muscular and masculine don't they? 
eeyup. Basically that.
> Wonder if I could remove some of the feminine futures to make it fully work?
I suppose that there is no wrong way to fantasize and try to make an attempt on it. It feels like you are watching a serious face from video game characters. Adult Link or a few japanese characters with that filter because of the lack of horsey characteristics. 

> Would the change's intent be immediately noticeable to anyone beside myself? Maybe. It just is an edit for an edit's sake. 
Filling this thread with something. Ironically, if AJ had that brightness, she wouldn´t be called Background Pony. The original shows a faded color  and the edit looks like it comes from those irradiating pixels that came from the screens of the TV. 

It´s really hard to decide though.
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> yeah, I could comment about that one instantly. I get why you are attracted to the edgy one but despite having its touch, it doesn´t drive me 100% to convey that edgy feeling. It feels somewhat subtle in comparison to the other two edits.

Yeah I guess I get that. The others are more... intense and expressive I suppose. This one lack of brightness could be a little dull and dreary in comparison.

> it comes from those irradiating pixels that came from the screens of the TV. 

It does! 

Would you like to go a descriptive rout and get one of the better edits and original pictures and place them side by side? Would you say there is any edit that clicks or feels just right to you that you just like to use in the OP solo?

I like Iceblue Crash. Which is what I randomly name the edit of that Rainbow Dash pic. It looks nicer as a OC though I wouldn't say there was too much wrong with the picture. Just average decent tier.
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now, those people fearful of oceans because of sharks and big creatures in the depths. How wrong those plebs were, ponies were the sirens chants that make the environment dangerous from the very beginning.

> The others are more... intense and expressive I suppose. This one lack of brightness could be a little dull and dreary in comparison. 
exactly that. 

> It does! 
either it´s due to the filter or the oversaturation of a certain effect/adjustment.

> Would you like to go a descriptive rout and get one of the better edits and original pictures and place them side by side?
either showing the products alone or doing that method. I am basically compiling them and putting them in the front as a greatest hits from these edits. Not all of them work but simply a selection of what we have offered here. I thought about not including any description and then letting the viewer to ask why it happened before the info comes but a little description can come with them perfectly (or quoting the post of its explanation from this thread)

> Would you say there is any edit that clicks or feels just right to you that you just like to use in the OP solo? 
I am certainly torn about it. The one edit that I still hold in high regard is this one  >>/1822/ and it certainly represents how twisted and artificial the edits can get, to the point where you are in an artificial land that will lead us into chaos or imprecise imagery. 

That´s my first but any other can work so I am asking to you before I do anything (not to mention that it feels kind of selfish). I could also include any edit that speaks for itself and came from you like  >>/1868/,  >>/2496/,  >>/2649/ and  >>/3735/.

> I like Iceblue Crash. Which is what I randomly name the edit of that Rainbow Dash pic. It looks nicer as a OC though I wouldn't say there was too much wrong with the picture. Just average decent tier.
the picture by itself didn´t have anything wrong. It´s just that it was from the artist needed tag and I simply put edits as a way to spotlight them again. I treat them as public material that no one will come and say:"This is mine,faggot. Get that edit out of here" or answers of that kind. I could also edit Filly Funtasia without any problems simply because of that reason of feeling unrestricted to do whatever. 

So you like that picture of RD for the OP. If you see it valid for the OP, just tell me and I will put the colored edit on the front.
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> So you like that picture of RD for the OP. If you see it valid for the OP, just tell me and I will put the colored edit on the front.
Your call, I mean there is a lot if ya doing a greatest hits format that could work. Like:
bluelestia/icelestia if you what something else with that theme that I consider of a higher level edit.

This one I loved and got a kick outta the trick you pulled.

If you want me to suggest one of mine, then this one.

This flutters too. These are your transformational/destructive art ones. 

This one could be good if ya wanna continue with the theme.

This too.

I mean there is a whole lot of options that I'd think would be fine. I'm just throwing  out a few suggestions.

 I'd suggest this from our bo but I'm not sure it'd count as a edit and I'm not sure how if he want even that much attention on himself. 
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> November 2018 
> Umbridge appears in this thread, becoming a banner of /endpone/ in 2019

> April 2020
> long Umbridge has become a meme in the fanbase

This thread is history of /endpone/. 

Put me in the screencap!

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