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I know it's not fair that I do this but sometimes I think good quality images are not going to be eternal. Someday we will arrive to Deviantart core quality and we all know what that means.

However,I can solve a little bit their colours. It's artificial yes but at least,those edits make it pleasant to the eye and serve to post something between the good ones. These two have like 10 upvotes or so and I am putting in the thumbnail which ones are edited.I can link them perfectly though.
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well shit I cannot delete it.
Anyway,I don't know what to do with this. I' ll wait for some reactions if I should go forward with some edits that could benefits from the original images or just delete it and forget about this.
I am posting these meanwhile

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> I know it's not fair that I do this but sometimes I think good quality images are not going to be eternal.

Yeah. I suppose we could try balancing it out with memeing images, but such activities could grow tiering over time. Editing images to is not a bad... perhaps a better idea, but still runs into the same problem in the long term. Learning to do our own art could work but we would probably never be able to produnce it to such levels as to are liking (if we even could master it). I guess maybe best to at least try to do at least  one  of these options and keep our minds open to other ideas.

> Anyway,I don't know what to do with this. I' ll wait for some reactions if I should go forward with some edits that could benefits from the original images or just delete it and forget about this.

Go ahead and post away, still beats my mostly crappy art skills.

> However,I can solve a little bit their colours. It's artificial yes but at least,those edits make it pleasant to the eye and serve to post something between the good ones. 

I especially notice this on the first pic. Not that the pic was that bad, I actually think the pony looked half decent for an OC  for a red and black oc  , but it's amazing how a little tweak or two really helps it hide some of the more lower ascapts parts of it

> Someday we will arrive to Deviantart core quality and we all know what that means.

It means we will have finally reached the end on the /end/. Pic related.

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> Yeah. I suppose we could try balancing it out with memeing images, but such activities could grow tiering over time. Editing images to is not a bad... perhaps a better idea, but still runs into the same problem in the long term. Learning to do our own art could work but we would probably never be able to produnce it to such levels as to are liking (if we even could master it). I guess maybe best to at least try to do at least one of these options and keep our minds open to other ideas.
We are always fucked in the long term but while we are talking about this, ridiculous OCs happen every day. Again,the patrician choice is to draw something but like we don't have the skills for it,I collect some of those unused or unpopular images that could serve us for shitposting something. It's like giving an autotune or an overexxagerated twist to the picture,but like engineers,they have to reuse the leftovers and select which parts have potential.

> Go ahead and post away, still beats my mostly crappy art skills.
If you ever knew mine....

> I especially notice this on the first pic. Not that the pic was that bad, I actually think the pony looked half decent for an OC for a red and black oc , but it's amazing how a little tweak or two really helps it hide some of the more lower ascapts parts of it

Just check the original and see,only like 16 upvotes and it was just because the brightness was lacking. 

> It means we will have finally reached the end on the /end/.
In reality,90% of pony images are from Deviantart...it never ends.

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I have a particular tendency of softening the images. Most of them are going to be black and white or just a one effect picture.

I don't know if I am posting heavy edited images but I have to say that selecting them and see which ones are valid,it takes me more time than I thought. Some are direct trash,others have one element or two that ruin the picture and others cannot hold the editing process.

It's a shame but oh well. The important thing is to enjoy them

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> Just check the original and see,only like 16 upvotes and it was just because the brightness was lacking. 

To me it helped with some of the bakground. I know I'm a layman but the paint strokes looked too much like the raw tools without being blended togather that well to form the textures and such. If I'm making any sense with what I'm saying.

> It's like giving an autotune or an overexxagerated twist to the picture,but like engineers,they have to reuse the leftovers and select which parts have potential.

Maybe some fun times can be had. I'll check out stuff if I get the free time  though my first priority is the banners right now  Looking through scraps sounds fun. Maybe could find some hidden treasure amist it.

> In reality,90% of pony images are from Deviantart.

More like 60% Deviantart, 20% tumblr, 20% oc passed around the boorus and chans if I'm going to be entirely honest on this.

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> To me it helped with some of the bakground. I know I'm a layman but the paint strokes looked too much like the raw tools without being blended togather that well to form the textures and such. If I'm making any sense with what I'm saying.
The less needed edition,the better for the image itself. I get what you are saying,the textures clash and feel somewhat unnatural,especially between the scenery and the pony.

> Maybe some fun times can be had. I'll check out stuff if I get the free time though my first priority is the banners right now Looking through scraps sounds fun. Maybe could find some hidden treasure amist it.
There was a kino Cadence image which only had like 60 upvotes around there that doesn't need any help and stands on its own. It's funny when you see a random funny image having like 300 upvotes and the drawing has nothing special and a few gems that are drowned between the content. I am focusing primarly on bat pony images for now.
> More like 60% Deviantart, 20% tumblr, 20% oc passed around the boorus and chans if I'm going to be entirely honest on this.
Yeah,it's probably distributed like that.

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I enjoyed editing this one.For a red and black OC,you rarely see some innocent works out of them. 
I didn't know what to pick between the two so I am posting both versions because I think both have charm and have some little differences in the effects.
One looks like it would fit in the show style and the other is the version of pure contrast.

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Well of all things LOL random. I actually had a tiny bit of time to myself today. Actually spent that time messing with images in Gimp. I still could leave for one more errand I have to so I could get interupted, but I'll go ahead and try to post'em.

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Welp here is the last. Another mid level crappy vector run through filters and effects in Gimp. I probably should've spent the time trying finishing the last of the banners but oh well, not like that's a strict deadline.

> I enjoyed editing this one.For a red and black OC,you rarely see some innocent works out of them.

That's actually kind of charming. 

> One looks like it would fit in the show style and the other is the version of pure contrast.

I like the contrast one better myself, but I think they both look fine.

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wow I can't edit like that. I wonder how you have added the magical light.
the metallic filter really helps when you want to avoid something messy in terms of colours and just define her lines.
this one looks like it's not pony related but you could think those are sick lines and this one >>/721/ gives you a more serious vibe. Any random american loves to draw the characters with fast food and it seems like a wasted vector to use.

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> I like the contrast one better myself, but I think they both look fine.
I knew I had to post both versions. It was a matter of taste. The lighter one gives you a uniform image and the other receives more quality,nocturne feeling with more defined lines. The enjoyment came because I could edit it with what brightness or saturation and it still looked really nice. I could have put like 15 versions and love all of them. Those two are what I considered the most natural.

I am posting some of the original pictures.

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> wow I can't edit like that. I wonder how you have added the magical light.

It isn't that special, just the lens flare filter in Gimp. 

> the metallic filter really helps when you want to avoid something messy in terms of colours and just define her lines.

Believe or not,  >>/718/ and 721 are not the metallic filter but the emboss filter. It was something I wondered how it had turned out looking like that, epespicially in the case of 721. I would've mentioned it but I was posting in a bit of a hurry at the time.

> this one looks like it's not pony related but you could think those are sick lines and this one >>/721/ gives you a more serious vibe

Yeah, I don't like humans in my pony art either (usually). I really like how the emboss filter works in defining in more simplier artwork.  It has looked a bit odd in more complex painted stuff wth texture and all that jazz  If I could get more things like the effect of the fast food vector I feel like some fun times could be had with this one. 

> and the edited version. By the way,it's one of the lowest rated(5 upvotes)

Our editing may not be able to help with the construction of the pony, messing with a few filters and such really can help.  Though honestly this of all things shouldn't be the lowest rated, way way worse exist 

> it definitely looks more menacing or gives a Matrix vibe,considering that her horn is green 

It does give a more metrix vibe with the mosaic effect. I wonder if I mess with the effect any I can make it look more natural to the picture and less photoshope--er in m case gimpish.

I know you probably just grayscaled it, but I really like how it looks like this. Can't put my hoof on exactly why.

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> It isn't that special, just the lens flare filter in Gimp.
I haven't used photoshop like ever. I don't know which effects are there. I am only using the typical from your average camera. 

> Believe or not,  >>/718/ and 721 are not the metallic filter but the emboss filter. It was something I wondered how it had turned out looking like that, epespicially in the case of 721. I would've mentioned it but I was posting in a bit of a hurry at the time.

Well,now I realize how that filter is called. I have always watched images with it but never seen it called explicitly.

> Yeah, I don't like humans in my pony art either (usually). I really like how the emboss filter works in defining in more simplier artwork. 
Especially if you want the outlines to stand out. It really leaves a different image so the flaws from the pony body or colours are left behind.

> It has looked a bit odd in more complex painted stuff wth texture and all that jazz If I could get more things like the effect of the fast food vector I feel like some fun times could be had with this one.
Every filter could serve for any image. The only trick is trying,experimenting and check what style you want it to look or the one you find the most attractive or noteworthy to post.

> Our editing may not be able to help with the construction of the pony, messing with a few filters and such really can help. Though honestly this of all things shouldn't be the lowest rated, way way worse exist
That's because I am picking certain images. If you checked the lowest scores,you will see I am ignoring absolute worthless material. The edits give some little nice images a boost in quality and they seem to put them into a different league. Not everything is worth to edit nor everything is trash. Just that I am selective.

> It does give a more metrix vibe with the mosaic effect. I wonder if I mess with the effect any I can make it look more natural to the picture and less photoshope--er in m case gimpish.
This is why I don't oversaturate the edited images too much. I balance them while putting the cold/warm effects or the grayscale one. I adjust the brightness and even the focusing in some pics. The one you have posted is the closest one to an intended joke I have posted(which explains the spoiler I put into it)

> I know you probably just grayscaled it, but I really like how it looks like this. Can't put my hoof on exactly why.
The randomness for you to like any picture is guaranteed. You probably like that one because the amount of grayscaling fits with the moon and it's not oversaturated. I have added a little bit of white on both sides.

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> I haven't used photoshop like ever. I don't know which effects are there. I am only using the typical from your average camera. 

Still makes a difference. I've never used photoshope either, mainly have used growing up Gimp, some Inkscape and a few obscure FOSS programs  I'm a linux, albit probably a crappy unskilled user who does't like to shrill it  

> This is why I don't oversaturate the edited images too much. I balance them while putting the cold/warm effects or the grayscale one. I adjust the brightness and even the focusing in some pics.  

In fact you probably have a better sense of things the I do  which I don't have at all  , certainly with the basic stuff anyway.

> Well,now I realize how that filter is called. I have always watched images with it but never seen it called explicitly.

This is the first time I've fooled around with it that I can remember (though I may have played with it whe I was yonger). I really dig the sharpness of the lines and how it can brush up even lower efford art. Maybe will try to make a banner with that effect once I'm done with the current few.

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when I see that reaction image,I thought /b/tardism was wounded and passed through the death room. I am beginning to believe that /b/ is not what is meant to represent,others carry on the soul of /b/ instead...

I know how to /b/ post too

> imagine you are having and intimate date your waifu....and says...

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> Still makes a difference. I've never used photoshope either, mainly have used growing up Gimp, some Inkscape and a few obscure FOSS programs I'm a linux, albit probably a crappy unskilled user who does't like to shrill it 
even one small bump makes a big difference and that should be obvious. I think the photoshop should be touched for these things but not in the "commercial" in the sense that you copy and paste random things. If anything,adding little effects you know how they works are usually more useful than the ones you don't master or doesn't fit the style.

> In fact you probably have a better sense of things the I do which I don't have at all , certainly with the basic stuff anyway.

That may be because I have had played during my teenage years with GT5. In a free race,I took like 5 laps on the track and then spend hours in the photo mode. I mastered the angles of the car.how the sun has to shine over the car, exploit the little effects with the ambients and lightnings, oversaturation, exposition.... I added one effect (not always) and then,just mess around with it until I detect the photo which clicks to me.

> This is the first time I've fooled around with it that I can remember (though I may have played with it whe I was yonger). I really dig the sharpness of the lines and how it can brush up even lower efford art. Maybe will try to make a banner with that effect once I'm done with the current few.

It will eventually happen. The moment you try it and see that it unexpectedly fits,it will stand out with that effect.

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> when I see that reaction image,I thought /b/tardism was wounded and passed through the death room. I am beginning to believe that /b/ is not what is meant to represent, others carry on the soul of /b/ instead...

That second one is full on /b/ isn't it? Funny enough, I actually didn't ever visit /b/ that much. It actually was /co/ that I started to lurk at, rather then the normal /b/ > /4chan/ > /altchans/ filtration process. Though I suppose that has been partly superseded /pol/ and all the Qanon crap.

 Don't worry. I'll try to keep any futher meme shenanigans more related to stuff on /endpone/. Had just  been playing around in what little spare time I had that day : ) 

> I think the photoshop should be touched for these things but not in the "commercial" in the sense that you copy and paste random things. If anything,adding little effects you know how they works are usually more useful than the ones you don't master or doesn't fit the style.

True. Lot of things are just flat out overprodunced without much thought into what flows togather.

> In a free race,I took like 5 laps on the track and then spend hours in the photo mode. I mastered the angles of the car.how the sun has to shine over the car, exploit the little effects with the ambients and lightnings, oversaturation, exposition.... I added one effect (not always) and then,just mess around with it until I detect the photo which clicks to me.

Wow... Yeah you definitely have a better sense on that then I do. Cool that messing around with a game gave ya a useable skill for other things, even if perhaps a small one. I'd imagen you also have a pretty good eye for little details! 

I humbly bow to your greater photo editing skills.

> It will eventually happen. The moment you try it and see that it unexpectedly fits,it will stand out with that effect.

I will then. Whenever that will be.

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> That second one is full on /b/ isn't it? Funny enough, I actually didn't ever visit /b/ that much. It actually was /co/ that I started to lurk at, rather then the normal /b/ > /4chan/ > /altchans/ filtration process. Though I suppose that has been partly superseded /pol/ and all the Qanon crap.
/mlp/ has always been a combination of a lot of boards but in reality,two of them are really present at its core: /co/ and /b/. I personally have no interest on /b/.The first couple of months while I was discovering 4chan,I was like: "woah!There is so much content happening so fast!You can never get bored here" until you discover that they were the same porn threads, webm  and few genuine ones that spark some interest.

The reaction images that /mlp/ have the pure chan culture. That's why the famous reaction pictures are so popular,especially with ponies in mind.

> Don't worry. I'll try to keep any futher meme shenanigans more related to stuff on /endpone/. Had just been playing around in what little spare time I had that day : )
Memes are meant to flow with one group. A group of two isn't much to begin with though. :/

> without much thought into what flows togather.
I would admire a collage of multilayered pictures/effects put into it. The thing is that the combination requires more time and some visual effort for it to make sense. This is why sampling in music is art. 2 or 3 samples usually make a song,but when an album has the outstanding number of 3000 samples in it,that effort alone by being cohesive is worth of my respect in every way.

> Wow... Yeah you definitely have a better sense on that then I do. Cool that messing around with a game gave ya a useable skill for other things, even if perhaps a small one. I'd imagen you also have a pretty good eye for little details!I humbly bow to your greater photo editing skills.
In reality,it's just using the numbers until seeing what sticks. It's nothing special really,an instagramer or Snapchat normie could pull this edits with the same results(although normies focus on detours)
I like the praise until a certain point. I still have to prove that the experience was useful back in the day. I only have the advantage of realizing about what's wrong or correct more quickly,more used to watching those effects.

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> I like the praise until a certain point. I still have to prove that the experience was useful back in the day. I only have the advantage of realizing about what's wrong or correct more quickly,more used to watching those effects.

I understand its not the biggest thing in the world. Get ya on the praise too. When someone showers me with praise for something small like that it can set off my alarm bells  What do you want? Are you  intimated by me? What are you planing?, etc (yeah, perhaps a bit paranoid, but I've had a couple of really bad experiences with people who were a bit... strange.) 

> Memes are meant to flow with one group. A group of two isn't much to begin with though. :/

That's what I'm here for! Though to be fair we have sometimes someone else around here. I bet with have at least one lurker too! 

> I personally have no interest on /b/.The first couple of months while I was discovering 4chan,I was like: "woah!There is so much content happening so fast!You can never get bored here" until you discover that they were the same porn threads, webm and few genuine ones that spark some interest.

Pretty much my thoughts on /b/. Though I usually only poked  my head in there when there was happenings sometimes. 

> this one gave me a chance to put a different perspective. This one actually feels edited

This one is my favorite of this batch I think.

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Listen...and I am not... jpg
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> I understand its not the biggest thing in the world. Get ya on the praise too. When someone showers me with praise for something small like that it can set off my alarm bells What do you want? Are you intimated by me? What are you planing?, etc (yeah, perhaps a bit paranoid, but I've had a couple of really bad experiences with people who were a bit... strange.)
Usually praise comes with a certakn trick and it's completely fine to have that mindset. In fact,that should serve you as if the street was pure wilderness in order to prevent those bad experiences. However,what I meant is that there is not much to praise even though,you are free to do it. I just personally don't see it very outlandish nor I want to believe that I am a good editor. The paranoia comes instead of being suspicious about the person,is more about ego. Not every edit is going to ve a masterpiece or shit,just what I make just because...
> That's what I'm here for! Though to be fair we have sometimes someone else around here. I bet with have at least one lurker too!
I wonder when he will shitpost again. I hope he does during this week.
> Pretty much my thoughts on /b/. Though I usually only poked my head in there when there was happenings sometimes.
That could also be applied to /pol/.Happening are their mane attraction.

> This one is my favorite of this batch I think.
it's the most artificial yet,the one that revives the photo with something different.Not hard to see why.

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Really like how that OC turned out edited. 

> That could also be applied to /pol/.Happening are their mane attraction.

I know /pol/ is what happening are what usually thought of now. For me though in the early days I used to go to /b/ when something relatively big was happening just out of a somewhat morbid curosity to what they where up to. Be it memeing it or the rare actual serious discussion.

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> Really like how that OC turned out edited. 
yeah,it's one of those few images in which I have been able to change the colour while keeping the rest.Your Derpy seems to be a ready for commercial stickies or the drawing of a cookie. ...all of that with her official vector.

> For me though in the early days I used to go to /b/ when something relatively big was happening just out of a somewhat morbid curosity to what they where up to. Be it memeing it or the rare actual serious discussion.
when did good happenings stopped on /b/?  I am not a fan of the board but it's interesting to see how it was back then.

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remind me to post the bad version (on purpose)of this image.Most of my edits seem to make little to no difference. That happens because if I went like a little kid without having any balance,I would give bad impressions of a newbie.

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> Most of them have an off color/a bit of an armature feel with the textures that is corrected with messing such values saturation and lightning with maybe a filter or too.
That's where we step into the zone. Some of them could have got more votes if they put a little bit more brightness. Others get oversaturated in colours (for example,the OC you have edited today) and while the drawings cannot be considered bad by themselves,they do not reach all the polished aspects for a good picture.

Many of my edits are just random editing and see where it goes. But when there are cases of incorrect lightning, I just set that aspect and make a very weak edit,fixing the picture. In others where the drawing quality doesn't shine as much,I feel like having more freedom.

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1554824 bad... jpg
(1.84 MB, 2003x2498)
> In others where the drawing quality doesn't shine as much,I feel like having more freedom.
Nonetheless, there will be huge mistakes and maybe the"solution" makes it worse than the original and so,my fear to make the pictures to lose their touch.
Here is a clear example.

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well,that's a neat retake on the picture. I see that the picture is pretty old and there are a lot of monochrome images out there that could be painted.
I thought for a moment that a drawfag came and draw 4cc content for us....until I read your sentence properly and saw the number.

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speaking of first times, I think this is the first partial colour I have ever edited on a picture. In GT5, the cars remained with the colour while the rest had the black and white effect automatically. 
Not as easy as I could expect for this time...

Nice job for a first. I tired it once and it just came out creepy.

> speaking of first times, I think this is the first partial colour I have ever edited on a picture. In GT5, the cars remained with the colour while the rest had the black and white effect automatically.

I've tried and failed at this too!

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it only requires a little bit of patience and a bit of touch. I think there are some coloured bits near the bat,but those are pretty minor if anything. 
The partial colour is completely manual so in the program,everything is monochrome and you paint the parts you desire. For this one,the background helped to fix the few bits but for bright pictures....wish me luck

> it only requires a little bit of patience and a bit of touch. I think there are some coloured bits near the bat,but those are pretty minor if anything.

The partial colour is completely manual so in the program,everything is monochrome and you paint the parts you desire.

Something that I lack. GT5 powers have put you ahead of me.

> For this one,the background helped to fix the few bits but for bright pictures....wish me luck

Good luck.


Though its minor, it odes look a little more romantic. 

The edit in this one the character almost looks to pale to me, still can't deny that the colors look a little more pleasing to the eye, even if I do miss the intensity of the red moon in the background. 

This one is cool. This is my favorite for sure. I like how a little tinkering can almost change, or in this case at context to the picture. Makes me have more feels.

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> GT5 powers have put you ahead of me.
I wish I received the horse powers of a Le Mans or F1 race car instead of these ones. Oh well. 
> Though its minor, it odes look a little more romantic.
It's funny because as soon as I posted it, I concluded that I did literally nothing to it and I even got myself asking why I decided to post it. I guess the little grey effect makes it more intimate.

> The edit in this one the character almost looks to pale to me, still can't deny that the colors look a little more pleasing to the eye, even if I do miss the intensity of the red moon in the background.
When I finished the edited pics of this bunch,I saw this one as the strongest ones to say myself that it was the best.....and the visions from others are pretty different. This happens to every artist or creator(I am not one yet, I somewhat get the same feelings) to its works. What could be a minor thing or a leftover in theory ,ends up the most liked one and when you consider the strongest one for you,it doesn't come close to the expectations. 
I am posting however,your petition.

> This one is cool. This is my favorite for sure. I like how a little tinkering can almost change, or in this case at context to the picture. Makes me have more feels.
Nice. Yeah,it pretty much changes to a winter picture and I would love to make edits like these all the time. It was another case of pure lightning and adding one of the 10 effects completwly. 

By the way,only 26 upvotes and the next ones are in the same number.

> I wish I received the horse powers of a Le Mans or F1 race car instead of these ones. Oh well. 

Minor GTA 5 editing powers at least give you the power to make things look a little cooler.  It's like Trixie's skill set vs Twilight's skill set 

> When I finished the edited pics of this bunch,I saw this one as the strongest ones to say myself that it was the best.....and the visions from others are pretty different. This happens to every artist or creator(I am not one yet, I somewhat get the same feelings) to its works. 

I consider stuff like that more subjective. I am no critic and my taste would probably be considered quite awful by many on what motifs and things I do like. Still th recolored edit looks pretty sweet.


Another case of cool. Looks so much better with the stars brought out in the background.


These to feel about the same to me actually, with the edit colors feeling just a bit sharper.

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SFM is something that I'm not usually into. Rarely have I enjoyed an SFM images though there is exceptions. I think this filter does interesting things to SFM that need to e explored further. Though I'm not sure I would call it good.

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> It's like Trixie's skill set vs Twilight's skill set
kek what an analogy. That's like winning the lottery in reverse.

> I consider stuff like that more subjective. I am no critic and my taste would probably be considered quite awful by many on what motifs and things I do like. Still th recolored edit looks pretty sweet.
Every opinion is relative and somewhat biased. However,when something is clearly bad or good,people notice it instantly,especially for bad quality stuff. 
I knew your would like the recolor, I noticed the pale body after you told me about it but I didn't consider it too bad when it was recent.

> Another case of cool. Looks so much better with the stars brought out in the background.
It feels more vibrant and while the wings ended up with a green tone, as soon as I put that effect,I knew the ambience would deliver on its own. It's an instant reaction,yet I cannot explain exactly where I feel that.
> These to feel about the same to me actually, with the edit colors feeling just a bit sharper.
Yep.This one was counterproductive and I said it instantly when I saw the pictures posted(I compare them as well even if I cannot redo the post). I felt like making it cooler and isolated,nonetheless,it fell short and it ended up into nothing...oh well.

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> I embosed your edit. Its an edit of an edit. Though I don't think it adds too much to the image I liked the way the text turned out.

I tried to edit it as soon as the image appeared. However,I couldn't do that much with the white background. I would have posted it as well but it doesn't add anything interesting. The emboss filter makes the image more simple and comes with a sick format of text.

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> SFM is something that I'm not usually into. Rarely have I enjoyed an SFM images though there is exceptions. I think this filter does interesting things to SFM that need to e explored further. Though I'm not sure I would call it good.
you mean SFM as 3D models,isn't it? If so,yeah. It hardly gets appealing (however,I liked the little project 3Danon had in his threads back in 2014). It needs to be explored because that emboss effect has made it somewhat two dimensional with wide shadows.
It could serve for something and it certainly offers a "plain" feel instead of 3D which looks closer to the show style.

Just like the partial colour which could be really exploited if used well.

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well,I have been trying with the partial colour for absolute monochrome pictures, so coloring something out of nothing. By using effects and multiple layers(more than 3 oversaturates the image,I don't recommend it) and while I have tried yesterday...

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I spent an hour just to make the partial colour and imagine check it didn't have imperfections nor colour outside Celestia just to edit the rest and tell the colours between Celly and the ambient.
I certainly did it but I mostly have failed trying to put her on white or something of good looking.
I show the partial colour,the middle one is the closest I got to decency and finally,I ended up making the easy way. After editing, I couldn't find a way to restore the brightness and it only ended edgy(red lines) most of the time. 
Unsatisfied with this one but it represents how monochrome images can get more lively. They take more time though.

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while I am unsatisfied with Celly. I went with low expectations with this one. I tried to put the colours of Luna and I felt lazy after trying the effort with the previous one. So there are imperfections and coloring parts that shouldn't be made....in theory.
I say in theory because some effects fix or hide that problem aside if it's not excssive,so a quick paint over the picture should be enough. I ended up with a result that I wouldn't have expected at first...

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Accck jpg
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> Unsatisfied with this one but it represents how monochrome images can get more lively. They take more time though.

Not horrible, just unpleasing to the eye.
> I went with low expectations with this one. I tried to put the colours of Luna and I felt lazy after trying the effort with the previous one. So there are imperfections and coloring parts that shouldn't be made....in theory.

I actually think this one doesn't look too bad. Sure it looks unfinished but it the lines look sharper and I like how you edited the paper to not be white in the background. Nice contrast.

I really dig the green shift on these, second one especially

 wow that's far back in time for /endpone/. Almost gives me a chill on how weird that this board actually is in use by a couple of regulars and a few strangers here and there. Wonder what the people who first where here would think? 

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Don't ask me why this image was called acck in my folder or where it came from  (I see it often those who are fans of a darker Twily circles)But I was looking through my folders and found this and started to mess around.

Though I consider this edit perhaps a little tacky, I think the red hue shift does pretty well and makes her look more intimidating. Maybe someday I'll spend more time on it until I get it just right.

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> just unpleasing to the eye. 
which kills one of my purposes. I will have to keep experimenting because it was one of those first contacts that didn't end up well.

> I actually think this one doesn't look too bad. Sure it looks unfinished but it the lines look sharper and I like how you edited the paper to not be white in the background. Nice contrast. 
The background was a last hour touch and I wouldn't have finished the edit if that didn't have happened. The image was already ruined because I didn't colour the shapes properly,just messing around. That's why it looks unfinished.

> I really dig the green shift on these, second one especially
I took an approach of not only modifying the brightness but also,an effect in order to give a different perspective. Ironically,the picture of Celestia is as unfinished as the notebook one in terms of coloring. I didn't paint everything because it seemed fine at that point. Then I added the effect and well...

> Almost gives me a chill on how weird that this board actually is in use by a couple of regulars and a few strangers here and there. Wonder what the people who first where here would think? 
I don't know what they would think. Cucks? A bunch of circlejerkers? I would love to hear what someone would think years after this. The state of this board is day and night compared to the pre 300 posts of the last year.
The number 9 was accidental,I tried to delete the number of a post I quoted and then it ended up like that.
Either way, Revolution Number 9 robot voice intensifies....

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> Don't ask me why this image was called acck in my folder or where it came from (I see it often those who are fans of a darker Twily circles)But I was looking through my folders and found this and started to mess around.
Oh well,I put the number of derpi in order to make it more objective or easier to find(though I don't know how to make a reverse image search) just to claim that these are not mine. It's more like a detail of putting the things clear more than anything.  

> Though I consider this edit perhaps a little tacky, I think the red hue shift does pretty well and makes her look more intimidating. Maybe someday I'll spend more time on it until I get it just right.
Have you tried with a blurry effect? When those menacing looks come,I just can't help but comparing it to the Pornography cover with those blurry faces.
Considering that red colour could be a pretty suffocating to the eye,it also gives the sense of inestability. Not overexaggerating it like the triggering pictures,but more like playing with it and see where it goes.

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> This one however I consider the best. Makes her look less threating and dark and strengthens the more arcane magical welder subtext in the first unedited image.
Basically you have described what I was going to post. It looks like she is a character from any RPG or MMO. She looks like a sorceress or arcane magician. Someone from /tg/ would be certainly impressed and she certainly transmits a certain serenity or at least,the silence of a figure worth to respect.

looks like a messy cover of a shoegaze album(Yerself is Steam for example).
the collage does look kind of alright. The effects are pretty well combined in the lower half. What makes it discordant and out of place is the emboss filter but it doesn't bother me because I see it was intentional for those messy vibes.

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> The background was a last hour touch and I wouldn't have finished the edit if that didn't have happened. The image was already ruined because I didn't colour the shapes properly,just messing around. That's why it looks unfinished.

Hey, that what I'm always doing anyway. I think it turned out fairly well. Also I dig that Shy too.

> Oh well,I put the number of derpi in order to make it more objective or easier to find(though I don't know how to make a reverse image search) just to claim that these are not mine. It's more like a detail of putting the things clear more than anything. 

That is something that should be done  for edits. THough I have a fair backlog of random images saved just because I liked them. For me it was more of a curiosity as to its who named it accck. I sometimes saved things under pretty random names but I have also encountered pretty starnge ones as well.

> Have you tried with a blurry effect? When those menacing looks come,I just can't help but comparing it to the Pornography cover with those blurry faces.

Yeah I should mess around with it some more and see where it goes. It would be cool to get it just right.

> Basically you have described what I was going to post. It looks like she is a character from any RPG or MMO. She looks like a sorceress or arcane magician. Someone from /tg/ would be certainly impressed and she certainly transmits a certain serenity or at least,the silence of a figure worth to respect.

She is my first worthy edit that's for sure. Not really much of an achievement of course since it only was messing arond with color and a little bit of contrast but still am happy by how it turned out.

> the collage does look kind of alright. The effects are pretty well combined in the lower half. What makes it discordant and out of place is the emboss filter but it doesn't bother me because I see it was intentional for those messy vibes.

Maybe I'll if I can turn that joke into something like that. Not sure I'll use that picture though.

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> I think it turned out fairly well. Also I dig that Shy too.
Yeah it gives some urban feel. That Fluttershy image was not that much of an effort. I only had trouble by adjusting the right brightness.

> For me it was more of a curiosity as to its who named it accck. I sometimes saved things under pretty random names but I have also encountered pretty starnge ones as well.
Oh boy,here we go with those names.

> She is my first worthy edit that's for sure. Not really much of an achievement of course since it only was messing arond with color and a little bit of contrast but still am happy by how it turned out. 
If it fits,it fits. With the context behind, almost anything can be reinvented. Not all the images are drawn well enough to give them more interpretation sadly. But hey,let's enjoy what it's worth to do.

> I'll if I can turn that joke into something like that. Not sure I'll use that picture though.
Up to you,I would use the original copy and then,mess around with the rest without caring. I sometimes start editing within the edit,but I recommend to use the base material.

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Well,here they are. The edits used for Radiance and her fic. This one represents her pure ambition and soul of her character, putting all the doubts about her aside.This is where I caught the idea of her being prostitute. Selling her body openly to ponies.....and fans.

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And this edit served as a turning point about my view and importance about her. I didn't know what to do with only sex appealing images and I needed a concept behind her. This one screamed for a backstory and most likely,she probably remembers the death of her father when she is isolated.

Not every wet dream is constantly sex. Sometimes living in the dream has its costs and while she represents the next bat you would love to experiment and enjoy on bed, one may not know what she thinks from the inside and what drove her into the pony she is.

She is still as attractive as ever but that doesn't mean darkness and harsh reality doesn't have their place on her in her daily life.

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> Yeah it gives some urban feel. That Fluttershy image was not that much of an effort. I only had trouble by adjusting the right brightness.

In a nice subtle way too
 Pretty soon we may have urban Applejack to compliment her ,eh? 

> And this edit served as a turning point about my view and importance about her. I didn't know what to do with only sex appealing images and I needed a concept behind her. This one screamed for a backstory and most likely,she probably remembers the death of her father when she is isolated.

Even though it is a small thing on the grand scheme of ponydom, I really like how this character was handled and the process behind the conception of the fic. Perhaps I'll try something in a awhile? Though for me I probably choose something a little different.  Actually, there is something in this very thread that I see potential, and I think I alluded to it earlier. Hopefully I can get to it. 

> Up to you,I would use the original copy and then,mess around with the rest without caring. I sometimes start editing within the edit,but I recommend to use the base material.

I actually was considering using another image entirely. Though I will keep that in mind if I do use that. Speaking of which, I found Accck! It is of course fairly old and I've seen it spamed all over the place by fans of more darker twilys and AUs.

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> In a nice subtle way too.Pretty soon we may have urban Applejack to compliment her ,eh?
You know,I have done nothing with AJ. I think I could consider about her for the next edits and give her some spotlight. I can't safely say the urban edit but most likely,some concepts could be thrown on her. It's prettt funny because she is the element I fit the most in terms of personality...for now.

> I really like how this character was handled and the process behind the conception of the fic. Perhaps I'll try something in a awhile? Though for me I probably choose something a little different. Actually, there is something in this very thread that I see potential, and I think I alluded to it earlier. Hopefully I can get to it. 
Thanks,I basically chose Radiance because she had like 100 images of her OC on Derpi. If the character you want to write about has like 6 or 7 good images,then it could inspire you on something.
There is potential on everything,even cheap memes have had fanfics/stories in between.

> I actually was considering using another image entirely. Though I will keep that in mind if I do use that. Speaking of which, I found Accck! It is of course fairly old and I've seen it spamed all over the place by fans of more darker twilys and AUs.
Oh, nice search.
I may have seen that image in Nightly Twilight Thread, but I certainly don't remember seeing it that posted(or at least,from what I have lurker). It's in fact,pretty old and it screams for dark Twilight fics. I imagine that back then,many would have wanted to see dark things put into the show....which somehow has done

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> Thanks,I basically chose Radiance because she had like 100 images of her OC on Derpi. If the character you want to write about has like 6 or 7 good images,then it could inspire you on something.

It's a little different, but that also sounds like a good idea by itself. Especially with crappy memes.

> I imagine that back then,many would have wanted to see dark things put into the show....which somehow has done

They sure have given fic writers a lot more to work with I'll tell ya that. I suppose some of it is perhaps at the expense of some characters or in conflict with earlier implications of the lore, but hey for the most part I find it both cool and kinda funny that we managed to get a little girls show to start trying to have a deeper lore and DBZ style combat.

> I can't safely say the urban edit but most likely,some concepts could be thrown on her. 

 I was creaking a joke on the leaks revolving around gen 5 Applejack.  Still it would be nice to see some Applejack since we don't have her as much around here.

Colors nice and softer. Easier to discern things. 
It still looks good zoomed in. 
This one is my favorite.

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> that also sounds like a good idea by itself. Especially with crappy memes.
*Milky Way,Nyx and Tracy shitposting intensifies.

> They sure have given fic writers a lot more to work with I'll tell ya that. I suppose some of it is perhaps at the expense of some characters or in conflict with earlier implications of the lore, but hey for the most part I find it both cool and kinda funny that we managed to get a little girls show to start trying to have a deeper lore and DBZ style combat.
That's what happens when adults get involved and give money to the franchise. So it appears a 2nd audience that you have to keep engaged and use more potential than the show initially had in the first place. What a way to do it with Twilight's Kingdom.
 I though,wouldn't love to see it oversaturated of DBZ. What I like the most,it's that lore is now more consistent and so,they keep some standards to play with them. It's more serious but at the same time,as light hearted than before. No Second Prances had funny moments yet a dark conflict. Shadow Play involved deep things, yet the characters acted as they are daily and so I could describe episodes like To Where and Back Again,Discordant Harmony,The Perfect Pear....

I think they have found a balance while giving to fans a lot of material to write fiction or imply a lot of things. Hell,just like we have done with the Cutie Ma episode and its concept.

It's pretty funny indeed that a little girls show has shown things lots of beloved franchises wouldn't risk so easily. Poor of those fags who judge it by its childish and innocent cover.

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> I was creaking a joke on the leaks revolving around gen 5 Applejack. Still it would be nice to see some Applejack since we don't have her as much around here.
I am certainly posting her today. She has basically no impact in general and she ends up underrated in every way. Gen 5 is being useful for some memes and many "muh AJ is going to be ruined by being black! Reeee" shitposts and funny moments.
Besides that,I think there was the Princess Applejack series and...nothing else. It's funny because while her family brings interest(her parents,Big Mac,Apple Bloom and Smith),she remains mostly...there and she is the protagonist. She owns the attention proper of a secondary character yet,she represents the iconic cast. 

The background pone meme kind of applies but it's more of a complaint of her being uninteresting for the most part.

About the comments, this one  >>/1019/ is also my favourite(only 33 upvotes or so) and the others wereaking them nicer for well drawn images in the first place.

The one from this post is intentional. I didn't need to edit it but I try to revert it into the eye.
I wanted to post this image because it was used for an OP of a general in /mlp/. Not sure if it was the Slave Pony thread,but I don't remember it being from the Bat general.

> I though,wouldn't love to see it oversaturated of DBZ. What I like the most,it's that lore is now more consistent and so,they keep some standards to play with them. It's more serious but at the same time,as light hearted than before. No Second Prances had funny moments yet a dark conflict. Shadow Play involved deep things, yet the characters acted as they are daily and so I could describe episodes like To Where and Back Again,Discordant Harmony,The Perfect Pear....

Yeah I agree on that. My preference is for the characters to stay the same/same feel to the show just with deeper lore and sometimes fun fanservice but the overall tone being the same.

> I am certainly posting her today. She has basically no impact in general and she ends up underrated in every way.

I agree. I feel like she is underused by the writers. I know they feel grounded in having her learn stuff because she is the more responsible of the mane6, but they honestly could've had more storylines involving her. Heck, I've seen some argue that they have weakened her character further by having her sidelined by passing her secondary leadership role and her behaving more like a set piece.  though I think that's a little debatable honestly. 

> Gen 5 is being useful for some memes and many "muh AJ is going to be ruined by being black! Reeee" shitposts and funny moments.

I understand them doing that. Though I do think it would be kind of an insult to her in a way if they change her completely personality wise yet other characters personality being left intact for the most part. Though I'm not judging anything till I see it. 

> The one from this post is intentional. I didn't need to edit it but I try to revert it into the eye.
I wanted to post this image because it was used for an OP of a general in /mlp/. Not sure if it was the Slave Pony thread,but I don't remember it being from the Bat general.

I like the edit honestly. Though I don't remember where I have seen this image before.

> My preference is for the characters to stay the same/same feel to the show just with deeper lore and sometimes fun fanservice but the overall tone being the same.
I think the 7th season has brought a fair balance with what you have said. I wonder how much it will differ in season 8.

> I know they feel grounded in having her learn stuff because she is the more responsible of the mane6, but they honestly could've had more storylines involving her. Heck, I've seen some argue that they have weakened her character further by having her sidelined by passing her secondary leadership role and her behaving more like a set piece.
It's ironic to think that AJ may have been reversed to a standard whle the standard behaviour became a full defined one for others. The opposite case that you have described is Celestia and the CMC and I feel that writers try to make AJ interesting yet,they cannot bring anything appealing to make her more popular or loved without being out of character.

> I understand them doing that. Though I do think it would be kind of an insult to her in a way if they change her completely personality wise yet other characters personality being left intact for the most part. Though I'm not judging anything till I see it
Me neither. Gen 5 leaks alone could even change the direction and take some influence for the future. Nothing is decided and much less when you can change so much in less than two years. Whenever we see something,we can go nuts about it.

> I like the edit honestly. Though I don't remember where I have seen this image before.
It could be from any CYOA thread,Alone in prison(I think that exists) or any thread with Anon in it. I think it appeared during 2017 but those type of threads don't catch my attention too much whenever I lurk in the catalog.

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while I have pretty unsatisfied with the edit of that changeling  >>/891/ trying to hide the blood as a cheap solution,I have retaken the picture to a full blue one. 
Instead of trying to avoid the DA mess,I have decided to soften it with the red eyes effect and with a little bit of contrast.

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what the fuck does that Gen 1 pony get so scary? And this model got sold back in the 80s....I wonder how it succeeded with those eyes.

Although in this day and age,even the most innocent ponies could give scary vibes at anytime

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I am shitposting these images at random because this is what I have found in all of derpi 
If I make a dark (but not edgy) edit of them, then they could serve for the bat Candy fic...
some of them could give you an idea but they are mostly passive support for now

Wow. Thanks for the edits. Though don't strain yourself any doing this. Though I was seeing if I couldn't scrounge somethings tagather with my questionable art skills/searching some on my own this really does help.

> Though don't strain yourself any doing this.
nah don't worry. I had spent more time in finding these images than editing those 4 pictures.
> Though I was seeing if I couldn't scrounge somethings tagather with my questionable art skills/searching some on my own this really does help.
I know the bat content for Candy is lacking out there. I also knew that you can draw something but not much. If you feel like doing something of your own,draw an image or two for giving more of a personal accomplishment. Two shots in one,but I imagined that some edits could help to set the tone.

> nah don't worry. I had spent more time in finding these images than editing those 4 pictures.

Even if these only are a minor labor to you they still are sick. 

>  I also knew that you can draw something but not much. If you feel like doing something of your own,draw an image or two for giving more of a personal accomplishment. Two shots in one,but I imagined that some edits could help to set the tone.

Edits would almost certainly be better than what I can draw with my not quite fully functional tablet and pretty limited experience in such things. Though I may experiment just for the heck of it.

> Edits would almost certainly be better than what I can draw with my not quite fully functional tablet and pretty limited experience in such things. Though I may experiment just for the heck of it.
I will try to edit a couple more and see if they work.

> special mention to this. It's imperfect on purpose and when I finished it,I couldn't believe what she actually transmits here.

Gives me an interesting emotional vib that's almost tragic or grim dark depending on where one was to one with it. What do you feel?

> Gives me an interesting emotional vib that's almost tragic or grim dark
close to them. It's not like she has the purpose to do any harm. Just that her face shows an undecided broken soul. Not even for malice nor cool,just broken and awfully tired of something.

It's funny because I haven't felt depressed these months. I guess the colour imperfections and lack of clear focus show how blurry yet direct face she is trying to show and I have made that edit in less than 7 minutes.

If I were to sum it up in one simple phrase,she would say:" I am fine but I am not". What I like the most is that it's open to interpretation and context. However,I cannot deny that it's one of the most painful or darkest pictures from her that you will see besides the changeling ones

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by the way,all these edits I am posting now are from the "artist needed" tag and my drawings seem like The Mona Lisa in comparison to those anons who want to leave those pictures behind(that and a lot of cosplay photos from the early years). I have been able to rescue something and edit them because I know nobody will post them around save for CYOA or something.

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thumbnail of 1059876 a ghost is born.jpg
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> I am only taking a bit of this collapsing space
> I'd better cut this off,don't want to fuck it up 
> I am only taking a bit of this collapsing space
> I'd better cut this off, don't want to fuck up the place....

>I'd better walk it back,walk it back....

Shit,Twilight. Are you that obsessed with Chrysalis again? That little pony cannot stop reading everything that she shouldn't have stepped into because otherwise.....

well. You have things like these. The student beats her master. No wonder she complained about Celestia in Molt Down. She told her that she preferred the Moon over the sun. Into the Tantabus she goes for saying that.

still I love you Twili

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> Perhaps I'll see if I can come up with a green with one of these. Certainly will be exploring that tag for forgotten stuff years back!
It's certainly a non conventional way to get inspired from little things. However,those artworks are unclaimed and have fallen into obscurity. Recycling them could serve more for these days than back then.
 The original creator decides or not to come back and claim those pics,but as for now,the archives of Derpibooru have that old content to retake and refresh them a bit. 

Sometimes it's not quantity but the proper use of the things we have. We may not innovate but certainly,assist them to shine after a certain period. They feel like exclusive content for a moment.

>  in the mean time here is the one /pone/. related thing that I did this week that turrned out way cooler than expected for how basc it was.
it´s probably the most dynamic gif I have seen with the emboss filter, almost like there is a camera from the 60s filming at mach speed and going like: "I have no idea what I am doing but let´s watch those ladies dance". 

It gives a really retrospective vibe and it seems to be on point with the rhythm. 
Surprisingly good this time around. Very nice!

> almost like there is a camera from the 60s filming at mach speed and going like: "I have no idea what I am doing but let´s watch those ladies dance". 

That is a really good way to put it! 

> it´s probably the most dynamic gif I have seen with the emboss filter

My only guess is my own stupidity and lack of experience video editing software led ta this. As I merely used GIMP to apply the filter one at a time per layer, which was something that I considered kind of retarded and not very time efficient. So don't give me much credit other than a happy accident.

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mare_of_th... jpg
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> My only guess is my own stupidity and lack of experience video editing software led ta this. As I merely used GIMP to apply the filter one at a time per layer, which was something that I considered kind of retarded and not very time efficient. So don't give me much credit other than a happy accident.

"Once is an accident,twice is a coincidence and the third time is the enemy" a very peculiar protagonist said.
Do you think that I have got experience with software and computers too? It's mostly a game of what could be in the right place for anything.
Technological stuff and weird things but it's mostly reduced to "hey,that looks sick and appealing to my eye". Everything else is a medium.
It's not what you can have but what you can personally give and offer.

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True. I suppose a lot of things happen by just messing around and seeing what sticks. 

> Technological stuff and weird things but it's mostly reduced to "hey,that looks sick and appealing to my eye".

Speaking of sick, that edit there is perfectly described by that word! Perhaps some of the colors don't go together 100% but there is something that just looks cool with the green glow and the now crimson red mist/ethereal energy dancing around. There is a better feeling of darkness and fear in comparison to the original. Though the original is cool itself and this one I consider a matter of taste rather than quality.     

> 1591

Though its not drastic, the zoomed in version without the purple looks better. The purple almost looks a little too vectorish in comparison to the background to me. Only thing remotely negative I could say about it is the lack of that badass moon in the background. Though this is not a complaint as it is certainly easier to edit a part of image rather than the full one, and it gives a greater focus to Luna anyway.

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thumbnail of Screenshot from 2018-07-02 20-55-52.png
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Alright, I can't believe the R9K bot wouldn't let me post the original pic of Nightmare Moon. We've posted pics of other stuff that have merely the colors changed and the originals side by side before with no problem even after the bot went screwy and stopped treating pictures on a per user basis. If it flagged that you'd thnk it would've flagged my color edits in  >>/1467/ and  >>/1465/ for being to close.

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> I suppose a lot of things happen by just messing around and seeing what sticks. 
basically that.You don't know what you are going to end up with most of the times unless you want to fix an image for little details.

> Speaking of sick, that edit there is perfectly described by that word! Perhaps some of the colors don't go together 100% but there is something that just looks cool with the green glow and the now crimson red mist/ethereal energy dancing around. There is a better feeling of darkness and fear in comparison to the original. Though the original is cool itself and this one I consider a matter of taste rather than quality
I have made that because it definitely looked good with the green effect. It has turned out to be the picture meant to have its edgy version,red and black,showing more darkness instead of blue(the colour of serenity and peace).
The colour doesn't match completely because it's partially painted on phone so everything is made by finger contact. I could have decided to go into this route of imperfection but I don't see it that professional because it means to add more imperfections than giving it a new vibe. Although there could be some good eclectic material without much effort.

> Though its not drastic, the zoomed in version without the purple looks better. The purple almost looks a little too vectorish in comparison to the background to me. Only thing remotely negative I could say about it is the lack of that badass moon in the background. Though this is not a complaint as it is certainly easier to edit a part of image rather than the full one, and it gives a greater focus to Luna anyway
Yeah,it's a sacrifice that I had to do. It's understandable but Luna was perfectly made in this pic and I didn't initially saw that it was about her. For ambient purposes,the normal pic serves,the edit is just to make her primarly the focus and pillar of everything.
In fact I have another cut image that goes into that direction and even gives a more solitary feeling.

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thumbnail of 1117265__safe_artist-colon-harwick_princess cadance_princess flurry heart_shining armor_the crystalling_alicorn_clothes_crystal heart_family_family pho.jpeg
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> Alright, I can't believe the R9K bot wouldn't let me post the original pic of Nightmare Moon. We've posted pics of other stuff that have merely the colors changed and the originals side by side before with no problem even after the bot went screwy and stopped treating pictures on a per user basis. If it flagged that you'd thnk it would've flagged my color edits in  >>/1467/ and  >>/1465/ for being to close.
Yeah,the bot just messes around and while many times,it recognizes it as a different file,you can definitely end up like an idiot and completely confused by using the algorhythm of detecting the same file. The barely edited picture serves to fix this problem although I am contacting the mods if it's possible that the image blocking is just for a single thread instead of globally. You can reply on /operate/,I have opened up a thread with the Mt Aris just to ask this problem.

> Let's see it handle boarders.
And yep,it worked.

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> The colour doesn't match completely because it's partially painted on phone so everything is made by finger contact. 

You did that just on you phone? Though I know there are comprehensive editing tools available I still find this kind of cool. I know you don't consider it too praiseworthy so I'll do a half of a had tip to you. 

> Although there could be some good eclectic material without much effort.

Maybe you could combine it with your idea to recontextualize clop pictures  not sure if you would want that on phone.  But I say look into messing with that, as it a little roughness around the edges can be cool in itself with the right idea. 

> Yeah,it's a sacrifice that I had to do. It's understandable but Luna was perfectly made in this pic and I didn't initially saw that it was about her.

Though I love that moon, I'd say it was a pretty good call. Luna was a bit of an eyesore with that purple anyway.

> You did that just on you phone? Though I know there are comprehensive editing tools available I still find this kind of cool. I know you don't consider it too praiseworthy so I'll do a half of a had tip to you.
The app in which I make almost all the edits is by using Photo Editor Pro. Not shilling, just where my secret is. Are there better tools? Possibly but I like to play with the basic stuff to edit something, even though I have had desires to add filters like the emboss one for  >>/1581/ or  >>/1605/, the ones that I have liked the most so far. For pictures like Novo´s fic, I simply used the editor of Windows 10 and those were just to fit the story, not to make you go wow and amaze someone for its visuals. 

> you could combine it with your idea to recontextualize clop pictures not sure if you would want that on phone. But I say look into messing with that, as it a little roughness around the edges can be cool in itself with the right idea.
maybe if I feel somewhat fucked up or too bored and feel like doing something over the edge, I will play with it. I know how to hide MLP stuff, hiding porn isn´t any different. Some of my classmates have hentai or lolis in their phone galleries and they don´t give a fuck. I will simply edit them in private as always. About the right idea, I have something really but really fucked up that I could apply it and be really experimental. However, I have to feel something and make their nudity or exposition into a dazzling yet scary territory. I may challenge the cliche of watching porn for the plot cliche someday. I feel like playing with it somehow because porn is inherent to this franchise and I cannot forget that aspect.

> I'd say it was a pretty good call. Luna was a bit of an eyesore with that purple anyway.
yeah, glad you like it anyway.It´s a mater of taste and adding more options to it. 

As for my ranking to your edits, it goes like this:  >>/1605/ >  >>/1603/ >=  >>/1604/
 >>/1605/ has an amazing filter that really makes it an alternative to use that image. If the original didn´t exist, this one should complement it and would make the cut to expose it. Saving this one, it may be the simplest one to go but the hot colors really benefit it. 
 >>/1603/ I felt like this one should have been ranked as the last one but I see that the lines follow surroundings and make bubbles out of her mane. As generic the emboss may seem for the /end/, it adds nice details like those bubbles or feeling like Luna is holding the Earth instead of the Sun. Those lines seem to fine a continent or a planet. The flowing parts of the picture look more defined.
 >>/1604/, this one doesn´t add much but its thumbnail looks really cool and it seems that Nightmare Rarity is into that picture instead. I would use it for opening a thread but the image itself doesn´t deliver much save another effect to feel comfy.

> Would be nice if the mods could fix it. Thanks for opening up a thread. I will replay there. 
yeah, if they do listen and the server works just enough for the mods to notice it...

> I BTFO today that's for sure.
yeah, with these servers,it´s pretty inconsistent to talk about anything meta. I have had a couple of problems posting images but I got out of the thread ,then came back, pasted the post and it worked with the image. This shouldn´t be the standard for the long run though. 
> I hope we get to see it in a comic or something at least.
If we are not going to see Cadence developed, then her daughter could have potential for the future, If that isn´t the case, some writer would deserve a big slap in the face for building up her for nothing. I am sure they won´t but oh boy, there will be some disappointments after what we have had to dig in The Crystalling. A Flurry of Emotions was surprisingly alright though. I didn´t expect so much of her as an adult but she definitely shows characteristics of her own mother after all. A creation from the toys to be possibly relevant in the future....not a bad choice if that happens.

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thumbnail of EmbossDoesntAlwaysWorkWell.jpg
EmbossDoesntAlwaysWor... jpg
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> Possibly but I like to play with the basic stuff to edit something, 

That actually is wise as though it may not be fancy, you get to know the limits of the tools available. 

> even though I have had desires to add filters like the emboss one for  >>/1581/ or  >>/1605/,

I'd recommend if you wanted too you could go ahead and download gimp  because it's free  if you wanted to just mess around with filters that I use. While it does take awhile to get used too amist all the mix of tools (some outdated design schemes, some inferior attempts at photoshope tools and some stuff that actually is pretty cool) using and messing with the filters is easy enough.    

> As for my ranking to your edits, it goes like this:  >>/1605/ >  >>/1603/ >=  >>/1604/

For me personally I'm split between  >>/1605/ and  >>/1604/ as my favorite, as those are the only ones I put any thought into rather than just running through a filter on default settings like normal. I really like 04's as the cubism filter when I shrank the squares enough to make a pony vaguely discernible it gave this haunting glass window vibe that I really liked, though 05 is probably the most versatile as I can think of several uses for a red blazing Luna picture (though the colors could perhpas use a little more work, perhaps a tiny bit less intense). Emboss I just use on everything and see what it does. While perhaps a little boring do to how often I mess with it I do agree that it can provide some interesting opportunities.

As for your's my fav is  >>/1600/. Though  >>/1559/ is the better picture, the edit on 1600 lifts a somewhat meh image into good territory. The shading looks more defined and it really helps Flurry stand out against the background and makes the body look actually well constructed, rather than just above basic almost flawed. The zooming and deemphasis of the background make the poor design look more like an out of focus camera effect. It's at least an order of magnitude better.

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thumbnail of TooThePortal.jpg
TooThePortal jpg
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> yeah, with these servers,it´s pretty inconsistent to talk about anything meta. I have had a couple of problems posting images but I got out of the thread ,then came back, pasted the post and it worked with the image. This shouldn´t be the standard for the long run though. 

Nextchan is actually more funtional at this point. 

> If we are not going to see Cadence developed, then her daughter could have potential for the future, If that isn´t the case, some writer would deserve a big slap in the face for building up her for nothing. 

There is so many elements beng jungled aound that I have a bit of a fear of them dropping plot points. I do  think she'll at least have something though.

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(1.69 MB, 2800x2700)
> That actually is wise as though it may not be fancy, you get to know the limits of the tools available.
yeah, it´s pretty much enough for me even though I could be doing cooler things than this

> I´d recommend if you wanted too you could go ahead and download gimp because it's free if you wanted to just mess around with filters that I use
yeah, I am writing this down and I may check it if I get too tired of the basics. 

> While it does take awhile to get used too amist all the mix of tools (some outdated design schemes, some inferior attempts at photoshope tools and some stuff that actually is pretty cool) using and messing with the filters is easy enough. 
yeah I am imagining that. Again, it´s whenever I get tired of it and if I ever need something to refresh the gallery....and you are there to make a counterpoint. I would suggest that you use that one and I use mine so we don´t collide or overlap in ideas. 

> as those are the only ones I put any thought into rather than just running through a filter on default settings like normal.

I thought 04 would have taken you less effort because I see it as any other filter. Does it require something special or a treatment with care for it? 

> I really like 04's as the cubism filter when I shrank the squares enough to make a pony vaguely discernible it gave this haunting glass window vibe that I really liked, though 05 is probably the most versatile as I can think of several uses for a red blazing Luna picture 
yeah 05 is really sick, I am probably sure that the artist sees this and would be amazed of such a combination of colors. 04 fits for something distant, with a background mindset instead of showing it right into the eye.

> Emboss I just use on everything and see what it does. While perhaps a little boring do to how often I mess with it I do agree that it can provide some interesting opportunities.
Yeah, it´s like your standard monochrome effect for this program it seems. 

> my fav is  >>/1600/. Though  >>/1559/ is the better picture, the edit on 1600 lifts a somewhat meh image into good territory. The shading looks more defined and it really helps Flurry stand out against the background and makes the body look actually well constructed, rather than just above basic almost flawed. The zooming and deemphasis of the background make the poor design look more like an out of focus camera effect. It's at least an order of magnitude better.

I am really thinking of uploading it,because it just improves a lot of things that puts Flurry into the main spot. 
I have seen praise of some edits like this one: 

and I am seriously thinking if making Derpi to notice these ideas and give a new breath to some unused pictures.  Not that we are heroes but I definitely do them quickly and pretty much with pleasure for the eyes and for future fics. 

I think I will notify them for this edit. Check how the reactions for Daybreaker were. 1st one is the original and the 2nd one is the edited. But I haven´t made anything, I have just checked the edit tag and what we are doing fits correctly for what some people like.

> and I am seriously thinking if making Derpi to notice these ideas and give a new breath to some unused pictures
well fuck them, I have tried to upload them and put their artistic tag, make them to notice and they do not admit any edit without any permission. 
You know what? I prefer those who let their material go to places and I personally just want to  put another pictures to the spotlight instead of putting restrictions. 
Yes, there are edits which are really random and shouldn´t deserve any upload at all but when it tries to improve that material, things shouldn´t be that restrictive, in fact, I gain nothing with this.Anyway, I think I will edit old and forgotten pictures for the next time.

> Nextchan is actually more funtional at this point. 
and I still prefer the /end/ despite its flaws. If we fix the image problem, then it shouldn´t bring any more trouble than...you know,the servers

> There is so many elements beng jungled aound that I have a bit of a fear of them dropping plot points. I do think she'll at least have something though.
yeah why not? They cannot waste potential if they are dedicating time to her. It´s a natural step to take....

maybe for gen 4.5 or gen 5 when the things are not that risky for Frienship is Magic nor its legacy.

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> well fuck them, I have tried to upload them and put their artistic tag, make them to notice and they do not admit any edit without any permission. 

That sucks. I guess I can understand it from the standpoint of artist haaving their credit removed and what not, but this stuff will still happen and be passed around the chans anyway. Heck, if we made it a meme pic that went even have way viral within the fandom it be uploaded. 

>  I prefer those who let their material go to places and I personally just want to put another pictures to the spotlight instead of putting restrictions.

100% my thoughts as well. Especially when it is already derivative content of a character the don't own. Not to mention our fandom's heritage is half from /b/.

thumbnail of 1751376__safe_artist-colon-fensu-dash-san_twilight+sparkle_alicorn_annoyed_female_mare_paper_pencil_pony_simple+background_sitting_solo_-colon-t_twilig.png
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> If we fix the image problem, then it shouldn´t bring any more trouble than...you know,the servers

Tell me about it! Couldn't even post yesterday. Severs are working more often than not it seems but there are still freak outs. Sorry for never getting to the /operate/ thread beforehoove.

> and I still prefer the /end/ despite its flaws.

/end/ is still my favorite too.  Feels good to be maintaining the fandom presence here.  and if nextchan ever turns into anything it be funny to remind them that we there before it was big 

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> I thought 04 would have taken you less effort because I see it as any other filter. Does it require something special or a treatment with care for it? 

Not special efford, but I did have to mess with things a little for it to have enough of a Luna's form without her being just an mass of abstract colors. 

> yeah, I am writing this down and I may check it if I get too tired of the basics. 

> I would suggest that you use that one and I use mine so we don´t collide or overlap in ideas. 

Agreed. Besides, simple tools are not to be underestimated. Push it to the limit and if you get board you can try it.  I will also look around for other FOSS/shareware and see if there is anything good 

>  Not that we are heroes but I definitely do them quickly and pretty much with pleasure for the eyes and for future fics. 

We where heroes, but now that Derpibooru has shunned us we are rebels.

thumbnail of 992167__safe_artist-colon-inuhoshi-dash-to-dash-darkpen_princess+luna_alicorn_bat+ponified_bat+pony_bat+pony+alicorn_blood+moon_fangs_feathered+fetlock.png
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> that reaction pic
Fleur must have seen some weird stuff lately. 
> this stuff will still happen and be passed around the chans anyway. Heck, if we made it a meme pic that went even have way viral within the fandom it be uploaded.

So, you are saying that we could shitpost it without taking any identity nor property into it and just leaving it out there on its luck. It´s a good tactic indeed and I think it will be done for some edits around here. Not a big proportion, just a few selected ones to pick because this thread is mostly to fill it with content and make random and pics for fun, mostly like  >>/1643/, >>/1621/, >>/1331/ or edited for the purpose of a fic to set its own tone (see Novo´s one, I edited those to give a different feeling). Like you said, everything is derivative and MLP has arrived to its own unique circle after getting inspired or catching things from here and there. 
Nonetheless, whenever, the thing goes serious and it does indeed show a noteworthy quality to watch  like you have reviewed on  >>/1620/ for  >>/1600/, then yeah, it should be applied (not to mention,I like fairly critic reactions or review to what I make) because it gives a new vibe or value added to it. Not a copy but more like an option to enjoy it. 
Your tactic reminds me of William Gosset, posting its work under a pseudonym or going under an average anonymous without the rest noticing that it was from one of them.
Who is Gosset? He worked in Guiness and when you work in a company, you don´t own anything. He knew that they were using a way to use statistics under that company and they didn´t want any kind of leaks. He made the works and thesis of how the statistic process goes and he, instead of posting it under the name of William Gosset, he put it as a "t" of Student. His works were published going under as a random student that investigated and it would be like a fictional project at the of its career. The information was leaked and he didn´t care about its fame. Eventually his name was revealed but he is lesser known for its actual name and more like a "Student". I mention this because this is a particular story in which, while the editors can get revealed and seem like content thieves, they are the same editors all the time that go as usual. 


That should fairly sum up the process if we go to the shitposting route. Someone else will post it on Derpi as a background Pony or average user but the original ones will not get revealed in the short term....nor care that much about fame anyway. My life won´t improve at all after 9000 edits anyway.

> when it is already derivative content of a character the don't own. Not to mention our fandom's heritage is half from /b/.
yep, /b/ + /co/. That´s the actual spirit and base of this fandom. The rest are myths or a different branch out of them. The most famous images of this franchise were anonymously spammed and nobody has claimed them...FiM started as a public circlejerk between 4 faggots who liked it. The rest is history.

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> Tell me about it! Couldn't even post yesterday. Severs are working more often than not it seems but there are still freak outs. Sorry for never getting to the /operate/ thread beforehoove.
Fortunately, the servers have been working fine during this week but it´s still pretty annoying if they have a bad day and they block for a while (undefined time: it could be hours or minutes).
I have not had personal troubles with the site during these last 3 days. I am touching the wood and I hope it remains this way. 
Don´t worry about the /operate/ matter, it´s been solved and  have said thanks to the moderator. 

> Feels good to be maintaining the fandom presence here.
tell me about it. Top 10 several times and we have got the attention of pretty random people, that means we are doing something right. This is a permanent mid high tier board for the first page. Ponies in 2018 have plenty of fuel to deliver, even if it´s in alternative chans.....and this started with two random anons posting seaponies and HI ANON face....

> and if nextchan ever turns into anything it be funny to remind them that we there before it was big 
at least, some faggots will complain with the line: "PONIES IN THIS CHAN! NO! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" or anything similar. It´s the 5th board either way, so hey, that´s good enough for me. I cannot complain about the efforts that have been made in general.

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> the image
as expected, the emboss filter does a good job on defining the contours. The sickest thing would be coloring it with that base. 

> I did have to mess with things a little for it to have enough of a Luna's form without her being just an mass of abstract colors. 

oh, if that requires some manual effort, then I appreciate it a little bit more. I thought it was an automatic filter that the program would make it in the same instant. 

> Besides, simple tools are not to be underestimated. Push it to the limit and if you get board you can try it
And it still delivers. It´s not like there are many secrets out there besides that. It´s like putting a handicap to imagination, but one that I have known  well since my years on Gran Turismo 5. It´s not about the options you can have but the proper ones to use at each moment. I prefer using the same old 4 ones that I have a certain experience with than having 500 filters but not having a certain ability to use them properly. I will get to that point eventually if I have to go more professionally or beyond the usual limits.  But...

> I will also look around for other FOSS/shareware and see if there is anything good
....you are more willing to experiment new filters and options. Go ahead and check how it goes. Maybe you will cause me to change the program/app quicker than expected and I have to get the complete tools. 

I however, would doubt to have edited a picture like this one, messing around with my finger. I personally don´t remember how I made it.

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> We where heroes, but now that Derpibooru has shunned us we are rebels.
Derpibooru by ITSELF, does let edits and I showed you with this link  >>/1645/ that it does indeed support edited images. Artists, however, decide to put their own rules to their own material so I have to contact every single one to check and say: "Hey lady? Can I edit this and give me the permission to do this here and there?" 
It´s not that I am against it, some are professionals and want some proper recognition by having the actual image. 
Alright but here is the thing.....this is the internet and when you post your own artwork on the internet: your archive will be copied and downloaded whenever it´s on Deviantart, Tumblr or Derpi...and you know that /mlp/ or random sites will post that material without any warning. Some will make memes with it, others reactions and another will use it for another purpose. 
However, that anon cannot claim it as his own work, that´s when things get into mud waters. You can claim as the editor or a supporter of that image by giving it more relevance.
You get popularity by having your work posted several times and then, they will check that image and then follow the artist. Yes, that includes edits and I was going to put their tags under a Background Pony uploader, not under my profile. The edit includes their artists tag, so it´s an addition... to their own stuff they had created. In fact, I would be proud of having several anons who get inspired or have taken my material for some edition because it means that it´s good or that it does provide some value to them. 
It´s obvious that not all the edits are valid.Actually, I am posting this one and I still ask myself how this got a pass and what it adds to it. 

In case that you get some recognition (implying that it happens someday), it´s as a constant editor but not as an artist and we all knew with what purpose this thread has its purpose.The images are medium to set an expression, not the objective to earn money. I do this in my free time because it´s easy to fill content in this way.

Flurry Heart´s image has like 56 upvotes so it means that it´s got attention for its first two days and it remained in the obscurity along with the almost 1.8 million of images to post, discuss or whatever action to give attention. Not saying that I am hero, but if we conclude that we are doing some evil stuff....then put the Darth Vader theme as background music, because we are playing as villains.

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even if I am in my lowest in terms of thinking and replying,that doesn't prevent me to check the artist needed tag and bring a couple of unnoticed images,playing here and there with the editor and reply in a matter of seconds effortlessly

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so I am replying just to not make it dead nor letting this board completely solitary in terms of ambient...

Feel free to edit these two because these two because they haven't brought that much of attention nor property...

I think that I will reply properly tomorrow but instead,Luna will play 4d chess tonight...

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Saw this amidst some shitposting on /mlp/. I thought she actually looked a little cute and had some potential. It isn't much, just trying to give an idea on where this could go to bring her into fully cute territory.

the perfect symmetry of the bridges. The ultimate weapon of perfection. The funniest thing is that this edit could be uploaded on Derpi (no joking)

> It isn't much, just trying to give an idea on where this could go to bring her into fully cute territory.
a shitpost is a shitpost. Either way, taking care of a shitpost makes it a little bit different but still. The nostrils and the line for telling her hooves really makes her a symmetrical figure instead of looking cheap for shitposting in the /mlp/ catalog.

Even though it´s not a bad effort,I didn´t expect you edited this one.  >>/1787/.

> Feels like it's going somewhere but not quite to anyplace I'd call true improvement or another take.
I tried to edit the picture with something else but the cold edit was the coolest look I found for this picture. Monochromatic cold and doing a simple edit to bring something out of this dark picture. 

> Something akin to this almost mono-purple would feel good for a flash back or some kind of more darker story though.
eeeyup and it truly shows. Even though the purple effect seems somewhat unnatural on paper, the moon color and contrast gives it a little bit more of variation to take the next step. Not sure if it´s for a flashback but she sure looks vibrant and menacing at the same time. Also, now that I am comparing them, the eyes for sure look intimating in your edit, so I would suggest to keep yours. Congratulations. 

I couldn´t avoid editing this picture because Luna looking like an evil creature without transforming into Nightmare Moon is not that common.  

> wow the that is too dark. Asking indeed. 
yeah, I did because it was truly screaming for it. It received 34 upvotes

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> the perfect symmetry of the bridges. The ultimate weapon of perfection.

> The nostrils and the line for telling her hooves really makes her a symmetrical figure instead of looking cheap for shitposting in the /mlp/ catalog.

If the mouth was enlarged just slightly and the upper part of the legs looked more like a body she'd be perfect. Something I will mess with later. The hair looks downright cute. (Though she looks horrible as a silhouette). 

> I tried to edit the picture with something else but the cold edit was the coolest look I found for this picture. Monochromatic cold and doing a simple edit to bring something out of this dark picture.

I like it a lot honestly. It both makes her look a bit more playfully mischievous than evil yet still can be used for the former.  

> I couldn´t avoid editing this picture because Luna looking like an evil creature without transforming into Nightmare Moon is not that common.

It isn't. Understandable of course. But it is an interesting concept to explore. Could Luna be evil without turning into  nightmare moon? Considering the somewhat mixed lore on what the nightmare is; eariler seasons and spin off material almost suggesting it being a more external force or distinct separate personalty within her taking advantage of Luna's darkness, while more latter stuff suggesting  that it is her darkside but not a separate entity.

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> Something I will mess with later. The hair looks downright cute. (Though she looks horrible as a silhouette). 
it was intended to be an image for shitposting, not for having an artistic vision about her. If you can make perfection out of her, then that´s awesome and it improves certain things she didn´t have in the original.
Agreed with the silhouette, she looks like a Pokemon or something. 

> I like it a lot honestly. It both makes her look a bit more playfully mischievous than evil yet still can be used for the former.
yeah thanks. It was a pretty simple edit to make though. I have tried today to use the red colors and make different effects but the color intensity during the process ends up being too extreme for the eye´s pleasure. So despite the diverse chances to exploit that image, it just didn´t take much effort. It´s sick in any form.

> It isn't. Understandable of course. But it is an interesting concept to explore.
dammit and this is a season 1 character...oh well.

> Could Luna be evil without turning into nightmare moon? 
> eariler seasons and spin off material almost suggesting it being a more external force or distinct separate personalty within her taking advantage of Luna's darkness, while more latter stuff suggesting that it is her darkside but not a separate entity.
one doesn´t forget about its own past. I think the reason why Luna doesn´t turn evil is because she still learns and coexists with her sister, so the cooperation lets her bad intentions to be used on something that requires effort and not provoking any 3rd party damage. 
The separate identities could represent two parts of her own mind but the idea of them are brought with an external force with a disguise instead of facing them with the same face all the time. The closest thing we got was Magic Sheep but she acted like an emo instead of having an evil purpose. So, sadly, Luna (like The Mean 6) delivers her evil or corrupted side with a separate identity, like black and white sides instead of one grey identity. 

Interesting concept truth to be told

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and this one......fiuuuu I made my mouth water as soon as I found it out. We haven't seen the kirins yet but oh boy,this race is sure going to bring a mix of cuteness and vibrant visuals.

Despite the brightness in the original,I have to be sincere that this pose really suggests more than a lot of NSFW pictures. It wouldn't be the first time nor the last but for sure,she turns out to be pretty attractive and my mind gets lost and distracted for a while.

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> Please tell me you anons don't actually get off on this stuff, right?
You should know better than this. Ponies do indeed get really attractive when you don't force it at all because of the huge gallery that they have around the art sites (Derpibooru,DA and Tumblr). I have simply posted a SFW image but I had to comment that my perceptions do find her kind of provocative.

If you are going to mention and point out the clop stuff...we all do.I mean who cares, I am not obsessed with it either nor I have given it any importance after the period of acceptance,basically I don't care. Denying it is worse and hypocritical. Call it autistic or whatever but it happens.

Also,you wouldn't believe it but porn is a non written first contact to get introduced into ponies (a very dangerous one). Their naked bodies have shown a really powerful weapon during all these years and whenever you find the picture which clicks to you,you have given up without realizing about it. I have commented on thisbpicture because it has some potential to be considered as cute while attractive at the same time.

I suggest to you to run away and not looking back. It seems like a joke but there are good reasons why all the horsefuckers say this line to outsiders.

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> tfw when you use a shitpost and give it a creepy plot twist 

That´s what I call: ADVANCED shitposting

3spooky5me out 10

> She does look like a Pokemon!
and yes, she has a lot of similarities with the Nintendo franchises.
The creepy silhouette reminded me of a certain ghost move, Shadow Sneak and her base looks like Petilil´s design.

Not to mention that the eyes, while it would be proper of someone like Pinkie Pie, she looks like she wanted to imitate Fawful´s craziness.

I mean, you can create a shitposting thread in /mlp/ with that image in the OP and you would catch more than one fag off guard.

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Here is a scrap edit. Just playing around withe the hue. If I can make the colors more brighter shades or psychedelic than this could be a pretty decent gif.

> I mean, you can create a shitposting thread in /mlp/ with that image in the OP and you would catch more than one fag off guard.

I could couldn't I? Maybe something ta consider...

> The creepy silhouette reminded me of a certain ghost move, Shadow Sneak and her base looks like Petilil´s design.

Though I'm not sure I could pull it off, you're giving me some interesting ideas.

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> If I can make the colors more brighter shades or psychedelic than this could be a pretty decent gif.
add the psychodelic effect(like the Winnie the Pooh reaction image)and there you have a meme image to use 

> I could couldn't I? Maybe something ta consider...
giving too many ideas at once,huh?

> I'm not sure I could pull it off, you're giving me some interesting ideas.
yep,definitely way too many ideas. I could have prevented this...

scary to think what you have in mind,although it won't be much crazier than me imitating the shoegaze effect,making edits like the shitty modern art for the sake of blurriness


It's a fitting reaction to a ponychan meme.  even if I've always adored this one 

> yep,definitely way too many ideas. I could have prevented this...

You have gone down the path of no return... 

> scary to think what you have in mind,although it won't be much crazier than me imitating the shoegaze effect,making edits like the shitty modern art for the sake of blurriness

That actually sounds kinda fun. That one image still looks more interesting the the original odd mix of a drawing and a photo.

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> Now it's art in itself. 
didn't expect an edit to make fun of that. Endchan,the only imageboard where the void has its digits.

> This is my favorite of the two though I think the other was a worthy effort, even if the blurriness looks a bit bad a parts.
Well,thanks. It's messy on purpose and I intended to make Thorax body like reflective to the screen,shining in excess at first. However,I knew that the partial color edit would be better received because it's much less saturated,the eye welcomes the monochromic effect and it doesn't get as tiring.

> It's a fitting reaction to a ponychan meme. even if I've always adored this one
whe. you adore something,you try your best and give a little bit more than other pictures. I never knew it came from Ponychan,the fandom,or at least /mlp/,has forgotten about its existence for the most part.

> You have gone down the path of no return... 
maybe the next edits you are seeing won't fit the usual taste. I don't know what I am doing either but I am editing pictures with more than 3 modifications,with random positions for its flaws (using a finger). I could edit pictures like these  >>/1796/ but I am following a very dirty route that I shouldn't have taken inspiration from. Expect some shitty or confusing results because I don't know why but I am finding imperfections as something really appealing.

> That actually sounds kinda fun. That one image still looks more interesting the the original odd mix of a drawing and a photo.
I never expected to use the flaws from the app and edit so much the image to the point where I accidentally created a certain natural texture. By using the most artificial tools, I have tried to mess everything up and look for the worst fear: the destruction/decomposition of art. Modern art lowered the standards for art and it has mostly zero value....so is this. 
We live in a world now where everything is perfect and we want all to look cute,sad,happy,angry and everything clear. FiM is no exception,so messing up with its artstyle feels like the worst thing one could possibly do....this is the end.

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So basically,what is the idea of posting these edits?
Blurryness ruins them and it fact.they will look bad for the most part,I am ready for any kind of negative view on them. If you think that these images are meant to be artistic,they are nothing but a view on how I feel for the most part. In a grey zone where the character is not the character,nor the ambient has a defined interpretation.
However, I do feel that my body doesn't want the perfect things all the time. My take on blurryness and flaws seems like fun but it just expresses how much I feel like,I prefer loving things that are not meant to be there. The shoegaze genre basically builds a wall of sound that makes it sound artificial,distant,distorted,confusing, noisy and at times, an imitable take on how to mess up with the sound.

Many musicians can make it and actually,it's a cheap genre.Everyone can reach it and replace any other band. Just like this,it's really easy to destroy an image than drawing one yet, I take several tries in order to make it correctly chaotic in my view. I am posting these edits not because I am transmitting art.I leave them here because I don't know if I can mess up with them in the same way again. The clean original image will be posted as well, so there is always time to make everything to look beautiful and cute.

The song linked basically shows how unclean and messy this genre sounds while looking at the edited blurry images. This is where I take my inspiration from. Drowning myself into sometjing imperfect without any clear feeling in mind.

> I never knew it came from Ponychan,the fandom,or at least /mlp/,has forgotten about its existence for the most part.

It came from there in the earlier years. Sweetie Derelle was just an image that was used to derail imagebaord threads. Though I still occasionally still see it it is now kind of obscure. I'd imagine there'd be a stigma against it in some parts anyway once someone brought up it's origin. Still, I have always had a autistic fondness for the picture, I don't really know why.

> I never expected to use the flaws from the app and edit so much the image to the point where I accidentally created a certain natural texture. By using the most artificial tools, I have tried to mess everything up and look for the worst fear: the destruction/decomposition of art. Modern art lowered the standards for art and it has mostly zero value....so is this. 

> We live in a world now where everything is perfect and we want all to look cute,sad,happy,angry and everything clear. FiM is no exception,so messing up with its artstyle feels like the worst thing one could possibly do....this is the end.

Though I get what you're saying, I think that you've found something that is appealing to you. I don't see the blurriness as a /end/ to itself but a pursuit of a experiment. I hate stuff like poop and piss and simple abstractions but sometimes ya have to go somewhere different and the roughness itself maybe part of a cool aesthetic, even if you see it as more of a destruction. This is what I meant by exploring your tools to the limiteds: you have, using simple tools and what normally would be considered a drawback, be a possible path to it's own visual style. Not saying it's fine art or even will lead anywhere interesting, but it's still something and it ain't stupid to mess with it.

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However, I do feel that my body doesn't want the perfect things all the time. My take on blurryness and flaws seems like fun but it just expresses how much I feel like,I prefer loving things that are not meant to be there. 
That's an interesting motivation. I almost get it but I think I'll have to show you with some kind of edit or something to transmit what I mean fully. Again, I get why you feel a little dirty about this, as it almost feels like you're straying into anti-art territory with your intent, but I think there still could be more here than just destruction. 

> I take several tries in order to make it correctly chaotic in my view. I am posting these edits not because I am transmitting art.I leave them here because I don't know if I can mess up with them in the same way again.

For me wanting something to feel chaotic could also be an expression of energy. Your last Fluttershy pic actually gives me some interesting vibes. Almost darker, like a tragic feel. Though you didn't have artistic intent, this is almost fitting to what you set out to do. Not calling it a masterpiece, but I found it all interesting.

 And alas I have been interrupted, well will post later. 

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Though the colors look better, not doing it much of a service with putting more emphasis on Celestia's weird stallion like head. 

This one edit looks in between, like it's heading somewhere but it hasn't broken the grip of it's relatively limited original picture. Than again, something that feels incomplete maybe the point. 

And this one is kinda cool honestly. It feels like an alt-version of Celestia. The colors don't clash and remind me of ponymaina designs and I love the mostly black and white mane and the blurriness gives it a ghostly quality. Main flaw would be how the body loses definition amidst the white. All and all I actually like this one a good bit.

> Sweetie Derelle was just an image that was used to derail imagebaord threads.
so it was the HI ANON of the early days, a shitpost with all the letters to catch attention.

> I still occasionally still see it it is now kind of obscure. I'd imagine there'd be a stigma against it in some parts anyway once someone brought up it's origin. Still, I have always had a autistic fondness for the picture, I don't really know why.
I personally didn´t know it. For me, it´s like a funny reaction image to exclaim REEEE or replying to the poster that he is retarded(kind of an exaggerated Slowpoke reaction face) At least, that´s the interpretation I have given from your intentions. 

If you have had some fondness to it, then it means you are responsible that it´s somewhat relevant over the /end/ and /next/. If I have ever watched it in /mlp/, I don´t remember it at all or it didn´t catch my attention. 

> I think that you've found something that is appealing to you. I don't see the blurriness as a /end/ to itself but a pursuit of a experiment.
I have to try something else and yes, you have nailed it in the aspect of experimenting. It´s just that I didn´t feel it would work nor people want to see that in the pictures. 

> I hate stuff like poop and piss and simple abstractions but sometimes ya have to go somewhere different and the roughness itself maybe part of a cool aesthetic,
that´s like manipulating the noise and make it a texture, oscillating waves that make you go somewhere else instead of feeling annoyed by it. The hardest part is trying to find how to combine it and make the result somewhat acceptable for what it gives.

> using simple tools and what normally would be considered a drawback, be a possible path to it's own visual style
everyone could basically catch any mobile editor and manipulate it like this. It´s just that I am filling a blank spot that wasn´t there because everyone else is using the Instagram editor for the dog faces and making nonsense things to them. Here it is the same. What changes here is that my face is not the focus but a random pony image deteriorated. 
> Not saying it's fine art or even will lead anywhere interesting, but it's still something and it ain't stupid to mess with it.
I have been trying to avoid it for the most part because this stuff is not for everyone nor it promises to control this mess. If I manipulate the image too much,it gets ruined as hell. It´s like painting random lines on Paint or bending the image paper and then unfolding it.

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by the way, from those three edits, why do I get the sense that the emboss is the best one? It reminds me of a cookie design or something, I think that´s the cutest one. 
> I almost get it but I think I'll have to show you with some kind of edit or something to transmit what I mean fully.
> I get why you feel a little dirty about this, as it almost feels like you're straying into anti-art territory with your intent, but I think there still could be more here than just destruction. 
anti-art....to sum it up, it could be described as such. If it´s more than destruction, then it should be qualified as a texture or layer added into it. Blurriness is like the most undesirable thing you would want from a photo and even if it´s not a negative thing, it´s not meant to be the front but a background for something else, not many people like to use it as an appealing tool (this Luna image is an exception). I feel dirty because I am manipulating the images way more than the logic would naturally apply. The incidental part comes when you create from that destructive layer, a derivative distorted collage just like I did with Thorax or  >>/1847/.

> wanting something to feel chaotic could also be an expression of energy
I cannot deny that. Is it commercial for a visual piece though? 

> Your last Fluttershy pic actually gives me some interesting vibes. Almost darker, like a tragic feel. Though you didn't have artistic intent, this is almost fitting to what you set out to do. Not calling it a masterpiece, but I found it all interesting.
I have to say that while I was making that edit for Fluttershy, I had a very low moral during that day. I was asking myself what the fuck I was doing, it didn´t make sense to me around that time. The comment was emotional at the same time, it was a crybaby shitpost trying to justify that mess. 
Now that I am looking at them peacefully and with your positive comment, then I appreciate them a little bit more so I decided to post these Celestia edits last night. I am surprised that you feel that darkness within the picture because I wasn´t having the best day, thinking about I could do in the future with my life. 

And even though they have some results, I don´t consider them art or worth to be proud about. If that´s the aesthetic, so it will because no one else is doing it.

> the colors look better, not doing it much of a service with putting more emphasis on Celestia's weird stallion like head. 
well, that´s good enough for me.I wouldn´t post that picture alone either. It only had 20 upvotes (so it does  >>/1846/) for a good reason. If I have to mess up with something, the destruction could benefit it more than the base material.
> This one edit looks in between, like it's heading somewhere but it hasn't broken the grip of it's relatively limited original picture. Than again, something that feels incomplete maybe the point.
like I did with the Thorax transitional image, I do post the previous step before going nuts about it and diving into the absolute mess. It´s like the last goodbye before entering into the darkest hole. It is indeed transitional and I save a copy before editing a 2nd part about edit. Expect more of these before getting the final result.

> The colors don't clash and remind me of ponymaina designs and I love the mostly black and white mane and the blurriness gives it a ghostly quality.
that´s a really positive review for a messy picture like this one. The funniest thing is that the flaws and partial color adds more memory to the picture, so overloading it goes into something else.

> Main flaw would be how the body loses definition amidst the white. All and all I actually like this one a good bit.
yeah, I have tried to separate the body from the background by adding more grey blemishes and I didn´t solve it completely. 
Still, these comments are way too nice. Either it is because you know me or it´s because you have the concept in mind before judging them. 
I am editing them with too many modifications. I had said in an earlier post that editing a picture with more than 3 layers (brightness, saturation, contrast...)leads into these results.

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Been under the whether for the past couple of days, so sadly won't be posting my planned OC bomb yet. Though it isn't the most physically draining task in the world it is a bit of a hassle since I still have some minor adjustments to prepare for (finding pics, finishing a couple of edits). Though I have been pleasantly surprised by my lazing around with this one picture so I post something today!

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And This is a thing after running though a couple of filters and messing with the colors. So I guess it is a destruction of art thing going for it. It doesnt look appealin in the slightest but it is visually interesting a bit. Like it could go somewhere if treated with care.

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> so sadly won't be posting my planned OC bomb yet. Though it isn't the most physically draining task in the world it is a bit of a hassle since I still have some minor adjustments to prepare for (finding pics, finishing a couple of edits).
take your time. Part of the charm of my fics was editing the images a little bit as well just to find the perfect ambient and pics to reflect the intentions of the fic.We are too used to seeing so many greens written in /mlp/ because a lot of anons write or two or three writefags alternate between each other. What happens in the process is ordinary, that hassle usually comes when it requires some effort or takes time to apply it correctly. That looks like a good sign.

> Though I have been pleasantly surprised by my lazing around with this one picture so I post something today!
alright, sometimes going for the alternative thing brings something else into your ideas. Speaking of new, I think I have to develop the reviews of criticizing art, despite that I am much better reviewing albums than art. But oh well, let´s think and post some reflections onto your edits.

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so, let´s begin the reviews. I don´t usually rate save when things are too obvious in the eyes of everyone. So I comment more my thoughts and imagine the reasons or background that you have had the intentions to follow and apply.

So the edits seem to go into the destructive direction. It seems that the first one is transitional. Not a full edit nor displays all the things you could bring on the table. It gets darker and the pixelated/blurred parts are spotty, way less chaotic than mine. 
The image has a clear dissonance and you can tell that something is going wrong (the sun, her cutie mark and parts of her body).  The title stars unsettle me a little bit though. 
Fuck I didn´t notice that she didn´t have cutie mark in the original. That´s surprising and has confused me until writing this post to the very end. 

First edit thoughts: that sense of her having a cutie mark fades a little more and looks more like an integral part of her body. The distorted pixels make sense in her body and the mane gets a new life from this one onwards. Have not much complaints about this one because it sets up for the final one. It´s the least interesting one though because the purple body doesn´t fit that much into my eye.
Second edit thoughts: Way cooler than the first edit, her body color is not as saturated as in the previous pic, it rewards and makes a contrast with her necklace, crown and even the sun cutie mark properly painted after editing it. Also the sun has less force so it feels more pleasant or less tiring to look at. Comfort between the chaos. You could have just posted this one as the official one and I would believe it.

Third edit: So here we are using a filter. You may not know what you have made here but I will tell you one thing: this could be used in the artwork of any black metal album. Ignoring the fact that ponies trigger people and are feminine at first sight, this one reminds me of Darkthrone or Burzum album covers (and I am not going too far). That monochrome filter usually has its own acceptance in fact (like pic related with 126 upvotes) and it´s the easiest to look at. 

I rate this as a black metal wallpaper out of 10. Truly we are reaching the end of demonic evils.

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final edit: going from pink to a dark purple body because you have shadowed it more than the previous one.  At the same time, the golden regalia(I know those shoes have a name but I haven´t figured it out) has transformed into a vibrant color of flames. They are purely reflecting the sun and it seems that the obscurity makes Celestia look absolutely isolated. Like the sun it´s the only light which illuminates her soul but not enough to get inside her body. This one is better because the pink that irritated me a little bit is gone. The color follows a more natural rhythm within her mane(especially the upper part) and in her legs. The blurred stars make more sense in this one. 

I still don´t know which one I should pick, either the second edit or your favorite. Though I have to admit that the monochrome edit could surprise more than one outsider out there. 

Now, about with the absolute destruction...
> it is a destruction of art thing going for it. It doesnt look appealin in the slightest but it is visually interesting a bit. Like it could go somewhere if treated with care.
I will say that those filters could be pretty fitting if used with care indeed. It´s way more chaotic than it should because that destruction doesn´t seem to follow a pattern. It´s partially appealing if you look at the green parts, looking like a creepy skeleton with those green wings and face and with the black filter, you are using it as a psychedelic contrast like the body is between the space. 
I think the main problem is that the body is cut in half and only her hooves shows Celestia. Her mane delivers those vibes of space.

My advice is that when you are using strong filters, destruction could be as equally chaotic as the direct ones but they could go with a softer contrast or pattern to connect them instead of feeling like a completely random collage. 

It gives the same distortion while bringing those two concepts of the filters. When you get into the point that they match somehow, that´s where the destruction comes to play. Even destruction asks for some requirements to be destroyed sometimes. 

The image has some energy located in some spots (her face or the mane and tail constellations) but something is in the middle of the road. 

I must say that combining the magic of two unrelated filters is quite difficult to apply with some sense behind them though.

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> I still don´t know which one I should pick, either the second edit or your favorite. Though I have to admit that the monochrome edit could surprise more than one outsider out there. 

The monochrome one looks pretty cool honestly. I love the colors of my favorite but that one may be the best from a more objective standpoint, as the small pixelated  looking areas go with it better as oppose to looking like an error on  >>/1870/

> I will say that those filters could be pretty fitting if used with care indeed. It´s way more chaotic than it should because that destruction doesn´t seem to follow a pattern. It´s partially appealing if you look at the green parts, looking like a creepy skeleton with those green wings and face and with the black filter, you are using it as a psychedelic contrast like the body is between the space. 

Yeah, I ran it through a cloud filter to generate cloundy effect (don't eve remember what the other fiter was as I was feeling rather lousy that day), a rather lousy cloud effect that just blured things in an odd foggy fashion, the starte messing with the colors and such. I wasn't really aiming for anything because I was just messing around seeing what would happen. I may try to see if I can get that green again though. 

> It gives the same distortion while bringing those two concepts of the filters. When you get into the point that they match somehow, that´s where the destruction comes to play. Even destruction asks for some requirements to be destroyed sometimes. 

When going into standards of appeal perfectly agree, as your still trying to aim for something cool and or at least interesting, this just looks somewhat random thing of mixed quality. That's the problem with a lot of these current post-art or whatever else they call themselves artist and intellectuals  not saying all of them are like this and I think they are a bit over represented in some places that people say they've taken over  . Even when they scream subjectivity in response to all criticism they often have no way to have any sort of standard, with at worst being being just hypocritical when they turn around and call something else garbage or at the most refined defining how art must be "not art" and or a cynical commentary on all that came before it and nothing else. Even with the most subjective view on art there is still metrics you can to judge something (does it hold up to the artist intent of what he wants to convey? if he rejects aesthetic appeal as an aim then what is still there? if he says its only for personal satisfaction then why does he want people to analyze it if he doesn't view criticism as valid?). That's my problem though too with things though; I'm not sure what my standard is or if I'm being too soft on something because I enjoyed it and that's my only standard and wondering if I'm overlooking any flaws.

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> I am surprised that you feel that darkness within the picture because I wasn´t having the best day, thinking about I could do in the future with my life. 

Perhaps some of your mood shifted  into your work? though with the feels you describe, it sounds similar to how I have felt before i the not too distant past. Each day was a step forward into nowhere, I felt like was just going through the motions with no plan which then lead to my rigid schedule and no fun allowed attitude...

> I was asking myself what the fuck I was doing, it didn´t make sense to me around that time.

This when taking into account your not so good day reminds me of myself several years ago  and still a tiny bit today  like you had to justify everything you did and simple little pass times like that were a waste of time compared to preparing you future. Not saying that I have ya figured out or I'm trying to play shrink, it just reminds me very strongly of sentiments I had  and still have a little bit  Again, a lot of stuff I've touched on before. 

> I cannot deny that. Is it commercial for a visual piece though? 

I don't know. I often had growing up numerous different things that I did little bits of because of mood but never finished, because it was only an expression of a certain feel t a certain time. though maybe with work and a little discipline things like that could go somewhere.

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> Fuck I didn´t notice that she didn´t have cutie mark in the original. That´s surprising and has confused me until writing this post to the very end. 

Forgot to mention this yesterday, but I didn't notice either! I didn't even notice until you pointed it out as stupidly funny as that sounds.

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well,the good content will come someday.

even though they are nice,especially the first two,they haven't been edited in an extraordinary way.  In fact,the 3rd pic only has the red eye effects just to make the picture less abrasive with the red color. In the 2nd one,I tried to adjust the focus and the brightness just to make Amore more opaque and less of a spirit tone.

I haven't edited any picture since early October until now with pic related. I just wanted ti update the thread a little bit.

oh fuck, I messed it up with these two. The bat pony Luna edit looks way more pixelated on PC than I saw on mobile.

However, the biggest fail is the Fluttershy coloring, the edit seems nice at first look but I haven´t noticed at all that I had to color the back hoof which is in purple. I thought that was part of the cloak but then I realized she wasn´t that covered.

Also, I am notifying here that the Best Gift Ever is already available on nightmaremoon.xx It´s possible to watch it on 480p, 720p or 1080p so that should be no problem for accessing to the 44 minute special. 

Reviewing it soon on the season 8 thread as episode 27.

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> they haven't been edited in an extraordinary way.

Same with my humble edit. Though that second flutters pic really blows it outta the park!

> until I get reminded that I created it to make bat ponies and Deviantart pictures less edgy and create a contrast from the original version. As soon as I saw this pic,my mind jumped onto it instantly.

Awesome pic and glad to see some activity here again. My reasoning was simply that my energies at /endpone/ were being spent on my special project, though I have still messed a bit with edits they have fallen bythe wayside at the moment.

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> Same with my humble edit.
yeah, I see. At least the spellbook looks better and more vibrant with the pink effect. I can certainly see why you have chosen the pink color. Teenage girls whistle pink stuff and kawaii pictures of their favorite characters like this. I suppose the cat Twi looks more appealing now for them. 

> Though that second flutters pic really blows it outta the park!
If I had to explain this one...I knew you were going to like it despite the hoof flaw. I have the pictures saved to point out how the process went and recolor her body parts with effects and pixelating them with my own finger. Partial color edits cost me more time than the average one especially if I have to color the shapes properly.

In fact, the yellow color came from a warm effect that almost looked orange. 

> Awesome pic and glad to see some activity here again.
yeah. Taking a rest sometimes from it makes you wonder about what you have forgotten about and it becomes refreshing for you again when there has been a period of inactivity. I personally haven´t edited that much but a gem or two should be dropped around here before the year ends. 

> My reasoning was simply that my energies at /endpone/ were being spent on my special project, though I have still messed a bit with edits they have fallen by the wayside at the moment.
it seems that you are betting for a serious move. It sounds way more ambitious than a usual shitposting story by reading your posts. 

In case, you are setting up for an actual project and OC material worth to archive. Take your time, find all the inspirations you have to take for it and edit the material as much as you want as long as you see it fitting for your own vision. 

If that happens, consider myself reviewing it in a serious tone whenever you have it ready to be published on here. 

Take care and good luck with it!

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> yeah, I see. At least the spellbook looks better and more vibrant with the pink effect. I can certainly see why you have chosen the pink color. Teenage girls whistle pink stuff and kawaii pictures of their favorite characters like this. I suppose the cat Twi looks more appealing now for them. 

Well I had no intent with this at all, I do agree with that assessment.

> If I had to explain this one...I knew you were going to like it despite the hoof flaw. I have the pictures saved to point out how the process went and recolor her body parts with effects and pixelating them with my own finger.

tbh, didn't  notice the hoof flaw at first glance. I really like how it is colored, how a bit of the white mixes in with it, even if it is just a byproduct of finger coloring. There's a certain charm to it. 

> Partial color edits cost me more time than the average one especially if I have to color the shapes properly.

On a phone screen at that! I know I have only tried color edits a couple of times but the result left a little to be desired.  never finished them 

>  I personally haven´t edited that much but a gem or two should be dropped around here before the year ends. 


> it seems that you are betting for a serious move. It sounds way more ambitious than a usual shitposting story by reading your posts. 

Yes. Indeed I am.  perhaps over my head 

> If that happens, consider myself reviewing it in a serious tone whenever you have it ready to be published on here. 

A good bit of it will be, though some shitposty stuff has arisen from the side do to experimentation that maybe posted as well.

> Take care and good luck with it!

Take care and may the bridges be with you! Hopefully will have a review on the holiday special up soon even if I don't meet may deadline on my project.

certainly not but the filter adds a sense of shadows or depth to the plain vector.

> Well I had no intent with this at all, I do agree with that assessment.
many of my own observations are mostly spontaneous. Sometimes they add something unexpected and other times I cannot type about anything at all even if it amazes a ton of people. 

> didn't notice the hoof flaw at first glance. I really like how it is colored, how a bit of the white mixes in with it, even if it is just a byproduct of finger coloring. There's a certain charm to it. 
in fact, that charm cannot be made on computer either. I am really bad at playing FPS games on PC, imagine myself painting layers of a pony picture. That white effect comes because some of the standard one which come in the app add the white circle in the middle. 
A lot of edits that should be precise and perfect with technology....are not and a lot of times unintended along with the process.

 >>/1847/  >>/1822/  >>/1590/  >>/1834/  >>/2350/
those pics have that recoloring technique just that the color used is randomly put all over the picture. It´s hard to describe but let´s say that when you recolor it, it goes black and white and when you put the finger on the screen, if you don´t leave it from it, with the color you have put on, you can paint the rest if they are with the same tone so other parts remain uncolored until you don´t move it away and put the finger on another part that has another color.

I will always repeat it and it´s really easy to make picture with dog faces and snobbish effects for your selfies and post them on Instagram....yet a picture like that Fluttershy cost me almost like an hour to make it look decent and pixelate it correctly with two or three layers. I am posting the pictures to prove how the process went, saving these images as checkpoints in case I mess it up.

> On a phone screen at that! I know I have only tried color edits a couple of times but the result left a little to be desired. never finished them 
understandable. It requires a lot of patience and sometimes you can get a bit desperate for something as simple as painting a picture. Ironic, because the drawing part should be the complicated one, not the colors.

> though some shitposty stuff has arisen from the side do to experimentation that maybe posted as well. 
well, that could serve as a little break and add some activity to the board.

> Hopefully will have a review on the holiday special up soon even if I don't meet may deadline on my project.
don´t worry, everything is prepared and the episode is perfectly ready in the two sites posted in the general. Have fun with it!

so basically I have posted the process just out of curiosity. 

You can notice the time stamps posted in order and how the color changes a bit whenever I add an effect.
The first one basically consists of painting her body with a warm effect that I edited in order to have it on yellow. This first pic is where I should have noticed the back hoof. I have to point out that this process has plenty of flaws and imprecisions and you can certainly see that her mane has a bit of yellow. 

In this one I tried to add a cold touch and then add an effect that leaves her hair a bit lilac. Notice how the eyes change as well. This is the reason why I saved the last picture because I fixed that effect and left the eyes white properly.

The last edit was about finding the right effect to have an impact on the viewer and intensify the lilac color. Another flaw that comes over here is that while coloring, there are rectangles in the contours.

I may use technology and digital stuff but even then, it doesn´t prevent anything when you have to put your hands on something beyond the single effect one would normally use.

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this one was made just to put more brightness and I couldn't avoid editing it and make the picture a little bit more vibrant

it looked perfect to me on mobile but when I saw it on PC I was left disappointed. I have tried to edit it as well here and the most original thing I ´ve come up with is by applying the warm effect but on the PC editor´s one. 

The worst part about editing is that you can try and experiment but even if you manage to have 500 edits or changes of the same picture, you never get 100% satisfied with any of them.

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> It seems that I have been a little late.

> Though I have not met a terrible fate.

> The story that has to be told has been... more than a little late..

> The promises that I have made, have not fade, but have delayed.

> I have seen better days.

> Certain things arose in the later part of this week,

> and it left me feeling tired and meek.

> Though I promise I will return,

> and give a few full replies which you must surely yearn.

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> Politics is being played like a game.

> And the election has left me tired and ashamed. 

> I hope it'll pass soon, but I fear whatever the outcome everyone will be talking till june  and then some 

> Enough of this worry, I am alright.

> Though I initially hoped to give you more of a spook on this nightmare night.

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> It seems that I have been a little late.
> Though I have not met a terrible fate.
that means that you are alright fortunately and that´s the most important thing in the end

> The story that has to be told has been... more than a little late..
> The promises that I have made, have not fade, but have delayed.
the serious content has yet to arrive and I get that the creative process for that is somewhat painful to figure how to apply it while writing and show your ideas from your brain to the keyboard

> I have seen better days.
> Certain things arose in the later part of this week,
> and it left me feeling tired and meek.
there are periods and periods. You had a lot of fun one day and you shitposted more than me in just one day with all your energies. The downturns had to come someday and that´s nothing outlandish. 

> Though I promise I will return,
> and give a few full replies which you must surely yearn.
I certainly missed the POLS but I am fine. In fact,I´ve been playing the most recent update of Legends of Equestria for obtaining the bat costume. However, I will appreciate it a lot if I see that you actually try to push yourself for a concept that has yet to come. If it arrives, I will say it the first. If it doesn´t happen, oh well, that´s alright too. 

Also that edit makes Zecora standing against a wall instead of being placed in the forest. The words look like slashes that you would find on the street.

> Politics is being played like a game.
> And the election has left me tired and ashamed. 
they are playing with falseflag and dirty strategies in the US, isn´t it? I suppose that must come from because of the mid elections. Damn, you can´t get a break, propaganda cannot be so annoyingly out there 24/7. 
> I hope it'll pass soon, but I fear whatever the outcome everyone will be talking till june and then some
uh oh,that long? Watching the TV or any news must be tiring before that.

> Enough of this worry, I am alright.
that´s a good sign after all. 
> Though I initially hoped to give you more of a spook on this nightmare night.
I posted bats for that night but I hung out with my friends and I had nice comfy time while taking the dinner and joking between us. It was a good Halloween but I didn´t do much here save the edits.

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> Still alive. Stuff not serious and now hopefully resolved came up that took out my time during the later part of this week. 
random shit happens, not everyone can always afford that much free time, especially when it´s related to work or healthy measures. 

> Things will be back in the swing of things in a day or two, (maybe better, considering part of my delay this time around was OC)
nice. Take your time and that´s it. One or two shitposts serve me to check that there is any kind of activity besides mine. For the actual OC stuff, I cannot put any deadline. That´s entirely up to the creator and his own liberty for expressing his vision.

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> The others look in varing states of improvment but this is dramatic.
thanks but there are a few things I have to comment about them. 

First, there is one half truth about those pc edits and it´s that I had not posted the mobile edits that were left in the middle of the editing for  >>/2392/ and  >>/2391/. I should have posted them as mobile + PC edit in the archives. 
Whenever you see the flawed effect for random chaos, the only way I can apply it is on mobile. It seems I cannot do that on PC nor I would have the same results handling a mouse than my own fingers. 

Here you have them for noticing and being able to check what I have changed in the middle of the process because it´s a lot harder to describe what slight change I have made for such little time but I will try to explain what I am doing on PC...

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luminous areas,... png
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so do you want me to explain what I have made here  >>/2391/?

Photo Editor Pro (mobile part):
Basically there is no visual default effect (black and white, chromatic...) that appears in the app so it pretty much comes from the adjustments. The biggest changes are the slight discolor because Luna had a mane too saturated of blue for my taste so that implied making the OC bat a bit more grayish and adjust the brightness a little bit. Not sure how much I have modified the contrast or the exposition but there is a little spot of warmth (between 4 to 10 points of warm effect out of 100). The hue is important because it adds the slight green that appears on the edit.
About the attenuation....I don´t remember doing anything with it. If I did, I can´t remember because I do all of this in matter of minutes and even seconds. 

PC editor from Windows 10 part: 
the easiest part because I had most of the effort made with my own mobile so...what does the PC add?

I am posting two screencaps with the Windows 10 editor and point out the most important aspects to modify and add the cherry on top of the top of the cake.

Capture on the left: so there is a bunch of default effects but none of them are needed and I am not a big fan of them yet. If you hit the button I am pointing out, you will make the picture more detailed. I only recommend using it once because then it will become too defined and pixelated. You can adjust it whenever you have hit it and by default, it appears with the 50 percent of definition. This makes the picture a little bit sharper and it affected mostly for the contours of the wings. If you pick the mobile picture  >>/2402/
 and apply it, you will notice instantly how much it changes.

Capture on the right: the two adjustments I have used the most here, are the luminous areas and the shadows so the lightning becomes sharper as well and it gives a vibe of being more defined and less unfocused. The original pic gives a little bit of a turn off because it looks unfocused and lost with Luna´s mane.

The biggest aspects I have been focusing on here are the two shadows and how Luna´s body looks.
I ask myself if I have reused the discolor or the contrast this time on PC so I put two question marks if I have actually made slight changes to them. 

It´s actually very complicated to describe it properly so I just show you the tools and the most important aspects brought for this edit. Again, it all happens in a very short span of time and for getting into the edit, I may have been through all the -100 to +100 values to check which one fits and I cannot recall if I have added an adjustment with little values here and there. 

But it´s not even close to the hardest edit I have ever made.  >>/2354/, >>/1847/,  >>/1834/,  >>/182/ and  >>/1696/ are probably the hardest ones to figure out and pull through. Any advanced chaotic edit feels almost like recreating the pic, not to mention that recoloring properly is a character painful as well. Thorax and the two Fluttershy pics especially have been the most memorable ones because I have edited so many in a few minutes that I look at them with indifference or as nothing special within them. Probably Flurry is a worthy highlight and  >>/1695/ but they are in a lower league of process than the ones mentioned.

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edit_of_a_homemade_as... png
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> uh oh,that long? Watching the TV or any news must be tiring before that.

Oh it is. But I'm just sick of seeing it anywhere in general. I fear whatever the Democrats take the house or if the Republicans hold it things could be pretty bad for awhile (if the D's win, they will go nuclear, Trump may go nuclear with them, and the US Government may not be functional for awhile, if the R's win, D's go crazy and retreat to even harder left positions). I just am kinda of sick of it all. 

> I posted bats for that night but I hung out with my friends and I had nice comfy time while taking the dinner and joking between us. It was a good Halloween but I didn´t do much here save the edits.

That sounds nice and pleasant, like what I normally do with people I know. 

> random shit happens, not everyone can always afford that much free time, especially when it´s related to work or healthy measures. 

Funny enough it was related to neither. It was a series of random events that all cascaded into a long couple of days in an almost silly made for TV fashion.  Dogs broke out, had to climb get cat in tree, had to fix fence in multiple places, etc  Things are fine now. 

> nice. Take your time and that´s it. One or two shitposts serve me to check that there is any kind of activity besides mine. For the actual OC stuff, I cannot put any deadline. That´s entirely up to the creator and his own liberty for expressing his vision.

I'm not gonna put any deadline either considering the main course is quite ambitious for my skill set. Though I have a fair bit of stuff that has arisen on the side that may turn into stuff in it's own right even if I fail do to a whole mess of experimentation.

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> Whenever you see the flawed effect for random chaos, the only way I can apply it is on mobile. It seems I cannot do that on PC nor I would have the same results handling a mouse than my own fingers. 

I guess it's the magic of the touchscreen and it's limitations. 

> Here you have them for noticing and being able to check what I have changed in the middle of the process because it´s a lot harder to describe what slight change I have made for such little time but I will try to explain what I am doing on PC...

I understand not bothering to describe it at all. It's hard to translate tiny feels and nonverbal urges into something that makes sense to word. 

> About the attenuation....I don´t remember doing anything with it. If I did, I can´t remember because I do all of this in matter of minutes and even seconds.

> It´s actually very complicated to describe it properly so I just show you the tools and the most important aspects brought for this edit. Again, it all happens in a very short span of time and for getting into the edit, I may have been through all the -100 to +100 values to check which one fits and I cannot recall if I have added an adjustment with little values here and there. 

Same feel when I run an image through several filters and do a bunch of random other random things and just sit and think "this looks nice. how did I do this?".

> Capture on the left: so there is a bunch of default effects but none of them are needed and I am not a big fan of them yet

Can see that. Maybe useful at somepoint but don't contribute much to the style that you have right now with mobile. I've been checking out a few of the filters that I haven't messed with in awhile and seeing if anythng more can be done (pic related, though it isn't a great example, been messing around a bit with old photo filter and seeing what things can be added). 

> If you hit the button I am pointing out, you will make the picture more detailed. I only recommend using it once because then it will become too defined and pixelated. You can adjust it whenever you have hit it and by default, it appears with the 50 percent of definition. This makes the picture a little bit sharper and it affected mostly for the contours of the wings

The wings is what really stood out to me  sharpness. It honestly looks good, even if it's not your hardest work it just feels like a lot of things came together ta make a pretty balanced and vastly improved image, even with some of the little oddities you noted.

thumbnail of 1830262__safe_artist-colon-minsona_queen+novo_my+little+pony-colon-+the+movie_spoiler-colon-my+little+pony+movie_crepuscular+rays_female_gradient+backg.png
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>  I'm just sick of seeing it anywhere in general.
that´s the problem though. That any TV screen could become a nightmare in terms of stress and as something undesired to notice it. Basically, because this is the mid elections, they spend all the money on the topic and propaganda at full time without any rest. That brings out the worst of people sometimes. 

> I fear whatever the Democrats take the house or if the Republicans hold it things could be pretty bad for awhile (if the D's win, they will go nuclear, Trump may go nuclear with them, and the US Government may not be functional for awhile, if the R's win, D's go crazy and retreat to even harder left positions). I just am kinda of sick of it all. 
what a shitshow....and here you have to withstand crazy minded people that are....let´s say inconsistent and dangerously unstable. There it goes to the trash any kind of decency with this level. I don´t know what to say about this save the day after decisions. 

This is like M.A. Larson picking Twist as the best character.... a shit and the funniest thing is that the results are finally coming up.

> That sounds nice and pleasant, like what I normally do with people I know.
yeah, it was. We thought it wouldn´t happen but as one of my friends wanted to do it, we jumped onto it as well and there are no regrets about that last hour decision.

> it was related to neither. It was a series of random events that all cascaded into a long couple of days in an almost silly made for TV fashion. Dogs broke out, had to climb get cat in tree, had to fix fence in multiple places, etc Things are fine now.
well, that´s better I guess? Because at least,there are no personal problems around which is a good sign honestly. Although what you are describing sounds like something taken out from Mr Bean or late 00s random videos on Youtube about cats. That misadventure could have had a few thousand of views if it were recorded. 

> I'm not gonna put any deadline either considering the main course is quite ambitious for my skill set. 
so it seems that you have recently posted one of the two random shitposts you have had in mind and you are still planning the heavy one, isn´t it? Alright, I can expect a few things about that. I still can recall that the descriptions in the Cadencebat fic were a standout for me, offering a great immersion for the story. 

> Though I have a fair bit of stuff that has arisen on the side that may turn into stuff in it's own right even if I fail do to a whole mess of experimentation.
the bridges can fall.....but not completely break apart if a couple of columns resist the experiment.

Basically, it means that something out of that joke can be exploited or used for something else.

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> I guess it's the magic of the touchscreen and it's limitations.
not the touchscreen exactly. Keep in mind that I have used effects for it and it´s only the definition or size the only factors that could prevent it from being 100% complete or actually good looking on PC.

My mobile screen takes like 4.3 inches, more or less like the average IPhone size so yeah, pretty small in comparison even though I feel like editing more there than on PC. PC serves for polishing the picture and a few additional effects......for now.

> It's hard to translate tiny feels and nonverbal urges into something that makes sense to word. 
yeah, mostly because everything happens really fast and I just don´t think about it. It´s spontaneous as hell and I modify it depending on what my eye detects. Either way, I felt like describing it because you were impressed and almost asked how I changed that picture....so I implied you were looking for the backstory. Don´t take my words as scientific but that was the most cohesive way to describe it.

> when I run an image through several filters and do a bunch of random other random things and just sit and think "this looks nice. how did I do this?". 
imagine having to explain this one  >>/1822/. I swear, I have no idea how I have created that and it goes beyond picking several filters. I cannot repeat that flawed image mostly because the finger is inconsistent and I just used it for creating some kind of texture, trying to avoid the real life stuff and cover it with a mess. 

Literally you have summarized the feelings pretty well. You just do it and then, unless you screencap the adjustments, there is no way you can remember exactly how it actually went. Maybe a few worth mentioning details but that´s it.

> Maybe useful at somepoint but don't contribute much to the style that you have right now with mobile. 
yeah, if anything, it serves a little bit more of definition. That button serves as the cherry on top of the cake. 

> I've been checking out a few of the filters that I haven't messed with in awhile and seeing if anythng more can be done (pic related, though it isn't a great example, been messing around a bit with old photo filter and seeing what things can be added)
the example that you are posting lacks of shadows, ambient, background and depth. I normally try to avoid plain images because I can barely do anything with them. That rediscovery and interest could bring something interesting. I can notice that Dolores has a big stain and two different tones of pink around. 

Some kind of shadow or depth added to the body could be added with this effect though I have it too unclear to judge, considering that I am not using the program. 

> The wings is what really stood out to me sharpness. It honestly looks good, even if it's not your hardest work it just feels like a lot of things came together ta make a pretty balanced and vastly improved image, even with some of the little oddities you noted.
yeah though my objective was making Luna´s mane less saturated, that discolor had to have a bit of company behind. The sharpness just simply came and I only intensified on PC. It´s satisfying to hear that criticism and that something productive was made. While it´s a simple edit, there are slight touches that I can´t remember.

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> Melancholy, cold, self reflective, icy are the words that come up for me with these Celestia's.
I didn´t know you could transmit emotions with editions. I knew that drawing could actually give those personal vibes from the author but not an edition. Besides, everyone can do this stuff and blow these images to the water 

I can mention a couple of electronic music artists that expose varied and surreal emotions by just sampling. However, what I make with the pictures is just that, editions.....anything else, any emotion added to them is an accident or I barely notice what it offers to the world with an outsider perspective. That´s up to a personal perspective from the viewer. 

What I can confirm is that the two images are not holiday either. The closest picture in which I have felt genuine emotions and close to your descriptions behind the process was  >>/1834/. Those posts and blurry image came up because I was feeling really shitty during those hours on Saturday afternoon. I tried to justify myself with a "fuck the rules" formal gesture, creating some sort of undesired chaos and dirtiness because I was feeling kind of isolated at that time. 

> Also flame mane has nothing on icemane over at  >>/2408/ (you).
honestly, the partial coloring helped at that. I just simply edited because I liked the image a lot. By giving it the cold effect, the shadows and contours really helped for making that ice mane. 

Although I am starting to see why you think the edit image gives different vibes from the original but I don´t want to believe that is magic....

By the way, pic related and  >>/2434/ are old edits I had in the previous folder. Nothing new on these ones.

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so,I am posting these edits of this OC and there is something wrong here.

What is it exactly? Well, artists normally care a lot about their images being edited or stolen but in this case, no matter what I edit with the pictures related to this OC, they will get backlash and everyone would love to forget about them.

This shows that I go for free and sometimes I act like a contrarian just to be a little bit of a son of a "yay"...ehem... and show that I am not an angel that only brings up good things.

But you cannot act that childish and make it so obvious and you have to set the bar a little bit higher to make it more subtle and look somehow nice for those who don´t get it.

This OC was created with the sole purpose of being shipped with Twilight. Not only fans like these ships but the pictures were drawn in the era in which Flash Sentry was considered the waifu stealer back in 2014. A bomb about to explode and that means downvoting in almost every picture. 

The reason why I have touched them again is that the commissioner actually paid to good artist for his OC (that money spent went into a few good ones) and I was surprised that so much effort was spent for a cheap ship. 

Even at acting like a faggot, I have posted the least obvious offensive material and avoided the kissing images but I could go for it perfectly.

I have several edits that I will be posting in the next few days and will make full replies and analysis then.

Not the largest fan  though have a few ideas on  romance  and I think this image is cute! Looks better cut though as the ponies are more in focus and that the larger image doesn't have much else going on.

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alright, here I patiently wait then. 

> Not the largest fan though have a few ideas on romance and I think this image is cute! 
yeah, I mean I am one of this those that is bit more lax in that aspect but the material to edit doesn´t always mean I am obsessed with it by itself. However, one cannot deny that one find charm with cute ponies doing cute things. 
> Looks better cut though as the ponies are more in focus and that the larger image doesn't have much else going on.
in theory, you are right, I agree on that. That vertical space was in the original picture and there is nothing visually interesting save those trees in the background buried in blurriness in this edit.

But the artist thought that the vertical space existed for a reason, isn´t it? 

Anyway, posting an edit of an OC that kind of reminds me of Autumn Blaze.

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> I can mention a couple of electronic music artists that expose varied and surreal emotions by just sampling. However, what I make with the pictures is just that, editions.....anything else, any emotion added to them is an accident or I barely notice what it offers to the world with an outsider perspective. That´s up to a personal perspective from the viewer. 
I guess I can see that. Many of these are more from an amusement perspective and toying around. I know I felt that with this batch. 

Nice job with moon.

Though the purple and haze removal isn't major it is a nice improvement.

> This shows that I go for free and sometimes I act like a contrarian just to be a little bit of a son of a "yay"...ehem... and show that I am not an angel that only brings up good things.
>  I tried to justify myself with a "fuck the rules" formal gesture, creating some sort of undesired chaos and dirtiness because I was feeling kind of isolated at that time.
You are not an angle, but you ain't very bad either. That OC certainly is one of the better designed ones I've seen. Though you may think of yourself as an fag driven sometimes by angst I don't see too much a problem in messing with it some. Crazier and lazier can be a very thin line from of esoteric and wonderful (or at least interesting.) As for that OC, maybe it is  overdone maybe you put of your own minor wish fulfillment, but so are the endless anon insert fics back on /mlp/.  in fact it maybe more original than some of those.   Maybe I'm just as faggy too. 

Note: I have had an unexpectedly long day, and although I'm not sure wwhat I'm fuly saying make sense. I wil delay futher musings for later. But I still have a hooffull of edits I will post in the meantime

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thumbnail of TwilightVsDarknessMadMax_edit_messing_with_color.png
TwilightVsDarknessMad... png
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This recolor has some things going for some things not. Posting just because. I will likely post a fair bit of edits and maybe some shitposty OC if anything interesting I do futher with things this week  that doesn't spoil my plans anyway  

> yeah, I mean I am one of this those that is bit more lax in that aspect but the material to edit doesn´t always mean I am obsessed with it by itself. However, one cannot deny that one find charm with cute ponies doing cute things.
Agreed. Though romance is not my interest usually, I don't close myself off to messing with it. Cute ponies are cute ponies after all.

> alright, here I patiently wait then. 
And they have arrived. At least this first humble batch. Expect others to be posted throughout the week.

It really does tbh.

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> Many of these are more from an amusement perspective and toying around. I know I felt that with this batch. 
although I must say that I like a lot that I am not the only one here making edits. Being the protagonist all the time tires me a bit.
And you have uppered the standards over here. 

> Nice job with moon.
there´s not anything special about that one save slight comparisons. Thanks anyway.

> Though the purple and haze removal isn't major it is a nice improvement.
yeah, that ones does have a different vibe compared to the original.

So, about your mosaic edits, I could see that first edit ending up as merchandise in some con out there, while the 2nd one feels a bit weirder and for sure, you are testing the waters here. I must admit that the mosaic gives an addictive vibe at seeing them. Like you don´t find them impressive but they have their charm while looking at them again and again. 

> Mixing the mosaic filter with the emboss. I have been utilizing the mosaic filter a lot in experiments. So you may see pop up a lot in future edits.
This is maybe the least impressive because the emboss interrupts the coloring so abruptly. But yeah, there could be good material coming from the mosaic filter. 

Have you tried putting the mosaic filter in the scenery and not in the character itself? That could be sick if done right. 

Out of the two, the mosaic one has the biggest potential, not to mention that it could serve as a general aesthetic (advanced or simple)

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thumbnail of someone is going to get accidentally reformed.jpg
someone is going... jpg
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> mfw when seeing this pic

if they don´t accept that picture on Derpi, I will be really disappointed. A combination of red and dark grey (almost black) without looking edgy is a noteworthy achievement. Well played sir. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a gem over here. Saving this one. 

> don't know how this turned out so wonky... The shadow effect in this may pop later if I remember what I did.
a small but a pretty welcoming filter to add. Nice one. I am sure you can fix the size problem easily.

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> This recolor has some things going for some things not. Posting just because. I will likely post a fair bit of edits and maybe some shitposty OC 

I honestly that this edit looks better than the one I ´ve seen in the gif story. Mostly because there is not such chaotic mess of colors in such a extreme way and the fact that they are jointed with one tone kind of balances them. Not to mention that the background face still catches the eye attention. 

Not better than  >>/2496/ but still nice to look at for a "filler edit". 

> 3D?
yeah and I am not that proud of that one because I have barely added anything.  The partial color doesn´t give that sense of depth I wanted to make. Leaves a lot be desired honestly in retrospective.

> Though romance is not my interest usually, I don't close myself off to messing with it. Cute ponies are cute ponies after all.
well that´s the key spirit that has made the fanbase move forward despite all the odds and twists during all these years. However,if you see the spoiler, you will discover why I have described that vertical aspect. it was there for a purpose and the romance was a means to an end that while cute, it served...

I am actually one of those that thinks that the eye sees truths in half and the ear hears everything and you cannot get lied with that medium. Considering that this is an editing thread, I am surprised that I have achieved to make someone else think that the couple is having a date in a forest...

and by the way, the edit may be simple but plot twist: it was actually the most complicated to create.

> And they have arrived. At least this first humble batch. Expect others to be posted throughout the week.
you are setting the bar a bit higher than expected.....a great surprise honestly. They are far from dumb and it seems that you have been determining the filters you are going to play with the most....

I expect a few surprises sooner or later even though this one  >>/2496/ has completely sold me. 

 >>/2497/ and  >>/2498/ offer details that improves the image shown before and then, we´ll have to see the gallery for the mosaic....

> It really does tbh.
I have been editing the previous material on PC (a few pictures) and that one gave me a video game feel instantly. Amazed by the art itself and the presentation in general

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> You are not an angle, but you ain't very bad either.
it´s basically to prove that one should do the right thing all the time but one cannot avoid the dissonant note in between the comfortable zone that creates a contrast

> That OC certainly is one of the better designed ones I've seen. Though you may think of yourself as an fag driven sometimes by angst I don't see too much a problem in messing with it some.
probably. Though it might lead to angst as a symptom, I don´t think it´s exactly that. More like despair and uncertainty and filling you can disappoint someone else and fall lower than the place you are in.
> Crazier and lazier can be a very thin line from of esoteric and wonderful (or at least interesting.)
the thing is how to draw and define that line....and how those adjectives could be translated in practice and transmit them with something as simple as edits. Greens can do that but this....pretty hard to apply that. 

> As for that OC, maybe it is overdone maybe you put of your own minor wish fulfillment, but so are the endless anon insert fics back on /mlp/. in fact it maybe more original than some of those. Maybe I'm just as faggy too.
A faggot is everyone who lurks and posts in a chan like a brony (horsefucker for the /mlp/ crowd) is an avid fan of MLP. 
The funniest thing is that I wish something that comes and goes in a period of time, especially if it´s something so specific. For example, I have always wished to live in Canterlot if I got to be there somehow but I hardly see potential on anything about that. Edits come and go and my mind wishes something really spontaneous at the time and after that, I don´t remember what I wanted but simply saying in retrospective that I liked the picture and I wanted to do...some stuff around it. 

> I have had an unexpectedly long day, and although I'm not sure wwhat I'm fuly saying make sense. I wil delay futher musings for later. But I still have a hooffull of edits I will post in the meantime

that´s alright. Today it hasn´t been exactly a free day for me either. Until a couple of hours and a few moments here and there, I haven´t been able to be really active on the net. Just lurking quickly for a bit.

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I don't know why engrave makes it look like this, but it's an interesting look. Maybe for something else it could be useful. 

> A combination of red and dark grey (almost black) without looking edgy is a noteworthy achievement. Well played sir. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a gem over here. Saving this one.

I just was playing with the color sliders a bit, yet it turned out so well. I will have to test it on other cuter chrissy/other darker character drawings in suitations other than edge and see if it can be achieved. I have had since my time being into bioicle had a slight draw towards such looks, but the edge in most things pushed me off.

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This_shadow_effect_ma... png
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There is some filter called perspective. I don't know what it does normally, but for this image it added a shadow. I'll have to see how well I can manipulate this effect, but if I can it could be good for standalone images with single characters and no background. 

> yeah and I am not that proud of that one because I have barely added anything. The partial color doesn´t give that sense of depth I wanted to make. Leaves a lot be desired honestly in retrospective.

Yeah. I just felt a bit muddled and confused with the purpose of that one. My first thought seeing it was: "is that 3d. was he trying to make it look different or something?"

> I am actually one of those that thinks that the eye sees truths in half and the ear hears everything and you cannot get lied with that medium. Considering that this is an editing thread, I am surprised that I have achieved to make someone else think that the couple is having a date in a forest...

> ...forest

> ...that spoliered picture.

Wow. I thought it was a forest. Good job on the trick. That is actually pretty impressive. You removed some secondary elements like the bubbles opens the door for other editing tricks. Certainly I can understand why this was one of the hardest. 

> I am actually one of those that thinks that the eye sees truths in half and the ear hears everything and you cannot get lied with that medium.   

That reminds of a saying I have heard plenty of times from country folk that I've known. "Believe none of what you see and only half of what you hear" You have proven that part true by at least making that image a half truth.

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the worst one without a doubt. The only good thing about it that it makes her look a little bit more skeletal.

better. Maybe that could work for something.

> I have had since my time being into bioicle had a slight draw towards such looks, but the edge in most things pushed me off.

what could possibly go wrong with it? I mean, you can detect when things are too edgy and when they work.

Besides, there are always exceptions and something worth to take out from anywhere even if it´s overdone.

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Another mosaic test. Results were encouraging but it needs to be mixed with something else. It just seemed to upgrade this simple little "asset" as I call it. Alone it is just a average but more cleaner version of a basic image. 

> I must admit that the mosaic gives an addictive vibe at seeing them. Like you don´t find them impressive but they have their charm while looking at them again and again.

Exactly. Something feels just right about. Not the most impressive thing in the world but charming and usable. 

> you are setting the bar a bit higher than expected.....a great surprise honestly. They are far from dumb and it seems that you have been determining the filters you are going to play with the most....

Yeah. I actually have a fair bit of scraps, so even if I am pressed for time I'll still  post something. Only problem is making sure none of my edits spolier my intent for my project, because most of this recent editing has been because of that, and testing things out for it. 

> that´s alright. Today it hasn´t been exactly a free day for me either. Until a couple of hours and a few moments here and there, I haven´t been able to be really active on the net. Just lurking quickly for a bit.

And today it looks as well for me. But I still got some edits through! Good luck. Though I doubt the bridges will be manned by one this time around.

> I'll have to see how well I can manipulate this effect, but if I can it could be good for standalone images with single characters and no background. 
well well, you have some interesting filters out there. And yeah, you´ve nailed it at where you have to apply it. Those pics with no background could receive a sense of depth with it. That and the shadow effect so far.

> I just felt a bit muddled and confused with the purpose of that one. My first thought seeing it was: "is that 3d. was he trying to make it look different or something?" 
yeah, the picture itself is already 3D, just I don´t like the partial coloring in it. I thought that I was going to add a cold vibe with it and looking at it after posting said pic, I must say that I don´t get what I wanted at that moment either. A low point.

> I thought it was a forest. Good job on the trick. That is actually pretty impressive. You removed some secondary elements like the bubbles opens the door for other editing tricks. Certainly I can understand why this was one of the hardest.
It took me almost an hour and I was going to use the flawed effect way more than expected. I have had to put a lot of care with the brightness, contrast and saturation. If I went too extreme with them, I would have ended up with the blue tone. 

I have been very picky with the words and I didn´t post the original on purpose. I used the flawed effect for making the bubbles disappear and subtly use it to give some form to non existent trees in the upper part. The rocks transformed into trunks and I had to intensify the color and shadows to fake that vibe.

All of that feeling like I had just simply blurred the picture when that blurriness played into my favor to pretend that something was there when there was nothing over to hold on.

> That reminds of a saying I have heard plenty of times from country folk that I've known. "Believe none of what you see and only half of what you hear" You have proven that part true by at least making that image a half truth.
my guitar teacher told me that as well. Wise words because it´s very useful. Some people who are blind actually develop a 6th sense to detect aspects others can´t. 

If the picture was more complicated, I wouldn´t have applied it so well. In fact, I asked about that upper part very subtly. You said that there wasn´t much going on when the key parts were located there: the fake trees and the bubbles.

An edit for creating a fake illusion....

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> It just seemed to upgrade this simple little "asset" as I call it. Alone it is just a average but more cleaner version of a basic image.

and a triforce within her body. The image looks less plain though.

> Not the most impressive thing in the world but charming and usable.
basically that 

> Only problem is making sure none of my edits spolier my intent for my project, because most of this recent editing has been because of that, and testing things out for it. 
you simply put those edits for the project in another folder and that´s it, saved whenever it comes while you test with mindless pictures or random ones. Or simply post and average image instead if you don´t have anything for that time.

Either way, the tests have that purpose for discovering new methods and experiments and you have achieved one pretty quickly.

> I doubt the bridges will be manned by one this time around.
that´s nice. I like not having to focus on myself all the time. There are always ideas from others that illuminate and inspire future things out of nowhere.

The bridges have been supported by the same columns all this time though. They are fine.

BTW: Last try at recovering OP´s picture.

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aaand it didn´t work. Fuck. Well, I give up on that.

> I unfortunately have to go help do to an unrepeatedly bad weather my family was emptying out a storage shed
good luck with that anon.
> Still, nice to be posting at the same time, however brief.
I wasn´t going to be posting much more time either but...hey, the timing happened at the right time again. 

And with this post, I am ending up my nightly session today.

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alright I think I should explain a bit the process behind this sorcery.

However, it´s barely sorcery and more like subtly hiding the parts that could reveal the illusion one would try to convey. Unlike Photoshop in which you would add just a simple filter or a couple of clicks, this one plays with the options I have been using all the time.

The first picture basically consists in making the bubbles disappear with the flaws option, so there are no contours nor any sign that they are in the original ambient. 

However, that doesn´t mean the job was done with just that. Water can have (sometimes does) the lightning of earthly places if there is enough illumination. The most important aspects here are brightness, contrast, a bit of attenuation and paying attention to the shadows. Balancing them fakes the sense that the light doesn´t come from above but that it´s simply covered by fake objects. So, making their bodies more vibrant gives the sense that there is no medium save the usual one (air)

By using the flawed effect very subtly, I have created circles and some kind of forms with the green color and let unedited the shadows from both sides in the upper part. The green light could be explained because of the reflection from the tress that are covering the sun. The rock becomes a trunk while editing the brightness and coloring, so do the manes from both ponies.

The most fortunate aspect from this picture is that the stallion could be just simply jumping of love onto the mare because they are not that far from the ground. So the floating on air low point is covered as well. The inflated cheeks could also reveal it but having them in a romantic moment, they confuse the viewer so he think that they are just in love (it was a very useful means to an end) 

The only thing that I do with the PC is intensifying the shadows from the trunks and adding more definition and a bit of clarity (among other experiments).

The main objective was that, using all the tools to create a fake atmosphere. The cherry on top of the cake was that you preferred the cut version (and I encouraged that subtly with picky words). That comment basically solved and a really adequate cover story for the actual objective so the focus was only for them, so the possible lightning problems to point out are gone.  

Leakers of any video game would use cheap tricks to gain a few clicks and replies (/v/ shitposters for example) and add blurriness, copypasted images and so on. I had the intention to add more blurriness to cover it at first, but I managed to find a way without using the flawed effect much save for subtle details and thankfully, it barely affects the ponies and the image looks as simple as the original one. As if I have barely edited anything over it yet I had to be careful with certain adjustments and not mess it up.

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> and a triforce within her body. The image looks less plain though.

And now I feel it has gone somewhere. Not as an artist masterpiece but as a usable style for things that are not just shitposting I believe it has potential.

>  you simply put those edits for the project in another folder and that´s it, saved whenever it comes while you test with mindless pictures or random ones. Or simply post and average image instead if you don´t have anything for that time.

Did that. Only problem is that some of the stuff, while not spoliering details, could spoil intent for  REDACTED 

> The bridges have been supported by the same columns all this time though. They are fine.

Downright pristine I'd say now.

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> However, it´s barely sorcery and more like subtly hiding the parts that could reveal the illusion one would try to convey. Unlike Photoshop in which you would add just a simple filter or a couple of clicks, this one plays with the options I have been using all the time.

>  As if I have barely edited anything over it yet I had to be careful with certain adjustments and not mess it up.

That does give the element of subtlety. Which you are using well here. It isn't sorcery, but it is more effort than many edits I say that.

> Water can have (sometimes does) the lightning of earthly places if there is enough illumination. The most important aspects here are brightness, contrast, a bit of attenuation and paying attention to the shadows.  

Is this from general learning or prior experimentation you knowing this? Either case you really went all out in thoughts. 

> By using the flawed effect very subtly, I have created circles and some kind of forms with the green color and let unedited the shadows from both sides in the upper part. The green light could be explained because of the reflection from the tress that are covering the sun. The rock becomes a trunk while editing the brightness and coloring, so do the manes from both ponies.

Though I suppose a really keen eye might feel something off, you really outdid yourself in the thought put into this and the selection of the right image and filling i of the background details. Not calling you a master of illusion or anything but I am impressed. It opens up new avenues in editing as this is probably the best change of situation you have done. 

> The most fortunate aspect from this picture is that the stallion could be just simply jumping of love onto the mare because they are not that far from the ground.

That's what I thought. Not swimming but a jump. If the pose had been a little different it could've broken the illusion. 

> The main objective was that, using all the tools to create a fake atmosphere. The cherry on top of the cake was that you preferred the cut version (and I encouraged that subtly with picky words). 

So there was some subtle manipulation involved too...

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> And now I feel it has gone somewhere. Not as an artist masterpiece but as a usable style for things that are not just shitposting I believe it has potential.
well, there is some kind of uniform texture and depth into it. There is a pattern,enough contours and different tones of colors between the squares/triangles. So yeah, at least it doesn´t look as plain as before.

> Only problem is that some of the stuff, while not spoliering details, could spoil intent for REDACTED  
kek that spoiler twist. Just catch other images out there and that´s it. 

> Downright pristine I'd say now.
are they made of crystal?

> This one changes it to almost making it look like bath tile 
probably the best idea that one could come up with. It doesn´t only look like that but also as a pattern for the bath´s walls.

Send that to Hasbro and sell it as merchandise. Done and hired. 

> Wonder why it worked sometimes? Oh well. Not like it's a big deal, but it'd be nice to have it back.

I have used the same thumbnail this time and it doesn´t work. Maybe it´s related to the site. If I am not wrong, I may have used the .xyz version of the site instead of the .net version that I´ve got used to surfing on these days. 

Otherwise, I cannot understand it, much less considering that  >>/2493/,  >>/2436/,  >>/2434/  >>/1695/ and  >>/1696/ have reappeared as soon as I posted them. Weird and confusing but next time, I am using an unmistakable image for the OP just in case the loss of pictures happens again.

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> Setting the tile size to the tiniest and getting rid of all neatness has a cool effect.
probably the scenery is what it gets benefited the most and the face from behind becomes less intense and more toned down to the picture itself. 

It´s perfectly viewable on mobile. It can take photos of 5 Megapixels. If it didn´t have a good quality, I wouldn´t have made those edits with so much clarity. The problem is that the PC beats it in terms of definition. 

Both edits  >>/2498/  >>/2526/ posted here of that picture are better in my eyes than the one shown in the gif as far as I am concerned, mostly because the edition is either simple or because the intended idea is shown with uniformity.

While the artifacts shine less, the black sky and the buildings (especially their shadows) works pretty well.

> It doesn´t only look like that but also as a pattern for the bath´s walls.
I should have searched the term tile before typing this. You had posted it anyway.

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> That does give the element of subtlety. Which you are using well here. It isn't sorcery, but it is more effort than many edits I say that.
I have used that term just to describe that anything I have applied over here isn´t new at all. If I wanted to use Photoshop and get the job done in 5 seconds, at anytime I could do that. 

However, as technology is perfect, anybody could do that if they entered into this thread and beat the hell out of us. There are people who like technology and image more than us and I am aware that there are brilliant efforts out on the net that could teach us a lesson or two.  

It has had more effort than the other pictures but the magic here is not for baiting purposes.

> Is this from general learning or prior experimentation you knowing this? Either case you really went all out in thoughts.
going all out? It seems that you learn something new each day from me and cannot get tired of what I make. It´s true that here I shitpost much less and give a more serious view on what I want to convey so things aren´t as confusing.

So about the underwater atmosphere, it´s not that hard to transform it into an earthly image. I have learned it in both ways. From my preteens and adolescence years, I had noticed in the 3D videogames from the 90s that the ambient was sometimes greenish and bluish whenever you stepped into a normal water area. However,in covered places (ice,caves, sewers or even some random normal zones), the colors remain the same just toned down a bit and you could mistake them easily if it weren´t for a few elements. 
At least, digitally speaking worked in that way and I have tested it several times before with the app. You can actually convert the bodies from a pony (hell,even the show and movie do it) and even mistake the medium they are placed in. Just adjust the lightning, contrast and bit the coloring and there you have it. A pony looking as if it as on earth.

Or even like pic related, add  more definition to make her look as if nothing in the middle covered her nor blurs her presence nor the background. Water is dense so if it looks so see through to the viewer, he could mistake it as if he was watching the sky directly. 

The most difficult aspect that took me a lot of time was hiding the elements that would reveal that they are down there and imply that the viewer wouldn´t find them out so easily (bubbles, lightning coming from the surface...)

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> you really outdid yourself in the thought put into this and the selection of the right image and filling i of the background details.
honestly, my brain only worked with the idea of avoiding all the stuff that could prevent the illusion. The forest setup just came along with the experiment and I jumped instantly onto it because it was the most natural path to follow and hide the original atmosphere. I was like: "another water edit,really? Cannot you do anything else?" and then, that objective came up. That´s why I didn´t want to post the original picture....the subtlety came during the post in the last hour and it went on wheels. 

> Not calling you a master of illusion or anything but I am impressed. It opens up new avenues in editing as this is probably the best change of situation you have done.
well thanks. I am glad to have offered something else with the same old tools and that comment relieves me because I felt like I was running out of ideas or punchy material to add over here. 

I am realistic though. The image fit but that´s one out of 3000. Very few ones could have such defined results and I was willing to add more flaws just to create artificially that atmosphere (I think I have another pic on my mobile with the blurred result). So despite punching on the table with this illusory concept, I have honestly to test it more and I don´t know if I would apply it besides the water images. I know that I edited Daybreaker´s fire mane for an icy mane but that would require recolors or subtly advanced coloring that looks natural in the end. I don´t know.

I expected a positive reaction but not with that comment of mastering illusions and subtlety even though I love the fake realism concept (Blade Runner) and subtle conflicts/details (season 8) to point out above the main moral.

> If the pose had been a little different it could've broken the illusion.
absolutely ruined and I would have ditched it if they weren´t having a natural pose you would find on earth. I wouldn´t have edited nor given it a try. 

> So there was some subtle manipulation involved too
I was pointing it out  >>/2498/ and especially in  >>/2484/. I just wanted to make an experiment and hide the fact that they were underwater. Focusing on the cuteness and simplicity served to hide the rest. This is why the eye betrays a lot and psychedelic abstract images exist. You said it was about romance and it served to hide one element (their cheeks) and just pretended that it was very simple, nothing special to mention around it....

until you know the background process.

I think I will ask for the deletion of these ones. I was going to give a fav of this image but I have just noticed that the author doesn´t want any edit whatsoever. 

Dislike and no spotlight from my part anymore. 

Save them if you want but I am deleting the images. Time wasted.

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> I expected a positive reaction but not with that comment of mastering illusions and subtlety even though I love the fake realism concept (Blade Runner) and subtle conflicts/details (season 8) to point out above the main moral.

>  Not calling you a master of illusion or anything but I am impressed. It opens up new avenues in editing as this is probably the best change of situation you have done. 

I recognize that you are not a master of illusion and it merely was a simple edit of many of pictures of ponies, I was still impressed with the thought put into it. and the fact you removed the bobbles so well.  It made me think of doing removals and such and my mind just ran a little with possibilities. 

> well thanks. I am glad to have offered something else with the same old tools and that comment relieves me because I felt like I was running out of ideas or punchy material to add over here. 

Don't worry about ideas. You're not here to impress. Most of this is from messing around without an afterthought. Sometimes leaving stuff to be desired, sometimes, cool ad in a few cases downright awesome. Just do what you feel lke in our own time. 

> I just wanted to make an experiment and hide the fact that they were underwater. Focusing on the cuteness and simplicity served to hide the rest. This is why the eye betrays a lot and psychedelic abstract images exist. You said it was about romance and it served to hide one element (their cheeks) and just pretended that it was very simple, nothing special to mention around it...

That was mere joking sarcasm on my part. It was a Pinkie Pie tier trick. It amused me, but it wasn't anything I saw as truly amazing.

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My 3rd least favorite edit of this group. Celestia's head and body look off in a slightly uncanny way that isn't salvageable in an edit. The pink sun looks worse in my opinion. Back to the picture itself those feathers look excellent, almost too detailed compared to that body. 
This is my favorite edit in contrast. The change of pink to black is just common sense with how light that pink that was. Love the colors added around the outside. 
This image wasn't that flawed in the first place but things look a lttle smoother in the edit. I like it better black and white and centered on Luna. Things look more defined. Tear standouts more in particular. 
These are my first and second least favorite edits. Even if I never got to see them. The fact that these images are unmemeable goes against the very core of this fandom's blood. Agreed on deletion.

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> I was still impressed with the thought put into it. and the fact you removed the bobbles so well. It made me think of doing removals and such and my mind just ran a little with possibilities. 
well, that´s good. In fact, I feel like giving the torch of saying: hey, I am not the only one here, I suppose others can do better and beat me. 
I am just showing a path at times accidentally and then, by thinking about that accident or chaos, I try to explain it the most rational way possible. My thoughts can also offer another idea that another anon can spark and didn´t know he had it there all along. I can light the way a little bit but there are others that will apply it better or worse, who knows.

I think that you beat me with this edit  >>/1787/ and when I saw that red Chrysalis for example, I saw that you could offer something that I can´t. And not only on this, I believe that you can surprise me a lot with the OC you are creating. 

> Most of this is from messing around without an afterthought. Sometimes leaving stuff to be desired, sometimes, cool ad in a few cases downright awesome. Just do what you feel lke in our own time. 
yeah, well that´s the spirit. Because at least, something is better than nothing. Not to mention that I make them because of boredom, spontaneous reactions from my head and well, give a twist to what´s already created if possible. I am not a magician, I commit huge mistakes and so you do. However, an edit counts more when it´s a hit. If it´s worse, eh, I know I can always try again and do it better.
Yet, I feel like I have something to offer. It looks like I am forcing myself to impress you but I cannot be unaware of what I am doing either. And other times, it will happen because of fun or just wanted to spotlight an unknown image that you wouldn´t post in another thread.

> That was mere joking sarcasm on my part. It was a Pinkie Pie tier trick. It amused me, but it wasn't anything I saw as truly amazing.
I need to work on that for the next time....

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> Celestia's head and body look off in a slightly uncanny way that isn't salvageable in an edit. The pink sun looks worse in my opinion. Back to the picture itself those feathers look excellent, almost too detailed compared to that body. 
I was trying to check if the regalia worked out with that color and give a feel that there is a bluer tone to it. But yeah, I didn´t spend much time on this one.
As for the picture, it looks partially good but I thought more contrast or another rework could save it because there are elements that I liked from there.

> The change of pink to black is just common sense with how light that pink that was. Love the colors added around the outside. 
The flaws added those colors that almost feel like there are lights around her. Too pinkish, it had like 20 upvotes. No wonder it didn´t gain much attention with so much pink. You know, even though the other edit is bad and doesn´t help anything, if I have made a hit/highlight for another picture  that was obscure as well, then I am more than satisfied to have offered something nice.

The other one, eh, see if you can edit it better or I don´t know. I leave them there.

> This image wasn't that flawed in the first place
yeah, I was a bit of an hypocrite saying that, I just saw it this week and downloaded it but I was not image digging (like record digging on music stores for vinyls but on Derpi) for it. 
> but things look a lttle smoother in the edit. I like it better black and white and centered on Luna. Things look more defined. Tear standouts more in particular. 
well, that´s fine. I suppose it created more intimacy and yeah, the artist could cut the picture in order to give her the complete focus but eh, it´s nice to look at in both ways. Not flawed but a recent image.

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Now, the biggest hit was... >>/2554/ >>/2555/

> These are my first and second least favorite edits. Even if I never got to see them. The fact that these images are unmemeable goes against the very core of this fandom's blood. Agreed on deletion.

I will tell the sin but not the sinner from the DA page:

> Celestia (c) rightful owners
> Artwork is mine. Do not edit or repost on other websites without my written permission, thank you.
> Edit: Since people can't seem to read, all future MLP pics from me will contain a bold watermark.

I am not going to link anything from there, if anyone wants to figure it out what I am linking, go for it. But I don´t want to focus on the person but more like the idea. 

I had that image in my likes collection and it had 20 upvotes and I said, well that picture of Celestia is underrated, it could have served as an OP for the /sun/thread. Not a masterpiece but hey, a pretty nice image. 

I even had a moment in which that image had the favorite from my profile and I was going not only to edit it but post it here and maybe on the /mlpsun/ thread. 

However, as soon as I saw that the image didn´t have the download option and those lines in the page, I said: 
"Well, you know what? You are right, that image belong to you and I am not going to touch it anymore. I have no right to do so" 

With all the consequences, that image is owned by that user but that means, you won´t receive the positive diffusion nor my like. I wasted an hour at editing it and I gave it dislike even though there was nothing wrong with the picture. 

In addition to that, that picture was 6 years old (from 2012) and that artist only had 6 images on Derpi and hasn´t drawn anything related to ponies since that year. Those images are pretty old for internet standards and there are like 70000 pics of Celestia in her tag. 

I am sorry but one of the reasons why I admire artists like Koveliana (editing those pictures is a crime for me, they are flawless, there is no reason to edit them because they are absolutely complete, this image has more than 1000 downloads), Discordtheedge or foughtdragon is that they leave the download option and they are much better artists that would have reasons to own them and I would understand it,because THEY ARE THAT worthy. Yet, they don´t and the latter praised an edit and put it as the official image  >>/1645/

So, here it comes my rebellious side and I say, well,that image is yours...but you don´t deserve my praise nor my attention. Dislike and goodbye just like Robert Fripp with King Crismson´s music. 

Sometimes it´s not the material what I value the most but the artist´s mentality as well.

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> what I am linking
I don´t want to dox nor anything like that, because that´s a cheap tactic nor I encourage aaany army (/pone/ nor any chan has been the personal army of anyone)but I am for sure that I have not invented those lines.

> Sometimes it´s not the material what I value the most but the artist´s mentality as well.
and I will prove that statement. 


You know, I like checking what new pictures are on that tag (I am sucker of that species, I am not going to lie)

But anyway, here´s the actual matter. I may be harsh on the previous post but I have my lax/nice side as well. 

The image itself didn´t interest me that much at first because you know, I wanted movie characters content but what changed my opinion was how the artist said this: 

> The scan you see here is released under a CC-Licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/).
> Soo…. nothing stops you from downloading the file (at full size you should be able to just about see every detail) and turn it into a poster print. It’s free and you’re absolutely allowed to do it :) 

and guess who replied to that comment on public. I went to his profile and clicked favorites on several images that were pretty nice that same day. In fact,  >>/2478/ came from him and I am posting the original as well.

Even though the content from an artist is in danger of edits and such, anyone will actually find the original in the end and guess the actual owner sooner or later. 
Those who diffuse your images may seem that they like they own it but nobody does, they just only amplify the interest and noise to ask who actually created that image in the first place.

Now, I am not saying that my philosophy is 100% right nor that I have the absolute reason. I am a faggot that only types a few shitposts on chans with a keyboard. 

But time always reveals the truth and much more these days with the internet. 

I am capable to praise others that are more honest or humble even if their art is not so great or not as famous as others who are elitists.

I put King Crimson as an example of influential artists and they are that big. Revolutionary yet besides my time on these posts, my praise won´t be focused on them because the main musician gets pretty mad for anything when it comes to possession and money. 

Instead, I prefer praising Rush (nice rec by the way), Yes, Spiritualized (I admire Jason Pierce as a person as well, his interviews are really humble, I have to make a fic because of his music someday), Wilco and Burial to name a few spending my time on what they do because they know that the internet won´t prevent anything since Napster´s creation. 

So, there is a lot of material going on and those who put me restrictions won´t receive that much yet others who show themselves "naked" and open to the public...I say, take my money or praise. 

Now I feel better after saying this.

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> imagine being this self-centered
> oh noes what will the artist do without your precious like 
it´s a form to manifest and express that something is going wrong with it and try to figure it out.

I express opinions because this is a tiny board that needs something, so I prefer other artists before those who are that self centered, having preferences and expressing taste. If you don´t like it, I am sorry I can´t do anything but your word vs mine arguments all the time.

> at least it isn't used as OP at least there is some good from this all self importance 
that´s an achievement coming from a random user. I´ll take that as a compliment because you know, always having a negative attitude has always worked....

even though I am a bit fed of that mindset these days in general. Certain amounts of hate are fine, too much tires me even though I expect it. 

> lmao this pic is shit anyway
20 upvotes, not that popular. The edit thread was made for 2nd hand pictures and recycling unused content that could potentially work, considering that it´s trying to find some identity.

 Call it a trash idea but you know, trying to find a 2nd chance on something is a process that not many would like to go in and try. Far from the straight and the narrow any perfectionist user would like, but it´s different from what we usually see in the main chan and call shit at things all the time. 
> chan culture always stood in opposition
thanks for the reminder.

 However, chans have changed over time. I highly doubt 4chan is the same one as 2003, even newfags from 2007-09 don´t feel like it´s the same as they knew when they started to lurk over there.

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> chan culture always stood in opposition

> However, chans have changed over time. I highly doubt 4chan is the same one as 2003, even newfags from 2007-09 don´t feel like it´s the same as they knew when they started to lurk over there.

Chan culture, or the core of it, has always been contrarian in spirit, but it went in a thousand different directions. Chans indeed evolve, even the ones with the strictest culture. Heck, even calling it "chan" would in some spots get you yelled at. In the grand scheme of things, whether our edits should be judged as an extra layer of contrarianism or a surrender to "plebbit" I do not know or care, if there is even a single answer.

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This is only a scrap from something else. Nothing of value! I had a more Thanksgiving themed shitpost since it s turkey day in the USA but Thanksgiving plans have changed drastically  my dad got stomach flu, not gonna say anything more.  Am not sure this means I'll be posting a lot or a little do to things being shaken up.

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> Maybe if it wasn't by itself by and with a better drawn Cadence it would be.
an attempt was made and that counts. The Crystal Heart looks better with the mosaic one indeed. 

> now she's abstract art. Not impressive at all but better than the other too.
it gives a less cheap vibe and it fixes the contour problems.

The mosaic in general can be used perfectly for potential pristine backgrounds if it´s used properly and combined with more adjustments.

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> Chan culture, or the core of it, has always been contrarian in spirit, but it went in a thousand different directions.
indeed, it has always kept that attitude and it will maintain that spirit even if they get invaded by outsiders.

> Chans indeed evolve, even the ones with the strictest culture. Heck, even calling it "chan" would in some spots get you yelled at.
some boards don´t even like anime despite having its roots from there. Not always the contrarian and over the edge attitude appears, especially if we talk about blue boards. Compare /out/, /toy/ and /soc/ with the big ones: /v/, /pol/, /b/, /co/ or /tv/. Almost no color between them and not even /b/ is the same because that´s the most appealing board for newfags along with /pol/ in terms of attracting groups from everywhere. 

> In the grand scheme of things, whether our edits should be judged as an extra layer of contrarianism or a surrender to "plebbit" I do not know or care, if there is even a single answer.

Reddit has ironically taken the fun material to their sites while 4chan has been left with no identity. Hell even Derpi and /mlp/ are not that far away, some users from there come from /mlp/ just that they don´t act like the hard guys of the playground. Same with /mu/, anons who liked the 2011-13 era have migrated to subreddits or Rateyourmusic in order to discuss new music with less shitposting around their threads. 

So even if they complain, we don´t know and as you said, too many predictable answers to even bother after the initial shock.

> This is only a scrap from something else. Nothing of value! 
that green eye is looking at me though. Also, I don´t know why you have a problem with the size. It happened more times before with the webm and  >>/2497/.

I don´t know how to edit that thing though,although you could have drawn a leaf for the laughs. 

> Thanksgiving plans have changed drastically my dad got stomach flu, not gonna say anything more. 
oh shit, that´s painful, no need to explain anything else. 3 or 4 bad days that you can´t remove in a bad state. Take care even if it ruins your Thanksgiving unfortunately.

> Am not sure this means I'll be posting a lot or a little do to things being shaken up.
you can focus on other things or disconnect. Simply post whenever you feel like it.

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alright come down, no need to use caps. I can explain that, that´s happened several times and I had already posted the 4th place in the OP of the main general.

it didn´t. The only population that has stayed around here are 2 faggots  >>/2608/ and  >>/2613/. It´s had a third anon for early January and then disappeared. We´ve had a few visitors that had enlivened a bit the place for a couple of days (two or three left a random post for some reason)

You have just increased the activity of the board by posting in two different threads. It means that you have gifted us the 2nd place again and contributed to make it a little bit more active ironically.

the original content has come because of spontaneity not because it was forced. We were not content creators in the first place and we wouldn´t last on posting over here after the beginning of this year. The only objective was reaching the 1st page for the laughs and create an artificial objective.

Then the laughs ended and we were discussing what to do next while posting at nowhere. So depending on our mood, we would post several thoughts and off topic ideas and long discussions all the time. There was a sense of comfort and warmth so there could be deeper thoughts and ideas that you wouldn´t reveal so easily. 

So ideas came, experiments were criticized  softly, "saying why don´t you do this" or "this idea may be shitty and cheap but I am posting it anyway and see where it lands".

However, that doesn´t apply. In the NMAIE OP, I have listed a few highlights that both have created around here.

We didn´t expect to last this far nor become creators, we just do because we feel like doing so and try to combine our lives and the activity of this board, even if there are personal thoughts that were translated into original content. 

You are as impressed as us when we bumplocked the first thread for ourselves. Just two shitposters slowly increasing the numbers and even outlive /sp/, which left after endchan fucked it up with the images back in spring and 500 errors because of the servers many times.

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> Be nice. 
alright, I will be nice as well but that depends on where you want to go for with your posts. I could go on a full shitposting mode and post image macros and say tons of low quality posts. Yet, I don´t, nor I feel like going for that route, nor you seem to want that way either. For that method, I already have /mlp/ (which has received three raids lately)

What did you expect when you post a Shrek cringe photo pic in the first place by looking its users down? We may be fags but not stupid. I didn´t know that two faggots trying to contribute in an alt chan for the community was cringy. My life would be pretty funny to record, watching me tired after a long week, doing the organic chemistry exam from today or  >>/2614/ having to deal with drastic changes in his plans. Sure, fans of MLP are always like those videos from 2011/12, aren´t they?

If it wasn´t because of that hugbox you mentioned (no need for hugs, I only look for support and try to have a nice time with ponies,forgetting a little bit about what surrounds real life stuff), then that OC wouldn´t have happened. Not because we need hugs nor an echo camber, just because one is a little bit more lax and tries to encourage the creator for experimenting and failing until something hits. Sorry if we pick imperfect/eclectic stuff, but that´s what inspires the content.

If you tried to keep a board alive with just two faggots, wouldn´t you circlejerk? How would you do it for an entire year? I am listening.
> You're all fags
we knew that in the first place. We had had assumed that concept long ago. 

> but the OC is needed to keep endchan alive.
I think you get it. You have the OP general for a few stories. Bridgefag  >>/2613/ is planning a couple of stories and he seems to carry the torch this time by the end of this year. I am looking for them and has brought the banners of this board plus shitposting stories and the Cadencebat fic, the most serious achievement so far and he thought he would write cringy stuff at first. Even when one spammer came, I wrote a little bit of green and then he wrote bat pony content out of nowhere because of that with natural character interactions.

I cannot write that much save using my mobile and pc for edits and keeping this board active. Thinking about the new replies and reply properly without shitposting in mind (even though I could that in a few mins and done)

However, I can say that the serious stories started more or less around the Midnight Radiance fic,  >>/988/ to  >>/999/ and I took one entire morning for that. I dedicated a little desperate story about DWK  >>/1298/ too. 

I´ve had a personal project and that was the closest about complaining and bitching like a preteen you will see, about the fandom and its golden era. After that, I wrote two greens that took me one afternoon for the first part, two nights for the second part. Novo´s one took me two days of ideas and a couple ones for writing it and then translating it from Spanish (English is surprisingly not my mother tongue) 

Feel free to lurk and check out what this board can offer before getting into early judgements. As faggots would say, lurk more if you can.

From  >>/270/ onwards, the life of this board has depended on these two faggots. 
> I know nothing of brony politics though.
what do you mean with that concept exactly? I have several answers yet I don´t know what you are talking about specifically.

> it didn´t. The only population that has stayed around here are 2 faggots  >>/2608/ and  >>/2613/. It´s had a third anon for early January and then disappeared. We´ve had a few visitors that had enlivened a bit the place for a couple of days (two or three left a random post for some reason)

Wait this board only has 2 full time posters? This board looks so organized. I would've thought there be at least several posters. That's both incredibly autistic yet impressive.

> What did you expect when you post a Shrek cringe photo pic in the first place by looking its users down? We may be fags but not stupid. 

Wasn't me. I just decided to check on endchan after haven't being here for half a year. This is the first time I've been on this board. I just saw you 3 arguing and it seemed autistic and non productive.  

> I didn´t know that two faggots trying to contribute in an alt chan for the community was cringy.

Not at all. From my looking around you guys seem to have the most OC I've seen on endchan right now. Even if you're bronies if you're giving odilitime one less reason to give up and nuke everything I'm all for it. 

> However, I can say that the serious stories started more or less around the Midnight Radiance fic,  >>/988/ to  >>/999/ and I took one entire morning for that. I dedicated a little desperate story about DWK  >>/1298/ too. 

> what do you mean with that concept exactly? I have several answers yet I don´t know what you are talking about specifically.

Not a brony so I have no idea what any of this is. You all seemed to be sperging out about edits and I wasn't sure if there was some autistic brony reason for somethings to be frowned upon that I wasn't aware of.

> Reddit has ironically taken the fun material to their sites while 4chan has been left with no identity. Hell even Derpi and /mlp/ are not that far away, some users from there come from /mlp/ just that they don´t act like the hard guys of the playground. Same with /mu/, anons who liked the 2011-13 era have migrated to subreddits or Rateyourmusic in order to discuss new music with less shitposting around their threads. 

Reddit raped 4chan from the left and altchans raped 4chan from the right. With Discord trying to rape everyone on top of that.

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> Wait this board only has 2 full time posters? This board looks so organized. 
Me (L23 if I had to namefag myself) and Bridgefag, no one else is running the board save those two. The site has an algorithm that counts more users because of posting in different threads yet they come from the same IP.
Either way, due to the board being so slow and that the huge amount of time between posts, there is room for thinking the next replies and ideas without any restriction.
Even with tons of activity, /mlp/ may be autistic as hell but in comparison to other boards, the board has stable generals and really organized when it comes to topics. Almost like an internet forum but with random posts. The topic remains the same and they build their own small communities for circlejerking but one general doesn´t rely on the other one, they follow their own rhythm. 
In this board, we have had the Bat Pony thread, Celestia, NMAIE (the first general so far), the personal project  (which ended up being productive) and the comic thread. The only unorganized one is the GET one but that contains off topic themes and greens that have defined the path.
Another anon praised Derpibooru for finding it as the most organized for anything, even NSFW stuff. 

> I would've thought there be at least several posters. That's both incredibly autistic yet impressive.
again, we didn´t believe that we would last. We have always been ready if this actually ends but here we are. We can post in different manners and give you the vibe that there are more anons inside but the root is the same and still feel organic.

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> Wasn't me. I just decided to check on endchan after haven't being here for half a year.
I am trying to guess where that shitposter came from though.

Anyway, if you and him have checked us, it means that this board is visible in the boardlist and that we are a target for different reasons on this site. There are not many active boards here 

> This is the first time I've been on this board.
alright, feel free to lurk whatever you want. There are some deleted images, I suppose you would know that endchan has had several fuck ups this year and that the images have not been restores since the data was lost during the server migration.

> I just saw you 3 arguing and it seemed autistic and non productive
yeah, that´s non productive but it gives activity. We have dealt with spammers before and I thought that the same one posted twice here. For me, those who try to troll make us a favor at noticing us, even if that requires some negativity. 

However, how did you know that we were productive faggots in the first place if you say that you have visited this board first? 

The autism is already there (not to mention that /mlp/ back in 2013 was a complete shitfest yet years later, it has calmed down itself a lot despite all the drama). 

So this is not new for us, although I wonder how he recovered the Celestia picture I didn´t want to show.

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> Not at all. From my looking around you guys seem to have the most OC I've seen on endchan right now.
Bridgefag commented a month ago or so that this board has more OC content than bigger boards and even by bumplocking a thread in a year, we have beaten other altchans that have like 4-6 years there without reaching not even half the thread (250 posts).

I don´t want to believe what´s been achieved because there are things that have to be produced or look forward yet the future has always stayed uncertain. 

> Even if you're bronies if you're giving odilitime one less reason to give up and nuke everything I'm all for it. 
it seems that I am speaking to a mod who is tired of something yet I cannot point what it is. 

While it´s true that we have used the 500 server fuck up periods for our advantage, it truly damages the whole site and I think that anons won´t have that patience (look at /sp). So yeah, more support is always welcome even though we can´t promise anything to anybody (nor even us).

Just ponies on it, that´s the only thing guaranteed. The rest comes and goes. 

> Not a brony so I have no idea what any of this is. 
a youtuber who gained popularity because of 4chan and then, made a parody series while getting drunk and smoking a lot, even making fun of his own persona while producing it. I wrote that because I saw posts coming from him back in Autumn 2017 in which he confessed that the pony stuff saving his life was unironic.  
I wrote that story because it´s mostly a tragic and a more serious interpretation of what could have been happening to his head by judging his videos.

> You all seemed to be sperging out about edits and I wasn't sure if there was some autistic brony reason for somethings to be frowned upon that I wasn't aware of.
basically I didn´t want to use this image because the Deviantart artist didn´t want any edits and that was said in his page. 
I edited that image without checking that description and I was a bit mad because of that possessive attitude. I have got rekt and I may have sound pretentious here  >>/2581/ and I certainly regret a bit of that. I confess.

Just that I don´t want to get in trouble because of editing the images. Sometimes I edit them because of fun , other times for improvements, other times for recreating and messing it up by giving a twist, illusions,etc...

Reusing it for something else or spending a bit of time.

Some artists don´t dig up that well the editions and don´t want their content to be posted nor modified, so that could lead me into trouble. I spent time at editing it and while I liked the image, I disliked it because of the description. I think I am quitting on that decision. 

Either way, now it´s too late, it´s already revealed   >>/2605/
and I think it´s better that I show the edits I have made than not posting them. 

Not the most inspiring stuff but eh, there you have them.

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> Reddit raped 4chan from the left and altchans raped 4chan from the right.
I may not have been the most avid lurker of the general state of the whole site(I only know a few handful of boards that well), but yeah, pretty much 4chan has experimented property damage because of its infamy. That fame gave popularity to attract normalfags, shills and paid volunteers on /pol/. Not to mention that kids believe a lot of memes they see from ironic shitposts to an unironic attitude. 
Reddit has taken the familiar and meme part of it while alt chans, especially 8chan has raped it because of lack of freedom of speech and rebellion (alt right, Ddos moves, gamergate....)

A complete shitshow for the site, not to mention that Hiro has split the blue and red boards in two different URLs today. 

> With Discord trying to rape everyone on top of that.
that affects /mlp/ as well, even if it has a minor effect in comparison to other boards. Even though that chatroom sells a lot of data and has questionable politics of service. 

By the way, Discord is pic related as well and I think he sums up what you have said....

> alright, feel free to lurk whatever you want. There are some deleted images, 

Bronies scare me a bit. If this board helps keep endchan alive I  may check on it some since it is active. 

> I suppose you would know that endchan has had several fuck ups this year and that the images have not been restores since the data was lost during the server migration.

Nope. I only just got back into checking things around on the net. Had problems and life distractions until recently.

> However, how did you know that we were productive faggots in the first place if you say that you have visited this board first? 

I didn't remember seeing the board before. Saw it at 2nd place. Clicked, saw a general and an edit thread that looked to be updated fairly recently and filled with dozens of edits. Saw references to stories and other stuff just glancing around. Isn't hard to see.

> it seems that I am speaking to a mod who is tired of something yet I cannot point what it is.

Nope. Just a long time lurker and sometimes poster of endchan. I just want endchan to stay alive in case 8chan and 4chan blow themselves up in there jewy schemes ad stupidity.

> a youtuber who gained popularity because of 4chan and then, made a parody series while getting drunk and smoking a lot, even making fun of his own persona while producing it. I wrote that because I saw posts coming from him back in Autumn 2017 in which he confessed that the pony stuff saving his life was unironic. 

Sounds retarded and sad. If he is just a loser and not a full degenerate I do sympathize a bit. 

> Not the most inspiring stuff but eh, there you have them.

It's retarded ponyland, but I'm not gonna lie. This is an impressive effort. Discord has turned many small communities into do nothing fags. It encourages me to see this mentality even if it's ponies.

> A complete shitshow for the site, not to mention that Hiro has split the blue and red boards in two different URLs today. 

I had to look for myself. WHAT THE F#$%! See I censored myself. That scares me. I don't go there very often anymore but it's awful if this is going where I think it is. I can see the blue boards turning into PC marketing crap in a few years if they are getting ready for an adverting push. 

> By the way, Discord is pic related as well and I think he sums up what you have said....  

Discord and Discord sounds like an untaped meme with potential. I don't know how you guys got Q in your show but I remember seeing a few clips back in several years ago. It creepy how much it is Q.

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Nice edits. I think the first one looks like the crappy style is almost purposeful. Like the stuff done to is a layer atop. Not sure how much it salvages the drawing but I like it. Second one I also like. Indeed the mosaic style could be used as a background. This edit for some reason makes me think of flowers.  

This edit is a bit of color sliding plus the supernova filter.

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I wonder how that anon found that image? Must've been lurking before. Then there was who every asked about /mlpol/... With all these anons I think I may get a headache. 

> I have got rekt and I may have sound pretentious here  >>/2581/ and I certainly regret a bit of that. I confess.

Perhaps. Though I understand it. Trying to control images of to such a degree is toxic for memes. I've seen it happen everywhere (article 13/Olympics)   and though I understand the imputes from a art's perspective it is a real fuzzy line. If you don't depend on it for income and it is pubic then it is a bit annoying from a fandom culture perspective.   

> Bronies scare me a bit. If this board helps keep endchan alive I may check on it some since it is active.

Yeah, though I could say somethings in the fandom's defense, it depends on what where you draw a line on what scares you. Toxic militancy of the early days and creepy porn yes I can understand. NSFW has it's pace but there are many shows such as spongebob and Hey Arther that have pretty degenerate creepy underbellies one wouldn't expect that make up the majority of there fandom content in some areas. 

> It's retarded ponyland, but I'm not gonna lie. This is an impressive effort. Discord has turned many small communities into do nothing fags. It encourages me to see this mentality even if it's ponies.

Retarded or not. Glad you're seeing a positive with us. As it has been said. Feel free to lurk. We  probably  won't have anything that will scar ya badly as we are generally sfw.

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> I already have /mlp/ (which has received three raids lately)

Have only a few times into /mlp/ recently. What happened?

> A complete shitshow for the site, not to mention that Hiro has split the blue and red boards in two different URLs today. 

> I had to look for myself. WHAT THE F#$%! See I censored myself. That scares me. I don't go there very often anymore but it's awful if this is going where I think it is. I can see the blue boards turning into PC marketing crap in a few years if they are getting ready for an adverting push.

Yeah it unerves me as well in the same way. I feel like it could be the start of a PC purge on the sfw sides. Including /mlp/.

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WavyTwilight gif
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I cut out the TS from the madmax pic in a bad quick way for various research. You're going to be seeing her show up a lot this week. This is a default animation filter in GIMP.

Also, depends on holiday plans on when I'll be able to make a full reply. I will either reply in sections or post various edits until then.

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> Bronies scare me a bit.
in what sense? Clop and NSFW? Pedophilia legends and such?
That part scares a lot of people for some reason. There is a myth would become a degenerate and a retard at thinking after jumping into it.

I would be more scared of political correctness or totalitarian stuff than a few faggots posting that stuff for their own wish fulfillment or visual pleasure.

Not to mention that the organization came because we had to tell both SFW and NSFW sides.
That topic is pretty regulated and it´s not as savage nor chaotic as the first years. It´s there, you can go for it if you want and fans will keep mostly it SFW. The NSFW stuff is always there but it´s been 8 years, it hardly should impress anyone, yet it still does....and Pokemon is till the king at that and no one sees that weird.

> If this board helps keep endchan alive I may check on it some since it is active.
we post as we feel like. We cannot promise stable levels of activity but yeah, it´s stayed  constantly in the top 10 for these recent months.
Feel free to lurk whatever you want.

> Sounds retarded and sad. If he is just a loser and not a full degenerate I do sympathize a bit. 
while it´s true that the fic may have implied certain interpretations from supposedly post coming from him, it´s true he has had his up and huge lows in terms of wanting to move forward. One would find pretty autistic that Rarity (the white pony of the main protagonists, pic related) could have saved his life and not consider suicide. However, reality beats fiction at times and I don´t know that much about him. I think that this year he is doing better. 

> This is an impressive effort. Discord has turned many small communities into do nothing fags. It encourages me to see this mentality even if it's ponies
well that´s nice to see that you want to do something. I have impressed more with  >>/2553/,  >>/2502/ to  >>/2481/,  >>/2354/ or  >>/1822/
But yeah, that site has hurt the activity and chan spirit in general. I wonder what their motivations could be (gaming perhaps?). I don´t know which ones are the biggest victims of it but it replaces the activity that you would have had in a thread. Probably they were more like Redditfags and actually liked more that system than this one.

thumbnail of 1282991__safe_artist-colon-inuhoshi-dash-to-dash-darkpen_discord_starlight+glimmer_thorax_trixie_to+where+and+back+again_-colon-(_accessory+theft_cap.png
thumbnail of 1282991__safe_artist-colon-inuhoshi-dash-to-dash-darkpen_discord_starlight+glimmer_thorax_trixie_to+where+and+back+again_-colon-(_accessory+theft_cap.png
1282991__safe_artist-... png
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> I had to look for myself. WHAT THE F#$%! See I censored myself. That scares me.
nigger,that should worry you. Oh wait, did I use the incorrect word for PC fags? 

I mean, there is autocensorship (used for comedy purposes with the beep sound) but forced censorship isn´t that good. However, I think that people should be able to tell between liberty and debauchery, and people without much critical thought often use the second term.

You should be able to hate and express your distaste about anything, because nothing nor nobody is safe of any sin. However, the left is pushing the limits by establishing their superiority to the rest. Like saying: "You can criticize the others, that´s freedom of speech but not me nor my side, that´s hateful speech" And when they go beyond the limits, they harshly blame the judgmental system as fascist when they have gone too far.

It´s complicated stuff but it´s no wonder we are all worried about censoring ones and establish their words superior to the rest. It sucks.
> I don't go there very often anymore but it's awful if this is going where I think it is. I can see the blue boards turning into PC marketing crap in a few years if they are getting ready for an adverting push.
people theorize in /qa/ that he is doing it for marketing purposes and add more advertisements or contracts to companies and put apart the most unappealing board for the signers.
Basically a shill movement for money that goes against the rules of the same site. I don´t know where this is going to land in practice nor for how much time it will stay as that. I don´t like doomposting but while 4chan has been losing its identity slowly, these movement boost that loss and turn it into another copy of Reddit.

> Discord and Discord sounds like an untaped meme with potential. 
We haven´t thought that much about it honestly. There is some potential to it indeed.

> I don't know how you guys got Q in your show but I remember seeing a few clips back in several years ago. It creepy how much it is Q.
Lauren Faust wanted a character that could act similarly like him and then, they signed John de Lancie up  himself for his voice for a two parter. It turned out to be a permanent VA to the cast so instead of seeing him as a random celebrity, he delivers what you would expect whenever he appears. Rarely his episodes aren´t funny and random stuff that causes meta chaos to the physical laws for a while. He is Q indeed reborn as another character and he is staying until the gen ends.

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> I think the first one looks like the crappy style is almost purposeful. Like the stuff done to is a layer atop.
basically, trying to add some depth to it so the image has something going on to complement the pony.
The flaws can mess up the image but trying to find a balance with that setting, leads into a more natural picture. In this case, you knew from the start it was an image for shitposting purposes and I wanted to check if it could go somewhat further.

> Not sure how much it salvages the drawing but I like it. Second one I also like. Indeed the mosaic style could be used as a background. This edit for some reason makes me think of flowers. 
or crystallized atmospheres.I see why you may think of flowers with the purple spots in the hexagons. 
The fact that you can interpret another analysis other than being shits is good enough for its purpose.

> This edit is a bit of color sliding plus the supernova filter. 
the more I think about it the more I consider that you picked the wrong filter for the gif story. Top filter for this one between the two you have posted.

> how that anon found that image? Must've been lurking before. 
indeed. What I know is that he doesn´t seem to come from /mlp/ nor /pone/ yet. I only had it uploaded for an hour or so. Maybe searching the quote could lead directly to the profile? Either that or using the script for deleted media. 

> Then there was who every asked about /mlpol/... With all these anons I think I may get a headache.
yeah, these random people who come and go are really confusing and leave one or two random posts for one night without room of discussion nor debate and they leave. It must be because we are a top board now, easy to spot and shitpost randomly for a minute.

Despite all of that, I think that I am becoming a fan of putting Celestia /Daybreaker with the cold effect 

> Trying to control images of to such a degree is toxic for memes. I've seen it happen everywhere (article 13/Olympics) and though I understand the imputes from a art's perspective it is a real fuzzy line. If you don't depend on it for income and it is pubic then it is a bit annoying from a fandom culture perspective.
you don´t even need the downloading option. Right click and save as....incredible sorcery. 
It´s annoying and I wanted to punish a bit that attitude because it feels incoherent and contradictory by itself. Like: "I am posting this on public but this is personal stuff no one else can have".
That´s like complaining that social media know about your personal life through photos when you wanted to post them in order to look cool for your contacts. 
Much less sense it has when you are uploading content for a community/fanbase that´s built from anonymous people who share any pony content whenever they can without caring.

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> I could say somethings in the fandom's defense, it depends on what where you draw a line on what scares you. Toxic militancy of the early days and creepy porn yes I can understand.
it was from 2012. Most artists who upload their content actually look for support instead of claiming the property, which is an attitude I like more because if you draw great, then there will be fans who desire more of that content.

What actually makes money for them is the commission and the physical picture. 

> NSFW has it's pace but there are many shows such as spongebob and Hey Arther that have pretty degenerate creepy underbellies one wouldn't expect that make up the majority of there fandom content in some areas.
and they say about this fanbase.... when it´s pretty organized and has assumed the NSFW content. Artists admit both for commissions and there are dedicated NSFW ones who earn a 2nd fame because of appealing to a certain sector....and they draw pretty well whether you like porn or not. And nothing creepy happens save giving pleasure to that public who want to go for it.

What you have said though...those who put that stuff into obscurity instead, now that´s "an adventure" one wouldn´t like to step into. Sonic may be the laughing stock but those shows....hold me.

> We probably won't have anything that will scar ya badly as we are generally sfw.
we could perfectly create a NSFW thread and contain that stuff over there. One may complain and not having desires of watching NSFW stuff in normal threads but you cannot definitely bitch about NSFW when it´s not intrusive nor off topic to the original intention. Either that or putting it in spoilers like 8chan does. 

> What happened? 
3 raids I think with a bot spammer. The first one with bees, then Cory in the House and the last one was the Happy Merchant jew meme. They left /mlp/´s catalog with 3 pages. It has affected /a/ as well. Some have complained that those raids didn´t have any originality and felt like cheap moves without anything worthy to talk about them.

> I feel like it could be the start of a PC purge on the sfw sides. Including /mlp/.
/mlp/ by itself causes contrast and has stayed in a bubble most of the times. It will affect them but you cannot put more advertisements than having a board dedicated to a toy commercial. 

But yeah, Hiro is developing some creepy stuff that can lead to potential dramas with no easy solutions in the long run.

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(1.71 MB, 1240x1754)
> I cut out the TS from the madmax pic in a bad quick way for various research.
not that badly. I see it fine or at least,that's how it looks with this filter.

> You're going to be seeing her show up a lot this week. This is a default animation filter in GIMP.
so,basically a water wave. With this effect and psychodelic music, nothing else will compare to make you high. 

> Also, depends on holiday plans on when I'll be able to make a full reply. I will either reply in sections or post various edits until then.
it doesn't matter,that's how you feel like doing it according what you plan and want to discuss/show.

And at this rate,we may end up the edit thread soon because we are passing the 400 posts barrier.

Posting the mobile version of this pic as well, I have a hard time deciding which one looks better (it only has 26 upvotes)

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Test1 png
(107.13 KB, 1280x800)
>  And nothing creepy happens save giving pleasure to that public who want to go for it.

I would like to clarify that I wasn't dissing the NSFW side of the fandom, just saying that I could understand the reluctance and wasn't sure if I could say anything that could allay that fear. Our NSFW  be it porn or gore  is classy and quite organized. Especially compared to say a underground  Hey Arthur Dipper fetish forum or the many Gay ship fics of Dexter and Mandark. Basically your point with Pokemon. 

> One may complain and not having desires of watching NSFW stuff in normal threads but you cannot definitely bitch about NSFW when it´s not intrusive nor off topic to the original intention. Either that or putting it in spoilers like 8chan does.

Certainly we could handle it. While I'd probably prefer to have a spoiler rule  at least for extreme  hardcore  fetishy stuff  We had just generally not done much full NSFW up to this point and you had admitted to preferring SFW images most of the time.

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Test2 png
(180.49 KB, 1280x800)
> Despite all of that, I think that I am becoming a fan of putting Celestia /Daybreaker with the cold effect 

I find it a cool contrasting idea. Almosts reminds of... Bat Cadence.

> Posting the mobile version of this pic as well, I have a hard time deciding which one looks better

Mobile. It has better contrast. Both look fine though.

> not that badly. I see it fine or at least,that's how it looks with this filter.

It is. TS tail is mostly  missing and her back is simply gone without the large magic cannons on her back, along with some slices. It was just done quick to test something out and ended up being used alot. These were just my initial test images of effects so pardon there smallness.

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thumbnail of Test3.png
Test3 png
(184.81 KB, 1280x800)
> nigger,that should worry you. Oh wait, did I use the incorrect word for PC fags? 

Oh man. I can picture where this could head. It may not be much at first. I'm not sure if 4channel will do much at first, advertisers will mostly still stay away with just that. It is Virtual Youtuber where it comes together and what concerns me more. Hiro plans to market her. Easily she will become viral if she's done with even a quarter of competence. Other YTers, Reactors and all the mid level commentary/drama channels that jump onto Doctor Phil videos and the like will be interacting with her. Once she starts to gain subs she will become a corporate  link in which outside pressure could be applied. It could be SWJ's and mainstream media or YT preemptive, but in this environment it'd be bound to happen. The censorship effort at first would be low level and messy, probably mostly ceremonial at first, but as long as the left has their current mentality I doubt they will be able to get away with indirectly funding /pol/. Mid term I'd say /mlp/'s fate is uncertain save some possible crappy moderation (no NSFW links at the low end to No links to sites that have NSFW content at the high end, and unofficially ban derpbooru as an example). But I don't see a high chance of Hiro's marketing push being able to truly be successful without the red boards being deleted or reined in heavily in some way. It maybe even the price to pay to get the MSM to leave them alone if things get particularly heated. 

As for what this does to the site's culture, I can't say. There would be a new breed of newfags that would be 12 year old Idubbbz/H3H3 edgelord fans (some might say that'd be a return to form, as the young edgelord's  arguably was how things used to work before reddit and /pol/ right wing activity). If Hiro fully  sells out to the most powerful degree, then there may even be a possiblity of snapchat/viner style teens or other demos. But that process would still likely take years.

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> I would like to clarify that I wasn't dissing the NSFW side of the fandom, just saying that I could understand the reluctance and wasn't sure if I could say anything that could allay that fear.
I understood that. I was just trying to add an explanation of that topic .

> Our NSFW be it porn or gore is classy and quite organized.
Definitely. I mean, for a "problem" that is infamous and outsiders think that is toxic for the internet in general, dealing with it like this community is quite an achievement. In fact, incredibly well drawn material  when you look for the top pictures of Derpi and some of them could be perfectly SFW highly regarded pics (not to mention that artists themselves edit them just to fit into the SFW territory). So yeah, it goes in two different velocities but artist blend in the two zones without any problem. 

> Especially compared to say a underground Hey Arthur Dipper fetish forum or the many Gay ship fics of Dexter and Mandark. 
out of all the fetishes, they pick that one... I´ve seen better tastes around there, just saying...

I don´t even want to imagine how they are organized on Deviantart or Paheal. It cannot be worse than Youtube Kids videos in 2016/17, right? Right?
> Certainly we could handle it. While I'd probably prefer to have a spoiler rule at least for extreme hardcore fetishy stuff
I am only saying that in case that hey if a future anon wants to post that, well it could be perfectly organized in that way.
> We had just generally not done much full NSFW up to this point and you had admitted to preferring SFW images most of the time.
that´s because NSFW doesn´t inspire that much. Mostly because it´s a joke having to create a story for something you want to clop. Basically the phrase:"Watching a porn movie because of its argument".
The most surprising thing is that sometimes fetishists like having a story to imagine themselves in that situation as well for complementing it.
I mostly use SFW because it gives me more varied thoughts and inspirations. I would have to give a few twists to sexual stuff and I hardly doubt that could work in terms of writing. While it´s true that women find porn in those kinds of stories (50 Shades Of Grey for example), the most appealing aspect of NSFW has stayed in the visual aspect, not in the writing part. Not to mention that the inspiration for bringing an entertaining story by itself is quite limited. 

There are always exceptions to the rule but I don´t see it working.

> I find it a cool contrasting idea. Almosts reminds of... Bat Cadence.
when an idea, even when it´s random adds another layer to what´s created, you cannot avoid thinking about it. Much less when it´s what I have highlighted and reminded the most. The only downside is that there are no pics about her sadly...

though you could make a banner out of it? I don´t know.

Anyway, I will keep testing if Celestia looks better than this.

> Mobile. It has better contrast. Both look fine though. 
just wanted to make sure that it had something to offer as well or better. Agreed. I think this one will be the chosen one out of the two. Looks less sharp and Celestia shows a softer mane contrast.

> It is. TS tail is mostly missing and her back is simply gone without the large magic cannons on her back, along with some slices. 
alright, now with the recent ones you have posted, it becomes absolutely visible. That wavy effect hides that imperfection.

> It was just done quick to test something out and ended up being used alot. These were just my initial test images of effects so pardon there smallness
eh, enough for testing a few things. It reminds me when programmers use a simple white room for testing all the mechanics of the game they are making. 

Alright so if I had to make a ranking, it would be: 
 >>/2665/ >  >>/2667/ >=  >>/2668/ >  >>/2669/ >> >>/2666/

the cut one with the contour effect just intensifies the drawn lines and make the image more of a professional sketch. The emboss one surprisingly enough doesn´t mess up with Twilight´s body and makes her more brutal. 
Your favorite certainly looks interesting with the "zebra"? filter and it flows by varying the levels of black and white in different parts of her body. Just that it looks certainly weaker or makes a lesser impact in comparison. Still looks nice.

Now,  >>/2670/, definitely that face should have been used for shitposting purposes. Other than that, 
> This one however is the objective best. TS' head has been extended to give a more princessly look. Both in shape and to project authority. The size of her head helps her in awe, intimidation, and beauty.
advanced shitposting: the edit. My sarcasm´s detector is blasting off the charts by reading these lines. 

The last one well, is the cut base pic because it doesn´t offer anything.

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(762.91 KB, 1218x967)
> I'm not sure if 4channel will do much at first, advertisers will mostly still stay away with just that.
it will stay for a while like that. However...

> It is Virtual Youtuber where it comes together and what concerns me more. Hiro plans to market her. Easily she will become viral if she's done with even a quarter of competence.
Anime girl youtubers.....for what purpose exactly? It may have a phase of boosting that trend but for what? Why does that option offer onto the table?
Oh weebs... well, not even 4chan likes anime that much despite its influence but I am sure it could perfectly take up a third of the site. Without the red boards, all the relevancy is replaced by otaku content.

> Other YTers, Reactors and all the mid level commentary/drama channels that jump onto Doctor Phil videos and the like will be interacting with her. Once she starts to gain subs she will become a corporate link in which outside pressure could be applied. It could be SWJ's and mainstream media or YT preemptive, but in this environment it'd be bound to happen. The censorship effort at first would be low level and messy, probably mostly ceremonial at first, but as long as the left has their current mentality I doubt they will be able to get away with indirectly funding /pol/. 
you are describing a guide that while not top secret nor an outlandish conspiracy, trying to delete /pol/ with any strategy out there isn´t new at all. And they haven´t.

However, that will depend on the kids who follow them, let alone if one of the biggest reactors acquires an incorrect discourse (like Jontron) and they start having adventures in the comments box in the political topic.  However, like we are talking about Japanese girls that barely (in theory) remind you of the actual world....they stay disconnected with the actual purpose behind all of this. Will it happen in practice? Let´s see. 

There have been lots of trends (like Vaporwave) that ended in less than 2 years. However, like this is a Japanese related image board, we are talking about a more memorable/permanent effect. 

> Mid term I'd say /mlp/'s fate is uncertain save some possible crappy moderation (no NSFW links at the low end to No links to sites that have NSFW content at the high end, and unofficially ban derpbooru as an example). 
they can invent stupid rule like the no roleplaying one and have a subtle scruffening following it. If they ban Derpi, then the fun is officially over. 

> I don't see a high chance of Hiro's marketing push being able to truly be successful without the red boards being deleted or reined in heavily in some way. It maybe even the price to pay to get the MSM to leave them alone if things get particularly heated.
Ublock and all the adblockers will prevent the success, not to mention that money is a fearful object. As soon as there is more drama than the "calmed" ambient, a few of them will rethink about their decisions. 

> There would be a new breed of newfags that would be 12 year old Idubbbz/H3H3 edgelord fans (some might say that'd be a return to form, as the young edgelord's arguably was how things used to work before reddit and /pol/ right wing activity). If Hiro fully sells out to the most powerful degree, then there may even be a possiblity of snapchat/viner style teens or other demos. But that process would still likely take years.
yeah, that´s probably a long term path that it´s unclear as hell. 

Not to mention that some boards are really volatile and give to the mods more than a headache every now and then.

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GloriaStea... png
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This is my new OC. She is Dolores best friend and she loves tacos and the color black. She is an emo but she is also kind and caring side which is secret. Her main character flaw is that she likes the color red secretly but she feels that it's bad luck.

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thumbnail of TwilightVsDarknessMadMax_Cubism_Color_Shifted.png
TwilightVsDarknessMad... png
(1.36 MB, 1280x800)
> I don´t even want to imagine how they are organized on Deviantart or Paheal. It cannot be worse than Youtube Kids videos in 2016/17, right? Right?

 yes. Though it's been years since I encountered them. So they could be gone now 

> that´s because NSFW doesn´t inspire that much. Mostly because it´s a joke having to create a story for something you want to clop. Basically the phrase:"Watching a porn movie because of its argument".

Exactly, at least when it comes to the PORN side of the tag, the NSFW aspects in other areas usually don't interest me as but I will admit sometimes has potential.  Though most things that aren't porn and NSFW are just a gorefest, but I'll give it too'em if they use it well or creatively... even if that usually isn't my thing either.

thumbnail of TwilightVsDarknessMadMax_Cubism_Fall_Leaves.png
thumbnail of TwilightVsDarknessMadMax_Cubism_Fall_Leaves.png
TwilightVsDarknessMad... png
(1.37 MB, 1280x800)
Nice job on getting rid of the blood and edge. 

Focusing on the characters is fine. Though they perhaps look a little too faded white over everything, but only just barely. 

These was ran though th cubism filter, plus color slides. I thought the effects looked interesting but I wouldn't know exactly where to take it. Cubism works better as just a background probably.

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thumbnail of TSGlobe2.gif
TSGlobe2 gif
(374.88 KB, 386x414)
> Anime girl youtubers.....for what purpose exactly? It may have a phase of boosting that trend but for what? Why does that option offer onto the table?

Oh weebs... well, not even 4chan likes anime that much despite its influence but I am sure it could perfectly take up a third of the site. 
I feel she is a step above that. Maybe not in quality but in notability. 4chan personified as an anime girl will be hitting on several things at once. She'll get a lot of attention because she's from 4chan. There is a lot of people who still see 4chan as the cool edgy meme place and she'll probably inherent some of that idolization. Then there be the mainstream "Otakus", who will be viewing her because anime girl. Next up is commentary community and others who will jump onto her because it's both 4chan (edgy clickbait/sexy anime girl clickbait) and that it's trending. Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead and too certain but I feel like a halfway competent marketing effort plus hitting the right memes plus it'll be 4chan  or should I say 4channel  interacting with YT directly it could be a big deal for many people.   

First it'll be the audiences of people like this:
Who idealize/respect 4chan. In the days of old these be the type of people who'd fill /b/'s early ranks and than filter out. 

Then this guy. This type of neo-mainstream-anime people. 
Though he won't make videos on 4chan himself. This group I see as another large demo that could flock to her. There not the same group as the tweens and memers but they're cousins. They like a little edge and they are the ones who stayed around things like yandere simulator and doki doki the longest. 

Then this. General commentary and consumption:  
Which would hop onto it once the other two gave it traction. 

Don't bother watching all those vids. It ain't worth it. Watching a little and maybe peeking though the comments gives ya the idea.  the last video I linked though, at least skip to near the front...  

This is the TS rip. Now spinning as a globe!

thumbnail of 1892091__suggestive_artist-colon-amberpendant_silverstream_anthro_belly+button_breasts_clothes_female_looking+at+you_lying_seapony+(g4)_seashell+br.png
thumbnail of 1892091__suggestive_artist-colon-amberpendant_silverstream_anthro_belly+button_breasts_clothes_female_looking+at+you_lying_seapony+(g4)_seashell+br.png
1892091__su... png
(818.98 KB, 1000x1500)
> She is Dolores best friend and she loves tacos and the color black. She is an emo
truly an OC that brings "the absolute glory" to the board. Also Steaven....this shitpost really makes you think... 

> but she is also kind and caring side which is secret.
Derpi mods will surely like this trope

> Her main character flaw is that she likes the color red secretly but she feels that it's bad luck.
the mouse I using is red....does that mean I am doomed? What does she think of Shadow The Hedgehog? 
Also, she has red contours in her body, does she look at herself with a mirror? 

> it's been years since I encountered them. So they could be gone now 
the early 2010´s,late 00s of Deviantart. Those were the times. Now it´s all about censorship and checking the age for mature content whenever you click in a NSFW image (sometimes)

> the NSFW aspects in other areas usually don't interest me as but I will admit sometimes has potential.
yeah but one would have to dive into a list of fetishes and develop something interesting with a pretty superficial appealing aspect. 

> Though most things that aren't porn and NSFW are just a gorefest, but I'll give it too'em if they use it well or creatively... even if that usually isn't my thing either.
yeah, if it gets creative, I can appreciate that twist to give it something else beyond the expected stuff.

sadly, NSFW content means entering into the sadistic zone and it means that you have to set the bar in the edge zone from the very beginning and carry it almost if not all the time to keep it NSFW. 
Maybe there are ways to combine those two or rotate obscure fetishes to complement them just to offer a different dynamic. If you are capable to engage the reader (bonus points if it´s not his fetish and doesn´t need images to get entertained) with that, put yourself a crown for such effort.

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_mlp__the_nightmarity... png
(379.09 KB, 1024x768)
> Nice job on getting rid of the blood and edge. 
I have posted it more times before but that edit came just to soft the eye and reduce the tensions of that blood by making the legs darker and less colorful. Instead, blue gives serenity and it seems more like a regular pose with dirty legs than getting covered in blood. 

The part made with the PC just helped to intensify that blue tone,looking shinier and more eye catching like the average tail from a pony would do.

I don´t have any new edits so far because I am pretty busy. With the green, I thought I had offered enough to balance it. I will get back on track over time.....hopefully 

> Focusing on the characters is fine. Though they perhaps look a little too faded white over everything, but only just barely. 
yeah, that´s old edit anyway (from May). I haven´t edited it on PC and you are giving me an idea to re edit it in the future with your  criticism in mind. 

> I thought the effects looked interesting but I wouldn't know exactly where to take it. 
me neither. I would certainly say that it gives the picture a more abstract feel. 

> Cubism works better as just a background probably.
most likely it´s meant to be used for that. It would be interesting to see how it works with the character defined yet the background has that filter behind it. 

As for  >>/2681/, I will have to check it with patience. 

> This is the TS rip. Now spinning as a globe!
keep on rolling Twilight!

Wait, if she is rotating all the time, will the sun set in front of her face? 

She has a no fun allowed face despite having fun by rotating like this. She should be happy (unless she is getting dizzy)

> As for  >>/2681/, I will have to check it with patience. 

Don't bother sniftin through it. I just linked those to show ya a idea of how I think it'll go down. 

First 1 is internet historian. His crowd is the meme/trolls, YTPers, edgy 12 year olds, etc. This is the group that idolized 4chan the most. This is just one o several videos that I could've linked to prove this groups existence. 

This is Bijuu Mike, a game focused animeish YTer. You know what? He probably wasn't the best to link to now that  think about it. I think Clover could get some of this mainstream oktaku market quite well and could regurgitate it in there memes and whatnot. I'm not sure if I ever should've linked that. I was just trying to find a quite example of one of those "look Japanese stuff! look how weird they are, look how otaku we are!"  yes /a/ I know that Yandere Simulator and Doki Doki Literature Club aren't Japanese     

The 2 links are imalexx. There is no need to watch these. It's just the lowest and most mainstream level commentary  guy trying to hop on various things ( look crazy person on DR PHIL! Look weird YT thing) 
And the last link is an example of somebody not from 4chan making a video on 4chan, but it's on that lower consumer level, as opposed to the mainstream memer/troll level of Internet Historian. SFW, perhaps a bit dated even for its time, and  has no understanding of the DEEPLORE. The last entry  the number 1  is a tiny bit of interest though.

This wouldn't be anything to waste time over. Just examples of where I think the virtual YT project could go and why I think it has a decant chance of having an effect on the site's demographics. Though nothing is set in stone and YT may even kill it  or it simply not catching on  before it has even a remote effect.

thumbnail of 1578270 pc + mobile edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1578270 pc + mobile edit.jpg
1578270 pc +... jpg
(405.38 KB, 1619x1827)
> I feel she is a step above that. Maybe not in quality but in notability. 4chan personified as an anime girl will be hitting on several things at once. She'll get a lot of attention because she's from 4chan. There is a lot of people who still see 4chan as the cool edgy meme place and she'll probably inherent some of that idolization.
so basically, using her as a mascot like Yotsuba but for outsiders in general and more active. The /b/ and /pol/ legacy has been stuck to the general image of the whole site so they all think 4chan is that edgy place one would create a lot of stories with it. 

> Then there be the mainstream "Otakus", who will be viewing her because anime girl. 
that sector is considered from the start. It would be more surprising that they didn´t find her appealing instead of praising her presence.

> Next up is commentary community and others who will jump onto her because it's both 4chan (edgy clickbait/sexy anime girl clickbait) and that it's trending.
I must admit that both aspect sell a lot the image of 4chan in general. It´s basically portraying everything that made it famous. If those outsiders entered with that mindset to the site, they will (most likely) carry that spirit unironically.

> Maybe I'm thinking too far ahead and too certain but I feel like a halfway competent marketing effort plus hitting the right memes plus it'll be 4chan or should I say 4channel interacting with YT directly it could be a big deal for many people
so basically, trying to "normalize" (even more) the chan mindset to outsiders. Chan culture has affected subtly and effectively to the internet by creating memes, net words like shitposting or the rules of the internet and has arrived at places you wouldn´t expect an influence. Hell, this fanbase is a chan creation at its core taken way too seriously and big to be considered as a joke all the time. 

Selling itself so explicitly could lead to short term success, the problem is if the chan will find its own spirit after that process. It will collide and impress a lot of people that´s for sure. Without a doubt there will be some funny reactions of people acting impressed. However, the brony fanbase has experienced this as well before. The bandwagon has a peak and after that boost is normalized, users will find it more average or less impressive and probably 4chan will lose that original edge and see it as the new Deviantart of social media or something. So in the end, the site could barely surprise anyone and will have it somewhat hard unless there are constant headlines from journalists in terms of politics. 

> Watching a little and maybe peeking though the comments gives ya the idea.
yeah, the first one is like storytelling a war between Tumblr and 4chan with the usual techniques to make it compelling for Youtube viewers. 
> He probably wasn't the best to link to now that think about it.
> I'm not sure if I ever should've linked that.
> I was just trying to find a quite example of one of those "look Japanese stuff! look how weird they are, look how otaku we are!" yes /a/ I know that Yandere Simulator and Doki Doki Literature Club aren't Japanese
yep,I didn´t see that much of the outsider line save doing a troll video about the events with a few clips and images of what´s going on. I expected it to have more of that clickbait title.

Not the best sample but eh, entertaining enough.

Posting an old edit btw, no need to rejudge it.

thumbnail of 1432810.png
thumbnail of 1432810.png
1432810 png
(381.36 KB, 634x480)
> Though he won't make videos on 4chan himself. This group I see as another large demo that could flock to her. There not the same group as the tweens and memers but they're cousins. They like a little edge and they are the ones who stayed around things like yandere simulator and doki doki the longest.

yeah, a bit sad. I tried to watch his videos but I closed them in less than 10 seconds. These kind of youtubers don´t add anything but content for keeping themselves relevant. Maybe worth for a/lolcow/ but not even that sometimes. 
> There is no need to watch these. It's just the lowest and most mainstream level commentary guy trying to hop on various things ( look crazy person on DR PHIL! Look weird YT thing)
thanks for the advice. I discovered it instantly and with that in mind, I didn´t even bother more than a few seconds to see what he does in his channel. Just don´t shill these kind of youtubers again. They add nothing but wasting time.

> And the last link is an example of somebody not from 4chan making a video on 4chan, but it's on that lower consumer level, as opposed to the mainstream memer/troll level of Internet Historian. SFW, perhaps a bit dated even for its time, and has no understanding of the DEEPLORE. The last entry the number 1 is a tiny bit of interest though. 

yeah, like Watchmojo but about 4chan and talk about it with tons of ignorance and not lurking on the actual site and how it works over there. 

> the last video I linked though, at least skip to near the front...
I see what you did there....
MLP is actually like I said in the previous post, the biggest meme/prank 4chan has made and impact the whole internet. You couldn´t escape from a picture of a pony back then when the bandwagon was full and you still see a lot of avatars of ponies in random forums. So basicall,y a show gone viral that ended up a cultur/fandom by itself. All of that lead to.....this 8 years later. A single joke that seems too far away nowadays and still keep going. 

> This wouldn't be anything to waste time over. 

> Just examples of where I think the virtual YT project could go and why I think it has a decant chance of having an effect on the site's demographics. Though nothing is set in stone and YT may even kill it or it simply not catching on before it has even a remote effect.
we will see but 4chan may be too popular to even cause an impression or having too much influence because users know about that site before this possible trend emerges.

It all relies in a: "Let´s find it out over time" mindset. They always highlight the saucy parts of it but 4chan sometimes, spoiler alert: can be boring after lurking for a while.

thumbnail of 1649635 mobile edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1649635 mobile edit.jpg
1649635 mobile edit jpg
(392.04 KB, 750x850)
these edits nothing spectacular honestly. Just slight adjustments and testing in order to compare them directly.

So they are mostly made for comparisons and put an effect like  >>/2696/ and  >>/2692/

Also I am posting the mobile version of  >>/2693/ because I am not that convinced about using the PC for this picture. Adjusting to maximum clarity makes the edit somewhat saturated

thumbnail of ThisIsTwilight.png
thumbnail of ThisIsTwilight.png
ThisIsTwilight png
(159.4 KB, 1280x800)
>  Just don´t shill these kind of youtubers again. They add nothing but wasting time.

Agree on wasting time. Only reason why I did those links was trying to provide an example. Sort of a: "You see this cycle of content that has people like X, I feel the YTer is rip for that treatment." Still my post was a bt confusing and incoherent, for which I apologize.  lightly because it's just a YT Videos and time wasting 

> Your favorite certainly looks interesting with the "zebra"? filter and it flows by varying the levels of black and white in different parts of her body. Just that it looks certainly weaker or makes a lesser impact in comparison. Still looks nice.

There is a reason why this one is my favorite. I messed around with it for several diffent cut N paste mixed media experiments and sometimes gave off a certain vib that I really liked. Pic related. These experiments actually do relate to my project but will result on something on there own regardless of the project's status.

thumbnail of Dolores_Looks_Like_something_wrong.png
thumbnail of Dolores_Looks_Like_something_wrong.png
Dolores_Looks_Like_so... png
(860.24 KB, 1630x686)
> truly an OC that brings "the absolute glory" to the board. Also Steaven....this shitpost really makes you think... 

She's the 'G' in glory and the 'S' in Steven Universe.

Though she is still just barely second to our beloved bridge.
This one looks a little sharper but the edit is very subtle. 
Still my fav, though  >>/2695/ has the most dramatic improvement. 
My second fav, even if the body is a bit simple, I still like the darker, sharper color for some reason.
This one is superior to  >>/2693/, slightly at least.
Really like how this one looks. Especially that sun.

thumbnail of 77185__safe_artist-colon-jejejoja_princess+luna_ethereal+mane_moon_night_raised+hoof_solo_traditional+art.jpg
thumbnail of 77185__safe_artist-colon-jejejoja_princess+luna_ethereal+mane_moon_night_raised+hoof_solo_traditional+art.jpg
77185__safe_artist-co... jpg
(406.68 KB, 1020x776)
agree on wasting time. Only reason why I did those links was trying to provide an example. Sort of a: "You see this cycle of content that has people like X, I feel the YTer is rip for that treatment."
yo did well, I mean, it´s nice to see the info and how one tries to make an hypothesis out of this change with the samples that are already visible. 
It´s just my inch with the youtubers of this kind in general. My teenage years have been flooded of youtubers:let´s players, bloggers and drama between the Spanish community....and I am tired of that joke trend. Very few ones know how to shitpost and those who pretend that they do, are cringier than half the internet fanbases at least. Not only because they imitate something they don´t know (doing it badly for the most part, distorting the actual way to do it), but because they do it for money.

That´s what annoys me. Not the actual info by itself and how normies will dig but because they would copy a trend they can´t follow after and do it successfully. The fandom shitposts better without the edge stuff and DWK is the prime example of a youtuber that knows both the shitposting bases than 90% of users that will create a funny that ends up nowhere. 

> inb4 elitism about how to shitpost 

> Still my post was a bt confusing and incoherent, for which I apologize. lightly because it's just a YT Videos and time wasting
nah nah don´t worry. We´ll have to worry about what I want to enter over here.

Yes....NSFW.....OH BOY,OH BOY....take a comfortable seat for this one.

thumbnail of colourful re-edit for 917.jpg
thumbnail of colourful re-edit for 917.jpg
colourful re-edit for... jpg
(443.96 KB, 1025x794)
> She's the 'G' in glory and the 'S' in Steven Universe. 
crystal gem detected! Go for her!

> Though she is still just barely second to our beloved bridge. 
eh, not going to lie. That filter is pretty cool. Almost reminds of wooden decorations. 

this one adds...well, it looks like AJ is smiling and putting a chill face for some reason....when she isn´t. You could have tricked me into thinking about her having that positive face with this filter instead of concerned.

this one is crappy but it would be interesting to see it full defined and not blurred. I see that the white lines don´t take all the space so it means that you have been manually messing it up (it would be your first take). It doesn´t look that crappy but yeah, even in its own mess, there are small flaws in it that were unintentional. It´s somewhat strange indeed because it encourages me to comment more than other edits and I don´t dislike it for some reason (maybe the white color?)

Twilight!What the hell are you doing,lady? Did you forget my indications for using the washing machine? I am not helping you this time around. There you go, keep on rolling but don´t complain if you get dizzy later.

thumbnail of 1864743-her_happy_highness_by_vird_gi-dcq7wfm.png
thumbnail of 1864743-her_happy_highness_by_vird_gi-dcq7wfm.png
1864743-her_happy_hig... png
(724.34 KB, 1073x745)
multiple Twilights.....they´d better not notice my secret chocolate milkshake....

> There is a reason why this one is my favorite. I messed around with it for several diffent cut N paste mixed media experiments and sometimes gave off a certain vib that I really liked.
yeah,it seems like Twilight has a wing(?) in her back right hoof. 
it´s true that there are vibes while editing that appeal to the author and that´s where improvised ideas come from, even if no one else understands what it does at first sight.

What I can tell is hat you have modified the lines so they are not uniform or simplistic in their shape in all her body. It´s almost like her shadow plays with the  colorproportions

> These experiments actually do relate to my project but will result on something on there own regardless of the project's status.
I didn´t understand those lines. I think with their context I will get them or appreciate them better but I think you are revealing too much or is it a "mirror" test of what you are planning?

I don´t know if love is real or an illusion. Maybe the user behind the screen was a dog all along....

> This one looks a little sharper but the edit is very subtle. 
> This one is superior to  >>/2693/, slightly at least. 
Thanks, like  >>/2655/, I wanted to check again if the mobile version was the correct choice. this is why I make these comparisons even if the image feels repetitive. 

> Still my fav, though  >>/2695/ has the most dramatic improvement. 
that favorite pic....only cost me to define it a little bit more and intensify the shadows and contrast. That was if not the shortest, pretty close to edit it without thinking anything.

I edited  >>/2695/ because I didn´t feel that was completely right. I may becoming a maniac but there are some images that I edit slightly like this because I cannot enjoy them completely. My enjoyment gets reduced a bit because of that room of improvement that I project into it. 

> My second fav, even if the body is a bit simple, I still like the darker, sharper color for some reason
yeah, it was one of my "why not" edits and apply those colors. It was edited just to do it in reverse from the latest Celestia editions with the cold effect. Luna/NMM has blue already so let´s put our hooves for giving a different vibe with another color. And that´s how it was created. It looked pretty good with that purple effect and I intensified the color to the maximum. Also, I complement it with contrast and adjusting the lightning/shadows to look like the light shows her as an intimidating pony. 

> Really like how this one looks. Especially that sun.
I am surprised honestly. I just wanted to repeat the cold effect pattern but I ended up caring more about the lightning than caring about how the blue tones flood Celestia´s body. Instead, I put more focus on the lightning, shadows and contrast with the cold effect (more or less in the halfway point, I can´t remember the exact number). The PC part just added a bit more of definition and/or contrast. 

So yeah, well.... a bunch of pictures that bring nice impressions with some of the simplest adjustments. But hey, I guess that works although I don´t like ending up as a conformist.

thumbnail of 196863__safe_anonymous+artist_derpibooru+exclusive_derpy+hooves_competition-colon-derpibooru+2012_female_hearth's+warming+eve_mare_pegasus_pony.png
thumbnail of 196863__safe_anonymous+artist_derpibooru+exclusive_derpy+hooves_competition-colon-derpibooru+2012_female_hearth's+warming+eve_mare_pegasus_pony.png
196863__safe_anonymou... png
(604.42 KB, 1000x733)
thumbnail of 196863 pc edit.png
thumbnail of 196863 pc edit.png
196863 pc edit png
(959.08 KB, 1000x733)
Let´s begin....with a few comparisons. 

In this case, I have only used the Windows 10 editor and in less than 5 minutes, you could basically achieve the same results. These images have the artist needed tag, so they are basically leftovers that people left on Derpi and it cost more time on picking them than using the editor.  


thumbnail of Long.gif
thumbnail of Long.gif
Long gif
(2.32 MB, 1370x750)
This special effect that I used briefly in the end pic of the revolution fic. This is where I discovered it while messing around for the other project.  and this spoilers nothing about the other fics 

thumbnail of Sort.gif
thumbnail of Sort.gif
Sort gif
(1.37 MB, 1370x750)
And here is the short but in my opinion superior version. All it is me doing is stacking the supernova effect in gimp over ontop each other and making it slightly larger each time, so it isn't high wizardly powers but just novel primitive messing around.

thumbnail of Kindess.png
thumbnail of Kindess.png
Kindess png
(588.64 KB, 1992x5000)
> this one adds...well, it looks like AJ is smiling and putting a chill face for some reason....when she isn´t. You could have tricked me into thinking about her having that positive face with this filter instead of concerned.

It almost with the blur gives me a stoner-AJ feel.

> this one is crappy but it would be interesting to see it full defined and not blurred.

I was messing with a thumbnailed screencap from the wikia and just torturing it with various effects and such and seeing where it would go.  it maybe part of something later that has a mixed media vibe if I try to utilize it seriously  

> Twilight!What the hell are you doing,lady? Did you forget my indications for using the washing machine? I am not helping you this time around. There you go, keep on rolling but don´t complain if you get dizzy later.

If I could ever animate this there is a meme somewhere hidden in there. 

> I didn´t understand those lines. I think with their context I will get them or appreciate them better but I think you are revealing too much or is it a "mirror" test of what you are planning?

Nope the main 2 fics don't have much to do with Twilight and only may utilize mixed media.

> Thanks, like  >>/2655/, I wanted to check again if the mobile version was the correct choice. this is why I make these comparisons even if the image feels repetitive. 

It's like tasting food vs being a chef, start to notice little subtleties.

> I am surprised honestly. I just wanted to repeat the cold effect pattern but I ended up caring more about the lightning than caring about how the blue tones flood Celestia´s body.

I know that feel. Messing around can yeld interesting stuff, though sometimes one can be annoyed that it didn't go where intended.  

> I don´t like ending up as a conformist.

???? Don't quite follow conformist part  take your time obviously as it took me a bit to reply to this already 

thumbnail of 1114307__artist+needed_safe_queen+chrysalis_solo.jpeg
thumbnail of 1114307__artist+needed_safe_queen+chrysalis_solo.jpeg
1114307__art... jpeg
(245 KB, 922x1280)
thumbnail of 1114307 pc edit.jpeg
thumbnail of 1114307 pc edit.jpeg
1114307 pc... jpeg
(333.11 KB, 922x1280)
> It certainly is simple, but some of these are a pretty good improvement.
these are images that I consider as something that you find for filling the numbers of Derpi. It´s like going to a supermarket and collecting 2nd hand material that not many people care, especially when they have the artist needed tag. I prefer putting something different on other images. These ones only needed some adjustments that a simple editor would polish pretty well.

> This is especially a good.
yeah. I was struggling for a while in the brightness and shadows to see how it worked the best. I had a couple of edits just to compare the brightness and I finally ended up posting that one because I saw it was the most pleasing to look at while keeping a logical lightning.

> This is the least improved edit. 
It didn´t need much else than that honestly. I simply thought that playing a little bit with the contrast and the shadows would cause a bigger impact.

Surprisingly enough, your compressed image looks completely fine on mobile for some reason. Quite an achievement.

thumbnail of You won´t get what you want-Daughters.jpg
thumbnail of You won´t get what you want-Daughters.jpg
You won´t get what... jpg
(221.2 KB, 1200x1200)
thumbnail of confusion is sex-sonic youth.png
thumbnail of confusion is sex-sonic youth.png
confusion is... png
(14.08 KB, 225x225)
thumbnail of filth-swans.jpeg
thumbnail of filth-swans.jpeg
filth-swans jpeg
(16.43 KB, 600x600)
> this spoilers nothing about the other fics 
unless your fics have some sort of plot device for using teleport, I doubtfully think that it has anything to do with such material in the first place. 

> the short but in my opinion superior version. 
yep, it causes more impact but it gets a little bit tiring to watch after a while.

> stacking the supernova effect in gimp over ontop each other and making it slightly larger each time, so it isn't high wizardly powers but just novel primitive messing around.

> inb4 replying with the image macro of AJ asking: are you a wizard?
one step closer to animating the magical effects in the show and get a contract from any animated series.

looks like one of those games from the early 80s. Not sure if that´s a compliment. Still, you have to be really crappy to make that vector unenjoyable.

> here is the darker version of that scrap. It looks edgy and not in the fun way.
definitely not. In fact, I am posting these three album covers that are reminiscent of the no wave genre of music. It´s a pretty weird musical genre and particularly one that is marginal as hell. Just to give you an idea of the tone you are showing with that effect.
It makes you wonder if that´s a pony that in an alternate timeline could have ruled with Sombra or something like that. 

> I really like how the moon looks bright and glowy.
yeah, it´s one of the edits that I like the most out of the bunch even though I was focusing more on the bat pony than the ambient. 

> It almost with the blur gives me a stoner-AJ feel. 
the sweetie derelle you posted in the other thread gives more those vibes of psychodelia than that one though. Hell even that pic incites more to that. AJ looks kind of abstract around there and it implies that feel subtly.

> just torturing it with various effects and such and seeing where it would go
it sounds that you had fun with it
> has a mixed media vibe if I try to utilize it seriously 
who knows

> If I could ever animate this there is a meme somewhere hidden in there. 
boy, you are posting psychodelic material around there. The /end/ is going to end up in mushrooms at this point.

> the main 2 fics don't have much to do with Twilight and only may utilize mixed media. 

> It's like tasting food vs being a chef, start to notice little subtleties. 
yeah. In fact, these little details are the ones that can decide if an image pays off to the viewer or not. The material and execution is there. Whether if you recontextualize a picture by editing it or not, the cherry on top of it is what can attract or just cause indifference.

In short, looking for perfectionism (or measured chaos) for autistic reasons. 

> Don't quite follow conformist part
conformity is what I say with edits that one effortlessly makes. The edits that get one out of the comfort zone are those that require a little bit more of imagination and reinvent a little bit with it like  >>/2481/. It means delivering something more ambitious than playing and just using the adjustments.

Sure, the minor adjustments pay off pretty well but it ends up as an average task for me. The blurriness, the flaws and partial color options brought something outlandish from the original picture that ends up delivering a different interpretation.

Although you have delivered that with  >>/2649/ funnily enough.

thumbnail of 1120680.png
thumbnail of 1120680.png
1120680 png
(147.65 KB, 601x411)
thumbnail of 1038327__safe_artist-colon-cakeslover_princess+celestia_rarity_aitselirar_alicorn_body+swap_female_head+swap_inverted_inverted+colors_lesbian_pony_race.png
thumbnail of 1038327__safe_artist-colon-cakeslover_princess+celestia_rarity_aitselirar_alicorn_body+swap_female_head+swap_inverted_inverted+colors_lesbian_pony_race.png
1038327__safe_artist-... png
(142.66 KB, 1035x772)
> definitely not. In fact, I am posting these three album covers that are reminiscent of the no wave genre of music.
Really? My first thought was how darkening and inversion of color is often used in edgy art of tweens and teens. But hey I'll take that. Those album covers look interesting... I almost feel a little inspired.

> yep, it causes more impact but it gets a little bit tiring to watch after a while.
As with many sort loops. I just think it was a little smoother.

> looks like one of those games from the early 80s. Not sure if that´s a compliment. Still, you have to be really crappy to make that vector unenjoyable.
I don't mind 80s though it is being overspammed right now so it could be a bad choice to make anything as it may age quite poorly  in my opinion 

> The /end/ is going to end up in mushrooms at this point.
Hey, with your taste in chaotic avant-garde music and for me randomness causing the /end/ to become on drugs, maybe we should fuse the styles together.  and BO could join in with a style too  and have something truly interesting.

> The blurriness, the flaws and partial color options brought something outlandish from the original picture that ends up delivering a different interpretation.
I found those edits fun too. And I aways feel like they could be a little bit more to them. Not saying the others are bad, just simple improvements,  these have a bit of an identity to them.

> Although you have delivered that with  >>/2649/ funnily enough.
I will not lie. I have several ideas for Dolores as a bridge art, that range from silly to a little creepy, so I suppose she delivers something different for being what she is. I was thrilled with how the BO made it into a banner.

thumbnail of grayscale.jpeg
thumbnail of grayscale.jpeg
grayscale jpeg
(2.36 KB, 2500x1750)
Yep, 4x4 sampling trips up Imagemagick.
But muh low score of 1634 bytes.
Have this grayscale, probably absolute minimum possible to post (bar the all gray image, believe me been there done that) jpeg as a substitute.

thumbnail of Compressed so hard that 0 goes everywhere.jpeg
thumbnail of Compressed so hard that 0 goes everywhere.jpeg
Compressed so hard... jpeg
(189 B, 2500x1750)
thumbnail of No image. No Colors. Quantisation tables only. JPEG Compression - The Final Destination.jpeg
thumbnail of No image. No Colors. Quantisation tables only. JPEG Compression - The Final Destination.jpeg
No image. No Colors.... jpeg
(171 B, 2500x1750)
If we take it to the extreme, this is the result. 189/171 bytes. It's still the same image as before, no graphics editing beforehand, no manipulation, just pure tuning of compression parameters.
What's funny though, that it's way smaller than GIF or PNG. Another win for JPEG.

The 171 bytes version arguably is nonconformant to the standard (the JFIF header removed), so it's a grey area pun not intended

I had to rebuild my mozjpeg to save those 18 bytes, hence why posting this with this lag. I could've just hex-edited the header out myself, but meh. No cheating.

thumbnail of 1654831 pc+ mobile edit.jpg
thumbnail of 1654831 pc+ mobile edit.jpg
1654831 pc+ mobile... jpg
(824.8 KB, 2523x1983)
> My first thought was how darkening and inversion of color is often used in edgy art of tweens and teens
yeah, in fact, I see those edits Derpibooru approved when they are about the show but not when they are about a related image of certain artists because it is in the Do not post lists. The filter doesn´t look that good, much less with the show vectors (surprisingly enough it doesn´t manage to ruin Amore completely). Applying it directly without much thought will lead to....well, those edgy results. That CMC pic describes how fitting that filter is for this franchise.

> Those album covers look interesting... I almost feel a little inspired.
because that inversion or darkening of pictures can lead into results that don´t manage to get into that edgy point so clearly. In fact, that dark element might end being edgy bait but it may not transmit at its core those thoughts.
Everything that is dark gets to be called edgy these days. I don´t find that reductionism really healthy for establishing a critique on something that doesn´t scream flowery stuff.

> I just think it was a little smoother.
I cannot deny that
> it is being overspammed right now so it could be a bad choice to make anything as it may age quite poorly in my opinion
yeah, the 80s especially the pixelart trend on Instagram and indie games, kinds of makes the formula somewhat tiring. The 80s has been thrown to this geenration in a nostalgic way just reminding about the generic part of it.  I do love the underground music scenes of that decade though. But definitely, the imagery of futurism and 8 bit material has already pleased a lot of normies. 

> with your taste in chaotic avant-garde music and for me randomness causing the /end/ to become on drugs
I hope you don´t ever come across to listening to dreamy music because that would be like spreading your wings into a distorted  rainbow. About the avant-garde part, I don´t listen to it as much as /mu/ elitists (in fact, I only have listened to Confusion is Sex and I still prefer Bad Moon Rising)but I do enjoy certain amounts of experimentation. All music has been invented since decades ago but yeah, I posted them to give you a vision that bands with certain popularity show around their material.

> maybe we should fuse the styles together. and BO could join in with a style too and have something truly interesting.
the owner is having a wild attempt at compressing the bat pony image to further and beyond. He may reach negative bytes of the uploads. 

> I aways feel like they could be a little bit more to them. Not saying the others are bad, just simple improvements, these have a bit of an identity to them.
that´s what I meant. Putting some sort of thought and edition that you cannot repeat so easily and getting to a point in which you ask yourself how you made that edit in the first place. They add another layer and that´s why I keep mentioning them and wishing I could give a surprise again even if that requires several failures.
Pushing the boundaries and testing in order to give the original content a twist is something that requires a good selection of pictures and the idea.

> I suppose she delivers something different for being what she is. I was thrilled with how the BO made it into a banner.
I am also surprised that he actually put that image as a banner. And it literally came from this thread as another edit to shitpost.

 >>/3202/, >>/3204/, >>/3205/, >>/3206/, >>/3207/, >>/3208/, >>/3209/
in these posts, we see how the BO attempts to go beyond the physical laws and compress the image to insanity levels. I can barely see the images zoomed whenever I click on them. 

> I had to rebuild my mozjpeg to save those 18 bytes, hence why posting this with this lag. I could've just hex-edited the header out myself, but meh. No cheating.
holy *yay*, 171 bytes by just using the compression parameter. JPEG>>>gif, PNG

> JPEG>>>gif, PNG
I find myself believing this unironically with each passing day. Especially since JPEG also supports lossless mode. And they're actually smaller than PNG (sometimes) (on why see next paragraph).

> I can barely see the images zoomed whenever I click on them
I think arithmetic coding (aka my main weapon in crushing filesize of those images) is to blame. The patents on it have only expired few years ago, so the support for it isn't yet widespread.
For example even I encounter some bugs on its way. I recompressed the image from  >>/3215/ with arithmetic encoding, and after expanding it I see blankness. Stil works if viewed in separate tab (funnily enough, first characters of md5sum of that image spell 'bad', as you can see for yourself in the URL)
But man, is it the killer feature of the jpeg imo. The all grey 171 bytes image? 17 kilobytes with regular Huffman coding. In 90% cases it's achieves superior compression to Huffman tables.

I tried  >>/3215/ with Huffman coding just now and it actually came out with smaller filesize than arithmetic coded one. WTF ARITHMETICBROS THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN
I guess this just goes to show that there is no golden panacea for everything

> I find myself believing this unironically with each passing day. Especially since JPEG also supports lossless mode. And they're actually smaller than PNG (sometimes)
this statement should be more taken into account for its practical applications we deal daily.

> The patents on it have only expired few years ago, so the support for it isn't yet widespread.
so the server cannot activate those old patents...right.

> is it the killer feature of the jpeg imo. The all grey 171 bytes image? 17 kilobytes with regular Huffman coding. In 90% cases it's achieves superior compression to Huffman tables.
such an accessible feature has good results almost all the time....well, the commercialization and standardization served for something. A little detail but a practical one.

> there is no golden panacea for everything
this thread is based on testing and testing most of the time, even though it´s a bit more focused on gaining a different perspective of the original images. Although you have achieved to carry it into a technical point in the end.

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standards png
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1882659__sa... gif
(95.14 KB, 171x257)
> so the server cannot activate those old patents...right.
Sorry, but I could't help but smile and giggle inside at that sentence.

> well, the commercialization and standardization served for something.
Going full Stallman, au contraire, patenting, and by extension, commercialization, prevented open source/free software community from embracing this technology for long years. Standards are good tho. Be wary of pic related tho, too.

> Going full Stallman, au contraire, patenting, and by extension, commercialization, prevented open source/free software community from embracing this technology for long years.
goddamn. Old traditionalists try to stop the new tendencies until they cannot undo that unavoidable trend. 
Even though they tried to prevent more the technological things that was piracy more than anything. 

> Standards are good tho. Be wary of pic related tho, too.
the standards are always pretty derivative. Only a few minor changes happen and that´s it or are most likely patches of the original ones. The basic ones always stay and it would too big headed to think that one can create new ones unless they happen spontaneously around.
While it´s true that the brony fan sites keep a different feel in each place, it´s not because of the standards but more as the vibes created around the content users post and build around their content.

/endpone/ could perfectly just apply that picture and make it real for the lolz or whatever. However, everything has been invented so even if one tries to make those standards universal, there wouldn´t be much difference in the state everyone is in.

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thumbnail of There's no Plan 9 pony, which is sad.jpg
There's no Plan 9... jpg
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> that was piracy more than anything
Can You elaborate?

> the basic ones always stay and it would too big headed to think that one can create new ones unless they happen spontaneously around.
It always amuses me a little how everyone wants to invent new best standard/tool for many contemprary things, yet some things like IP stack, DNS etc. (standards from 1960s no less) are rock solid and untouchable.

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thumbnail of 1073832 mobile + pc edit.jpg
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(176.59 KB, 1128x849)
> Can You elaborate?
I was subtly speaking of the music industry trying to prevent the system that Napster brought into the table with the P2P sharing. Distributors try to avoid it at all costs by shutting it down but they failed. The original may not exist anymore but others like Emule or Soulseek remain intact after so many years. They had to give up with the streaming services...and they had a lot of power back then. Refusing to use technology because it would ruin their monopoly and that they wouldn´t become essential at delivering music to the masses.

> It always amuses me a little how everyone wants to invent new best standard/tool for many contemprary things, yet some things like IP stack, DNS etc. (standards from 1960s no less) are rock solid and untouchable.
that´s pretty funny. Those who think that they can become the new Einstein or historical person to cause an impact in this society are fools. Ambition is fine and one wants to achieve new objectives to what we have.
However, one has to go back to the old basics because that´s what we have in the end. The only thing that will matter is the recontextualization behind its remix. 

Technology is stagnating pretty fast after the mobile phone bubble. Science...going back to the roots and the only innovative things that could come would be minor observations of specific things. The roots of everything have been studied and strongly solidified.

That mentality is how you detect actual plebs that know nothing.

well, that´s an edit....I cannot disagree with the thumbnail. 

Based Celestia even though I only drank ME like twice in my life and never again. 

> Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
Pirates of the Caribbean intensifies*

no seriously, I thought that it was dead but it´s alive an kicking. I only knew it because of
a family member for downloading documentaries and music. I thought that it was the P2P that would give you malware all the time but I haven´t tested it for myself.

so folks, the thread has like 30 posts before reaching the bumplock, so my question is:

do you want to keep going with this or do we give it a rest for a while and focus on something else?

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This edit is my favorite. I like the fire within the ice. A cold heart with a burning rage on the inside. Feel like there could be good symbolism potential. Though  >>/3309/ is the best of the batch if I'm going to be entirely honest. Of these two,  >>/3310/  >>/3311/ yeah, not much can be done with just corrective edits ( but with a philosophy of creative destruction maybe useful even...)

Your call. Do you think feel a bit of nostalgia for the thread or a bit stuck and wanna break? Sure, why not? If you're still posting edits and just wanting to gauge others opinions, we can just let it take it's course.   Though I still have some material to post, it's just mostly scraps, so I'd be focused either way on the near term with /go/ and something else going on in the background. It won't bother me either way. 

>  Standards are good tho. Be wary of pic related tho, too.

So you don't think JNGs, APNGs and webps are a good idea? 
 Don't think I've forgoten about our compression fight! 
> It always amuses me a little how everyone wants to invent new best standard/tool for many contemprary things, yet some things like IP stack, DNS etc. (standards from 1960s no less) are rock solid and untouchable.

Plan9 vs unix in a nutshell. 

 No plan9 pony!? 

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> This edit is my favorite. I like the fire within the ice. A cold heart with a burning rage on the inside. Feel like there could be good symbolism potential.
I don´t have anything planned about that but if it inspires anyone for that concept, feel free to do explore it. 
Using that technique is like repeating myself but I suppose, I set a comfort zone by editing Celly like this. In fact, these edits  >>/3308/ and  >>/2655/ come because of the positive reply of this pic  >>/2417/ with the icy mane  >>/2408/. 
I don´t know which pic I will use for opening the next thread but I am considering it as a contender. 

> Though  >>/3309/ (you) is the best of the batch if I'm going to be entirely honest. 
aesthetically it´s the most logical way to show her. It came while I was messing up with the adjustments on the PC editor so I decided to make a copy for it.

> Of these two,  >>/3310/ (you)  >>/3311/ (you) yeah, not much can be done with just corrective edits ( but with a philosophy of creative destruction maybe useful even...) 
well, that pic has like 8 upvotes on Derpi, (I think?) and it had the artist needed tag on it. 

I have been trying to apply that philosophy at first. I cannot control all that much the flawed effect and if it´s overused, it brings actual aberrations. 
I tried for 20 minutes to adjust it with the colored edit and I simply cannot do anything. It ended up in a huge mess that didn´t make any sense. However, a couple of hours later, I tried your request again with monochrome edit as the base material and I fortunately found a solution. 

Blurriness is what balances the mess so if you try to define the picture more, you get punished with more nonsensical lines. The first comes straight out of the mobile app and the 2nd has a circle of blurriness around Fluttershy. The unexpected part was that while I was editing with the PC, by intensifying the colors, it brought some variety in that circle, so there is a huge contrast between the black and white focused part and the unfocused zone.

So, yeah, challenge accepted even though using the flaws strategically is kind of random. 

> Do you think feel a bit of nostalgia for the thread or a bit stuck and wanna break?
nah, I ask mostly that with a mindset of: do you enjoy or find this entertaining? Editing anything is easy at this point. 

> If you're still posting edits and just wanting to gauge others opinions, we can just let it take it's course.
That´s what interests me more in fact. Mostly because I want to figure out which way should go next.

> Though I still have some material to post, it's just mostly scraps, so I'd be focused either way on the near term with /go/ and something else going on in the background. It won't bother me either way. 
alright. I can keep the thread for those scraps because not all the edited pictures are valid to show them off in a thread to expose them (mostly because that thread is more focused on exposing rather than testing).

I don´t know. I guess these questions happen because I feel I will have to organize a bit the material created. 

> Don't think I've forgoten about our compression fight! 
that Skystar reminds of those RPG vectors. The compression certainly makes you travel back in time.

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*raises bump limit to 750 posts*
pssssh, nothing personel kid

Nah, not really. Still an option tho

> No plan9 pony!?
I know, right? I guess two pics related are indeed related to the situation.
I'm no artist and this probably looks like drawn shit, and it won't do the situation any justice, but let's falsify that claim, shall we?

thumbnail of 391158__artist+needed_safe_fluttershy_bird_cute_forest_singing_solo.jpg
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> *raises bump limit to 750 posts* pssssh, nothing personel kid
what I replied: to the BO
what I expected: 500 posts
what I got: 250 posts as a bonus

2 much content 4 me

> Nah, not really. Still an option tho
yeah, 500 posts is a good standard in general. Not too short like 350 posts but not the ideal number of posts for a fast thread or a big happening. As we are just very few anons around here, that option of adding more is discarded mostly because it would overkill the purpose of reaching an /end/ and receiving that feeling of personal accomplishment.

I would shitpost more if we had more replies and distribute the content in more posts instead of having it contained. 

I simply asked if you wanted this thread to continue or if there has been some kind of entertainment out of it.

> Nah, not really. Still an option tho

750 seems a bit much. Though, pending we don't feel really nostalgic about some thread I'm probably recommend leaving it when I think it over. It'd makes thm long enough with th achievement still in reach. 

> I'm no artist and this probably looks like drawn shit, and it won't do the situation any justice, but let's falsify that claim, shall we?

 Did you make that yourself?  
 Pretty good, tbh. It feels like a simple doodley style of someone who has done a fair bit of notebook sketches non seriously but still significantly 

thumbnail of 729420__safe_artist-colon-mysticalpha_diamond+tiara_silver+spoon_abstract+background_adorabullies_confused_cute_dawwww_diamondbetes_earth+pony_eye+cont.jpeg
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(336.16 KB, 2560x1600)
it makes the image more useful, that's always a plus.

This looks better as an OC than flutters. It's not amazing but  I like it.

This one looks a lot sharper and clearer. Way nicer even if simple.

This one is 100% my fav. Brightness makes all the difference, AJ looks so much cooler.

This one is the one I'm most mixed on. Like the glow in the mane but really don't dig the fog.

> it makes the image more useful, that's always a plus
yeah, there are a few there that worthy to post for that aspect alone. The only difficult part of it....is by finding the picture more than anything, basically nothing.

> This looks better as an OC than flutters. It's not amazing but I like it.
glad that you like it but honestly, I don´t know what I adjusted and if anything, it was me touching buttons until it made sense by jumping into OC levels.  

> Way nicer even if simple. 
yeah, the PC editor brings that sharpness that I cannot apply on mobile 

> This one is 100% my fav. Brightness makes all the difference, AJ looks so much cooler. 
I don´t know why I didn´t post this picture earlier. Definitely the brightness adjustment defines a gap of likes and attention from the viewer. Maybe it´s me but I sometimes do these edits not for being cool but because my mind is killing me for seeing those pictures without that little detail that makes everything. Brightness is such an easy problem to fix yet there are pictures that suffer slightly from it.

> Like the glow in the mane but really don't dig the fog.
> complete change of opinion after looking at this one s 3rd time. It looks like the cloud is glowing under her and when I visualize it as that fully now I kinda like it.
wow what a plot twist. I added that excessive brightness just to make the ethereal mane shine more than the original. I can´t tell if you are right about her sitting at at the clouds or the snow. 

I could make a sharper edit but I have tried to clear that fog and it basically removes the brightness on her mane. I could make like a thousand edits out of this picture yet by acknowledging that fog, I simply decided to go for it (maybe this happened because I was listening to dream pop music, so I suppose I wanted to follow its route). 

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> This edit has been made more because of a personal mania than achieving a cool edit to show off.

Looks like ya got rid of some of the graininess from the crayon/markers. Yeah I can see what you wouldn't consider it much to show off, but I can understand the reasoning of a slight adjustment.

This one looks cool with the edit. Main thing that looks off putting is the portions of the heads, particularly Cadence's chin but they aren't that distracting in the edit.

This one is my fav. It's like a bit smaller version of what you did with that Apple Jack picture. The more vibrant colors and shading make an already nice picture look beautiful.   

 note, proof of life, do to minor matters that have arisen leading to a bit of delay in full replies. 

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1991370 pc edit jpg
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instant scary flashbacks intensify! 

*Sweetie Derelle screams

> Looks like ya got rid of some of the graininess from the crayon/markers.
that simply takes by increasing the clarity bar to a higher number. I wouldn´t using it with a higher number of 140 more or less (pixels will appear and that downgrades the quality of the picture). By 140 I mean, putting the 100 number and then editing it again with more clarity above the edit.

> I can see what you wouldn't consider it much to show off, but I can understand the reasoning of a slight adjustment. 
it´s simply what I view and what my body asks me to do, nothing else. It simply takes me like a couple of minutes to made an edit like that on PC.

> This one looks cool with the edit. Main thing that looks off putting is the portions of the heads, particularly Cadence's chin but they aren't that distracting in the edit. 
yeah, in fact I believe that Chrysalis was wearing a mask that she is levitating with her magic. That aspect might turn a little bit off, I simply found it and I wasn´t all that convinced about its brightness/contrast. I didn´t expect to reach this level of edginess but I decided to jump onto the no wave route this time around. Basically, the album covers that were shown over here  >>/3195/.

> This one is my fav. It's like a bit smaller version of what you did with that Apple Jack picture.The more vibrant colors and shading make an already nice picture look beautiful.
funnily enough, that required like a minute or less. The image spoke by itself and I only had to adjust the brightness and take care of the contrast and the clarity in order to upper its quality. It has like 88 upvotes on Derpi...and I wonder how much the edited version would get if it was uploaded over there.

> do to minor matters that have arisen leading to a bit of delay in full replies. 
I am also having stuff to do yet I make these quick edits just to not bore the personal.

Alright, so how do I judge you?

it seems that you have intensified the purple tone and the first image looks pretty clear as well. It hasn´t been downgraded yet.

 The 2nd one is purely A E S T H E T I C out of 10. If you want to impress someone with a retro vibe (vaporwave, synthwave,80s futuristic scenery in general), this is the picture to pick. It´s like the image has lost a bit of clarity in order to bring an aura of blurriness because of the excess of purple tone. 

now, this gothic image is what I though about a what if. Basically, I knew that oversaturating the image of contrast it would lead to a darker body, especially her face. This one shows more than the first one because of the red tones that are randomly yet strategically put (?) in order to bring an edgier feel. 

As for the emboss edit, I would imagine that this is the most badass stallion that one could see. I am not seeing Luna but another pony that showed this serious but serene face in the middle of an uncomfortable situation. If it wasn´t because of the female eyebrows, I would mistake her.

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>instant scary flashbacks intensify!
 do you have something traumatic? 
 (just joking of course) 

funnily enough, that required like a minute or less. The image spoke by itself and I only had to adjust the brightness and take care of the contrast and the clarity in order to upper its quality. It has like 88 upvotes on Derpi...and I wonder how much the edited version would get if it was uploaded over there.
I wonder too. I mean it makes the difference for me. 

> it´s simply what I view and what my body asks me to do, nothing else. It simply takes me like a couple of minutes to made an edit like that on PC.
That is how I feel with the current edit. Just a random little itch to change something, in this case make Apple Jack look like she standing on a stage. Is it hi effort? No. Is it a big change? NO. Would the change's intent be immediately noticeable to anyone beside myself? Maybe. It just is an edit for an edit's sake.  

> The 2nd one is purely A E S T H E T I C out of 10. If you want to impress someone with a retro vibe (vaporwave, synthwave,80s futuristic scenery in general), this is the picture to pick.
It probably is the most coherent of them Though my fav is still  >>/3736/ semi-gothic.

> I would imagine that this is the most badass stallion that one could see. 
The wrinkles look muscular and masculine don't they? I like it. Wonder if I could remove some of the feminine futures to make it fully work?

thumbnail of 1989628__safe_artist-colon-sketckpad1_silverstream_bubble_chest+fluff_cute_diastreamies_ear+fluff_profile_sea+pony_seapony+(g4)_seapony+silverstrea.jpeg
thumbnail of 1989628__safe_artist-colon-sketckpad1_silverstream_bubble_chest+fluff_cute_diastreamies_ear+fluff_profile_sea+pony_seapony+(g4)_seapony+silverstrea.jpeg
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1989628__safe_artist-... jpeg
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> do you have something traumatic? 
< Yes, I dreamt these faces coming at me all the time at night  >>/3173/. After that, I repeated it all the time so I could join them and traumatize others in random threads instead.
t.Sweetie Belle

> I wonder too. I mean it makes the difference for me.
I am not a fan of uploading things on Derpit but like this picture and Flurry´s one, it really picks you up and see it on practice.

> It probably is the most coherent of them Though my fav is still  >>/3736/ semi-gothic.
yeah, I could comment about that one instantly. I get why you are attracted to the edgy one but despite having its touch, it doesn´t drive me 100% to convey that edgy feeling. It feels somewhat subtle in comparison to the other two edits.

> The wrinkles look muscular and masculine don't they? 
eeyup. Basically that.
> Wonder if I could remove some of the feminine futures to make it fully work?
I suppose that there is no wrong way to fantasize and try to make an attempt on it. It feels like you are watching a serious face from video game characters. Adult Link or a few japanese characters with that filter because of the lack of horsey characteristics. 

> Would the change's intent be immediately noticeable to anyone beside myself? Maybe. It just is an edit for an edit's sake. 
Filling this thread with something. Ironically, if AJ had that brightness, she wouldn´t be called Background Pony. The original shows a faded color  and the edit looks like it comes from those irradiating pixels that came from the screens of the TV. 

It´s really hard to decide though.

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nowtheyevil jpg
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> yeah, I could comment about that one instantly. I get why you are attracted to the edgy one but despite having its touch, it doesn´t drive me 100% to convey that edgy feeling. It feels somewhat subtle in comparison to the other two edits.

Yeah I guess I get that. The others are more... intense and expressive I suppose. This one lack of brightness could be a little dull and dreary in comparison.

> it comes from those irradiating pixels that came from the screens of the TV. 

It does! 

Would you like to go a descriptive rout and get one of the better edits and original pictures and place them side by side? Would you say there is any edit that clicks or feels just right to you that you just like to use in the OP solo?

I like Iceblue Crash. Which is what I randomly name the edit of that Rainbow Dash pic. It looks nicer as a OC though I wouldn't say there was too much wrong with the picture. Just average decent tier.

thumbnail of 1994632__safe_artist-colon-lunarmoonponi_princess+luna_at+night_flower_pony_solo.png
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(2.52 MB, 1041x1419)
now, those people fearful of oceans because of sharks and big creatures in the depths. How wrong those plebs were, ponies were the sirens chants that make the environment dangerous from the very beginning.

> The others are more... intense and expressive I suppose. This one lack of brightness could be a little dull and dreary in comparison. 
exactly that. 

> It does! 
either it´s due to the filter or the oversaturation of a certain effect/adjustment.

> Would you like to go a descriptive rout and get one of the better edits and original pictures and place them side by side?
either showing the products alone or doing that method. I am basically compiling them and putting them in the front as a greatest hits from these edits. Not all of them work but simply a selection of what we have offered here. I thought about not including any description and then letting the viewer to ask why it happened before the info comes but a little description can come with them perfectly (or quoting the post of its explanation from this thread)

> Would you say there is any edit that clicks or feels just right to you that you just like to use in the OP solo? 
I am certainly torn about it. The one edit that I still hold in high regard is this one  >>/1822/ and it certainly represents how twisted and artificial the edits can get, to the point where you are in an artificial land that will lead us into chaos or imprecise imagery. 

That´s my first but any other can work so I am asking to you before I do anything (not to mention that it feels kind of selfish). I could also include any edit that speaks for itself and came from you like  >>/1868/,  >>/2496/,  >>/2649/ and  >>/3735/.

> I like Iceblue Crash. Which is what I randomly name the edit of that Rainbow Dash pic. It looks nicer as a OC though I wouldn't say there was too much wrong with the picture. Just average decent tier.
the picture by itself didn´t have anything wrong. It´s just that it was from the artist needed tag and I simply put edits as a way to spotlight them again. I treat them as public material that no one will come and say:"This is mine,faggot. Get that edit out of here" or answers of that kind. I could also edit Filly Funtasia without any problems simply because of that reason of feeling unrestricted to do whatever. 

So you like that picture of RD for the OP. If you see it valid for the OP, just tell me and I will put the colored edit on the front.

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> So you like that picture of RD for the OP. If you see it valid for the OP, just tell me and I will put the colored edit on the front.
Your call, I mean there is a lot if ya doing a greatest hits format that could work. Like:
bluelestia/icelestia if you what something else with that theme that I consider of a higher level edit.

This one I loved and got a kick outta the trick you pulled.

If you want me to suggest one of mine, then this one.

This flutters too. These are your transformational/destructive art ones. 

This one could be good if ya wanna continue with the theme.

This too.

I mean there is a whole lot of options that I'd think would be fine. I'm just throwing  out a few suggestions.

 I'd suggest this from our bo but I'm not sure it'd count as a edit and I'm not sure how if he want even that much attention on himself. 

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> November 2018 
> Umbridge appears in this thread, becoming a banner of /endpone/ in 2019

> April 2020
> long Umbridge has become a meme in the fanbase

This thread is history of /endpone/. 

Put me in the screencap!

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