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thumbnail of YoureGonneCarryThatFriendship.mp4
thumbnail of YoureGonneCarryThatFriendship.mp4
YoureGonneCarryThatFr... mp4
(8.8 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of WaitIfDaringDIsRealThenICould.mp4
thumbnail of WaitIfDaringDIsRealThenICould.mp4
WaitIfDaringDIsRealTh... mp4
(4.54 MB, 672x480 h264)
thumbnail of EvenMojoThinks.webm
thumbnail of EvenMojoThinks.webm
EvenMojoThinks webm
(15.13 MB, 600x338 vp9)
thumbnail of ElusiveKindaIsaALaughingStockHere.webm
thumbnail of ElusiveKindaIsaALaughingStockHere.webm
ElusiveKindaIsaALaugh... webm
(4.03 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of Forget_Sunset+Twilight.webm
thumbnail of Forget_Sunset+Twilight.webm
Forget_Sunset+Twilight webm
(6.39 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
Another oldie I guess I didn't have around, an interstitial moment of silliness followed by non-brony input, as Mojo comments on how oddly dark MLP could get sometimes.

The comments on that last one, ID qrQ0zgEyeJs, are somewhat informative as they discuss other times, like Trixie's suicide attempt, that flew under Mojo's radar.

I guess I'm using Musetrigger as another interstitial because Forget is longer. But if you want to view it as a bump before the post is over instead I wouldn't consider that wrong. Even if you are wrong I won't let go of my idea.
thumbnail of [PMV] Fluttershy - I Feel Like a MONSTER!!-FZK651ehGDc.mp4
thumbnail of [PMV] Fluttershy - I Feel Like a MONSTER!!-FZK651ehGDc.mp4
[PMV] Fluttershy - I... mp4
(13.96 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of [PMV] Hero {remake}-xCJKvTAqQSE.mp4
thumbnail of [PMV] Hero {remake}-xCJKvTAqQSE.mp4
[PMV] Hero... mp4
(15.17 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Skillet - Sick of It PMV-NoHyQXNm_Y8.mp4
thumbnail of Skillet - Sick of It PMV-NoHyQXNm_Y8.mp4
Skillet - Sick of It... mp4
(14.99 MB, 640x360 h264)
>  Mojo comments on how oddly dark MLP could get sometimes.

It's weird that even Watch Majo gives me the feels now. Watch Majo It may have been cancer but it was cancer for a different, happier time.  Speaking of dark, have some old sometimes edgy Skillet PMVs. Remember all those cheesy rock bands that were popular at the time? I wonder if edgy content like this and all the creepy and dark fics helped put some of the darker stuff in the show.

> I guess I'm using Musetrigger as another interstitial because Forget is longer. But if you want to view it as a bump before the post is over instead I wouldn't consider that wrong. Even if you are wrong I won't let go of my idea.

Probably not the anon you are talking too but what do you mean with this context?
thumbnail of When_Did_You_Stop.mp4
thumbnail of When_Did_You_Stop.mp4
When_Did_You_Stop mp4
(442.01 KB, 640x480 h264)
thumbnail of No_Ban_on_Domestic_Propaganda-2012AS.mp4
thumbnail of No_Ban_on_Domestic_Propaganda-2012AS.mp4
No_Ban_on_Domestic_Pr... mp4
(616.74 KB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of NewTagline.mp4
thumbnail of NewTagline.mp4
NewTagline mp4
(1.57 MB, 512x384 h264)
thumbnail of DawnIsYourEnemy.jpg
thumbnail of DawnIsYourEnemy.jpg
DawnIsYourEnemy jpg
(488.23 KB, 1600x1200)
> what do you mean with this context
I was (mis)quoting the lyrics from the last song to dismiss hypothetical complaints about which video had more "content" and which was more like "When did you stop remembering" or "Dawn is your enemy"  --  IE, just a 'bump' not a video.

Like these videos.
thumbnail of [MLP PMV] Move Along-Fd_van26V-4.mp4
thumbnail of [MLP PMV] Move Along-Fd_van26V-4.mp4
[MLP PMV] Move... mp4
(16.2 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of PMV - Anthem-XAOLdYFfvOw.mp4
thumbnail of PMV - Anthem-XAOLdYFfvOw.mp4
PMV -... mp4
(16.99 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of [PMV] - Death Should Not Have Taken Thee-rPJAUliSkFY.mp4
thumbnail of [PMV] - Death Should Not Have Taken Thee-rPJAUliSkFY.mp4
[PMV] - Death Should... mp4
(17.34 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Twilight Sparkle - iNSaNiTY [PMV]-1ImjtMx1OaQ.mp4
thumbnail of Twilight Sparkle - iNSaNiTY [PMV]-1ImjtMx1OaQ.mp4
Twilight Sparkle -... mp4
(18.53 MB, 480x360 h264)
It is a full post of mostly shorter random videos. At least that is how I would view it.

> The comments on that last one, ID qrQ0zgEyeJs, are somewhat informative as they discuss other times, like Trixie's suicide attempt, that flew under Mojo's radar.

Thanks for noting the ID for scraping purposes. Though probably not out when this was released, I am in complete agreement with L23 here on a Health of Information  >>/6757/ being another one to add to the dark list, COVID context or not. 

> It's weird that even Watch Majo gives me the feels now. 

Yes, can understand that. There is old stuff I used to despise that now I can't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for.  

> Speaking of dark, have some old sometimes edgy Skillet PMVs. Remember all those cheesy rock bands that were popular at the time? I wonder if edgy content like this and all the creepy and dark fics helped put some of the darker stuff in the show.

If Fluttershy being a tree could, yeah would be entirely possible (and proven) they drew inspiration from memes and meta at times for better and worse  as the show progressed. Though I imagine edgy PMVs were more of a expression  of ideas already out there over the inspiration themselves.
thumbnail of Trouble Is a Friend - My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic AMV.webm
thumbnail of Trouble Is a Friend - My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic AMV.webm
Trouble Is a Friend -... webm
(12.67 MB, 640x480 vp9)
I think it is the new trailer for the new series. premieres September 25 (in the US at least on Netflix anyway) if I recall correctly. 


I know. Been running into that with a lot of things. 2012 feels so close yet is now been a decade and it is haunting--almost a little painful. 

Speaking of old, here is one of the first PMVs ever made, a month before MLP premiered on the Hub. Technically, that makes this pre-fandom in the context of the modern one that spawned from 4chan. 

 Now, I had some G5 vids to post, but my netbook is spurging out a bit and I have been unable to download said videos intact, sound is out of sync or non existent. Video can be slow as well.  
thumbnail of Equestria Divided - Last Stand-sOQ9C3flqUM.mp4
thumbnail of Equestria Divided - Last Stand-sOQ9C3flqUM.mp4
Equestria Divided -... mp4
(12.46 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Perks of a Princess-fdBxu4A5LsU.mp4
thumbnail of Perks of a Princess-fdBxu4A5LsU.mp4
Perks of a... mp4
(8.62 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Space Oddpony (PMV)-pqNiezKxsdE.mp4
thumbnail of Space Oddpony (PMV)-pqNiezKxsdE.mp4
Space Oddpony... mp4
(10.56 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of The Twilight_Trixie Saga - Alicorn Amulet Training (Part 1)-o8dNiMjW9Kw.mp4
thumbnail of The Twilight_Trixie Saga - Alicorn Amulet Training (Part 1)-o8dNiMjW9Kw.mp4
The Twilight_Trixie... mp4
(6.98 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of What She Became-H2C6Yr2X7kA.mp4
thumbnail of What She Became-H2C6Yr2X7kA.mp4
What She... mp4
(19.38 MB, 640x360 h264)
Here is a bit of a odd one. This channel SpaceOddPony, is a animation channel that has been going on for some time now, did a sweep for archiving sometime ago though now it looks like he has gained some traction. The channel's animation style is amateurish and sometimes a bit strange due to the person making it doing everything from scratch and lots of trial and error. The format being PMVs set to music and sometimes fight scenes (though recently has branched out into a storyline of some sort that I have not bothered to watch through).

I'll be honest, most of his stuff is not to my taste and some of it I can barely stand, yet I do have to some respect it for the effort and going in his own direction. Have never seen someone make fan animations for the more obscure grimdark Equestria Divided universe that is for sure. 

Anyway, this is the result of me trying to find something else for something else and running into this in my archives; tangent if you will.
This is one of those things that messes with my mind in ways I can't describe.  It feels like it should be early fandom too, but that patreon watermark means it must be 2014 to 15 at least. 

Never seen this either. It is kind of crappy, but charming in some respects.
thumbnail of destabalize_1.webm
thumbnail of destabalize_1.webm
destabalize_1 webm
(10.87 MB, 800x450 vp9)
thumbnail of PrWhtvrer_redux-dest_PRvJ2RvvpIQ.webm
thumbnail of PrWhtvrer_redux-dest_PRvJ2RvvpIQ.webm
PrWhtvrer_redux-dest_... webm
(8.9 MB, 740x416 vp9)
thumbnail of destabilize-II-LostData.webm
thumbnail of destabilize-II-LostData.webm
destabilize-II-LostDa... webm
(11.59 MB, 800x450 vp9)
thumbnail of enemyUNDEF+Jalmann+PrWhtvrer.webm
thumbnail of enemyUNDEF+Jalmann+PrWhtvrer.webm
enemyUNDEF+Jalmann+Pr... webm
(13.99 MB, 900x506 vp9)
thumbnail of AliceInReins_lbrA3LqDtPk.webm
thumbnail of AliceInReins_lbrA3LqDtPk.webm
AliceInReins_lbrA3LqD... webm
(11.88 MB, 800x450 vp9)
And now, a brief dip into an old favorite, SWEETIEBOT. Both the original as SFM'd and the re-do a few years later.

Also, Marequest requires Steam, which I avoid like the plague. Ponified covers are cool, though.
thumbnail of austr000.mp4
thumbnail of austr000.mp4
austr000 mp4
(2.69 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of austraeo.mp4
thumbnail of austraeo.mp4
austraeo mp4
(7.53 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of rightrou.web
thumbnail of rightrou.web
rightrou web
(1.85 MB, 0x0 vp8)
thumbnail of _sfm_pon.mp4
thumbnail of _sfm_pon.mp4
_sfm_pon mp4
(1.8 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of whoisthe.web
thumbnail of whoisthe.web
whoisthe web
(352.9 KB, 0x0 vp8)
Dumping some SFMs myself. Most notably a couple on Easthorse's first fic. A fan "anime" intro and a failed fan animation project.  Weirdly had these compressed and in a iso and for some reason the names where altered and truncated.   

Never got through the first installment of Easthorse, and now there is so much more. Maybe if the tone isn't too sad and if I happen to find more free time I will try it again.
thumbnail of derpy_loves_her_lava_lamp.web
thumbnail of derpy_loves_her_lava_lamp.web
derpy_loves_her_lava_lamp web
(3.14 MB, 0x0 vp9)
thumbnail of mlp_conspiracy_1.mp4
thumbnail of mlp_conspiracy_1.mp4
mlp_conspiracy_1 mp4
(31.98 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Spike_s_A_Ghost_Writer.mp4
thumbnail of Spike_s_A_Ghost_Writer.mp4
Spike_s_A_Ghost_Writer mp4
(3.76 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Been going through more old stuff that I have saved at various points. 

Derpy loves her lava lamp, what more can I say?

Oh, how I love crazy theories with a slight plausibility. The suggestion for Pinkie Pie here of course is more fit for a good fanfiction than a actual intent of the show. On fan theories more generally, I tend to fine people either dismiss and take everything at face value due to it being a kids show or go wild with it as a canon, unified work. I think a season to season and episode to episode should be used when considering any true deeper intent. For example: a throwaway line in, say, Season 1 probably shouldn't be taken too serious but can be a fun thought exercise, but go around to Season 4 and some slight implication might have had a deeper meaning even if never followed up on due to doubling down on lore and setting during that time.   

And finally, and perhaps a bit strange, is Spike's a Ghost Writer. Yes, Ghost Writer, not Ghost Rider, in unexpectedly turns to a meme staring Trixie with the obscurer 1990s Rush song superconductor. Song lyrics fit Trixie well but I hadn't thought about it how 'ghost writer' is a meta joke of Spike being usurped from this little video. At least that is what I assume with his very minor role in the first 5 seconds of it is edited.
That hot rod brings so much memories. Lot of them cringe. I remember vesicles like this used to be somewhat common but I never encountered any of the fabled hot rods and the brave soles who choose to bare there autism like that.  Nice selection of songs though.  

>  For example: a throwaway line in, say, Season 1 probably shouldn't be taken too serious but can be a fun thought exercise, but go around to Season 4 and some slight implication might have had a deeper meaning even if never followed up on due to doubling down on lore and setting during that time. 

That is a good point. A lot of people take too much into the post production explanations that really had no baring on way things are during production. Granted, a lot of the appeal of theorizing is making something work and fit together just as much as figuring out secrets and crack theories for fun.

> And finally, and perhaps a bit strange, is Spike's a Ghost Writer. Yes, Ghost Writer, not Ghost Rider,

Never seen that one. Feels a bit strange. Not bad. Maybe it is just Rush in this context feels alien.
thumbnail of My Little _____ Friendship is Magic.webm
thumbnail of My Little _____ Friendship is Magic.webm
My Little _____... webm
(2.41 MB, 854x480 vp9)
thumbnail of My Little Pony Mega Mare-a-Thon Promo 1.webm
thumbnail of My Little Pony Mega Mare-a-Thon Promo 1.webm
My Little Pony Mega... webm
(2.72 MB, 854x480 vp9)
thumbnail of My Little Pony Mega Mare-a-Thon Promo 2.webm
thumbnail of My Little Pony Mega Mare-a-Thon Promo 2.webm
My Little Pony Mega... webm
(3.51 MB, 854x480 vp9)
thumbnail of My Little Pony Spike-a-Thon Promo.webm
thumbnail of My Little Pony Spike-a-Thon Promo.webm
My Little Pony... webm
(2.58 MB, 854x480 vp9)
thumbnail of Saturday Mornings on the Hub Network Promo.webm
thumbnail of Saturday Mornings on the Hub Network Promo.webm
Saturday Mornings on... webm
(3.29 MB, 854x480 vp9)
Been still going through old stuff. Maybe I'll do something interesting or put something together. Found my first attempt to mass archive the Hub. It was during a very tumultuous time in my life  in which I was one of the primary care givers for my ailing grandfather  and thus fills me with a odd sort of semi-nostalgic and haunting feel unrelated to the channel in its prime. 

Speaking on the Hub though. For as little I watched it, I do have nostalgia for the Hub and all its quirkiness of something that tried to be big but couldn't. Especially in the light of everything being consolidated into streaming there is a unique experience with TV that you get with channel bumpers and the low budget but well produced FiM feels like a little treasure and star on its own there, as opposed to what TNG feels on Netflix. Unique or not, it is not the star but yet another piece of content among millions.       

>  >.8664

Always been a bit negative on rap. Not complete hatred though, just more of not my taste. Sometimes I can appreciate it.  Dolores beat Sunset hoofdown. Both in a superior voice actor performance but also raw 'ownage'.    
I do have a couple of items of interests in the category myself, if I can dig them up. Stuff I recall saving in the early years with the thought toward archival. Not too important, or particularly good for that matter...

> Granted, a lot of the appeal of theorizing is making something work and fit together just as much as figuring out secrets and crack theories for fun. 

Which can be fun but sometimes I think doing so butters over some real interesting stuff that should be looked at on it's own. Say, a lot of people just treated what was established in Sparkle's Seven as "alright, what was established a previous season ago has been overruled!" Should it? How does one post hoc justify that episode if you're in the mood to be super autistic to canon otherwise? Is there any other hints that might affect things? Or for another example:  >>/7057/ I don't latter hints of the couple in question still being togather detract from the subtext of Surf and/or Turf being about divorce. 
 Or I could just take L23's other words on dealing with FiM theories and FiM's nature as a whole: It is FLAWED and UNDEFINED! 

> Maybe it is just Rush in this context feels alien.

I suppose I haven't heard Rush too often in a meme format like that. The YTer in question, QuartzDash (if I recall his name right) loved Rush and made a whole lot of Rush PMVs back in the day; both sort and obscure and long ones from around their prime. Yes, he did fully do a 2112 PMV as well. 

 This has turned into something of a longpost hasn't it? 
> Which can be fun but sometimes I think doing so butters over some real interesting stuff that should be looked at on it's own. Say, a lot of people just treated what was established in Sparkle's Seven as "alright, what was established a previous season ago has been overruled!" Should it? How does one post hoc justify that episode if you're in the mood to be super autistic to canon otherwise? 

Your position is being super autistic to the seasons over the canon as a whole.  I'd argue that one episode in isolation is just that and ignore it.  

> Is there any other hints that might affect things? Or for another example:  >>/7057/ I don't latter hints of the couple in question still being togather detract from the subtext of Surf and/or Turf being about divorce. 

That is different as that is a subtext within the episode. The lesson that it is trying to be an analogy for in the real world doesn't rely on the divorce happening within canon. Even if it would be pretty implicit with having them separated. 

> longpost

By /endpone/ standards, no. L23's essays are king in that regard.
thumbnail of Back to the Derp-IyIy_5Fl_pY.mp4
thumbnail of Back to the Derp-IyIy_5Fl_pY.mp4
Back to the... mp4
(5.87 MB, 1920x1080 h264)
> Your position is being super autistic to the seasons over the canon as a whole. 

LOL, yes.
> I'd argue that one episode in isolation is just that and ignore it. 

Yes and no. I don't consider FiM to have a clean and perfect canon, that is kind of my point, but I would both say that continuity errors like this do matter sometimes, especially if someone is being autistic to show canon as a whole already. 

> That is different as that is a subtext within the episode. The lesson that it is trying to be an analogy for in the real world doesn't rely on the divorce happening within canon. Even if it would be pretty implicit with having them separated. 

I get what you mean but where I would come at it is debating if, say, the writers intent for the episode points to divorce/separation and if it is implicit in the episode should it be seen as "canon" to the episode itself? Perhaps I am obsessing with it but I think of things just with a little more interest than just a fluke when something off happens. FiM had a lot of flukes and stuff that got ignored or dropped I think with canon, fanfiction, and individual episode considerations it should be more widely considered over glossed over.   

>  L23's essays are king in that regard.

< nostalgia hits me strongly

> I get what you mean but where I would come at it is debating if, say, the writers intent for the episode points to divorce/separation and if it is implicit in the episode should it be seen as "canon" to the episode itself?

It matters to the lesson, not to canon. 

> someone is being autistic to show canon as a whole already. 

For that case, yeah, I guess that does matter. At least it might.
thumbnail of InFlames_YouBurn.webm
thumbnail of InFlames_YouBurn.webm
InFlames_YouBurn webm
(10.31 MB, 1120x630 vp9)
thumbnail of PMV_Whispers.webm
thumbnail of PMV_Whispers.webm
PMV_Whispers webm
(8.94 MB, 1180x664 vp9)
thumbnail of LunaFallsIntothe.webm
thumbnail of LunaFallsIntothe.webm
LunaFallsIntothe webm
(16.86 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of Solar-Flare_(E8Oz1YqjB2I).webm
thumbnail of Solar-Flare_(E8Oz1YqjB2I).webm
Solar-Flare_(E8Oz1Yqj... webm
(9.89 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of FireAndFools_(april‽).webm
thumbnail of FireAndFools_(april‽).webm
FireAndFools_(aprilâ€... webm
(8.56 MB, 1120x630 vp9)
I recently had two random songs running in my head; one was Swans, "Failure"; and the other was In Flames' Cloud Connected.

This lead me to wonder, if any brony made one of those early PMVs using an In Flames piece. They're still around, I guess, and go back way before Gen4. But youtube seems not to know about any crossover.

Have, instead, a sample of what YT has on the crossover of MLP, and the idea (and words!) of being in flames.

> The Solar-Flare one gives full credit for each image so if you're curious, the YT ID is in the name...
> The april fools joke also warns you by name, so I hereby declare I owe you no keyboard.
These two songs I am not familiar with, but considering how I saw obscure full 20 min prog songs and how some PMV channels did exist that had every taste of music imaginable I would be willing to bet on it. Rule 34 pony edition was there for a reason. 

> The Solar-Flare one gives full credit for each image so if you're curious, the YT ID is in the name...

thumbnail of 3015328.gif
thumbnail of 3015328.gif
3015328 gif
(947.34 KB, 560x560)
> This lead me to wonder, if any brony made one of those early PMVs using an In Flames piece. They're still around, I guess, and go back way before Gen4. But youtube seems not to know about any crossover.

Though a bit on the more intense side. All those edgy PMVs with Japanese whatever that genre was and emo/Christian/nu-metal and whatever would've fit well enough for the era. It wouldn't surprise me. 

> The april fools joke also warns you by name, so I hereby declare I owe you no keyboard.

Honestly wish that could've been a power battle between The Fire and the Flames and Rickrolling. 

> Rule 34 pony edition was there for a reason

Pony was produced so much and so many different ways that the rule 34 rule was inverted for awhile. I think that is a feat we should be proud -and maybe afraid-of.
thumbnail of TropicalOctav3.mp4
thumbnail of TropicalOctav3.mp4
TropicalOctav3 mp4
(6.47 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of Animated_(James)-Tropical0ct8v.webm
thumbnail of Animated_(James)-Tropical0ct8v.webm
Animated_(James)-Trop... webm
(6.55 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of ManeSixArguing_AlsoAnimatedJames.webm
thumbnail of ManeSixArguing_AlsoAnimatedJames.webm
ManeSixArguing_AlsoAn... webm
(6.36 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of 1ncTime-Canterlot.webm
thumbnail of 1ncTime-Canterlot.webm
1ncTime-Canterlot webm
(4.57 MB, 800x450 vp9)
thumbnail of Guardian-1ncCantrl.webm
thumbnail of Guardian-1ncCantrl.webm
Guardian-1ncCantrl webm
(4.99 MB, 900x506 vp9)
While looking for that animated form of 'particle mare, particle mare" to see if the audio was re-sung (it was not) I found hits for "A Tropical Octav3" -- do you all have the animated .gif? I have it; huge file. Very cute but some programs don't like loading it.

Anyway, here's the animation the .gif is based on (I think that was the order of things) and Animated James' full music video, same song. Animated James & Kanishiipanda were some of the big names early on, so I'm rounding out the post with some of their stuff.
thumbnail of 2678870.png
thumbnail of 2678870.png
2678870 png
(183.43 KB, 2000x1500)
> While looking for that animated form of 'particle mare, particle mare" to see if the audio was re-sung (it was not) 

What brought that on, unusual pony surfing? I haven't thought about that in ages and it hit me some in the feels. 

> Animated James

< I haven't thought about that in ages and it hit me some in the feels. 

> I found hits for "A Tropical Octav3" -- do you all have the animated .gif? I have it; huge file. Very cute but some programs don't like loading it.

Looked, don't unfortunately. If it doesn't load with your powerhouse PC I hate to imagine what that would do to mine, or, dare I even think bridgefag with his... alternative systems, or L23 with his mobile phone.  I wonder what 5050 uses? 

Hey, while I am passing through the neighborhood, does anypony remember the stupid Sweeping meme or whatever it was from Season 6? I'll admit that it has grown on me but some of the YT videos seem deleted now.
thumbnail of 1276788389008.webm
thumbnail of 1276788389008.webm
1276788389008 webm
(15.97 MB, 926x520 vp9)
Seems like I downloaded a couple of those at some point. This being me though it might be in some spare USB that was otherwise devoted isos or something. 

>  even think bridgefag with his... alternative systems,

Gifs are bad to make too make into large files like that. I am not sure how much it would be a indictment to any computer. With some difficulty I was able to edit 10 MB + gifs even on my old 2 GB ram 32 bit computer with a PATA drive I'll say as a semi-counter point. 
> L23 with his mobile phone. 

Which is more powerful than most of the computers I own or have access too.

 >I wonder what 5050 uses? 
 IDK, something comfy? 

> Animated James & Kanishiipanda were some of the big names early on

 Octavia beating the changelings in Canterlot has that early mix of some raw skill but also some amateurism that I really like. Animated James, disliked his humor, I did like how he did some of his expressions in his latter animations, shown best with the mane 6 arguing about watching the other /co/ fandoms. 

As for me, with what I have on hoof at the moment, have a webm I saved from the first webm thread here and one that has been reposted a time or two. For some reason it has always been scattered in my stuff and I have a odd nostalgia for it. (My apologies as if already has been posted here).
thumbnail of FixedClip1.mp4
thumbnail of FixedClip1.mp4
FixedClip1 mp4
(6.43 MB, 512x288 h264)
thumbnail of FixedClip2.mp4
thumbnail of FixedClip2.mp4
FixedClip2 mp4
(5.87 MB, 512x288 h264)
thumbnail of GHOST.mp4
thumbnail of GHOST.mp4
(2.29 MB, 512x288 h264)
thumbnail of Good_Afternoon_MissRarity.mp4
thumbnail of Good_Afternoon_MissRarity.mp4
Good_Afternoon_MissRa... mp4
(1.34 MB, 512x288 h264)
thumbnail of Good_Afternoon_MissRarity2.mp4
thumbnail of Good_Afternoon_MissRarity2.mp4
Good_Afternoon_MissRa... mp4
(1.86 MB, 512x288 h264)
I have had a interesting time. Discovered a CD with a old YT rip of the old Season 1 episode A Dog and Pony Show that I had made years ago. Being both filled with nostalgia for not only Season 1, but also that era of my life. I decided I'd give that episode a look over and see if I can fix and improve on some of the early mistakes of Season 1 and its animation. This was the result.
thumbnail of FiM_1_19_Opening_Clip.mp4
thumbnail of FiM_1_19_Opening_Clip.mp4
FiM_1_19_Opening_Clip mp4
(15.09 MB, 512x288 h264)
thumbnail of higher_quality.gif
thumbnail of higher_quality.gif
higher_quality gif
(1.04 MB, 512x288)
thumbnail of old_style_eye_twinkle.gif
thumbnail of old_style_eye_twinkle.gif
old_style_eye_twinkle gif
(423.08 KB, 512x288)
thumbnail of side_mouth.png
thumbnail of side_mouth.png
side_mouth png
(131.66 KB, 512x288)
Here is the unedited clip (or a unedited clip with the full intro scene of the episode). I do have a couple of things to point out.

1): I have seen it mentioned a couple of times that "side mouth" wasn't used much or at all after Season 1. I have not investigated it but based on my casual experience this does appear to be true. I wonder why it was removed/used less?

2): Something that I have noticed before personally. Earlier on in the show twinkling eye effects seemed to be more jittery. Of course, this could be just me and my (scattershot) archive of lower quality YT rips.
It certainly is "improved." 

And going back to make memes out of season 1 is something I am surprised I don't see more often. Season 1 stuff seems rarer compared to later seasons in fandom output in general. This is weird when you consider how many meme the first two as the high from which the show fell so far.

> 2): Something that I have noticed before personally. Earlier on in the show twinkling eye effects seemed to be more jittery. 

The first couple of seasons were kind of janky at points with animation. Season 3 and 4 is when they started to streamline and get good at it. Not to insult the first.two by any means. It was already impressive what they where trying to do at the time with flash in the wake of the stigma of the cheap cartoons at the time with flash being just something that was seen as a money saver for low budget cartoons.
thumbnail of Through the Fire and Fillies [IbfHL62vOLQ].mp4
thumbnail of Through the Fire and Fillies [IbfHL62vOLQ].mp4
Through the Fire and... mp4
(34.89 MB, 640x360 h264)
> Season 1 stuff seems rarer compared to later seasons in fandom output in general. This is weird when you consider how many meme the first two as the high from which the show fell so far. 

I think it might simply boil down to a lot of older fans having level  (or should I say, fans that didn't like newer seasons super strongly being in the minority, I recall seeing numbers showing that a majority of userbase of...Fimfic, somewhere, being from 2010 to 2012)  and Season 2 and Season 4 being more common as peaks for people.

> The first couple of seasons were kind of janky at points with animation. Season 3 and 4 is when they started to streamline and get good at it. 

I agree they were janky at points but...

> It was already impressive what they where trying to do at the time with flash in the wake of the stigma of the cheap cartoons at the time with flash being just something that was seen as a money saver for low budget cartoons. 

I am a big defender of Season 1 and Season 2's animation for a reason. I think it is underrated how the series, even then, put so much life to the backgrounds, tiny animation details and had stuff like perspective shots and "camera" zoning and panning around. With it's typical category of cartoon, we should've been stuck a mostly side view and not even bothering with all those extras. 

PMV unrelated, just posting a webm that I had on hand. You know the song.
thumbnail of BeepBeepDeep.mp4
thumbnail of BeepBeepDeep.mp4
BeepBeepDeep mp4
(6.85 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of RainFact_HatanaFlpNt.mp4
thumbnail of RainFact_HatanaFlpNt.mp4
RainFact_HatanaFlpNt mp4
(1.14 MB, 256x192 h264)
thumbnail of SFM_FryingPan.mp4
thumbnail of SFM_FryingPan.mp4
SFM_FryingPan mp4
(65.78 MB, 1920x1080 h264)
thumbnail of TENMINUTES.mp4
thumbnail of TENMINUTES.mp4
(73.9 MB, 854x480 h264)
A couple of these have died.
Re-Uppable? Let's see...
Can't find "original ending"... Does anybody actually miss 'wiggle wiggle' ?
need to re-encode TENMINUTES, but SeriousLuna is at least still here

...wait. This site allows huge uploads, technically, doesn't it?
Have TENMINUTES along with "out of the frying pan" starring SFM-versions of both BlackJack & Little Pip.
> BeepBeepDeep

Could never decide if this was more cute or annoying but I feel a certain sense of nostalgia all the same. 

> ...wait. This site allows huge uploads, technically, doesn't it?

Yep, it actually has gotten more consistent as well. Used to be a glitch that prevented, I wanna say, anything above 133 MB but I have gone past that some in the last couple of years no problem (okay, the site at times has eaten my uploads, but I also suspect my Internet can be at play as well).
thumbnail of TwilightSparkleBattleThemeFiM_FIGHTING_Is_Magic.mp4
thumbnail of TwilightSparkleBattleThemeFiM_FIGHTING_Is_Magic.mp4
TwilightSparkleBattle... mp4
(3.04 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Twilight's_Sonata.mp4
thumbnail of Twilight's_Sonata.mp4
Twilight's_Sonata mp4
(5.2 MB, 640x360 h264)
A friend recently pointed out to me the original version of Twilight Sparkle's Battle Theme from Fighting is Magic and I thought I'd post it here along with the original to compare and contrast. I will say I like both in their own ways; the original version is more rougher and "unpolished" but that has a certain charm to me. The newer version is still my favorite but I can understand those who prefer the original.  

 This is my second attempt. If anypony noticed, I posted this once, and then deleted, due to me having somehow switched the file names. Not a big deal but it bugged me enough.
thumbnail of Where Are We?.mp4
thumbnail of Where Are We?.mp4
Where Are We? mp4
(7.01 MB, 1280x720 h264)
I can't believe Greg did another MAS related thing after all these years. Is this something of a closure or final I guess? Weird feeling. Knowing how that series worked I wonder how Twilight Sparkle actually got power and seems to be usually okay and something close to happy over being a tortured soul in this universe. 


Thanks for the memories. Haven't seen this in YEARS.

> Can't find "original ending"... Does anybody actually miss 'wiggle wiggle' ?


Both are equal. I think both embody Twilight Sparkle perfectly. One is just more polished.
thumbnail of PMV_21stCentCure-SFM.webm
thumbnail of PMV_21stCentCure-SFM.webm
PMV_21stCentCure-SFM webm
(12.94 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of PMV_VanTwi-EvrRiPl.webm
thumbnail of PMV_VanTwi-EvrRiPl.webm
PMV_VanTwi-EvrRiPl webm
(7.67 MB, 640x360 vp9)
thumbnail of PMV_RaveIsPrincess_(extneded).webm
thumbnail of PMV_RaveIsPrincess_(extneded).webm
PMV_RaveIsPrincess_(e... webm
(23.52 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
thumbnail of Maretrix-trailer.webm
thumbnail of Maretrix-trailer.webm
Maretrix-trailer webm
(7.83 MB, 640x356 vp9)
thumbnail of MLP_PonyCraftII.webm
thumbnail of MLP_PonyCraftII.webm
MLP_PonyCraftII webm
(23.44 MB, 1280x720 vp9)
OKAY! Hopefully it will go through this time.
I found an old archive, with that swif, above, and some other .swifs, and ... these.

Two in particular, the first two, I thought I had lost forever because they had such generic names, and I lost my 'live' copy a long time ago  and then couldn't find the YT vid for anything.

Also attaching the trailer to upcoming movie The Maretrix, Rave-is-Princess, extended version, and a video game, Pony Craft II.

Unless the End continues to dislike attachments, in which case I attach fewer of these files, all the way down to none of them.
thumbnail of derpy.webm
thumbnail of derpy.webm
derpy webm
(60.56 KB, 0x0)
I'll give it a shot. Seems like I did this successfully, once or twice, a loooooong time ago though. May have to search a old linux install for some probably now depreciated tool or library.  

I tried ffmpeg to just see what would happen, at least I got the audio.

> I thought I had lost forever because they had such generic names, and I lost my 'live' copy a long time ago and then couldn't find the YT vid for anything.

I found a HDD, similar boat, albeit, through in a fangame that I thought was lost for ever (or the pieces of one, the game dev never published the full thing, but stuff like a episode - demo, a bug test, and another...) I am getting ahead of myself, I'll show this in a little while.
thumbnail of Observations on MLP: Characterization [tqKm0HdCLR8].mp4
thumbnail of Observations on MLP: Characterization [tqKm0HdCLR8].mp4
Observations on... mp4
(9.54 MB, 640x360 h264)
> More on this later.

Here it is, the original video from the youtuber-of-many-names-and-phases-once-known-as-digibrony. 

> Guilty as charged.

As long as you don't blindly parrot and worship them, I don't care. My thoughts on the "brony analysis" are as neutral indifference to slightly annoyed most of the time. 

> Not the best thing to draw on but that description always stuck with me and I think the name fits. 

I think the name is fair enough but I could've sworn they was some whole discourse  around this but I cannot find it.  Some of the others have left or disappeared due to drama and scandal as per normal. 
thumbnail of NeverBeenAnyReasonEasthourse.mp4
thumbnail of NeverBeenAnyReasonEasthourse.mp4
NeverBeenAnyReasonEas... mp4
(10.8 MB, 1280x720 hevc)
thumbnail of TSWYN_Cover_With_Music.mp4
thumbnail of TSWYN_Cover_With_Music.mp4
TSWYN_Cover_With_Music mp4
(3.11 MB, 640x360 h264)
Alrighty, I guess this technically, though vaguely, counts as OC for /webm/ but I nearly posted this in the fic thread. One is a shitpost and one is trying to covey a feeling...

The Sun Whispers Your Name
This is the cover of that fic. One that I am fairly certain I've posted before. The cover and the feeling it invokes in me is hard to describe. I have always been drawn to things that give me a "wondrous" feeling. It has taken me a longtime to figure out what invokes that (and if even the word "wondrous" is best fit) but one of the patterns is vast empty spaces and a feeling of endlessness. Starscapes and the vast tapestry of the sky are an obvious one, but I think endless grassy fields and seas might be a bit more niche. Anyway, a lot of fic covers invoke this feeling within me and this one is my go to example. The city is haunting and slightly foreboding, but the grassy plain around actually plays a large part of why I am drawn to this image. The music here is obscure unless you were part of Bionicle fandom I wouldn't expect anyone to know of it:
It is almost a perfect choice for conveying the feeling that I have with this picture, albeit slightly too creepy. 

This picture I could ramble on for awhile, because it is not just this picture, but a mental state. Don't know how stupid or random this was but I felt like posting it. 

As for easthorse, this is just some stupid joke that may or may not be slightly clever... 

Belated welcome.
thumbnail of Breaking Down a Walk Cycle- My Little Pony - FiM Animation Analysis [_vhGGy3i6aA].mp4
thumbnail of Breaking Down a Walk Cycle- My Little Pony - FiM Animation Analysis [_vhGGy3i6aA].mp4
Breaking Down a Walk... mp4
(13.22 MB, 640x360 h264)
thumbnail of Nightmare Virus [9RT4lfvVFhA].mp4
thumbnail of Nightmare Virus [9RT4lfvVFhA].mp4
Nightmare Virus... mp4
(22.39 MB, 1920x1080 vp9)
> Kinda surprised it isn't here, as it was posted to /co/ (8chan moe) four years ago, celebrating their rise to 24MB attachments.
Did not know that! I found this pretty humorous, never heard of this show.

I don't know their attitude there to pone too well but I would imagine a slight stigma generally exists for G1 stuff but less strong... not something I've actually checked out. Might want to look around and see how independent G1 memes and such are from G4, considering they predated FiM's rise (Seaponies anybody?)

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