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Okay, I think I get it now. 

> Other times, "screen cap" refers to the fact the image board was capped, or a pony encountered a 'cap of something from our world.

Still, whole episodes is what I maintain.
On the main fandom boorus, like Twibooru, I believe it is this way as well:
> Short description: Screen-captures from official My Little Pony content
Some shots I will admit, at least in the movie, looked nice, great even. Though still there was hints of uncanny valley at points and I wounder what a more basic style without all the lightning effects will have a risk of more of it.
Looks like it is time to buckle up for Make Your Mark. We shall see how much of a downgrade it is from the movie. The only thing I really fear though is  that new baby dragon. He/she looks annoying. Can't judge 100% by looks but ick. 
Here is SUPPOSEDLY a direct download link. It is not working for me rn.
In fact, I have only seen Russian links circulating around thus far. Though this one supposedly has English. 

Can't fully judge till I see it,  but what I have seen of the animation leaves something to be desired. 
/mlp/ is going to have a stream very soon, though I know most of you guys live in Europe or the west coast of the USA so I am not sure how convenient that is.

I wonder how much of the movie could be watched on the boorus alone? With Twibooru, you may have a chance of seeing most of it considering their pro freedom attitudes on copyright.
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Before watching it,I will just say this:

Imagine that instead of seeing a new bunch of characters,just focus on the dialogue and how the main characters interact between each other:

Change Sunny for Twilight
Pipp for Rarity
Hitch for Fluttershy
Izzy for Pinkie Pie 
and Zipp for Rainbow Dash

...except that the latter is the only one that doesn't totally fit and thus,I consider Zipp as the first actual gen 5 character that displays something original. With the rest, just change their colours and imagine the VA staff from FiM. You will be shocked how similar all the dialogue feels straight out of gen 4. If it weren't because of the visuals and the the different ""skins"" of these characters,you would basically have the same show that you have been watching for an entire decade.

I have to point this out because it's really striking to see how similar it feels once you notice it with this approach.
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> Except that the latter is the only one that doesn't totally fit

I find you're findings to be almost completely upside down. Zip is almost totally today's RD, and how on earth do you equate Hitch with Flutts? He's overly concerned, and cautious, but also brash and comfortable in the limelight.

Izzy is pretty much PP, although only from a particular angle; you wouldn't confuse them even on an unexpected phone call. A mystic, not using the same language the rest of us are used to.

Pipp is allergic to dirt but that's close to the upper end of their similarities. Of course, that's coming from who hates rarity and thinks Pipp's antics are cute if dumb.

And where TS was intensely curious about all things, Sunny seems to be so cocksure she relies on gut instinct exclusively and simply hasn't run into a big enough correction that she's learned to intermingle her hunches with actual data.

I haven't seen / heard any of it either, just going from the movie.
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> I find you're findings to be almost completely upside down.
Maybe it's the general vibe that pull out from it but I swear that I have seen much greater reminiscences of gen 4 in this special than the movie would deliver. Except for Zipp and Izzy,I wouldn't establish such similarities so bluntly.

> Zip is almost totally today's RD
She does follow the main tropes of Rainbow Dash except that her introvert display and her rejection towards the princess title put her under a very different situation than Rainbow Dash would deal with her ego. In the special,you see her exactly as uncomfortable as RD would do towards girly stuff for example. It's about her attitude and how she displays that discomfort and tells her friends how she feels. That's where her introvert mindset makes a difference. 

> and how on earth do you equate Hitch with Flutts? He's overly concerned, and cautious, but also brash and comfortable in the limelight.

Fluttershy does come off as really shy to even draw direct comparisons with Hitch. But if you take her shyness away, Hitch does seem to take a secondary role within the dialogue among the group,as if he would drop off less lines than the other members would do, dedicating more time in his office and the animals.

> you wouldn't confuse them even on an unexpected phone call.

Yet both follow quite the same pattern of their gestures or sudden thoughts for coming up with ideas out of their minds. I will agree that Izzy is more reserved than Pinkie Pie yet she could be prone to follow such craziness to an extreme. For the most part,she keeps herself a borderline personality where she doesn't reach quite the heights of Pinkie's impulses.

> Of course, that's coming from who hates rarity and thinks Pipp's antics are cute if dumb.
Do you hate Rarity? Really? Wow, that's not a very common take to hear. 
Anyway,even if both are separated both by fashion and social media streaming, Pipp does deliver tones in her screams that reveal her emotions in the same way that Rarity would get excited. 

> And where TS was intensely curious about all things, Sunny seems to be so cocksure she relies on gut instinct exclusively and simply hasn't run into a big enough correction that she's learned to intermingle her hunches with actual data.

Fair enough. I can agree on the part that Twilight relies more on a scientific approach. In that regard,Sunny stays too overconfident in the movie. Here, she doesn't do that to that extent. She expresses more concerns and questions towards Zipp in the way that Twilight would do for making an attempt to understand her vision about the crystals and their mechanism.

> I haven't seen / heard any of it either, just going from the movie.

I just came up with it upon a second try for this special. I didn't consider this take with the movie alone and I would assume that three of them would be more independent/unique from each other but considering that this is Berrow who has written the episode,I notice that this plot follows patterns that you would get from a gen 4 book/comic. I don't have to be proven right but that mental exercise just gave it a personal twist to me in order to judge it.
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Sunny Starscout
Sunny is not 100% Twilight, though her roll is close enough to feel like her often. How she behaves as the informal leader and as the core of the social group I can see it. If she is shown to be doing research on the history of Equestria and possible science or educational projects in the future I'd say she fits pretty well being called Twi-like.

Zipp Storm
Zipp feels very much like Rainbow Dash to me, though just as Zipp is Rainbow Dash I say you could make the same argument of her not being RD due to her more cooler head and having the pressure of to ascend the thrown. Could turn out like a mix of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash  Twidash! 

Izzy Moonbow
I agree on not confusing them in a phone call but I still see the association. Izzy originally was a slightly decafe bubbly Pinkie in ANG. Though I have fears she'll turn into a typical flanderized LOL RANDOM character and seemed off to me in the most recent one in a hard to place way.  

Hitch Trailblazer
Now, Hitch, less so, Though with his caring for animals I still feel a bit of a association myself even if it's not as strong. MYM probably has reinforced that one with his hired animal police assistants and the dragon egg he took in.

Pipp Petals
Pipp as Rarity is the weakest for me. Not saying she doesn't serve the same archetype but I don't feel I associate her in the same way as the others. She has fewer personality touches or traits in common other then general prissiness and her social media status feels different to me for whatever reason.

I think this quote might be fitting:
“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain

Though a lot of the traits we associate with the G4 characters weren't completely laid out this early but developed over time. We shall see how much some of these characters hold/fit to the archetypes of now.

> Do you hate Rarity? Really? Wow, that's not a very common take to hear. 

Used to be pretty common in the early days from my recollection.
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Make Your Mark (If I recall the name of the series right) is soon upon us and thus G5 will be in full swing. This lacks the hype of G4 for me and I find myself a little concerned on quality, yet I won't fully dismiss it till I see it. We shall see.
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 >>/8412/ (cross post)
So, Twilight Sparkle has made a appearance as a force ghost. I see a lot of questions on why she is not in her Celestia form but I think it is a pretty high chance of it being Halo-Twilight from Season 9 FiM. Though I still would have questions on why that Twilight is only a reflection of Twilight Sparkle in what would be a brief part of the long life of Twilight's presumably successful reign  if she was successful and lived a long life. We shall see. 
I think they may go for a darker route. I mean, the comics, as flimsy and ignored by the show that they probably will be, already hint it. Not completely dark, but have some stray implications of Twilight's reign being less rosy and peaceful as Celestia's. Maybe she is still Equestria's greatest monarch but also Equestria's last monarch.
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And now it has happened. Might be awhile before I sit down, watch, and review, all eight episodes. 

I am partly spoilered on some wider lore implications but this plot isn't really advanced enough to be anything I hadn't already guessed or implied  albeit with some conflict  with the Discord comic. In the meantime I will say that from what I have seen of the animation, it looks better than the first Make Your Mark special and some textures and backgrounds look, good, perhaps great, but I have still seen bits of janky and wonky, poorly colored, etc, in the preview clips and one spoiler clip that I have seen.
The slumber party episode was actually kind of comfy. the rest were meh to trash. Animation was nice in some spots but I warn you it  is very bad in a lot of places. 

The show feels like a hybrid between G3 and G4. It has more substance than G3 but has more of the spirit of a typical little kids show than G4 did.
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> Animation was nice in some spots but I warn you it is very bad in a lot of places. 

Maybe all the budget went to a certain pony's mane?

> The show feels like a hybrid between G3 and G4. It has more substance than G3 but has more of the spirit of a typical little kids show than G4 did.

That is about what I expected. Though it is still a scale. It could be  comfy with that style even if it's not G4; reasonable side martial. At worse it'll feel bland and just lacking. I am still going in mostly blind and I will judge it then.
Anypony here fully watched G5 yet? I am curious of opinions. It doesn't seem to be as loved as Equestria Daily crowd would want it to be but it is far from the level of hate I expected from /mlp/, /b/ronies, and other oldfags.
Have still only barely gotten into chapter 1, so my opinion on the series is far from fully formed. I think it'll probably land somewhere from decent to meh over great to horrible based on everything else I have seen...
>  It doesn't seem to be as loved as Equestria Daily crowd would want it to be but it is far from the level of hate I expected from /mlp/, /b/ronies, and other oldfags.

...and the fandom reaction as well. As this has also been my impression.
Mild correction:
> Have still only barely gotten into chapter 1

I meant chapter 2. Still, I haven't gotten to where this spoiler is yet (I knew it happened but almost nothing of it otherwise).Looks like potential interesting lore implications. Albeit, trying to awkwardly fit Opaline that far back could mess some things up a bit. 

Watched three more episodes recently. Will see how long it takes me to get there.
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>  Gillian Berrow revealed a very interesting little fact about why we might not see a whole lot of crossover between the universe of G4 and G5. Apparently it all comes down to licensing and usage. Discovery Family still owns part of Friendship is Magic's show content, which lets them charge fees whenever a G4 pony appears in something like Make Your Mark. Twilight as a specific example needs to be paid for whenever she makes an appearance.


...there you have the spoilers...I guess...
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Ouch. So that is why there wasn't even a mention of Heartwarming Eve on their holiday special. This is probably going to make things pretty limited in terms of exposure for a lot of G4 things, ain't it? 

Eh, what we have gotten so far has already exceeded my moderate expectations. Considering Celly and Luna appear at some point in a flashback (still working my way there) and they have dropped a few potential hints I think still this isn't too off the mark: 
> I am moderately more bullish on G4 and connections to FiM but I still think it'll be restricted by`a more "kid friendlY" mainstream tone

< and licensing issues, apparently

Is all I will add on that.
Just started Chapter 6. Not going to spoiler, but there is a few moments of interest to G4. A couple of big ones and a few implied things.

My rating is as follows:
The Movie: 8/10 I actually liked it. Enjoyed it even. It wasn't FiM but most of the charters were better than I thought they would be, save Pip. 
Chapter 2: 4/10 Meh, outside of some strong moments, it was mediocre. I only liked one episode.
Chapter 3: 4/10 Ditto
Chapter 4: 6/10 I enjoyed this one better. Charters felt more established. It isn't FiM and doesn't have that same level of investment though. 
Chapter 5: 5.5/10 Slightly less, but ditto to above. 

There. Not quite to /endpone/ standards but at least there is a mini-review here.
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I need to rewatch some before I can give a rating on the shows but I'd say the movie is a solid 6/10. Far from perfect but I can see those who liked it and it had some points that surprised me. The fact that Izzy wasn't set up to be a meme lulzy character even if she still certainly at risk for that was impressive.

I still stand by what I said here:
I think they'll do something, but it be more of a halfway "payoff" than what many would want.
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Izzy in the movie was one of the things that impressed me. While not FiM, I did really like the movie, inspite of the handicaps with it having some heavy dosages of modern zoomer bait.

I do consider the show a little weak and troubled, but not horrible, I have liked parts. 

I find it weird that I like Pip the most considering my hatred for social media trash. I can't decide if she truly has merit or if what little complexity she does have is just ridding off her sister and rest is just... aesthetic persona.
> aesthetic persona.

Interesting wording. 2012 era brony  analysis youtuber terminology I believe. I believe there was a better word then that, but, I can't recall what it was (I remember it being a point some made all those years ago). As for Pipp, I will thrown a couple of bits. She was expected to be so bad that by being slightly charming and having some character your low expectations were hugely exceeded.
Guilty as charged. Not the best thing to draw on but that description always stuck with me and I think the name fits. 

> your low expectations were hugely exceeded.

Could that be the case for FiM itself? Arguably yes. The show was good at the time but only slightly above average in the first season. When you go in expecting trash it can really stick with you.

I prefer to link to sites like:
for merch but unfortunately MLPmerch has slowed down a lot lately. 

More on this later.
Wow, that is one big Sunny! I am almost retarded enough to get that, but, money, plus the fact that it would be almost useless unless I tried some stupid memes or stop motion skits, prevent me from doing so. 

As far as MLP Toys goes, this one is comical and a bit absurd and I like it for that. 

> MLPmerch has slowed down a lot lately. 

It is a shame it all got centrilized to Equestria Daily as Equestira Daily doesn't always provide the best coverage to niche topics well.
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So, the word on the street is that G5 is dead. I see a lot of fruitless triumphalism over this with utter despair among the small number of complete unironic G5 fans. I don't share it. I wasn't a fan of G5 and thought it did mess up FiM's happy ending. But I was sort of a fan of some of the characters from it weirdly enough Pip So it is kind of bittersweet.  

I don't know. Just wanted to express something other than happiness or being blindly butthurt and figured this thread was as good as any.
Can feel you. I didn't completely hate G5 either. I didn't love it and still feel like my opinion was in this slow "forming" state as I slowly watch through its media.  Potentially, G6 could easily be worse or doubled down on the aspects they didn't like, too...

I guess G5 ain't completely 100% confirmed dead. We may still see a G5.5 or something, but I imagine things are pretty shaky for a reason.
I haven't watched anything G5 related yet and I don't know if I'll ever get round to it, but my initial reaction to the news is that I do feel bad for G5 fans. The earnest fans of the show I've seen seem quite passionate about it, and that's in spite of the obvious strong hatred the show received from the fandom. So I can't help but respect people who not only love something so hated, but are brave enough to say so too. I can only really imagine their feels, but what a ride it must have been to embrace something so unpopular, only to have it rather unceremoniously killed off. I (temporarily) left the fandom after G4 ended, it made me feel empty inside and like a hole was left that couldn't be filled. Eventually I found my way back here but for a good year or two I'd fully given up on something which had been a big part of my life, and that was with a huge supportive fandom still left intact. What the G5 fans are going to do and where they're going to go, I've no idea. 
As far as G6 goes, I'm eager to see it come out even if it's bad. At this stage G4 is rather solidly in the past, so, so long as G6 doesn't try and revive any G4 stuff like G5 tried to, I'm basically eager for Hasbro to try out things as quickly as possible so they'll either give up trying to revive the franchise, rediscover their old niche of just being for little girls, or catch lightning in a bottle for an incredible and implausible second time. By which I mean not just that the sooner we get G6 the sooner we'll see which one of these it will be, but the sooner we get G6, if it's bad, the sooner we'll get G7 too, and G8 and so on until they bury the franchise, or manage to make it into something again.
It technically contradicts what is said in MYM, but might be going closer to the show's bible, so while part of me just wants to dismiss it as worthless comic canon it still is possibly something that is influential. If G5 doesn't just kick the bucket in a year or two with no follow up.

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