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Welcome To Q Anon Research Operations

We hold these truths to be self-evident.
- All men are created equal.
- All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
- That among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are hacktivist who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and meme warefare. We do battle in the digital realm of social networks. We neither need, nor condone the use of physical force. All illegal content reported. Not Liable.



Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever. -SwordAnon


“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn
a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort
the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new
problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.” -Robert A. Heinlein

* Letters https://pastebin.com/zX0ZTKf2
-To My Family https://pastebin.com/WiGSu4mD
-To Patriots https://pastebin.com/0ieWe4t9
-Q Clearance Patriot https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/229860764
-A Prayer https://pastebin.com/3K3twDnQ
-A Prayer https://pastebin.com/DnH74iaK

 505 ERROR Bunker >> https://freenode.net/#qanonresearch 

* Access
Clear: https://endchan.net | https://endchan.org | https://endchan.xyz
TOR v2: https://endchan5doxvprs5.onion | https://s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion
TOR v3: https://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion

* Report Illegal Content on Endchan  >>/10952/  >>/10957/  >>/10959/  >>/10960/
* FAQ  >>/10458/  >>/10468/  >>/10970/
NChan Indexing  https://qresear.ch

NChan TRIPCODES (In the name field enter #YourUserName)
 >>/18016/ What is a tripcode?

SITEOWNER tbd [SnakeDude] (AWOL)
SUPERADMIN tbd [@OdiliTime] (dev/sysadmin)
ADMIN tbd [Balrog] (chief hotpocket, owner of endchan.xyz domain)
SECURITY tbd [Uguu] provides help with DDoS mitigation and runs our frontend
HOST tbd [Miao] (provides our hardware hosting at no cost)
BOARDOWNER ##qnktnX [citizen o7] Profile:  >>/21875/

#i/91V8  >>/34180/ 
#jQQLKu  >>/33698/

*Board Volunteers
BV0 #jIFGUa [weaponized autism] Profile:  >>/32290/

BAKER0 #sGrv/I [angry gerbil] Profile  >>/32289/

Awakening  >>/19890/ https://archive.is/BMb7d |  >>/13478/ https://archive.is/MwyS Locked
Memes  >>/960/ https://archive.is/70E93
Notables  >>/75/ https://archive.is/qqjlZ
Documents  >>/5829/ https://archive.is/Z2Z6U
Social  >>/15186/ https://archive.is/dZ1aO
War Room  >>/21400/ https://archive.is/Jr6Ml
Learn to Bake  >>/21146/  >>/22833/
Qproofs  >>/1980/
Symbols  >>/4289/ https://archive.is/nkrkR

[ Adam Shiff  >>/18339/ ] https://archive.is/PxPzM
[ Joe Biden  >>/14854/ ] https://archive.is/dN0qZ
[ Nancy Pelosi  >>/16673/ ] https://archive.is/csClW
[ Romania  >>/25339/ ]
[ Turkey  >>/16810/ ]
[ Ukraine  >>/18390/ ]


@POTUS @realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom https://www.whitehouse.gov | https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ 

*PCOMMS https://pastebin.com/NMmQF2U9
Two sets of two synonyms or three mentions of a term = significant.
re: repeated 3x = signal (NOT noise)
Check the timestamps on the posts and tweets capitalization on his Twitter
0 deltas tweets = comms open
During homophones, hand signals will give you the coded (and correct, but unexpected) word to hear. Eyes open.

QCOMMS  >>/23599/  >>/23609/  >>/23611/  >>/23612/  >>/23635/  >>/23599/  >>/23609/  >>/23611/  >>/23612/  >>/23635/  >>/25395/  >>/25395/ 
 >>/32201/ Reminder RTFM

RCOMMS [Rudolph Giuliani]  >>/23921/  >>/23927/  >>/23594/  >>/23279/  >>/25962/ 
 >>/32260/ RCOMMS Ukrainian docs showing 'collusion'

LCOMMS [Lou Dobbs]  >>/32318/ Lou Comms MiniBun IG Durham Senior Obama Justice Dept

*Speech Notes
19/11/26 Sunshine FL https://pastebin.com/QpTmpgxn
19/11/14 Louisiana https://pastebin.com/ETG7nQgH
19/11/06 [MARK] Judicial Confirmations https://pastebin.com/ZqFVUEh2 
19 kentucky https://pastebin.com/a2P932ai

Speech That Won Election - https://youtube.com/watch?v=zvrWvGJkfuU
Hillary Roast - https://youtube.com/watch?v=Bmvxx_YbDsM
4th July 19 - https://youtube.com/watch?v=lE3rNWYvkRg
MAGA Rally in NC - https://youtube.com/watch?v=5ODi8wTgoqs (That ending tho)
9/11 Interview - https://youtube.com/watch?v=V4ZfXOil1pk
Buckingham Palace - https://youtube.com/watch?v=oO-FT0q34tg
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: https://publicpool.kinja.com/

DIG MEME PRAY [All 3 Continously]

The best would be to watch whats being discussed on the board in relation to what HOT TOPICS are in the news.

Start by asking yourself regarding the Vote what are the 5 W's
Who: Eddie Rispone
What: Voting
Where: Louisiana
When: Live atm
Why: To elect an official
> Post this info in the thread with a picture and a link to the source that gave you the information
> If its Really important information, you may also want to archive.is online and post that link also
> allow review and brainstorming for more ideas... most likely next logical step would be who is he running against.

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]
[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS
[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area  htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.
[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST
[4] Always Post meme or Cap
[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.
[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.
[7] RT other's tweets
[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com
[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm
> Them: Twitter Facebook Instagram...
> Example Meme Tiers 1 2 3  >>/33829/ (ex. T-3 Meme  >>/33830/)

*Operating Procedures  >>/23258/  >>/22435/
*What is the Narrative Softpill  >>/25924/
*Sample Personal 'MadHatter' Timeline Tweet  >>/25390/
*Sample Dems are Evil Notables Post & call for Patriots  >>/35464/
*How to dig other countries  >>/38691/ 
*Meme Tips https://archive.org/details/MemeticMagic

1. Make Aware Dems Are Evil: Standard SlowPill  Procedure Stage1&2  >>/21070/ | Stage3  >>/21380/
2. Make Awake You are Devine: The Great Awakening  >>/18142/

Commenting Raid  >>/24255/
Beat the Narrative  >>/24327/
What is Information Warfare  >>/24172/
Cloak a Q anon Research with a Potus Tweet  >>/24337/
Anti March RedPill Strategy  >>/25302/


 https://hashtags.org  https://pastebin.com/bFsuyT4V
#Romania #Ukraine #biden #pelosi #schiff
#donothingdemocrats #whistleblower #secretmeetings #ukrainecall #whereshunter
#BringThemHome #BringSoldiersHome #WeWantThemBack #TimeToComeHome #WeLoveOurSoldiers

#QAnon Hashtag ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats' 

* Resignations https://www.resignation.info | https://qresear.ch


* POTUS' Tweet Archive: http://trumptwitterarchive.com
* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws
* Twitter Video Downloader: https://twittervideodownloader.com/
* Youtube Downloader https://ytmp3.cc/ 
* Video Pastebin https://videobin.org/
* Download url vids https://9xbuddy.com/sites/openload
* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/archiver-menu/?src=search class="quoteLink" href="/qanonresearch/res/8607.html#8946">>>/8946/ (archiver)
* https://threadreaderapp.com
* http://trumptwitterarchive.com
* Twitter Trends https://www.trendolizer.com
* News Paper Snippet https://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp
* Trends Map https://www.trendsmap.com
* Top Trending Hashes https://trends24.in/united-states/
* Meme generator https://imgflip.com
DNS Entries https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#search/as:48031
Search Engine https://swisscows.com https://yippy.com
 >>/25135/ Tools for anons 
Are You Banned https://shadowban.eu/
search ex. [site:qanon.news shiff]
People Search https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/
 >>/15810/ Dough: https://pastebin.com/xY6LcKJa | https://pastebin.com/raw/Nb12HyuB 
More Tools > https://pastebin.com/u7P7a6hv

*Other Known Boards
https://08ch.net (Decentralized)
https://8kun.net | https://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion | http://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion
https://freenode.net/#qanonresearch (enter a nick/no password)

* Expanded Q Text Drops: https://pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY
* QMap Zip: https://enigma-q.com/qmap.zip
* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/
* Memo & OIG Report Links: https://otherch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188
* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/
* The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

[A]labama sessions q
[U]kraine burisma bidenson
[R]omania bidenson provocik?
[U]SA for the Storm
[M]Last on the List

> 15186 https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/res/15186.html

SOCIAL AMMO  >>/960/ 
Review Warroom for current tools and services and advisory.
(You) Play the part of Mad Hatter when Awakening "Them".
Use .@them to reply to all their followings. https://www.themuse.com/advice/mystery-dot-the-best-kept-secret-on-twitter
Them List: https://pastebin.com/jknaAkg5
Moar Social advice  >>/15186/ && https://pastebin.com/5p5X8MJ4

*Pastebins for Limelighters/Famefags
Paul Pelosi https://pastebin.com/ptNeBBN2
Nancy Prawda https://pastebin.com/7d0b2hJ9

*POTUS Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw
MAGA https://mega.nz/#F!cFESCQjK!vX36HNEzFXSu8IfTQenQ_w
 >>/24444/  >>/24469/  >>/24616/  >>/25585/  >>/25621/  >>/25684/  >>/25687/  >>/25807/  >>/25427/  >>/33140/ 


Biden  >>/14854/ | Clinton  >>/25290/ | Memes  >>/960/ | Notables  >>/75/ | Pelosi  >>/16673/ | Shiff  >>/18339/ | Symbols  >>/4289/

#VoterID (DanielCameron)  >>/33869/  >>/33864/  >>/33900/  >>/33902/  >>/33907/  >>/33910/ 
#HunterBiden  >>/24579/  >>/24881/  >>/24934/ 
#AdamSchiff  >>/33183/  >>/25314/  >>/24666/  >>/24732/  >>/24792/  >>/24614/  >>/35675/  >>/35686/  >>/35696/  >>/35698/  >>/35703/  >>/35708/  >>/35713/
#GreatAwakening  >>/25761/  >>/25764/  >>/25781/ 
#HillaryClinton  >>/24471/  >>/24595/  >>/24619/  >>/24624/  >>/24701/  >>/24708/  >>/24709/  >>/24712/  >>/24719/  >>/24723/  >>/24731/  >>/25916/ 

African Amerc  >>/24005/  >>/24174/
CNN  >>/25218/ vid 
Dems  >>/23744/  >>/23775/  >>/24330/  >>/24171/  >>/24328/ 
Barr  >>/23676/
Bolton  >>/24673/
Mother Jones  >>/24160/
Obama  >>/24443/  >>/24752/  >>/25912/  >>/25913/ 
Pedovores  >>/24845/ 
Q  >>/25584/  >>/25631/  >>/25840/  >>/25885/ 
Rice  >>/24611/  >>/24671/
Soros Alex  >>/24605/  >>/24609/ 
Traffickers  >>/24811/  >>/25362/ 
Pizzagate  >>/25604/  >>/25609/  >>/25633/  >>/25627/  >>/25736/  >>/25752/ >25434  >>/25632/ 
Misc  >>/24479/  >>/25717/

2019-Jul https://mega.nz/#F!6xkHmYrZ!wxAJLCRIW3EQO3TpyHf1BA
2019-Jun https://mega.nz/#F!K89jwQgB!ij-qXn6rnqv2ZozlXIWiFg
Epstein Drone Photos https://mega.nz/#F!DwNkwAZQ!xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

*How it Flows
> BO manages dough and all the BV's
> BV manages board and all the bakers
> BAKERS eyes on potus tweets for thread ideas and keep anons focused with reminders
> DIGGERS  gather intel based on bakers thread and POTUS Tweets
> SCAPPERS keep dough updated with previous LB Main Notables and Memes list
> MINIBUNS gather and post towards end of thread or next thead
> NOTETAKER gather notable posts and per thread focus
> MEMERS build memes on gathered info of the focus
> SOCIAL fires memes based on current thread memes using Social Infowarrior thread and Warroom section
> BV posts minibuns/notables/memes to respected threads for normies and newcomers to get to speed.
> ARCHIVE maintain archives
> LURKERS watch our back and catalog for shill attacks
> OPTICS eyes on Players 24/7S

*This place is not for people who need blow-by-blow direction.
But if you really want some, here are concrete suggestions
- compile notables for any bread--that's SUPER useful
- get sauce for tweets
- do caps for article links
- search on 'dig' or 'digg' and go do diggs anons have called for and report back.

Newbs Read Positions Here: https://pastebin.com/MUqNrY5m
-opticsanon  >>/22246/
-twitteranon  >>/22353/
-planefag  >>/35227/

*Moderation Manual

*Formatting Instructions

*Learn To Bake 
Ghost Bake  >>/25536/
Simple  >>/22843/  >>/21146/ https://pastebin.com/r5BQDBTF
Advanced https://pastebin.com/waNBgamW
 >>/21200/ Baking Tips, Tricks & Traps
 >>/19659/ RE how you know bakers are legit if no tripcodes.

POTUS https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump @realDonaldTrump
RUDOLPH https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani @RudyGiuliani
SEANHANNITY https://twitter.com/SeanHannity @SeanHannity
JUDEGEJEANINE https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine @JudgeJeanine
SARAHCARTER https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC @SaraCarterDC
LOUDOBBS https://twitter.com/LouDobbs @LouDobbs
TUCKERCARLSON https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson @TuckerCarlson
@Family - Potus Flotus DonaldJTrumpJr EricTrump IvankaTrump 
@Media - IngrahamAngle dbongino MorningsMaria FoxBusiness⁩ SundayFutures⁩ FoxNews⁩
@Military - https://pastebin.com/0JVakGS9
@FBI - https://pastebin.com/N04DMase
@Civilian - https://pastebin.com/N9mkxyBU @danielcameronag 

*Media - https://pastebin.com/Fh0ZFt8Z

Michael Flynn Legal Defense Fund https://mikeflynndefensefund.org/
 >>/36226/ watching the stars..
 >>/36258/ Bilderberg Group
 >>/36282/ Q = Alice
 >>/36347/ Utopian communities formed in the 19'th century
 >>/36467/ How to build a ' wind up toy shooter 
 >>/36787/ Planets and Gods https://pastebin.com/EbQZBT9E

*Minibuns  >>/41687/
Voter Id  >>/42732/ 
Soros Shale Romania  >>/41597/ 
ETS/Ukraine  >>/40968/ 
All things Soros last 10 days  >>/40857/  >>/40970/
Davis twat, Hill worked for Soros, Open Society  >>/40791/ 
Biden in Cypress minbun  >>/40749/
Manatos & Manatos  >>/40750/  >>/40727/ 
Khoury's Company Mantos/Tawfic Khoury/Skippy  >>/40751/ 
Original Q poster minibun  >>/39810/ 
Biden Soros Burisma Ukraine  >>/39608/ 
Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich  >>/39564/ 
ETS diggz ISP:PE Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich  >>/39053/

#California #VoterId #Daniel Cameron   >>/33869/

MS-13 Removal 
Right to Try
4 More Years Trump2020
Fed Rate Too high
No Quid Pro Joe
MAGA - Dems are Evil
Awakening - You are Divine
The4 leading the Dem Impeach hoax 

Dnc, biden, schiff, pelosi, romney, graham

Task Board
California VoterID
NoName Institute
The4 leading the ImpeachmentHoax
Mark Zaid
DS Kids - Pastebin that shit
Soros Biden Romania 
Pelosi california
Romney mormon
Hillary Emails

Generate Meme
California VoterId
Eric CIArammella Ukraine Whistleblower
Mark Zaid Pedo Lawyer

CA VoterId DanielCamerron
DC WhistleBlower EricCiaramella 
DC PedoLawyer MarkZaid
DC Mormon Mittromney

*Hashes to Hichjack
#VoterID #Impeachment #ReadTheTranscripts #DoNothingDemocrats

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Archive Offline
Archive Offline
Archive Offline

All Q Posts  >>/8439130/ (pb)
(Cut&Paste the last 3 Q posts into 3.)

https://pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE (1)
https://pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t (2)
https://pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt (3)
Trump Twitter Archive  >>/8444200/ (pb)

http:// wearethene.ws  >>/8486590/ (pb)


You'll want to use a batch downloading program, and we're also recommending https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/recoll/ as a program that will index all of this data for you and let you search through all of it locally.

There are other archives equally as usefhttps://youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcwul located above in the baker's post.


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backCHANnels are important.
Consider the awakening and breads in general. Because of the latency of the proxies i can not keep up with the threads and a board for communication needs to be established. part of why i think Q made patriots fight. This board can be utilized as say a notable extended dig etc that otherwise may slip. Stringers never received by the intended reader etc.

will fire cannons o7
run operations
Draw other Weaponized Autist. not so easy o/

I will help get the word out the best i can. 

i have seen how afective I can be. now if i just had 10 more of me kek

CHANs hold a lot of lurkers. wearethenews helps. joing other site does help. FB cant help ya.

This is For God and Country. GOD WINS!

ty Patriot o7

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no problem. The silent running tactic also fits into it with it being a tactic when almost done with an objective and running to finish it like capture the flag. Silence is golden corona drop.this place is known enough people hopefully will be checking it out of course they will. Even if you got to post a few times a day anything helps thanks for all you have done i know what its like to run a slow board and basically dump onto it. Whats great is the sandbox nature of it leads to less of the usual hassle normally posting things goes. Also helps with like you said spreadability.

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Good morning,  I was just digging through some old Hawaii newspapers and came across some stuff. Look at Mr Zoll's picture in the wedding announcement, he is Virginia Dunham's groom.  Is it just me or does that face remind you of someone?  Speaking of Zoll, this fella named Zoll is interdasting. Allen Zoll. Paul Zoll is very interesting also.  Heart attacks.



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 >>/45827/ Who is Walter Dunham and what does he have to do with Procurement for the government? Was he a Procurer?


> Review Warroom for current tools and services and advisory.
WR section needs updating, kek
an Honor to still see it carried forward
we tried hash until we realized shadow ban
we tried to control the graph but then the graph dies (spoopy)
#Random #hash #has to work, no?
how fast will social media ban you?
how fast will shills report you?
play accordingly, last longer, get to further levels

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...Staying safe & sane in these interesting times. Avoiding the MSM induced manufactured panic. Beyond the surface implications of the virus, boarders being closed. Limits the ways that deep state can flee. I bet [they] are really panicking, as that metaphorical noose tightens around their necks. 
Other random thoughts include the suspicion that the virus is a bioweapon, created from the old strain from 1918. Curious that there would be several outbreak areas, around the world. Humanity will win, in the end.

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 >>/45840/  Well I didn't have to look long before I found Degeneres stealing from the people of Louisiana. They bought auto parts at dealer prices and sold them to the government at full retail while they were working for the government. Degeneres was also the tax assessor. I wonder what his other business "Raco Film Company" was?

I spent 13 years working for the federal gov't. I took a crap job to get my foot in the door until I could get a job in the accounting dept. That never happened and now I know why they didn't want me in the accounting department.  It's because I can count.  I would have found their freaking scam.

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Man Charged With Terrorism for Posting Brad Pitt Coronavirus Movie Comment on Facebook

A man in Louisiana was arrested and charged with one count of terrorism after posting false information about law enforcement’s response to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Facebook.
According to the Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office (RPSO), 27-year-old Waylon Allen Bailey was “taken into custody without incident” after law enforcement was “notified of a social media post that promoted false information related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”


> 8531750
i came here to tell the Anons sumting, but i forget what it was
oh well, think of somting else
Magic Sword - Empress 
- from Volume 2, Chapter 3: ENDLESS
slow boards have their adv, no?
fast boards have their adv, also.
do you love Notables or dive right in?
do you bring your own?
some Anons make it look easy
some Newbies crack me up
when the Anons come to grow the Newbies, what a digital non-violent army
'future so bright, gotta wear shades at night'
these are the slow parts, the grind needed to make fine Justice
if fake judges won't do it
if fake lawyers won't do it
if fake journalist won't do it
i suppose Anons will do the research
research > Truth
Truth sets free
Justice in a dirrty court?
Vote swamp monsters out?
Which pols are rich; how did they get rich?
follow the $, follow the wives


> 995d9d

think i found what u forgot to come here and tell us.



reviewing this and those atm. plus got to work fag atm

GOD WINS is all i know.
slow boards are great for comms

fast boards are great for input.

both have their advantages and disadvantages

ty -Q+ for putting your live on the line to help us o/

forever your friend till the end o7

if your gonna have 1 fren might as well be P

if 2 friends might as well be P and Q

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Call 4 memes - Calm The Masses
Call 4 memes - Calm The Masses

This is our time to shine anons.
We are called to calm the masses.
We must guide them through the storm or less they be lost.


Bring out the TRUTH
Show the Media Generated Madness is just that, Madness.

How many a year die from the Flu?
How many die a year from a deer?

Watch here -> Corona Virus
Not Here -> Dems stealing Nominee from Bernie.

Bats? Vampire Bats?


'why did they take))) all those chances before 2016?
who was thought to win?
if hrc won, would we have learned anything?

> blackberries
> hot sauce kek

why do they))) take so many chances now?
if they lose, will they have another chance?
'do or die' situations are dangerous
What would be their))) best case scenario re Election?
What would happen after?
Would biden release information or DECLAS?
Elections are great opportunities.
What can Anons and the People do w House, Senate, Prez?'

'Back w same bad news Senate Democrats again blocked a major move to turn this economy around &get ppl back 2work incl recovery checks 2help families pay their bills +very strongly beefed up unemployment insurance +health care resources. I'm disgusted by this &Americans shld b too'

'I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but the geographical coincidence alone is pretty unsettling. The rest of it is right out of a dystopian disaster movie... (video)'

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we be back to biz soon
pieces move other pieces
some moves only to block and delay
> mueller
> nancy
right now dems have house
imagine if we have house
they want to argue about origin of virus w little facts
we want to read the redacted parts re DECLAS
ace card
opportunities line up somehow
Truth sets Free

 >>/45869/ yup, but not priority; grunt work for the Newbies, kek
> avoid bans
> retweeting other politicians posts as comments to the dems
good arrow in the Quiver
how many other arrows are there?
as many as you can imagine.
the 1s that work are like fireworks on the 4th, b4 ds
how long ago was news fake?
hard Truth for the Normies
Truth changes; requires room
a place to leave msg/post, free to speak and meme
each has a sliver of Truth
2 slivers has more surface area
United, how many slivers; starts to look like a mirror
idk, but i'm glad i'm not alone
Peace be w (you) during the raging storms
PRAY for cures
don't fall for the lying snakes and warn others
biden, people laughing
bernie, people don't want socialism for when has it ever worked? (research)
messing w stock (fear), obvious; i see opportunity
fake news narrative trying to control focus
Anons can change the focus w Notables
PRAY for the 1s near the virus
in a crisis, people can't afford fake news and fake leaders
Vote is another opportunity
Imagine if we had the House, no drag
Vote all dem leaders out, ty

Avoid Bans
Retweet Politicians, Fox News
Repost Barr/lindsey/gaetz/rudy Comment/vids

Avoid Commenting Back
Act a bit mad hatter
Avoid banned hashes

-Focus 2020
-Win H/S/P 
then what?

Dec 21 Jupiter Conjuct Saturn?
Electric Universe
The Great Attractor


> jsut wth???
we keep reincarnating over and over, this is the last reincarn. we are running out of time.
time for what?
time to realize we are divine and do not belong here?

how the hell did i end up inside dirt o/

free the penial allow transcension?
what happened to myans?
apocolypse... and they all disappeared...

> my what fascinating times to be alive.
in this third dimension of time.

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I've been wondering why Madonna wears this eye patch with the X on it.  While digging on Ellen I found a property next door to one of her buildings with an X on the front door so I started digging on Club X.  It's much like the Soda Pop club that Corey Feldman attended as a teen. It's a pop up club.  They seem to be all over the country.  The one in San Francisco is a pizza place during the day.  Here is an interesting review about children in the club and old dudes hitting on them.

My first impression of the club was, "wow there looks like there are children in this club". But as the night went on I actually had an awesome time!  There are two rooms. The first room was not that great plus the lights in there SUCKED! The second room  was a lot more fun plus a lot more space and I loved the lights they have there. (My favorite lights are strobe) 


This website is creepy, calls itself a pansexual nightclub, has bondage in the header. 


This one is in Tucson, it's called club xs, seems satanic.


 >>/45874/ When the metal rabbit sold at Christie's for 91.1 million dollars. This guy right here Jeffrey Deitch was sitting right next to the buyer, Robert E. Mnuchin, art dealer and father to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

During the auction, Mnuchin was reportedly seated with the magazine publisher and collector Peter Brant and the art dealer Jeffrey Deitch. “I always thought [Rabbit] would be in the pantheon,” Deitch told The New York Times. “It was instantly embraced by artists and cultural critics, and it’s kept its resonance for all these years.”


 >>/45882/ Oh shit guys, here is the creepy Spirit cooking video.

Right after the hysteria that ensued following the discovery of the Zerynthia gallery Spirit Cooking video, another controversial video surfaced. This one showed the annual fundraiser dinner gala held in 2011 by the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA), then directed by the charlatan Jeffrey Deitch. I must admit, it did look like a satanic ritual, but it was just good clean innocent fun as practiced by well-to-do Hollywood bluebloods who were inebriated and desperately trying to escape their endless state of terminal boredom.

That original unedited video showing the MoCA fundraiser dinner gala is shown directly below: 



 >>/45883/ No wonder they wanted to put the Christian bakers out of work.  Kreemart, this shit is warped and it's on instagram where anyone can watch it. I watched this one video and that was enough for me.



'Congress must approve the deal, without all of the nonsense, today. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to start up our economy. Our workers will be hurt!'

Bakers often comp'd keep firing if you can.  Anons will find it.  These people who paid as much as $100,000 a plate to attend this shit are sick.  These are the Hollywood elite. These are the people who hold America's purse strings.  People need to see it.  The governor of California attended the dinner.  FFS.  Talk about a red pill. 

I am trying to find out more info about Raphael Castoriano, the owner of Kreemart. It looks like Marnina Abramovic and many others work for him.  


so durham indictments coming out.
so to hide the mass arrests the cabal starts the coronavirus, then gets all the media to hype it and gets all the celebs to hype as well.

am i close o/

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When to use DECLAS card?
_ was going to play it sooner, but not needed yet?
have still for when?
If use it after Elections 2020, how does that look?
So must use it by when?
Some know, some don't know.
when moar know, changes the game (board)
when enough know, changes the rules
Elections are great opportunities
Vote fake leaders out; nancy, schumer, shiff, etc
RINOs also
Enjoy Time at Home/Fam/Frens while Country heals
less move around, less virus spread; 15 days, ty.
God, please take care of those near the virus, ty.
Calm, Faith, 'see something, say something'
CourageousAnons, ty.

Spirit Cooking

 >>/45874/ Miley Cyrus at the art exhibit All of Them Witches.
 >>/45881/ metal rabbit sold at Christie's for 91.1 million dollars.
 >>/45882/ Jeffrey Deitch and Marina Abramovic.
 >>/45883/ creepy Spirit cooking video.
 >>/45889/ this shit is warped 
 >>/45891/ Vid Spirit Cooking
 >>/45894/ snapshot of Kreemart "artists" Marina Abramovic
 >>/45897/ connection between marina abramovic and hrc?
 >>/45899/ Marina Abramović mention in Podesta emails sparks accusations of satanism 
 >>/45901/ These people who paid as much as $100,000 a plate to attend

> When to use DECLAS card?

well with everyone home, watching the news, stocked and piled, now might be a good time.

if wait till after elections...
hmmm me feels anons are awaiting dclass prior to election2020, what if we dont win election? not that i dont beleive we will. but if we lose the election, then how to declass?

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1st & 10 on the 40
5 chairs + 5 tables
10 pieces of furniture in all
10 pieces with 4 legs = 40 legs on the ground
1 reporter

1reporter 10pieces furniture 40legs on ground. Marker?

Qpost 3313 is 1 yr 2 day delta for 4/10/20 Good Friday. Durham?

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Evan McMullin @EvanMcMullin
Executive Director of @StandUpRepublic

Former: CIA ops officer, GOP policy director, independent presidential candidate. press@standuprepublic.com

In the days ahead, Trump will ask us to sacrifice the lives of seniors, the unwell, and other Americans vulnerable to COVID-19 to serve his political and other interests. We should reject this proposition. We need to stand together against this pandemic, leaving no one behind.

Sacrifice: 420,000 tweets in the last 24/hrs



> Anons know what to do.
Call To meme these Bastards o7

'This is really great news! I am so happy I can barely speak. He may have been a terrible presidential candidate and an even worse U.S. Senator, but he is a RINO, and I like him a lot!'

'The four hospitals that we (FEMA) are building in NYC at the Javits Convention Center are moving along very well, ahead of schedule. Many additional ventilators also delivered. Good conversation with Governor Cuomo!'
> cuomo
> mitt


i dont know why but the number 4 seems to in play in the last few tweets
4 Mar 25, 2020 09:49:56 AM The four hospitals that we (FEMA)
44 Mar 25, 2020 05:40:52 AM including four new medical centers and four new 

qpost4 POTUS 100% Insulated

qpost44 Watch POTUS Twitter

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Day Shift
feelz GOOD
Night Shift, going for hourz at a time
learned about energy; limitations
spend energy wisely
much to be done in a day
help here and there
keep up w Life, kek (bills, etc)
easier when moar help
imagine if a million help
might need moar than a mil
oh well, get to work; think strategy
apply, monitor results
soon ds be around to turn things off, kek
oh well, spoopy game, hoping for a peaceful End.
Channel, signal, back, forth, Timelines, debates, over (game).
Check, your move.
Our move next.
We hold our move until Nov, when the Silent Majority is moar United.
Work Together, like our MIL.
Thank God for our MIL.
Why would any1 want to betray America, a Country that wants Justice for ALL?
Oh yeah, greed.
simple causing the most complex; spygate, explain it; 'you sound crazy'
PROOFS are important.
Memes are important.
For each other, do the work; hold the lines
Normie, take this shovel; join us
Godspeed ALL.

Never Wiser Words
I have taken a moment to enjoy life. still spreading the truth as i do.

too much ebil affects ones mentality. need lots of breaks. need lots of anons to pick up the slack. i do see however some kun anons have picked up the flag and charged forward with a few raids and such o7 GodBless those patriots and all patriots that take up the flag of America. 

Waiting for lights out. but how long will that last, they need comms too. oh right obama ak takes down the net. but again for how long?

moves and countermoves. 
ty anon for all that you do. 
God bless you and yours
you are a light in this time of darkness o7

1 million anons that would be nice eh?

I have been posting to kun all our important digs, and reposting anything of extreme importance.

just sometimes very overwhelming.
need 10 more of me, just 10

where am i o/

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Faith your part is enough, or always feel overwhelmed, ime.
w Faith, it is enough and the next picks up where Truth was placed to move it forward again.
who knows the future?
we know the 2 past; fake news past & hazy real past.
Drops re read.
Relay to the People deciphered, meme.
Op CounterDigg, kek
Train Newbies well and it will be like 10 of (you)
if your going to help Normies, now is the Time
read the Notables, compare w News
what is there/not there?
some obvious lies?
some hidden Truths?
when Normies understand fake news is there to fool, closer to END
End in a GOOD way, end of ds

'The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you.
You will FAIL.
You lost CONTROL.
You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative.
We will DECLAS.
We will shine LIGHT.
No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this.
Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.
We stand at the ready.'

Donald Trump’s Campaign Slaps TV Stations With Cease And Desist Letter To Try To Halt Ad Attacking His Coronavirus Response

Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has fired off a cease and desist letter to TV stations, warning them to stop airing an ad from a pro-Joe Biden Super PAC that is a scathing attack on the president’s response to the coronavirus crisis.

The spot features a graph mapping coronavirus cases in the U.S. over the past two months, with audio of comments Trump has made downplaying the threat of the virus.

In their letter to stations, the Trump campaign says that the Super PAC, Priorities USA Action, “stitched together fragments from multiple speeches by President Trump to fraudulently and maliciously imply that President Trump called the coronavirus outbreak a ‘hoax.’ They contend that Trump was in fact “talking about the Democrat’s politicization of the outbreak when he used the word ‘hoax.'” FactCheck.org noted that Trump told reporters the next day that he was not calling the virus a hoax, but the Democrats’ response to it.

At a Feb. 28 rally, Trump said, “They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since he got in. It’s all turning, they lost. It’s all turning, think of it, think of it. And this is their new hoax.”

The campaign threatens to take legal action, but it’s just as likely an attempt to try to call attention to Trump’s effort to refute the spot.

The Priorities USA Action ad does not explicitly say that Trump called the virus a “hoax.” It runs audio of Trump saying “This is their new hoax,” without identifying who he was talking about, as the number of coronavirus cases rises on the graph.

Josh Schwerin, senior strategist for Priorities USA, wrote on Twitter, “The Trump campaign is trying to bully TV stations into taking our ad down. They are not going to be successful because it is literally Trump in his own words. Let’s make sure as many people as possible see this ad.”


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we slow cvirus down when we don't move?
day 11 of 15, might need 17 more
will POTUS guide right?
then no worries 4 days 
conserve, glide light
help others understand 'to not move is to help' (weird days, kek)
Efforts will show results.
fake news will lie/spin results, Normies will fall for it
Anons will disprove it
MemeCannons will get banned (avoid)
Newbies be blinking
all it takes is dig, meme, PRAY
intro new medicine, track results
Meme GOOD News also.
( >>/45939/ kek)
'You have come far, Anons (Patriots).
You are ready.'
'Have faith and trust in yourself.'
Stay tucked in, Vote Trump, take House/Senate, get News/Memes to the People, imo.

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 >>/45943/ cannons fired o7

Trump Derangement Syndrome: Washington State Public Radio Station Won’t Play Trump Briefing Because of “False or misleading information”

The Hill reported that KUOW, a public radio station in Washington, will no longer be airing press briefings from the White House on the updates from the Wuhan virus “due to a pattern of false or misleading information provided that cannot be fact checked in real time.”

President Donald Trump has been a participant in the briefings with the administration’s Wuhan virus task force almost daily, standing next to members of his Cabinet and public health officials.

“KUOW is monitoring White House briefings for the latest news on the coronavirus — and we will continue to share all news relevant to Washington State with our listeners,” the station declared in a tweet.



> fake news will lie/spin results, >Normies will fall for it
> Anons will disprove it
> MemeCannons will get banned (avoid)
> intro new medicine, track results
> Meme GOOD News also.

o7 ty anon

this invisble war wont be nvisble much longer me feels


This guy was appointed by Clinton, in 2018 he gave millions to graffiti "artist" because a property owner painted over their "art". The dudes 86 years old, prolly at risk for the woohoo flu. I found some news articles describing his odd behavior.  Still trying to figure out how to screenshot on my new computer.  As a property owner myself I would be pretty pissed if I had to pay a tagger for painting over his shit. 

Judge Frederic Block

United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of New York
Born 1934 in Brooklyn, NY
Federal Judicial Service:
Judge, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York
Nominated by William J. Clinton on July 22, 1994, to a seat vacated by Eugene H. Nickerson. Confirmed by the Senate on September 28, 1994, and received commission on September 29, 1994. Assumed senior status on September 1, 2005.
Indiana University, A.B., 1956
Cornell Law School, LL.B., 1959ge is interesting.  




was thinking some corrupt judges to be on look out in ny during the corona, specially any atm doing shady shit. letting out inmates? are they doing that in ny. 

is the CV affecting sactuary city areas?

just thoughts anon, but yes keep up ur diggin and let me know on any goods ya get o7

cali democrats?

 >>/45948/ Judge Frederic Block has muh books deals and Hollywood deals.

Another chapter, involving the sentencing of defendants convicted of trafficking young women from Mexico and forcing them into prostitution, begins with an admission that Judge Block thought of his daughter often during the case, even as he acknowledges the importance of separating “emotional baggage” from the case at hand.

“Crimes and Punishments” isn’t the first time Judge Block has used his writing to bring a wider readership into his chambers. In 2012, he published a memoir about his career as a federal trial judge titled “Disrobed.” Amid the positive notices he received was a personal phone call from fellow district judge-turned-writer Michael Ponsor, the author of two novels about tough cases overseen by a federal district judge in Massachusetts, who encouraged him to try his hand at fiction.

Judge Block’s second book, the 2017 novel “Race to Judgement,” fictionalized a series of high-profile cases, including a 2003 criminal trial over a murder during the 1991 Crown Heights riots and a wrongful conviction civil suit against New York City that eventually settled. The judge said the book is in the process of being adapted into a television pilot.


Judge Michael Ponsor from above is another Clinton appointed judge with the book deals. He was a teacher in Kenya for a while.



Disrobed by Frederic Block.
Block followed law school with a clerkship on the New York State Supreme Court, thirty-two years as an attorney in Centereach, Patchogue, Port Jefferson, and Smithtown, and eighteen years on the U.S. District Court, where he presided over the trials of mobster Peter Gotti, drug kingpin Kenneth “Supreme” McGriff, and Bear Stearns hedge fund managers Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin. The book recounts all of his high-profile cases in chapters titled “Death,” “Racketeering,” “Guns,” “Drugs,” “Discrimination,” “Race Riots,” “Terrorism,” and “Foreign Affairs.” So far, the response has been very favorable. President Bill Clinton, who nominated Block for the judiciary, called it “a compelling introduction to the life of a federal judge,” and Judge Judy Sheindlin described the memoir as “a must read for any court buff.”


 >>/45954/ It happened in 1968 at Woodstock.  I don't think MS 13 was around then but it still sounds spoopy.  I never heard of a guy chopping himself up with a machete. It does seem like the judge is well connected with the art community and has been for a very long time.

I also found a judge for OATH in New York who is also heavily involved in the Art community.  His name is Peter Horn. He is part of a foundation that gives grants to Artists. He is also heir to the Hort family art collection. OATH is in charge of New York Water and Sewer so I thought watch the water too.





Barack Obama Administration:


Tony Blinken Deputy National Security Advisor
Danielle Borrin Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Deputy Director of Public Engagement
Gary Gensler Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Jonathan Greenblatt Special Assistant to the President and Director, Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (Domestic Policy Council)
Jack Lew Secretary of the Treasury
Eric Lynn Middle East Policy Adviser
Matt Nosanchuk Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach
David Plouffe Senior Advisor to the President
Daniel Rubenstein Ambassador to Syria
Dan Shapiro Ambassador to Israel
Gene Sperling Director, National Economic Council
Aviva Sufian Special Envoy, U.S. Holocaust Survivor Services (Inaugural role)
Adam Szubin Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury)
Janet Yellen Chairwoman, Federal Reserve
David Cohen Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency
David Saperstein Ambassador for Religious Freedom
Amy Rosenbaum Director of Legislative Affairs
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan Liaison to the LGBT Community Former Members
Ben Bernanke (2006-2013) Chairman, Federal Reserve
Mary Schapiro (2009-2012) Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission
Steven Simon (2009-2012) Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa, National Security Council
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President
David Axelrod (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Lawrence Summers ('09-'11) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg ('09-'11 ) Deputy Secretary of State
Dennis Ross (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President
Ronald Klain (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Susan Sher (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Mara Rudman (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor

Sauce: www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-barack-obama-administration

Sauce: New York Magazine Cover Story Sept. 26, 2011

'For weeks now, Democratic members of Congress, career State Department and National Security Council experts and their allies in the media suggest questions about Joe Biden and a Ukrainian gas company and Ukraine meddling in the 2016 election were nothing more than debunked conspiracy theories.

In reality, the facts on both these issues are clearly substantiated. And as I pointed out last week, many of the witnesses that House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff called during the impeachment proceedings confirmed concerns about both.

Here is a detailed timeline of key events in the Ukraine scandal, complete with the corroborating evidence. You make your own judgement as to what happened.

February 2014.

Vice President Joe Biden named by President Obama to be U.S. point man on Ukrainian crisis after Euromaidan Revolution of Dignity leads to ouster of Viktor Yanukovych as Ukrainian president.

February 21, 2014

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation publishes anticorruption strategy for Ukraine identifying the Anti-Corruption Action Centre, a nonprofit that Soros’ foundation and the U.S. State Department jointly fund, as the leading edge of the foundation’s strategy for Ukraine.

Validation: https://www.scribd.com/document/403223726/Open-Society-2014-Memo

March 2014

New Ukrainian elections set for May 2014 and Petro Poroshenko emerges as top Western-friendly candidate for president.'

This is weird.  This little Indian reservation town Chilchinbito is in the middle of nowhere. How did the Corona virus get out there?

On March 17, 2020, the first case of the global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) within the Navajo Nation was identified to be a 46-year-old resident of Chilchinbito by the Arizona Department of Health. The man tested positive for the disease in a hospital in Phoenix after being transferred from the Kayenta Health Center in Kayenta, Arizona. Two days later the Navajo Health Command Operations Center ordered Chilchinbeto to be quarantined and isolated.[3]


Navajo Nation Sees 20 More COVID-19 Cases, Bringing Its Total to 49


Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is found in North, Central and South America.[9] It is an often fatal pulmonary disease. In the United States, the causative agent is the Sin Nombre virus carried by deer mice. Prodromal symptoms include flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, muscle pain, headache, and lethargy. It is characterized by a sudden onset of shortness of breath...

> sounds like coronavirus?


This was posted on 8 yesterday and was a notable:


"No clue, 4chan shit

WTF here in Spain we’re locked down . If police catch you outside doing shit you get a penalty fee.

Now this two germans tried to escape by car but got arrested in the end.

The names Christina F. And Thomas G.

Here is the news https://www.elmundo.es/espana/2020/03/22/5e77bf37fc6c8356468b45c9.html


This two mother fuckers own a HANTAVIRUS PATENT (Wuhan relation)


‘Inventors: Stuart T. Nichol (Atlanta, GA), Christina F. Spiropoulou (Atlanta, GA), Thomas G. Ksiazek (Lilburn, GA), Pierre E. Rollin (Lilburn, GA)‘



I was just rereading this article about the Hanta Virus CDC project on the Navajo reservation and I noticed the project was funded by Reckitt Benckiser. Reckitt Benckiser is the drug company that sells the cure!!  I think they used the Navajo people as lab rats to test their meds. These are the people that make LYSOL.  How rich are they getting right now? 





They sold an addictive drug to people who were trying to kick their opiate addiction.  These people are heartless and evil.

Justice Department Obtains $1.4 Billion from Reckitt Benckiser Group in Largest Recovery in a Case Concerning an Opioid Drug in United States History 


 >>/45962/  The guy holding our nations purse strings Steven Mnuchin head of the treasury department, his dad is the guy who spent 91 million dollars on a fucking metal rabbit that looked like a child's blow up pool toy. 


 >>/45970/ I've been digging on Steven Mnuchin's ex wife Heather Mnuchin.  All the articles call her a mystery so I took it as a challenge.  If you pull up her mylife.com account and start checking her family and friends it's a honeypot. She is very involved in the Art world also.


Sheri Fried is a Beverly hills doctor. Some links say surgeon others say Phsyciatrist.  The big one is Roger Davis. You gotta see this.

 His clients included Natalie Wood, Barbra Streisand, Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas, Elvis Presley, Clint Eastwood, Norman Lear, Warren Beatty, Omar Sharif, Fred Zinnemann, Stanley Kramer, David Wolper, Ernest Lehman, and Steve McQueen. Mr. Davis also served as the Chairman of the Motion Picture and Television Fund Corporation, First Vice President of the Association of Talent Agents, as an arbitrator on the panel of Arbitrators of the Directors Guild, and was a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and the State Bar of California. He was active in Big Brothers of America and participated in its annual "Show Biz Bash" for many years. 





'As usual with “this” General Motors, things just never seem to work out. They said they were going to give us 40,000 much needed Ventilators, “very quickly”. Now they are saying it will only be 6000, in late April, and they want top dollar. Always a mess with Mary B. Invoke “P”.'

'General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!!  FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!! @GeneralMotors  @Ford'

 >>/45973/  Michael Mapes, another of Heather Mnuchin's family and friends list.
Organizing and activism on behalf of Secretary Hillary Clinton's historic bid for the Presidency. Even though I was a founding member, I was right there with all the volunteers, canvassing, tabling, marching, making phone calls, and working my heart out for Sec. Clinton. 


Heather Mnuchin is also associated with Hal C. Danzer, M.D.
Co-founder and partner of the Southern California Reproductive Center, Dr. Hal Danzer has devoted his career to helping countless patients fulfill their dreams of becoming parents.
Practice Locations:
Beverly Hills/Los Angeles


'Will someone please explain to the Fake News New York Times (ALL THE NEWS THAT’S NOT FIT TO PRINT) that the Democrats make it almost impossible for us to fill positions within government. They “maximum” delay even the best candidates, including Judges, leaving little time!'

 >>/45979/ Here is a good article about the owner of the New York Times, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.  He sounds like a real douche canoe.  This article is way better than Wikipedia.  He told his dad that he hoped Americans in Vietnam would get shot.  


'While the world is absorbed in the Coronavirus drama, yet another caravan of illegal immigrants is heading north to the United States from Central America. The group departed recently from the northern Honduran city of San Pedro Sula and is making its way to Guatemala en route to the southern Mexican state of Chiapas. The final destination is the U.S., according to a Mexican news report that reveals the caravan has some 500 Central Americans but is expected to grow along the way. “They left their country due to a lack of work opportunities and prevailing violence,” according to the Spanish-language article published a few days ago.

The illegal immigrants are expected to arrive late this week in the Guatemalan city of Tecún Umán, a heavily transited border crossing into Mexico. Earlier this month a Guatemalan newspaper reported that, despite the global Coronavirus pandemic, cross border travel between Mexico and Guatemala continues full throttle without any sort of health screenings. It is very unlikely the new group of illegal immigrants will be monitored for health issues as it makes its way north. This marks the third organized Central American caravan that tries to enter Mexico. The most recent one, with about 2,000 Central Americans, took off earlier this year and was largely intercepted by Mexican authorities in Hidalgo.

At the time Honduran authorities disclosed that four Iranian nationals had been arrested after entering the crime-infested nation illegally. The men were heading north to the United States, according to a Honduran newspaper article that attributed the information to the president, Juan Orlando Hernández. The Iranians were transported to the capital, Tegucigalpa, and officials reportedly launched an investigation. The worrisome incident coincided with a U.S. alert warning Mexico of armed Iranians planning to enter the country through the southern border, further illustrating the national security dangers of unmonitored human caravans.'

Guys,  I'm looking at this last time POTUS invoked the Production act in 2017.  Notice how the production of vaccines for the adenovirus in kinda slid in there.  It's weird how it's worded in between aerospace and shipping containers. What does a vaccine have to do with the fibers in a container? 

In June 13, 2017, President Donald Trump invoked the law to classify as "critical to national defense" two sets of products. The first referenced "items affecting aerospace structures and fibers, radiation-hardened microelectronics, radiation test and qualification facilities, and satellite components and assemblies".[13][14] The second referenced "items affecting adenovirus vaccine production capability; high strength, inherently fire and ballistic resistant, co-polymer aramid fibers industrial capability; secure hybrid composite shipping container industrial capability; and three-dimensional ultra-high density microelectronics for information protection industrial capability"


If he already has a cure I sure wish I could get it.  I've been sick ever since I quit the hospital and I really hate feeling weak but I don't have insurance and high priced hospital visits have never helped. They just sent me home saying it's a virus, you need to ride it out.

 >>/45992/  Look at this little blurb on the same wikipedia link.  Detailed information?  Obama had to know those blackberry phones were comped.  2011 is way before Benghazi. Is this attention on the Defense Production Act a call to dig?  I know the thing with GM is pissing me off considering the freaking bailout we gave them, ungrateful pricks. 

In 2011, President Barack Obama invoked the law to force telecommunications companies, under criminal penalties, to provide detailed information to the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security on the use of foreign-manufactured hardware and software in the companies' networks, as part of efforts to combat Chinese cyberespionage.[11]


 >>/45993/ the easiest answer is always my first guess

3-2  =1
2-2  =4
3-1  =2
2-3  =-1
4-2  =2
2-1  =1
6-2  =4


a quick search on googs brings up an 

mls listing for the theatre complex in Orinda CA near San Francisco and Oakland.  There was a house party shooting there on Halloween 2019.

Orinda means pine trees in Spanish.

 >>/46002/ I'm kind of out there now.  Orinda is close to Mount Diablo.  Why mount Devil?  All the park services are closed to employees today cuz of the virus.  Why was San Francisco chosen as the hub to begin with during the gold rush...close to source?  There is a mine there. I wonder if it's still in use?


Black Diamond Coal Mining Co.
200 miles of tunnel.  Hrmmm

When the miners departed the area around Mount Diablo in 1884, they left behind 200 miles of coal mine tunnels.


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 >>/46003/ The Hazel Atlas mine was there.  Hazel atlas was a Huge glass producer. I have a set of their salt and pepper shakers.  Anywhoo this isn't just a little crawlspace mine. 

'THANK YOU to the:
gig workers
truck drivers
health experts
lab technicians
postal employees
hospital volunteers
supermarket clerks
warehouse operators
convenience store associates
You are heroes!'

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jsut yeah...

anon for the love of god please Define Saturn.

Saturn is not God.
What lays in the Great Attractor?
Am i both heaven and Earth?
The book of the lock and key = Book of loki?
so many Q's

Anywho, I believe that the key you are looking for is contained in the library or tunnels beneath the vatican.

You're best bet would be to capitalize upon the Italian coronavirus hysteria in order to convince the proud descendants of the roman empire to launch a vatican raid. Possible slogan: "they can't molest all of us". Kek

Of course you may need an army of drones to fly people over the walls, but that would just make it moar ebic.
Here, have an unrel pic of a cathedral in cologne.

 >>/46003/  >>/46011/

During the early mining boom days at the Black Diamond coal mines in Diablo Mountain the main boom town was Clayton. There is a CEMEX in Clayton now.  I wonder if that is the cement word drop.



It sure is close to Brentwood.  Them Hollywood types sure love to live in Brentwood

 >>/46002/  >>/46011/
Nice one endchan.  I still like my Diablo Mountain digz.  I'm trying to trace the sale from Hazel Atlas to the Consolidated container company.  Weird that there is some Bain Capital in there huh? I like to follow the money, who owns those tunnels I wonder? 

(Reuters) - Loews Corp (L.N), a hotel, energy and financial services conglomerate, said it would buy plastic packaging manufacturer Consolidated Container Co from Bain Capital Private Equity for about $1.2 billion. 


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It's all a game, we're in the Matrix

Parents of Utah tech CEO found dead inside her car in San Jose after five day search reveal their daughter’s last phone call and say she suffered a 'manic episode' before vanishing


> WTF?!

I was listening to the new song Bob Dylan did about Kennedy. When he talked about the crossroads I thought of the blues singer Robert Johnson who sold his soul to the devil.  I was looking into it and came across this article about Bill Barr, it said he used the name Robert Johnson when he worked for the CIA during the Iran Contra affair.  Makes me wonder about him.

    Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA.

    CIA operative assigned to the China directorate, where he became close to powerful CIA operative George H.W. Bush, whose accomplishments already included the CIA/Cuba Bay of Pigs, Asia CIA operations (Vietnam War, Golden Triangle narcotics), Nixon foreign policy (Henry Kissinger), and the Watergate operation.

    When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.

    Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Church Committee investigations into CIA abuses.

    Barr stonewalled and stopped inquiries in the CIA bombing assassination of Chilean opposition leader Orlando Letelier.

    Barr joined George H.W. Bush’s legal/intelligence team during Bush’s vice presidency (under President Ronald Reagan) Rose from assistant attorney general to Chief Legal Counsel to attorney general (1991) during the Bush 41 presidency.

    Barr was a key player in the Iran-Contra operation, if not the most important member of the apparatus, simultaneously managing the operation while also “fixing” the legal end, ensuring that all of the operatives could do their jobs without fear of exposure or arrest.

    In his attorney general confirmation, Barr vowed to “attack criminal organizations”, drug smugglers and money launderers. It was all hot air: as AG, Barr would preserve, protect, cover up, and nurture the apparatus that he helped create, and use Justice Department power to escape punishment.

    Barr stonewalled and stopped investigations into all Bush/Clinton and CIA crimes, including BCCI and BNL CIA drug banking, the theft of Inslaw/PROMIS software, and all crimes of state committed by Bush

    Barr provided legal cover for Bush’s illegal foreign policy and war crimes


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 >>/46018/  So Bill Barr's dad worked with Epstein at Dalton school AND wrote a book about child sex slaves.  That's more than odd.

Epstein Truthers Are Obsessed With a Sci-Fi Book About Child Sex Slavery Written by Bill Barr’s Dad
I bought a novel by Donald Barr about sex slaves in space for $1.95. Now, it’s worth hundreds.


My friends at the Prescott, AZ VA hospital said they are out of masks and gowns. They have had a patient who tested positive and now one nurse is in quarantine because it was his patient. I have heard about the expired N95 masks and I think an expired mask is better than no mask at all.  I am worried about my friends.  How can they do their jobs without protection?

wait im confused did bar produce the book or did his father?

sorry spent the weekend on /x/ just wtf am i reading there lel.

well its monday. lets see what treasures are braught to light today?

NY quarantined?

anything on that coumo?

im sure your freind knows the risk, again exposure does not necessarily mean death. i think the media is playing it out more than it really needs to be. but again im just an anon, what do i know. god bless and prayers fro your fren /\ and you anon godbless o7

ok planted half an onion another potato, bell pepper and a tomato, i figure once they get going in the pot then i can transfer them to the ground. we have clay/silt for ground as we are located in a river basin area. not sure if thats good or bad.


this needs to be fired off, but not sure. may need more on this, cant call bar a pedo just cuz his dads one. again this may be the reason bar became an attorney, to fight these pervs... or hes one and playing an actors role atm to avoid gitmo. but it dont feel like that...

one of my frens

'I'm very prepared thanks to you. I was prepping in feb and march, but I increased my prep to go through the summer.
Thank you'

ty -Q+ and #GODBLESS and #BEBEST

 >>/46030/ I just planted 3 broccoli plants. We planted some zucchini yesterday. The onions I put in last week are starting to sprout up. My radishes are also starting to produce growth.  If I couldn't work in the garden I think I would really be a mess.  It's therapeutic.  I offered to volunteer at the hospital tearing sterile sheets to use as masks but they are on lockdown and the rules say they have to reuse the masks they have.  It makes me so mad. I worry about the nurses.  They are my friends.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The word fuck is not against the law to say.  It may be hurtful but it's not illegal.  People have the right to free speech no matter whether or not it might seem vulgar or offensive to you and I.

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I don't know if this is something or not but it struck my ass odd that Andrew Cuomo was showing up at a homeless shelter in the middle of the night?  He ran the non profit that built the building and it was involved with the red cross.

The only charity I can find called HELP1 is some kind of restaurant thing that doesn't really sound like a real charity. It has something to do with taking pictures of your food?


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 >>/46044/ I also see Andrew Cuomo is involved with a company called Albany Five-0. The business address is 384 Broadway, Albany, NY,the old building is very close to the Hudson river, that's not far from the NXVIM headquarters. Looks like he's partnered with a Paul Gordon and a Michael Gordon.


"You need to listen to me" it said on the front.

The Enlightenment - Part 0

Trail Of Deceit

 >>/46045/ The phone number associated with the business is for this Gordon Company's. I see they have apartments in Troy.  That's the town Alison Mack lived in.


Donald Trump: ‘Sick Puppy’ Nancy Pelosi Was Focused on Impeachment During Coronavirus Outbreak

President Donald Trump fired back at Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday after she accused the president of failing to act quickly enough to combat the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“She’s a sick puppy, in my opinion. She really is,” Trump said. “She’s got a lot of problems. And that’s a horrible thing to say.”

In an interview Sunday, Pelosi said “as the President fiddles, people are dying” and that Trump cost American lives by downplaying the crisis in the early days of the outbreak.

“I thought it was a disgrace, I think it’s a disgrace to her country, her family,” Trump said, adding, “What a horrible statement to make.”

The president spoke about Pelosi in a phone interview on Fox News on Monday morning.

The president reminded the country what Pelosi was doing when the outbreak first hit the world.

“Don’t forget, she was playing the impeachment game, you know her game where she ended up looking like a fool,” Trump said.

The president recalled he received accolades for stopping travel from China to fight the virus at the end of January, something even some of his advisors believed was too strict.

“You would have had deaths like you’ve never seen before,” he said.


California Had 2,400 Mobile Ventilators, Democrats Got Rid of Them

California has lots of money to shovel into its municipal unions and social services complex. But it just wouldn't pay for those ventilators and masks.

    They were ready to roll whenever disaster struck California: three 200-bed mobile hospitals that could be deployed to the scene of a crisis on flatbed trucks and provide advanced medical care to the injured and sick within 72 hours.

    Each hospital would be the size of a football field, with a surgery ward, intensive care unit and X-ray equipment. Medical response teams would also have access to a massive stockpile of emergency supplies: 50 million N95 respirators, 2,400 portable ventilators and kits to set up 21,000 additional patient beds wherever they were needed.

    In 2006, citing the threat of avian flu, then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced the state would invest hundreds of millions of dollars in a powerful set of medical weapons to deploy in the case of large-scale emergencies and natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires and pandemics.

    The state, flush with tax revenue, soon sank more than $200 million into the mobile hospital program and a related Health Surge Capacity Initiative to stockpile medicines and medical gear for use in outbreaks of infectious disease, according to former emergency management officials and state budget records.

And then the Democrats took over.

    …in 2011, the administration of a fiscally minded Democratic governor, Jerry Brown, who came into office facing a $26-billion deficit.

That "fiscally minded" nonsense comes from the LA Times. There was plenty of money for all sorts of Dem priorities. Not for saving lives.

    And so, that year, the state cut off the money to store and maintain the stockpile of supplies and the mobile hospitals. The hospitals were defunded before they’d ever been used.

No one wants to talk about it now.

Through a spokesperson, Brown, the former governor, declined to be interviewed for this story

    With the funding cut, the state gave away some of the supplies and even considered disposing of what couldn’t be given away, Backer said. In the end, Backer said he’s not sure what happened to it all, and the California Department of Public Health did not answer questions about what became of the alternative care site supplies.

Assume that someone profited from them. That's a safe bet.

    At its height, the state’s stockpile held more than 50 million N95 respirators, but without continued funding, that supply dwindled. Some were used during California’s wildfires and not replaced, and others went past their expiration date. As the coronavirus arrived in California, that supply was down to 21 million.

    In response to questions, the department said all 21 million are past their expiration date.

    The department said it now had 900 ventilators “on hand,” but didn’t clarify what that means. That’s 1,500 fewer than the original stockpile.

    Then-Assemblyman Bill Monning, a Democrat from Carmel, suggested the state should sell its unneeded medical equipment on eBay. “I say this not intending to be funny,” the Sacramento Bee quoted him as saying. Monning, now a state senator, did not respond to an interview request.

    What exactly happened to the 2,400 ventilators isn’t clear. Several dealers who buy and sell used medical equipment said they recall many of California’s ventilators ended up being resold by hospitals and nursing homes to other dealers, who then likely shipped them out of the United States.

Any guesses as to how many ended up in China?


The guy who got arrested for hoarding the face masks and selling them at a 700% profit had a government contract. I wonder if he was stealing those masks from a military hospital?

Baruch Feldheim
Acme distributors, Brooklyn




so for about 2 weeks truck running like shit.
i go through fuel pump, filter, sensors... everyhing

take it to autozone, advanced run a code scan, noithing

take it to mechanic says change some end points... nothing

finally im like fuck it i check the plugs. so the old trick pull a plug see if truck dies down. all hit cept #3 plug... no change in engine.

change out ignition coil and we are back on the road woohoo all done and before tomorrow kek o7

4/1 10 days of darkness till 4/10/20???


 >>/46068/ Dr Shiva Ayyadurai sent POTUS a letter telling him Dr. Fauci from the CDC is full of shit and his plan to keep us at home is stupid.  The letter is here on instagram.  He called Fauci fake science. 


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woohoo and we are back.
just been doing some studying on the Cult of Saturn. yeah some wierd shit going on with those people. is it real tho? what is real?
what is the Great Awakening?



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Apr 2, 2020

11:48:26 AM 30 DAYS TO SLOW THE SPREAD https://t.co/GIzwKSt5mq 
09:54:55 AM .....Could be as high as 15 Million Barrels. Good (GREAT) news for everyone! 
09:32:08 AM Just spoke to my friend MBS (Crown Prince) of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia, & I expect & hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 Million Barrels, and maybe substantially more which, if it happens, will be GREAT for the oil & gas industry! 
09:12:56 AM “The States have to get the money to the people who need it.” @MariaBartiromo And FAST! 
08:28:02 AM RT @parscale: Great idea! 
08:27:54 AM RT @ericbolling: Mr. President With total respect and recognizing you are doing more than any President has .. Please have @stevenmnuchin1… 
08:26:50 AM RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Great to hear! CA’s Gov Newsom about @realDonaldTrump “Let me just be candid with you. I’d be lying to you to say that… 
08:26:07 AM RT @GOPChairwoman: .@realDonaldTrump doesn’t care if you’re a Democrat or a Republican. He has shown he is willing to work with everyone,… 
08:25:35 AM RT @GOPChairwoman: “The last time America faced an economic downturn, Michigan suffered mightily. @realDonaldTrump is working overtime to m… 
08:21:07 AM RT @nickmalinowskii: A big thanks to all the workers of ups, usps, Amazon, etc. who are still going to work every day risking their health… 
08:17:22 AM ....have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit. Other states are thrilled with the job we have done. Sending many Ventilators today, with thousands being built. 51 large cargo planes coming in with medical supplies. Prefer sending directly to hospitals. 
08:17:21 AM Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government. Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them. The complainers should... 
07:57:41 AM ...It wouldn’t matter if you got ten times what was needed, it would never be good enough. Unlike other states, New York unfortunately got off to a late start. You should have pushed harder. Stop complaining & find out where all of these supplies are going. Cuomo working hard! 
07:57:41 AM Somebody please explain to Cryin’ Chuck Schumer that we do have a military man in charge of distributing goods, a very talented Admiral, in fact. New York has gotten far more than any other State, including hospitals & a hospital ship, but no matter what, always complaining.....

wonder if that coumo dig brought us offline. 

still interested to see if anything else related to the shelter

anyway to see homelss disappearance over the years in NY

also theory  >>/46075/
people are migrating from south america to texas, texas takes them and sends them through the caves to new york, new youk sends them overseas.

cali has interesting caves too, as well as florida and washington.

someone i think once said there are a lot of missing people around mammoth cave are

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Currently Trending: #TrumpOwnsEveryDeath
90K tweets about 2 hours ago. Started trending about 18 hours ago.

target: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TrumpOwnsEveryDeath

Anons, please take a moment to fire a meme or comment or 2. 
> These People are sick [FUCKS]

FGNC -o7
#WWG1WGA #GodWins

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Currently Trending: #TrumpOwnsEveryDeath
90K tweets about 2 hours ago. Started trending about 18 hours ago.

target: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TrumpOwnsEveryDeath

Anons, please take a moment to fire a meme or comment or 2. 
> These People are sick [FUCKS]

FGNC -o7
#WWG1WGA #GodWins

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what's cool was i didn't see yours until i went to fire mine
i stopped for a moment but thought nothing wrong w #2 memes
makes me glad 2 of us thought to make simple meme/fire
i like to do that w Notables also (pic related)
i usually hide bad words as not to get banned by twtr
trick is to stay ban-free so can get News out, imo
When our News conflicts w msm, Normies wonder; msm sweats
w sauce, msm exposed

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...The key to understanding legends, mythos and 'holy' texts are to view them as astronomical accounts;Ancient heavens in a radically different celestial alignment. This is essentially the 'secret' that has been hidden from humanity. These cultists are the type to perform these events in a ritually terrestrial interpretation; Inversion and perversion to the core.
Knowing this would annihilate people's faith, and in fact, their complete world views. Finding out that everything you thought you 'knew' was a lie. Truth equates to an awakening.

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Coats b4 D
D incoming
hold fire
Anons are holding the lines
Ppl waking up
play the ace [D] card or save it?
Time is on our side
House, Senate, Prez
Vote Rs
Vote RINOs out; RINOs worst than dem fake leaders?
Real News = Real History
fake news ...
Real Leaders = Great Country
fake leaders ...
why would ppl Vote for hrc, bho, feinstein, nancy, schiff, etc?
fake news casting illusions
Americans fast asleep in fantasy land
so we continue until the LastStarFighter or the last 1 awake
w moar, easier job
thank the Newbies who have joined long ago and became great memers, diggers, walking in the strong PRAYers of the Anons
a proud moment
now Godspeed
the Spartans had 300.
we have each other.
our diggs producing the memes to change/save the World, we witness and help
who knows the future?
better w those United to help than w/o
efforts = results
Know Truth, no violence
control the graphs
expose #fakenews
Vote out all dems, re- Elect Trump, ty.
those Trump rallies were awesome
those Crowds were Historic
those polls gotta b fake
biden admits bribe of Ukraine and ppl would Vote for him?
biden admits bribe and blames Trump with no proof?
trying to push fake news, caught by a transcript; (your move)
fake news covers for fake dem leaders
they don't talk about ohr, page, strozk, schiff, mueller, rr, etc.
all under obama, right next to biden/hunter
logic indicates corruption; avg ppl trust lying news w no time to research, conditioned not to think beyond the latest trend
prove to them and win their support
w their support, win the game


Currently trending at #️5⚡️
Started trending about 1 hour ago.


> Time to Man the Twatter Cannons Anons

some drops are for the moment, some drops are for 'future proves past', imo. (other drop-types also)
if correct, what percentage do you think are for 'future proves past'?
wht % for the moment?
that gives (you) the odds.
the odds tell you how to play the game, imo.
Math and coincidence guides the way, mayb
working together helps many people
courage in the darkness
strength in numbers
Unite the Normies; train the Newbies to dig and meme
PRAY for them
Election; house, senate, Prez
Research to know who to trust, then Vote for them; no dem leaders
End evil corps by not buying their products/stocks.
who has the power?
Memes give People their power back.
Diggs recharge Autist's power pack.
PRAY makes the Soul Comfy
LIGHT warms and vanquishes darkness
Truth sets Free; News to the Voters
Thank you Anons.


apology 911 on the front lines atm

and seems we lost a baker during the lagwar today. collected notables to help anons

#WorkingTogether #ToBeBest o7

thank you for help saving the world /\ #WW



> This Memes War -o7


if anyone post this other than 17
we are targeted as larps.

oh well fuck em o7

Firing kunnons

as far as current drops vs future
hard to tell. guess if 2 drops are made and one aligns with todays events, then 50% now 50% future

actually been trying to distinguish that for some time.

honestly imo i would say 30% are for now 70% are future comms
am i close o/

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idk but i think less would be future comms because hard hard to guess the future
ds can f w future plans
we will unleash d5, dec 5
ds be like get rid of _ and have a service (takeover msm)
shuts down d5
future plans are hard hard
always adapting, always digging for opportunities; a bit of luck can go a long way
skill wins the game in the End
has been great working w Anons
Were our leaders surprised how well we closed shop to fight corona?
does this scare ds?
new villains exposed?
fauci villain?
feelz like it, imo; we will see.
who are the obvious villains?
easy targets, meme, fire.
> idk but i think less would be future comms because hard hard to guess the future
if correct, that means more were current drops, meaning less chance of old drops being relevant.
30% future drop or less
70% current, stale now                 
however, review of the time period aligned w Qdrops reveals how it might work.
if we were way off, Q would alert
thas why i think when Q silent, no problems; we are flying now
i think the next level is gather moar people to teach moar people about fake news and fake leaders
Well-played DS.
Please allow us to counter.'

i play all channels as a board.
end, kun, gab, twt...
fb im fawked kek lawfag.jpg o/

ok assume future is hard to hit.
assume AI quantum involved, closer to future target?
40 future 60 current idk moves and countermoves, for now assume all post are for current. if can connect to future even better. 

how to break the DS/Media Hold
Buy the media? where muy richfags at o/
how to sway public from standard media...

Fauci u say... eyes on
Q is running silent. GO Q \o/

Gather Moar, easy to do with ebeone home atm kek

> Gather Moar, easy to do with ebeone home atm kek
yup, nice how that worked out
now press the adv
the game board is fresh for both sides (actually, not sure how many players, #2 simplifies)
who moves the fastest/wisest will gain the adv (or perhaps no move is best played sometimes).
2+ narratives battling
winner determines Election outcomes, determines power.
designed for People to control, but stolen by ds
'forgot how to play'
review the manual, research for Truth
> 40 future 60 current idk moves and countermoves, for now assume all post are for current. if can connect to future even better. 
> for now assume all post are for current. 
many theories lose strength after this; what was current then is stale now, 'assuming all post are for current'.
becomes easy to discount theories and odds fav the move of discounting theories as they have higher chance of being incorrect.
also, chance of ds messing w plans (d5)
main thing that breaks all this is if Voters know Truth
then fake leaders and fake news are pointless
of course it will start over, the long lie
but perhaps we buy enough time for moar generations to feel the sunlight and live Free.

I have heard that the mash tent in central park was over the tunnel entrance and that the children were being saved.  I noticed the army set one up at CenturyLink field event center, in Seattle yesterday,  which is right next to a coast guard base.  I wonder if it's the same thing.  Didn't the Clinton's own Century Link?  Is that coast guard base a sub entrance.  I really believe C before D is children before Declas.  It's the reason I keep working.  I also think the elderly are being save also.  There is so much elder abuse and neglect.  My daughter text me yesterday and asked if I had heard about JFK jr?  People are starting to talk, people are waking up.  I know there is nothing private on the interwebs, if some of those babies need me just call.  I have room.  i pray that families are reunited.

 >>/46107/ I think the second picture of the man leaning over is a nursing home.  Hanging a picture of the patient in their youth reminds the staff that they are people with lives just like them. I think the bride hanging on the wall is the patient in her prime.  I think the pic with the female nurse is a tent hospital and the patient is a child. From sea to shining sea, from cradle to the grave, they are all Gods children.

 >>/46103/ This picture makes me think this is a father with his child or possibly his emaciated wife.  That is not a shirt he is wearing it is a military issue seersucker hospital robe. He is touching her. He is comforting her.

you cant tear down a belief without rebuilding a new one. also rebuilding a new one would help stop any future perversions.

In the Beginning...
was there even a beginning?

> still need to rebuild a theology to follow. 
Hope/faith is what drives us. without out hope...?

In the beginning e=mc^2

we are more than our bodies. we are conscious. we are subconscious. 

What of a sol?

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Dems Do Nothing!!!
Vote Repub

> make sure (you) vote
> make sure ur fam votes
> make sure ur frens vote

Control the house/senate/_
How will people vote if they know the truth?

#DoNothingDemocrats #VoteRepublican 

Who Follow the Dems?
Cali? NY?

'Of course Adam Schiff is complaining about ICIG Atkinson being fired. He was Schiff’s key impeachment enabler.

- Let the Whistleblower lie about meeting with Schiff’s staff
- Didn’t disclose the fact that the WB worked for Biden

Schiff still won’t release Atkinson’s transcript!'

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well found this.

Fauci Love Letter to Hillary Clinton Surfaces…

Posted on 3/20/2020, 11:47:20 PM by bitt

I knew there was something sketchy about Dr. Anthony Fauci. Within the WikiLeaks HRC email files there’s a letter from Fauci to Hillary Clinton through her aid/lawyer Cheryl Mills: “Please tell her that we all love her and are very proud to know her.” LOOK:

(Excerpt) Read more at theconservativetreehouse.com ...



found 0bama in the wiki search.

Why is the surgeon general running an ad showing people how to fold a T shirt that says "Got Naloxone?" a reversal med for opioid overdose. WTF?


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...Busting out my favorite Night Shift meme. Too lazy to work around the 8kun IP ban (a while back for a meme taken out of context; someone overreacted). Still drop by here while lurkin' over at the 8 for updates. Need to piece together all the research gathered on the ancient planetary alignment and drop what I've gathered; the timeline dating may be flawed. May explain (speculating) the added 2 months to the calendar (July and August) to account for the Earth's tilt and/or distance from other planets and the sun. Lots on my mind: past present and future.

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Some pretty weird pictures here - photographer with connections to Rachel Chandler



The photographer Brett Lloyd having lunch at Rachel Chandler‘s house, New York. Photo Rachel Chandler


I find it interesting that Joe Walsh's biological fathers name was Fidler.  He has it as his middle name now but it was his given name at birth.  Started digging qresear.ch for Fidler and once again found a few White House resident visitors with the last name Fidler.  One of them was the General Attorney at the EPA. That's a pretty sweet pay grade.  Only made it to GS-5 myself.  They wouldn't give me a promotion because of time in grade.  I guess 13 years wasn't time enough. I digress.



Oh look, David Fidler is an attorney from Indiana who specializes in biological terrorism.  That's so trendy.


 >>/46127/  Look at all these scholarly articles Christopher J Fidler wrote.  He must be super smart and studious.  It's a wonder he can find time to hang out at the white house residence until 23:59 in the PM.


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USA Today fact-check confirms Obama did not replenish CDC national stockpile of masks

    During the presidency of Barack Obama, the national stockpile was seriously taxed as the administration addressed multiple crises over eight years. About “75 percent of N95 respirators and 25 percent of face masks contained in the CDC’s Strategic National Stockpile (∼100 million products) were deployed for use in health care settings over the course of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic response,” according to a 2017 study in the journal Health Security.

    Again according to NIH, the stockpile’s resources were also used during hurricanes Alex, Irene, Isaac and Sandy. Flooding in 2010 in North Dakota also called for stockpile funds to be deployed. The 2014 outbreaks of the ebola virus and botulism, as well as the 2016 outbreak of the zika virus, continued to significantly tax the stockpile with no serious effort from the Obama administration to replenish the fund.


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Hezbollah commander assassinated in southern Lebanon

Hezbollah commander Ali Mohammed Younis was killed by unknown assassins in southern Lebanon on Saturday, Iranian media reported.
Younis was “responsible for pursuing spies and collaborators,” according to unofficial statements, the Iranian Fars news agency reported.
The Fars report included an image of a body lying next to an open vehicle.


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The FBI blackmailed Bernie Sanders and forced him to support Al Qaeda

share THIS story around every leftist forum you know. They likely have no idea.

Bernie Sanders Was Blackmailed By The FBI & Intel Agencies To Play Role Of “Sheep Dog” For The DNC In 2020
https://reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/firdn5/bernie_sanders_was_blackmailed_by_the_fbi_intel/ https://archive.is/hC7aa 
Check the comments. Bernie fired his actual staff and replaced them all with anti-semite, Muslim terrorists. He knew and he pushed his own people away from his campaign. Nobody has been talking about this.

and who is the money behind the NEW Sanders campaign that is just a front for Muslim terrorists using Bernie as a figurehead? Pierre Omidyar of Ebay and the Paypal Mafia.
https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/03/bernies-billionaire-how-richest-man-hawaii-funds-daniel-greenfield/ https://archive.is/PdHi2

There is far more going on behind the scenes than the DNC stealing the nomination from Sanders.

'Italy: hydroxychloroquine works!

France: hydroxychloroquine works!

Spain: hydroxychloroquine works!

Brazil: hydroxychloroquine works!

Dr. Fauci: there's no strong evidence it works.

No strong evidence? There's the evidence of the entire world's medical community.'


When confronted with the unknown, observe what evidence is presented.
15 Types of Evidence

1. Analogical Evidence
While not a kind of evidence you’d use in court, this kind of evidence can be useful for increasing credibility by drawing parallels when there isn’t enough information to prove something in an investigation. Analogical evidence uses a comparison of things that are similar to draw an analogy.

2. Anecdotal Evidence
Anecdotal evidence isn’t used in court, but can sometimes help in an investigation to get a better picture of an issue. The biggest problem with this kind of evidence is that it is often “cherry picked” to present only anecdotes that support a particular conclusion. Consider it with skepticism, and in combination with other, more reliable, kinds of evidence.

3. Character Evidence
This is a testimony or document that is used to help prove that someone acted in a particular way based on the person’s character. While this can’t be used to prove that a person’s behavior at a certain time was consistent with his or her character, it can be used in some investigations to prove intent, motive, or opportunity.

4. Circumstantial Evidence
Also known as indirect evidence, this type of evidence is used to infer something based on a series of facts separate from the fact the argument is trying to prove. It requires a deduction of facts from other facts that can be proven and, is not considered to be strong evidence.
5. Demonstrative Evidence
An object or document is considered to be demonstrative evidence when it directly demonstrates a fact. It’s a common and reliable kind of evidence. Examples of this kind of evidence are photographs, video and audio recordings, charts, etc. 

6. Digital Evidence
Digital evidence can be any sort of digital file from an electronic source. This includes email, text messages, instant messages, files and documents extracted from hard drives, electronic financial transactions, audio files, video files. Digital evidence can be found on any server or device that stores data, including some lesser-known sources such as home video game consoles, GPS sport watches and internet-enabled devices used in home automation. Digital evidence is often found through internet searches using open source intelligence (OSINT).

7. Direct Evidence
The most powerful type of evidence, direct evidence requires no inference. The evidence alone is the proof. 

8. Documentary Evidence
Most commonly considered to be written forms of proof, such as letters or wills, documentary evidence can also include other types of media, such as images, video or audio recordings, etc.

9. Exculpatory Evidence
This type of evidence can exonerate a defendant in a – usually criminal – case. Prosecutors and police are required to disclose to the defendant any exculpatory evidence they find or risk having the case dismissed.


10. Forensic Evidence
Forensic Evidence is scientific evidence, such as DNA, trace evidence, fingerprints or ballistics reports, and can provide proof to establish a person’s guilt or innocence. Forensic evidence is generally considered to be strong and reliable evidence and alongside helping to convict criminals, its role in exonerating the innocent has been well documented. The term “forensic” means “for the courts”. 

11. Hearsay Evidence
Hearsay evidence consists of statements made by witnesses who are not present. Hearsay evidence is not admissible in court.

12. Physical Evidence
As would be expected, evidence that is in the form of a tangible object, such as a firearm, fingerprints, rope purportedly used to strangle someone, or tire casts from a crime scene, is considered to be physical evidence. Physical evidence is also known as “real” or “material” evidence. It can be presented in court as an exhibit of a physical object, captured in still or moving images, described in text, audio or video or referred to in documents.

13. Prima Facie Evidence
Meaning “on its first appearance” this is evidence presented before a trial that is enough to prove something until it is successfully disproved or rebutted at trial. This is also called “presumptive evidence”.

14. Statistical Evidence
Evidence that uses numbers (or statistics) to support a position is called statistical evidence. This type of evidence is based on research or polls.

15. Testimonial Evidence
One of the most common forms of evidence, this is either spoken or written evidence given by a witness under oath. It can be gathered in court, at a deposition or through an affidavit.

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Anons Get the Truth Out!

Help Potus, Q, Patriots... Yourself. Get the Truth Out there. Everyone is home atm, perfect time to #RedPill
Sports junkies, FB fanatics, Democrat Followers...

-Slow Redpill as you dont want to melt them kek
But again now is the time to get the truth out to the masses, join all the channels, Fb, insta, twitt, pentest... and push the truth. #DoNothingDemocrats #FakeMedia 

> Target Dem Followers
> Be The Light in the Dark!

#WWG1WGA #QANONS o7 & #GodBless

voat infiltrated o7 kek

the donald

ok think i got some channels to work with
cant fb, but have been texting some frens and fam redpill o7

'#Ukraine Asked how many of the 29 FISAs reviewed by IG Horowitz, as part of the audit released last Tuesday, as well as the @carterwpage FISA warrants fell under the DOJ/NSD tenure of Michael Atkinson, OIG spox declined to comment beyond the publicly available reports. @CBSNews'
> Michael Atkinson

The Candace Owens Show: Tim Ballard
> Normie RedPill


Slavery is alive and well today. Human trafficking is a booming business that is being propelled by both the powerful and our on-demand sexualized culture. Tim Ballard, former special agent and founder of Operation Underground Railroad, joins Candace to discuss how society aids this multi-billion-dollar criminal enterprise.

PragerU is a 501c3 non-profit organization. To help keep our videos free and produce more content like this, please consider making a tax-deductible donation: https://donate.prageru.com/CO

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There’s a Secret Tunnel Under Central Park

One of New York City’s most iconic landmarks, Central Park, is riddled with secrets and trivia. It cost more than Alaska (the New York State legislature paid $7.4 million for the acreage) and Sheep Meadow was once, literally, a grazing ground for sheep.

And Quartz recently highlighted yet another mystery: the case of the disappearing subway tunnel beneath Central Park.

A new map released by the MTA depicts plans for the much-anticipated Second Avenue line. Instead of traveling to Astoria, Q trains will now run along northeast Manhattan, and a new W train will bridge Queens and Manhattan.

Quartz's Mike Murphy noticed a stretch of the Q that will now run beneath the park, and inquired as to whether or not this was new construction. The MTA said no—it was an existing tunnel that had appeared on maps before.

Archival maps of the New York subway system have included this “ghost tunnel” twice: Once, in the summer of 1995, and a second time during the winter of 1998. In both instances, the tunnel was used to temporarily reroute the Q train during construction. When normal service resumed, the tunnel vanished off the map.

Once a vestige of an early plan to construct a Second Avenue line in the 1970s, the underground passage—which connects 57th Street and 7th Avenue to 63rd Street and Lexington—will become a permanent part of the MTA map by the end of 2016. In the meantime, you can try to see this phantom underpass while heading North from 57th Street on the N, Q, or R.

For more insider info about the Big Apple, check out our guide to Grand Central's secrets.


 >>/8701803/ Jay Benedict Dies Corona
 >>/8701937/,  >>/8701961/,  >>/8702079/ Prime Minister Shinzo Abe intends to declare a state of emergency over the coronavirus outbreak in Japan
 >>/8701061/ Trump Says White House Coronavirus Model Overestimated Number Of Hospital Beds Needed
 >>/8701493/ Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) said President Donald Trump did not act early enough to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
 >>/8701565/ Was/IS CoronaVirus planned to make paper money no more?: Full Cryptocurrency Adoption/North America/FUTURE
 >>/8701599/ coronahoax is how they release the cures
 >>/8701626/,  >>/8701654/, WOW! Dr. Fauci Cheered Hydroxychloroquine Success Treating MERS Coronavirus in 2013… But Today He's Skeptical… That's Weird?
 >>/8701637/ Coronavirus: British PM Boris Johnson hospitalized for testingDowning Street says Johnson admitted after showing persistent symptoms of coronavirus 10 days after testing positive. (Al Jazeera)
 >>/8700294/  >>/8700295/, Lifestyle Influencers Are Now Sharing Some Bogus Far-Right Conspiracy Theories About The Coronavirus On Instagram
 >>/8700370/ At least 30 Riverside nursing facility patients test positive for coronavirus; county cases jump to 799
 >>/8700335/ Tiger at the Bronx Zoo tests positive for the coronavirus (cnbc)
 >>/8700656/ A major challenge faced in the country was the cremation of coronavirus patients. (timesnownews)
 >>/8700797/,  >>/8700817/, Coronavirus nightmare: rapidly mutates; 'RUSSIAN military scientists claimed they discovered that the coronavirus is "aggressively mutating"

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nice job, be safe
keep in mind: which is better, 1 pro or 1000 avg players?
who would win? (depends on the job?)
what is the job of Anons?
1000 vs 1; odds say play the game how?
best strategy (imo): have the 1 pro train the 1000, then 1000 pros training another 1000 ...
American Dreamers working together for their Country.
ds trying stab at the heart from the darkness.
H,S,P Elections = opportunities

i think thats what im doing.
atm building kun base
use kun and train.

still not sure it will be affective as most kun are diggers.
need hacktivist. not diggers.

no sense in digging if no one getting the word out. properly.

hmmm could start with meme warriors ...

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Looking for autistic meme warriors with a drive to Defeat Darkness and Bring the Light to the world.

*Knowledge of:
-Basic OPSEC (proxy/vpn)
-Social Networks (FB, Twitter, Insta, Pin...)
-Trump Archive #TwitterTrends FB-Groups/Pages
-Google Trends 

*Common Operations include: 
-Pushing Anon News and Notables to the World.
-Backing Potus Candidates H\S
-Pushing #FakeMedia Agenda
-Slow #RedPilling
-Twitter Marketing kek

> Must be willing to work in group as unit *Think Picard Manuever.
> Able to Give and Take Direction.
> Free Thinkers

What is a Meme Warrior? https://pastebin.com/raw/9Y00rEA0
FMI: https://endchan.net/qanonresearch


Dough: https://pastebin.com/RU5DZB5P

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> no sense in digging if no one getting the word out. properly.

'Anons found the subtle hint dropped in the beginning.
Think Durham start.
Think 'Q' start. 
You have more than you know.'

'Backchannels are important.
Know your history and you will know why.'

'GANG of 8 DECLAS = [[[AS]]]

> no sense in digging if no one getting the word out. properly.
Op LongShot
drop dig.
gives more Time for #2 (meme, PRAY).
(use Op if nec)

What is a Meme Warrior
Wha is a Meme Warrior
What is best in life?
To meme your enemies, to see them driven to their safe spaces, and to hear the lamentations of their nonbinary otherkin

Tools Needed
-Social Accounts

To begin, download FireFox browser. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/

Next install the following extensions: 
umatrix java blocker: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/umatrix/
https everywhere: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/https-everywhere/
rtc protect: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/webrtc-protect/
last pass: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/

If you can, get Virtual box and install linux.

Install the browser and enable the extensions above.
Once you are basically secured, install Firefox Private Net: https://fpn.firefox.com/

This is a rotating proxy service, free of charge atm. enable it.

(You) will then want to proceed to Twitter.com and create a 'Throw Away' Account (Temp Account)
You will be limited on your posting until a phone number is entered. You have a couple choices.
1. dont enter a phone and eventually loose the account
2. buy a throw away cash phone (MetroPCS)
3. use online phone/txt service (voip)

Once you have the Temp account running, you will be able to tweet to the DS and their Following.

How to craft the Tweet
(You) will first target a DS player and or thier following. Pay attention to what they are discussing. 
For instance, if the player is discussing removing our guns, then you would want to counter with a gun theme.
Your meme will be gun related and your words and hashes as well.
So you might say something to this affect: .@representative I love my #Guns and my #Freedom. #Protect2a. #BeBest and have a wonderful day.
(You) will then attach a meme/graphic regarding gun rights and freedom. 
Be careful waht you say and how you say it. 
Add some positive vibes to the comment 'BeBest' Play a bit mad hatter as well. (crazy you say @.@) 
Acting madd hatter will keep people from reporting you as they will think you are 'special'.
Use the .@ format so all their followers see the comment.
Never Reply unless You really, really, really have too.
They want you to reply so they can report you.

Use Trending Hashes for your hashes and words to use: https://trends24.in/united-states/
hash: #FridayFeeling
word: wayne

This information and tools are provided to help (You) to me more affective in your Meme Warefare.
Meme warefare is open to any who wish to halp get anon's message out to the masses.
It is best to wait until a Warroom 'Raid' is announced, such as a 5pm #ImpeachmentHoax where hashes and targets are provided.
Then we all blast at once the target. *Think Picard Manueaver.

Questions? Concerns? 
Oldfags did i miss anything?

I hope this helps.

Dough: https://pastebin.com/DXSKhNvi

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if the course stays steady, how does the game go?
'hard hard to guess the future'
(will the course stay steady if they))) are losing?)
biden vs Trump
easy win in a fair match, imo.
millions of non-citizens
are Elections cheated?
if lose the Prez, doesn't matter for 4 years, much reversal
assume we win the Prez (which we will, United WE win!)
what's next important?
House and protect/add Senate, imo
what prevents Normies from downloading our Truth we find?
fake news
overcome fake news (already happening, Trump twt 'advertisement is down')
why would advert go down?
#Happening, add it to the list
seal indictments
hrc JW Tom
if Anons were doing it wrong, this wouldn't be happening, Q would be advising course correct, Trump would be signaling, etc
#1 and #2 working hard together

kunons fired -o7

if the course stays steady, how does the game go?

'hard hard to guess the future'
-maybe (Time Travel?)

(will the course stay steady if they))) are losing?)

biden vs Trump
easy win in a fair match, imo.

millions of non-citizens
are Elections cheated?

if lose the Prez, doesn't matter for 4 years, much reversal
assume we win the Prez (which we will, United WE win!)
what's next important?
House and protect/add Senate, imo
-Take House.
Add to Senate
Replace Judges
Strengthen Mil
Control the narrative.
Rebuild normie Truth...

what prevents Normies from downloading our Truth we find?
fake news
-evil owners fb, twitt, yt and tv and cable and...
dont repubs own anything o/

overcome fake news (already happening, Trump twt 'advertisement is down')
why would advert go down?
non-payment. kek filtered, most likely

#Happening, add it to the list

seal indictments
hrc JW Tom
if Anons were doing it wrong, this wouldn't be happening, Q would be advising course correct, Trump would be signaling, etc
#1 and #2 working hard together
#3 the people?

> trying to gather meme warriors
> joining more and more channels
> pushing notables and keks kek
> optics on twitter trends
> optics on trump archive
> optics on kun notables
> bringin all information to kun
> brining gen pop to kun
> everyone is home :D

#WWG1WGA... what about the 4-5% where do they go?
energy cannot be destroyed or created?
saturn/jupiter is bible god?
god is All, we are from god.
conscious = me?
subconsious = god?

what is the hive mind? bunch of faggots all i know kek. 
TY 1 2 #Patriots 

hi liz, u still dont own my soul o/

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 >>/46200/  It looks like Greg has been in the Phoenix PD for 30 years.  There were a bunch of police vehicles, armored vehicles and even a prison bus parked on the side of the highway. Greg died in Phoenix and is being buried there so it seems a bit odd that it would be happening around here.


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 >>/46161/ Kun replies
LIGHT                           TUNNEL





And its the Q line, of course.

You know a movie scene is hidden in this post, right?

Something about a lost trafficked person stumbling around in the dark unused passageway being found and brought to safety by a Patriot.

This reminds me of how the GA Guidestones were built. Mysterious contractor puchases land with tons of money backing them, builds them up, and then literally turns them over to the county – GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. 
[12, 9, 7, 8, 20, 1, 20, 20, 8, 5, 5, 14, 4, 15, 6, 20, 8, 5, 20, 21, 14, 14, 5, 12]

> pic related

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Trump-Appointed Federal Judges Allow DOJ to Resume Federal Executions
by Jerry Lambe | 2:22 pm, April 7th, 2020

A federal appellate court in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday cleared the way for the Department of Justice to resume its execution initiative, voting 2-1 to lift a lower court’s November ruling prevented the policy from taking effect.

The three-judge panel issued an 88-page per curiam decision, meaning each judge’s vote was based on different legal reasoning, but ultimately ruling in favor of allowing the DOJ to resume executions.

> allowing the DOJ to resume executions.


'Republicans should fight very hard when it comes to state wide mail-in voting. Democrats are clamoring for it. Tremendous potential for voter fraud, and for whatever reason,  doesn’t work out well for Republicans. @foxandfriends'
> mail-in voting
push back

I did a dig on Bonnie Kilcher from "Alaska the Last Frontier" last bread.  It turns out Charlotte Kilcher also has an interesting background.  Her dad was a researcher for the University of California Berkley and also very involved in youth groups. Frank Adamson.  


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'The two judges in the majority, Greg Katsas and Neomi Rao, were both appointed to the bench by Republican President Donald Trump. The dissenting judge, David Tatel, was appointed by Democratic President Bill Clinton.

The court concluded that U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan was wrong to find in her November ruling that a law called the Federal Death Penalty Act requires the federal government to follow all execution protocols in the state where the execution is set to take place. The two judges in the majority differed on what aspects of state rules the federal government have to follow.

The judges left unresolved separate claims brought under different federal laws, which the district judge will now address when the case returns to her.

In December, the Supreme Court rejected a Trump administration request to intervene in the case at an early stage to allow the executions to proceed.

Most executions in the United States have been carried out by states rather than the federal government, which has been hindered by protracted litigation over the drugs used in lethal injection executions.

The inmates scheduled for execution by lethal injection all were convicted in federal courts of murder. They are Daniel Lee, Wesley Purkey, Alfred Bourgeois and Dustin Honken.'

'The reality is: Bernie & his agenda won a long time ago.

Biden embraced:
*raising middle class taxes on Day 1
*ending illegal immigration detention
*free health care for illegal immigrants
*sanctuary cities
*'ending fossil fuels'

The choice is clear: Re-elect @realDonaldTrump!'

'Smoke & Mirrors
Fake News Media’s attempt to truncate size of movement while ‘building up’ size of the opposition.
Inauguration Day to current, attempts to diminish and instill a ‘you are the minority’ mindset (narrative) continues.
People want to believe they are part of the bigger group (size equates to accuracy in most minds)(acceptance)(the ‘right’ side).
One of the primary purposes of POTUS holding a RALLY is to demonstrate the massive appeal, energy, and size of this movement (+ability to correct false reporting and/or highlight achievements, goals, etc.).
(Compare & Contrast) 45-RALLY vs ANY SINGLE ONE of the [D’s]. 
What is obvious & true?
Why does POTUS mention crowd size at each and every RALLY?
What is projected by the MSM?
LIES becomes TRUTHS.
Smoke & Mirrors
You are the MAJORITY.
Do you think it’s a coincidence we are being attacked aggressively by some of the biggest media corporations in the world right after our return?
If we are simply a ‘conspiracy’ or ‘LARP’ or ‘some kid living in a basement’ as stated repeatedly, why do the world’s largest media Co’s continue to dedicate so much attention and time to attacking us? 
Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to stop a LARP?
Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to attempt to ‘shape the mindset (narrative)’ to prevent and slow digestion of the masses? 
You attack those you fear the most.
Why does the media rush to ‘shape’ events?
Why are the same ‘keywords’ always used?'

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'John Durham is the legendary lawman digging into how the intelligence probe of Donald Trump started.

John Durham may be the most consequential and least known figure in Washington right now.

In May, U.S. attorney general William Barr selected Durham, a longtime prosecutor with a résumé so sterling it nearly glows, to investigate the origins of the special counsel’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and whether it was properly predicated. Some Trump fans believe there was a vast effort by a “deep state” of high-ranking intelligence and law-enforcement officials to smear Trump or hinder his campaign by creating a perception of corrupt ties to Russia. In late October, the New York Times quoted unnamed sources who said that Durham’s probe had officially become a criminal investigation, meaning he now has the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to convene a grand jury, and to file criminal charges.'
> digging

'No amount of disinformation from Assad’s enablers in Russia and Iran can hide the fact that the Syrian regime is responsible for numerous #chemicalweapons attacks. Today's @OPCW report confirms the regime’s continued use of chemical weapons and utter disregard for human life.'

'It is now clear it will be the self-described VIRTUAL candidate, SLEEPY JOE, running from his basement, against a REAL candidate and the man who is out there 24/7 working to lead us through our most catastrophic biological attack!'
> running from his basement

'After Joe Biden’s shaky, stumbling performance on the debate stage, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said it “raised some questions” about his “capacity” (AOC audio)'

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could be wrong, but...

Running OPEN UP OUR GREAT COUNYRY in the germatria i get 313
i looked to 313 and it talks of renegade. i searched for renegade and found Qpost 3856, which is funny because it contains the time stamp of potus change in tweets??? interdasting to say, but when you look at the image of the qpost you then see the time stamp of 1[8:20] and today is 8 of 2020. further if you read qpost 3856, you will see the post is reflecting todays problems.
*think Depopulation
*The Silent war Continues

I beleive this is a message to both anons and cabal
Anons, the silent war continues against cabal depopulation and renegade/clinton, you are a traitor.
Boom incoming?


'Smoke & Mirrors
Fake News Media’s attempt to truncate size of movement while ‘building up’ size of the opposition.
Inauguration Day to current, attempts to diminish and instill a ‘you are the minority’ mindset (narrative) continues.
People want to believe they are part of the bigger group (size equates to accuracy in most minds)(acceptance)(the ‘right’ side).
One of the primary purposes of POTUS holding a RALLY is to demonstrate the massive appeal, energy, and size of this movement (+ability to correct false reporting and/or highlight achievements, goals, etc.).
(Compare & Contrast) 45-RALLY vs ANY SINGLE ONE of the [D’s].
What is obvious & true?
-obvious more people following trump, then dems

Why does POTUS mention crowd size at each and every RALLY?
-to confirm suspicions of following

What is projected by the MSM?
-no crowd

LIES becomes TRUTHS.
Smoke & Mirrors
You are the MAJORITY.
Do you think it’s a coincidence we are being attacked aggressively by some of the biggest media corporations in the world right after our return?

If we are simply a ‘conspiracy’ or ‘LARP’ or ‘some kid living in a basement’ as stated repeatedly, why do the world’s largest media Co’s continue to dedicate so much attention and time to attacking us?
-they fear us knowing the truth

Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to stop a LARP? 

Billion-dollar Co’s expending resources to attempt to ‘shape the mindset (narrative)’ to prevent and slow digestion of the masses?
You attack those you fear the most.
Why does the media rush to ‘shape’ events?
-get ahead of the narrative

Why are the same ‘keywords’ always used?'
-repetition builds reputation

-Firing Cannons -o7

> Say No to #MailinVote #VoterFraud

'During tough times, real friends stick together. The U.S. is thankful to #Taiwan for donating 2 million face masks to support our healthcare workers on the frontlines. Your openness and generosity in the global battle against #COVID19 is a model for the world.'
> 2

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 >>/46227/  Ok, I tried turning the whole word around and labinnac club and came up with this facebook page. Seemed a little creepy when I saw the Tom Hanks related thing sitting next to it. 


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Pelosi Warns Next Small Business Stimulus Spending Bill Would Not Pass House If Democrats Don't Get What They Want

Wed, 04/08/2020 - 17:26



According to Reuters, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Wednesday that $250 billion in coronavirus relief for small businesses desired by Republicans would not pass the House of Representatives on its own under current procedures, which require a unanimous vote of those present while most of Congress is out of town.

The reason why the aid would not get unanimous Democratic support is because Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer are demanding that more aid for hospitals, local governments and food assistance be added to the small business aid proposal that the Trump administration and Republicans want passed this week.

Pelosi was speaking in an interview with National Public Radio. Asked if there are limits on spending for coronavirus relief, she said "No, we have to spend what we need."

Which leaves republicans with two options: delay the passage of the next stimulus indefinitely, even though according to many the current $350 billion allocated to the PPP small business rescue program will be insufficient, or concede to Democrats and add far more pork to the bill.

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Less than a Week After CBS was Caught Running Footage from Italian Hospital in their New York Hospital Report… They Do It Again!

Last week The Gateway Pundit was first to report that Emergency Room Footage on CBS matched Footage from an Italian Hospital several days earlier.




I stuck with the theme of spelling cannibal backwards and came across this promo for "Meat the Labinnac's" on youtube.  It gets weirder cuz it's promoted on www.filmvirginia.org I remember this website from back when we were chasing the crisis actors.  This is paid for with Virginia tax dollars.  It's in Hamilton, Virginia.  This girl Andrea Carey has some other odd video's on her channel. 



The film is about a family that would rather eat the Pizza delivery guy than the Pizza.  Hmmm. 



You can check out some of Andrea Carry's photography here, it's freaking disgusting.  She uses body parts.


 >>/46233/  There was a gofundme account set up for "Meat the Labinnac's". One of the contributors is Vicky Carey. She donated $100.


On this "ART" piece of fake magazine covers the address 1800 Verona Rd, Henrico, Virginia is on the cover.  Guess who lives at that address?  Vicky Carey.  Vicky Carey is a Data Integrity Specialist at a Medical/surgical supply company.  Isn't that a handy position to have if you are diverting medical supplies? McKesson Medical Surgical Corporation


McKesson sure has an interesting history. Al one time it was used as a front for bootlegging.  McKesson & Robbins scandal (1938)


McKesson Corporation is an American company distributing pharmaceuticals and providing health information technology, medical supplies, and care management tools. The company had revenues of $208.4 billion in 2018



Where is McKesson making the supplies?  Why do we have to send Airbridges to China?  Isn't it odd that the US is buying med/surge supplies from China when we have a company here that produces medical supplies and made $208 billion dollars in 2018?

So the DOJ frees up their ability to transport supplies thru Project Airbridge.  Hmmmm...are they delivering supplies or picking up supplies?  
POTUS said
"I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being in said in some areas are just bigger than they're going to be. I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators," Mr. Trump told Hannity. "You know, you go into major hospitals, sometimes they'll have two ventilators, and now, all of the sudden they're saying, 'Can we order 30,000 ventilators?'"

Then, the next day, the president denied he said that. He also said journalists should look into where the thousands of masks hospitals are receiving are going, seeming to suggest hospitals were hiding them.

"Even though this is different, something is going on, and you ought to look into it as reporters. Where are the masks going? Are they going out the back door? How do you go from 10,000 to 300,000?" Mr. Trump said Sunday, referencing the increased demand for masks. "And we have that in a lot of different places. So, somebody should probably look into that, because I just don't see, from a practical standpoint, how that's possible to go from that to that."



DOJ clears antitrust concerns, allows medical suppliers to collaborate on manufacturing and distribution 


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The Epoch Times


Hundreds of #Ventilators owned by #NewYorkCity—purchased for an emergency stockpile in 2006 by then-Mayor @MikeBloomberg

—were auctioned off at least 5 years ago under the administration of Mayor @BilldeBlasio

, according to reports.

NYC Auctioned Off Stockpiled Ventilators Meant for a Pandemic: Report

Hundreds of ventilators owned by New York City as part of its emergency stockpile were auctioned off at least five years ago under the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio, according to reports.


8:34 PM · Apr 8, 2020


NYC Auctioned Off Stockpiled Ventilators Meant for a Pandemic: Report

Hundreds of ventilators owned by New York City as part of its emergency stockpile were auctioned off at least five years ago under the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio, according to reports.

The ventilators, and “a supply of facemasks,” were purchased by the city in 2006 under then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg as a measure to prepare New York City to handle a potential pandemic, akin to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic.

However, the ventilators were later auctioned off because the health department “couldn’t afford to maintain them” when they broke down, according to an investigation by ProPublica.


At the time of the purchase, a new strain of flu had emerged in Asia, the news outlet reported, citing a 2006 report from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. The report (pdf) stated that the city should have on hand thousands of additional ventilators to treat patients should a pandemic arise.

“Since the pandemic will be widespread in the United States, the supplies from the federal Strategic National Stockpile may not be available and local caches will need to be relied upon,” the report said.

New York City then acquired 500 ventilators but auctioned them off some time before 2016 because it couldn’t afford to maintain the machines—the model of which ceased production after 2009, according to the report.

Support our independent journalism and donate a 'Coffee' now.

New York City also planned to acquire 1.1 million N95 face masks for use in a pandemic. However, it ended up purchasing just 216,000 due to reduced funding. The department said the masks “eventually all expired” and it became “cost-prohibitive to replace them in any meaningful quantity.”

The news comes as the city struggles with a shortage of critical medical supplies for health care workers and first responders amid the CCP virus pandemic, which has resulted in deaths surpassing 4,000 in New York City alone as of press time, according to a tracking map by Johns Hopkins University that collates official government data.

New York state has become the America’s CCP virus epicenter, with a cumulative death toll of 5,489. The United States has recorded almost 400,000 infections; well over a third of those are in New York state alone.

The contact page code does give the submit

email info@cannibalclub.org

Searching that brings up:

The Cannibal Club



The Cannibal Club (2018)




Has coords:

33.926898956299,  -117.86119842529  

2770 E Ojai Dr Brea, California

see LINE # 61

var _gaQ = _gaQ || [ ]; {Q Capitalized here for EMPHASIS, not in orig.}

LINE # 62 and 63 re: ACCOUNT = UA-35562363-1 and _trackPageview

and # 65 FUNCTION {what is this gonna result?}

are they harvesting IP, metadata, etc, AND building a "SAP" {Special Access Programs} ??

 - Hunters need Trackers and Guides for PlanDEMic … [targets].


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Appears to no longer have a legal business license.

Original registration date is 11/02/2017, so only days after between Q's first post.

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coder here looking through cannibal club source
line 61 thats google analytics function UA-35562363-1

image directory browing is enabled
> got to remember to put an index in that dir fags kek

Keywords =cannibalism, anthropophagy, experimental cuisine, human flesh

Description = Specializing in the preparation of human flesh, Cannibal Club brings the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to L.A.'s cultural elite

also ran a sitemap tool to see if any hidden pages. nothing found off the bat.

aslo it seems dreamhost is hosting the site

> hope this info is helpful -o7
#GodBlessAmerica #FGNC

 >>/46238/ McKesson's and the other medical corporations sent a letter to the DOJ regarding antitrust laws during this Emergency situation where they are forced to produce for US and also forced to work with our auditors. kek The DOJ responded with this long letter.  I like the part at the end.  It's all predicated on whether they are being truthful or not.

This letter is predicated on the accuracy of the information the Requesting Parties have provided.  This letter expresses the Department’s current enforcement intentionin the exercise of its prosecutorial discretion.  It reflects the outcome of an expedited, temporary review   procedure   that   is   necessarily   less   thorough   than   ordinary   business   review procedures.  This lettershould not be interpreted as applying to any matter other than the Proposed Conduct as itrelatesstrictly to, or arisesdirectly out of, the COVID-19 pandemic. This statement is made in accordance with the Department’s Business Review Procedure,  28  U.S.C.  §  50.6,  and  subject  to  the  limitations  and  reservations  of  rights therein.  Pursuant to its terms,  your business  review request and this letter will be made publicly available immediately, and any supporting data you have submitted will be made publicly available within thirty days of the date of this letter, unless you request that part of  the  material  be  withheld  in  accordance  with  paragraph  10(c)  of  the  Business  Review Procedure. 



2: some anon posted the Marina Abrimovich Kreemart vid link last night was in notables… so I went to it and found this whole compilation of the Kreemart videos posted 2 days ago on Vimeo. Link here: https://vimeo.com/405047995. Watch for yourself. all of them. The are ART to sell a pastry company which obviously only caters to elite buyers. Note the in-your-face cannibal and secret society references in all the video creations. some VERY disturbing if you forget its pastry commercial artwork. Elite art is really dark and disturbing now that I step back and see if for the first time. (everyday artists are not nor will they ever be in this world, its the Cannibal Club, CC, 33…you are invited in or born into it). judge for yourself. *Pic related at 15:42 in the video.

God Bless

 >>/46257/ This makes me think about those funeral homes where they found all the babies in the ceiling.
  I found it disturbing when the news posted a video of a body being placed in a casket outside the hospital.  That is not how it works.  Bodies are prepared by the undertaker at the funeral home BEFORE they are placed in a casket.  I cleaned and shrouded bodies at the hospital before the mortuary picked them up so I know how it works.  The funeral homes have to be in on it. It's like all the body parts that were found down in Phoenix, where did they come from?  Were they donated to science? It's all so gross and disturbing.  The bible gives strict guidelines about tending to the dead.  Like all other rules in the bible they are given to us because they benefit us.
Imagine if you gave the funeral home $30,000 to tend to your family member and this is what they did with the money.

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So I'm looking at this picture that Q posted. They say the truth is right in front of us.  The bag hanging on the IV poll is Infusell which is produced by Salter Labs.  There is a big Salter Lab factory in Mexico right across the border from El Paso in Cuidad Juarez, Chihuahua. Wouldn't it be a trip if they were sending all these drugs over like Fentanyl that suppress the respiratory system and then also selling us the respiratory treatments? Talk about job security.


'A person(s) value:
1. vote
2. monetary value (tax contribution)
Why is 'free thought' ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the 'mainstream-narrative'?
[2] remains fixed (degree allowable by 'economic recession/expansion')
[1] remains a variable
[1] dependent on a 'controlled' system of information dissemination 
What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?
What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology? 
What happens when the news is no longer free from bias? 
What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent? 
What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?
What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?
Fact becomes fiction?
Fiction becomes fact?'

'Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA.
Las Vegas.
What hotel did the 'reported' gunfire occur from?
What floors specifically?
Who owns the top floors? 
Top floors only.
Why is that relevant?
What was the shooter's name? 
What was his net worth?
How do you identify a spook?
What can historical data collection reveal? 
Was there any eye witnesses?
Was he registered as a security guard?
Why is MS13 important?
What doesn't add up?
Was there only one shooter?
Why was JFK released?
What do the JFK files infer? 
Was there only one shooter?
Who was in LV during this time?
What was the real mission?
Why are survivors dying randomly?
What do each of these survivors have in common?
Did they talk on social media?
What did they say?
Were they going to form a group?
Why is this relevant?
How did they die?
What CIA report was released by WK?
What can control a car?
How did the (2) of the survivors die?
Car crash?
How does this connect to SA?
What just happened in SA?
Who owns the top floors of the hotel?
What happened today in SA?
To who specifically?
Was POTUS in LV that night? 
Why was he there?
Who did he have a classified meeting with?
Did AF1 land at McCarran? 
What unmarked tail numbers flew into McCarren that night?
Trace AF1 that entire day.
What do you notice?

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...Looking into the correlation between solar events and human behavior. "Geomagnetic Effects on Earth's Biology | Electricity of Life" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCqQkyWAGjU) and this interesting little article, as of today. "Solar storm could strike Earth this week: What you need to know" (https://www.foxnews.com/science/solar-storm-could-strike-earth-this-week-what-you-need-to-know.

 >>/46262/ I used to work on a med/surge ward down in Phoenix.  They would keep people alive with all these machines. They couldn't talk unless you pulled off the vent hose for a few seconds and covered the hold with your finger.  I will never forget the old lady who was an amputee and covered in herpe sores who said to me in tears. "I just want to go be with Jesus but they won't let me".  You can keep a person alive for a very long time with all these machines but what kind of life is it? I used to bathe a big black guy on a vent who would stream tears from his eyes while I talked to him.  It was all he could do. His family never visited but they kept getting the checks.  The reality of it all is quite heartbreaking. All the machines in this picture tell me these people would not be alive without artificial means. At some point enough is enough.

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Faith and work together
these days i think 'blame me if it will keep the peace around here'
lose the argument on purpose
move on to the next
another time
1 day find them listening, if (you) prove trustworthy.
then the power of moar you have
w power b careful
evil has no care but itself
GOOD is hard work, thankless, and never-Ending
many times evil can/has/will trick GOOD
we can even lie to ourselves, kek
thank God when revealed and new benefits discovered
new ideas and game theory
1 bad thing leading to a better idea
Can't find WR on 8 anymoar, sadly
suppose it went too long w/o post
o7 WR
oh well, on to new ideas and countermoves
Enjoy Life and work/PRAY for each other.

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So looking at the mistweet i notice the number 251 in play
so looking to Q post 251 i see Trumps Time stamp 9:50

further i can manipulate the date stamp to match tweet
Q 4 Dec 2017 = 04 12 = 412
P 10 Apr 2020 = [1]0 0[4] [2]0 = 142 = 412

No coincidences?

Time to take a good look into hussein Aids Video?
Is the obama pics starting to make it to the light?
How long till the internet goes down.

'AG Barr on POTUS decision to remove ICIG Atkinson “From the vantage point of DOJ (Atkinson) had interpreted his statute – which is a fairly narrow statute which gave him jurisdiction over wrong doing by intelligence people, and tried to turn it in to a commission to explore...
anything in the government and immediately report it to congress without letting the executive branch look at it and determine whether there was any problem” Barr told Fox. “So I think the President was correct in firing him.” @ClareHymes22

'Social distancing remains important if we want to win this fight. Glad we're able to do that while still carrying out our important work of helping bring #AmericansHome.'

 >>/46272/ interestingly enough, when i went to WR to find more anon help, i was redirected back to endchan. 

i do however see some anons picking up the torch for WR.

WR may be down, but it aint out o7
> Till the end

yes, kinda gets overwhelming with all the info i push. followers starting to build. Careful who we follow.

I will follow P and Q so far they have done nothing but bring truth to our platform. Nothing seen gives me ideas they are not legit. 

this war is taking some time and a toll. who thought a couple of shills could get this much work out of me. kek

GB -Q+

> cannons at the ready

'The FBI received evidence that Russian disinformation polluted the infamous Steele dossier, according to information declassified Friday from the Justice Department inspector general’s report of the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign.

FBI officials also had concerns as far back as 2015 of dossier author Christopher Steele’s relationship to Russian oligarchs, but those were never shared with the FBI team that led the Trump investigation.

Despite those red flags, the FBI continued relying on Steele’s information in applications to obtain surveillance warrants against Carter Page, the former Trump campaign aide.

The bombshell disclosures were made Friday in response to repeated requests from Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson to disclose four redacted footnotes in the IG report.

“It’s ironic that the Russian collusion narrative was fatally flawed because of Russian disinformation,” the two Republicans said in a statement. “These footnotes confirm that there was a direct Russian disinformation campaign in 2016, and there were ties between Russian intelligence and a presidential campaign – the Clinton campaign, not Trump’s.” (RELATED: Mystery Footnotes From FISA Report Set For Declassification)

The senators said they expect a “fuller declassification” of the footnotes over the next few days. CBS News published portions of the unredacted footnotes Friday afternoon.

Steele, a former MI6 officer, was hired in 2016 by the Clinton campaign and DNC to investigate Donald Trump’s possible ties to Russia. He shared the information with the FBI, which used it to obtain wiretap authorization against Page.

The FBI received assessments in 2017 that Russia’s intelligence service, RIS, pushed disinformation to Steele regarding former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and a 2013 trip that Trump made to Moscow, according to one footnote.

Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin insiders to pay off Russian hackers, Steele said in the dossier.

The Russian government was blackmailing Trump with video footage of him with prostitutes in Moscow in 2013, Steele also noted. (RELATED: Investigate The Dossier As Russian Disinformation, Intel Experts Say)...'

'An unknown entity — its identity is still redacted — assessed that “it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations,” the footnote stated.

The footnote refers to a piece of information given to the FBI in 2017 “outlining an inaccuracy in a limited subset of Steele’s reporting about the activities of Michael Cohen.”

One footnote refers to information that a Russian operative had infiltrated Steele’s network of informants.

“An individual with reported connections to Trump and Russia who claimed that the public reporting about the details of Trump’s [redacted] activities in Moscow during a trip in 2013 are false, and that they were the product of RIS ‘infiltrating a source into the network’ of a [redacted] who compiled a dossier of information on Trump’s activities,” one footnote reads.

One FBI unit had concerns about Steele’s contacts with Russian oligarchs, but those did not make their way to the FBI Crossfire Hurricane team.

“Steele’s frequent contacts with Russian oligarchs in 2015 had raised concerns in the FBI Transnational Organized Crime Intelligence Unit,” one footnote stated.

Steele had previously worked for Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Some lawmakers have openly asked whether Deripaska somehow fed inaccurate information to Steele.

The footnotes indicated that the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team, which led the Trump probe, received information about the potential Russian disinformation campaign.

“We identified reporting the Crossfire Hurricane team received from [redacted] indicating the potential for Russian disinformation influencing Steele’s election reporting,” one footnote stated.

Investigators received information in early October 2016 that a purported sub-source for the dossier was “rumored” to be a Russian intelligence agent, according to another footnote.

“According to a document circulated among Crossfire Hurricane team members and supervisors in early October 2016, Person 1 had historical contact with persons and entities suspected of being linked to RIS. The document described reporting [redacted] that Person 1 ‘was rumored to be a former KGB/SVR officer.'”

FBI investigators told the IG they would have wanted to know earlier about the information regarding Steele, the footnotes stated.

An FBI intelligence analyst and supervisory agent told the IG that they did not recall reviewing Steele’s internal FBI source filings which document “frequent contacts with representatives for multiple Russian oligarchs in 2015.”

The Crossfire Hurricane team did not review Steele’s source file until Nov. 18, 2016, nearly a month after the FBI obtained its first surveillance warrant against Steele.

The supervisory special agent who oversaw the Crossfire Hurricane investigation told the IG that he was unaware of those concerns, but said he would have found the information useful “and would have wanted to know about it while supervising the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

“For years, the public was fed a healthy diet of leaks, innuendo and false information to imply that President Trump and his campaign were part of a Russian conspiracy to spread disinformation,” said Grassley and Johnson. “The FBI’s blind pursuit of the investigation, despite exculpatory and contradictory information, only legitimized the narrative.”

Lawmakers and other government officials have speculated for years that Russian disinformation was fed to Steele. That theory has gained traction in the three years since BuzzFeed News published Steele’s report.

Fiona Hill, who served as a top Russia expert in the Trump White House, testified on Oct. 14, 2019, at the Trump impeachment hearings that she believed that Steele published Russian disinformation.'

'Steele relied on a primary source who collected information from a network of sub-sources in Russia and the West. He produced 17 memos as part of the investigation, and met multiple times with the FBI as part of its investigation into a possible conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Steele’s primary source also told FBI agents in January 2017 that Steele mischaracterized information that ended up in the dossier.'

Fits the theme, and as I mentioned, seems to have been confirmed a few min later.
I could also see it related to the 6+ folks in first round indictments, as also mentioned.
Or maybe the latter is a reference to the former... Cyclical?
'Multiple meanings exist'

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> baker please update WAR ROOM link
War Room  >>/8758804/
Meme folder: Trump Successes   mega.nz/#F!pcZzRQDD!_ObYaRec8u6qn7zzOpbnag
[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

> Meme warriors please review

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I've been digging on Susan Rice's dad this morning.  Emmett John Rice.  Q asked us to check into him but all I sea on Qresear.ch is copy pasta from Wikipedia.  I was digging thru old newspapers and thought it odd that some papers say he has a doctorate of philosophy from Berkley and others say he has a doctorate in Economics.  

I also see that Susan Rice's brother started his career out working for DISNEY.

Prior to MLT, John was an executive with the National Basketball Association, where he served as managing director of NBA Japan, and as director of marketing for Latin America. Before joining the NBA, John spent four years with the Walt Disney Company in new business development and marketing.

Here is another thing I found interesting.  I bought a 4 pack of the Q tonic water and started looking into Quinine. 

Quinine was first isolated in 1820 from the bark of a cinchona tree.[2][5][6] Bark extracts have been used to treat malaria since at least 1632.[7] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.[8] The wholesale price in the developing world is about US$1.70 to $3.40 per course of treatment.[9] In the United States a course of treatment is more than $200.[10]

Why does it cost $4 anywhere else in the world for a treatment dose but it cost $200 here?  That seems kinda F'd up.
It's funny that it's on WHO's list of essential meds but they don't want us to use it.


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Guys, I've been looking into the area where the 5.3 earthquake hit this morning.  It was a big gold boom town back in the day.  It was called Bodie, CA and was about 20 miles from Auarora,NV Mark Twain's home. If you look at it on google maps it's littered with mine tunnels,Here is the coordinates of the Standard Mine in Bodie. 38.20000,-119.01000

Mark Twain made a joke about a guy who could only spell his name one way.  The town was originally named after a dude named Bodey who left his wife and kids back east and set sail to find gold in California.  The area is off limits to the public because of all the open mines but there is an old mining town tourist trap you can visit. It's was declared a historic park in 1962. I'm thinking a 5.3 earthquake 6 miles deep sounds like it might collapse some of them mines.

I also thought this was interesting "completely isolated"

The Bodie & Benton Railway was a 3 ft (914 mm) narrow gauge common carrier railroad in California, from the Mono Mills to a terminus in Bodie, now a ghost town, in Mono County. It was unusual among U.S. railroads in that it was completely isolated from the rest of the railroad system.




There are two airports nearby.  One is called the Lee Vining Airport and the other is Bryant Field Airport in Bridgeport



'Happy Easter! While I am not able to read to children during the #WHEasterEggRoll, I would still like to honor the annual tradition & share a reading from one of my favorite Easter’s books – "The Little Rabbit" (video)'

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Good morning Anons, Praise God, He has risen.

I'm looking at the earthquake in Texas this morning, I zoomed in on the coordinates on google maps and noticed what look like power stations and pumping stations.  The earthquake says it is SSW of Loving NM but it's actually much closer to Carlsbad Caverns national park.  

31.661°N 104.379°W


 >>/46317/ I believe that Jesus was the living word.  His death on the cross fulfilled Psalms 22.  When you read it, it's hard to grasp that it was written before not after his death.  I've heard people say he doubted the Father because he said "My God,my God why hast thou forsaken me."

He was reciting Psalms 22.  

Psalm 22[a]

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
    Why are you so far from saving me,
    so far from my cries of anguish?
My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer,
    by night, but I find no rest.[b]

Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One;
    you are the one Israel praises.[c]
In you our ancestors put their trust;
    they trusted and you delivered them.
To you they cried out and were saved;
    in you they trusted and were not put to shame.

But I am a worm and not a man,
    scorned by everyone, despised by the people.
All who see me mock me;
    they hurl insults, shaking their heads.
“He trusts in the Lord,” they say,
    “let the Lord rescue him.
Let him deliver him,
    since he delights in him.”

Yet you brought me out of the womb;
    you made me trust in you, even at my mother’s breast.
From birth I was cast on you;
    from my mother’s womb you have been my God.

Do not be far from me,
    for trouble is near
    and there is no one to help.

Many bulls surround me;
    strong bulls of Bashan encircle me.
Roaring lions that tear their prey
    open their mouths wide against me.
I am poured out like water,
    and all my bones are out of joint.
My heart has turned to wax;
    it has melted within me.
My mouth[d] is dried up like a potsherd,
    and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth;
    you lay me in the dust of death.

Dogs surround me,
    a pack of villains encircles me;
    they pierce[e] my hands and my feet.
All my bones are on display;
    people stare and gloat over me.
They divide my clothes among them
    and cast lots for my garment.

But you, Lord, do not be far from me.
    You are my strength; come quickly to help me.
Deliver me from the sword,
    my precious life from the power of the dogs.
Rescue me from the mouth of the lions;
    save me from the horns of the wild oxen.

I will declare your name to my people;
    in the assembly I will praise you.
You who fear the Lord, praise him!
    All you descendants of Jacob, honor him!
    Revere him, all you descendants of Israel!
For he has not despised or scorned
    the suffering of the afflicted one;
he has not hidden his face from him
    but has listened to his cry for help.

From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly;
    before those who fear you[f] I will fulfill my vows.
The poor will eat and be satisfied;
    those who seek the Lord will praise him—
    may your hearts live forever!

All the ends of the earth
    will remember and turn to the Lord,
and all the families of the nations
    will bow down before him,
for dominion belongs to the Lord
    and he rules over the nations.

All the rich of the earth will feast and worship;
    all who go down to the dust will kneel before him—
    those who cannot keep themselves alive.
Posterity will serve him;
    future generations will be told about the Lord.
They will proclaim his righteousness,
    declaring to a people yet unborn:
    He has done it!

> His death on the cross fulfilled Psalms 22. When you read it, it's hard to grasp that it was written before not after his death. I've heard people say he doubted the Father because he said "My God,my God why hast thou forsaken me."
> He was reciting Psalms 22.
> Psalm 22[a]
> 1
> My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Future proves past?

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I was just reading the 8kun post about Chloroquine being an effective treatment for low dose radiation poisoning.  A few years back I had to have a hot nodule treated on my Thyroid gland. I was treated with a radioactive iodine pill  It had grown so large that it made it hard to swallow.
The term "hard to swallow" appears 7 times in Q posts.  
I live in Northern Arizona, you can see on the map that my area has one of the largest instances of Chromium 6 in the water.  I have always believed my thyroid problems were a result of radiation exposure. I live in the part of Arizona that is the darkest blue on the map.  It has once again become difficult to swallow and shortness of breath is an issue also. Withholding treatment in my opinion is tantamount to murder. Two of my friends and family members have lost all their hair, my niece was just treated for a baseball sized tumor that was pushing on her heart. My mom had colon cancer.  I know damn good and well that John McCain knew exactly what was happening to the people of Arizona and he didn't give a shit.  He actually moved the Navajo's from their homes onto a nuclear waste dump. 




 >>/46328/  You can see that the dump is upstream of the Colorado river from the bluest part of the map. This is the reason I want the water released from lake Powell.  They have clogged up the filter system my Father God created.  They turned it into a stagnant, cesspool of radioactive waste. I'm watching the water.  I've been watching it for a long time.  Water is very important in the desert.

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spoopy days are back
how to take them?
can't give'em back
i smile and move on hoping for a GOOD spoopy
race to the finish feelz like
Will the person who doesn't know they are in a race win?
makes the game easy for them)))
but if millions wake/woke up suddenly, what would they SEE/know/understand
if lying to another is bad, what is lying to all America?
Real Journalist vs fake journalist
all of it designed in their))) favor
they jus needed not to get greedy to not get caught
nature, culture, symbolism, theirs))) are secret for it would appear ridiculous and evil beneath the LIGHT
Our nature, culture, symbolism is here for ALL to see.
We love to see Truth change the World and lead us to better peace.
We love to see Students receive Truth from Teachers.
We love a place safe for Children to grow strong and wise.
free speech on and free board
sunny days, blue skies
black coffee w something sweet
Free Country and Dreams, high Flag

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Antarctica's Denman Glacier is sinking into the world's deepest canyon
By Brandon Specktor 05 April 2020

The glaciers of Antarctica are melting at unprecedented rates, and a giant canyon in the continent's rocky underbelly could make matters much worse.

In a study published March 23 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, researchers used more than 20 years of satellite data to monitor the ice in Denman Glacier — a 12-mile wide (20 kilometers) stream of ice in East Antarctica — along with the bedrock beneath it. The researchers found that, not only did Denman's western flank retreat nearly 3 miles (5 km) between 1996 and 2018, but that a deep canyon below the glacier may be causing the glacier to melt faster than it can possibly recover.

Denman Glacier's western flank flows over the deepest known land canyon on Earth, plunging at least 11,000 feet (3,500 meters) below sea level. Right now, that canyon (known as the Denman trough) is mostly cut off from the sea thanks to all the glacial ice piled inside and atop the ravine. However, as the glacier's edge continues to retreat farther and farther down the slope, warm ocean water will pour into the canyon, battering bigger and bigger sections of the glacier and gradually turning the Denman trough into a giant bowl of meltwater with nowhere else to go.

This scenario, the researchers wrote, could kick off a runaway feedback loop of melt that ultimately returns all of Denman Glacier's ice to the sea — risking nearly 5 feet (1.5 m) of global sea level rise

> Watch the Water [Level]


 >>/46332/ Look at the authors resume, he studied creative writing at the  U of A, same school Epstein loved.  He has no scientific background but he did work for MTV. Brandon needs to sauce that shit or get the fuck out. 


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Call To Counter Meme #FireTrump
Call To Counter Meme #FireTrump


anons please take a moment to respond to these assholes and meme the fuck out of em.

comment with
> #FireFauci

#GodBless #Anons
-o7 QRO Warroom

ok watch the vid twice. nice green outfit <3

so the rain kicks in, the world floods, then we all go to heaven, to return another day. does this about sum up the vid?

Are You Ready?
what exactly am i to be getting ready for... Rapture?


i have a strong conviction, but some info i am recv is severly testing it. Cult of Satan - they sure do have some interesting concepts. 

was jesus and lucifer one in the same? both bringing light to the world. both cast
jesus - world
satan - heaven

but was jesus god in the flesh?
Define GOD. pretty sure he aint human.


> spoopy days are back
did they ever really leave?
this is a race it feels, a rae to the presidency.

we will win, good always wins.
fight hard, stay strong, have faith. day by day by day.

ty anons, ty all for the relentless hard work you do.



i have set up the WR on kun, and posting all WR material i come accross. hoipefully get a following on the thread to help with campaigns. only time will tell now.

#NeverGiveUp #TillTheEnd #MuhFren


It's no coincidence that Arizona governor Doug Ducey's first job in AZ was working for Hensley & Co. I did an extensive dig on Ducey. His wife is involved in the foster care system.  You can find my Ducey digs on qresear.ch

He is also mob related. So is his wife.

'For years, the US government has been funding cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which may have contributed to the global spread of COVID-19, and research at other labs in China with virtually no US oversight.

It has to end now.'
> end

> 'For years, the US government has been funding cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which may have contributed to the global spread of COVID-19, and research at other labs in China with virtually no US oversight.
> It has to end now.'
> https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1249788784394350596

Go Matt!



McCain married his mistress he was cheating on his wife with, a wife who stayed by him during his time as a POW. The mistress, Cindy Lou Hensley, was the daughter of Jim Hensley, who worked in partnership with Edgar Bronfman for well known mobster Meyer Lansky in Arizona during Prohibition smuggling booze and all kinds of other things across the Arizona/Mexico border. McCain used the Hensley family fortune earned from these trafficking crimes to fund his run for office.

Edgar Bronfman’s name might be familiar to you because his daughter Claire, heiress to the Seagrams liquor fortune, recently made headlines as being one of the ringleaders of the NXIVM sex cult along with Keith Raniere. This cult was busted in Mexico for child sex slave trafficking and involved several young actresses like Alison Mack from the TV show Smallville. They were known for branding the members of the sex cult with a mark in the shape of their intitials. Claire Bronfman was reported to have passed out in court when it was revealed that Michael Avenatti was one of her lawyers. Michael Avenatti infamously represented porn whore Stormy Daniels, who claimed to have had sex with President Trump while he was married. It was discovered that a few years ago, Stormy Daniels had tweeted that she thought she had just joined a cult, and a brand similar to the NXIVM brand was covered up by one of her hideous tattoos.

It’s clear why McCain was so dead set against Trump. The world is run by a huge cult like cabal that traffics children as sex slaves and feeds off harming the innocent for their own benefit.'

'The Democrats don’t want to approve more money for our great workers under the incredibly successful “Paycheck” plan. Replenish Account Now!'
> Replenish Account Now!


> every day it seems now.

Gearing up for election.

Suggestions for counter meme.

Governors and their tyranny during Covid-19.

Light these Dem Gov up.

Vidfag could make a comparison with Trump responses in pressers re: "we are leaving it up to the states" "we are here to support them (states)"

Guys after Q posted the reporters related to the Obama administration, and said there were 98 local, I started digging on our local AZ reporters and came across Matt Yurus. He is married to Kristen Keogh who is also a Phoenix reporter. Kristen was formerly press secretary for the Arizona Attorney General.

Matt Yurus

White House pool reporter

Sep 2015 – Nov 2015 3 months

Washington D.C. Metro Area

- Traveled with White House press pool
- Contributed updates on POTUS' weekend schedule 
Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

Apr 2015 – Jun 20153 months

Washington D.C. Metro Area

- Provided research assistance for two policy papers concerning economic sanctions and the Iran nuclear deal 

Prior to getting the journalism “bug,” Yurus earned his chops as a law clerk for the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. He was a White House Pool Reporter at Reuters during the Obama administration, a freelance reporter at Vice News, and an intern at Politico.  He also freelanced at WUSA as an MMJ as one of his first entries into TV. 





Rachel Maddow, Jeffrey Epstein connection!!

Hi guys,  I was looking into the news broadcasters again and came across something pretty odd.

Rachel Maddow's brother David Maddow works for Twist Bioscience. Twist Bioscience is owned by Boris Nikolic Jeffrey Epstein changed his will before he died to make Boris Nikolic the executor. Bill Gates is one of his investors.

oris Nikolic, Managing Director, Biomatics Capital
Dr. Nikolic is a physician and investor who previously served as chief advisor for science and technology to Bill Gates, leading select for-profit and not-for-profit investment activities. His investments spanned the life science, information technology and health care sectors, including companies such as Foundation Medicine, ResearchGate, Schrodinger and Nimbus Therapeutics. Dr. Nikolic completed postdoctoral training in transplantation immunology at Harvard Medical School and served as an assistant professor of medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. He has authored more than 70 articles, patents and patent applications, and has co-founded several biotechnology companies that have since been acquired. Dr. Nikolic earned his M.D. from University of Zagreb School of Medicine in Croatia, and clinical training at University Hospital Centre in Zagreb.

Biomatics Capital Partners, a Seattle, WA-based venture capital firm investing in innovation at the intersection of health care and technology, closed its first fund, at $200m.
Investors include a mix of family offices, institutions and individuals.

Biomatics' current portfolio includes:
- AiCure (medication adherence powered by artificial intelligence),
- Aledade (data-driven business model for accountable health care),
- BlackThorn Therapeutics (informatics-driven drug discovery),
- Blue Talon (enterprise-level data security for health care),
- Denali Therapeutics (next-gen therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases),
- GRAIL (genomics-based cancer screening),
- Omniome (low-cost DNA sequencing platform) and
- twist bioscience (synthetic DNA).


'President @realDonaldTrump erupts on reporter Brian Karem: 

"If you keep talking, I'll leave and you can have it out with the rest of these people!"'
> Brian Karem
no buy

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down the rabbit hole, drop
Normies on the way
abramowich denied, rejected  >>/46359/
if the whole World did this, what would happen to abramovich?
a GOOD sign.
Many benefits for them))) re corona, no?
sad days when/if people release corona to cover dirrt and change plans.
How did America do w this test?
Will the same happen once they know fake news and fake leaders?
They won't learn that in school or from tv.
GOOD Leaders and Neighbors, be LOUD.
Right to Free Speech
Free Board is a great thing.
Q posts are great.
POTUS is great.
Anons, Frens, Fam, coffee, mornings, etc are great things.
We only get so many here.
Enjoy, help, work, speak, Vote, research, cruz, hang out, dine, etc.
Even a p&j samich after a short walk during the sunset is a great thing.
Can a Man/Woman do that anywhere in the World?
Some Children can't, which is why most Anons work mayb
Can Real News help?
Does Truth set Free?
Who can help spread truthful News?
If America wins, the World wins.
How can America win?
House, Senate, Prez and your ideas will lead to American victory.
scratch out fake leaders and fake news
Teach Children the importance of this ]Research, Vote[ and they can protect USALL/future.
Learn their))) cheap plays [playbook] [mail-in voting].
Listen for who promotes it; indicates swamp creature.
shun the businesses of those companies w actors that would hurt America.
who has the power?
(you) silly
ALL of (you)s

hello baker. not sgrvl / citizen o7 i'm guessing? 
8kun is effectively down, server took too long message despite presolving captcha, clearing cache and new tab. 
I recently claimed qrbunker, which was abandoned after 8kun started up Nov 2. "Renovated" it in case 8kun went down for anons who want a more traditional 8kun board focusing on digs.
Was baker here before qrbunker--hence the tripcode. Just saying hello, checking in. Good luck with meme war, fellow patriots! 

message from donald.win

Good morning, Anon.

Hope your day is going well so far.

Re: Notables on .win:

As you've likely noticed, this place is not friendly toward Q, though many here are and keep (mostly) under the radar. Shills and a few dedicated Numpties McDumblefuck have it out for anything Q-related (and have for the past several years, including on the old T_D) to the point where the mods won't tolerate it. Luckily, they don't know everything and can't quite keep track of every nod to Q (see earlier post in history re: White Squall).

Regardless, if you want to extend the work of Bakers here (would myself but can't; workfagging at new job and IT won't allow /qr/; old workfagging gig allowed it, which was nice), I strongly recommend designing a text post template for the Notables of the day, including only sauced links and the Baker captions for each, and excluding Anon speculations (as valuable as those are, unfortunately they will not fly here, particularly if they are Q-heavy) and any post numbers (meaningless here; can't follow links in breads as efficiently if you're just in the bread, plus the second you link to /qr/, the shills will jump all over it).

The choice to know is theirs, like it is ours. Most of these poor pseudo-redditard bastards want redpills, but they let shills push the needle hard on Q and /qr/ as a whole. Smart Notables design/formatting can push that needle back, starting small and building on the necessary big picture. "Out of Shadows" has been popular here - no doubt others will be open to more, it's just a matter of time.

Doing the needful here in the meantime (posting POTUS tweets). Not quite the old volunteer function, but close. More like a food truck than a proper kitchen, but if an Anon wants to deliver bread here, they have to do it smart.

Apologies for the unsolicited advice. Keep kicking ass.

God bless you.

I hope you have a great day.


This. .win is yuge in growth and opportunity for outreach.
The old .win, before t_d lockdown, had a fair amount of q discussion and ratio.
Since the community transfer, I have not seen much but an occasional nod/slogan.
Q is not currently censored by the mods on .win. I have many posts and comments. Make sure we show our best.
Shills are active and I see more anti-Q content from them than I do Qcumber content.
They know the potential opportunity here.
Go slow. Sourced info.
Provide positive content and do not feed shills.

We are the news now.
Time to broadcast.

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spoopy is constant but some days are especially so
4/13 was extra spoopy for me, kek
actually since 4/8
glad Anons are here to keep me company
glad Anons are here to keep me informed
> #NeverGiveUp #TillTheEnd #MuhFren
expose fake news w Truth
memes, diggs, PRAY
> ty anons, ty all for the relentless hard work you do.

> who has the power?
> ALL of (you)s'
shared to kun o7

ty and god bless america during this time.
Teach them the truth and how to find it.
Raise them right and to be good leaders.


Fire Cannons DayShift
Fire Cannons NightShift
Fire Cannons GraveShift

We do this for our future!

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Can't get thru to 8kun using either clearnet or tor. Sucks but i claimed the other board for exactly this reason. If blockage is ongoing, both boards will receive increasing traffic. 

Hope all is well with you. There are tons of digs on qr this morning, so much is happening. Always glad to share information, but have to go back to sleep right now. I am graveyard baker on QR and very short of sleep right now. Shadilay for now, 

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 >>/46373/ Mary Mcnamara is very interesting.  Her Husband is Richard Stayton. Richard resigned his position at Written By, the WGA West’s monthly magazine in 2018. Look at Mary's twitter page and tell me she's not a few bricks short of a full load. She began her career writing for a student newspaper called "The Owl".







I tried to locate a copy of "Chateau of the Vampire" but no luck.

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> 'They' are deploying all assets.
do or die
no choice but to deploy all
is a good thing
we jus have to survive the blast
if time it right, shields up at the right moment
eyes open; peaceful counters
> Is the Take over govt by f0rce still on the board?
too much winning, don't need it, imo.
Vote coming up, imagine World w/o fake dem leaders in the way.
People have the power if they know. (who will help them know?)
What keeps dragging USA down?
Vote nancy, schiff, ted, etc out of Cali.
Protect Elections.
If we win House, smooth sailing.
also add to Senate and re-Elect Trump.
Next Trump rally is gonnab GREAT like Frosty Flakes.
Encourage other not to buy fake news.
Where does fake news get their))) monies?
Vote all dem leaders out, what then? kek
crying to gitmo, i would; the best of us might PRAY for you but prolly not
lying to so many is hard to forgive
End fake news and fake leaders thru research
ty Anons

'Enough is enough.

China lied. People died.

The one who deserves praise for their response to coronavirus is @realDonaldTrump.

@POTUS acted early to restrict travel from China. He was criticized by Democrats, the media, the WHO & China — all of whom now have zero credibility.'

nice anon, ya got me Q'd on this one


We are far beyond the need for proofs.
You have more than you know.
Durham start.
Q OP start.


There’s one problem: Governor Gavin Newsom, whose backing is crucial to PG&E’s restructuring, is still trying to block its plan. He rejected the proposal last month, raising concerns about its financing and governance. And the company has “yet to make a single modification” to ease them since, the governor said in a court filing less than two hours before PG&E announced the deal with bondholders.


We are GO for Twitter Cannons OPERATION: #VoterID

California has become a hotbed for corruption and crime. 4 Families over 3 generations. Brown Pelosi newsom Getty. It is 95% Democratic Controlled with abundant Voter Fraud. Our mission is to get California Patriots to Push for California Voter ID. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff seem to be at the forefront of this debacle. We will target them, as well as their followers and newly elected Democrats in California.

California needs our help. There are LOTS and LOTS of patriots living in California who cannot easily pick up and leave. An anon pointed out a few days ago: their mortgages are underwater (they owe more than the property would sell for in the current RE market), and if they move, wages are lower elsewhere. California American citizen patriots are our brothers and sisters, in some cases they are our families or neighbors or longtime acquaintances. We don't abandon other Americans. Q pointed out how we can help them so let's do it! If you must hate, hate the politicians in Sacramento who have done this to the state. Hate the liberal media who has brainwashed a significant fraction of the people. You'd be surprised how many of California's agricultural and rural counties are deep red Republican, feeling overwhelmed and trapped in a terrible situation that was not of their own making.

TARGET: SpeakerPelosi RepAdamSchiff RepMaxineWaters SenFeinstein
All their Followers and Newly elected California Democrats and Democrats in California Swing Districts
MEME: VoterID, Corruption, Homelessness, WildFires, Drugs, Crime, SanctuaryCities…
PUSH: #VoterID | #California | #DemandVoterID
SHARE: https://imgur.com/a/exRJe3I


We are GO for Twitter Cannons OPERATION: #VoterID

California has become a hotbed for corruption and crime. 4 Families over 3 generations. Brown Pelosi newsom Getty. It is 95% Democratic Controlled with abundant Voter Fraud. Our mission is to get California Patriots to Push for California Voter ID. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Adam Schiff seem to be at the forefront of this debacle. We will target them, as well as their followers and newly elected Democrats in California.

California needs our help. There are LOTS and LOTS of patriots living in California who cannot easily pick up and leave. An anon pointed out a few days ago: their mortgages are underwater (they owe more than the property would sell for in the current RE market), and if they move, wages are lower elsewhere. California American citizen patriots are our brothers and sisters, in some cases they are our families or neighbors or longtime acquaintances. We don't abandon other Americans. Q pointed out how we can help them so let's do it! If you must hate, hate the politicians in Sacramento who have done this to the state. Hate the liberal media who has brainwashed a significant fraction of the people. You'd be surprised how many of California's agricultural and rural counties are deep red Republican, feeling overwhelmed and trapped in a terrible situation that was not of their own making.

TARGET: SpeakerPelosi RepAdamSchiff RepMaxineWaters SenFeinstein
All their Followers and Newly elected California Democrats and Democrats in California Swing Districts
MEME: VoterID, Corruption, Homelessness, WildFires, Drugs, Crime, SanctuaryCities…
PUSH: #VoterID | #California | #DemandVoterID
SHARE: https://imgur.com/a/exRJe3I


 >>/7662183/ POTUS delta points to CA election op?
 >>/7662217/ >>/qanonresearch/7661893@7661893 they are afraid!
 >>/7662195/ Notable Bun

Intel  >>/7662903/,  >>/7663312/,  >>/7662057/,  >>/7662087/,  >>/7662140/,  >>/7662204/,  >>/7662293/,  >>/7661909/,  >>/7661913/,  >>/7661941/,  >>/7662140/

Memes  >>/7675364/,  >>/7667382/,  >>/7667057/,  >>/7667081/,  >>/7667096/,  >>/7662873/,  >>/7662889/,  >>/7662897/,  >>/7662907/,  >>/7662916/,  >>/7663229/,  >>/7663282/,  >>/7662198/,  >>/7662301/,  >>/7662195/,  >>/7661933/,  >>/7661901/,  >>/7661915/,  >>/7661927/,  >>/7661907/,  >>/7661915/,  >>/7661920/,  >>/7661927/,  >>/7661907/,  >>/7661915/,  >>/7661920/,  >>/7661927/,  >>/7662198/

VoterID Meme Repo: https://mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA



< /EndChan id='qanonresearch'>

Dough: https://pastebin.com/qCFqDYr3

I've been looking at Jennifer Gates instagram page this morning and boy there are an awful lot of coincidences popping up.

Jennifer owns Evergates, and equestrian center.  Mariah {sunshine} Coogan was and equestrian.

Jennifer is married to Nayal Nassar.  Larry Nassar was one of America's most prolific pedophiles.

Yesterday Jennifer posted the "Koala Challenge" on her instagram. Koala was Seth Rich's nickname and also a pedo term for abused children. By the way, her challenge is bizarre to say the least.

I have spent so much time trying to connect Mariah Sunshine Coogan to Obama, it seems it might be a lot easier to connect her to Gates.


Here is Jennifer Gates and her Nassar husband doing there gymnastic Koala challenge.


#7693300 at 2020-01-02 19:36:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #9845: Hunt the Hunters! Cage Those Rats!!! Edition

Found the official Petition to RECALL Newsom

RAN ACTION FUND Political Organization | Making a Difference | Stand against Socialism


Official Site: https://ranaf.org/


This is kind of an odd situation but it absolutely falls into Q related research and, if correct, it draws in a (very large) amount of lefitists to show how they operate in a similar Greta situation.

Several months back you likely all heard about the claims of some kid in CA paying for others school lunches and the whole "lunchshame" hashtag came into existence. Apparently the Mother of that kid is a felon with multiple counts of stolen identity and has the major populace of that region up in arms over her track record which ranges from threats, to stalking, to attacking, to infiltrating kids assemblies, to pushing some overtly odd shit, to on and on. This is the FB page of one such woman from that area and her page has an utter shit load of comments from locals on the issue:


Why does this matter? Well, because she is working with newsome, Omar, Ellen DeGen, and just about every media MSM you can think of to push her narrative. This guy recently touched on it:


But look what happened directly after… it spurned the state of CA to do this:


This is a major example of how they are creating these child activists to push issues through politcally and given the mothers background I would not be surprised if she was recruited. I mean, her "son" is a trans (I think at least) at the under 10 range. But this is just another example of how they are pushing kids now into this positions to run bills through. It appears she even contacted Pence!

reminder that gavin newsom and paul pelosi jr are cousins by marriage and gavin very likely addressed pelosi jr's mother nancy pelosi as "aunt nancy" while growing up.


Corrupt officials could be disrupting effort to recall Calif. Gov. Gavin newsom Attention Q!!

NEWSAre leftists trying to fraudulently subvert Gavin newsom recall efforts? https://noqreport.com/2019/12/08/leftists-trying-fraudulently-subvert-gavin-newsom-recall-efforts/


Back on POTUS' Radar, as per today's tweets.
[DS] = $$$Billions - Where Did it Go?
Buh Buh Buh Billions

CALIFORNIA - (Homelessness Problem)
[Gavin newsom] - Governor (Mr Hair Gel)
Bullet Train (to nowhere) $$$Billions

NEW YORK - (Homelessness Problem)
[Andrew Cuomo] - Governor (Fredo's Brother)
"Buffalo Billions" (upstate projects) $$$Billions

Sensing a pattern here.
(old news to anons - previous diggz @ Qresear.ch)

The connections date back at least 80 years, to when Jerry Brown's father, Pat Brown, ran for San Francisco district attorney, losing in 1939 but winning in 1943, with the help of his close friend and Gavin newsom's grandfather, businessman William newsom. As mayor, newsom became nationally recognized for ordering the distribution of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. And the shop with the mop sink upstairs, PlumpJack Wines, grew into a line of successful restaurants, hotels, and wineries managed by newsom's sister, Hilary. A Times review of campaign finance records identified eight of San Francisco's best-known families as being among newsom's most loyal and long-term contributors. Among those patrons are the Gettys, the Pritzkers and the Fishers, whose families made their respective fortunes in oil, hotels and fashion. They first backed him when he was a restaurateur and winery owner running for a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1998, and have continued their support through the governor's race. They are not newsom's largest donors: The families in total have given about $2 million of the $61 million that donors have contributed to his campaigns and independent committees backing those bids. But they gave while he was a relative unknown, providing crucial support to a political newcomer in the years before his campaign accounts piled high with cash from labor unions, Hollywood honchos, tech billionaires and donors up and down the state. Gavin newsom is succeeding someone who could be considered his quasi-uncle, since his inauguration continues the decades-long saga of four San Francisco families intertwined by blood, by marriage, by money, by culture and, of course, by politics - the Browns, the newsoms, the Pelosi's and the Gettys. Lt. Gov. Gavin newsom (D) defeated businessman John Cox (R) in the general election on November 6, 2018, for governor of California. President Donald Trump (R) endorsed Cox and former President Barack Obama (D) endorsed newsom in the race. The forecasting outlets Ballotpedia covered rated the race either Safe Democratic or Solid Democratic in the month leading up to election day. Fast forward two decades. Gov. Pat Brown's administration developed Squaw Valley for the 1960s winter Olympics and afterward awarded a concession to operate it to William newsom and his partner, John Pelosi. The Squaw Valley concession was controversial at the time and created something of a rupture between the two old friends. William newsom wanted to make significant improvements to the ski complex, including a convention center, but Brown's Department of Parks and Recreation balked. newsom and his son, an attorney also named William, held a series of contentious meetings with officials over the issue. An eight-page memo about those 1966 meetings from the department's director, Fred Jones, buried in the Pat Brown archives, describes the newsoms as being embittered and the senior newsom threatening to "hurt the governor politically" as Brown ran for a third term that year against Ronald Reagan. After newsom retired from the bench in 1995, he became administrator of Gordon Getty's own trust, telling one interviewer, "I make my living working for Gordon Getty." The trust provided seed money for the Plump Jack chain of restaurants and wine shops that Newson's son, Gavin, and Gordon Getty's son, Billy, developed, the first being in a Squaw Valley hotel. Yet the early hand he received in politics and business continues to form the basis of criticism against him. newsom's opponents in the mayor's race painted him as privileged and out of touch. In the gubernatorial contest, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Treasurer John Chiang, both Democrats, are beginning to do the same.

Hope it is festive and well for all of anons and POTUS , Q et al.

I just came upon this article (below) sauce? Perhaps.
Not a slide or larp as some might troll.
Seems there is so much more going on behind the Inquisition/Hoax, Witch hunt Mpeachment theater.
Nanshy's plot for succession and takeover just ain't gonna go her way- or Dianne's or Chuckie's or Schifty's et al.

Seems CA is behind a lot of crap related to this. Who woulda thunk eh? Q-watch CA.
So, if Auntie Nanshy thinks her nephew minion is a good soldier
and may help her (she thinks) get to be first femaole president- think again Nanshy. Your cover-up is getting thinner by the day.

Ukraine-Logan Act violations- corruption and California sending its own military force to cover up the corruption and crimes?? hmmmm

PG&E, newsom clash over a clause that may allow state takeover


newsom wants the power company to include a provision in its reorganization proposal that would allow the state to take control of its assets


Newsom signs bill rewriting California employment law, limiting use of independent contractors

SEP. 18, 2019 3:55 PM

SACRAMENTO - California businesses will soon face new limits in their use of independent contractors under a closely watched proposal signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Wednesday, a decision praised by organized labor but unlikely to quell a growing debate over the rules and nature of work in the 21st century economy.
Newsom, who signed Assembly Bill 5 in a private ceremony in his state Capitol office, had already committed to embracing the new law. Legislators gave final approval to the sweeping new employment rules before adjourning for the year last week.

The new law "will help reduce worker misclassification - workers being wrongly classified as 'independent contractors' rather than employees, which erodes basic worker protections like the minimum wage, paid sick days and health insurance benefits," Newsom wrote in a signing message released by his office.

The ruling and new state law raise the bar for companies that otherwise might rely on freelance or contract work. California's bill is arguably the strongest of its kind in the nation, giving the state and cities the right to file suit against companies over misclassification, overriding the arbitration agreements that many businesses use to shield themselves from worker complaints. The new law's supporters point to audits conducted by state employment officials that found almost 500,000 workers were wrongly treated as independent contractors. Much of the early legislative debate on the bill centered on low-wage sectors of the California economy.

"As one of the strongest economies in the world, California is now setting the global standard for worker protections for other states and countries to follow," Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), the author of AB 5, said in a written statement…


(Tech Giant) Oracle pulls conference from San Francisco, citing the usual 'crap' resulting in massive loss of revenue due to loss of this event for the city

Oracle pulls conference from San Francisco, citing the usual 'crap'

For nearly two decades, Oracle's OpenWorld conference has been held in San Francisco. It made sense; their corporate headquarters is in nearby Redwood City and Silicon Valley seems to be the right place to have a massive tech conference. But they've decided to move the event to Las Vegas for 2020 and the foreseeable future, citing the usual "crap" that is often associated with the modern day version of the city by the bay.

After decades of far-left progressive leadership in city government combined with far-left Democrats controlling state policies, San Francisco has become synonymous with two things: high costs and filthy conditions, including human feces throughout the city's streets. Rampant homelessness and laws that tie law enforcement's hands have produced the latter, and attendees to previous OpenWorld conferences voiced their concerns.

The loss of $64 million in local business revenue couldn't have come at a worse time as the city continues to struggle in the wake of Governor Gavin newsom's stint as San Francisco mayor. Meanwhile, residents and tourists have been voicing their concerns that the city just isn't what it used to be.

"They feel their safety is as risk because they are seeing so many people with issues," said Kevin Carroll of the San Francisco Hotel Council.

Costs, also cited as a reason for the move, had been skyrocketing for visitors during previous events which had occurred during the "October Crush." The average cost of hotel room was $264 per night in October, which in previous years inundated the city with OpenWorld and Salesforce's Dreamworld conference. The latter was moved to November two years ago as a result. With OpenWorld changing venues, October in 2020 isn't going to the financial boon it has been in the past for the city.

When a city suffers through progressive policies for an extended period of time like San Francisco, they invariably become unsustainable. Yet, city voters continue to elect Democrats. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

(Snippet embedded within the article):

Poop-Covered Streets Cost San Francisco $192 Mil After Tech Giant Moves Event

https://www.westernjournal.com/poop-covered-streets-cost-san-francisco-192-mil-tech-giant-moves-event/"Oracle stated that their attendee feedback was that San Francisco hotel rates are too high," a San Francisco Travel Association statement acquired by CNBC said.

Although high hotel prices are sure to scare away some attendees, the horrific state of San Francisco's streets also appeared to make an impression.

"Poor street conditions was another reason why they made this difficult decision," the email explained.

Nothing is further from the crisp and clean image of a tech company than crumbling streets overflowing with human waste, intravenous needles, medieval diseases and rampant crime.

The state of San Francisco's roads and walkways has been well-documented, and now their abysmal reputation is costing the city some serious dough.


ok got some good ammo here. now to organize and get the truth out.

hmm maybe need a newsom thread for all this intel. easier to share the thread, as well as add to it.

give me a few anons. got to smoke this one over and think on it kek.

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Newsom gets $350,000/yr from financiers of Palestine Islamic Jihad. Follow the wives.
This was reported to feds and media (incl. indie and right-wing) a year before the election, no one gave a shit.
And when he was in office he ordered the redeployment of troops away from the border during the merc invasion from Honduras. That was outright treason, but no one gives a shit.

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Extreme effort for me not to scream and rant right now

Please watch this video made about 3. weeks. ago.

and the short one she mentions as well

"Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity"
It's more than the title suggests

totaling about "a half-hour of your life," as she phrases it.

how much time have you (me too) spent in the qresearch garbage pit lately? In that time did you see presented what's here in this video?
... three. weeks. ago ?

even if this or all its info was posted in qr (I think it was not) it would have been spat upon and kicked into the gutter and forgotten for the next posts

Noon now where I am, graveyard shift at qr. Tired and frustrated. Thank you board owner for this space to post.

1 of
Q said to look at the wives, so here is a look in to Steve Inskeep and his wife Carolee

No conclusions drawn, but some interesting connections to adoption, China, Orphanage and grave history in NYC, the Barker Adoption Foundation, and Roger Ailes.

Maybe some of you can connect these dots.

Steve Inskeep - NPR host of Morning Edition and Up First 
A native of Carmel, Indiana, Inskeep is a graduate of Morehead State University in Kentucky.  
Adopted baby from Wuhan in 2012  
Is adopted
Wife is Carolee
Steve Inskeep's love life traces his marriage to Carolee Inskeep, the daughter of Rebecca A. Dann of Wallkill, N.Y. They tied their nuptial knot in 1993  

NOTE: No father listed for Carolee
Carolee Roberts Gabel, the daughter of Rebecca A. Dann of Wallkill, N.Y., was married yesterday to Steven Alan Inskeep, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Inskeep of Carmel, Ind. The Rev. Paul Z. Reuter, a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, performed the ceremony at the French Church in New Paltz, N.Y.  


 Previous to Carolee's current city of Washington, DC, Carolee Inskeep lived in Hoboken NJ. Carolee also answers to Carolee Gabel, Carolee R Gabel, Carolee R Inskeep and Carole Inskeep, and perhaps a couple of other names. We know that Carolee's political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Christian. Currently, Carolee is married. Carolee maintains relationships with many people -- family, friends, associates, & neighbors -- including Maria Liporaci, Joseph Urciolo, Barbara Mpofu, Phillis Urciolo and Dimakatso Radimapo. 


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Carolee Roberts Inskeep Profile

researcher writer
Carolee Roberts Inskeep, American writer, researcher.

Inskeep, Carolee Roberts was born on March 3, 1968 in Walton, New York, United States. Daughter of Rebecca Alice Dann.

Bachelor of Science in Writing for television, Radio and Film, Syracuse University, 1991. Master of Arts in Cinema Studies, New York University, 1993.

Executive secretary Roger Ailes Communications, Incorporated, New York York City, 1990-1991. Writer, researcher, since 1993.

Carolee Roberts Inskeep has been listed as a notable writer, researcher by Marquis Who's Who.


Trustee at the barker adoption foundation

Barker had to stop activity in China, India, and Columbia
Temporary Cessation of The Barker Adoption Foundation’s Adoption Programs in China, Colombia, and India
Last Updated: August 13, 2019

On August 9, 2019, the Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) required The Barker Adoption Foundation (Barker) to temporarily cease providing adoption services in China, Colombia, and India.  IAAME determined that it was necessary to take this action due to Barker’s failure to maintain substantial compliance with relevant accreditation standards. Barker’s adoption programs in other countries are not impacted by this action.

During this cessation, Barker must cease to provide all adoption services in connection with intercountry adoption cases in China, Colombia, and India, with the exception of home studies. Barker is not required to transfer any ongoing cases to another provider at this time.

If you have an open case with Barker in China, Colombia, or India, please contact them directly to find out how the cessation will affect your case.  You may also wish to review the information on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ website at If Your Adoption Service Provider is no Longer Accredited or Approved

Federal regulations authorize designated accrediting entities to review complaints and take action when it determines regulatory standards have been violated. The Department of State facilitates communication to the public about the outcome of accrediting entity determinations. Please direct any questions about this announcement to IAAME at www.iaame.net.

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The Graveyard Shift: A Family Historian's Guide to New York City Cemeteries Paperback – October 1, 1998
Paperback: 296 pages ($17.26)
Publisher: Ancestry Publishing (October 1, 1998)

Trying to find some peace in the City That Never Sleeps"" has always been difficult-even for dead New Yorkers. Rapid development, rising property values, a lack of space, health concerns, and government regulation have all conspired to move the dead from one graveyard to the next. The Graveyard Shift: A Family Historian's Guide to New York City Cemeteries documents the changing landscape of New York City cemeteries, telling the story behind each decision to move, as well as providing the new names and locations of each burial ground. This book, with its complete index, is an invaluable tool for anyone researching New York City ancestors.

The New York Foundling Hospital : An Index to the Federal, State, and Local Census Records [1870-1925]
 Paperback –  354 pages - February 21, 2012 ($36.90)

Between 1853 and 1929, an estimated 200,000 poor, abandoned and orphaned children were shipped from New York City orphanages to western families for adoption. These children were placed primarily by the New York Foundling Hospital (NYFH) and the Children's Aid Society (CAS) and are now referred to as "Orphan Train Riders." Information as to the identities of a large number of these children has been preserved in federal and state censuses taken between 1855 and 1925, as well as in the 1890 New York City police census, and represents a potential boon to the descendants of these foundlings. This book, the first of a proposed two-volume work, encompasses the "Orphan Train Riders" from NYFH.

The names in this volume represent 13,000 children who lived in the Roman Catholic New York Foundling Hospital between 1870 and 1925. The names were extracted from the following enumerations conducted at the hospital: the 1870 and 1880 federal censuses; the New York City Police Census of 1890; the federal censuses of 1900, 1910, and 1920; and the New York State censuses of 1905, 1915, and 1925. The orphans are arranged chronologically by census, and alphabetically thereunder, though only a handful of names exist for 1870. The descriptions vary from census to census; however, in virtually all cases they provide the individual's name, race, sex, age, and status (inmate versus caretaker). Researchers should note that, although not included in this work, they may find references to the birthplace of the child's parents in the 1920 federal census and references to the birthplace of each child in the 1925 New York State census.

Mrs. Inskeep's Introduction to the work consists of an extremely informative history of the NYFH, complete with references to living conditions, immunizations, nursing, schooling, recreation, sources of funding, number of placements, etc.

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The Children's Aid Society of New York
Paperback: 168 pages  ($24.00)
Publisher: Clearfield (January 1, 2005)

This work contains 19,000 references to persons who were either members of or connected to Baptist churches in Virginia. The notices are arranged alphabetically by surname and thereunder by given name. In all cases the notices refer to the deceased's date of death, and in some the name of a spouse, whether married, or possessing a military or other professional ranking.

Children's Aid was founded in 1853 by Charles Loring Brace and a group of social reformers at a time when orphan asylums and almshouses were the only social services available for poor and homeless children in New York City. Children’s Aid operated lodging houses, fresh air programs, and industrial schools to support an estimated 30,000 poor and orphaned children living in the city’s streets, and pioneered the Orphan Train Movement.

New York City and poverty have changed drastically since the 1850s, but Children’s Aid has continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of children, youth, and their families, often pioneering social programs that have found universal traction.

The New York Foundling, founded in 1869 by the Roman Catholic Sisters of Charity, is one of New York City's oldest and largest child welfare agencies. The Foundling operates programs in the five boroughs of New York City, Rockland County, and Puerto Rico. Its services include foster care, adoptions, educational programs, mental health services, and many other community-based services for children, families, and adults.[1] 

A wave of very poor immigrants and social disruption were among the many conditions that led to an epidemic of infanticide and abandonment during the late 1860s. It was not unusual for the sisters at St. Peter's Convent on Barclay Street to find a tiny waif left on the doorstep. Sister Mary Irene FitzGibbon, of St. Peter's approached Mother Mary Jerome, the Superior of the Sisters of Charity, regarding the need of rescuing these children. Archbishop (afterwards Cardinal) John McCloskey urged the Sisters to open an asylum for such children.[2]

Pls help me un-confuse myself a bit.

Did this page have user IDs on posts just some 24 hrs ago? 

Are these options easily available to the board owner here:
1) User IDs
2) Thread view (as page visitor option)


I'm not pushing anything, just trying to unconfuse myself!

good idea
sometimes i think follow the 'family'
example: is chelsea dirrty?
follow the daughters?
example: hunter
follow the sons?
when i hear 'follow the wives', i think joe's wife for some reason.
have a great day Anons!

'Today people started losing their jobs because of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, who should immediately come back to Washington and approve legislation to help families in America. End your ENDLESS VACATION!'
> GOOD morning POTUS!

'As "father" of the wind energy tax credit I'm blown away that wind is now Iowa's number 1 source of electricity passing coal I had no idea in 1992 that my law would turn out to be such a success Renewable energy is good good good'

'How many more Americans have to lose their jobs, businesses, and savings before Dems will quit holding funds for the Paycheck Protection Program hostage to their unrelated partisan demands?

Enough is enough. Small businesses like Foy Distribution in Georgia can't afford to wait.'

sounds good
not sure how the participation will go (people adding to the threads)
it would help w organization and quick data access on govs
Op> what is the mission?
mission> chances of success?
choice> go or no?
each Op takes Time/Energy
too many losses, less moral
can't win battle/war if take no chances
50/50 decisions will determine Future
Kun has been known to delete threads if want more room for Qresearch
Election closer by the day, Time crucial
Final Moves chapter, make them count

thank you anons, all canons fired atm. Glorious Day -o7

newsom wife
coumo thread
coumo wife

D senate thread
D house thread

biden thread?

much to think on atm.
GodBless Us All Patriots o7

'Let’s recap.

Democrats want to:
-Pay states to release criminals
-Free detained illegal aliens
-Close churches
-Make abortion clinics “essential”
-Stop gun sales

Republicans want to:
-Help small businesses w/ the #PaycheckProtectionProgram
-Get America back to work

You decide.'

ahh see and thats where i have it beat.

too many loses is bad for the morale, but when you have grown up the way i have aint nothing can bring you down. maybe slow me a bit, but never change my course.

> you can slow me down, but you will never stop me.

been through hell and back all before the age of 10

till the end muhfren -o7

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'Any suggestions at to what the "soothing music" might be?'
'You might almost feel sorry for the FBI spooks having to listen to Halper the Walrus in the toilet...
Source: recently declassified "Transcript of George Papadopoulos and FBI Confidential Human Source"'

> nothing can bring you down. 
good to be that way
but also consider the moral of the ppl following you
if they are down, mission more difficult
not many others are doing this work, which makes you a leader.
does a good leader think about 'moral'?

LEO let him go because he's IN the water. They have no jurisdiction IN the water. (One should ask HOW he got to that location? By boat, or by beach?)

All waters surrounding the USA fall under diff rules than the Land of the USA.

That being said, his breach of Land-to-water could have been an issue upon coming ashore. I'm guessing there was some reciprocal respect / professional courtesy given. 

Thank about the DRY FOOT rules for Illegals trying to get here from foreign countries. They don't fall under our laws until they come on land.

> does a good leader think about 'moral'?

actually anon i do think about others moral as im sure they have not gone through what i have. so i try to help, guess this is why i became anon, citizen

get the truth out, help the masses, keep the DS at bay. all in a days work.

#GodBless us All

thank you anon
thank you for your wise words.
thank you potus for your great leadership.

i pray all the time the lord protects you and helps you make the right decisions. blessing to all our frens and fam. mayb someday do lunch, my treat, nothing too expensive tho on a budget here o/ kek

who knows the future?
w moar like you, it will be a great Future
now is the hard work/effort to make it happen
imagine 4 years from now
that day will depend on what we win Nov?
House, Senate, Prez
What we win in Nov depends on what we focus/report now.
Time upon Time to determine Future Time, kek
win or lose, the effort was well spent, imo
to save Country and People is a great attempt
DECLAS > their))) loss
Dig, meme, PRAY > your win
Prepare to win moar!

'Arizona is deeply saddened by the passing of former Gov. Jane Hull and her husband Dr. Terry Hull. 

A teacher, legislator, first woman Speaker of the House, Secretary of State, and AZ's first woman elected governor, Governor Hull dedicated 25 years to principled public service.'
> gov

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 Sorry guys, I was in the middle of baking a lemon and blueberry cake when I grabbed the newspaper clippings. I think the first two might be a different Wilhelm but the last one I think is a good one.

I saw that Q circled the CHQ in his post this morning and that is an abbreviation for the Headquarters of the Philmont Scout ranch in NM.  Hopefully planefags have eyes on the airstrip there.


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Good evening, fellow Anons & Autists, my low-level autism will not fully engage on this but maybe someone here can make the connection(s) I sense but cannot fully articulate atm; I was skimming the notables on kun (and have been largely absent from both boards for the past 3-4 months..so I'm rusty) and searching through old Q drops..these are activating muh almonds but I'm not even 100% sure what I mean by that:

EVERGREEN (non standard definition): LAW. (of a contract or contract clause) specifying automatic renewal at the end of the term.

Any other Anons see what I'm looking at?  o7

This morning on instagram I am seeing people posting about saving the US post office by buying stamps.
I spend thousands of dollars every year in shipping costs at the USPS. It is less expensive for someone in China to ship a package from China to me here in the US than it is for me to ship a package from my town to the next town over.  Why is that so?  Why does China get a better deal on shipping cost through the USPS than an American citizen?   People would rather buy a product from China because the shipping is cheaper.  


lower level autists here, i think i can see you trying to connect q drops to hrc/evergreen/chloroquin

has q known all along this was coming. im sure they knew 'their' plan. interesting it is happening during an election year too. glad you are around too anon. nice dig.

ill shoot this over to kun for ya and get more eyes on it. lots of autists on the board.

 >>/46522/ test confirmed
 >>/46521/ wecome anon o7

if there is an eg contract, who is the contract between?
how to stop an eg contract?
how many non-standard def for eg?
define Eg = define hrc?
'Think GOOG.
Think ES departure.
Think NK.
Many drafts.
Many shared users [foreign & domestic].
Variable access.
Fake emails.
Game forum comms.
New intel revealed today.
Gmail comms.'
'When do you call a plumber?
Ongoing investigations require…..'
How would an eg contract fit into these crumbs?
> how many non-standard def for eg?
what non-standard def eg would fit w these crumbs?

'Here are the facts:

⇨ The Paycheck Protection Program is the only fund that is out of money.

⇨ Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are the ones holding it up.

⇨ Small businesses and their employees will suffer because of it.'
> nancy/chuck holding things up
> pressure
> go

'Indictments might be coming next week against the coup plotters according to John Solomon. Will be a great moment in American history.'
> someone talking about indictments, a GOOD sign
> but/however
> be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills

Uranium Industry's COVID-19 Bailout Request Sparks a Disgusted Pushback

When Jamescita Peshlakai was a little girl, she herded sheep along the Little Colorado River, which courses through the Navajo Nation in northern Arizona.

One July morning in 1979, a dam containing tailings from United Nuclear Corporation's uranium mill some 200 miles away broke, letting loose more than 1,000 tons of waste. Ninety-four million gallons of radioactive water gushed into the Puerco River, which feeds the Little Colorado.

More than 40 years later, the Church Rock spill is still the biggest release of radioactive material in American history.The lambs born soon after that disaster barely lasted after birth, recalled Peshlakai, now an Arizona state senator.

“Once the umbilical cord was cut, they simply died,” she said. “That happened to a lot of livestock at that time, and we did not know it was because of the Church Rock spill.”



However, it’s actually no secret as to how the Chinese are able to ship products abroad so cheaply. The reason is actually rather simple: They receive subsidized postage rates.


Future knows Past
Past can't know Future, imo
'Future proves past [events unlock].
Think CEO departures.
Think FBI departures.
Think DOJ departures.
Think State departures.
Think WH departures.
Think DIA departures.
Think Pentagon departures.
Think Senate departures.
Think House departures.
Think Amb departures.
Think IG departures.
Think Judge install.
Think SC install.
Think WH install.
Think FBI install.
Think C_A install.
Think DOJ install.
Think US ATT install.'

History repeats and can be learned from thru mistakes remembered but specific Future details unknowable, imo (good guess exist tho)
History knows a person will be born 4/18/2024, but who specifically?
We know Election Nov, but did we know cVirus was coming?
time travel circles, kek
Even knowing the Future (if you could) would affect the timeline and change Future, kek
main thing i try to remember, our actions determine the future.
if money saved now, what's available in the future?
if windows repaired = warm winter
if many research now = better Vote results
current efforts = future results
As long as we do our jobs and gain moar helpers, what will our Future results look like?
Thank (you) Anons.

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I notice lots of anons getting on the Frequency bandwagon.

what can be done with frequency manipulation? 

Sonoluminescence, star in a jar?

Philadelphia Experiment, ships vanishing?

can we make people phase in and out of timelines? dimensions?
inst everything known string theory based. 
harmonic strings?

How Powerful is sound waves. Didn't God use Sound waves to create all?

what can be done with sound waves and harmonics?
can we open portals? 
Glastonbury TOR?

 >>/46546/ Everytime I go to ship something from my store and I enter the shipping cost of $15 the price it cost me to ship, Etsy gives me a message that says "this is too much for shipping, customers expect to pay $6.  It's impossible for me to ship for $6.  It's crazy.  They really screwed small business with this deal.


These are cool Anon.  I can't get on 8kun or I would share. People think US sellers are being greedy because they ask for more postage.  We have had to pay huge postage bills because a communist government who uses slave labor  has been taking our money to pay for their postage. It's like living in crazy town backwards.  Charity should begin at home.

From QRB...

Q's 1775.jpg was posted 17-Mar-2019 - Qpost 3107

>  >>https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5743333.html#5744036

The 18-Mar-2020 posts that follow have portrait shots of 7 individuals:

Clapper - Qpost 3116
Yates- Qpost 3117
Rice- Qpost 3118
Lynch- Qpost 3119
Brennan- Qpost 3120
Comey- Qpost 3121
McCabe - Qpost 3122

I'm thinking these make indictment set 1, but there are 7 in this group.  Who is the odd one out?

Thank you, fren. 
For some reason I am not able to get on kun right now to check, were any Anons/Autists over there able to make anything of this?

Anon, I was reviewing the definitions of Evergreen last night while trying to piece this together..there are really only 2 non-standard definitions & the one I included made the most sense in this context..but maybe I am missing something. Did you come up with anything else? 
Thank you for your feedback, Anons.

[evergreen = hrc] (mayb)
'Think GOOG.
Think ES departure.
Think NK.
Many drafts.
Many shared users [foreign & domestic].
Variable access.
Fake emails.
Game forum comms.
New intel revealed today.
Gmail comms.'
'When do you call a plumber?
Ongoing investigations require…..'
Is hrc involved with these events specifically?
If so, is this a map?
If so, the timeline will link it all.


'Who owns Hyatt?

J. B. Pritzker 

He is a private business owner based in Chicago and a managing partner and co-founder of the Pritzker Group, and a member of the Pritzker family which owns the Hyatt hotel chain. He has an estimated personal net worth of $3.4 billion.





Religion was invented to keep us from our true loving creator. There was life before religion where everyone lived without fear because it was known that death isn't actually a thing. We are eternal. A tiny piece of the infinite. 

The game of Life. The matrix. Jumanji.

It was supposed to be a fun experience and it turned into a nightmare. We exist outside of this reality. Most "elites" do not which is why they are terrified.

I'm not charging you money for this. I'm not demanding you worship me and pretend to DRINK MY BLOOD or EAT MY FLESH. We are at war with pedophile cannibal "elites" you don't think they laugh at you every time you do that stuff?

We have a very loving creator who just wants us to be happy. That's it. 

A fluke cataclysm happened and we got disconnected. We forgot who we are. 

But there's only 1 truth out there and it will never change.

All belief systems on this planet were created to keep us apart. Religion is fear guilt and tax free money. Worshipping is about ego. A true loving creator doesn't have an ego. We are eternal and "elites" were going to keep us slaves FOREVER.

That's it. That's the truth. Essentially lock us in a vault FOREVER and feed off of us.

They can't kill us. We are eternal. 

And think about this. Life on Earth is only 1 ride in a giant amusement park created for us. 

Evergreen = Eternal

Q - Are you asking about EG Contracting in Florida? They build Hospitals, Veterinary  Hospitals, commercial buildings, personal renovations out of southwest Florida I suspect they also build bunkers, possible DUMBs, tunnels.  All inclusive  builder contractor. 

I'm trying to figure out "eg". Am I looking too far? 


What is the [evil spirit] that keeps on giving?

What is a suitable [host]?

What is 'selling one's soul'? Does a 'soul' exist? 

Who has the right to sell? Who has the right to buy? Or is it more of a lease/occupancy agreement with automatic renewal?

What if the [site] is already  occupied? Do they evict?

Just thinking aloud here.

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I did a tineye search of the picture Q posted today.  This is where it came from.


>  Anon, I was reviewing the definitions of Evergreen last night while trying to piece this together


One June 28, 2013, WMR reported on another CIA base, the Pinal Air Park/Marana Airfield outside of Tucson, Arizona. It was this facility that drew the interest of retired Boeing 757 and 767 pilot, Iran-contra CIA contractor pilot, and 9/11 author Phil Marshall. In January 2013, the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Department concluded, after a botched investigation, that Marshall shot himself to death after having shot and killed his two teen-age children and the family dog. Pinal is the home to America’s “boneyard” of retired civilian aircraft, including Boeing passenger aircraft. Nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is the home to the boneyard of retired military aircraft. In addition, the CIA and U.S. Special Forces maintain operations at Pinal, the CIA through its contractor, Evergreen International. A former CIA official who was involved in the CIA’s planning of the Iran-contra “arms-for-hostages; Iranian profits for the contras” operation confirmed that Evergreen had a close working relationship with the firm PTech, a firm with connections to the Saudi royal family and Israel’s Mossad and which had contracts to provide computer software support to the Department of Defense, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Justice, FBI, and the Secret Service from 1997 until 9/11. The firm continues to provide software support for classified U.S. military projects.

WMR has learned from a number of sources who are familiar with the operations of Moyock, Harvey Point, and Pinal that the three secret installations played a part in the planning and carrying out of the 9/11 attacks. Pinal provided the Boeing 757 and 767 aircraft that were retrofitted to be flown remotely into the World Trade Center’s North and South Towers. WMR has not confirmed whether the Boeing 757 that crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, was remotely-flown but there were no bodies spotted or recovered by the Somerset County coroner after the crash.

(someone could have fed BS to WMR, but you never know...)

We have a very loving creator who just wants us to be happy. That's it. 

I wish you were right...I wish it were as simple as this.
This Anon remains on the fence when it comes to religion (Christianity, at least). But your post is intriguing..


Evergreen contract is a contract that is renewed automatically or by notice from year to year until canceled by the either party. The renewal can be after completion of the act or maturity. The renewal continues till cancellation.


Time to rock out, fellow Anons....

< iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gvNUiMjuhVE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

i've heard that b4 but couldn't remember the answer, kek
i choose leak as the correct answer for now
If leak is correct, then who had a leak?
hrc r had a leak?
If hrc r had a leak, who was the leak?
We know congress/senate/fbi leaky AF, kek.
all to control narrative, which controls ...
Who gets the leaks and publishes?
How much media pushes the narrative?
Lying #2 300,000,000+ and calling it News, dam near Treason, imo.
Election soon; research/choose great leaders.
Right now, House continues to drag.
Remove the drag, remove nancy/chuck; save Cali
We could research every dem leader or we could simply Vote all dem leaders out, kek
Which dem leader do you Trust?
Which News do you Trust? (90% fake?)
Where do they get their monies?
Why pay for fake news?
Will they be stronger with your money?
Will they))) continue to lie?
a stronger liar in leadership position is more dangerous to our Neighborhoods
schiff, biden, nancy, chuck, ted, etc benefit from fake news, imo
many more also: ohr, strozk, LL, RR, mueller, bho, soros, WHO, hrc, fauci, corney, lisa, huma, podesta(s), weinstein, epstein, bill, etc
sad list but becoming obvious, thankfully; tanks to Gold Star Researchers
the more News Anons push, the moar msm has to keep up or they become irrelevant/obvious.
Normies be like 'how come Anons get all this News but they don't talk about it on tv'.
Newbies be like 'spoopy'.

jus to report, yesterday Anons on 8 saw strange occurrence w Trump twts.
RTs were not showing up on at least 2 Anons twtr timeline.
Original Trump twts were going thru, but not RTs.
i also noticed Trump announcement/twt of next tv appearance did not show up but showed up on other Anon's timeline.
i don't think they want the People tuning in, kek
This is an example of what twtr can/will do, even to POTUS.

2 by sea, meant the british were coming via the water. is this how we start to take out the bad peps. Navy? Marines? oh my say its true <3


'The Luter family sold out USA To China for nearly 5 billion, prob not interested in taking back. Research many other brands owned by Smithfield... John Morrell & Eckrich; 2 of which I won’t buy. I won’t go to an AMC theater either. Milwaukee tools made in USA owned by Chinese too'

'NBC’s @HeidiNBC keeps embarrassing herself again and again with these Fake News stories. 

Everyone can see she is not a journalist. Rather, she is an activist for the Democrats!'
> @HeidiNBC

While they tried and failed to allow people to vote a full week after Election Day in Wisconsin, Democrats are still committed to expanding ballot harvesting and weakening ballot security.

Democrats also want ballots sent to “all registered voters in Nevada,” regardless of whether the voter has moved away. This would increase the number of ballots in circulation far beyond those eligible to vote.

For its primary, Nevada is providing mail-in ballots to active voters, but not inactive ones. Registrations are marked “inactive” only after officials have received reliable information such as from the U.S. Postal Service that the voter has moved and fails to respond to a mailing asking the voter to confirm his or her address.

It is critical that mail-in voting has these safeguards, given fraud is easier by mail, and states are known to have millions of dead and ineligible voters on their rolls.

In 2018 there were over 239,000 inactive voters in Nevada, meaning Democrats want roughly a quarter-million extra ballots floating around during the primary. This would be convenient for their “voter assistance” plans, the Democrats’ euphemistic go-around for ballot harvesting in states where it is banned.

Democrats are using “social distancing” as an excuse to allow campaign operatives to traffic in ballots, and stop the enforcement of crucial voter integrity laws. In Nevada, it is a felony for a person to handle a ballot other than their own. The law already has an exception for a voter to allow an authorized family member to return their ballot, making Democrats’ excuses ring hollow.

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