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They said it was an accident. A joke. To think that the end of the world was caused by a joke. Pathetic huh? But that's what happened. The stage 5 nerds felt so clever and full of themselves, but they didn't realize what they'd made, what they'd unleashed. They had set out to create a memetic superweapon, and they'd succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The trouble was, they didn't realize the full power of what they had created. They were just as susceptible as everyone else. 

It spread rapidly, terraforming society in its wake. It annihilated religions and gender roles. It erased cultures and communities. It paved over cities and towns. In its wake, there were still people–if you could honestly call the things that it left in its wake people–but the civilization was left effectively dead on its feet. 

They were pathetic, useless, hopeless husks, addicted to a number of drugs and carrying out dronelike impersonations of their old lives as they calmly and happily let their world crumble and catch fire around them. It was as if their humanity had been stripped away and left behind carnal disgusting filthy animals. 

Order collapsed rapidly, with the police and militaries becoming just another roaming gang, and the world balkanized at the level of neighborhoods and households at best. Internecine violence was rampant, and the whole situation made your Mad Max movies look calm and tranquil in comparison. 

By the time I was sent back, the situation had grown incredibly grave. The population of the earth had fallen to only several thousand humans, all sterile, all but a small number afflicted.

Long story short: Don't give the memetic warfare people a blank check, it won't end well


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im giving you breadcrumbs to bootstrap from virginity to chadhood

it's post-munchhausens (trilemma and syndrome). you cannot logically overcome autism, but you can self-overcome via will-to-power.

would you rather wallow in this wretched tranny-hive or ascend to save The West

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From a Rolf Degen tweet

"Machiavellists and psychopaths saw greater dangers in artificial intelligence, projecting their own malicious streaks onto the concept."

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Framing the issue of AI safety as "of course the machiavellian STEM autists would project their own failings onto AI" frees critics from the burden of having to think about Omohundro drives and instead plays to their strengths of armchair psychologizing and sneering at bad greys.

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I have an IQ of 127, verbal IQ 130+, non-verbal IQ 114. When I was 19, I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At 22, I started to think about being childfree because my kid could get a mental illness. At 25, I failed a philosophy course and did some digging. I found a document from the year 2000 saying that I had a learning disability, not otherwise specified. I called the psychologist after reading about it on the Internet, and she and I agreed that it's probably non-verbal learning disability, meaning right hemisphere deficit. I failed a test of short term visual memory. I could not reproduce a simple picture after seeing it. 

I got the highest mark on my English exam in high school, and I was 3 years ahead in math. I got great marks for the first two years of university, and then fell apart in the third. I got a D in Calculus III. Ended up on academic probation twice. I also could never solve a Rubicks cube, I failed my driving test three times, and I've been in 2 car accidents. I now finally understand why. I was told that I "grew out of" my learning disability since my reading and math eventually exceeded the other kids' abilities. However, what actually happened is that my left hemisphere just got used to doing double duty. The excessive left hemisphere dominance is hereditary. Most conservatives tend to be left hemisphere dominant, and because I am extremely left hemisphere dominant, I became a hereditarian, right wing, HBD, NRx, alt-right extremist. 

I now understand why I thought that way. I am a hereditarian for hereditarian reasons. If I had a child, there is a 60% chance it would have a mental illness and/or learning disability, so I am getting sterilized in 1 year. I have 1 year to think about it. The economy does not need anymore people with soft right hemispheres or mental illnesses. Human beings are nothing more than factors of production. 

Welcome to the urban future.
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> Do you think your own life was bad? Do you think your own life is not worth living?

I just don't think that people who need medication to survive before age 30 should breed. I shouldn't be here. 30% of bipolar people kill themselves before age 30. I'm not against adopting kids. I attempted suicide when I was 15. Why would I want to bring a disabled kid into a job market of 9 billion people by mid century? I really wanted to have kids, but if I can only have 1, and if it's going to be disabled, fuck it. 

As for the learning disability, it's just autism spectrum. 


> The divorce rate of normies is already over 50% for starters. Then consider that statistics about divorce rates can vary a huge amount if you are talking about males or females. Etc.
> The divorce rate of normies is already over 50% for starters. Then consider that statistics about divorce rates can vary a huge amount if you are talking about males or females. Etc.

Yeah, but I'm not a university graduate. The best I could do at this point would be maybe an English or biology degree, graduating at around 30. It would suck. Since I'm not a uni grad, the woman I would probably marry would be a non-uni grad, so the divorce rate would be elevated. 

Also, remember that my non-verbal IQ is only 114.

> 30% of bipolar people kill themselves before age 30.
This statistic doesn't seem weird to you?
If you really believe that Bipolar disorder is genetic, and that they are so unsuccessful at life and relationships… Well then why the hell haven't they already gone extinct? Why does it need your help to remove it from the gene pool? It seems to be doing such a good job at that already. Your beliefs are not consistent.

>  if it's going to be disabled, fuck it.
Again, mental illnesses are nowhere near as heritable as you seem to think. Your kid would have a slightly increased risk.

> I just don't think that people who need medication to survive before age 30 should breed. 
This is a weird belief to me. I wear glasses. I can only see a short distance without them. In the ancestral environment I would be at a severe disadvantage. Yet this condition is easily fixed with modern technology so who cares?

Additionally it's worth noting that all of these things may be "diseases of civilization". There's no way, that in our natural environment, such a high percentage of humans need glasses or have depression or bipolar disorder. There's some theories that these things might be caused by our unnatural way of life. E.g. lack of exposure to sunlight seems to correlate with both depression and nearsightedness. Our diets are way different and we are way more sedentary.

> My non-verbal IQ is *only* one standard deviation above average.
You are well above average even in your worst category. You are fine. Verbal IQ is what matters anyway.

> Since I'm not a uni grad, the woman I would probably marry would be a non-uni grad, so the divorce rate would be elevated. 
For the love of god, stop living your life around questionable statistics.

> This statistic doesn't seem weird to you?

Sorry, what I meant to say is 30% of UNMEDICATED bipolar people kill themselves. 

> If you really believe that Bipolar disorder is genetic, and that they are so unsuccessful at life and relationships… Well then why the hell haven't they already gone extinct?

My family is full of rich people. People with some but not all of the genes are successful. 

> Why does it need your help to remove it from the gene pool?

It' self removing.

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