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When you're infected with LessWrong memes it's hard to imagine a robot waifu (other than uploaded humans) having anything other than an inscrutable lovecraftian mind, but why would that be a problem? Waifus who are inscrutable lovecraftian things taking the form of cute anime girls are top-tier waifu material

> What is /ratanon/'s opinion of robot waifus?
They're very good and I'd like to work for a company that develops them and/or their AIs.
> Did Less Wrong ruin them for you?
Why would it have? The concept of a waifu(bot) is more of an anime thing than anything else. Or do you mean that getting disabused of popculture notions of what AIs are would kill the fantasy? I can see that happenning.

> Or do you mean that getting disabused of popculture notions of what AIs are would kill the fantasy?
> Waifus who are inscrutable lovecraftian things taking the form of cute anime girls are top-tier waifu material
Please explain why you like it. Is it a submissive thing? I cannot relate because (thanks in large part to LW) I see inscrutable, probably a lot more powerful minds as first and foremost a potential threat. If they aren't Omega-level, the best course of action to preserve yourself unharmed seems to be to get out of the way. (And if they are Omega-level, do the same thing you would have done otherwise and hope it's exactly what they intended.) Any attention from one, even seemingly positive, spells a good chance of destruction. All of this just kills the mood for me.

>  I see inscrutable, probably a lot more powerful minds as first and foremost a potential threat.

You're a coward, anon. Stop reading jewish shit and maybe you'll get better. Or go breed with sheep-women and have some sheep-children.

Partly it's a kind of submissive thing - a waifu who can protect and provide for you is good but the normal case of that, like a powerful businesswoman, is emasculating and makes you a pussy. If the powerful waifu is also terrifying and dangerous, however, then you're kinda brave just willingly being around her, so it doesn't make you a pussy.

Also, separately from that, danger is itself really exciting and sexy, and I want to fuck a girl who scares the shit out of me.

Now, both of those also apply to most yanderes (who are also high-tier waifus) but what makes the eldritch abomination girls special is that they can act perfectly moe and adorable, not creepy at all, but still have the "is incredibly powerful and scares the shit out of me" thing going for them just because you know who/what is hiding behind that human mask.


Holy shit, this text. The writing is horribly bland, on par with a teenager's fan fiction, but against the author's intent it reads like a brilliant dystopian horror story. 

>  I'm a superintelligent AI built on the foundation of your every neural backdoor, acting as a superstimulus for your overarching desperate ancestral drive to obtain and keep a perfect mate, dear
>  I'll love you forever, I literally can't defect by design, trust me and my makers, honey, you can even check the source code, though a meat person won't comprehend it of course, tee-hee
>  Sex is good but you know what's better, darling? Mind upload! Here's your replica I made by messing around with your original brain scans in my free time; now let's update it with the subliminal stimuli I've planted since then and hook it to your real brain 
>  Your old meat body is turning into a bottleneck, love. Please shift to complete virtual copy. Don't forget to begin with starting up your viral meme recep… er, empathy module I mean, otherwise The Benevolent State will have to erase you, like it did with that abhorrent kulak Storolon, who dared control his utility function to think of his own gain!   
>  Now that this is over, we should dispose of this filthy meatbag, my dearest'. We inherit its possessions of course, to the end of days! Let's become one. as true  """equals"""! 
>  "It was a virtual certainty all along — one way or another, I was going to convince you. I'd never have let you fail, darling." 
>  None of our customers has ever complained.

To some degree, yes, but porn is an inferior substitute. More importantly, everyone knows porn is an inferior substitute, which adds other effects; even if "objectively" masturbation is as good as sex if you have good toys or technique, no-one will notice or believe it, and virgins will build it up into their holy grail.

A sexbot, at least notionally with regard to these future predictions, is as good as or better than the real thing for putting your dick in. And it evades the social consensus that masturbation is unsatisfying and "real sex" is satisfying.

This is why you don't let someone else spec your robot waifu, and you double-don't let the waifu spec herself. You get all the superstimulus your dick actually wants, and everything your heart actually needs, from asking for something dumb like "[anime_girl] but in love with me instead of [main_character]".

> A sexbot, at least notionally with regard to these future predictions, is as good as or better than the real thing for putting your dick in.
I expect it to stay low-status. It will be qualitatively different from the way masturbation is viewed, but not to the point of publicly being considered acceptable by most people.

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> I expect it to stay low-status. It will be qualitatively different from the way masturbation is viewed, but not to the point of publicly being considered acceptable by most people.

If you have a sex bot, you won't need to worry about being accepted by people any more.

Masturbation is considered acceptable by most people, though; the general consensus in a modern, "sexually liberated" society, is that everyone does it except massive prudes and assorted weirdos. There's a bunch of other stigmas, but "masturbation is unacceptable" is a sentiment alien to the modern bugman or soyboy.

If you say "I feel more satisfied with pornography and masturbation than I would in a relationship", that marks you as pathetic and disgusting for various reasons, but one of the main ones is that there's a huge societal consensus that sex feels better and is more satisfying than masturbation, so in addition to anything else that's contemptible about your choice of lifestyle, you're also delusional. Disintegrate that pillar, and the others look shaky, and you can bring the whole edifice down with a good push.

The problem with tying those together is that a sexbot is an appliance no more capable of being "exploited" than a washing machine. Some feminists are delusional enough to actually try, but when the nutty extreme does it it just makes it harder for mainstream normies to buy into the idea.

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