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Once you have taken the redpill and realized how stupid and evil women's mating preferences really are (the hypergamy, the hybristophilia, the serial monogamy, the attraction to dark triad traits, the fact that five minutes of alpha is worth five years of beta… basically everything Scott admitted was in "Radicalizing the Romanceless" [http://web.archive.org/web/20140901014000/http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/08/31/radicalizing-the-romanceless/]) there really are only three coherent responses.

1. The traditional patriarchal response: Women, like children, are clearly too stupid, short-sighted, and impulsive to make their own sexual choices. They must be kept under close supervision from puberty to marriage, and in particular never left alone with a male who is not a member of her family. When she marries, it will be to a man of her social class who is of good character and has some means to support himself, as selected by her father (or, if the father is dead, her oldest brother). If something like dating is to be part of the courtship, chaperones are an absolute must; everyone in trad societies knows what happens when two people of opposite genders are alone together.

This, of course, is how the West dealt with the problem until very recently. And it is still how the Muslims, who make up one fifth of the world population, solve the problem.

2. The principled individualist libertarian response: Women have the right to make their own choices, just like everyone else. This will predictably result in women who have five bastards by five different baby daddies and no way to support themselves (see the black community), but that's their own fault and it is no one else's obligation to support them. If the bastards starve in gutters, not out problem. And if nice, smart, hard working men continue to be lonely virgins into their 30s, that's the price of freedom; there is no positive obligation on the part of women to sleep with productive men instead of violent criminals.

This is what we tried first when we got rid of patriarchy. It wasn't stable; it turns out that people are simply not hard-hearted enough to allow bastards and sluts to starve in the rain when faced with sad pictures of them crying and suffering. This inevitably leads to…

3. The modern progressive liberal response: Women have the right to make their own choices, just like everyone else. When their riding of the cock carousel predictably result in them having five bastards by five different baby daddies, they should be celebrated as heroic single mothers and we should steal money from responsible, productive, hard-working men at gunpoint to supply them with welfare, food stamps, and housing. If these same responsible, productive, hard-working men complain about how they are footing the bill for irresponsible, unproductive sluts and sexy bad boys while remaining lonely virgins themselves, shame them for being nice guys who are worse than Hitler and destroy their reputation and their ability to make a living.

This is where we are now. And, predictably, birth rates are collapsing, more and more men are giving up on hard work in favor of playing video games and smoking pot in mom's basement, and women who are holding chad thundercock's baby in one arm and can't get a date are left wondering "Where have all the good men gone?" Basic income shills are basically trying to push this even harder, stealing from anybody who is even minimally tax-positive and redistributing it to thots and chads so they can fuck away their lives on our dime (no wonder Scott the cuck supports it).

This seems to be unstable as well, if only on the societal level; at this rate, it is only a matter of time until our societies weaken enough that Arabs conquer us (indeed, they are already conquering Western Europe), at which point we will be back to patriarchy.

What, then, is to be done?


If you want to raise this point publicly (risky and won't change anything), consider framing it in a more palatable way, like: 

" Evidence shows that the female intersexual strategy, if not restrained through social nudges and/or woman's individual moral agency, is directly harmful to individuals (most men) and societies. It also indirectly harms women in the long run by stimulating the rise of violent misogyny and right-wing authoritarianism. The public is only partially aware of this; most people can identify Chads (20%), Nice Guys (50%) and Incels (30%), most people know that looks and money play an important role, but most don't grasp the depth of the problem: that according to research, male personality's role is literally negligible, that attraction to Chads doesn't ensure good genes for children, that various degrees of hybristophilia are shockingly common in women, and that they are hardwired to perceive men as a disposable sex. We can still, however, bring the best in us and achieve harmony by re-establishing the assortative monogamous social contract… "

…which won't happen. And even if we could solve the contemporary problem of female chauvinism, would you accept all the risks of marriage/fatherhood and feel genuinely fulfilled with someone who fundamentally loves in such an opportunistic way - first for what, and later for who you are? Feminism, rather than spoiling the good nature of women, showed us the uncomfortable truth about the selective nature of female sexual strategy and its consequences. Enjoy the decline. 

PS. I think that we should be thankful for Scott's great deal of diverse and valuable intellectual work rather than call him a cuck. While his polysplaining and staying relatively silent on many intersexual dynamics remains a great mystery, he's an unmarried, asexual, mostly jealousy-free person dating in the Bay Area, so he doesn't match the typical characteristics of a cuck (a submissive straight man humiliating himself in order to get the crumbs of attention and transactional sex from his insatiable wife). UBI is still our best solution for automation - large corporations will be taxed first, and $1k monthly might be life-saving for millions of NEETs.

> turning betas into traps 
Turning men into tall, strong, big-breasted futas (can fuck each other, can reproduce with each other, minimal dysphoria) and sunsetting the two legacy sexes. Sexual selection has outlived its usefulness. If you can't figure out the reproduction, then you deploy artificial wombs.

simple solution: sterilize EVERYONE, like with an extremely contagious airborne retrovirus or something,  specifically engineered to be easily reversible with like one pill that is akshully extremely hard to manufacture (by which i mean it should be super hard to set up the factory, but the manufacture of the pill itself should be scalable af), just so that it'd be available only in the one distribution channel, which should be: the genehacking clinics that should be on every street corner in the world 

Those clinics MUST be completely free of charge and ask no question: anyone whosoever who wants to opt-in to fertility gets a catalog of genetic edits with a box to sign (and an X or a fingerprint is a valid signature), checks the edits you want in the catalog and signs in the box. The first option is "civilization package": Von Neumann level smart + nearly Williams Syndrome cooperatebottery

EVERY option we will, by then, know how to edit should be in the catalog, including warrior gene and Down's Syndrome, just because freedom of choice AND who tf are YOU to choose what's good or not anyway (and the people stupid enough to want those are not going to go to the last pages of the catalog anyway, kekekekek)

women don't WANT to have five idiot kids by uncivilizable retards anyway, that only ever happens because they're too stupid to take the pill regularly

this satisfies hedonism AND maximal choice AND trivially inconveniences dysgenics, which is largely sufficient to prevent every social problem that already exists and could possibly get worse

>  inb4 "but but we don't have that level of genetics knowledge yet": by the time we can engineer the retrovirus we WILL HAVE IT kekekeke

>  inb4 "but but the genehacking clinics errywhere won't happen in countries that are shithole-poor malthusian hellscapes": yes, that's a problem solved.


> inb4 "but but what if the virus doesn't reach everywhere in the world fast enough" doesn't matter, if there are one million von neumann cooperatebots in the world within 20yrs then they'll solve that problem way the fuck before it becomes an issue.

come on, find me ONE flaw with this plan. (besides "we can't do it yet")

> it'd be available only in the one distribution channel
Existential risk here we go
>  nearly Williams Syndrome cooperatebottery
If you're modelling it after Williams syndrome you'll get people irrationally trusting and helping whoever they're close to this moment, not people acting eusocially for the common good
> and the people stupid enough to want those are not going to go to the last pages of the catalog anyway, kekekekek
Won't work that way, you do know people talk to each other right?
> largely sufficient to prevent every social problem that already exists
Only because you assume it's both possible to solve those problems with genetics and keep it that way - evolution will still exist
> by the time we can engineer the retrovirus we WILL HAVE IT kekekeke
We're experimenting with spreading infertility through mosquitoes right now
>  > inb4 "but but the genehacking clinics errywhere won't happen in countries that are shithole-poor malthusian hellscapes": yes, that's a problem solved.
Why even bother with the ""maximal choice"" pretense?
> besides "we can't do it yet"
That's a big fucking flaw, especially if you remove the "yet"

Your plan is both morally abhorrent and badly thought out


>  stupid and evil

just admit it already that the only problem you have with female choice is simply just that it never falls on you, for some oh-so-mysterious reason ( which is not what you think and btw, hint: https://ghostbin.com/paste/k68rb/raw )

>  pics related

okay, real talk: the "hot stacies who fuck chads"? in the US? they're poor, overweight, and overwhelmingly black. You wouldn't give the time of day to the kind of women that low-class or soon-to-be low-class chads fuck so much they get five kids all from different dudes. (And if you're delusional enough to think you'd be okay with a trad wife from a massively different background, go to Malaysia already and buy+marry yourself a muslim virgin. If you don't have $10k you're too poor to get married anyway, let alone have kids)

You don't get hot cis chicks in your bubble because there are no hot cis chicks in your bubble. Go take a yoga class. Or, in university, sign up for shrinkery or pediatriciannery instead of computorz.

I get that image boards should have some degree of therapeutic edginess, but doing this in excess may overwhelm the core, mostly serious discussion.

>  the "hot stacies who fuck chads"? in the US? they're poor, overweight, and overwhelmingly black.
"Stacy" is usually defined as a woman with top 20-30% attractiveness, whereas black women are, on average, rated as least attractive and therefore in the worst position to compete for chads. The rise in female promiscuity, as well as pickiness (driven by hypergamy) are general characteristics encompassing women from different backgrounds, responsible for the Pareto distribution of male dating success.

> Von Neumann level smart
> nearly Williams Syndrome cooperatebottery
Thanks, but instead I'd like tit-for-tat and immunity to virtue signaling. What would that be, very mild autism?

On a completely unrelated note, I do not like that people make their "inb4s" greentext. They didn't use to.

> cooperate good
Who would win?
An extremely complex strategy refined over the course of millennia by natural selection, containing a careful mix of cooperation of competition, with a proven track record of elevating its agent class from scratching at dirt to undisputed dominion over their home planet,
"return Cooperate;"

What you described is the sad reality of (re)tropicalization of the West. Welfare has made the modern West Africa 2.0, hence people evolve to behave more and more like Africans.

For true temperate people like us it is of course hell for under mango trees and coconut trees there is no room for hard-working and intelligent temperate people.

As I said before, let's all work on AGI or transhumanism. I would rather have a dead world full of bots alone than a tropical world where everything is like Africa.

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Don't y'all realize how ugh, cringe and yikes y'all are? Me and all my friends over on reddit are laughing and sneering at y'all, look:


If you pee pee poo poo manbabies don't stop being offensive you'll never be as cool as we are, I hope you learn your lesson after getting owned so hard by us redditors.

The problem was that the fetish didn't fit organically into the world of the story. Star Trek with rape succeeds at making the Star Trek crew stranger, but it is still a weird out of place element of the setting. What are some more fitting fetishes can you put in a standard rationalist SF fic?

I think there are ways to make this fetish fit organically into the work, using only a modest amount of extra exposition. There were reasonable-sounding defenses in the sneered-at /r/rational thread:
But I don't think you should trust yourself to write a fetish you yourself have into something that isn't porn. It makes it that much harder to take the outside view.

I think it wasn't, and honestly it doesn't take a genius to understand the implication that they don't associate non-consensual sex with violence or degrading experiences. Given that 99% of the time Big Yud explains his ideas in an excruciatingly condescending and drawn-out manner, I appreciate this one case of letting the reader put in some effort.

I've said it before, but I think Yudkowsky's Brendan-verse rationalist SF, where they dress up in robes and then let the new initiate solve probability math puzzles under time pressure, could be easily adapted into Yudkowsky's real-life math-pet play…

Come on. As  >>/6559/ says, it's pretty obvious how rape/non-consensual sex fits cleanly into the worldview of the characters.

Honestly I think it was actually *too* obvious; the non-consensual sex legalization thing wasn't *that* weird. I can certainly imagine arguments why it's fine and good. (analogies to non-consensual tickling, say) If he really wanted to show the weirdness of the future, for me it would have worked better if he had done something even more unsettling and with less explanation. Like, just for example, the death jockeys in Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect.

But again, even if you're too stupid to understand how non-consensual sex fits into the worldview of the TWC people, that shouldn't even matter: The point of that story element was to show that the future is weird, not to, like, argue that rape should be legalized. A "more fitting fetish" would be less weird and thus fail at the purpose of making the crew seem strange and alien to us. Being "out of place" for Star Trek is the point, being unsettling and uncomfortable is the point.

Certainly I didn't like the ending (the main characters' actions were almost maximally evil) but I thought it was a good story anyway.

The author's other story, Passages in the Void, is much better though.

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> And finally, what about romance worries? In the college dating scene, you have the top 70% of attractive females chasing the top 30% of alpha bad boys. You’ve been lied to all your life that girls want a nice, sweet guy and this depresses you since you’ve only recently worked that out. This is why you’re playing Equestria Online on a Friday night instead of dating. Uploading would solve this problem. You already know that Butterscotch wants a nice, sweet pony. She is exactly what you want in a partner. She is thinking proof that I can satisfy your values through friendship and ponies.


Based Iceman tells it like it is.

There is so much wrong with this, it's hard to know how to respond. I'll go easy on you.

> Once you have taken the redpill and realized how stupid and evil women's mating preferences really are (the hypergamy, the hybristophilia, the serial monogamy, the attraction to dark triad traits, the fact that five minutes of alpha is worth five years of beta… basically everything Scott admitted was in "Radicalizing the Romanceless" [http://web.archive.org/web/20140901014000/http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/08/31/radicalizing-the-romanceless/]) there really are only three coherent responses.

> So, Scott's problem is he an insecure loser who overthinks his way out of everything, instead of looking at his own flaws. You're using concepts and applying them to all your own experiences of women way out of wack, probably because you're a loser too. Every guy like you so obsessed with this shit is a fucking loser.

> This is where we are now. And, predictably, birth rates are collapsing, more and more men are giving up on hard work in favor of playing video games and smoking pot in mom's basement, and women who are holding chad thundercock's baby in one arm and can't get a date are left wondering "Where have all the good men gone?" Basic income shills are basically trying to push this even harder, stealing from anybody who is even minimally tax-positive and redistributing it to thots and chads so they can fuck away their lives on our dime (no wonder Scott the cuck supports it).

> This seems to be unstable as well, if only on the societal level; at this rate, it is only a matter of time until our societies weaken enough that Arabs conquer us (indeed, they are already conquering Western Europe), at which point we will be back to patriarchy.

There is so much wrong with this it would actually be harmful to try correcting any of it. That would validate the idea you shouldn't be shamed. That's because you're clearly obsessed with your own virility, and can't handle the fact society doesn't validate you as a man the way you want. That's nothing to do with being a man. That's just you being a crazy, self-absorbed wimp. You're obviously full of shit, it would take too long to even insult you as much as you deserve.

I'll leave it as saying that what needs to be done is that you need to shut up and live your life differently. Then, when you're the kind of person who can do your own part for society, and you're enough of a real boy that anyone would respect you, you can talk about how people might vote differently to change society, like a normal person.I'm sure you think democracy is incorrigible, and it's all doom and gloom, and some kind of strongman needs to stage a coup. It would take too long to go over why all the ways you'd want that to go suck as well, so I'll leave it as pointing out what needs to be done is for you to go fuck yourself.

I don't think OP is obviously full of shit. Please respond substantially or else just post a smug anime girl. You are doing yourself and everybody else a disservice when you say nothing in a fairly long post.

I don't think it's bait. My guess is it's someone from the Sneer Club thread. It's entirely lacking in /ratanon/ ingroup signals, but also missing the deliberate outgroup signals that you'd find in a standard bait.

If you're just calling people a "jew" as an insult without it meaning anything, get in line. There was a kid in high school who ran around calling everyone who pissed him off "jews". Maybe you think it's edgier with the political tensions all heightened these days, but it's still a lame insult.Get some new material.

Faulty reasoning. It could well be assumed that this place is a haven for rationalists especially intolerant of Jewish influence, and thus not subject to this distribution. Importantly, I'd say that the entire post-rationalism is in part a reaction against the typically formulaic, presumptions, doctrinal Jewish reasoning. Guru Yudkowsky with his cult of rationality follows in the footsteps of Freud, who attempted to roleplay Moshiah of "rational, spiritual bullshit-free" psychology, and Marx, who rationalized political economy with ostensibly novel materialism. When a significant number of non-deluded, high-IQ gentile rationalists discovered that they're effectively asked to sheepishly repeat tribal shibboleths and mantras instead of understanding new true facts about their minds, the world and logical inference, some of them rebelled. 

This is also why Scott is not nearly as controversial. Openly and proudly a Jew, he compartmentalizes his ethnic culture (Kabbalah etc.) from his general reasoning, and has enough humility to achieve rapport with Gentiles.

So your argument is that Yud follows in the footsteps of Freud and Marx, who in turn wrote within a "formulaic, doctrinal" Jewish tradition, and that SSC-aligned postrationalists reject this tradition? I'm not convinced of any step of that chain.

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Okay anons, listen up, cuz I'm only gonna explain this once.

What's the most important word in the goddamn English language? If you answered "hypergamy" then congratulations, you're not a fucking bluepill. Everybody else better look up their old schools right now and ask for a refund because they didn't learn shit. This is fucking birds and bees kindergarten shit. You guys make a lot of sperm which you can spew after about a minute of effort, goddamn bunch of limpdicked quickshots. Bitches have to devote over 9 MONTHS to making a baby. So a man can have a basically unlimited number of children as long as he can find new women to keep on mating, while females have a very real limit on the number of fatherless bastards they can push out of their used up cunts before their uteruses dry out and they hang around for another 40 years waiting to die of old age. With me so far?

So the ideal male strategy is to impregnate as many females as possible. No shit. We all knew that already; that's why it is every guy's dream to score a threesome at least once in his life, and that's why lesbians are hot while fags are just fucking disgusting. Okay, so we all know this part; so far so good.

The part that most of us DON'T know about is the other half. The ideal female strategy. It consists of always finding the "best" male at any given moment. What's "best"? "Best" can take many form. Bitches love muscles, money, age, height, extroversion, power, and status. High quantities of any of this shit is like fucking viagra to them. But another thing they love is attractiveness. "But anon," you ask, "how can you be attracted to attractiveness itself?" Well, Timmy, I know it can be hard to grasp how truly fucked up the female mind is, but you've gotta stop drooling on the floor for a minute and make a fucking try. Are we clear? Good little retard!

See, there's this thing here called "pre-selection," which basically means that bitches are attracted to men that other females find attractive. Why? Because if this alpha guy is pulling all the bitches in this easily, then any son of his is ALSO gonna be scoring chicks like there is no tomorrow, spreading her genes even wider than she spreads her legs for alpha cock. This ties back to what we covered already; one male can service hundreds of females, but one female cannot have children by more than a handful of males. So bitches love to share, and seeing how attractive "their" guy is to other females gets them wetter than a nigger at a Popeye's opening day.


This means that females reproduce by default, because unless a women is truly hideous, there isn't a red blooded male who isn't going to take one quick minute to impregnate the bitch. By contrast, males are divided into two very distinct groups. The 99% betas are destined to forever struggle for reproduction, perhaps raping one of the alpha's bitches while his back is turned, or lucking out and capturing a nice war bride after a successful battle with those bastards from accross the river (her husband was killed in the figthing, not that she will mind in a year or two). Meanwhile the 1% alphas get to impregnate all the women, which makes them sexier, which continues the fucking cycle, literally. In the world of sex, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Now this is the tricky part. A lot of men who get this far think that the answer is to teach everybody "game" and that as long as we can all be masterful PUAs, we can keep our bitches in line. This doesn't work because hypergamy is RELATIVE. It doesn't fucking MATTER how rich you are in absolute terms, if you own your own house and car while a middle age peasant barely owned his shit-stained underwear. All that matters to bitches is wether there are any men around who have it even better than you, in which case the cycle begins anew. That's why no matter how rich we become, we keep working just as hard in 40 hour jobs and 10 hour commutes; because we are not REALLY working for shit like food or electronics, which are cheap, but for bitches and status, which are zero-sum. They will always be scarce and we will always have to compete for them.

An important corollary to this is that females simply don't have the capacity to really fall in love. They just gina tingle. The moment you lose your job or otherwise get kicked out of your station in life, you can kiss the girl of your dreams goodbye. She didn't fall in love with you; she fell in love with what you had. It made her excited, and when the excitement is gone and she is unhaaaaaapy, she will just leave, taking your kids, half your stuff, alimony, child support, and your will to live. Then she finds some other high-status guy to get hitched to and thus continues the great fucking circle of life. In the old days, when marriage was actually meant to last forever and a divorce meant social suicide, female hypergamy was kept in check. They might still cheat and cuckold their hard-working beta boyfriends behind their backs with an alpha baby, but at least they had to hide it and fear getting caught. Not anymore. Everytime you talk to a non-virgin single whore as she were a fucking human being, and every time you don't kick loose sluts with a litter of bastards out of your neighborhood, you are hastening the collapse of civilization. Good going, anons.

If you wrote this anon, you should make a blog where you retell the sequences.

> A lot of men who get this far think that the answer is to teach everybody "game" and that as long as we can all be masterful PUAs, we can keep our bitches in line. This doesn't work because hypergamy is RELATIVE. It doesn't fucking MATTER how rich you are in absolute terms, if you own your own house and car while a middle age peasant barely owned his shit-stained underwear. 
Women are adaptation executors, not fitness maximizers. It makes sense that they perceive social status as relative because it is. That does not mean women's perception of men's smooth moves/dominance/personality/call it what you will is also zero-sum, or that status is important compared to personality. Teaching men game would almost certainly be positive-sum and eliminate a large percentage of incels. Another way to say it is that status seems to be something like 95% relative (the remainder is not living in a way that provokes an immediate disgust reaction, like being smeared with shit), but perceived smoothness/dominance/interestingness is only 30%-70% relative.

To that I should add that another famously doctrinal, buzzword-filled project of fostering "rationality" in Goyim was Objectivism; except Rand probably didn't consider herself Moshiach. As for SSC-aligned people, this place is at the far fringes of their cluster, so my theory applies to ratanons rather than to all of SSC crowd. Regarding your disbelief, I honestly don't care.

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