/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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It's cool that there is still activity on this board sometimes. Well, since it's slow and the real /pol/ is fatally compromised, how about a political thread?

One of the main reasons I wanted to start this board was to be able to post lolicon manga unlike at 4chan. Another was clearly to provide a platform if anyone ever had an unpopular opinion censored in the TSF community (i.e. whistle-blowing about shitty TSF creators.) But I guess the drama has mellowed out a bit?

So since there isn't much activity I guess we could talk about politics a little. Originally I planned on being neutral and hands-off if the forum ever picked up enough people, but it's just the tumbleweeds here.

I never thought of myself as a conservative, but I have gradually moved further and further left. I still strongly believe in protecting the freedom to argue. Although I do somewhat regret mocking transgendered people too much for what I saw as over-sensitivity and their unwillingness to argue. I guess I might owe some people a mild apology? I just really hated political correctness, axioms, speech codes, and rules.

That said, I hate fascism and the resurgence of "white nationalism." So it has felt strange to be running a board within a board at a site that houses /pol/, where you'll get banned for contradicting a mad dictator. I think stupid people dwell there, and see no reason in posting there, knowing only far-right views are permitted.

It has been painful and sad to watch the descent of these alternate chans into alt-right stupidity, along with much of the anime and videogame loving internet that seemed so cheerful once. Anime has caused me to be less prejudiced, so I really expected that the love of drawings drawn by foreigners would have the same effect on other people over time. I just hope it'll just be a fad, and that most of the frogmen will eventually learn enough to grow out of it, and to be embarrassed at what they used to think.
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> Marshall Brain's Manna
I also think we will need UBI. Automation will destroy many peoples' livelihoods, but the gains will flow disproportionately to the very rich. 3 billionaires in America already have as much wealth as 50% of Americans, and it's only getting worse. I cannot believe that a society which could land a man on the moon cannot address poverty, give every kid an cheap computer with an internet connection, or switch to renewable resources. 

It's to those apathetic overlords and the corrupt system they built that ire and resistance should be directed, rather than poorer and more helpless "outsiders." Resource scarcity comes from people who refuse to share. 

That's why I don't think "right-wing populism" (walls and apartheid) is the answer. "Left-wing populism" (reforming or abolishing capitalism) is closer to the best path.

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I've decided to highlight this thread in light of recent events. After 3 mass shootings with manifestos posted at 8chan in the last year, unfortunately, one case has finally happened at tiny Endchan. All the shooters were by right-wing extremists motivated by racism, ultranationalism, and stupid intolerance.

There is an ongoing problem on the image boards with right-wing terrorism triggered by racism, alternate facts, and echo chambers. (It all worsened when 8chan created echo chambers that banned anyone who was left of Adolf Hitler.)  

I don't know how to reverse the radicalization process. I contacted the admin of this site once, but he refused to let me have /news/ (I think it's because he's an alt-righter). So instead, the white supremacist who polices /pol/ also got it, and as you can currently see, he deletes tons of threads that don't fit his racist Nazi agenda.

Although I've argued against their stupid lies for years, the Nazis themselves are so far gone they don't seem to listen anyone, or any facts. Clearly they need to develop compassion, but you can't really do that at an image board where anonymity runs supreme. All I know is I don't want them to continue to gain ground, or for them to continue to weaponize anime until no one can look at anime avatars or hentai forums without associating them with Nazi shooters.

There are some people who still find this board useful, so it would be unfair to unilaterally delete it. But I also don't enjoy helping Nazis to masturbate for free. I don't want to encourage young people to frequent boards where they're more likely to self-radicalize until they murder innocent people. Therefore, I'm probably going to let this board continue to decay after this.

I might even sticky this, because I now think young people should avoid the image boards. Laugh at this trigger warning all you want, but telling impressionable people to avoid going to /pol/ might save lives. The political boards here will make you hate everyone, and cause you to lose sources of happiness. Hardly anything said by most of the posters there will be true, and you'll be exposed mostly to untrue lies and statistics from Nazi propaganda sites. Every Nazi "shitposter" I've met at Endchan was grossly uninformed and much stupider than me. And I'm afraid they'll edge one of you on into sacrificing your one life just so they can have a few chuckles at your expense. 

It's just not worth visiting the other boards at Endchan or at most image boards. It's just too risky, as a certain percentage of people will certainly become radicalized by the huge Nazi presence. There's nothing even fun about seeing the boring arguments resuscitated from the 1940s. There's nothing good to see, so don't waste your time.

But then again, if that doesn't convince you I can debate some "white nationalists" here. I don't think it'll make much difference, but if having a pointless circular argument keeps a few Nazis from murdering someone for just a few more minutes, well, I'm sure a lot of victims would rather live for a few more minutes.


Since you janny trannies suspended me from 4chan once I completely laid bare your ineptitude in spouting your emotional, media-driven nonsense, here we go:

One of the 3 shooters had a white nationalist agenda. One of them was a crazy lefty who came out of a polyamorous relationship. This was openly written by his Ex-fake girlfriend. Bitch is totally unapologetic.

What all of these shooters had in common was that they were young men with no future in sight. They run our countries to the ground, gaslight us every day telling us we need more of clown world and being against that is "racist, sexist, homophobic".

And you have the audacity claiming online "white nationalists", the only ones providing these kids with an outlook in their lives, are responsible for the shootings?

Guess what? The establishment wants these atrocities to happen. None of our first Israeli president's puppet masters cares what happens to the cattle in a Walmart. But it sure is a great excuse to crack down on civil liberties. The same way you crack down on free speech on these forums, because the shooters post on here in addition to mainstream social media sites and because you can't think more than one corner ahead.

No, instead you make up constructs in your mind how the "Nazis" have no facts and how the pathetic lies about events, the scientism and the catch phrases the MSM has filled your head with are the final truth.

You probably have had experience with Judeo-Conservative cucks and other controlled opposition outgrowths that are incapable of a consistent world view. But in an open forum lefties and Judeo-Conservatives never win against what is the so-called "alt right".

But why does all of this even matter? What happened to chan culture and just sharing porn? You have a serious case of Trump derangement syndrome after all.

> But I also don't enjoy helping Nazis to masturbate for free. 
Do you really think that someone who came to EndChan thanks to your board is going to be radicalized into going out and shooting up a mosque for the white race? TSF fans are likely less violent than average and TSF itself probably has a deradicalizing effect on young males, at least as far populist right-wing ideology goes. That is not an ideology that through technological progress and social liberty will allow you to be the little girl. Aside from that, any serious loli TF enthusiast has read Moldbug and knows that right-wing terrorism doesn't advance right-wing causes. What immediately comes to their mind after a shooting like the NZ one is https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2011/07/right-wing-terrorism-as-folk-activism/.

> That said, I hate fascism and the resurgence of "white nationalism."
White people can't survive without nations of their own due to recessive genetics, so you hate White people, move to Haiti and/or KYS.

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Let's post whenever you come to this board to generate activity. 

Respect our constitution!


Since this is my first post I should layout why we badly need this board because some of you don't get it. First of all, Mao Zedong said "Let 100 flowers bloom!" Infinite disagreement should be the mark of a real culture, because it leads to infinite insight. 

one of the main goals of http://tgboard.rf.gd/ (before traffic killed it), was for it to be one of several interconnected repositories for tg related material that we just can't share anywhere else. If you shared something there, it would definitely stay online, because the userbase would care enough to make backups. If something was deleted, we would still have a database to list what had been deleted so you could go to other sources. (In fact, I was planning on starting a tg wiki at one point, but I don't have the human power to do it.)

Ideally, there would have been a sekrit club system, with replaceable links that never died, and some of us would move files around every single time there was a complaint similar to the sad panda system. Fighting it would be like chopping a head off the Hydra only to have 2 heads grow back. (Unlike this forum which deletes things for copyright holders.)

[b] Yes, anything excluded elsewhere could be put there. [/b] That also means there would be a creative outlet for hosting the tg lolicon stories that are banned on Fictionamia, because I know thought-crime is the highest crime, and I therefore don't think highly of the opinions of most Canadians or Germans.

A second goal was to bring together a bunch of kinds of communities, and to allow criticism so that readers could decide for themself whether something sucked, and so writers/artists could improve. I see that the misguided "Social Justice Warriors" are indeed running most of the TG sites, building hug boxes, and banning reviews to make people feel unoffended. That saddens my both my creative side, and the part of me that still believes in free enterprise.

Frankly, I would rather leave the management to someone else and deal with the content as a member, but I've discovered I can't trust most people in the TG communities to value what I consider necessary things. Most of the people who have posted here only think you're more advanced because you don't allow debate or certain things to be posted. (Yes, and you'll keep taking that for granted because real unrestricted debate is never allowed for long here. But some of us prefer not to be sheltered, and to see the world for what it really is.) This board has a feature that let's you see if anything is deleted, and there will be almost no moderation.

I do have a reputation for joking around a lot because I consider it healthy stimulation, but I can be serious when it matters because I rely on logic more than emotion when making decisions. I will never delete something just because I don't like it or agree with it. That approach extends to bans. If Chestnuts, Taruby or any others want to come back and creatively agree or disagree, as we have before, then I won't be issuing bans or silencing critics at the forum. 

I remember when Farhad TG was a much more tolerant place for disagreement and pirates. Make Farhad TG great again. 

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every modern anime reviewer is a nigger

I honestly take the complete opposite opinion from them, if they say something is good it is trash.  My life as Isekai-san's dog (iirc the title) was trashed in otaku usa and the show was great


"If I could grant you one wish
I'd wish you could see the way you kiss
Oooh, I love watching you
When you're driving me, crazy
Oooh, I love the way you
Love the way you love me
There's nowhere else I'd rather be
Oooh, to feel the way I, feel with your arms around me
I only wish that you could see, the way you love me
The way you love me
It's not right, it's not fair
What you're missing over there
Someday I'll find a way to show you
Just how lucky I am, to know you"

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"Teoquilta the Golden"

A hundred year old TSF story about an American explorer getting captured by an Aztec Empire surviving in a hidden valley turning him into a woman through magic as punishment for fooling around with a native girl.


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"Flat chested edition"
Post anything related to Genderbent (Doujins, Stories, Images, etc...) Any picture goes as long as there are lolis, even kawamono fetish trash. Have fun!

(This will start as a clone of the 4chan thread, because I cannot post lolis if they're nude there there without getting banned.)
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