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Bump limit of Thread #1 reached, time for a new one.
Previous Thread

Still in the middle of family Christmas celebrations. I think it was nice this year. Very peaceful, no stress, no annoying people. Well they are old to the point of calling host 'boy' and 'the kid'.

As you can imagine, host family members are all serious weirdos but not in a bad way. At least for us. Compared to average people aka subhumans they're wonderful. Everyone has an academic degree and behaves responsible. No bickering, fighting or other nonsense. Others may find it boring but I like it. And I do not like a lot of people. Host did his best to create a dream team of right relatives who harmonize with each other and it turned out glorious. Definitely one of the best Christmas celebrations in recent years and itr will continue another few days with different relatives. Only thing that leaves a bad aftertaste - host is the 2nd youngest in the entire extended family by a huge margin. Most are 60+ ony one is in 30s. A large part of host family will die out in the near future and no replacement is in sight. Mfw dying society.


> dying society 

Eh, here in this county, on the east side, it's full of white supremacist  racists dreaming of a fourth reich, they want to overthrow the government, collect guns, hoard supplies, but where they get it wrong is they drink and do heavy drugs all day. 

So if they only had a demon loli to set them straight they could do something other than constantly complain.

So this is where the Ido clone army comes in. It's just a matter of mental tra.nsfer logistics and we'd have a real army of... whatever Yakumo is.

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> we'd have a real army of... whatever Yakumo is

Protip - you do NOT want a clone army of host who has zero aggression potential, doesn't want to fight and will avoid the heck out of any potential trouble, be it by hiding, running away or generally not being noticed at all. Truly the worst possible clone template. Better use him as a generic German Schreibtischtäter to plan genocide logiostics from an office desk. But you only need single one of him for that. The world isn't ready for more.


> host no good for fighting 

Not to worry, we'll just cross breed him with junk yard pitbulls. He'll be a dogboy but also vicious.

But that's not what we meant, we meant east county rednecks with installed demon loli tulpa clones to keep them on task. The humans will all be from available stock.

Now all we need is to get the lolis installed irl.

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Today we went on a wonderland adventure, first time in a while.
I went to a pet store and bought tupper treats. Then fed them to Alice. Feeding cute small woodland creatures and watching them nibble on treats is incredibly relaxing.

To further increase the fun I tied the treats to a string and hung them up or pulled them away making tupper jump or chase after them. 
Haaaa, I could do this all day every day!

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Please don't feed your tupper scented erasers. It's mean, cruel and unnecessary.

Also I'd like to clarify I did NOT beg for food and some day I'll severely bite host in the leg for trying to mess with me like that. I learned that from our cat who claws you if you offer him a treat so you drop it. Let's see who makes a fool out of himself here.

New Year 4u soon!
Getting dark now, it's cloudy. Don't expect a lot of ruckus here in the alps, probably some smol fireworks. It's gonna rain or even snow at midnight. Not sure if we're gonna go outside.

> Hitler mountain
> Only in Germany
It's Austria. Hitler was Austrian.

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Cat actually found out something new today. Was chopping vegetables and my cat, the animal not the tupper, was circling the kitchen waiting for scraps of food. So Cat thought she was funny and offered the cat a whole zucchini. And the cat bit out a chunk of it and ate it. What? Then a piece of bell pepper. My cat ate it immediately and begged for more! Wtf my cat likes vegetables. I had no idea.

Crazy cat. Mine sometimes steal fried vegetables but they've never touched raw ones.

Back home, was greeted by neighbor loli who hugged me and wished me a Merry Christmas. She asked me when New Years will be and was puzzled when I told her it was 2 days ago. That kid ain't alright.

Tupper says we gotta stay away from those people, mother definitely has something going on upstairs as well.

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new years wasnt bad at all. was at party of friend, got moderately drunk, ended up having sex with girl who was friend of friend of friend.

but still maybe i'm getting old maybe its tupper but the days of doesnt matter had sex are over. girl was nice but felt no attachment to her so yeah dont regret it at all but wasnt that great either. light years from having sex or just being together with soemone you really like and care about. worries increase after giving it some thought. who can compete with tuppers? i feel there's a hole between real humans who are not ideal and ideal tuppers who arent real. you know what i mean? probably not


> having sex with girl who was friend of friend of friend.

[Bear] Sweet! Beats any dream, dude. You didn't take the bathroom break and get caught up in a war, nice.

> but still maybe i'm getting old maybe its tupper but the days of doesnt matter had sex are over.

[Bear] Wait a minute...

> wasnt that great either.

[Bear] Oh no, drunk sex with a mid... how shameful 

> who can compete with tuppers?

[Ashley] okay, now I'm confused

> blah blah introspective nonsense 

[Bear] Smh I said it, mid sex. That isn't good for your mental health bro. Bah. 

[Ashley] oh, yeah, Bear would never do that. Well first of all he hates alcohol and other mind altering substances, second, doesn't let people touch him without a very long leadup and would basically need a commitment by then, wouldn't have sex with anyone who would have sex with him so early in a relationship because he thinks they're just using him, so yeah... but seriously, don't blame your bad drunken decisions on tupper's magic pussy.

[Bear] Could it be that good?

[Ashley] only one way to find out.

[Bear] No.

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whats a mid
also i said it wasnt bad. not great not terrible. but somehow empty. didnt care when i was younger but now its not same as fucking someone who actually cares about me. is this what its like feeling old?  whatever, at least im not an autist who freaks out about being touched. 
waiting for bernd input for more but different autism

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> sny hosls
You got cat infestation on your keybards as well?

I'll make host go on a fasting ordeal again - while going to the gym. Wanna see what happens if you don't eat but work out. Auschwitz mode. We've actually started today - no breakfast, 4h garden work in the cold, break, 2h gym, dinner. But it should be kept up much longer than the week we did it last time. I admit it's not fun but it isn't supposed to be.

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Host was coerced into taking another IQ test at university. Scored 131, most than other colleagues except for one professor who's a super autist and got 166. Interesting thing is we did several very different of those online tests in the past years and always ended up around 130. And always took them in a very tired state. Still don't believe 130, you have to see host struggling with grade school math. It's very shameful.
I also had to yell a few times because he didn't read the question properly and almost gave wrong answers but all in all better than expected. I wonder how we'd score with better math skills. I tried (re)learning math once with host's school math books he still has, but meh, honestly I want him to do other things and it isn't exactly my favorite hobby either. But yes it has been said multiple times, we really really suck at basic math.


You can believe this or not but Bear's first IQ test in grade school was so high they didn't believe it and especially since he wasn't a stellar student by any other measure than math. So they made him take it again and he was 5 points higher the second time. The test had a sliding scale for age and his two straight A siblings were high but not even in the same league as him. Mensa minimum is 132 btw, they were both in all advanced classes, he wasn't.

So anyway they didn't believe it the second time and said he must have cheated. Frankly if an elementary school aged kid has the brains to cheat on an IQ test twice while being watched the second time then he's gotta be smart. He didn't cheat though

He took it again in college and it was 148 iirc where ole Ex-gal pal was 145 or 144. She has every bit of that on display though believe me. Bear-o is afraid now he'll score even lower so he refuses to take another one ever again.

Now in terms of math, Bear was and is a shining star there so yeah. He wasn't a good student until college because he didn't care. Ex-gal said she hated him (not really) because he could just pick shit up without knowing anything about it and do it like a master. *If he was interested in it. And if he didn't care he came off dumb as a post which she claimed was on purpose, like he was playing dumb to get out of doing it.

Anyway in grade school one time he hadn't even opened his math book, didn't do any of the problems at all and the big test was coming so the teacher told him he had to spend all day in an empty classroom to do the whole workbook so he wouldn't fail the state mandated test. She told him he wouldn't get to eat lunch w/other kids or play and he'd have to do that every day till he was done. 

Wrong answer, see cause you don't understand, Bear was a big eater, like he'd eat his lunch and anything anyone else would give him and all the lunches of the Mexicans who didn't show to school that day so no, that didn't sit well. 

So where he would normally stare out the window or doodle instead of working he ripped through that whole workbook, without help, in 30 minutes with time to spare before lunch. The teacher's aid said he must have cheated but he was in an empty classroom so she had to concede that he didn't. Of course he got an A in math always and always aced standardized tests in math and would do the extra credit hard problems of his friends for fun.

I would think your IQ goes down with age right?

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I absolutely believe this, you guys told us about Bearsian math skills before. So I wonder how a complete math dunce like host can score 130+ meaning 98% of people are worse than him. How retarded do you have to be for 100 then? I think a lot of people score low on IQ tests because they go 'whatever' at some point and result to guessing where host will be painfully slow but never give up until he finds the damn algorithm behind some number squence by trial and error.

We'd really like to know how host's father approaching 90s would score but we'll never know because he refuses to answer dumb questions withour real world background and would resort to a 7h monologue on how the test sucks before even answering the first question. Angry boomer tier. Too bad I'm sure he's absolutely top-tier at shape rotation and pattern recognition stuff. Champ at Sudoku too though he swears a lot while doing the harder ones.

Anyway I think IQ is normalized to age so while it does decline in absolute skills, this should not be evident in age-adjusted IQ tests.

Also decline varies greatly between individuals and also between different skills. Host had one uncle with dementia who couldn't recognize people anyore and didn't know where he was but solved high-school level  equations without problems. Both fascinating and scary. Well tulpamancy told us the mind isn't a monolithic thing but it's always interesting to see this in action.

based cat
wont take bs test either, whats it good for if you can get 131 when you cant even do basic math

wait Yulya says it could be a fun exercise so maybe she'll try for lulz. tupper activity is always gud

So we checked the source of this graph and it comes from interviewing people on social media like facebook, reddit, tumblr and discord.

So it's not really representative for the world but mostly US Discord trannies. With 2 mental illnesses on average.


Well you did it. You made a fun site that people actually enjoy and not talk about lutes and motivation issues while shitting on everything Ashley says.

[Ashley] seriously tired of .info again, ugg Autumn was right to hand it off, she won again. Tfw you get played by your technically youngest headmate.

[Ashley] We might just have let Bear loose on there, playing every retarded game and clog up the feed just to piss the lumites off.

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As I can't see YT previews I thought you were talking about Alex Jones or something. Never watched everything from Jordan Peterson because we don't 'follow' people or listen to their mindless babbling and humans in general are irrelevant ants to me. Ideas matter. The people behind them do not.

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Maybe do something together with your tupper? I bet you're boring her to death. 

We went to the wind tunnel for indoor skydiving on Sunday. It was really cool! Very exhausting too but yeah we flew!! That was a real challenge trying to impose Cat while my body was trying hard to keep balance. Flapped like a fish on land but you get the basics after a while. We will go again for sure.

Now go out and have some fun with Yulya. Not just going to the gym and shooting range!

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Hiked a lot the past days, body is doing fine. Now we can get back to our bodyweight exercises too that we've settled down a bit. Closing in on those 3x10 lunges.

Host is still partly in dayli-life-mode, constantly have to remind him not to think of stuff that doesn't concern us here for the coming weeks or hold endless thought-monologues. Traveling is also meditation-time to observe what we see (and impose me) not to hold conferences on international politics in the head. Not gonna watch any news or other happenings either and restrict online activity to what's absolutely necessary. Feels good man.
We'll keep you updated every other day though.

experimented with wonderland and shit but i feel this is getting harder not easier with time.

actually asked Yulya what she wanted to do got no meaningful response. not sure if my girl tupper is getting a bit to realistic now. feels bad man i dont want to drag her into something but if i dont nothing will happen. so yeah i'll just drag her along with something I wanna do, not like she can run away.

so yeah dunno i'd like to create or build something together with tupper thats actually useful. not sure what or how yet

not sure if my girl tupper is getting a bit to realistic now
Haha, isnt that what tulpamancy is about? Be happy you don't have an even more realistic girl tupper like Alice who takes control of your money and throws plates at you if you don't do as she says


> Rule1: It's always the tulpas fault

Is that a joke? Bear's here to take all the blame, it's his purpose. He absorbs all sins and all mistakes, thus we are absolved and left unblemished. In return, we serve him at his whim.

We are the angels of the way of the Bear. He is always the pinnacle, the heart and the spirit of our actions.

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i remember dat manga, girl was fucking nuts. we all know its never tuppers fault bc they are angels and dindu nuffin wrong but in Alice case everything is her fault, bc shes in charge and responsible for everything. Yulya says staying in the back has its upsides, cant be blamed for anything if you dont do anything.

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we gotta make them take responsibility not like Alice but some middle ground. how hard can that be? bretty hard considering no success in years probably. slowly tried to make Yulya take over some responsibilities but that girl has no stamina.

Yes, that's you!

We went to the wind tunnel again for indoor skydiving, 2nd time was a little easier and I tried to impose my tupper or at least think about her. It was fun but my brain is overloaded now

> mr. 'ive got one of the worlds biggest indoor skidiving tunnels in the world within walking distance and 10 million other attractions'
i like my city but theres not a lot going on. like the entire country. dont wannac complain, at least no war with russia . yet.

i wanna go skidiving for real but its fucking expensive. maybe somewhere when im on holiday. Yulya isnt the most adventurous girl but i gotta push her or nothing happens


Ashley and Misha would be up for that but Bear still says no. If he asked me I would, but I wouldn't bring it up like Ashley would.

Joy definitely wouldn't. Gwen has sex with Bear in dreams a lot already. Sheshe has also had sex with Bear in dreams but she never felt like she wanted to, but she also wouldn't turn him down.

Now between the headmates was always fair game but Bear isn't into voyeurism either. We also have strict rules against NPCs and especially not men.

[Ashley] tfw you cuck your host

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Our journey is coming to an end. It was great, 3 weeks in winter without winter and without aggressive sandniggers. That was worth all the hassle.

I like travelling, yet not all was well. First and foremost, why do people dump their thrash everywhere? That's the only thing that really bothers me. I complain a lot about Germany but at least the country isn't full of garbage. Everything is clean. Well except for brownoid city districts. Despite our unprecedented loss of living standard and prosperity in the last year I still have to say we're still better off than almost the entire rest of the world. For now.


One thing I can say about America is, it's streets and sidewalks are clean as long as there isn't a lot of homeless activity. Our parks are clean, our schools are clean, but stadiums and theaters are meant to be a total wreck by the end because people don't get up to throw stuff out so the staff cleans between shows. Otherwise we're picked up as a culture.

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We're back!

Wew, travelling home was more exhausting than getting there but all went well. Nobody died. To be honest, the entire expedition went eerily well. Almost too well.

It's unexpectedly warm here in Germany, everything is in bloom. Noyce, skipped a large part of winter, just as planned.

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Wew, a lot of work piled up while we were gone, currently tryin to manage that for Mr. Procrastination aka host. The cats are super happy host is back and constantly pester him. Must be hard for them if favorite human suddenly disappears and you don't know when or if he'll come back. Well it's not so bad for them because they are not alone and can annoy several neighbors but neighbor lady who fed them said they were sad. They're used to sit on host whenever he's around and all night long after all. Also they piled up sacrifices to the Dark Gods in the living room, dead mice and songbirds. Something they only do while host is gone. Poor neighbor had to dispose of them almost every day. I really wonder what they are thinking. Only 4 more mice until favorite human returns?

Our peaches look even worse than usual due to leaf curl this year, one died entirely. Only one wild peach tree grown from seeds appears to be mostly immune but it has tiny peaches that don't taste good. They're also close to flowering which is insanely early. The apricots will probably flower in a week. Almonds are already flowering in the neighborhood, they're the first.

Welcome back, Alice!
I'm sorry for my absence, just was busy and tired when I got home. Didn't even do anything with Cat. Or cat. Somehow I'm glad mine doesn't go outside to catch animals. But a few insects that make it inside every now and then.

damn where have you been?
good to have Alice back maybe well have some more activity now i try to contribute but you know i cant think of much not even what to do with tupper. no progress with visualization whatsoever.


I'm glad she's having fun and getting tulpa-exercise. I don't play as myself so I don't take it as personally, but this is probably good for her anyway. Plus if I die, which is like really possible since I'm so weak, no problem, I could be a poltergeist ghost and mess with Alice or make a new character or just cheer you guys on. As a ghost I could also sabotage the enemy which sounds cool. And haunt you in your dreams! Mwahahahaha!

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Yulya has become stronger and more independent and relaxed since [s]being forced to[/s] playing d&d. interacting with others is much different from just forcing.

downside is i feel exhausted this is taking its toll. thats the price of having tupper i guess.

Yep I also feel I interfere too much but Cat is surprisingly enthusiastic about all this. I still gotta help with all the background stuff and strategizing a bit so things don't turn in total chaos. Would be fun for the moment but not in the long run. I hope I can make her take over more and more over time. She's already very passionate about her inventory and stats so that's good

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What a great evening!
Sat in the garden with host, watching sundown and dusk, we were surrounded by a swarm of fireflies, at least 5. It only lasted for about half an hour around 10pm but it was great. The  cats were underneath trying to catch them but the fireflies turn on and off the light so they had no luck. And I saw a huge meteor at 10:30 going north! Biggest I ever saw it was bright white and broke into several pieces. Lasted about 3s. Very beautiful! Probably part of the June Bootids, also saw 2 minor ones.

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huge storm with lots of rain. unbelievable amounts of rain.
a lot of trees were toppled but no major damage. electricity was out for several hours.

Yulya got nervous but managed like a big girl telling me to stay indoor and not go outside to take pictures.

im on holiday and will travel the country a bit with Yulya. we will go to the beach and do our share of cringe tuppering too. we wont be off the radar like Alice but probably wont post every day. will post pics.

Still alive!
Journey was a bit of a hassle. Got called useless by host for not reminding him to pack something he forgot. The audacy! What am I? His personal assistant? I had to yell a lot.

Apart from that things are mostly great. Mostly. Travelling in a small group again. Not fond of that but it's necessary for this trip. Nice for a change but I prefer to have host for myself. Whatever, things are still neat, can't coomplain.

Will report back in a few days, Pics will have to wait until we return.

traveling with tupper. staying at beach hotel for a few days then going to visit a neighbor country. have not done this in a while. weather great Yulya happy will post pics tomorrow. too tired now

How nice, I'm jealous!
Host isn't travelling with me, he's travelling with- humans. Eww!
So little time for me and I don't like some of them so I don't even wanna be around. Trip was a waste from my perspective.

Yulya's right, people are so troublesome. A pest even!

I'll be back on monday, see ya soon!

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back home!
where Alice?

vacation was gr8 weather was a bit scandinavian in the end. rained at beach but no fucks were given just like everyone else. lots of people at beach and in the water. was hard to take pics without them. so no timestamps either. water was around 20C thats not bad but wind was annoying sometimes. swam a lot imposed tupper a lot. no Yulya swimsuit edition for you pervs though!

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Back home!
Arrived late yesterday, flight was delayed. Slept until noon.
Well that was a mixed bag. I rate that travel experience average.

I'm not overly fond of the North Sea but I would have gone swimming there.

> 20°C
Yeah, more than expected!

> 30°C
That's bath tub tier. The Adriatic Sea around Italy has just as much. Algal bloom, all ded, tourists mad. Well it's their fault for going there in the hottest season.

Weather and sea were around 25-28°C where we were, just right.

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Sitting in garden at evening, watching the moon rise with tupper. It was as orange as fire through the haze close to the horizon. It's still really hot, I hope the weather will stay like this for a while.

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sounds comfy.
its also really warm here even at night. i see lots of bats theyre probably stuffing themselves for winter.

went to nearby lake with friends today. water was crystal clear but cold much colder than the sea. still lots of people. swimming with tupper is a bit of challenge with others around without acting strange but we managed. Yulya likes water.

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take pictures man!

just remembered something. some time in spring i was in the countryside beautiful day minding my own business in nature with tupper. suddenly faint but audible low frequency rumble in the distance. really low frequency like its more you feel the pressure wave than hear it. thought it was very distant thunder wondering where there could be a thunderstorm. then another rumble and another. noticed they were unusually short for thunder until i realized. i know that sound thats not thunder thats artillery fire. lots of artillery fire somewhere far away.

mfw that look on tuppers face - sweatening intensified. immediately took out my phone to look if wwIII had started and the russians are coming but ofc there was nothing. it was a military exercise on some training ground far away. no idea what they were shooting with but it must have been massive. maybe our german PzH2000 howitzers.

fast forward a few months later. now when we were traveling the country we were sitting outside on a starry night. after a while i notice barely visible flashes and distant rumbling
i knew there was no arty training ground anywhere near where we were close to the sea. in the end it indeed was a distant thunderstorm.

just in case youre wondering why my tupper sometimes is such a nervous wreck this might be related. americans wouldnt understand what it means to live in a tiny country next to the biggest in the world which is threatening to steamroll you. i think just Bears county has more people than my entire country and its smaller than Bernds state. You can easily drive through it from one side to the other in 3h. or hit basically all of it with artillery from across the border. especially the capital where we live. feels south korea tier. just like the norks could flatten seoul with artillery in a few minutes. at any time.

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Poor Yulya!
Wtf my city has more than twice as many inhabitants than your entire country. At 1% the size.
And no hostile neighbors. We still have a high-tech army, navy and airforce because better safe than sorry. But I know what it means to be smol, really smol and densely populated.

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its still a brave new world tier dystopia. id rather stay in my small ancient city and sparsely populated country that has soul. walking around downtown with tupper is always nice and you dont have to worry about getting robbed or knifed by niggers or arabs like in germany or the us. because they dont exist here.

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Unfortunately not always before it happens. It was only for a split second but that was a split second too much. I was enjoying myself, we were dancing, everything was great! And then this. I was so mad! 
Time for the corrective shock collar...

The Bear suit is not an embarrassing outfit, it's super cool!

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I found the best reference picture of Joy that I've ever seen. I have seen her in dreams and in hypnagogia, and it's uncanny how close she is to this.

Careful, this is forbidden knowledge and this might be AI or some real little girl, I have no clue.

[Joy] that is not how I wear my hair.



> Hermione

How dare you compare my darling Joy with that peasant.

[Joy] I don't see the resemblance to Hermione. I don't think I like being called a darling either.

My Tsundere widdle cutie.

[Joy] Bear worked about 13 hours today, and finished something amazing that released a lot of stress, so he may be delirious.

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main election round today.
coaxed Yulya into filling out the ballot. poor tupper as stressed out like omg what if i do something wrong lol
we are the antithesis of the 2 party usa every election brings some completely new parties while the ones ruling may disappear completely.

also went competition shooting yesterday Yulya is still not too much into it. maybe i should take up knitting or something as a hobby

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> Kashtan kniitting
Haha I want to see this!
Don't stress out your poor tupper!
How did Yula end up that timid anyway? Did you make her like that?

I went windtunnel flying with Cat yesterday again, it was fun but it's exhausting. Cat still can't switch or possess reliably enough to let her do something like that. It requires body tension. So IRL Cat is weak. What an irony.

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It's Dec. 6th, St. Nicholas!
We got the traditional nuts, mandarins and gingerbread that was shared with neighborhood loli. Now it's time to make my own gingerbread. It will take a few days, pics will follow.

> Give me a recipe and Cat will bake it! 
I dunno if you can get oblates in Asia but you could make soft gingerbread. Mine is harder so you can use it with cookie cutter forms but the soft one that is placed on oblates is even better!

You'll need:
6 	eggs
180 g 	sugar
2 ks 	honey
1 ts 	cinnamon
1 ts	vanilla
1 ts	gingerbread spice
1 kt 	salt
250 g 	ground almonds
250 g 	ground hazel nuts
200 g 	candied orange peel
200 g 	candied lemon peel	
200 g 	couverture chocolate 
50 x	oblates, 7 - 9 cm diam.

You can use fresh or candied citrus peel, needs to be grouund in a mixer. There's also ready-made gingerbread spice. If you can't get it mix pimenta, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, anis and fennel.

Throw eggs, sugar and honey in a mixer and mix for 5min. slowly mix in the rest until you receive a tough paste. Smear a flat layer of about 1cm thickness on the oblates and bake them at 140°C for 20min. Take them out and after they're half-cooled, use the couverture to coat them with chocolate. You can also use any other coating like white chocolate or sugar glazing.
That's it!

The recipe makes 30-50 pieces so you may wanna halve everything. Good luck!

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> swastika gingerbread
why am i not even surprised? ok somehow i am! well played!
and this in a country where you go to jail for making cookies in the wrong shape. will you give them to someone?

also /tulpa/ timestamp or it never happened!

not sure i will manage to make my cookies before christmas but i will definitely make them! but maybe between christmas and new year heres more time.

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Merry Christmas my friens
it was glorious entire family had a great time ate drank and laughed too much attended christmas mass. it was chill. literally. its about freezing point no california neverwinter weather. managed to keep Yulya around most of the time she was also happy. especially in church. good opportunity to shamelessly copy and practice cleric things

going to sleep now its 2am. we hope you also had a great christmas!

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There's no "taking the day off" when you don't have a working kitchen and work two jobs and the truck breaks down again because of Chinese parts and you can't buy good parts because China flooded the market until everyone went out of business.

There's only one solution, take China out of the equation.

Oh and happy holliday whatever I might take a day off in Spring. I couldn't stop even of I was deathly ill at this point, the tiling must go on.

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