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Kashtan's firebomb was made from an oil flask. I think it was quite effective. We don't have any other weapons with area effect. Arguably on stone and in this cold it's not optimal but imagine a combustible environment like a wooden building.

I'd go with 3 oil flasks. One for your lantern and 2 for firebombs. I have some wicks but for the price we can buy another two. Does agar allow to store firebombs indefinitely? For 1gp it's not cheap. Still 1sp per bomb. A vial for glass shards maybe.

Explosives - I'd have to think about it but I'd rather buy them either in Neverwinter or when we return. We need a sturdy container not glass for a bomb. Ideally some metal pot with a screw-on lid so the pressure builds up until it explodes. A pressure cooker is ideal but I doubt they know about it in this world. Also we are already buying more than selling, that's not the point.

Agar will make it stable, yes.

> explosives

Dwarves of this era make explosives as they use it. Two constiuents are mixed to make a liquid that can be poured into cracks. It becomes vicious when mixes with air and after about a minut it explodes without the need for a fuse.

Traps can be made woth accelerant constituents, temperature modified effects, smoking varients, but an Artificer would be needed for many of these effects or unknown results may occur.

Bear's team went with an Artificer to smoke out an Orc den to rescue an "Orc Princess" where if they had stormed in, they might have killed her.

His particular bomb will be described in my next rev I believe, it's a bomb that generates a heavy explosive gas that will fill the chambers of a cave and ignite causing damage to anyone inside.

Harbin will have plenty of the mining grade explosives, again in two parts. Either part is flammable but not explosive, together they are equivalent to 2.7x the power to weight of TnT, shelf stable and safe to store in sealed glass vials in separate reinforced crates.

They're 150sp per lb for either constiuent, they can be stored in any water tight oil resistant container. I didn't make most of this up, they were mentioned in a module Bear's team played.

Tnt 1 lb will cause 4d6 damage to a 5ft radius with a DC 12 vs dexterity for half.

The fluid (2lbs), if splashed on someone will cause the same damage but the radius is 10ft with a DC12
and anyone with it on them do not get a DC.

It's better than black powder in that way by a little and cheaper.
couldnt post yesterday only got connection failed

is it a mistake that Harbin offers 10gp for the gold ring that has 20gp jewelry worth?
im torn about selling him the jade frog. Yulya lets Alice decide. Alice should take a look at the alchemist supplies and tell us whats useful. Yulya thinks we should do an initial trade with Harbin and see how hes doing. Then we may or may not buy more when we will return

> gas bomb
it says you need a blueprint we dont have. Alice cant make that.
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> couldnt post yesterday only got connection failed

> let's talk about opportunities and cooperation
we certainly wont give him samples from the mine without the Rockseekers permission. thats their job not ours. Not sure we should get him the chemicals for explosives, testing and orecpurification. Dundrens brothers said nothing that they need it we would have gotten it for them.
I'm with Yulya, around nobles never relax
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i dont think Cat cares about any of that just like she doesnt care about any trading in general. she just hates nobles. which is prejudiced and therefore based
guess nobles are for Cat what niggers are for Alice
Yulya is already sweating bullets that we will do any business with harbin that harms Gundrens brothers.
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> I have your current total coinage as:
> 8pp
> 112gp
> 182sp
> 1022cp 

that cant be right.
our inventory before trade:
195	GOLD

after trade:
197	GOLD

after Cats exchange:
209	GOLD

i updated the inventory and gave the rabbit rations to Ashley hope thats ok. they are for her. if we leave the things listed at the end of the inventory with Hobby we can make it to Neverwinter unencumbered.

Gundrens brothers said we don't need an axe for what we are supposed to do in the mine. It's not ours and if the Ro kseekers want to analyze their ore samples they can do that themselves. Not our job to give Harbin samples of other peoples mines without the owners permissions
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> Make your next moves, Hobby is next I suppose, state what you're leaving behind. When you're ready to begin traveling, let me know.
We would like to leave at Hobbys place:
ROUGH AMETHYST	? please tell us weight and value

I think we can continue traveling on Dec 26th when Alice is available again

Merry Christmas!
yeah Yulya often forgets what she can actually do girl lacks self confidence.
waiting for Joy to tell us what Yulya finds out about Harbins intentions before we move on. then we can continue to Hobby to store our things and continue traveling
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> You are left with only confusion, you sense no hint deception or foul dealings, and you're sure of it. You think, what was Sildar talking about? But for that you have no answer. It could be that he's just that good at hiding it but highly unlikely.
Is Yulya's paranoia contagious? Cat is confused too.

Do we get a scene at Hobby's shop to store the goods or do we leave Phandalin? The goods to be stored are listed
I'll combine it with travel unless something happens.

Keep track of rations at 1.5/day for the sake of immersion, there is a break at about 12:00 to rest for half an hour. The number of miles walked is calculated accordingly.

Did you know, those suspensionless covered wagons traveled 20+ miles a day on good terrain and no one typically rode in them because they were so harsh.

An industrious Artificer could develop carts with comfort in mind and make millions. Though suspension was invented in the 15th century and there were designs as old as the 9th with at least a few examples as early as 2000 years ago, colonists in the US had no choice but to accept two choices suspensionless ones that were available for rugged journeys and heavy loads pulled by mules, oxen or horses if they could afford them or pull a small cart themselves in some cases.

Mules were considered sure footed for rough terrain, oxen were considered dependable for towing heavy loads and the maintenance of horses was the most expensive, they needed special feed and time to run around while mules and oxen were happy to eat rough forage.
Alright then, off to Neverwinter I guess before I freeze to death!

> those suspensionless covered wagons traveled 20+ miles a day on good terrain and no one typically rode in them because they were so harsh
I remember and it sucked. I still want a decently suspended carriage pulled by 10 war elephants.
But I guess mules would be best suited to accompany adventurers. they can go nearly everywhere, carry enough weight for the needs of a small party and are extremely robust.

You'd think the this planet's people with their fancy magic would come up with something like portals but apparently they're too dumb or lazy. Otherwise they wouldn't be sitting in a medieval shithole world.
> A simple 4 wheeled cart capable of carrying 2x the puller's total carrying capacity including the weight of the cart could be found at Neverwinter or commissioned by a cartwright. There would be a small risk someone could come along and steal it if you don't secure or hide it and it would draw extra attention from bandits. A cart capable of carrying 1000lbs that Cat could conceivably pull would be a remarkably low cost, 15-25gp. Based on her carry capacity, a 150lb cart could manage that and could be used for most travel between locations along roads and over relatively easy terrain, not suitable for overland travel in forests, swamps, mountainous terrain etc. without severely slowing you down unless she carried it. There is no cartwright at Phandalin and the small farmers only have full carts or wheelbarrows and likely not willing to sell. None of you are capable of repairing parts but you could buy spare parts and replace parts, it would be subject to a small risk of breaking on the rough roads, especially the Triboar trail but all of you together could unstick it from any rut. It would be roughly 3x5ft so not suitable to drag through caves or in all but the main shaft of mines. A full wagon like Gundren's without any supplies or spare parts would be between 35-100gp or more depending on extras, they do offer models of carriages with suspension meant for passengers but they have lower carry capacity, his was a converted war cart so it would be considerably more than 100gp, a horse would be between 50-100gp each, other beasts of burden vary in Neverwinter.
lol Cat is our beast of burden
but is that really realistic for Cat to pull a 1000 lbs cart for hours? i imagine thats horrible on the bad roads. actually nope just because the cart weighs 150 lbs it doesnt mean she could pull 1150 lbs. 
according to rules an animal can pull 5x its carrying capacity:
> An animal pulling a carriage, cart, chariot, sled, or wagon can move weight up to five times its base carrying capacity, including the weight of the vehicle.

so in Cats case that would be 5 x 150 = 750 lbs. if the cart weighs 150 lbs it has 600 lbs carrying capacity with Cat pulling it naked lmao
a realistic setup would be a lightweight 100 lbs cart with 600 lbs capacity. this leaves Cat some margin to carry her equipment. the textbook cart weighs 200 lbs only leaving 500 lbs carrying capacity. we also need some spare parts.

all in all an inhumane but effective idea that saves us feed and shelter for a mule we cant leave behind when entering dungeons or drag it along into dangerous places. thats animal cruelty and Yulya wont allow that.

still a mule for 8 gp has the advantage of being able to cross difficult terrain where a cart cant go carries 420 lbs but needs 10 lbs food for 5 cp per day. we could get one depending on the situation. but for now the Cat cart wins

2x carry capacity for people, 5x for animals like mules, oxen or horses.

I think her maximum carry capacity was over 500.

You have to take into consideration what she's carrying and the weight of the cart.

Pricing may vary.

I say cat can pull 2x her max - what she's wearing and - the cart weight.
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That video!
Sounds hilarious, I wonder what Cat thinks about being a draft cat

> 2x carry capacity for people, 5x for animals like mules, oxen or horses.
Hmm, it clearly says base not max capacity but whatever.
According to the inventory Cat can carry 150/300/450

> I say cat can pull 2x her max - what she's wearing and - the cart weight.
Cat can max carry 450lbs
She is carrying 150lbs right now
The cart weighs 150lbs
That would be 900-150-150=600 so we arrive exactly at Kashtan's calculation. But including all stuff Cat is carrying which necessarily would either have to go onto the cart like her backpack or be subtracted from carrying capacity. 600lbs net load would remain. Considering spare parts probably less. Still not bad, 600 lbs of trade goods is a lot and significantly more than a mule could carry. Not bad, I like it! Let's get to Neverwinter first, there's still time to work this out.
> 150/300/450

Why are your numbers always different then mine? Let me give you a Christmas gift then:

Ashley: 60/120/180
Yulya: 80/160/240
Cat: 188/376/564
Alice: 50/100/150

Please use these values.

Imagine you are a human who weighs 100lbs, you don't think you could pull 200lbs in a cart?

Like I said, 564x2-176-150-Current inventory, this is how much she could pull with a 150lbs cart with a 1000lb rating.

[Ashley] No, I'm actually thinking I want a carriage with suspension now.
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> Why are your numbers always different then mine?
because you cant access the dismail online spreadsheet and Alice cant into google docs
it would be nice if you looked into the inventory when we post it here its a lot of work

> Let me give you a Christmas gift then:
> Ashley: 60/120/180
> Yulya: 80/160/240
> Cat: 188/376/564
> Alice: 50/100/150
wtf thats a downgrade for anyone but Cat
current carrying capacities are autogenerated by the formula you gave us in the spreadsheet. this way it can easily be adapted if str changes

Yulya:	 90/180/270	13STR	110W
Cat:	150/300/450	18STR	180W
Ashley:	 70/140/210	11STR	 90W
Alice:	 60/120/180	 9STR	 90W

or did we make a mistake?
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> A lot of work indeed.
Slow and steady, this is not a speedrun! It's ok to take a break now or then if more time is needed.

> Why Cat's is off is a mystery now.
Cat is carrying a total weight of 188 lbs including her armor right now. Maybe you mistook that as base carrying capacity? To reach 188/376/564 Cat would need to weigh 256 lbs instead of the 180 lbs or 80 kg stated in her character sheet. It's not possible to reach 188 with an integer STR value according to your formula. Weighing 180 lbs she'd need above 25STR.
But whatever, we will stick to the formula values stated. We're not cheating.

>  I have taken liberty with these characters and names and they don't match, nor are intended to match, Forgotten Realms lore in most cases, this is so you can't simply look things up and get secrets.
I appreciate your efforts but don't waste your time on that. First we could easily find out if we wanted and second and most importantly, we won't. I mean c'mon you think we would ruin our own suspense? I didn't even read the PHB and literally have no idea how this world works, what factions there are or the stats of any monsters. I don't even know what Forgotten Realms is. And I know Kashtan almost immediately stopped reading other D&D books to avoid any spoilers. So that's the least of your worries. But I'd still appreciate if you make your own adventure instead of strictly following a script. I'm sure all the canned adventures are politically correct, family friendly, predictable and boooring. You can do better than the losers writing those. As we say in tulpamancy - surprise me!

The tree like in this area is about 100 ft off the road as previously discussed but there is tall grass and growing brush; however the trader is 300ft down the road and the bandits are 100ft from you. If you forge through the brush they might hear you because everything is cruchy due to snow and ice.
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> crunch
I fucking hate snow and ice

Can we have a crude map pls?
I know practicing visualization is important but I gotta know who's where and what's the terrain.

What if we hide in the brush now and move along slightly behind the cart? Cat and Yulya are our main problem with their tingling armor mail that causes disadvantage in stealth. If anything I could try to flank them on my own with my speed and stealth +5.

I'm not fond of splitting up. but we can't waste Emboldening Bond now anyway. Yulya should cast BLESS on us and GUIDANCE on me. Then I try to move 90° deep onto the brush and then ahead of the cart trying to flank them. The Bigglesworths have stealth +4 right? I could go with them so we are 3.
> crude map

Each letter is 25sqft or 3sqhorse

G grass
R road
F forest
B bandit
T trader
UCAA you all

lol best map ever!

wait fugg that means the bandits are between us and the trader! Alice got me confused.
i thought the trader came from behind us from phandalin. if he comes from the west we obviously cant use him as cover

> They're watching the road and looking west so you can't move any further west without them noticing.
> Before you can even think of the situation, someone seems to be coming up the road from the West.
i still don't get it. we are coming from the e moving w and the bandits are looking w so away from us and toward the trader. why cant we approach them?

i still agree Alice and the cats should approach them through the grass using stealth. Cat and Alice could shoot them with their bows but the survivors would escape. we gotta get close enough to take them in one swoop.
I'm going to save you the trouble and say, no, you cannot approach them from any direction without them seeing you because they're wary and the grass is crunchy and the snow is making everything otherwise quiet.

[Ashley] time for lynxes!
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This is my estimation of what's about to happen. I say we charge in, rob the bandits of their ears and meat and move along.

[Joy] the only way they won't be alerted is if you move East. Otherwise you will have to re-roll stealth with disadvantage.
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> Alice prepares her attack. You are free to move, you successfully surprised them and have initiative. Though you are close, they do not see you yet.
Hmm, I think all 3 cats also attacking bandits #1+2 with me is overkill. I'd like to see at least one attacking #4 to down him.
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> Remember that surprise attack only guarantees initiative, there is no longer a surprise round and you can only gain advantage by legitimate means such as flanking and stealth.
I think that's good because it doesn't make the enemies sitting ducks. I still don't get the order of attacks. Why can the bandits all simultaneously attack me while I can't do the same with the Bigglesworths? Or would I have needed to say that I wait for the cats to arrive and then jump out of stealth? Or would they have seen the cats and then automatically spotted me and could have attacked me first? It's clear that the current way of events is suboptimal if I attack alone and get roughed up by everyone.

The Bigglesworths didn't make it to them in round 1, Cat shot her arrow and you attacked, then the cats arrived but the bandits got a chance to attack.

So what you're saying is you only want to attack with everyone else, but once the others were running in their direction you lost your surprise. Ideally everyone would have attacked simultaneously but they were too far away and if anyone missed their stealth checks with disadvantage, you would have lost guaranteed initiative and might have taken 4 arrows to the knee and your adventuring days would be over.

Good learning opportunity, Bandits are low fodder.

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