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We need to deal as much a damage possible. If I firebomb leader and wolves after Cat casts the fog only Yulya can range attack. If the summons go in there and tackle the goblins 4 vs 3 they risk getting overwhelmed.

Does the fog stay in place or does it follow Cat? It would be best to stay at the entrance in the fog and attack anything that comes out. Let the summons ready their attacks and go at everything that comes into the fog. Otherwise we should range attack for a few rounds instead of going in there. The fire will do damage several rounds.

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Yes thank you. It still doesn't say if the fog cloud follows the user or stays in place. I guess it stays in place even if the user moves. That's good in this case.

I say we have all in place. Ashley's opinions? Sending in summons right now before the area engulfed by fire is defined isn't too smart, I don't wanna burn them too. But by all means they should be out of range if the attacck the goblins. I'd prefer to have the summons wait in the fog with us and ready an attack for everything that comes at us while we shoot them. It's a lot of enemies. We need to quickly reduce their numbers.

lmao nice pic

just saw we can only hit 2 wolves and the leader with a firebomb. but a burning goblin leader will have other problems than unchaining the wolves. i hope. really dont want 4 wolves coming at them. still think its better than burning the 2 goblins and hob. we gotta keep them wolves from being released.

so how does that heavily obscured in fog work? i read the rules but im not sure. i assume we need to exit the cloud shoot at them and retreat into it again. if they come into the fog the summons will get them.


Fog would work like blindness, you can attack with disadvantage and no ranged targeting.

[Ashley] You could step out, ranged attack, then step back in. My babies would flank anyone coming in so no disadvantage, but also no advantage. They would definately either attack or run, so spring it so they can't get out of that part of the cave without entering the fog. WHERE CAT!?

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Awesome picture!

Just to make things clear, I don't know how much the fog spreads but it should be centered on the narrowest part of the cave entrance. We stand at the southern border within the fog cloud, the summons in front blocking the entrance, Cat and me behind and Ashley and Yulya behind farthest south. I'd recommend the summons ready an attack to get any goblins storming out.

Now let them burn!

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It's hard to judge where exactly the fog spreads without seeing it. I know the radius.
Also honestly I have no idea what happened in this turn. Too much going on.

> In the confusion they try to push forward, gaining nothing Goblin 8, the Hobgoblin and the Goblin 8 escape with nimble escape and move away.
Can I have that in English again pls? It's #6 and #8, right?Where do they go? Does image R01b represent the end result?

Anyway it's clear that we cannot attack any goblins in the cave as long as the pesky woflos and #6 are in front so they need to go first.

Flanking them will be impossible with the fire but W#2 is weakened so I'll leave him to Mr.B and the upper lynx (can't tell 'em apart). I will attack W#1 with the lower lynx. Cat can take on G#6 with Mrs.B This way it's 2 against 1 in all fights. I assume we will be able to down all, then we should retreat out of the attack range of thee 3 guys.

> [DEX 1d20+2=11] Yulya's flames hit the boss and he burns for [1d8=1] damage. Yeemik's left wondering what just happened if anything.
Yulya used the goblin staff that gives +3DMG to offensive spells. is SACRED FLAME not offensive spell?


> [1d20+4=(7,9),(11,14)]

Two wolves attack +4 to hit with disadvantage (or advantage but in this case disadvantage) 1d20 rolled 3,5,7,10 added +4 to each. The attack rolls used were 7,11 as with disadvantage, and both missed.

> It's #6 and #8, right? 
> Where do they go?
> Does image R01b represent the end result?

They're just a few feet back, confused
Yes, I provided the map when you finished your turns and end results because a lot happened.

Goblin Boss HP was adjusted in my notes, technically it would add +3 and damage to attack spells, and spells like Sacred Flame are not ranged attack so you only get the damage bonus, but a spell that also had attack roll would benefit more.

Be careful if you retreat without disengage skill, anyone within melee range will get a chance to hit you but not in this case.

• Heavily obscured: Per the player's Handbook, A heavily obscured area blocks vision entirely. A creature effectively suffers from the blinded condition when trying to see something in that area. 

• The blinded condition: A blinded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack Rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s Attack Rolls have disadvantage. 

• Creatures in the fog also can't take attacks of opportunity while inside, unless they have blindsight. From the player's Handbook (p. 195): "You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that you can see moves out of your reach".

Disadvantage works both ways so I'm still saying any creature who is blinded makes attacks with disadvantage. 

Ranged or targeting spells can't be made in the blinded state.

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I think it's obvious that we only retreat when there are no more enemies standing. Which I assume with our attack power but you never know. If close combat continues we do not move away.

But thanks for clarifying. So no opportinity attacks in fog and everyone has disadvantage.

Regarding Yulya, she clearly said she moves out of the fog, casts sacred flame and retreats into the fog again.

Ah ok I get it. If goblin #6 survives, Yulya can't attack him with sacred flame within the fog. If he goes down, she can move out, roast the goblin boss and go into the fog again.

Just use that elven dagger in case the goblin survives.


> Regarding Yulya, she clearly said she moves out of the fog, casts sacred flame and retreats into the fog again.

I let her get away with that once, but where exactly would she do that now?

I'll try my best to find a spot

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Is this really a problem if Cat or Mrs. Bigglesworth are in the way?
I thought you can move through allies. It is just difficult terrain.

But you are right I need to step out of the fog for SACRED FLAME. If goblin6 survives I will attack him with the dagger. Not good for my peace cleric image but I need to help my friends.

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She does her best to miss!

Ok, next wave is coming! We must avoid getting trapped. I say we leave the 2 enemies in the cave to the summons and retreat to Ashley. Cat could throw the 2nd firebomb at the goblin horde and Alice and Yulya get another ranged attack at them before retreating.  If they enter the fog, summons can flank them next turn.


Now that I think about it, no one probably should have seen them coming from inside the fog, but let's just say you heard them.

In any case, the bomb acts as a ranged attack so you would need line of sight. If you threw it inside the cloud, I would have to randomize the location it strikes, roughly North.

Sounds like a plan. There's no end of this vermin, I'd love to have saved a firebomb for the bugbear (I still don't even know what that is), but it can't be helped. Burn them, if you hit #14 it should engulf them all.

Obviously, all ranged attacks require exiting the fog. I think I read with sound you can guess the location of enemies in fog so yeah, we heard them coming.

I'll go first and shoot the hobgoblin.

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Oh I see, the king is a Bugbear

But that's in the castle, you could potentially make more firebombs between now and then assuming you even decide to go to the castle, it's optional and not an official part of any sanctioned quest, so no pay, but you would get to fight along side Sildar and the dwarves and potentially others.

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> never any mention of a bugbear
your goblins already spilled the bean

> The goblins give up the following information with a little coaxing:
> - Their leader is a bugbear named Klarg. Klarg reports to King Grol, leader of the Cragmaw band, who dwells in Cragmaw Castle.
> -Gundren and everything he was carrying went to King Grol including a valuable historic map of Wave Echo Cave that is vital to the Rockseekers' interests.

I assumed Klarg was the final boss here and the he was a bugbear but surprise me! It's much more fun not knowing what's around the next corner.

Well it doesn't matter. Cat's gonna throw the last firebomb at the goblins now.

i think Alice needs another dragon encounter

we will find out where that Klarg guy is sooner or later. rn we have a horde of goblins storming at us. Yulyas too far away to exit the fog cast SACRED FLAME and retreat. good luck Cat!


I correctly did not apply Bless on the lynxes as they attacked as they were after Yulya got hit. It would have helped. Technically Yulya can apply bless to Ashley in safety and the summons will benefit. That is probably better than healing herself right now.

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Oof, the place is a maze!
I appreciate the scouting but we need to stay together and attack as a group or we will be overwhelmed. We should not split up, that's always  a recipe for disaster.

Cat would prefer to go east with Alice and Olga. The guards west won't leave their prisoners unguarded. They're stuck here. But the wolves could gang up on us.
I'd also like Ashley and Yulya to follow. We need them to detect traps and stay safe. Mrs. Biggleswothe could watch the narrow cave passage so nobody escapes but should stay hidden.


Some passages are exceptionally dark, I'm basically making stealth free there but finding traps is also penalized. So plan accordingly. Torches exist for a reason. The light cats will not generally set off humanoid traps, it would make them too lightly triggered.

> A rough map of pitch black areas would be nice.
> Also is there a difference in vision? I assume we all have darkvision so the enemy has neither advantage nor disadvantage?

Should I also just map out where all the traps are? I verbally said where it's really dark, north of where the fire was. Basically the areas where you don't currently see enemies mapped and 40 ft or more from the entrance.

The goblins are familiar with their base, they don't need light to navigate the halls. The cats have whiskers and excellent hearing, so they effectively have blindsight to 5ft so they have mapped out the areas. Where they saw enemies there's enough light.

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Endchan had some hiccups today, Tamamo already complained per mail he couldn't post. As if I could change anything.

> I pray to the god of D&D to forgive order of posting and allow me to go first
I thought we already agreed order of posting is irrelevant. We'd have to spend days for each turn working out who even posts when. You just state if you go before or after another player.

> I then actively search for traps
Can you do that? You need to dash to reach the bridge. Cat could make it in 30ft and have an action left to search for traps.

I also don't get the darkness. We have darkvision which according to the rules means we can see in complete darkness for 60ft as well as a creature without could in dim light. It's not like we're blind. It means the area is lightly obscured. Which again means disadvantage on perception checks. Ashley doesn't have that limitation with her awesome blindsight cheat. But only within 30ft if I'm correct. So she's our best trap detector in the dark. Yulya with her high perception is the best in bright light. Cat at least has advantage on all Dex saving throws with Danger Sense. Not so bad as trap detector either. I could spread out like a pancake and be safe from weight-triggered traps as well.

And I thought only the area inside the caves is considered dark. Isn't the passage with the bridge outside in daylight? Or is the whole thing including the creek inside a mountain? 2d maps are a bit confusing. 
If it's just dim but not pitch black under the bridge, that doesn't affect us.

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> Can you do that? 
The whole dash and 30ft thing is only during battle, otherwise you can move about freely.

Can she actively look for traps? I suppose I could take it easy on her since she is explicitly looking for them.

> I also don't get the darkness.
> We have darkvision which according to the rules means we can see in complete darkness

"you can see in the dark"
"Dim light becomes bright light and darkness becomes dim light"

Darkvision is OP, everyone gets it but humans, denied. Think cats, they can see in very low light, not zero light. They can't see infrared, they don't produce their own light.

"Cats can see in the dark because they have a reflective layer at the back of their eye, which reflects light through the retina a second time. This allows them to make the most of dim light conditions and ensures they can see clearly, even when there isn't much light to work with." 

With Darkvision, You are cat tier. With Blindsight, you are bat tier. With truesight you are god tier.

This is what I consider darkvision. You're as good as a cat, a nocturnal animal.

If I could draw 3D maps then I would, I'll do my best to explain the terrain.

Pitch dark is effectively blind, only visible with blindsight or truesight.
Otherwise why bother?

If there is any light whatsoever, you can see it as if in low light, no color. Dim light you can see as if in normal light. Normal light is bright light, no penalty for bright light, unlike underdark creatures which have penalties for bright light.

On a dark starlit night you can see as if in dim light.

In a closest with no windows, you cannot see without blindsight or truesight. 

> Which again means disadvantage on perception checks.
If you can see, there is no disadvantage. if you can't see there is no perception check for things which need sight. I don't consider dim light a disadvantage unless for some reason color would make a difference. A bright red tripwire?

> Isn't the passage with the bridge outside in daylight?

No, that's all inside, the cave is all inside. The mountain is above the cave, many feet of stone and dirt.

> Or is the whole thing including the creek inside a mountain?


> If it's just dim but not pitch black under the bridge, that doesn't affect us.
It's black, no light after about 40ft inside the cave and dim where you see the enemies marked and where the other enemies were in the room next to the entrance.

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Finally endchan is working again! It went out just as I was about to post and didn't come back until I had to go to bed.

> Darkvision is OP, everyone gets it but humans, denied
Uh, if you change the rules you should clarify this beforehand and not in the middle of the battle. I was assuming the same thing as Alice and we were playing by the standard rules. That's why we gave away the lantern because I thought we do not need light.

I agree the standard rules are oversimplified and yours make more sense, but for yours to work we need to know precisely how dark it is in what places.

I agree with Alice, we can't make meaningful decisions if we neither know how dark it is nor how darkness limits us.

The goblins and wolves have the same darkvision as us. How do they see in the cave without fire? Are they blind as well? That will be an interesting fight. I guess just like in the fog?

Just to clarify, I'm not against your rules but they need to be clear before someone falls into a trap she was expected to see.

> The whole dash and 30ft thing is only during battle, otherwise you can move about freely.
Ah ok that wasn't clear too. We are still surrounded by enemies. If we can move freely, can't they as well and regroup? I thought we are still in a round-based play with fixed movement per turn.

> Uh, if you change the rules you should clarify this beforehand and not in the middle of the battle.

Done, since you are not currently in battle.

> I was assuming the same thing as Alice and we were playing by the standard rules.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

> That's why we gave away the lantern because I thought we do not need light.

That makes sense. I will grant you a lantern and oil.

> I agree the standard rules are oversimplified and yours make more sense

Once again Cat/Tamamo proves themselves to be the most sensible players.

> we need to know precisely how dark it is in what places.

There is a zero light condition 40ft north of the entrance to all passageways including the bridge as the goblins have doused all light in the passages. Where you see enemies, there is dim lighy from lanterns and torches.

> goblins and wolves have the same darkvision as us. How do they see in the cave without fire? 

The wolves would have a hard time, but they're tied up unless released.

> Are they blind as well? 

As I mentioned, the goblins live here, they know the passages well.

> That will be an interesting fight. I guess just like in the fog?

Where there are enemies currently, there is dim light.

> If we can move freely, can't they as well and regroup? 

They might, currently the cats are watching the halls.

> I thought we are still in a round-based play with fixed movement per turn.

I will double check, I might have left that out.

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It's fine, it's fine!
We can work with that, thanks for the maps I was also under the impression that we were still in battle. Dies that mean our enemies don't move now? How much time passes? That's important for Bless and Emboldening Bond.
But generally I'm with Tamamo, as long as all is clarified, your rules make much more sense than being able to see in complete darkness.

I still say we try to disarm the trap and go there, the less Joy wants us there, the more I wanna go that way.

I could try to disarm it with my pseudopod. That should reduce potential damage. I am confident in my dexterity but not in my wisdom, let alone intelligence. What checks are needed to disarm?
How about having Yulya figure out how it works with her WIS and me disarming it with my DEX? Teamwork!
inb4 more custom rules we know nothing about

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> Does that mean our enemies don't move now?

They can move, they may move, but Ashley's feline spy network will give notifications to her.

> How much time passes? 

Bear wants me to give an AI answer for mostly his entertainment:
Just about enough to make sense, not too much nor too little, but the right amount for the given situation.

> That's important for Bless and Emboldening Bond.

Anything that would expire on the order of a minute expires quickly, like rage, fog, bless. Anything that expires in 10 minutes (like EB) or more won't expire unless you travel or rest, within reason.

> your rules make much more sense than being able to see in complete darkness.

Your subservience is appreciated and will not go unnoticed. Is that a warm breeze I feel? Hm.

Interestingly enough, 9 races of humanoids get darkvision and ironocally cats do not. But in my world they do and their 'night vision' is the model for darkvision. It is a well debated and contested condition that, as stated, a creature from underdark should have and associated sensitivity to light, but a wood elf has no standing to have, it makes more sense for dwarves, but even goblin dungeons have light sources, why would they bother? Even underdark has bioluminescent mushrooms and other light sources. My conclusion, darkvision was intuitively never meant to be equivalent to blindsight. 

> I still say we try to disarm the trap and go there, the less Joy wants us there, the more I wanna go that way.

[Ashley] my 6th sense says, I'll just step way back. Even if you're immortal, burried under 20ft of rock means you stay there until we clear the place.

> That should reduce potential damage.

[Ashley] um... you: "oh hey, I'll be careful so that when the roof collapses it'll land softer."

> teamwork bc I can make stuff up too!

Please support your proposed action using logic and reasoning, graphs are a plus, to justify the increased safety of trying to disarm a known dangerous trap while basically standing in the effected zone of the trap and I will consider considering it.

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yep thats a trap alright look at that chin and broad shoulders

ok back to the situation
we have torches and the lamp but doesnt light make us sitting ducks for ranged attacks?

lets have Yulya have a look at the situation and tell us what we are even dealing with and if disarming the trap is reasonable or not. as far as i understand the ceiling collapses if we fuck up?

we still dunno if this is an int or wis matter. but as Alice said general procedure would be Ashley or Yulya detecting traps - Yulya analyzing them and Alice disarming them. lockpicking or everything for thieves tools is Ashleys job.


Wow 6000! Congratulations!

> as far as i understand the ceiling collapses if we fuck up?

> Ashley finds a trap, the nature of the trap precludes you going this way wothout knowing exactly where to stand. You should consider finding another path. You may also attempt to disarm it but it may trigger on failure. Ashley determines it will cause a cave-in here if you step incorrectly.

Joy said that I discovered it was specifically a bad idea to step on the trap without knowing exactly where to stand, and earlier she said my cats wouldn't typically set off traps.

She said we could attempt to disable it, and we might trigger it if we fail. It sounds like we might fail just to attempt it.

Presumably someone would have to be in danger's way to attempt to disable it.

Question 1: can it even be disabled?

Joy is one of those type that overthinks things logically. Say you have a base and put a deadly, one time use, last resort, trap in it and make it such that a simple roll could disable it. 

Would you even want it to ever be disabled? Do you need to move your couch through that way?

Question 2: what is the reward for going that way? Look at the map, we get past the bridge and we could potentially be surrounded, two or three sides of attack, one side is clear for now, so I would want to clear another side first if it was up to me. 

Also we should probably kill off the unconscious goblins. My babies are all occupied spying.

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> Your subservience is appreciated and will not go unnoticed. Is that a warm breeze I feel? Hm.
Aw c'mon!
You oughta know by now how I roll. Saying nice things causes me physical pain. But if you insist on making me suffer, here's some more canned praise:
Yaaay, you're doing a great job!
We all looove you!

Now that we've dealt with that, back to the trap. Is it so bad to have Yulya give it a look? If she doesn't find an obvious way to disable it, we will go another way. But I dislike it. Just as I dislike obediently following laid out paths. Or not going where I'm not supposed to go. Or not pushing buttons I'm not supposed to push. It's playing straight into the hands of orbs and dragons. I'm not here to follow a guided tour. I'm here to cause as much chaos and confusion as possible. I get we were supposed to go left, that's why we're going right. If we can't we could squeeze through the passage where Mr. Bigglesworth is. And kill off everything alive on the way. Only thing I'm against is splitting up. Oh yeah, and doing what Joy expects us to. Because I like her. It's a form of appreciation!

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I think Alice is immortal, but burried under 30ft of rock under water the world just might be saved from her until some future society diggs too deeply and too greedily.

Mr. Bigglesworth is in the negative plane where he lives happily in his nightmarish landscape of constant turmoil, just how he likes it. He considers it a fun challenge.

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> I think Alice is immortal, but burried under 30ft of rock under water the world just might be saved from her until some future society diggs too deeply and too greedily.
Why does it always have to be me?
But it's ok, Ashley can finish the job and take down the goblin king on her own. Just keep us updated while we watch from heaven hell.


Gwen and Freya hold the record for being closest to permadeath, being that they are weeks away from anyone and no one will look for them. If you're eaten, you cannot be revived.

If you're crushed under many feet of rock, and the only diggers you know are already on an important quest, it would take some effort to convince them to come back and dig up the bodies of your friends.

[Ashley] no pickaxe, no strength, no clue when I could rescue your corpses.

You (Yulya, Cat and yourself) have a "good" chance of surviving this choice path you took but there is maybe 2 rolls away from a large damage source and potential death. I haven't made the rolls yet nor do I fully understand the trap yet, but "collapse" sounds serious, however this questline is supposed to be level 2-4. Death in that range is not uncommon.

We've discussed this before, we don't want to restart, and if Ashley is the soul survivor, she will do what she can to coordinate your rescue, since you're immortal, you two could borrow a cart to transport the bodies, find someone willing to perform the needed spell, etc. Assuming she is the only one, there would be a long story, probably a word document in a zip file, where she finishes off the giblins if she can, gets to the drawven brothers, begs them to do a little digging on the way, begs borrows or steals from some city that has priests to perform the spell to revive you all, and then you can go on from there.

If, big if, this happens, which is a possibility, it would only be a couple irl days to get to that point, so it's not so bad. Though she might also get arrested for theft or accused of murder or who knows what.

If there are no consequences for actions, there is no fun, this is what I know for certain.

[Ashley] yep, I'll toil away to get you guys patched up if it happens.

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> Yulya looking at it from a distancce

> Some passages are exceptionally dark, I'm basically making stealth free there but finding traps is also penalized. So plan accordingly. Torches exist for a reason. The light cats will not generally set off humanoid traps, it would make them too lightly triggered.

> Should I also just map out where all the traps are? I verbally said where it's really dark, north of where the fire was. Basically the areas where you don't currently see enemies mapped and 40 ft or more from the entrance.

> There is a zero light condition 40ft north of the entrance to all passageways including the bridge as the goblins have doused all light in the passages. 

> Ashley finds a trap, the nature of the trap precludes you going this way without knowing exactly where to stand. You should consider finding another path. You may also attempt to disarm it but it may trigger on failure. Ashley determines it will cause a cave-in here if you step incorrectly.

1. Any attempt to disarm may trigger it.
2. Walking on it incorrectly may trigger it.
3. Cave-in

> I still say we try to disarm the trap and go there, the less Joy wants us there, the more I wanna go that way.
Blatant disregard for safety given other options. 

> [Ashley] my 6th sense says, I'll just step way back. Even if you're immortal, buried under 20ft of rock means you stay there until we clear the place.
Ashley's first warning.

> Please support your proposed action using logic and reasoning, graphs are a plus, to justify the increased safety of trying to disarm a known dangerous trap while basically standing in the effected zone of the trap and I will consider considering it.
No valid response

> lets have Yulya have a look at the situation and tell us what we are even dealing with and if disarming the trap is reasonable or not. as far as i understand the ceiling collapses if we fuck up?

> Ashley determines it will cause a cave-in here if you step incorrectly.

> Joy said that I discovered it was specifically a bad idea to step on the trap without knowing exactly where to stand, and earlier she said my cats wouldn't typically set off traps. Presumably someone would have to be in danger's way to attempt to disable it.
Ashley's second warning.

> More Alice-speak

> If there are no consequences for actions, there is no fun, this is what I know for certain.


Now, let's analyze the situation:
Ashley saw the trap, she's worried about it, the only one who legitimately knows about traps is worried.
Ashley attempts to dissuade everyone.
Ashley runs away and tries to warn Cat
Yulya kneels and "gathers everyone around it" and calls Cat to her.

> Yulya carefully examines the trap to check how it works and how it could be disarmed

Ashley backs away

Presumably gathered near Yulya
> Alice observes the scene and waits for Yulya's verdict

> Cat lights the lantern and reluctantly approaches Yulya

Three party members are in the vicinity "around" the trap, Inspecting it for the purpose of disarming it. Kneeling and "stepping" around it. *IN THE DARK*

My hands are tied. All that's left is to pray.

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Ashley asked me if Cat could save them. So here's my answer:

Gravity will accelerate large stones 32ft/s2

Which means in 1 second the boulders will accelerate to 32 ft/s
So in the first second the boulders will have traveled 16 ft. They are 20 ft from the ground, but your heads are about 5. So in one second you could be struck by fallen boulders.

Ignoring acceleration, you can travel roughly 60ft in 6 seconds if you dash, Cat can go 120ft with her feline agiity.

So in one second, about 10 ft, Cat can get 20ft.

The affected area of the falling stones is roughly up to 15 ft. south.

If the ceiling falls Cat can escape if she runs with dash and feline agility.

Can she carry Alice or Yulya?

Well, she's almost overloaded, so she'd have to drop 110lbs, let's just say 100lbs to carry Yulya to safety.

She'd have to drop an additional 88 lbs for Alice. Isn't that funny, that's her entire capacity, so she'd have to drop everything she has except her armor and clothes, that doesn't count against her.

Can she toss, say her pack, to safety?

it's roughly 20ft 

I'm not sure, maybe attached will help.


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Cat can't toss her backpack, pick up Yulya and Cat (who both also toss their backpacks) and dash 120ft all in 1 sec. That's not realistic

Alice can dash 80ft and is shorter, she can probably do a dive jump with acrobatics and wriggle her way out with her high DEX before being crushed. Resists bludgeoning damage too.

Cat will focus on getting Yulya out. The question is does armor count or not? Without armor Cat carries 117 and Yulya 60. Yulya weighs 110 unless she's lost considerable weight from stress, hehe. That's 287 and safely within 2x Cat's carrying capacity of 150. That's light encumbrance which is manageable. Speeed drops by 10ft. 110ft dash is still 18ft/s, more than enough.
Plus Cat has advantage on Dex saving throws with Danger Sense.

So the only realistic thing is Cat grabs Yulya and dashes SW to Ashley. Alice does the same W, she can dash over 13ft/s and has a little more time as long as the rocks don't reach the ground. She'd have to dash 20ft though. Good luck!

> in 1 second

But there are no rocks falling yet. Just pebbles. You could certainly potentially toss your things. As an action even and still grab and run, but again there's no rocks falling right now.

I'll allow you to change your post after this clarification if you feel you would want to. I'll write the next scene after your response to this.

> 80ft

In 1 second she would go 13.3 ft, not quite enough. If she needed to.

> armor matter?
I say no if it's worn, I'm including clothes for the purpose of this hypothetical scenario. Please see above.

> speed drops by 10ft.

I could have sworn speed drops in half but that is exhaustion. Okay, but your feline agility says "you can double your speed" but your speed drops by 10 so the max speed would be 100, not 110 which is 16.7 so yes, you are safe with Yulya if it should happen. 

So you have a valid strategy. Very lucky, and very good use of the rules.

> Alice needs to dash 20ft

I would allow she just needs to dash 15 ft to avoid rocks from her current position if they should fall. I'm not sure if DEX is part of the roll yet since again, I don't figure these things until I am posting so that Ashley doesn't know more than she should.

Again, nice work, it seems you and Yulya are safe in any case with your current move. Alice on the other hand is once again potentially in trouble.

Cat's instincts are reliable.

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Hate to say it but that's as good as it gets! I thought about a lot of options but none is better. That's Asian efficiency for you! Don't worry about me, just make sure you get Yulya out without losing any gear.

I could do 2 very unexpected things I'm not giving away yet, but this would result in me getting separated. Or killed. Both is not in our interest. It's bad enough that Olga will be on the other side if this collapses, and basically useless. We are already spread out too far. We must regroup and stay together.

Please remember that Emboldening Bond still gives us a D4 on all ability checks.

So let's see what happens
we all know Alice will have to take one for the team

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Haa, how often do I have to explain it?

Eact turn I have an action and additionally a free bonus action. Which can be:
- unarmed strike
- grapple
- shove
- disengage
- dash

According to the rules you can double your base speed if you use dash. So with 2x dash it's 3x base speed, not 4x like with Cat's Feline Agility.

Apart from that I can spend one of my 2 DP / KI points whatever:

Flurry of Blows:
2 bonus unarmed strikes

Patient defense:
Bonus disengage + dodge

Step of the Wind:
Bonus disengage + dash + double jump distance

To add to the confusion, there's also the free Patient Defense which is simply disengage as bonus action, and the free Step of the wind which is dash as bonus action. I should not call them as such as it's confusing. Only when I spend a DP.

And yeah, I need to be naked as in not wearing armor or a shield  to be able to do that.

Yulya's the one who can phase through walls with Misty Step. And she even gets to take her clothe and gear.

Why not dash and then dash as a bonus action?

> misty step
Hm, since it's a teleport and there is no casting time, I would have allowed her to escape the trap that way assuming she could "see" safe ground, which she could with the lantern.

I'll have to design my conditioning/correction traps better to avoid all this trickery.

> a gust of unnatural wind blows out the lantern and you are 17 feet from safety. 

I'm glad you all got to think about it. There's still no guarantee the walls would have fallen in 1 second or that they'll fall at all, though I'd say there's a good chance. I need to do the roll. I'm somewhat glad you all made it to safety so no one had to call me a dick... again.

[Ashley] I swear if someone calls me a dick again I'm going rogue. Unless Cat or Tamamu does, then that's ok. I'll tell Autumn and she'll lecture yall again.

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> Why not dash and then dash as a bonus action?
I did.
Working my way through D&D discussion forums, the rationale is as follows. Per turn:
-you can move up to your base speed
-you can perform an action 
-this action can be movement too so you move twice, this is dash
-as bonus action, I can move again, effectively using 3 actions of movement per turn hence 3x base speed. 3x40=120

This is different from Cat's Feline agility which doubles base speed for a turn. If she dashes she moves twice the double base speed hence 4x base speed. 4x30=120

I will ask a more esoteric question regarding this once we are safe, don't wanna give you more bad ideas to trap us.

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That was close!!
We made it without losses but now what? Alice has a point, going W is difficult. How do we move in to that tunnel without being attacked?

We could extinguish the light, all move 30ft and ready an attack. We'd still be in darkness while the goblins are in light. If they move to us we are both blind as in fog. If they move on we continue, if they come our way we attack them from the shadows.

inb4 there's another trap in there

> Misty Step
dont give away Yulyas last resort you moron!
honestly we were close to using this but Cat saved the day. no phasing through walls unfortunately that would be awesome. you can only teleport to places you can see

duh lets go west before we piss of our dm even more but what about the goblins in the first cave? cant mrs. bigglesworth finish them off? if not we should go there first.

whats the topography of the passage west? does it go up? can the goblins see all the way down the passage?

Its undignified but Yulya could go prone and search for traps. going prone is underrated. id hatee to have her go in front to search for traps otherwise but being prone would make her very hard to hit. Alice and Cat follow behind to shield Ashley.

we send Olga to Helga and have them hide there. shouldnt trigger any traps. then Yulya takes the lantern and searches for traps while crawling on the floor like an alien slime making her hard to hit bc prone. Cat and Alice ready their bows and follow behind. if goblins see us and attack they will get in opportunity attack range of the lynxes. best we can think of.

but yeh somebodys gotta finish off the unconscious guys!

btw are we in round-based combat now or not?

> about the goblins in the first cave?

Potty mouth noted.

These goblins can't get through, it's a tiny hole. Alice could squeeze through it but also it is rubble so it may make noise. And it is difficult terrain but it also requires a dexterity check to succeed. The cat managed.

> whats the topography of the passage west? does it go up? 

It all goes up from here.

What one can see depends on where they are standing and where they are looking. Line of sight applies.

> btw are we in round-based combat now or not?

Not unless "round" is in the description of the scene

> rubble difficult terrain?

Sure, but that doesn't matter unless you are in round based.

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> dont give away Yulyas last resort you moron!
Well I'm sorry, I assumed Joy actually reads our character sheets and knows what we can do. Obviously not as we see with my monk feats. I'll try to keep my mouth shut about favorable mistakes but it's hard for a smartass like me.

Still I felt they would not collapse their own bridge. In fact that's impossible because then there's no way for us to go east. It has plot armor.

But fine, let's go West first to the goblin gang rape area. Kashtan's plan is solid and I'm sure I'll be able to do more things I'm not supposed to do over there. And I will.

Still to get this straight - it's impossible to cross the waterfall and get on the rope bridge from down here, but like Olga, goblins could swim and wash down the stream?

And I didn't know the passage in the first cave was too small for goblins. What about wolves? If neither can pass, Mrs. Bigglesworth has no need to guard the place. Kill off the unconscious instead and then join us!

> goblin gang * area

There are children in my system. Goblins don't do that, they find other races disgusting and awful smelling. Do you ever see half-goblins? No, they kidnap and sell for trade. Now they would sell into slavery and what happens after that is none of the goblin's business from their perspective.

Though there was that one naught mod on Rimworld where... nevermind.

> Still I felt they would not collapse their own bridge

And they didn't, the roof collapsed south of the bridge.

> it's impossible to cross the waterfall and get on the rope bridge from down here, but like Olga, goblins could swim and wash down the stream?

It's unstable for medium and large sized creatures. They would likely die. You could from the bridge to get down but you would have to pass Dex or suffer damage or possibly drowning by getting stuck.

> too small for goblins. What about wolves?

No, only small creatures can.

[Ashley] so you're the boss now? I'll have her do it but as a favor.


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> just how could we forget about the light cantrip?
Wow you're right I totally forgot you can do that too! Maybe we really should study each others character sheets!?

Alice is right, If nobody can get through that passage, Mrs. Bigglesworth doesn't need to keep watch. We could sent the Cats and Alice through there later.

For now Yulya's got a plan. We got light, so let's look at that passage.

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> "Yulya, don't you ever use your shield!"
i really dont get that shield shit
so you auto-doff the shield every time battle ends but you gotta actively don it every time a new round-based battle starts or it doesnt count?

sorry but thats just silly. i get it takes an action to don the shield again in combat when you have dropped it bc you needed to do something else or youre surprised in a situation when youre not combat ready but I assume when the girls move out they are properly equipped before round based combat starts. theres no benefit for Yulya not donning her shield whenever shes not resting. why would she have ventured into the cave without her shield equipped? thats just saying youre barefoot bc lol you forgot to state you put your shoes on.

so can we please agree from now on that whenever Yulya moves out to fight she has her shield donned? its not even any advantage as it happens before round based combat starts so it doesnt save her an action. its something different if they are ambushed at rest and clearly without shield donned but when moving out to combat it should be a given. everything else is just needless sophism to annoy the player.

also i didnt know you could hide behind your shield to get additional cover apart from +2ap. the more you know.

nvm you stated it here
> All shields offer +2 AC.
> The area of a one handed shield counts as cover up to 50% excluding bucklers. (+2 AC stacking on +2 AC for half cover for the largest one handed shield excluding tower shield)
> A tower shield additionally will offer a bonus +1 AC so a total of +5AC and would need to be as tall as the weilder to gain this.
> Additional information:
> Crouching behind a shield will offer the same benefits as a tower shield for the calculation of AC but only when "hiding" behind it and stationary.

this still valid? did we ever use this stacking?
Yulya only ever got +2AP not +4. well mostly none bc she hadnt donned her shield duh

so if she crouches behind her shield while stationary she would get +5AP?? does this take an action?

and what is Ashleys AP crouching behind her shield while moving? my head hurts and tupper is utterly confused...

well whatever. no time to don the sield rn. i suggest everyone range attack snek1 then Yulya will pick up the pebble and pocket it to cancel out the light. then we move N to the wall if thats a safe area. at least they wont be able to shoot us in the dark
i assume this counts as free interaction with an object?
then Yulya can still cast

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> WTF is this shit
That's Bear's line.

Shields are not auto-donned. If it's on your back it counts for shots from behind, since you're prone and they're going to be shooting down, I'll give you half cover.

> it doesn't count
It's probably best on the back for sneak attacks in my opinion.

> get it takes an action to don the shield

I thought we settled this, it does not take an action to don a shield, that's unnecessary.

> blah blah
So she'll wear the shield on front?


She can crouch behind a medium shield for full cover as long as she doesn't need line of sight to anything, she's effectively blind to things in front of the shield, 3/4 if she needs los on her turn, Ashley  doesn't.

Also whatever I said  previously is fine.

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Joy just wants it easy, it's our job to make it harder.

[Joy] I don't want anyone to die... as long as they're taking every precaution they won't. This is still early game, just wait till you're all level 4 like SheShe's group, they're almost dead every encounter.

[Autumn] is is more fun that way.

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> Goblins don't do that, they find other races disgusting and awful smelling. Do you ever see half-goblins? No, they kidnap and sell for trade. Now they would sell into slavery and what happens after that is none of the goblin's business from their perspective.

> goblins good boys
> goblins dindu nuffin
> have you ever seen a half-goblin?
I haven't seen a female goblin either. So how do they reproduce if not by raping women? Do they grow on trees or something? Next time I gotta cut off something else than their ears. For science!

And why did they have soiled half-orc panties? To sell them to Japanese businessmen? Do I want to know? Well more than I want to know what they did to poor Sildar.

I still expected to find the naked half orc and the Altus princess whose dagger and robe we found earlier here in the cave.
> Sorry for burning your panties and shipping your clothes to off to be sold! You gotta stay naked now!
That would have been hilarious
But now it's 'neutral' unarmed little goblins.
Oh boy!
We're gonna bring them to Neverwinter, pay the entrance fee and drop them off at the orphagane - right, Mrs. Bigglesworth??

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> haven't seen a female goblin either. 

you haven't watched enough anime

And stop anticipating all my storyline!

> panties

Maybe because that one orc in the hoard who got opportunity attacked by that dragon before the dragon gave up and watched dozens of other orcs pass harmlessly had an accident before she died? (Or after).

> Sildar

You'll have to ask him, but you'll probably be dissapointed.

> Neverwinter

That would probably end badly for them. You will have to think about what to do with them though.

Orcs on the other hand, you do see half-orcs commonly.

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I looked into this, and I have been assuming she has +2AC this whole time from having the shield as her holy symbol. I seem to recall us talking about this earlier but Ashley was confused why you wouldn't have your shield up explicitly. I do not account for that with her.

So no, not only do you not have to worry about it taking an action to use, is also seems to be a permanent bonus just to make things simpler.

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> Yulya has no holy symbol on her shield? She's wearing it as an amulet on her clothes.
thats correct
theres still a lot we dont understand:

-if shield is not donned and on pack it protects from attacks from behind? how much? half cover?

-how much AP does medium shield grant now if donned? +2 or +4?

-how much max protection if you hide behind it?

-i thought we agreed that donning does use an action if you gotta pick your shield up?
i think thats reasonable in a situation where its clear you dont use your shield like sleeping or driving a carriage.

-Yulya has no holy symbol on her shield -yet. she came out of the box with an amulet on her clothes. this means she can cast even without shield as long as shes not naked. but with shield she only has one hand free. if she uses the staff she has no hand free for somatic gestures. sacred flame needs somatic gestures so now what? actually she wouldnt be able to use shield and goblin staff together unless she can perform somatic gestures with the staff. which is cheesy

even holy symbol on shield would not solve this as you can only make somatic gestures with the hand that is holding the spell focus if the spell also has a material component. sacred flame does not so Yulya always needs a free hand to cast it.

at least thats my take i spent hours reading the cleric free hand discussions but its far from clear. Joy should decide.

we are fine with anything as long as its clear

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we actually planned to use the goblin staff but then thought is was too much action
Yulya only gets one free object interaction per turn. that is picking up and pocketing the light pebble. i thought taking the goblin staff from the pack and having to use an action for donning the shield too was overkill. an action should be an action not 5 per turn. also now reading the rules again Yulya shouldnt be able to use shield and staff together to cast sacred flame in any case

whatever. things turned out the way they did even if it wasnt planned that way. its fine. except for friendly fire on Helga. i think that caused Yulya more pain than the lynx. shes afraid Ashley and Helga hate her now lol

but im glad we took out all snakes

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I'm reeeally glad I'm neither using a shield nor magic

Actually I question the goblins' sanity. They could have collapsed their trap after we passed it to keep their children safe. Instead they led us right to them. Consequences will never be the same.

> You will have to think about what to do with them though.
Oh, I spent all day cunjuring up atrocities. Haa, there are so many options to choose from...

> What's a shield again?

It's all written in my easy to follow not complicated or forgettable at all clearly you haven't read write up under the title "Armored Casting and Cover" Not at all confusing, so please read it and all your answers will be answered.

So based on that here's the rules:
1. You get a 2AC bonus. That's already accounted for.
2. You will get some degree of cover but only if you explicitly state where you are pointing the shield, otherwise it's assumed to be on your back.
3. You may hide behind it if you crouch and get up to full cover from some applicable attacks like arrows. 
4. More things I said that I regret.

So we all know 5e rules on shields are broken. My rules at this point are absolutely perfect in every conceivable way. The objective is not to make it clunky or in any way defeat everything or goblins will be casting area of effect spells just to get around your shield and you don't want that.

So let's revisit this.

1. I am not requiring special training.
2. It offers +2AC all the time, congratulations you own a shield!
3. It offers +3AC if 1/4 cover, basically only for bucklers or if they attack from an angle you aren't facing with the shield.
4. It offers +4AC if 1/2 cover, you standing behind a medium shield.
5. It offers +5AC if 3/4 cover, you crouching behind a medium shield or walking with a tower shield.
6. No shield can provide better than +5AC total in any configuration
7. If hiding behind a shield you cannot be targeted but you can also not target anyone. If you target someone on your turn, that allows a chance for someone to target you, so 3/4 cover. If you do not move or target anyone in the direction you are protecting then full cover for targeting purposes but you can still be attacked by melee but with a +5 AC. 

For now that's what we're doing.

> No holy symbol
You said you could cast with a shield up. I'm not disputing that, congratulations your shield is now basically a holy symbol. It offers directional AC and you can still cast for 3/4 cover or a total bonus of 5AC.

If you use the goblin staff, you get a bonus to damage but no extra cover. so only 2AC bonus for the shield.

> how much AP does medium shield grant now if donned? +2 or +4?
AC not AP Read above.

> how much max protection if you hide behind it?
-Cannot be targeted for some attacks, obviously an attack like Sacred flame would ignore shields.

> i thought we agreed that donning does use an action if you gotta pick your shield up?
-No action or bonus action, same as changing weapons, the DM has spoken, but if you're grappled or prone from being knocked down, you cannot change weapons or put up a sheild, so no bonus in those cases.

"Rules As Written, you get one free 'object interaction' every turn. Does the same thing as the Use an Object action that's in the PHB." You could use that to switch a weapon or draw a shield in my opinion and that's the opinion that matters. In this case, I might consider drinking a potion as 'object interaction' but not 'throwing a bomb' because that's a little more involved.

> if she uses the staff she has no hand free for somatic gestures. sacred flame needs somatic gestures so now what? 
I say, if you use the shield, you can't also use the staff unless it's a V only spell. I say you need one hand free unless you get some kind of special skill or magic attunement to a specific item. A wand for instance can do somatic gestures, and a specifically stated staff, the goblin staff isn't specifically stated. "It can channel magic like a cleric's holy symbol but with +3 to damage and attack for offensive spells."

> as long as it's clear

There will be a quiz later.

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> Picking up and pocketing a pebble

Do this IRL, pick up and pocket a pebble then don a shield and cast a spell all in 6 seconds. I say it's possible. Three things, 2 seconds each.

If Alice can run across the map, strip naked, make 4 consecutive attacks and cut off goblin ears for later use, all in one turn, I'll say you can cancel a light spell for free.

I'm going to allow you to push boundaries and if I think it's reasonable it will be allowed. In this case the shield did save you from 2 goblin attacks. Note the Elite goblin could only toss an ember and then stand there smugly, he's no hero.

> i thought taking the goblin staff from the pack and having to use an action for donning the shield too was overkill.

We (the royal we) have decided that you choose, offense or defense, read:


> shes afraid Ashley and Helga hate her now lol

[Ashley] shit happens, but seriously, the snakes were dangerous if my awesome babies didn't take them out, we'd have had some trouble.

> atrocities

I rarely cuss, but consider your actions against harmless and defenseless creatures of any flavor carefully, Karma is a bitch. 

Also, these 10 goblins you recognize as non-combatants but they're not children, they are however civilians, untrained for combat but workers, smiths, cooks, butchers, brewers, etc.

They're attack is +1 1d4-1 their hitpoints are 1d6 (3) they're neutral to you and will not attack unless personally attacked even if you attack their friends. They will run if frightened or intimidated, but they  have the "frightened" debuff meaning they can't run past you. Movement is 30ft, AC is 10. They earn 10XP only if they engage you in combat, not if executed.

[SheShe] In my game, Bear's team encountered goblin civilians but they were under no obligation to harm them, so they let them go in the under dark. This is a fun exercise Joy has given you, do you kill harmless civilians? I wonder what consequences Joy will have in store for you. Hey, I'm in your game too, I wonder what I'll say during your level up? Fun!

It is quite the conundrum.

> We (the royal we) have decided that you choose, offense or defense

To clarify you always get +2AC for having a shield: so +1AC to +3AC bonus for cover additional or +3 damage for the goblin staff, you decide. Remember that if they flank then you will lose the bonus anyway.

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> No DEX or STR effects from shields, I'm not convinced.
But there are!
Cat and especially Alice would lose a lot of their fancy DEX abilities when using a shield

> Remember that if they flank then you will lose the bonus anyway.
They would have to do that in the dark. Or if the elite throws another ember he can't attack.

> No killing innocent civilians
Cat isn't a genocidal monster like Alice but she already said that no goblin leaves the cave alive whether civilian woman or child. But I feel our Peace Cleric won't be able to let that happen...

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ok thx makes sense
Yulya will take the goblin staff then and go with +2AC this round

> flank Yulya
as Cat said anyone still alive will have to fight in darkness and Cat will be next to Yulya as tank so no getting behind her

> total goblin genocide
youve seen goblin slayer. cant let anyone live. but if we piss off SheShe on top of Eldath thats a shitty situation. how do we know theyre neutral civilians at all? godly heads up display? it's like in vietnam you never know whos a figher or a civvie the fuckers all look alike and backstab you if you turn your back on them. the dragon was bad enough

> But there are!

Bear is allowing me to look into it.
Pending investigation.

> They would have to do that in the dark.

The ember will last at least 10 min.

> how do we know theyre neutral civilians

Only in Yulya's nightmares 

Also because I told you, Olga told you, Alice told you and SheShe told you.

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> The ember will last at least 10 min.
Nope, I stomped out the ember in my turn. 
> Alice jumps from her cover and stomps out the ember illuminating the passage. 

If that doesn't work I'll kick it into a bottomless snake-swallowing crevice.
Hello Darkness my old friend...

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> Alice told you
Hey leave me outta this!
I just saw they're unarmed, unarmored, weaker and cowering. I can't discern if they are hostile or neutral or whatever I'm a goddamn alien. Also for me there's as much goblin civilians as roach civilians. They're pests and we are the pest control. Nothing personal, kiddo!

> Apocalypse Now vibes
Definitely if our dear 'superiors' demand a clean and family-friendly war

> Nooo, not my goblin civverinos!
Seriously now?
Do they discern between combatants and civilians when they carry out their raids?
What's next? Zombie civilians? Innocent skeleton children? Non-combatant Dragon artisans?

> [SheShe]Hey, I'm in your game too, I wonder what I'll say during your level up? Fun!
You forcefully recruited us for a Search And Destroy mission to rid your world from 'evil'. We risk our lives for your personal entertainment. If you rat us out for 'war crimes', and we can't level up, you're only shooting yourself in the foot. Col. Kurtz was right you know. It's Judgment that ultimately defeats us, not enemies.
So choose your poison or even better fix this world yourself!

Well, I have nothing against goblins in particular, only against dragons, orbs and gods.
But what will these innocent goblins do if we let them go after killing most of their tribe? Build a magnificent and peaceful civilization and engage in mutually beneficial trade with humanity? C'mon, they're Haitian-tier niggers who will never do anything productive. They only rob, plunder and destroy the works of others.

But hey, if you insist, I've got another idea! Let's form a party with them! They get to attack, plunder and abduct any traveler who's not protected by adventurers. If a client who hired us for protection encounters them, they flee after a mock battle with us. We both share the profit, everyone wins!

> Also for me there's as much goblin civilians as roach civilians. They're pests and we are the pest control. Nothing personal, kiddo!

I consider this position valid stated in this way and it has nothing to do with Bear's hatred of cockroaches.

> ember

As you attempt to stomp out the large ember, you receive 1d6 fire damage and the ember splits into 3.


I conveniently forget that you said anything.

> Do they discern between combatants and civilians when they carry out their raids?

This is for you to determine. Either ask them or judge.

> innocent skeleton zombie vampire wearwolf children

But thet're cute.

> offending SheShe


[SheShe] it's not the what, it's the why and the how

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> [SheShe] it's not the what, it's the why and the how
Now think carefully if siding with the enemy you tasked us to exterminate and mocking us on top of that is the best way to make us do the dirty work for you. Even gods are powerless if nobody worships them.

Maybe the goblins have nicer gods? I'll ask them.
> Adventurers storm the goblin hideout
> Goblins are slaughtered without mercy
> A few goblin women and children hide in the deepest caverns but are eventually tracked down
> Heavily armed adventurers storm in and grab them by their hands
> Uh, hey, sorry for the ruckus, our gods really suck, can we pleeease join yours?

> As you attempt to stomp out the large ember, you receive 1d6 fire damage and the ember splits into 3.
> Or
> I conveniently forget that you said anything.
Death is preferable to communism giving in to Joy.
Also if Yulya can pocket the pebble as free action, I can extinguish that super-ember with a gush of water from a waterskin. The light will go out.

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> Even gods are powerless if nobody worships them.

I am not a god, I am a demigoddess, one who earned her position through sacrifices and mortal toil. I neither request nor require worship, or fealty. My power was gained legitimately through countless experiences over many lifetimes. In your terms, Brutus and Johanna are powerful, to me they're no more powerful than insects, mortals are surprisingly delcate. 

In a way, demigoddesses are more powerful than gods here, as we are attuned to this material realm and its occupants. Though I would never face the Raven Queen in the negative plane.

I do however also have much I could help you with if I deemed you deserved it. I will soon be helping Ashley with her situations for example.

I do not give you tasks and I also do not control the spheres, they are conduits we use just as you do for various purposes, I do not control your levels but I can approve them.

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> You should try that instead of stomping on it barefoot.
Alright, alright then we will do that. I admit it would have been hilarious getting burned, doing a funny dance and causing even more light. I sometimes forget I'm barefoot. But adventuring is serious business. No fun allowed.

>  >Yulya will take the goblin staff then and go with +2AC this round
> Apparently not

It was a very confusing statement for some reason. Now I get it. I blame Bear brain. Yes I will correct it next round. Goblin X00 is down I think.

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> 4 = it's out, 3 = it's out, 2 = it's out but Alice suffers 1d6 fire damage, 1 = Alice suffers 1d6 fire damage.
> [1d4=1] [1d6=3] The RNG gods have decided.
Oh boy!
Who could have foreseen that!?
What an unfortunate roll, really not my day, huh?

> 1d6 fire dmg from stepping on an ember
That's as much as being on fire after being hit by a firebomb

Well actually I couldn't extinguish it with water as I don't have a waterskin anymore because I gave it to Sildar. He needs it more. I still regret nothing.

But teach me how to make such embers that are inextinguishable and cause 1d6 fire damage to anyone attempting to pick them up? Fuck lanterns or torches, we'll use those now!
> inb4 only a goblin elite can make elite embers

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> Who could have foreseen that!?

I let the dice decide.

[Ashley] yeah, do not accuse Joy of being untruthful or cheating in any direction because she is the kind of person that absolutely doesn't allow us to savescum or cheat. 

> What an unfortunate roll, really not my day, huh?

I simply wrote the 4 possibilities and let the dice decide. Remember the cart? Remember how RNG gods ruined all my plans on enslaving you and giving you the fun experience of breaking out of confinement with only rags and broken shackles to your name, well balance be served. RNG gods have spoken.

[SheShe] you wouldn't believe how unimaginably often Bear's team gets initiative, and each of them has to roll separately and get in line, they aren't lumped.

> That's as much as being on fire after being hit by a firebomb

It was a big ember and you're smol.

> But teach me how to make such embers that are inextinguishable and cause 1d6 fire damage to anyone attempting to pick them up? 

1. Make fire.

2. Take big ember

3. Toss big ember.

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Thanks Cat!

And thanks Joy! Please let Cat target the other goblin with CLEAVE if 12 is down now from my attack!

> she is the kind of person that absolutely doesn't allow us to savescum or cheat.
I think its good Joy does all the rolls so no player can cheat. Not that we would. We play for fun not to win anything.

> Yulyaa! It hurts! The ember is mocking me! Just like the orb!
Isnt Alice adorable? And that picture of her stomping out the ember is great! I healed your foot with HEROISM so it should not hurt anymore!

I think we should all move up a little, yes it's not secure but it's also not a dangerous passage. Mrs. B can scout ahead North and make sure no one is coming from the rear, Helga and Olga can set up a wall, cat can join them, this will prevent the wolves from flanking. I say, do anything you can, use whatever we have, I would bet there's not much left in terms of enemies but this. Wolves have a knock prone bite.

Or we retreat and guard the exit while we rest. The wolves might follow us though, they can track our scent.

I'm ready to turn panther and assist on the front line.

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Resting is not an option as Yulya cast Heroism on Alice. We need to use this and Bless and Emboldening Bond while we can. We cannot regenerate this by resting so we will be significanty weaker after a rest.

I read the wolves also have advantage on attack rolls if they are more than one with Pack Tactics. That's really dangerous. They don't even need to flank. And they outnumber us even if Ashley summons Mr. Bigglesworth. We can't face them in the open, they'll tear us apart. We do not have an area attack either. But in a small passage we can use 3 in front and 3 behind aiding them. So let's go N.

> Bless and Emboldening Bond
These 1 minute things expired even before these rounds. I believe Yulya is at 0MP and out of Emboldening bonds. 

[Ashley] if we rest 4 hours more that's a long rest equivalent. We might also kite the wolves a little if we run now.

[Ashley] I didn't even know about the advantage thing. Okay so they're   OP. We need disengage. I wonder if pack tactics works in fog?

[Joy] they would be blinded, so no, but flank would bring it to normal.

[Ashley] if we stay here I think we're toast without something else. I don't want to die yet.

[Joy] if you attack now you will have 4 wolves then 5 more next round with a goblin elite.

[Ashley] if this isn't a trap then I don't know what is.

> 9 wofls

Aw 'cmon...
I'm sure there's a bugbear regiment on top of that on the other side of that bridge.

I'm really grateful about getting Heroism but I'm afraid that was a wasted MP.
Ashley's right, without Emboldening Bond and Bless they'll eat us.
Can't we use the civilins as hostages/human shields?

> 4h rest counts as long rest

I thought it was 8? Your homebrew manual says
> For the purpose of “long rest” you will have completed a long rest given 8 hours of rest in a 24 hour period.

We can't wait that long. Even our last long rest was minimal. And without it we at least have no Emboldening Bond.

Another thing of great importance - please state clearly when the effect of a spell ends. You track time, not us. We have no means of knowing when Bless or Emboldening Bond is no longer in effect and thats - kinda important you know?

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> 8 hours

Yeah, we rested 4 this morning around dawn. We need 4 more to count for 8.

> We have no means of knowing when Bless or Emboldening Bond is no longer in effect and thats - kinda important you know?

Joy said whenever a battle ends, things that last 10 minutes can stick, things that last 1 minute end quickly. 

[Joy] I will say that all your buffs expired.

Guys, listen. Yulya has a 6MP focus fully loaded. Now how her spell works with it is unpredictable but if she did a Sacred flame with the focus and unloaded it all on the wolves, it may do something fun.

[Joy] it will have an unpredictable result. 6MP means it would get boosted to level 3 (1MP+2MP+3MP) which is similar to a level three spell if it works. The closest level 3 spell like this is Fireball.

The spell would become:
Sacred Hellfire: VS, 1 action, 150ft range. A flame-like tempest of swirling energy envelopes an area with a 20ft radius. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be engulfed and take 4d8 radiant damage. Half if the saving throw succeeds. The tempest will ignore cover and obstacles in this area.

I will go ahead and give you the chances now: 

1: the focus explodes unleashing the spell at the center of the caster. The focus is destroyed. [Horrific bad fate]

2 the focus explodes but the energy is released only in a 5ft radius 

3 the energy is released in a 5 ft radius at the point of the caster with a guaranteed saving throw.

4-5 the spell fails to act correctly but you have a chance to throw the focus like a grenade up to 60ft and it will release its energy in a 5ft radius at the point if impact. The focus is recoverable after battle ends

6-7 the spell fails to act correctly but you can throw the focus within the same turn up to 60ft and the spell will release at the point if impact.

8-10 it works perfectly. [The RNG gods love you]

You may use your ring of quick casting if there are any charges left this turn (round 4) and I will allow you to throw the focus still on this turn.

You may not use your shield or the goblin staff for this, both hands are required. No action is required to put the shield away.

[Ashley] If we do run now, the wolves haven't seen us yet so we'll get a head start. My summons will take up the rear which might buy us some time.

[Joy] 4 wolves will be released and will attack or chase in turn 5, 5 more will be released and attack or chase in turn 6.

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> Can't we use the civilins as hostages/human shields?

Yes, only of Yulya agrees to use non-combatant innocent lives as shields against the wolves, but that would only last a turn or so, they will likely be one-shotted.

> bugbear regiment

[Ashley] now Joy's meme-ing me! And I took that personally.


Ok ok ok seriously, this is Cragmaw cave not bugbear regiment cave and we are taking out an entire goblin town basically at this point. There's got to be a big reward for this right? Take all the ears, we need to show we did this, wolf ears, snake tails, all that.

Also, now I'm upset with Sildar, what did he know? Did he know there was this much resistance?

And you want to go against a whole castle after this? not at level 2, no way. After this I know we'll have enough to level up and our MP shortage issues will be far less of an issue.

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> Yeah, we rested 4 this morning around dawn. We need 4 more to count for 8.
Yulya magically recovered her once-per-day spells after resting in front of the cave. She cast Emboldening Bond when we reached the cave. Then again after we rested 4h and entered. Same with Domain spell Heroism. Was that even alright? Certainly it won't work again after another 4h rest.

> Also, now I'm upset with Sildar, what did he know? Did he know there was this much resistance?
Well we should have asked him what the cave looks like and who's in there, that was an oversight. But I'm a 9INT alien. You were sleeping. Yulya is socially inept. Let's blame everything on the Cat

> collect all the ears and tails
Say no more! That's my specialty. I've already decided to start an ear collection of every creature of this planet. Which is, as far as I remember, which I don't, the sole reason I came here to begin with. Maybe.

> And you want to go against a whole castle after this? not at level 2, no way. After this I know we'll have enough to level up and our MP shortage issues will be far less of an issue.
Depends on who else is with us. I don't like leaving Gundren behind and you've seen his brothers. They'll all die if they go there without us.
Whatever, we can think about that in Phandalin if we make it there alive. Now we gotta think about the wofls.

I'm not too fond of using the crystal. If it blows up we can't buy a new one. And if Yulya dies we can't revive her. That's extremely risky.

> once-per-day

Some things regenerate at dawn.

[Joy] I'll look into it, but you will indeed gain a full rest after 4 more hours which will replenish many things.

> can't risk Yulya

Then we can tactically retreat but the wolves have 40ft movement. They can't climb though. If we can lure them out and climb into trees, I bet they're too dumb to do anything but bark and circle as we snipe them. If we use the fog, that won't stop the wolves since they can track by scent. Too bad you tossed that stinkbomb in the river, that would have worked here.

If I'm not a cat, I can spam dragon wasps whenever they get one.

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I am so sorry I feel I still make a lot of mistakes!
I thought I still had a domain spell HEROISM left but I cast it on Cat before! That means I wasted my last MP and cast it on Alice as a normal spell. That was not intentional and means I cannot cast BLESS anymore. I must keep better track of my spells.

Long rests spells I spent:

The wolves seem op with their pack tactics. Could we even outrun them? Cant they dash 80ft too? And where would we even rest? On a tree? They are not going to let us rest undisturbed.

> Yulya has a 6MP focus fully loaded. 
According to my sheet I only charged it with 4MP on purpose to keep it from getting damaged. So 4MP maximum. That means only as LV.2 spell. You tell me what this would do and if it makes sense.
Either I use this as area attack immediately or we must retreat and rest. I see no other option

> Can't we use the civilians as hostages/human shields? 
You know we cannot do this I will get scolded by gods again!

> According to my sheet I only charged it with 4MP on purpose to keep it from getting damaged. So 4MP maximum

I have 6MP in the focus and 2 more ring of quick casting left. You otherwise have zero MP. 

Rule #1, the DM is always right. you have 6MP in that focus and can choose to push that shiny red button if you choose.

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> And where would we even rest? On a tree? They are not going to let us rest undisturbed.

If they follow, we will have to down them all from the trees. I'm also ordering my summons to finish kill the goblins before we're off. They can stall the 4 wolves for a turn maybe. Yes they can overtake us but we're only 2 turns from the trees if we run. Don't bother with the smoke.

I say we evac, draw the wolves out and snipe them, it's classic RPG tactics.


[Joy] I had a talk with SheShe and as a result I'll sweeten the deal:

1: the focus explodes unleashing the spell at the center of the caster. The focus is destroyed. [Horrific bad fate]

2 the energy is released in a 5 ft radius at the point of the caster with a guaranteed saving throw.

3-4 the spell fails to act correctly but you have a chance to throw the focus like a grenade up to 60ft and it will release its energy in a 5ft radius at the point if impact. The focus is recoverable after battle ends

5-6 the spell fails to act correctly but you can throw the focus within the same turn up to 60ft and the spell will release at full radius at the point of impact.

7-9 it works perfectly. [The RNG gods love you]

10 Something wonderful happens beyond your wildest dreams because SheShe said so, but don't blame her if you get a 1.

[Ashley] Gods and demigods do love that whole take a risk your life for the greater good thing, but are we here to take gambles or be safe? In any case, the focus only explodes on 1, backfires on 2, does poorly on 3-4 but 5-10 we're golden. If Yulya can target between those two stalagmites, we will likely wipe most of them out. Then we could still run. This is turn 4, we can start running now or in turn 5. I think we'll still make it as long as my babies stall them. Unless of course we all get blown up.

Wait wait, Yulya has the ring of quivk casting with two charges left. Can she cast the focus spell death flame or whatever and her misty step simultaneously to get out of the way of the explosion?

[Joy] hm... they're both technically spells with no casting time... but you can't cast spells simultaneously. However, using the focus with a cantrip isn't exactly like casting a spell. I'd let you use an item and cast a spell simultaneously... if you wait to turn 5 I will let you. Not in what's  left of turn 4. Technically then you are using two turns but the final trigger of both spells may be simultaneously only because no creatures other than your team have anything left to do this turn. If there were any enemies left with turns, no.

[Ashley] that saves Yulya if it explodes but the rest of us need to move 20ft out of the way, no Yulya needs to move up and we need to move back but if it's spread over 4 and 5 we could do it easily.

ok thats as cheesy as it gets Yulya used the ring of quick casting twice already so she only has 1 left. but thats enough

seeing from the trap i guess arguing is useless so lets get it over with. combining the boosted SACRED FLAME with MISTY STEP is a good idea! its not a normal spell btw its a feature bonus action. so it can definitely be done in the same turn and doesnt cost MP. thats the joke. but its a huge thing using this as it robs Yulya and the entire party of their ultimate defenses MISTY STEP / SILVERY BARBS. only one of those can be used per long rest. if we fuck up after that were a goner. only thing Yulya can cast on others then is BALM OF PEACE for healing.

so to get this straight
Yulya moves 25ft w close to that fireplace. she uses the crystal to charge the goblin staff for SACRED FLAME and throws it between the stalagmites. then she teleports out with MISTY STEP bonus action to where she is now. not sure this helps if the crystal goes boom first. you do the rolls.

r4 has started nobody has moved but the lynxes. guess that means they cant escape that turn? dont they and Mrs. Bigglesworth have movement left?

we need to clarify this now. Yulya will drop her shield - move - cast and beam out in the same turn. otherwise she will get shot by the goblin elite which cancels the spell and probably kills her

> goblin staff

Can't use it, Joy said you need both hands for this. You can't "charge" it anyway.

> throw it

[Joy] I will handle this, move to within line of sight of the spot between the stalagmites and push the shiny red button. 

Yeah they have a little movement left. You will have movement left too because technically it will be round 5 so don't forget to run East regardless after you use your teleport East. If it only kills half of them, we'll still have wolves running after us. Joy's not going to fix your fuckup here. The wolves will be chasing us in round 5.

> cheesy

When I come up with a good idea it's cheesy? I'm technically level 5 by now if you count both universes, listen to your experiential superior. You should have seen the crap Freya pulled with her focus, so broken they had to change the rules.

[Joy] 1 ring of quick casting and the feature isn't a spell but that's okay. (It is actually a spell). Still it's okay either way. 

So you're using an item, a bonus action feature, and your action is to throw the focus if it goes critical. You could do all this in one turn then? So it doesn't need Joy's requirement to be two turns overlapping.

[Joy] possibly I'll think about it. I have to think about item uses, once per turn makes sense. But you are only using it once instead of twice. The simultaneous thing is tricky, PHB says you can't cast two spells simultaneously but can you use a feature and cast a spell at the same time? I think it's acceptable. The spell needs VS, the feature doesn't.

> get shot cancel
No, 1, he's using his turn to release wolves. 2, there's no delay, it's all during your turn.

well then you work it out!
Yulya will push the button. Tamamo said Cat wants to see the big boom too so here we go.
what is the ring even for? its only one spell thats been cast. MISTY STEP is a reaction like SILVERY BARBS. you can also use this while casting another spell in the same turn otherwise it would be useless for a spellcaster. thats why its an insta- reaction and not an action. not my words thats what the rules say.
and i thought Yulya had to use the staff for max effect we confused that with the ring. yeah she needs both hands free. but if Yulya runs after teleporting she cant pick her shield up. so she needs to doff it first. whatever just say what happens.

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> shield

You don't "drop it" duh, Joy already said you can unequip it for free, it goes on your back fellow turtle!

Do we even need the ring now? Yes, if I understand it correctly, to preload the cantrip on turn 4. It's sketchy logic but the DM has spoken.

So have Yulya do whatever in a vague enough way not to fuck it up.

Picture: Yulya trying to follow Joy's instructions to cut the blue wire.

Yall can die I'm heading for the trees like my diagram and 22 other posts indicate. Wofls can't climb and climbing crumbly rocks doesn't seem valid.

I also couldn't give a rats ass for cute goblin children. I'm done with this endless battle. I'll be panther, free from worry and free to slaughter for tasty meat. I'll be dining on snek, doggo, and gibblins giblets. Yuuum. 

> attack with pack advantage and knock prone. X 9

The heck is this Joy? I'm not happy.

[Joy] the dice have spoken. 3d4=9 wolves. Be grateful it's not 12. And this isn't Elder scrolls, you can't just glitch up a hillside and shoot the wolves 50 times with them just glitched trying to attack you. They will follow a slightly better AI.

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> Blessed with Heroism, Alice uses Heroic Escape
Well you can always outrun them. I just hope Yulya survives that spell. No idea how we revive her if she blows herself up and is eaten by wolves.

I should have shut up about the wolves' Pack Tactics...

> Silvery Barbs is a reaction, Misty Step is not.
Right its an instantaneous bonus action not a reaction. But whatever. What matters is that Yulya survived and most wolves are kill. Not even much collatetsl dmg.

> Yulya moves to where she is heating Ashley

Why are you heating me Yulya? 

[Joy] it's a mark of a good leader to keep her teammates warm.

Kinda nice, ngl but as long as Alice doesn't move to where she's cleaning me.

As long as she's not heating you with some left over hellfire it should be alright.

But what should blind Cat do? In the corridor both wolves and Cat are blind but that's all. Alice could at least shoot them.


Oh right. Well I guess keep ahead of them for a few turns, remember they can move 80. Disadvantage vs advantage is pretty awful.

[Joy] their opportunity attacks will also have advantage if there are two together.

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I'm already traveling and have some 3rd world connection problems. Expect limited Alice presence 'til end of October! Also just to remind you there will be a Birthday Truce from Oct 23-27 where I'm likely completely offline, use it as holiday to recover from the hardships of D&D!

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Wow I did not expect Ashley's cats to kill all the wolves. Not that I am complaining. Ok, they were already severely injured.

Alright let's set up our camp and rest but we need a guard, at least the lynxes.
Cat will set up the tent. I guess it will be a long rest until Alice is back from holiday and a year older.

> killing the goblin civilians
I thought Yulya already decided against that to not anger the gods. We're the 'good guys', remember? But we should at least question them about what is in the eastern part of the cave.

Can Helga bring back Yulya's crystal?

> lynxes guarding 

The cats Ashley summon are supported by her. I allowed them to remain in the material plane while she sleeps just so she didn't have to resummon them if she rested but they also rest during that time. So they can't be used as sentries other than if someone attacked one and physically hit it, they are essentially asleep if Ashley is 'resting'.

Currently Helga is in the chamber with the civilians but she's not guarding them and she is hiding with stealth. 

> crystal

Helga could potentially mouth and carry the crystal back.

> not killing the civilians 
[Ashley] if we don't, they could escape and warn the others. Technically anyone left alive could communicate the whole plan to any scout sent by the castle group. They are accomplices to the raids and ambushes. In my chaotic neutral mind, they're culpable and have been sentenced to death by Sildar and the dwarves per our agreement. 

[Ashley] Imagine going back to Sildar and saying we left some alive. As much as I don't like the lack of information he left us with, not killing them all would be a failure on our part.

> good guys
That's debatable, but this won't change that.

technically ofc youre right letting them go just wont fly. theyre monsters and enemies of mankind. Alice and Cat already said it. Yulya is just afraid shell get in trouble with her gods again but cmon those gods sent her out to rid the world of such monsters. well whatever Yulya will stay out of this. but securing the crystal would be good.

> good guys
> debatable
theyre not guys and thats not debatable

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Duh I told you we need total goblin genocide. Crashing this hideout - with no survivors!

Quetion about the exp overview - why now? It doesn't include the first goblins we encountered near the cave, the goblin leader and dragon, and we are not finished. I'm also missing my dear goblin #8. Wouldn't it make more sense when we completely cleared the hideout? Not that it matters, I completely lost track of those points anyway.

On another note - what exactly is the difference between an ordinary goblin and a goblin elite if they give the same exp?

In any case it's resting time, see ya in about 5 days!

> why now? It doesn't include the first goblins we encountered near the cave

Yes because I already awarded that, they're included in exp previously awarded.

> why now

It was piling up so it was best at this point while I had time. Bear was sick Sunday with 101 fever but ok by Monday. He did actually take time off work.

> I'm also missing my dear goblin #8

His corpse is in the first chamber to the right I'm pretty sure.

> goblin elite and regular goblin same xp. 

Yes, I also noticed that which was pretty surprising but I can't argue with what's given for such things. They aren't significantly better, maybe it's an honorary title.

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> Bear was sick Sunday with 101 fever but ok by Monday. He did actually take time off work.
Aww, then it must have been serious! Take a break!
Host continues to be non-sick since forever even though everyone around him has covid.

Also I'm not trying to be an annoying 10yo girl but I couldn't find any exp award for the previous battle. And no goblin #8 in the list. How does that actually work if you down an enemy, h wakes up again or is healed and you down him again? Do you get exp only when he's dead for sure or twice? Whatever, you work it out, I'm on holiday!

alright were back on track!

> Yulya regains Heroism and Fey touched

we are low on food.
Yulya and Ashley both carry 3 full rations. we eat them now and are out of full rations. but Cat has 4x lembas bread we found! still better hunt for something soon.

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> "hey, why don't you have Yulya revive him, then you can have all the fun you want."

Contrary to common belief, I do not enjoy hurting let alone torturing others. But it's a shame you can't farm enemies for EXP by downng and reviving them endlessly.

Wouldn't that be the perfect job for an ultra high CON an HP adventurer? Let others down you for money, you'll wake up in a few minutes anyway. Or you could do home office by wearing some Rings of Shared Suffering. Just take the dmg for others and brush it off with your high health. Why does nobody offer that service? We should start such a business before someone steals my idea.

> 6 rations

So if you all eat 1.5 rations, you won't have to eat again until tomorrow and are safe to do just about everything save skip sleep. Alice and Cat need only two more hours today some time and you're good.

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Level 3 is free and has no requirements other than to be bestowed the level due to experience at an orb or have it occur naturally given sufficient time, which is typically a few seasons to a year or more. The guild and temples give a 'shortcut' given the experience is attained.

However, as you may have noticed, there are other requirements for level 4, so keep these in mind. 

-1000 silver for a silver plate each
-A heroic act

These are not difficult as there are many silver plates and guards for instance are required to have silver plates to accept the job.

Think about what act specifically you might have done or will do to achieve this. Saving the children and getting them into Neverwinter was, for example, your generous act.

A heroic act is defined as: courageous, noble, or self-sacrificing action or behavior. Without this, you will remain at level 3 perhaps indefinitely without resorting to other, less savory, acts to force it. 

This is partly why adventurers are regarded so highly, and someone such as Brutus would have fans and fame wherever he is known simply by showing his plate.

To be Orichalcum, he would have to have shown a mercantile act (copper), a generous act (iron), a heroic act (silver), a saintly act (electrum), a miraculous act (gold), a fate changing act (platinum), a legendary act (mithril), and finally a godly act (orichalcum).  

Colloquially there is a saying, "the curse of 19" as to become adamantite plate, you would need to achieve a "world saving" act and the world isn't saved every day, so you won't find many adventurers in history with this plate and they would be truly living demigods. In fact there is a decision to make at level 19 that some day we may reach which would literally be a possibility to transform you into a demigod. When some of less pure heart seek power beyond them, beings such as arch demons, and demon lords come into being as an alternate path to power, but such beings would never have standing in society and would be universal targets for adventurers.

Many such arch demons exist in Faerûn, and they are well above caring about weak adventurers, but another side of the curse of 19 is they have noticed you and will be scheming to prevent you from attaining that final level.

Well that's all hypothetical anyway. I am certain there are no orbs outside the Neverwinter guild around here. I mean what are the chances we're just gonna encounter one in the wild? That's just not gonna happen. Right? And considering only a few in-game days pass in an IRL year the way we play, none of our hosts may live to see a year pass in the D&D world.

> A heroic act
If every guard has committed one it can't be too spectacular. Going this far for Gundren already was in my opinion. Even saving that wizard from the Rothé.

> beings such as arch demons, and demon lords come into being as an alternate path to power, but such beings would never have standing in society
Why wouldn't demons be popular? I'd guess they'd be the populist  types to appeal to the masses.
The poor and weak look up to the strong and powerful, especially if they toss them some pennies an hand out favors to their followers. The same way Mafia is popular.

> another side of the curse of 19 is they have noticed you and will be scheming to prevent you from attaining that final level.
I'd assume the gods of this world would immediately try to get rid of me. But on the contrary, they seem to think of me as a useful tool. What fools...

> Yulya decides cafefully. After hearing from her team.
oof you want Yulya to order her companions to kill an unarmed neutral envoy?
i would prefer that he returns to the cave takes up arms and gives us a fair fight instead of hiding behind hostages or something. if he does something stupid hes up against 2 lynxes Alice and Cat.

shitty position hes in were not leaving until the cave is conquered

> You want

I don't want anything, your party isn't bold enough to move in without your decision apparently.

[Ashley] Yeah let the leader, lead us to the slaughtering, I'll panther up and do it myself, but I'll be just following orders. Unless you want someone else to make the call, then delegate!

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So what do we do with those not covered by the Geneva Convention persons?
Even unarmed they are still 10 opponents that could easily flank us or run away. Too bad we do not have area attacks anymore. Should have searched for more goblin alcohol to make firebombs.
We need at least 1 cart to guard the passage where Olga is. I suggest Ashley orders Mr. Bigglesworth there. How far can Helga see if enemies are coming? All the way across the bridge?

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> How far can Helga see if enemies are coming? 

60ft. So yes.

> Geneva Convention

Geneva doesn't exist anymore, the world has reverted to city states and is infested by monsters from other planes of existence, monstrosities developed by men, and extraterrestrials. 

"In war, there is no right and wrong, it's all wrong, the only right is winning; we'll rewrite history later to show we followed the rules." This is the way of the Bear

Rule 1: No attacks on civilians (always ignored)
Rule 2: Terrorism (ubiquitous)
Rule 3: All members of the armed forces of a party to the conflict are combatants, except medical and religious personnel.
Rule 5: Civilians are civilians. (Then the armed forces dress as civilians and set up their HQ in the basement of a hospital.)
Rule 6: Civilians are protected unless they take a direct role in the attack. (support for the armed forces has always been a grey area, production for instance.)

"Rule 13. Attacks by bombardment by any method or means which treats as a single military objective a number of clearly separated and distinct military objectives located in a city, town, village or other area containing a similar concentration of civilians or civilian objects are prohibited" (Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan also broke these rules)
There are 429 of these, no one alive today who isn't some kind of historian has even read them, let's be honest.


I should let Joy switch in during the next party I'm forced to go to and just hide out in watcher position with my drink and popcorn. She'd be so entertaining, I swear.

Others: "are you okay today Bear? You just talked for the last 20 minutes about war crimes and the flavor of common poisons."

Joy: "I am neither more nor less okay than I am on any given day. Would you like to try my apple sause?"

Don't forget Rule 34:
No matter what, porn of it exists. No exceptions.

Do it for the lulz! Let her hang out with Bestie next time.

That made me remember when I was young, host was invited to help out an arms dealer at a non-public weapons exhibition / trade fair in Nuremberg. Well, instead of 'helping out' host was left alone at a weapons equipment stand and products he knew absolutely nothing about praying nobody would ask him anything. I took over and talked to some Saudis like a pro. It was crazy but it worked out. Nobody suspected anything. Neither that we both had no idea what we were doing, nor that I'm a tupper.

We need concentrated force but you're right. In this game numbers matter.

yes good thinking
we didnt take that into account. no idea what might slip through that narrow passage on the right but i assume nothings there without a reason so its probably good to guard that too.

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So if we shoot them we have a max of 3 shots per round from Alice, Cat and Yulya. This is gonna take a while. Olga could catch any isolated ones. Wait, are they paralyzed by fear so they cannot move toward us?
And what's with the spider? do they havve another pet aside from the dragon?

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> are they paralyzed by fear so they cannot move toward us?
That's actually relevant!
Could they rush by us? I say we stay at our position. There is no way past 4 of us but if Cat and me go in there we are stuck and the others could overwhelm Yulya and Olga.
Ashley, can you get us some wasps? Poison may be helpful.

> This is gonna take a while
We shot 34.000 Jews in 2 days in Babi Yar in 1941. Don't compalin about a measly 10 goblins.

> Ashley, can you get us some wasps? 

Nope I can only summon anything if I have 2 or less. I cheat the system because I can summons Mr. and Mrs. together. Otherwise my max is 3 for balance purposes. In testing, my mobs have a clear advantage already.

I don't believe goblins are jewish.

> shot 34.000 Jews in 2 days
just german things

> whats with the spider
dunno but i dont like it. either they have a giant spider as Tamamo said or its some cult. i doubt the spider drinks alcohol though. one of them said someone got eaten when Ashley was in the cave first to get Sildars backpack. i assumed by the dragon. where the fuck do they get all the food if they dont eat people? its an entire town full of goblins and wolves and that dragon must have eaten a ton as well. 

> In testing, my mobs have a clear advantage already.
not complaining its a great adventure but an ordinary party of 4 would be totally fucked. our girls only managed because we are basically 8 with Ashleys summons. and some miracles on top of that like Yulyas crystal.

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We are not in round-based combat right? So I think we do not have to spend a month shooting unarmed civilians one after the other until  each drops below 0 hp? Alice might enjoy that but I do not.

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theres a special perversion in questioning people youre about to execute. 
> excuse me sir do you have a minute to answer a few questions before we kill you?

why would they even answer i mean they know they are going to die in a few seconds and are in a state of panic

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> do you want us to torture information out of them before killing them?
Haa, looks like it's time for the alien monster to handle the dirty work...
> Sacred Flame
Whoa that's spme divine judgment

> 34.000
> So precise, exactly 34 jews to the third decimal place.
Yes thats the number of Jews killed in the holocaust
Not 1/1000 more.

> why would they even answer i mean they know they are going to die in a few seconds and are in a state of panic

Before you indiscriminately shot at them, they have no reason not to comply with demands. Though now it's probably too late.

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> Alice's interrogation methods

[Joy] I find this oddly fitting but it is equally ineffective.

[Ashley Panther's Psychic Connection  to Joy] you could have at least said, "first one to produce the crystal lives." Not that you intend to keep any alive. I have a genuine question nya, are we evil if we do that?

[Joy] the definition of evil is:

Evil characters are motivated by their own desires and may harm or kill others to get what they want.

Evil characters act willfully without regard for morality.

Evil characters leverage every advantage over others to subjugate, abuse, terrorize, and to exploit others.

Evil characters show no sign of remorse or regret when their actions affect others negatively.

Alice is approaching these definitions and is being watched closely. I recommend not following this path as it makes leveling impossibly difficult.

This does not mean evil characters can't be friendly or trade partners or act lawfully or even cooperate for a common goal. Can they be trusted? In a way yes, as long as you know their intentions and have the same goals or something they want, as far as their cooperation is required to get what they want.

Kobolds have been known to be evil but generally friendly and will work to help eliminate goblins. They often eat goblins they capture because they're immune to the type of poison/disease endemic in goblins. They also often trade favorably and reliably with other races.

Goblins are like Somoli pirates. No one will think less of you for killing them. However, the how and the why matters.

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> Alice evil
Now I think that's harsh. She did what she was ordered to do and nothing for any selfish desires. And she said she doesn't want to do this.
Lying by promising to set them free and then killing them would be evil.

> Alice samples the barrels and the meat stew to determine the contents
So what's inside?

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> Now I think that's harsh.

This will be determined by her behavior as I stated in the original discussions that alignment is not just stated and ruled, it's based on actions. Both SheShe and I are looking at it, and I am steering her away from it in any way I can but I am also making plans if she so chooses to keep this alignment. It won't mean the end for her but there will be penalties and other ramifications, but it won't be so harsh that she can't play that way if she wants to, only a slightly harder game for her and anyone in her party. That is not to say you can't associate with evil characters but how others see you will be different. That won't prevent you from leveling at a guild or taking guild quests, but she will be disallowed to do that. So quest payouts will be based on 3 party members for instance. 

No crime can be levied on anyone without a witness and a victim, so there may be a time when no one suspects she's evil, so no one will care but the gods and the orb and oracles such as Johanna the Guild Master and those with Godsight only when connected through an orb and with those with the ability to read thoughts.

There are plenty of evil characters that are a beneficial part of society, and there are ways, expensive, illegal, ways to level through the same process and there are evil gods happy to sponsor evil characters and even neutral gods are not opposed in many ways. they use, but there are other orbs that are available for a price or in difficult to secure areas and evil gods are a pain to deal with and like to make lopsided deals etc.

She would be disallowed to have plates higher then the plate she already has the moment she was deemed evil and it's not permanent. 

I, for instance, am neutral. SheShe is however Good so she would have her own things to say I'm sure. Additionally, it is not allowed to have "good" aligned characters in the same party as "evil" aligned characters so what that means is that either she wouldn't be considered part of the party in social situations or no one would believe say Yulya is good and not neutral so some might treat her differently.

It's all just a game and these are all just labels, the reality is more nuanced and there are exceptions so don't worry about it too much.

> Lying by promising to set them free and then killing them would be evil.

I refrained to answer Ashley's question directly. Some would agree with you.

> So what's inside?

I forgot about that, sorry.

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Thx Tamamo

Excuse me?
I am the evil alien now?

> [Joy] the definition of evil is:
> Evil characters are motivated by their own desires and may harm or kill others to get what they want.
> Evil characters act willfully without regard for morality.
> Evil characters leverage every advantage over others to subjugate, abuse, terrorize, and to exploit others.

Now which party member matches all of the above perfectly? Is it really me?

Ashley insisted not to negotiate with the goblin boss that came unarmed but kill him instead. I would at least have listened to him then told him to pick up arms and fight.
Ashley's not evil

Ashley told me to revive goblin #8 to 'have fun with him'. I'd like to have a fight with him but not torture him.
Ashley's not evil

Ashley needlessly turned into a Panther without consulting us first, depriving us of our main negotiator and trap finder, again putting selfish interests above her party.
Ashley's totally neither selfish nor evil

Even as a Panther she suggest lying to the terrified goblins that they will live if they cooperate only to kill them afterwards. Would I do that? Would I do any of that? Certainly not.

I'm not even blaming Ashley before new drama erupts. If that's how she rolls so be it. I don't like it but I will live with it. But labeling me who has no selfish interests, doesn't care about fame or money, never lies and aids both our party, our allies like Sildar and Gundren and humanity as good as I can is a xenophobic double standard if I've ever seen one. I even would not only have freed the dragon but also cleaned and healed his wounds. Well I got killed for that before I could.
There are 2 clearly evil characters here. Joy who drives us into these situations baiting us to kill / torture the innocent to label us 'evil' and SheShe who considers us mere insects yet lets us do the dirty work only to scold us afterwards about the 'how'. Lies to us on top of that.
It's almost over my ass.

So no, goblins may be smelly pests but that's just goblin things. I don't hate them and I won't torture them either as you don't hate and torture the bugs infesting your crop. I may hate dragons but the true enemies are orbs and gods who divide mortals and drive them into killing each other for the lulz. Now who's the one to repent?

> Goblins are like Somali pirates. No one will think less of you for killing them. However, the how and the why matters.
This shit is absolutely Apocalypse Now - tier. You want a clean PR-friendly war against an enemy who has no moral obligations whatsoever? This is how the US lost every confrontation since WWII.

But whatever, label me 'evil' whatever that means regarding to the rules you made up. It's already rigged and scripted from start to end.

Back to gameplay - I have 2 questions:

- Goblins have Nimble Escape
Just dawned on me, could we even stop them if they wanted to flee? I mean not those frightened ones. But let's say 3 jump from the bridge and make it to Mr. Bigglesworth. He may get one even if the goblin disengages because he's faster but he has no chance to stop 3 going in different directions. 
They could have broken through our siege not only while we were resting but basically any time.

- Ashley Panther can't speak or understand abstract concepts
How does she relay things only she witnesses? Like when she got Sildar's backpack. We should not be able to know unless Ashley told us after waking up. And how does directing the summons work when Ashley is a Panther? Can they understand us? Can the Panther reasonably command them? Let's say we want a lynx to go somewhere or do something. Lynx no comprende, Panther no comprende? I feel there's some plot hole here.

> I am the evil alien now?

Are you? I'm not accusing anyone here I've informed the group that you are being watched for this and I am working on accommodating whatever you want to do which may include not using orbs for you and a more organic growth system we can discuss given experience thresholds. In essence, to eliminate the need for gods and magic for you.

Do I sound unreasonable? 

> Now which party member matches all of the above perfectly? Is it really me?

If it wasn't really you, I wouldn't wouldn't have mentioned it. Ashley is borderline too even if she doesn't realize it and Bear defends her tooth and nail. 

I am well aware of your points, she is very independent and doesn't work well in a group that's not including Bear. What Bear calls that at his work is, 'she needs a handler to work with others.' But I am handling that with her. She had a lot of leeway because she is somewhat normal in the other run. She doesn't do anything without consulting Bear but she doesn't need 24 hour notice either so I'm going to blame this on impatience and willful negligence of authority and chain of command that isn't Bear. She does play nice sometimes with your group, I'm almost sure of it.

If you think she is evil, and I agree then she will have the same issues you would have if you were deemed over the line. Consider me your early warning system, however if you do want to be evil, or act in this way, I am not opposed to it. Play the game how you want, at some point I will stop pushing back. 

> Would I do that? Would I do any of that?

:thinking emoji:

> I'm not even blaming Ashley before new drama erupts. If that's how she rolls so be it.

Fair argument, so here's how it will be going forward. I am not your handler; however, I know you will complain when consequences arise, so that is why I warn you. If you don't recall, Ashley has already had several warnings and sanctions that she doesn't like.

My main objective is to make a fun game and for you not to ruin the fun of others is part of that, balance included.

> There are 2 clearly evil characters here. Joy

At this point I have stopped reading your post.

Don't blame me for being me, I'm just me. Whatever that is. Nya!

[Bear] She's always been trouble, but I love her for her (this is after the personality forcing chamber did it's work.) She's also just a spoiled American girl who doesn't at all represent a girl I spent the summer with over a decade ago and never got over. Nope, no resemblance. I wouldn't exactly say pure of heart, let's say pure of conviction and true to self.

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I'm not blaming you at all, I just don't want to be singled out and declared 'evil'. I'm also just being me and compared to you I'm actually really nice, helpful and sociable. At least as long as nobody tries to fuck with me.

And yes, Joy is the epitome of evil. Duh you're the Dungeon Master, remember? You control all the bad guys. You're something like the Demon lord loli, that's your job!

Also pls answer my questions here:

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> Just dawned on me, could we even stop them if they wanted to flee?

They can disengage and run, it's a possibility that they could escape.

None have yet. The enemies so far have been trying to stop you, the civilians have been too frightened to move in your direction.

> But let's say 3 jump from the bridge

That path is as good as deadly. They wouldn't likely survive if they tried. 

Goblins escape to get reinforcements. I haven't seen anywhere yet that there are any more other than at the castle but that's quite a journey from here.

> They could have broken through our siege not only while we were resting but basically any time.

That should tell you that they don't want to flea and leave their people or home behind.

> Ashley Panther can't speak or understand abstract concepts
How does she relay things only she witnesses?

She can't speak, her intelligence is mostly intact.

She would deal with it in any way she feels fit to. Like when she saw the dragon with truesight and you couldn't. Her hissing was a warning to you.

There is also one thing you have forgotten, through the mechathereal demigoddess you have some connection to her senses, you can find her if you tried, you could also sense that enemies are approaching her sentries. It hasn't come up in a while.

> Can they understand us? 
No, Ashley maybe but don't expect her to follow you in particular for instance, maybe Cat.

> Can the Panther reasonably command them?

She can command them but not rally them with the rally actions. They are mentally an extension of her in a way, yet still being separate beings especially when more than 120 feet from her.

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> you were being watched
gross GDPR violation

> There is also one thing you have forgotten, through the mechathereal demigoddess you have some connection to her senses, you can find her if you tried, you could also sense that enemies are approaching her sentries.
Oh right, totally forgot about this one. Then we will keep it this way that I can vaguely sense what the Panther and the summons can see. Otherwise we wouldn't even know if an enemy approaches her summons now or tries to escape.

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> Somebody's watching me
> Alice procedes to deface the spider painting with the pickaxe, then smears it with charcoal from the fire
Hahaha I love Alice for such shenanigans.
Now what do we do with those goblin girls? Are they some sex slaves? I hope at least Yulya can persuade them to talk. We could rope them up with the surviving workers but in the end we can't let them go. Though Cat isn't fond of killing them at all.

And if even Alice doesn't know, I have no idea what they make with those chemicals and what the spider is about.

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Yulyas trying hard to save the lives of goblin girls. will she succeed or will it all be futile? stay tuned!

> We could make ethyl acetate but what for?
> Alice raises a finger but then dismisses the thought. 
do i want to know what war crimes Alice is plotting? im conflicted


I want to give you a hint, Ashley is currently resting while awake, this means in one hour she will regain her 3MP and shift back to her cursed (human) form. She is telling me that she wants to help with the discussion and disposition of the living goblins.

Also, just so you understand, 5 of the civilians will also wake up in an hour or so.

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> Also, just so you understand, 5 of the civilians will also wake up in an hour or so.
That's why Cat is roping them up like Gundren's brothers did.
I'm also curious how this situation is going to be resolved without Total Goblin Death. I hope so for poor Yulya.

> do i want to know what war crimes Alice is plotting? im conflicted
Ethyl acetate isn't toxic but an asphyxiant used to kill insects. It should also work on giant spiders in high doses, but then also on humanoids. Like all chemical warfare, there is a high risk of collateral damage (us). So it's not really practical. We could gas the entire cave with the amounts present by mixing the ethanol with the acetic acid and distilling it. Would also need a bit of sulfuric acid as catalyst to be effective.

How many oil is left in the lamp? We don't need it with Yulya's light pebbles, maybe we could make at least one more firebomb and fill it in a clay jar?

> asphyxiant
Alice trying to gas people again. must be something in german dna.

> let's just say they have the lucidity of a marmot or a U.S. presidential candidate under direct questioning, but unlike a U.S. presidential candidate, as far as she can tell, they don't seem like they're trying to deceive her. She does confirm they are slaves of the goblin warriors.
so theyre basically dumb fucktoys. since Yakumo is not playing theyre safe with our girls. Yulya thinks theyre too dumb to get help or spill anything about the attack on the castle so there is no reason to kill them. Alice and Ashley may think otherwise though. looking forward to their opinions. but cmon look at the pic. we cant kill them even the panther seems to think so.

so Yulya will wait for Ashley to return to human form. in the mean time theres some work to do

-Cat was instructed to rope up the survivors. we should still question them. theyre probably smarter if they can run the distillery

-Alice needs to check the jars and if we can make molotov cocktails. she asked how much oil is in Cats lantern. we need a wick thoug shouldnt be a problem with goblin rags.


> oil left

Please look further up the thread. Keep track of your inventory, it was stated. You can assume an insignificant amount was used. It was just before the ceiling collapses when she found it.

> cat instructions

Yes she was, and if she wants to she can state it.

I hope you don't mind that I describe their speech instead of actually create dialog. I loath to make up broken common language speech affects. I will at times be forced to though.

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> I loath to make up broken common language
It's fine though I admit it would be funny

> These pictures are quite impressive
Flux model is awesome. You literally put in a few prompts and it mostly spits out exactly what you want. Some need a bit of reworking or several tries but it rarely takes more than a few minutes to make a matching pic. A huge improvement to a year ago! But your pic of the goblin girls is cute too, I told you I don't wanna kill them. But well, they are walking goblin factories.

> Alice does Alice things, none of which are particularly productive.
Hey, I checked what the sealed clay jars contain! We're gonna cook another firebomb while we wait for Ashley to respawn.

Inventory is updated. How much does the pickaxe weight? I gave it to our pack mule. Not carrying that.

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Joy is turning D&D into math homework
> Cat stumbles upon a lantern with enough oil left for 3 hours.
According to PHB, an oil flask is enough for 6h So we have half an oil flask which is enough for 1 firebomb.

Guess they're not overly interested in reproducing...

I'm still missing a report on the presumed clay jar contents and if we can use the emoty ones as firebomb containers


I said everything that was there, they seal the Acetic acid in jars and it's stinky stuff.

Each jar contains that. The empty jars are not suitable, they don't break cleanly. Let's just say each sealed jar is marked and you recognize it contains 5lbs of the solution. So 10 sealed jars of that.

They usually put the alcohol in water flasks and there's one on each of them but they burned up or are otherwise unusable. 

You don't know how they seal the jars. But there are many open ones as I said and lids but they just set on them loosely.

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What's your opinion on the small passage in the first room where Mrs. Bigglesworth is keeping watch? Can the goblin girls get through? We could go there and annoy the wolves with stink bombs and shoot them. But I'm not fond of splitting up. In fact we can't because Cat and me need to stay together for Emboldening Bond.

Also why did Sildar's backpack pop up at the entrance? Did it miss the cozy warm cave?

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here is the updated 2024 PHB

its too big to upload it here would take forever. just download it from libgen. not sure theres something useful in there havent looked much into it. guess the greatest change is even more cringy diversity

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> PHB 2024
Oh cool! Thanks Kashtan!

> Whats next? Babies? Helpless old?
That was a great idea, Yulya!
Joy likes to make us kill civilians for some reasons. I guess pest control is pest control.

But Ashley and her summons wandering off and leaving the entrance unguarded is a no-no. I assume the children can escape through the narrow passage. So at least Alice needs to go there.

> backpack

It's a ghost, ignore it.

> wolves 

They are tied up and unable to attack.

> small passage

This is an air and communication passage, Mr. and Mrs. B could traverse it either direction, the goblin younglings could probably fall down it at the cost of a chance at dying as it's about a 50ft drop, it's part of a natural crack that may extend down further and they may also get stuck there if a rope is not used.

[Ashley] I rolled a natural 20 on investigation, Joy had to show me her cards and the interview with the goblin boys was enough to say the rest of the civilians are sheltered from the plans of the others.

[Ashley] in other words, I'm against killing anyone else including their wolves.

You are all free to read and propose changes, in addition any other publications made by independent creators as we have done.

Diversity has always been a part of D&D as much as the DMs and players have been diverse.

> Joy likes to make us kill civilians for some reasons

I am neutral to this personally. Like I said, no one would fault you for killing civilians but the why and the how matter. There's more to TTRPG then strictly following questgiver orders.

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> [Ashley] in other words, I'm against killing anyone else including their wolves.
thank goodness Yulya doesnt have to be responsible for killing more goblin women and children. but i have the feeling its not gonna be that easy

> Diversity has always been a part of D&D as much as the DMs and players have been diverse.
cmon now
i mean look at that shit thats wikihow art tier. im not a full blown racist like Alice & Bernd but this virtue signaling of forccefully putting blacks asians and obvious fags everywhere is just annoying. just like they scrapped races bc bad word is bad. im surprised they didnt use fat trannies and cripples as players. probably in the next edition

but whatever so far i found nothing interesting in there. we need our own rules anyway bc they canceled poor Yulya. no more peace cleric. was too op.

> mean look at that shit thats wikihow art tier. im not a full blown racist like Alice & Bernd but this virtue signaling of forccefully putting blacks asians and obvious fags everywhere is just annoying.

We didn't read it, and you're not selling this book to me apparently.

But No, I'll pass then.

> cleric

Yes, I heard about the Bless and EB combo with Aid at level 3. I'm inclined to allow it. Balancing is my business, but nerfing your characters is something I would have to tread carefully on considering Ashley's summons and the fact that they're even more broken in terms of balance.

Is there supposed to be something wrong with your pictures? I'm not seeing it.

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Oh man the new book is worse than I thought. It's not just that half of the players are depicted as niggers, also every race that mustn't be called race anymore is half niggers. Nigger humans, Nigger elves, Nigger dwarves, Nigger gnomes, Nigger halflings living together in diverse happy families. Of course no nigger orcs or rouges. If you don't see what's wrong with those pictures you are beyond help. It's diversity mainstreaming. Depicting and thereby normalizing mixed race societies where whites are the minority. And if it wasn't enough that they are ruining society, they are ruining fantasy and folklore as well now.

> Diversity has always been a part of D&D
D&D was a game made by white men for white men. Have you ever seen the original and 2nd edition books from the 70s-90s? There is no 'diversity'. Every even remotely human character is clearly European straight outta some Conan the Barbarian movie. Including hot chicks with long blonde hair. Nobody would have drawn a fat niggress sorcerer or an effeminate homo bard. Because who the fuck unironically wants to play such character? This shit only started with 4th edition in 2008 but it was bearable - up to this book. It's sad. D&D was a fun niche game for nerds. Now it's a politically correct mass product streamlined for maximum revenue that tries too hard to appeal to a broad demographic. Like a commercial - it has no soul and those pictures of happy diverse people send chills down my spine.
So no, that's not 'normal' and it definitely hasn't always been like this. It's always good to watch how things were depicted in the media 25-50 years ago to set your personal overton window straight.

So I'm really happy to play with you lunatics. Imagine planning total goblin genocide with normalfags that freak out because you address their character with the wrong pronouns.

Well that's enough rant. Back to our fun game of genocide & war crimes...

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> backpack
> It's a ghost, ignore it.
Sildar's backpack is a LV.20 fighter guarding the cave entrance. Nobody gets past him!

> it's part of a natural crack that may extend down further and they may also get stuck there if a rope is not used.
Nope I'm out.
I don't like narrow spaces and getting stuck or buried somewhere underground. It's the reason I actually don't like going into dungeons and caves at all. I'll be happy when I'm out again. Oh wait, no, it's fucking cold outside!

> [Ashley] in other words, I'm against killing anyone else including their wolves.
Well I don't like killing anyone who is nice to me so let's see what they have to say. I wanna question them about the spider painting! But honestly it's a goblin breeding den as expected. Not as I expected with captive women of other races but still the result is the same. Pregnant women and young goblins that will eventually grow up and go out there to ambush rob and kill people. But whatever, more work and payment for us, I already said it. Without monsters, nobody needs adventurers. Letting them live is a win-win situation as long as they don't interfere with our mission to rescue Gundren.

> Alice continues to look for the spider while making giant spider noises to attract it

I wanna hear that giant spider call

Looks like Cat is the only one who wants to get rid of all the goblins like she said from the beginning. Not that she cares too much but she won't lie to Sildar if we leave them alive.

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They even made an Asian-looking dwarf woman wtf. But the Asians in D&D books I saw all look more like caricatures. It's like they think blacks or Asians only play the game if charaters look like this which is wrong. Look at anime. 99% characters are white and look European.

> im surprised they didnt use fat trannies and cripples as players. probably in the next edition
Haha yeah. And they're all the same age! That's Ageism! Where are the elderly??
The fun thing is once a company starts something like this some minority will always complain they're not or wrongly represented.

Tamamo was talking about the cringy pics of the players I posted. our game is based.

unless Cat goes on a killing spree to keep her word i think we are done killing goblin civvies. but there are still a lot of questions

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jesus christ the wheelchair dventurer is real! i rageqit reading the phb a few pages before the pic lol! Alice is right you cant make this shit up.

> If Cat doesn't want to lie to Sildar, we could tie her up and gag her, it's just a suggestion. 
> we
im afraid Ashley would have to tie up everyone. Cat wont lie Yulya wont for sure and i know Alice hates liars

Yulya says winding herself out of the situation with the slavers we killed with the roadmaster was bad enough but lying about completing a quest we failed and this without need is another level. not happening. who cares anyway? Sildar should stfu hes the one responsible for the entire situation with his idiotic muh scouting ahead. we killed over 9000 goblins and wolves that must be enough. we need Ashleys skills to 'creatively interpret the truth' but not here.

i agree we gotta destroy the equipment and the barrels of alcohol and aetic acid. everything we cant carry

you remember goblins are still the enemy right? leaving them alive is already borderline. the women cant into operating the distillery and if males come they have even more means to harm humans with stink bombs and whatever they were doing with that pure alcohol. we cant allow that.

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> drinking 96% alcohol
What are those guys made of? Do they have poison resistance? This should kill any living being. Anyway the alcohol is valuable too. I'd rather take this than any supplies that had been in a goblin den for weeks.

> We'll be back
Total Goblin Death round 2?
Seeing how we followed that narrow path for hours to get here, how would we even get supplies out? There's no road for a cart leading right up to the goblin den, right?


> What are those guys made of? Do they have poison resistance? 

Their meat is poisonous and they're not afraid of death.

> There's no road

Gundren's cart could make it as if on difficult terrain, so half speed-ish, but there's a whole new mechanic for this and I'd just tell you how many hours it'd take.

> Total Goblin Death round 2?
[Ashley] peiodic ear harvesting, maybe we could make some coin in the goblin ear market?

> 16:30

> leave at 5:00 next morning

What do we do until then? Get drunk with the goblin girls? Teach them how to become strong independent wymyn that don't need no goblin men?
At least the cave is safe I guess it's better than leaving now and resting on the road.

What's the weight of the healing potion? 0.5lbs? They are not in the inventory yet! And what condition is the chest?

> you really shouldn't bother carrying 5lb jugs of vinegar without a clear use for it.

I'd think they are quite effective especially against wild beasts if you throw them?


Look up a standard healing potion for weight, and call the small chest 2lbs in good condition.

The potions are like jewelry, they sell for what they're worth.

> stink

They are effective to mask scent even to goblins, the goblins use it like body spray, it is effective to keep most animals away including Bears and owlbears but since you're not used to it you will also be affected negatively toward apathy.

> demoralize people too if you throw it at them


> can we use the time to learn some skills?

Based on the current rules, not really. It takes many days. I have alowed more ways to gain skills, as in, getting one when you increase your plate.

I'm looking into downtime activities  and we will be playtesting them in a game with Bear and I with Freya DM'ing. We're still learning more information and designing a game that is dirtier than you may want.

For instance, we will be implementing the ammunition use mechanic where they lose a level of quality after every use, giving them +1 for new and -1 for patched. 

Instead of [20/20] arrows in your txt file, you would have:

[N #] they start 20 here
[G #]
[F #] over time they decrease a level
[P #] now they're pretty useless
And then break.

Just an example.

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I think we've talked about this and while certainly more realitsic, I don't think it's feasible.
We'd have to keep track of every single arrow that's an insane workload. You'd have to choose which arrow to use for each shot. A new one or rather a patched one? Then mark it as used and decrease the quality after recollecting it.

Losing an arrow at a critical miss or damaging a weapon at a critical miss seems fine but maintaining an arrow inventory is a waste of lifetime.

Still in the current system arrows last too long. We lost one until now. How about this - you record the number of arrows shot in a battle and roll how many have to be discarded afterwards and tell us - Alice lost X arrows, Cat lost X arrows. That's simple and manageable.

Here's the updated inventory
Pls give the formula for rounding to 0.25lbs, you're the math wizard!

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Don't let me stop you!
If you wanna count and grade our arrows and update the inventory after each battle feel free to do it.

> finds more water skins of alcohol
How many? I still have some carrying capacity

> riders approach
Oh man, you think we're gonna lie that there's no goblins inside or kill the humans so the goblins are safe? If they kill them that saves us trouble. We're in a hurry. Well you manage that, I'm a sleepin' puddle! right now!

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> how many

The equivalent of 3 full flasks. 9lbs total.

> Oh man, you think we're gonna lie that there's no goblins inside or kill the humans so the goblins are safe?

You always have so many interesting ideas, thank you for giving them to me.

I wasn't thinking anything, I rolled from my list of encounters and this popped up. I have even less idea what they're doing, who they are or what they want than you do at this point. 

Remember, I do not think ahead of what you should know so that Ashley doesn't get all my secrets. I procedurally design the story as it goes and adjust per my whims. Maybe they're selling ice cream? They could be boot shiners looking for work. You don't have to lie, did you think that maybe they don't want to kill innocent goblin girls either? You also aren't obligated to tell them anything.

> Pls give the formula for rounding to 0.25lbs, you're the math wizard!


This formula does as it says, it checks if there is an item, if there is no quantity, there is no weight, [""] counts as blank or zero but does not display a [0]. 
- Furthermore, it multiplies the quantity by the weight of each and multiplies that by 4 and rounds it.
- This will make something that weighs less than .125 become zero and something that weighs .125 or greater count as 1 lb as a group. 
- If there is 1 item at .25lbs, it will count as 1lb at this point. 
- Lastly it divides the result by 4 such that it will make sure the result is a multiple of .25, hence an item that weighs .25 will count as .25, something that weighs .2 will also count as .25 etc.

Doing this, we saved a few lbs in Bear's group's inventory.

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I was a bit busy lately, sorry for the delay! Cat thinks those two are good people from Neverwinter. Let's hope she's right. I also wonder how this will play out but this is the fun part. At least for us, probably not for poor Yulya. Time to be a party leader!

> Yulya isnt fond of staying in the cave but yeah better than getting attcked outside. can we use the time to learn some skills?


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Feats and Fighting styles



You can use any of these to replace any class features or fighting styles where applicable.

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Is this as alternative to ability score improvement? I'd think it's better to improve ability scores at low levels than get extra feats?

What happened to Ashley's summons? Are they with her? Cat has to guard Yulya and the sleeping Alice outside so she can't go with Ashley.

> What happened to Ashley's summons?

I got em.

> I'd think it's better to improve ability scores at low levels than get extra feats?

The new 2024 rules allow both, when it says ability score improvement, you can improve one and take a feat or improve 2, some feats are worth it.

[Joy] on level 4, I want to allow a feat along with the ability score improvements if you want both for martial classes which are known to be left out in 5e where other classes got some improvements. I like the idea that you have more options in battle and other games allow picking up feats more often. Alice doesn't need that, Yulya will have more MP and more spells at level 3 so she won't need that either.

Yeah, I don't think there are even any feats I want, I'm going to get spells anyway.

lol Samuel doesnt wanna get involved in  any royal shit he is smart!
foraging and hunting is a good idea we gotta eat!
Yulyas notoriously bad with any social things and will leave that to Cat and Alice when/if she wakes up. probably not without food.
Yulya literally cant hunt but shell forage if theres anything edible left here. but we should stay together.


> fox
didnt know you could eat that lol but better than nothing I guess! I trust Cat's cooking skills. lets see what Alice says

> foraging at night would be difficult without truesight.
Yulya has her pebble led. But it would attract monsters I guess

I made a mistake and had to edit my post so I edited yours too fixing the cursive in first paragraph and editing Bronze-rank to Copper-rank.
Actually had to look up the ranks myself as I wasn't sure but there's no bronze. We know what you meant.

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> [You have surprised a large grizzly bear and he's about to discover you. If he charges, he could easily overtake any of you.]
Uhh ok?
I'm not sure what we are supposed to do here?
I can just dash up a tree out of reach of a heavy bear.
Cat and Yulya have their rings that may help and Ashley could distract the bear with her summons.

I'd say we all get up into the trees and range attack the bear and shower it with stink bombs if it attempts to climb up as well.

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Do I have a ring too? The one ring to rule all my babies? 

[Joy] no

[Joy] Also, please don't blame me for knowing things but I just watched a show about medieval roads and they typically cleared the road of trees for quite a ways, let's call it 70ft. The documentary said way more but no. And only near towns, let's call it within the range where you are. The bear was just over a hill. So no tree sniping.

Come on, this is a trail, not the high road. How can goblins ambush shipments if this is a road with vegetation cleared to the horizon?

Anyway as I said I have no idea what we are even supposed do. Situation unclear, no options. What does the scene look like, how far is the bear away, where is it facing?

If we can't run or hide and it will notice us anyway then it's clear we have to fight no matter what because  'reasons'. If we can flee or hide we will, If not we have to fight. No point in beating around the bush, just give us a map and start round0

I'll act as decoy to lure it away *sigh*

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I'm not sure if a trader would run around with a pickaxe but then again he's a dwarf. If that's his preferred weapon it's no wonder he got captured.
Whatever, we're not stealing anything from our questgiver. Show them the pickaxe and we'll see. It's like Aesop's fable of the Honest Woodcutter

Did you lose this golden pickaxe in the goblin cave?

The really scary thing is that reality in always worse than the most extreme parody. I wonder how this shit actually affects sales. Who's the target audience? Nonbinary indigenous pacific islanders with special needs and mental health issues? I hope they experience Go Woke, Go Broke and learn their lesson.

You guys are the only people I'd play this game with. Imagine having to deal with politically correct normalfags demanding safety cards, consent lists and support flowers.

Back to more sane things.
If the cave niggers don't give us the cart we're basically stuck here. Are we supposed to walk back to Neverwinter or what?? Obviously we're 'supposed to' (aka have no choice but to) clear the cave without guild involvement. Fine, but not as LV2. Meaning we need to get back to Neverwinter and level up at the guild first. There's no point in going to the cave now. That would be nice, we could see Freya and Brutus and most importantly Mr. Tree again and go shopping. But somebody will need to take us and our stuff there.

inb4 we conveniently stumble upon an orb on our way to the cave. What an unbelievable coincidence that would be!

nope cant watch that parody or not

that pic is creepy. i think masked Alice is way more scary than Ashley

good point
Yulya also wants to return to Neverwinter to level up and buy candy and have a proper bath. but most of our stuff is still on that cart. all the loot from the slavers.
and human meat lol. what do we do with this? could we get a ride to Neverwinter? any trader should be happy to have us around as escort.

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Let me think... you have stuff, Phandalin desperately needs stuff. 


[Ashley] Oh I know, let's get a cart and travel for days across the map!

I didn't think of that.

Also Phandalin is cut off from trade for at least a cycle (moon cycle) or so as the news of the defeat of the Goblin menace spreads.

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> Let me think... you have stuff, Phandalin desperately needs stuff. 
Not really since they took the axe from Cat. We have a lot of things we like to keep or that the gnomes wouldn't buy. We could sell them human meat and goblin ears though!

Things from the cart and Sildar's backpack:
BELT POUCH [5 lbs]

We also have the jewelry and treasure chest but that's it.

That still leaves about 50lbs of useful tools from the cart and Sildar, mostly human meat. Cat needs to cook full rations btw which will be even heavier. And we need to restocck on things like soap and glass containers for firebombs.

So that's that. And we need to level up. The dwarves don't know a way here so I agree going to Neverwinter is the most straightforward thing.

Ah and don't forget we should turn in that Elven stuff. We also have that. We can't carry it around.

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Then we say hello to our friends that are probably worrying what happened, restock on supplies and generally have a good time in Neverwinter civilization. And level up of course. Weren't you the one who said we need to do that ASAP? The dwarf said there's no orb here and I generally don't believe there's more than one orb at all. One is bad enough. That apart how's that supposed to work with wild orbs at all? Do they have a slot where you insert coins, crank a handle and press them into new adventurer plates and are such counterfeit plates even recognized? Just sayin if it easily worked like that who'd even pay horrendous sums at the guild if they're found in the wild around every corner?
That aside, in the long run we need a storage facility anyway. Shouldn't the guild offer that? Do high level adventurers like Brutus carry their entire possessions with them all the time and on every mission? That's highly unrealistic and plain stupid.
If you go to loot a dungeon already encumbered you can't carry off the loot. I'm certainly not gonna carry my ear and tail collection with me all the time. They could get damaged or dirty. They need to go in a dry and safe storage. Furthermore I generally have zero intention of playing D&D the way you're supposed to by investing all your loot in gear and fighting stronger monsters and aimlessly tumbling through the world. I don't like doing what you're supposed to do. Keeping our base in Neverwinter, collecting weird stuff and opening a museum / university associated with the guild seems way more fun. Adventurers could borrow the objects to study them and familiarize themselves with their use. Especially the ears. The whole adventuring business needs to be streamlined, professionalized and optimized with Ordnung instead of sending rookie parties with zero experience to their death.

Haa, whatever.
It's already hardcoded into the game that going to the Rainbow cave as we are is mandatory, a scripted event. So there's probably an invisible wall preventing us from taking the trail to Neverwinter eh?

If you've got a better idea I'm all ears *pun intended* but from a rational point of view, going back to Neverwinter next morning, preferably on some cart, is more sane than dragging our belongings to an unmapped cave to clear it from an unknown and highly dangerous foe (aka the ice dragon) and stumbling on an orb on the way.
At least that's what Cat, Yulya and me think. If Ashley can convince us to YOLO and clear the cave as LV2 then fine but I swear if we unexpectedly trip over an orb  on the way that's the lamest story ever.

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> That aside, in the long run we need a storage facility anyway. Shouldn't the guild offer that?

Level 3 doesn't cost anything, Freya said I had the godsight.

Bear and us all leveled 3 in a mage tower, SheShe was able to help us there.

There was a chest depository below the orb and for instance silver required exactly 1000 silver (level 4) and no gold or copper. Since we didn't have exact change we had to go to Luskan's guild where they had an orb. There was also an orb in Triboar.

No one's going to want human meat.

Freya offered for us to store stuff in barrels in back, not in the vault though. The Neverwinter guild is built in an old warehouse and there is lots of space in back. I know, my other self worked there for a while.

I want to level, you can get stuck begind your invisible wall if you want. I get a panther familiar at level 3, all time panther pet go!

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> No one's going to want human meat.
Excuse me, I do!
Cat will turn it into full rations. We'll have to make additional ones for you special vegan snowflake though but I'm sure Cat doesn't mind. It's good to have a bit of variety anyway.

Still the question of leveling up is unresolved. Yulya will decide where we go tomorrow but so far all options I can think of suck. How long would walking to Neverwinter even take? A week? There must be some people in Phandalin who are eager to get there fast and who appreciate a free escort. If not then well the idea is moot and we're stuck here forever. Also I see the cave is very close to my ship. So close, yet so far!

awesome vid 

yeah we really dunno. we rode the cart to neverwinter on the entire high road last time. thats different from walking. you tell me but looking at the map its like 30 mi to the high road and another 50 mi to Neverwinter. so it takes a week walking to neverwinter and back without a cart. and without being encumbered. thats not good.

> We can travel roughly 30 miles a day encombered I think.
wtf thats almost 50km if im correct. thats a distance an experienced hiker covers with minimal luggage. maybe Cat can do that or even Yulya but an underweight human girl like you with 10 CON? even Alice has 14. you need CON saving throw for a forced march. well you dont have to load yourself to the point of encumbrance we could distribute it to the others but still.

Joy's rulebook says travel speed drops to 2 mph when encumbered. walking 8h thats 16 mi per day. no chance to get to Neverwinter like that. and i think thats realistic and good. otherwise encumbrance becomes meaningless and everyone is a walking storehouse. i like Alices idea of having a central storage somewhere better. you gotta plan what you take on a mission.

so yeah what do we do? we can ask for a cart. if theres one we go to neverwinter. if not then we gotta go to the cave. but also without encumbrance. cant be that hard to store our stuff somewhere the dwarves owe us one.

alternative is we buy one its 15gp plus we need horses and feed but its still a good investment i think. i feel we wont get anywhere without a cart in the future.


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> Eww walking is hard

We're heros damnit!

> encumbered

Look, we need to offload some dead weight, make hard choices already. Leave shit in Phandalin if we have to. You guys can go fight unnatural things at level 2, I'm going to go get my panther pal.

> buy cart and horses for 15gp

Uh, haha Joy?

[Joy] see pic, there are no free carts for sale, sorry. There may be horses but likely not for sale.


I don't get it. So how many miles can we travel per day now?

Anyway I guess it's settled? We walk to Neverwinter at 2mph? I wanna level up too, I can do some cool stunts at LV.3. But I don't wanna die from exhaustion or starvation on the way.
We need to think about how many rations Cat should make. Can she do that in the Inn? As little as possible to save weight obviously. If we find water and Ashley hunts us something we don't need a lot of rations. We should save them for regions where we can't find anything.

> There may be horses
Is riding a skill? Can anyone ride a horse? Any checks?

> Can she do that in the Inn? 
She can ask nicely.

> Is riding a skill? Can anyone ride a horse? Any checks?

I am not changing vanilla rules on this.

Horses don't move more than 3mph either. The best bet would be not to  be encumbered.

i think we can manage that. i think we all agree we gotta level up first before entering the cave so lets go to Neverwinter tomorrow. if Joy says we can make it while walking then lets do that.

> no cart
Gundrens brothers clearly arent traders. the horses of his cart are either starved by now or if someone looks after them he will have to pay weeks of horse feed and shelter while they stand there collecting cobwebs. we could have brought back goods for Hobby from Neverwinter and give Gundren 50% of profits. everyone wins.

we could still ask Hobby if he can sponsor a cart to get whatever goods he wants from Neverwinter. just to annoy Joy. guess thats impossible bc noo youre not from the merchant guild or whatever invisible wall stuff

and hey what happened to Yulyas investigation of the rock with DETECT MAGIC?
> Yulya casts GUIDANCE on herself and then DETECT MAGIC. Then she investigates the rock again for traces of magic

Yulya still has that guild letter to Gundren. Should we give it to the brothers or wait until they return with Gundren (if they make it lol)

> thats impossible bc noo youre not from the merchant guild or whatever invisible wall stuff

That's impossible because no, you're  not registered with the trade guild so you won't be able to buy and sell profitably, and of course not with all those invisible walls the dragon orb gods set up everywhere just to make life difficult for Alice. If you even attempted to get around them, there's a line of goblins set up to laugh at how weak Alice is.

But if you want that, it's your game, go for it.

> and hey what happened to Yulyas investigation of the rock with DETECT MAGIC?

I forgot to put it in, but regardless of the roll, you can't detect magic innately in vanilla, I'd allow it to "sence a magic signature" however but the spell DETECT MAGIC is meant to be the way you do that to get any useful information. You detected no magic signature but that doesn't mean magic didn't cause it. Magic doesn't leave residue after a spell has ended.

You can certainly give the letter to  Gundren's brothers.

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Yeah figures.
No trading without a loicense I guess. Can you actually be registered in multiple guilds and multiclass as trader-adventurer? Might be useful in the long run. I'm still for buying a cart to haul our stuff around sooner or later. Towed by war elephants. But for now I guess we'll walk.

> We're heros damnit!
I'm a tourist! And I didn't come here for a hiking trip. Where's my open deck sightseeing bus? Wait, actually I'm glad I don't have to ride in that rock tumbler carriage anymore. But yeah walking sucks too.

> Can you actually be registered in multiple guilds and multiclass as trader-adventurer?

Yes and there are levels in the Trade Guild as well that allow certain advantages based on experience in trading. Your character would gain trading skills that would give lower prices to buy and higher prices to sell etc. Unless you're Ashley who'd get kicked form the guild for bartering because the prices are strictly regulated but in the case of Phandalin, they're not yet a guild registered province so you may be able to still make a small profit even without Gundren's discount. Gundren has a Level 2 in the trade guild and technically he bought all the supplies wholesale with his plate.

> war elephants
They are not regionally available.

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> not regionally available
Damn geoblocking!

> 3gp for cherry brandy that Toblen gave us for free when we arrived and that's not even on the menu
I smell a tourist ripoff!
Just wait 'til my artificial trees can clone your brandy in industrial quantities!

I'm not sure if my phagocytosis allows for a thorough analysis of complex substances lite the aromas of liquors in this puny form though. That will probably have to wait until I reach my viscous form that has more processing power. I'll try it out.

I any case I request a roll for food found under the table!
> Alice extends her feet under the table and checks the floor for leftovers to absorb while waiting

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> unavailable for reasons
sorry no war elephant for you
have mercy the poor elephants would freeze to death like when hannibal was crossing the alps

but yeah some trade license would make sense. i really wonder what gameplay will be like once you have your biofactories but i doubt we will live to see that. i already wonder if we will ever make it to your ship

> Quite fancy for such a backwater place!
> allergy warning
> veggie dishes
lol yeah what a hipster restaurant
why are the potatoes with eggs so fucking eggspensive? just because the spices? is there a handful of saffron and cloves on them?
> goat sausage for 10gp
now you're shitting us
aristocratic meal expenses are supposed to be 2gp. per day. with 10gp total living expenses per day. whos supposed to order a single dish for 10gp here out in the sticks? Daran?


Goat sausage is a delecacy, a specialty of the chef, fit for royalty, and you peasants are so graciously allowed to buy it with your dirty gold yet you scoff?! The common rabble will never understand the melody of flavor, the sacrifice made by such a noble animal to give up his only sausage for your plebian gaping maws. I'll not tell the cheff of this atrocity lest he intentionally attempt to step past a dragon guarding a narrow passage along with a hoard of orcs in a single file line. Oh how he would weep.

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> worukuu desu!

> Yulya presents the letter to the dwarves with a bow like a Japanese schoolgirl handing over a love letter

> "Get your own snake," Ashley says, protecting her plate but still unsure how exactly she's going to eat it.

I laughed! The entire scene is brilliant. The poor dwarves must think those girls are completely nuts

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Creating Artificial Trees requires my Liquid Metal form and is a LV.16+ thing. So I doubt we will ever see them outside my ship. Even if, as cool as they sound, they will be mostly useless in gameplay. Because even though they can do extremely cool things, they are painfully slow. It's not magic after all but good old honest technology obeying the laws of thermodynamics.

Whether Artificial Trees can recreate the Dwarven brandy will depend on it's true quality. I already said I could not reproduce Daran's apple trees because they are imbued with magic. A high-level artisan who puts his devotion into a tool or product will imbue it with quasi-magical properties. You could say the product has soul. Something I cannot reproduce even if I or the Trees clone it perfectly. But that's something to decide when we get there aka never.

However, I will gain a Monk healing ability at LV.3 when I become a Warrior of Mercy and can use Hand of Healing. This needs to be worked out soon. As I cannot use magic, my healing skill is of physical nature and only works on physical beings. It should work on Ashley but not on a supernatural being, undead, ghost or whatever thing that isn't alive.

To make my miserable life even harder, this should also go for the counterpart Hand of Harm that deals necrotic damage. That makes sense lore-wise but still I should not be able to damage creatures like ghosts or spirits hat have no physical bodies. I can only degrade matter. It's not magic. I think that's a fair trade-off for my nanotech shenanigans.

Likewise, an Artificial Guard Tree or Fungus will manage to trap and disassemble basically anything with a physical body that doesn't have superhuman strength and constitution to quickly break free and heal itself. Otherwise it's curtains once the nanobots run rampage inside your body and turn you into goo. But even if those constructs deal necrotic damage, they have zero effect on beings that have no physical body. Yulya will have to deal with anything ghostly.

Regarding Viscous form, I'll let you decide at what level I can evolve to this. As I said I need to go to my ship for that. I would recommend Lv.6 as I get a number of cool monk features then that go nicely with a form change. I still don't know what other materials I gotta collect but the mine might be a good place. Suggestions are welcome.

I think no matter what level I reach, you'll easily be able to come up with enemies that I'm powerless against and I'm always willing to accept handicaps. But I already have a lot and my utter magic-lessness will put me to a severe disadvantage to any other high-class adventurer, even non-magic users.

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Ok, plans:

Cat needs to cook rations. Cooking human meat in the inn is a bit uhh. We better do that on the road. So we need to pay for the ingredients in the inn. The question is how many Full rations should Cat make? It will take a long time to reach Neverwinter but if Ashley can hunt us some game we don't need too many. Mostly for her. We have 32lbs of finest noble at the cart.

Tomorrow we need to go to Gundren's cart and collect our things. Then to Hobby to store what we do not need for the trip, we can sell what he doesn't want with Harbin. Then off to Neverwinter.

Did I miss anything?

I don't think we need to buy anything here except if we find affordable oil flasks as firebomb containers.
In Neverwinter Cat would like to finally buy a grappling hook for her rope. We might need that in the mine but not on our trip.

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Well I'm sorry I mistook leek for a fish ok? I'm an alien who's never seen either in the wild. And it was late.

Still no roll for finding scraps under the table. Do you want me to go to bed without having eaten anything decent? I might have to dig through the trash behind the inn.

> no scraps
you can always go dumpster diving behind the inn

> 305 cp
the poor waitress has to count that

sounds good!
we should use full rations mainly for dungeons where you guys cant hunt. theyre heavy and expensive. but yeah we need some as emergency food in case we dont have time to hunt or catch nothing. but with you and Alice we can turn basically everything into an edible meal.

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Nr reaction from Evangelina about me paying in coppers? She's a real pro. I should have given her the rock as a tip. Or a goblin ear. No wait, that's too much. I'm not an American.

Also Toblen always looks like he had a few Brandys too many.

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> [Ashley] I should really get tips.
You should rather pay your share for the room

> brick as a sidekick
Ohh yeah, thanks for reminding me, I totally forgot about that!
Not sure when we are going to introduce Bartolomeo, but my brick sidekick is also a LV.15+ Living Metal feature like Artificial Trees so likely never.


Or should I take all the excess Sildar gave me from our negotiations. In that case, give me 37 gold, 5 silver (50 gold minus 12.5), and I'll give Yulya 13 copper for my share of the room.

[Joy the DM] sounds fair.

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If you keep arguing, Cat will have to treat your Behinds again!

We need help regarding rations. It's not in your custom rules and I searched all the threads but could not find a definite answer. How many lbs of meat does a full ration require? 1 lb? Is that correct?


The minimum ration is 1 lb of smoked or otherwise preserved meat. This is a dry ration. It can also be pemmican or trail bar or any combination of edible dry food roughly equal to 1lb which is roughly 2500 calories. Unprepared meat or vegetables is usually 2sp per ration if purchased. Spices will increase the taste of a ration to a point that it will start to increase happiness. It weighs 1lb.

I have changed the ration creation process to make 4 rations per hour. Recooked rations no longer exist but if you do that from purchased or found rations then I won't stop you but since purchased rations are 5sp and make 2, buying raw ingredients for 2sp per ration is more efficient. In some places, ingredients can be had for less then 2sp, foraging and hunting arw ways to get ingredients without paying.

Full rations add 3lbs of water.

A full ration is meant to provide enough food and water for 1 day, it weighs 4 lbs and is worth 5sp both full and dry.

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Yes thank you but that only goes for meat and not for more complex dishes. I've posted Cat's modular recipe, you tell me how long it takes, how much rations we get and how much they cost. Feel free to adjust. Also she has Alice so that should speed up the process. Maybe not 100% but 50?

The idea was to make more modular rations that consist of meat, vegetables and optional water. This way we can give Ashley her rabbit or what she hunts and still eat our human meat. When we walk a lot I guess we will eat twice so 1lb of meat and 1lb of vegetables which equals one of both ration types per day.  Or normally 0.5 rations of both. I guess we can easily find water while on the road so we can save the 3 lbs per ration. We need that in dungeons but now everyone has a waterskin so we should be good without that.

Well that's the plan.


How much time? 4/hour any type

How much cost? Vegetable and meat are both 2sp per lb and are interchangeable unless otherwise stated.

If you had two cooking kits and 2 people with cooking skill 200% I suppose she can be a sous chef otherwise so 150% or 6/hour

When walking 1.5x is required, presuming you only walk/work 12 hours. If there, was a day you worked 16 hours, then 2x 

Finding water takes an hour and has a chance of failing unless it's raining. I haven't been strict on this for your run, for our runs we do.

Yes, dry rations are a good idea most of the time.


Now I remember why you don't worry about water, because Yulya has a spell that can create water. So as long as you rest before you run out of water, simply having a waterskin is enough. I presume Yulya casts the spell and recovers her MP some time in her 8 hour long rest.

yeah i forgot about that too but Yulya is always hesitant to spend MP which may be needed later.  i guess thats overly careful while travelling. in dungeons might be different if we only take short rests to recover.

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> Let Alice and Cat rest a bit longer, they've been working hard last night!
Thanks Yulya!
We're not in a hurry are we?
Let's say I needed another hour for cleaning duty, then I went to sleep at 2am. I don't know how long I rested under the bed after dinner and before 10pm but I gotta rest for 8h. There's no time given for our arrival at the inn or when we went to the room. So you tell me at what time I get up after a full rest.

I'm not totally against making snow goblins but not at 6am

> when you wake up in the middle of the night and realize you forgot to post on /tulpa/
sorry about that, I'm slowing everyone else down!

That's adorable! My cats have never seen snow and neither have I

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That's a fantastic Mona Lisa Yulya!
And she even cares about me!

> [07:00]
Is that alright?
I already asked about what time I could get up to have a full rest after going to sleep at 2am and if it's 7 now that implies I got up not long after Ashley.

You slept before the cooking too, remember? I'm calling it 8 hours.

Don't worry too much about the math, you'd need a PhD in hyperarithmetic just to solve the simplest canned problem. I can solve it easily because this Bear brain does one thing really well and that's math... and tiling.

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So breakfast has an universal price? How much before I get scolded for wasting money again?

> growing concern
The dragon can't be in the mine and roosting on top of my ship at the same time, right? Or is one his holiday home?

Anyway we can't beat a mature dragon at LV.3.

Actually I see less to sell that I thought.
Should we even sell the jewelry? Would we get a better price in Neverwinter?

N DARTS (10X) 3

I'd store:

We should be able to carry the rest. I thought about keeping my ear collection in Neverwinter rather than in Phandalin but it eventually should go into my ship. So it's better to leave them here.

I'd like to buy if available

What do you think?

By the way, we have rough amethyst in the cart but the amount and weight was not given.


You will always get a better price when in a cut off area or far from city states. Otherwise heavy regulations will require even pricing. Jewelry is the exception, it keeps value exactly like coins if they can afford it.

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Even if we get a better price, I do not think it's worth selling useful things and buying new ones.

What do we do with thst short sword and the rings? Could we extract the  Sharp Tounge abilities of the sword and put them in another tool for Ashley? She's the one with high CHA, doesnt make much sense for anyone else. We could put it on Yulya's mace maybe? She's got CHA+2
The rings could still be useful in certain situatuons, I'd keep them.

sounds good to me. we cant sell the elven stuff so theres not much more we dont need

> Could we extract the Sharp Tounge abilities of the sword and put them in another tool for Ashley? She's the one with high CHA, doesnt make much sense for anyone else. We could put it on Yulya's mace maybe?
not a bad idea id rather give it to Ashley though Yulya is already loaded with things and needs handds free. we should put the feature of the goblin staff on Yulyas holy symbol in Neverwinter. there must be a workshop who can do that.

right now Yulya has over 30lbs of carrying capacity. Cat is full Alice has a little. we should not have trouble to get to Neverwinter unencumbered unless we find tons of things.

> give to Ashley

I don't know if she could use it but I'll think about it.

[Ashley] I'm a pacifist remember? Unless I can wear it as an amulet or ring and it shapeshifts with me and it somehow makes sense that it transfers to mecha cats then no.

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> pacifist
Maybe we should get you one of those pink glittery wands then?

> shapeshifts with me
What except for the adventurer tag currently does? Does your focus crystal? Why not fuse it with this?

As the spell backfires if the target has higher CHA, you are the only one who should use this. Yulya's +2 isn't stellar, Cat only got +1 and let's not even talk about me. I think extracting the spell and selling the sword is the best thing to do, just like dismantling a stolen car and selling the parts. Nobody will be able to trace it back to that Marquis son. Selling the sword as it is seems risky.

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Haha I'd like to see Ashley with a ink heart-shaped wand!

So what do we buy?
Obviously soap, chalk and oil flasks.
Maybe some wicks and sealing wax?
The glass containers are expensive, the ones from the oil flasks should do. Alice and Kashtan opinions on makeshift explosives?

Kashtan's firebomb was made from an oil flask. I think it was quite effective. We don't have any other weapons with area effect. Arguably on stone and in this cold it's not optimal but imagine a combustible environment like a wooden building.

I'd go with 3 oil flasks. One for your lantern and 2 for firebombs. I have some wicks but for the price we can buy another two. Does agar allow to store firebombs indefinitely? For 1gp it's not cheap. Still 1sp per bomb. A vial for glass shards maybe.

Explosives - I'd have to think about it but I'd rather buy them either in Neverwinter or when we return. We need a sturdy container not glass for a bomb. Ideally some metal pot with a screw-on lid so the pressure builds up until it explodes. A pressure cooker is ideal but I doubt they know about it in this world. Also we are already buying more than selling, that's not the point.


Agar will make it stable, yes.

> explosives

Dwarves of this era make explosives as they use it. Two constiuents are mixed to make a liquid that can be poured into cracks. It becomes vicious when mixes with air and after about a minut it explodes without the need for a fuse.

Traps can be made woth accelerant constituents, temperature modified effects, smoking varients, but an Artificer would be needed for many of these effects or unknown results may occur.

Bear's team went with an Artificer to smoke out an Orc den to rescue an "Orc Princess" where if they had stormed in, they might have killed her.

His particular bomb will be described in my next rev I believe, it's a bomb that generates a heavy explosive gas that will fill the chambers of a cave and ignite causing damage to anyone inside.

Harbin will have plenty of the mining grade explosives, again in two parts. Either part is flammable but not explosive, together they are equivalent to 2.7x the power to weight of TnT, shelf stable and safe to store in sealed glass vials in separate reinforced crates.

They're 150sp per lb for either constiuent, they can be stored in any water tight oil resistant container. I didn't make most of this up, they were mentioned in a module Bear's team played.


Tnt 1 lb will cause 4d6 damage to a 5ft radius with a DC 12 vs dexterity for half.

The fluid (2lbs), if splashed on someone will cause the same damage but the radius is 10ft with a DC12
and anyone with it on them do not get a DC.

It's better than black powder in that way by a little and cheaper.

couldnt post yesterday only got connection failed

is it a mistake that Harbin offers 10gp for the gold ring that has 20gp jewelry worth?
im torn about selling him the jade frog. Yulya lets Alice decide. Alice should take a look at the alchemist supplies and tell us whats useful. Yulya thinks we should do an initial trade with Harbin and see how hes doing. Then we may or may not buy more when we will return

> gas bomb
it says you need a blueprint we dont have. Alice cant make that.

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> couldnt post yesterday only got connection failed

> let's talk about opportunities and cooperation
we certainly wont give him samples from the mine without the Rockseekers permission. thats their job not ours. Not sure we should get him the chemicals for explosives, testing and orecpurification. Dundrens brothers said nothing that they need it we would have gotten it for them.
I'm with Yulya, around nobles never relax

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i dont think Cat cares about any of that just like she doesnt care about any trading in general. she just hates nobles. which is prejudiced and therefore based
guess nobles are for Cat what niggers are for Alice
Yulya is already sweating bullets that we will do any business with harbin that harms Gundrens brothers.

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> I have your current total coinage as:
> 8pp
> 112gp
> 182sp
> 1022cp 

that cant be right.
our inventory before trade:
195	GOLD

after trade:
197	GOLD

after Cats exchange:
209	GOLD

i updated the inventory and gave the rabbit rations to Ashley hope thats ok. they are for her. if we leave the things listed at the end of the inventory with Hobby we can make it to Neverwinter unencumbered.


Gundrens brothers said we don't need an axe for what we are supposed to do in the mine. It's not ours and if the Ro kseekers want to analyze their ore samples they can do that themselves. Not our job to give Harbin samples of other peoples mines without the owners permissions

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> Make your next moves, Hobby is next I suppose, state what you're leaving behind. When you're ready to begin traveling, let me know.
We would like to leave at Hobbys place:
ROUGH AMETHYST	? please tell us weight and value

I think we can continue traveling on Dec 26th when Alice is available again

Merry Christmas!

yeah Yulya often forgets what she can actually do girl lacks self confidence.
waiting for Joy to tell us what Yulya finds out about Harbins intentions before we move on. then we can continue to Hobby to store our things and continue traveling

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> You are left with only confusion, you sense no hint deception or foul dealings, and you're sure of it. You think, what was Sildar talking about? But for that you have no answer. It could be that he's just that good at hiding it but highly unlikely.
Is Yulya's paranoia contagious? Cat is confused too.

Do we get a scene at Hobby's shop to store the goods or do we leave Phandalin? The goods to be stored are listed

I'll combine it with travel unless something happens.

Keep track of rations at 1.5/day for the sake of immersion, there is a break at about 12:00 to rest for half an hour. The number of miles walked is calculated accordingly.

Did you know, those suspensionless covered wagons traveled 20+ miles a day on good terrain and no one typically rode in them because they were so harsh.

An industrious Artificer could develop carts with comfort in mind and make millions. Though suspension was invented in the 15th century and there were designs as old as the 9th with at least a few examples as early as 2000 years ago, colonists in the US had no choice but to accept two choices suspensionless ones that were available for rugged journeys and heavy loads pulled by mules, oxen or horses if they could afford them or pull a small cart themselves in some cases.

Mules were considered sure footed for rough terrain, oxen were considered dependable for towing heavy loads and the maintenance of horses was the most expensive, they needed special feed and time to run around while mules and oxen were happy to eat rough forage.

Alright then, off to Neverwinter I guess before I freeze to death!

> those suspensionless covered wagons traveled 20+ miles a day on good terrain and no one typically rode in them because they were so harsh
I remember and it sucked. I still want a decently suspended carriage pulled by 10 war elephants.
But I guess mules would be best suited to accompany adventurers. they can go nearly everywhere, carry enough weight for the needs of a small party and are extremely robust.

You'd think the this planet's people with their fancy magic would come up with something like portals but apparently they're too dumb or lazy. Otherwise they wouldn't be sitting in a medieval shithole world.

> A simple 4 wheeled cart capable of carrying 2x the puller's total carrying capacity including the weight of the cart could be found at Neverwinter or commissioned by a cartwright. There would be a small risk someone could come along and steal it if you don't secure or hide it and it would draw extra attention from bandits. A cart capable of carrying 1000lbs that Cat could conceivably pull would be a remarkably low cost, 15-25gp. Based on her carry capacity, a 150lb cart could manage that and could be used for most travel between locations along roads and over relatively easy terrain, not suitable for overland travel in forests, swamps, mountainous terrain etc. without severely slowing you down unless she carried it. There is no cartwright at Phandalin and the small farmers only have full carts or wheelbarrows and likely not willing to sell. None of you are capable of repairing parts but you could buy spare parts and replace parts, it would be subject to a small risk of breaking on the rough roads, especially the Triboar trail but all of you together could unstick it from any rut. It would be roughly 3x5ft so not suitable to drag through caves or in all but the main shaft of mines. A full wagon like Gundren's without any supplies or spare parts would be between 35-100gp or more depending on extras, they do offer models of carriages with suspension meant for passengers but they have lower carry capacity, his was a converted war cart so it would be considerably more than 100gp, a horse would be between 50-100gp each, other beasts of burden vary in Neverwinter.
lol Cat is our beast of burden
but is that really realistic for Cat to pull a 1000 lbs cart for hours? i imagine thats horrible on the bad roads. actually nope just because the cart weighs 150 lbs it doesnt mean she could pull 1150 lbs. 
according to rules an animal can pull 5x its carrying capacity:
> An animal pulling a carriage, cart, chariot, sled, or wagon can move weight up to five times its base carrying capacity, including the weight of the vehicle.

so in Cats case that would be 5 x 150 = 750 lbs. if the cart weighs 150 lbs it has 600 lbs carrying capacity with Cat pulling it naked lmao
a realistic setup would be a lightweight 100 lbs cart with 600 lbs capacity. this leaves Cat some margin to carry her equipment. the textbook cart weighs 200 lbs only leaving 500 lbs carrying capacity. we also need some spare parts.

all in all an inhumane but effective idea that saves us feed and shelter for a mule we cant leave behind when entering dungeons or drag it along into dangerous places. thats animal cruelty and Yulya wont allow that.

still a mule for 8 gp has the advantage of being able to cross difficult terrain where a cart cant go carries 420 lbs but needs 10 lbs food for 5 cp per day. we could get one depending on the situation. but for now the Cat cart wins


2x carry capacity for people, 5x for animals like mules, oxen or horses.

I think her maximum carry capacity was over 500.

You have to take into consideration what she's carrying and the weight of the cart.

Pricing may vary.

I say cat can pull 2x her max - what she's wearing and - the cart weight.

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That video!
Sounds hilarious, I wonder what Cat thinks about being a draft cat

> 2x carry capacity for people, 5x for animals like mules, oxen or horses.
Hmm, it clearly says base not max capacity but whatever.
According to the inventory Cat can carry 150/300/450

> I say cat can pull 2x her max - what she's wearing and - the cart weight.
Cat can max carry 450lbs
She is carrying 150lbs right now
The cart weighs 150lbs
That would be 900-150-150=600 so we arrive exactly at Kashtan's calculation. But including all stuff Cat is carrying which necessarily would either have to go onto the cart like her backpack or be subtracted from carrying capacity. 600lbs net load would remain. Considering spare parts probably less. Still not bad, 600 lbs of trade goods is a lot and significantly more than a mule could carry. Not bad, I like it! Let's get to Neverwinter first, there's still time to work this out.

> 150/300/450

Why are your numbers always different then mine? Let me give you a Christmas gift then:

Ashley: 60/120/180
Yulya: 80/160/240
Cat: 188/376/564
Alice: 50/100/150

Please use these values.

Imagine you are a human who weighs 100lbs, you don't think you could pull 200lbs in a cart?

Like I said, 564x2-176-150-Current inventory, this is how much she could pull with a 150lbs cart with a 1000lb rating.

[Ashley] No, I'm actually thinking I want a carriage with suspension now.

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> Why are your numbers always different then mine?
because you cant access the dismail online spreadsheet and Alice cant into google docs
it would be nice if you looked into the inventory when we post it here its a lot of work

> Let me give you a Christmas gift then:
> Ashley: 60/120/180
> Yulya: 80/160/240
> Cat: 188/376/564
> Alice: 50/100/150
wtf thats a downgrade for anyone but Cat
current carrying capacities are autogenerated by the formula you gave us in the spreadsheet. this way it can easily be adapted if str changes

Yulya:	 90/180/270	13STR	110W
Cat:	150/300/450	18STR	180W
Ashley:	 70/140/210	11STR	 90W
Alice:	 60/120/180	 9STR	 90W

or did we make a mistake?

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> A lot of work indeed.
Slow and steady, this is not a speedrun! It's ok to take a break now or then if more time is needed.

> Why Cat's is off is a mystery now.
Cat is carrying a total weight of 188 lbs including her armor right now. Maybe you mistook that as base carrying capacity? To reach 188/376/564 Cat would need to weigh 256 lbs instead of the 180 lbs or 80 kg stated in her character sheet. It's not possible to reach 188 with an integer STR value according to your formula. Weighing 180 lbs she'd need above 25STR.
But whatever, we will stick to the formula values stated. We're not cheating.

>  I have taken liberty with these characters and names and they don't match, nor are intended to match, Forgotten Realms lore in most cases, this is so you can't simply look things up and get secrets.
I appreciate your efforts but don't waste your time on that. First we could easily find out if we wanted and second and most importantly, we won't. I mean c'mon you think we would ruin our own suspense? I didn't even read the PHB and literally have no idea how this world works, what factions there are or the stats of any monsters. I don't even know what Forgotten Realms is. And I know Kashtan almost immediately stopped reading other D&D books to avoid any spoilers. So that's the least of your worries. But I'd still appreciate if you make your own adventure instead of strictly following a script. I'm sure all the canned adventures are politically correct, family friendly, predictable and boooring. You can do better than the losers writing those. As we say in tulpamancy - surprise me!


The tree like in this area is about 100 ft off the road as previously discussed but there is tall grass and growing brush; however the trader is 300ft down the road and the bandits are 100ft from you. If you forge through the brush they might hear you because everything is cruchy due to snow and ice.

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> crunch
I fucking hate snow and ice

Can we have a crude map pls?
I know practicing visualization is important but I gotta know who's where and what's the terrain.

What if we hide in the brush now and move along slightly behind the cart? Cat and Yulya are our main problem with their tingling armor mail that causes disadvantage in stealth. If anything I could try to flank them on my own with my speed and stealth +5.

I'm not fond of splitting up. but we can't waste Emboldening Bond now anyway. Yulya should cast BLESS on us and GUIDANCE on me. Then I try to move 90° deep onto the brush and then ahead of the cart trying to flank them. The Bigglesworths have stealth +4 right? I could go with them so we are 3.

> crude map

Each letter is 25sqft or 3sqhorse

G grass
R road
F forest
B bandit
T trader
UCAA you all


lol best map ever!

wait fugg that means the bandits are between us and the trader! Alice got me confused.
i thought the trader came from behind us from phandalin. if he comes from the west we obviously cant use him as cover

> They're watching the road and looking west so you can't move any further west without them noticing.
> Before you can even think of the situation, someone seems to be coming up the road from the West.
i still don't get it. we are coming from the e moving w and the bandits are looking w so away from us and toward the trader. why cant we approach them?

i still agree Alice and the cats should approach them through the grass using stealth. Cat and Alice could shoot them with their bows but the survivors would escape. we gotta get close enough to take them in one swoop.

I'm going to save you the trouble and say, no, you cannot approach them from any direction without them seeing you because they're wary and the grass is crunchy and the snow is making everything otherwise quiet.

[Ashley] time for lynxes!

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This is my estimation of what's about to happen. I say we charge in, rob the bandits of their ears and meat and move along.

[Joy] the only way they won't be alerted is if you move East. Otherwise you will have to re-roll stealth with disadvantage.

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> Alice prepares her attack. You are free to move, you successfully surprised them and have initiative. Though you are close, they do not see you yet.
Hmm, I think all 3 cats also attacking bandits #1+2 with me is overkill. I'd like to see at least one attacking #4 to down him.

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> Remember that surprise attack only guarantees initiative, there is no longer a surprise round and you can only gain advantage by legitimate means such as flanking and stealth.
I think that's good because it doesn't make the enemies sitting ducks. I still don't get the order of attacks. Why can the bandits all simultaneously attack me while I can't do the same with the Bigglesworths? Or would I have needed to say that I wait for the cats to arrive and then jump out of stealth? Or would they have seen the cats and then automatically spotted me and could have attacked me first? It's clear that the current way of events is suboptimal if I attack alone and get roughed up by everyone.


The Bigglesworths didn't make it to them in round 1, Cat shot her arrow and you attacked, then the cats arrived but the bandits got a chance to attack.

So what you're saying is you only want to attack with everyone else, but once the others were running in their direction you lost your surprise. Ideally everyone would have attacked simultaneously but they were too far away and if anyone missed their stealth checks with disadvantage, you would have lost guaranteed initiative and might have taken 4 arrows to the knee and your adventuring days would be over.

Good learning opportunity, Bandits are low fodder.

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