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I want to kill the faggot who coined this term. Soulsborne is a piece of shit genre since Dark Souls 1,2, and even 3 are EXTREMELY different than Bloodborne. Bloodborne rewards speed and precision, while Dark Souls rewards load out preparations and patience. Sure there are speed demons in Dark Souls, but they're an outlier once you realize how UNGODLY TANKY enemies get past NewGame+. Yes DEX and Endurance builds are a thing, but to get them to be viable you still need lots of planning and scavenging of materials. Additionally the movement speed of the character doesn't improve invincibility frames, in fact the slower you are, the more i-frames you have, specially in Dark Souls 1 where fat rolling is AN EXTREMELY viable tactic. 

The games actually punish you for rolling faster when it comes to rolling through attacks. Hell shield bonuses such as the eponymous grass crest shield show that the game was designed around shield usage. This is in stark contrast to Bloodborne where, yes loadouts are a thing, but reaction time and speed always wins the day. It's not like in Dark Souls where you can pop a Havel's/Smough Set and poise through attacks and cheese bosses with strategy. Sorry for the ranting but I just had to get this out of mind this springbreak due to interacting with some retarded relatives.
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I'm gonna multi post here, but whatever;

I have a theory on these questions but I'm too impatient to see other's thoughts on the subject. I think that the Dark Sign was placed on those who not only were useful to the gods but deemed dangerous due to this, but to those who are seen as a threat. In essence human warriors who achieved great power were cursed with the sign.

Why? Well if you recall, Humans who have their humanity drive them mad turn into the awful creatures, Manus included, we see in the Oolacile DLC in DaS1. It's my belief that the undead curse was developed in response to the Oolacile incident in order to manipulate and control humans they deemed too powerful appropriately. This is why so much emphasis is placed on the plundering of the grave of primeval man, they perturbed his grave and probably offered humanity to it.

In essence the Dark Sign is just a way to seal away mankind's raw power potential.

The reason why all humans who achieve enough power are seen as threats is because as the DLC in DaS3 confirms, man is in fact a direct descendant of the Furtive Pygmy, in fact after he, many followed suit. There was in fact multiple pygmy kings. Whether he created them or not, is a mystery, but from one many came. This doesn't explain however just what is the abyss, since even though Dragons can survive it as shown by Kalameet, it still doesn't explain why dragons can be corrupted by the Abyss after they consume it long enough. It still doesn't explain why humans can be corrupted by the abyss either.

Maybe the Abyss is just a side effect of the flame and the TRUE equilibrium state is the primordial, boring, grey land full of Everlasting Dragons, and clams. Regardless one thing has not changed humanity is fucked unless they turn into Dragonoids, fuck over the gods and quarantine the Abyss.

> MFW there's a shitload of shit eaters unironically saying IT'S A REMASTER NOT A REMAKE and other retarded shit like that

And then when you mention stuff like Skyrim, Halo CE Anniversary, and many other remasters they start making up bullshit on the spot. Shit like this is why I've long stopped calling myself a "gamer", because most "gamers" are brain dead faggots who defend anti consumer practices just to get another video game high.

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Are they merely becoming more aware that naming but waving away the faults in unsalvageable western big studio games and ending the review with an 8/9/10 creates a big contrast against their reviews on non-kosher entertainment or is it just a case of growing accustomed to shit characters and shit character archetypes that just work to be snarky and/or provide a statement?
Can't find an archive to confirm which. Makes me wonder how Kingdom Come Deliverance will be received by mainstream propaganda reviewers.

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Yeah it was until the you read fifty "THEY WERE IN A COMA TEH WHOLE TIME" or "THESE TWO GAMES ARE ACTUALLY CONNECTED GUIZ" theories.Then it got pretty annoying. MatPat is just the poster boy of that retardation. But hey, that's just a theory...

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Let's try this shit, I'm setting this up because 4chan is a horrible site and even mess such as endchan is better than it.

Alatreon is here

Dev Diary 6
[YouTube] Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Developer Diary Vol. 6

> Monster Hunter: World PS4/Xbox events

> Monster Hunter: World PC events

= INFO =

> I have a question about Monster Hunter World!
Detailed Iceborne FAQ and info
Overall game FAQ

> I have a question about other MH games!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

> Iceborne patch notes


Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

> Where does /vg/ play?
World, Private: Yes. Include PS4, Xbox or PC as the platform you're on when posting rooms.

Tags: MHGU, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHFU, MonHun, MHW, MHWorld, MHWI, Iceborne
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Deus Ex was pretty much taking all the conspiracy theories and stringing them together. The fact that it predicted the entire Bush administration is just a "coincidence."

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> playing stalker anomaly
> get mission to deliver package to some freedom nigger
> can't deliver he just ignores me
> try the quicksave reload method 
> still don't work
> fuck it, eat the mission
> open the package 
> it had 3 scientific stimpacks

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I used to play dota 2 a lot but it got weird when they introduced ranked play I guess. when I first started pubs were pubs, try hard or don't, maybe someone does some super sick shit, maybe everybody sucks. Ranked made pubs just shit fests to test things out, and ranked became this ultra try-hard place and always got me way worked up because I wanted to get better and not play with shitters. It's the only game I can think of where I got worse at it as time went on.

I never got into Dota. My friends played Lol so I did that, and I never saw anything hood enough that would make me want to switch. The 3D warcraft-esque graphics were a turn off and it always looked slower. Lol uses a lot more skill shots while dota focuses more on buffs, and I find dodging spells more exciting.

And yeah, LoL is the same way. The matches are actually more memorable before you get to ranked because of the conversations, trolling and greater general creativity.

Most people take the game way too seriously later on and the game and norms get really rigid. As soon as I find a multi-player game that I like better I thibk I will leave Lol behind.

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TPS are reliably the worst genre. Every other genre has at least 10 games you can call all time classics but what is there for third person games?

> Max Payne
> Mafia 1
> Vice City or your favourite 3D-era GTA
> Binary Domain
> Armored Core?
> Saints Row 2

And that's your lot. You could stretch it and include Red Faction: Guerilla and maybe one of the Battlefront games 1 is better, 2 is overrated consoleshit unless you mod it but even then you're 1 short of 10.
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Aside from prerelease MacWorld expo floor footage shot prior to Bungie cutting the LAN feature Jedi Knight offers a glimpse into that, though it does admittedly feel a lot more floaty than the stiff, solidly grounded combat of Oni.

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Does anyone want to talk about the disaster that is the Pokemon Sword/Sheild release?
> No national dex
> Can only catch certain levels of pokemon depending on badge
> After months of lies it was as everyone predicted and they just copied and pasted the 3DS models
> People are finding the models of pokemon they can't use in the code
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The problem is they can't sell you easy to produce DLC. I wonder how hard they are going to DLC out standard pokemon and for how much? There is no way people managed to find those unused pokemon models in game for nothing. Whatever they show and whenever they show it is going to put people to even more of a frenzy.

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I play many games like minecraft, stalker and tomb raider. Some games found on https://thenewpiratebay.org/ and some play online. The download from torrent can put you in any problem but the direct download has never seen cases of putting the user at risk because of downloading. In such cases use vpn.  For some people, the wide collection posted on the torrent sites might be good and for some, it might be bad

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