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I think the problem is that you have hard time syncing up your spiritual work with your "survival in the mundane world" which makes you somewhat lost.

> I resign myself to my life not really being in my hands
They are just protecting you and once you reach a point where you don't need to be "protected" anymore you can retain yourself. But destiny is like a wind that carries on the path no matter what and what I meant is like I don't feel that sort of "Fate" from you. And yes the infernal is close to the ways earth operates so it is good to have an understanding of it but still not enough nowadays. Demons operate via quite old perspectives and earth just added and lost a bunch of perspectives in the last 2 centuries. They don't always understand what is going on besides 
> Humans being humans as usual

> I wonder where the winds of destiny will take me :)
Where do you want to go? Besides into some sort of financial safety ofc. Sometimes the place we need to be grants us the way we can sustain ourselves.

 I am the captain of my own ship quite the while but the places I desire need the strongest winds and the harshest storms and my skills are still not on that level where I know my crew and my ship will survive. Maybe I am at the place where  I belong already just not noticing it. I don't know either. Does the captain belong on the ship on the sea or the new continent he is seeking so much? 

Thanks for reminding me that I should get back studying how meridians work and look up some acupressure and acupuncture charts how the chinese medicine figured this out so far because currently I can see them feel them and talk/interact with them but there are so many I need to find a way to ground my understanding.

Is there someone with good sources and mostly with pictures that explain what meridian is what and how it connects because all I have is the search engines and I am wading through a moderate amount of crap until I find one that truly shows everything and has a nice glossary to it so I can have an idea what does what instead of giving superficial explanations for the layest of laypeople.  Fucking skeptic niggers quacks and charlatans managed to ruin the truth of that science so much it's ridiculous. But why would the western medicine industry support something that does not put people into eternal debt and addiction slavery. 

> Just let the innate power take form
This is what I am being taught and "letting happen" in the last days because I unlocked and unclogged a bunch at once and they need to readjust and I need to understand how now they are my baseline energies and how to exist without my cursed energies. The cursedness of this world is unbelievable and how much I managed to get accustomed to it and thinking how that is the "only way" and now understanding how that was never the case but it had to happen as always... some things just... need to happen so we bother going further to conclude a realization.

Also back to topic. EFT tapping is working with good theories and every criticism I read so far is about people missing the point and not having anyone who can tell them how to use this methodology correctly then they go LUL PSEUDOSCIENCE. These people would disprove how you can make fire with 2 sticks because they would just pick the wettest thinnest branches and go how 90% of the participants couldn't do it and those who did let the branches dry therefore damaging the quality of the sample so they shouldn't be taken seriously. At least I know the term "unsinkable rubberduck" now. It's a term how they are "disproving something" and expect everyone to accept the authority of that study and just "stop believing" WE SAID IT NOT REAL WHY DO YOU BELIEVE HOW DARE YOU. I know the hell that awaits these people but it still doesn't make me happy and I know the time these people will be blown over is not "here" yet. Not like any sane person cares what these people think. I hate the word "pseudoscience" so much it's unreal. But what can you do in this age of marketing where once you have a good idea they either steal it or try to shut you down as fast as possible.

Sorry about this rant. Slowly these energies are leaving my system and maybe the style of my posts will follow with it. It took me so much time getting over this "mainstream scientific authority mindset" that everyone had around me in my teens and being adult means accepting the hopelessly gray world was something that griped me so long. Only the internet helped me to see there are others too that seen these things but it's always hard finding the proper channels of information at first.
Look for "foot therapy" or "zone therapy chart", I think it's basically the same science based on how the body develops from an embryo and different parts that were in the same spot are stretched out and placed all across the body, but are still connected.
Societal disbelief, ie Anidrymism: The rejection of societal institutions.

Why, you may ask?

Social institutions come into being out of perceived necessity, and then perpetuate themselves through coercion. It may be a symbiotic relationship but it is necessary to reject all such ‘benefits’ as something of subjective value and of a surreal quality: a benefit built on the metareality of contemporary civilization as the Arch-construct.

If Anarchy is the rejection of the State as a social institution for its innate coercion, this is the rejection of all social institutions due to all of them being coercive.

Anidrymism may be modified, adapted as a praxis and/or philosophy, etc., for Anidrymism is a concept, a meme at its core. All else is further elucidication on what Anidrymism is, or may be.

P.S. I also believe Anidrymism is an occult channel, much the same way there are infernal, angelic etc. channels. I think that, given the name 'Anidrymism' and the description, that you may be able to connect to this channel. I ask BO to verify its existence and give his assessment as to the viability of this channel. Also, Anidrymism isn't against using sociological principles against sociological manifestations.
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> not in any dictionary
Yeah it's weird how this word doesn't exist while a bunch of variations pointing to other concepts come up with every other search engine

I am sure you are channeling your "original order". The conceptual order your real soul operates with. Maybe I can help you word it from my own view why you are getting in touch with this.

I too have the concept of "false order".
> Societal disbelief, ie Anidrymism: The rejection of societal institutions.
What you describe here is the "false order" but for me it's "rejection" was never needed because I never truly "accepted it". That does not mean I rebelled against it but as some way an unhealthy food is unhealthy it still has nutrients and it is still better than starving so I too rely on it as long as it gives benefits but I do not consider it "true order" because the chaotic way it operates and the constant problems and hypocrisy it causes cannot be called "order" at all. As a child I was somewhat a trouble maker because if someone didn't have an "air of authority" I simply ignored them. If no one respects them why should I? The problem is that kindergartners are not really people of authority and once anyone not just proves their incompetence but show no willingness to change or improve I lost all my respect towards them. And the world is full with these people so there was a reason why I had a little hard time coming to terms with them but as you said
> perpetuate themselves through coercion
It is hard to overcome coercion as long as you are a child so you have no choice but to "fall in line" and hide your own light deep within where no one can touch it. It was like downgrading yourself to an NPC. Like in MMOs once the grind happens you can automate it with macros or a bot. At that part you might still be the "player" but your purpose and occupation is not really more than the way an NPC operates. But you are still the player and the same rules apply as you are a player so even tho you behave as an NPC you are still a player. You still get banned instead of removed via a console command if you act out of line.

> Anidrymism isn't against using sociological principles against sociological manifestations.
"States" manifested via being able to maintain an army and that happens if they have a population that pays taxes to maintain that army (they either pay that tax willingly or they get coerced by the army or an another army will invade and they pay taxes to them). Therefore states cannot exist without coercion. "Civilization" can be argued that it starts the moment people can live outside or without the "wilderness" and start molding their way of life. But this concept can be complicated because "false order" and currently "society" managed to enslave itself and the inhabitants without realizing.
I think the reason why you are getting this because as you said before you seek "power". And some people think "power" comes from the ability to coerce people into your bidding without seeing the other forces that move generate and evolve interactions. You are finally getting the "power" that shows what moves things or as I like to say "what makes things work".

Like at some organizations it's not always the boss that makes things work but some people some well oiled clogs in the machine that if they are gone everything falls apart. The opposite is always true. Once you oil or get rid of the rusty faulty clogs efficiency increases. But for you this is not what you are looking for. You are finding the energy that exists outside the "box" of this false order/societal institutional world.
BO also said how "laws" are just a thing that enslaves or tortures people instead of guiding them and this is what the federation does well. For you understanding this energy will be probably key for your development because you will be able to see how things operate without being blinded from the hurdles of this entrenched rot of society we have all around us.

I can somewhat feel the energies you are talking about but I cannot put it into words as well as you do. For me it is just an another element of life but for you it might be a guiding principle.
What makes a slave a slave. The chains the rags the fact that he is called a slave or his mentality where he accepted his fate without seeking a way outside from that life that perpetuates his slavery. The crown does not make the king. The king is the king without the crown. If someone puts on the crown without anyone accepting him as the king he is killed for that transgression. Knowing what we are is important and our current circumstances while imply our current standing in the end it will only make us if we let it make us. Is the King the only free person or he is the slave to the crown? Is he coercing himself to be the coercer or he will be the one that is coerced?
I think this is the loop the "box" you are trying to free yourself from.

Did this channel give you this term or it is a translation from an another word?
I had to come up with a new word. An - lack of, Idryma - the institution. So were such an idea to exist, it would speak of the Idryma. I didn't channel the word but rather obtained the Greek translation of the word 'institution' and modified it a bit further and also Anglicized it, giving the term Anidrymism.

I believe the King being free himself or not isn't too important, what matters is that there is always a third density reflection of the one of the most power, and even this is no true master, but rather a slave to unseen forces. I would posit an axiom of freedom of choosing one's master here: that it is inherent to the human individual to have something as its master, but the freedom humanity does have is in choosing its master.

Takd me for example: I have altered my fate alongside the succubus current, so you could say that the succubus current is my master.

I mean to say that, were I to personally invest in Anidrymism by spreading it, it would be a full-on philosophy with a praxis, and one that seeks to be pragmatic rather than, say, mere rejection of social institutions by the followers choosing to, perhaps, implode.

Furthermore, as I hinted earlier, Anidrymism isn't against utilizing sociological principles against sociological manifestations. How exactly, I'm not sure, but one scenario is it being a self-organizing phenomenon. Another is using more traditional forms of social organization.

Also,let's say Anidrymism successfully gets rid of Civilization. Then what? It seems that tapping into the concept of post-civilization might provide some hints. An investation into Hobbesianism might prove useful, if only because it is pretty much the opposite of Anidrymism; the contrast is refreshing and helps show what Anidrymism is against.
Is this a new soul insert? It feels like reading a completely new person, and from what I see it looks like some kind of anarchism. Was this released as a result of the Israeli embassy self-immolation event? The guy was a literal anarcho-communist and by burning up in a horrible (but legit martyrdom) way he was purified to the highest degree and stopped the movement of the NWO in that direction.
> obtained the Greek translation of the word 'institution'

Oooooohhhhhh. I see where are you coming from. Yes we had this. Even I had this in my past lives. This was when you abandoned your home/citystate and joined a mystery cult in the wilderness in the ancient greek times and yes with /sunflower/ we somewhat making a reminiscence to that age and I too am working to resummon/reactivate that age of humanity into the present but I am not too hasty because I know the exact reasons why that age "fell" and it was not because Alexander the Great or Rome or anything but a level of degeneracy started to spread in the flesh and mind of people and only this "violence" managed to become the "answer" and I don't want an age where we need a "Crusade" every quarter century so we can "keep things afloat". That occasional crusades are a mere stop gap measure and are unable to solve the problem on the long term.

> Takd me for example: I have altered my fate alongside the succubus current, so you could say that the succubus current is my master.
The succubus current is more akin to a simple "seminar" in your journey and not exactly your one true master. Back then we had a sort of "teacher" and while he was our "master" he was merely just imparting his knowledge to us and not exactly was our coercive overlord. We could leave but after you passed the initiation leaving was "out of question" because you are "not allowed to leave" with "half baked truths". Only the ignorant and those that "truly know" can be "free" and those that proved themselves via passing the initiation were unable to dropout anymore. 
Hmmmmm. Maybe this is what you are looking for? A true path? One that is unable to "Let you go" because it will bring you along no matter what? Interesting how I didn't notice this before.
I never considered my "teacher" my "master" because once you passed you were "worthy" an "equal" like how in university you are "colleagues" with the professor no matter if you are a student or a Phd trainee. While in rank we are not equal in that institution we are becoming the same level in the end. If the professor is unable to raise your level to their own and unable to teach you then it's not just your fault but his inability too.

> Hobbesianism
Yeah in ancient Rome and other city states you could "leave" whenever but then you were in the wilderness and that "safety" was no more. If you could manage it then go ahead but those who born and lived in the city their whole lives would never do such thing.

> It feels like reading a completely new person
No this is Tryppers "higher gear" intellect. I noticed this when I was talking to him before Hawket that he is able to "shift gears" and suddenly able to talk on an academic level but the problem is that this "theorycrafting" he is doing to ground and put into words the energies he is working with for his "tulpa" will just result in him magically drawing a supersigil then he shifts into a higher gear and into a higher gear again then he may or may not go insane because his "lower selves" are unable to contain his "truth" then he panics and hits the breaks and the whole things starts over. Also the "passengers" that are supposed to be "watching over him" sometimes grab the wheel and make sure he is not crashing himself in the process. He needs to reach a level where he is able to welcome summon and most importantly hold his higher energies continuously. This is why I said his case is quite fundamental because understanding his deal will give me quite the understanding how the flesh can interact with the spirit on the higher levels.
> it looks like some kind of anarchism
The problem with "anarchism" that it managed to instantly become an actual spook. Instead of the everyone is free concept it quickly turned into the same meaning as "Vandalism". Like how Vandals were an ethnicity but the meaning turned into breaking everything that is "civilized" (which was Rome) for no reason. Anarchism evolved from the materialistic understanding and philosophies which means it is unable to entertain the idea that there is an "unseen force" that they are working with. We know the God of capitalism because he is the "invisible hand of the free market" but real capitalists see how that hand operates quite well and this is why "free markets" always fail. They cannot exist without protectionism. And let's not talk how communism managed to manifest on earth so far... Anarcho-communism is literally a "street-smart" and constant "charisma check" adventure in it's current form. This is why Trypper is not even thinking about associating himself with it while what he said sounds like almost the same thing in theory. Anarcho-communism currently is an energetic construct which is a city of flames and riots and once it dies down everyone will be suddenly nice to each other for some reason. So yes the self immolator is quite the nice instigator for those energies but I am sure Trypper is looking for something else. For some reason the communist "eternal revolution" managed to become a sort of "eternal revolt" and the moment the revolt takes momentum they start revolting against themselves and kill everyone until a leader emerges that is unkillable. Then he makes the rules and decides what is and isn't revolution. This whole thing was explained and described by the greeks who always told how "democracy always ends in tyranny". And this is why mystery cults always distanced themselves from these people/states and were either hidden or protected by "sacred rules" because they provided something extremely valuable to the states be it scrying or some other divine art. If we didn't lose the Great Library of Alexandria we might know more of their ways but nowadays we have mere snippets only of their truth.

> am still kicking around in this realm!
Keep kicking! NEVER GIVE UP!!!
You will get there Trypper. I know you can do it and your "masters" are making sure it happens.
I have to say, your assessment of my "higher gear" mode is very accurate. I did draw a sigil in my mind once lately, and also 'shut myself down' after a while. This feedback is invaluable. So I guess were I to just draw a supersigil in my head, then it would kick me into higher gear. 

I think in the case of Anarcho-Communism, like many things, Anarchy makes the presupposition that humanity is inherently good. While in the case of Hobbesianism, it makes the case that humanity is inherently bad. I propose a different approach, where it is assumed that humanity has more variation within it than the entire animal kingdom, in the mind: therefore, to make sweeping generalizations on the nature of humanity is to err.

Furthermore, how would an Anarcho-Communist commune function anyhow? Also, why are we limited to the permutations of a handful of ideologies and philosophies? For the first question, it is necessary to note that Anarchy is inchoate at this present stage. It seeks to remove the State, but what then? Perhaps it would be a good idea to look into Islam, where 'kufr bi al taghut' is a concept: or, the 'disbelief' in 'man-made law', taken here to be politics except where Islamically ordained, which would be a theocratic, Islamic state. Perhaps an adaptation of this could be used, where a new religion/cult is created with a rejection of the State being a core tenet.

Let's take a cursory look at Anarcho-Communism itself: it seeks to abolish all hierarchy. I fail to see how this is possible, at least not without replacing it another structure with some sort of vertical distribution of members on perhaps another metric. Perhaps a holarchy can be considered: a throwback to the concept of the circle societies of old, as contrasted to pyramid societies such as our own. In closing, I deem Anarcho-Communism to be a failed attempt at realizing an alternative to the pyramid society.

Felt like sharing some interesting links here. This is all about Schizoanalysis, which is sometimes used in Post-Leftism.
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This is a sigil that points to a tome which is simultaneously a work in progress and a finished work, in that the core tenets are operational yet would benefit from further 'fleshing out'. It is a sort of Unified Theory of Everything, except it deals with specific issues.
I must say BO, I am overwhelmed. What do you think of the Enlightenment as a philosophy and it's direct political result, Classical Liberalism? Just asking for your opinion and reasoning as I am a bit overloaded currently.
> Enlightenment as a philosophy and it's direct political result, Classical Liberalism? 
I don't know enough about it to have an opinion, I think it may have been relevant at the time it appeared as a counter force to strict religious doctrines, but today liberalism has itself become dogmatic and restrictive.
I come back with a realization. It is not social institutions that are meaningless, nay, the issue is deeper than that. It is humanity itself.

To be completely honest, I am living the dream. I realized I fucking love being a NEET. I love being a lazy slob and doing nothing all day.

Just one thing I noticed. When I'm doing really well, I become uninhibited, making me act naturally, which is bound to make me trip up on some red wire I didn't notice before.

It doesn't matter whether the problem is me or the world All I know is that humanity doesn't welcome me, and that I am my own best friend.
I hereby renounce this world, a completely incomprehensible world. I also renounce myself, because in the end 'I as I know it' will cease too. I even renounce my attachment to NEETdom, because it too shall pass.

I am dead, yet I am alive. Hollowed out.
I guess the takeaway here is that I refuse to regard myself a human, as most humans I know and have interacted with are souped-up animals.

I only wish I could communicate through telepathy. Oh, when will I be without words?

And what pains me the most is that my perception thusly only indicates, at most, me having the potential to be better. Not necessarily me being any better in actuality.

I realized how most everything is utterly contrived bullshit. No one needs philosophy, Esperanto, a business degree. What we need are real, honest skills and experiences. Hunting, skinning, cooking, building shelter... The echoes of what lies before civilization.

And yet... How can we experience what is real? Do we need money or 'leisure' to do it? It is truly a lament of our times that basically no one knows how to actually survive.
I believe I have pierced the threshold where 'nothing needs to be spoken'. I think the only reasons I spoke were to vent frustration and to seek company, when even I know at this point that virtually all company is accursed, and that most people would gladly kick me down in my frustration.
Hi, Trypper here.

> To be completely honest, I am living the dream. I realized I fucking love being a NEET. I love being a lazy slob and doing nothing all day.
This is more nuanced than at first glance.. I'm not the best at expressing myself. I mean to say that working might as well be jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Most of humanity has to work.

I realized that there are things I like about living here. If I have to face bullshit, these things make it all worthwhile.

Also, I'm not sure what's happening here on Sunflower, but I can tell that things have been developing.
Hi, Trypper here. I just had a dream.

The dream starts out incomprehensible, but then I noticed a huge prayer hall, a part of a larger building, with an all-encompassing persian rug-style flooring similar to what you see in mosques, and it had the word "Red" on the entrance. I also saw a few people within that space, men and women. I was wary at first, but when I made the connection between the word "Red" and the succubus collective, I elected to enter it. I prayed for a bit, and then encountered a former colleague of mine there, who was pretty much a sex pest  I felt like I had to lock him down physically, so I did, and it seemed like something negative left the bodies of the surrounding people there. The dream ends soon thereafter.
I know you've done these things before, so I suggest you perform some standard cleansing or banishing practice. Pick one from Islam if that is all you can do at the moment, and just keep up until the situation improves. Djinn can also overpower any other intrusive entity if you allow them to.

Hoo boy, I'm Trypper and I live in Jordan, you see...

I've had a ton of dreams lately over the span of a few weeks of me traveling to other counttries via airplane. Yesterday, all air travel was shut down here in Jordan except for, I guess, Jordanian, British and American military.

The way the wind is blowing, I think my days are possibly numbered.
Everyone's days are numbered on Earth. I think djinn won't give you up though. I asked what they need and offered some of the armours I use to keep positions open for people to exist even if their souls are alternating. They "threw me" a Jordanian woman and told me to sync with her as a connection point so that local djinn could learn how to use the armours. It won't help for you to have it if your presence is instable, someone else needs to keep the channel open. They said they can do it now.

Besides the Earth sphere isn't even there anymore in the way it existed before. If going by what Astra said, the 'lumitards will be worn down from external pressure in 2 days from now, and the rest is just karmic solutions to past drama.
> I live in Jordan, you see...
Yeah this is why I realized I should not get too involved with your path. We are both in countries that are adjacent to countries that are undergoing war and heavy psychic maneuvers. Accidentally merging both places might result in quite the energy surge and unforeseen consequences. Also the entities around you told me they are handling it well. No need to intervene no matter how bad it looks.
> I think my days are possibly numbered
Didn't you feel this way all the time in the past years?
> I think djinn won't give you up though
Can confirm.

> Astra said, the 'lumitards will be worn down from external pressure in 2 days from now, and the rest is just karmic solutions to past drama.
Would be nice. The current way the conflict is going no one has an upper hand and everyone is wary with "power moves". Wondered what kind of controlled demolition is needed for this house of cards but... No one needs controlled demolition for house of cards.
> just karmic solutions to past drama
Wonder how far will that "past drama" go.
> Wonder how far will that "past drama" go.
I am encircling them as of now, some still attacked during the night, I let my newly formed Queen shield get some training by not doing anything. They can't get through at all, but for now it takes a few seconds before the effect hits them. In that time they are able to project enough evil to place them in the self perceived instant hell for a fun 10 000 years before they are ripped away. That's the thing here, it's essentially them attacking "absolute purity" with "absolute filth", even bringing those into contact is such as a massive sin it costs them an instant 1000 year hell sentence. But they're so thick headed from adrenachrome use they don't even notice until the full force rips them away after a 3 - 5 seconds pass. It's like getting a million volts connected and "not feeling it" for a few seconds. And it doesn't matter how many of them do this, those looking on will still come and do the same thing after.

I saw horrible images of them also. Scenes of tall muscular men whose bodies were so filled with filthy energy they had turned into something completely inhuman on the inside, like mountains of black rotting goo and pus with mold everywhere. And they were cutting the throats of children and feasting on babies like a pack of wolves. That's how they got their "psychic powers" leveled up. There is a certain effect like this where Karma also works to strengthen them mention in ZF, and this is a prime example. This negative energy is so huge they have managed to prolong their lives using mega sized occult technology of planet wide scale, and also personally defend themselves by creating energy shields and weapons that can kill any human instantly by a thought. They rarely get involved personally because they have underlings though. 

This has given them huge egos, and they can't fathom that a single person can stand up against them by even doing nothing. I don't know what their view is on vampires, but I suppose they think it's just a matter of scale and that vampires have just killed more people for longer time. They don't understand the difference in terms of Qi, virtue, karma or Gong. The vampires are immortal because of Gong, but nah, they can't see it, so they just think it's because vampires killed more babies than they themselves did.
And yes, the question: I've been told it takes 600 years, that is why I had to create the Moloch Sun object which is now hidden behind the new witchie sun created from the eclipse ritual. I can't fully leave here until past stuff is burned up, and that is my task, even if I move to the astral, that sun has to stay for this duration, it's my job to burn it.
>  >I think my days are possibly numbered
> Didn't you feel this way all the time in the past years?
Well yeah I did, but I think the motive behind this particular statement and the ones I used to say are different: back then, I actively wanted to just die; this time it was more of a result of an assessment of the evolving geopolitical arena as it relates to my survival.

> Everyone's days are numbered on Earth.
I know, I meant to allude to the possibility of the imminence of the perishing of my body.
Hi, Trypper here.

I started training under a colleague of mine since a week ago as a GP and also am trying to get into clinical research via a contact from my dad, which would be better for me than practicing 'legit' medicine.

Finally, at long last, the ball's started rolling.
Trypper here.

It is one thing for me to get cursed by posting here, it is another thing entirely to see my family members also get attacked.

Fuck me if I ever show my face in occult corners ever again. The risk of curse-flinging shithead lurkers is too great.

I had the sneaking suspicion I shouldn't give an 'update', but I did. It can also be argued that posting here again could mean I haven't learned my lesson, but for anyone here, my statement is this:

Don't engage in these parts. Occultists are usually mentally ill sociopaths and you WILL feel the burn from interacting in these parts. Caveat emptor.
This is just my doctrine but based on past experience, if you show weakness it will only get worse. In the beginning I would just reverse attacks aimed at me, but by now I apply that anyone appearing with a hostile attitude will get exterminated at first offense.

Look at Argentina now. That place was infested with a group of witches who also ran the largest wicca server on discord with 80k members. They had people join other servers and place energy stealing green crystals on people. It was the first organized attack against this group when we were just beginning.

We learned to remove the crystals and I got help from Santa Muerte to trace all the witches who were active, then I used the Ripper knife to kill them. Just saying, that country has a future now and their political climate it changing. It wouldn't have happened if we didn't respond with force.

Same thing with every little shithead who tried something after this point. Never back down, always kill them if they attack first, search the area for any remaining allies, hunt them down and kill them until no one remains. Exception if you find some random innocents in the group, but normally those must be evacuated because these groups will kill anyone of their own who doesn't take part in their evil attacks.

A lot of humans have backers from space or other dimensions, but once they are physically destroyed, those will lose influence. They will try to attack you, but by then they are only spiritual and can't get in anymore.

If this is even Trypper posting, you know why there are so many weapons shared on this board, it's to use for these occasions if you can't create your own.
Yeah, it's me.

Thanks for the help.

I think posting about my worldly aspirations on an imageboard constitutes a karmic opening, much like my past addiction to seeking divination on imageboards.

I sorta lost my shit there, my bad. Nonetheless, I have effectively retired from the occult (I haven't practiced for months now). I also feel that I have graduated from this forum; make of that as you will.

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