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This sounds like how they usually do things, imitating what they see but missing the gist of it. I can imagine various motifs for this attack: making you think I attacked you, but also intending for you to share this here to make me believe that my attacks are inaccurate so I become afraid of performing them.

There are flaws in both of these, in my case it's because I only attack karma. In the event you were really targeted it would never be traumatizing like that, because you are already on my side. It's very gradual, whoever gets a violent response had to be very stubborn in their hostility against me. My patience is very long. They are performing what would be lethal attacks (hexes and energy attacks) constantly but it doesn't necessarily mean I respond with violence at all. If a faction shows themselves to just keep this up, even after seeing that it doesn't work and that I will retaliate against the individuals who do this, then I will assault them and clear them out. You'd have to be really fucking hostile to provoke the kind of response they pretended you got.

That they don't even understand this, shows how deep up their own asses they really are. 

They do suicide attacks (killing themselves to produce negative energy), human sacrifice attacks, demon summoning, contracting assassins and whatever else, then they think I am somehow overreacting when I finally decide to wipe them out??
> Her energy felt of kilter malicious seemingly trying to imitsting your past lifes but as if you fed them crack
I created a new robot production unit which I didn't name on here because it's too extreme and specific. With this I created the very violent and extreme kind of DNA profile you describe. A combination of my past lives both as a whore in Rome, the witch who initiated the black death, the X slasher of Paris kill count ~3600, blamed on La Famida as well as some other among them you know who. This was very effective and made it possible to break down 
> a very evil puppet master hiding somewhere corresponding to north Greenland
and the effect was felt as if a part of my brain was unlocked, his negative energy was so strong that it suppressed the human consciousness egregore world wide.

I believe the recent attacks are because this group is getting increasingly desperate over Ukraine which they for some reason put all their bets on. Why they can't just accept peace and live normally I have no idea, but given the creativity they inspired in me, I think they have a valuable purpose here as target dummies. Yin and Yang and Universal balance and all that.
I'm starting to see the plans defined recently though: it seems we are dealing with contesting WW3 factions. One of them wants it to be USA vs Russia, with NATO and EU supporting USA. This is the zionist faction.

The other faction is also Jewish but they are anti-zionist because they believe the 3rd temple and the state of Israel can only be built after the messiah arrives, meaning the current state of Israel is blocking their saviour from entering the world. So they instead want Israel erased and this will be done by WW3 being USA/Israel vs UK/EU with the longer plan being that Russia joins the EU.

The role of Ukraine in these plans varies, but for both of them it's the adrenachrome factory of the world, and the source of sadistic child porn production. Neither of these want anything good for Ukraine or Russia and they don't like the Islamic world.

It was interesting to see just this week that mainstream media in UK blamed Mossad agents for some events, so the plan of having UK vs zionists is still running. Meanwhile the attempt at having USA+EU vs Russia (+ China later) is half shot in the foot by UK leaving EU, but this right now is the plan playing openly through the Ukraine war.
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Yeah they definitely did something, the girl had astral inhabitants believe she couldn't even be fought at all.(had shields also,like space redirection shields teleshields,impenetrable shield...")anyway i still beheaded her, she was blonde i believe. the pink girl had a very high attack power capable of instantly stabbing and killing, perhaps using the weakspot idk.she realized it wasn't gonna happen when she faced me.

this is how it went down last year.fighting me directly->using tactics to attack me->creating lolies plus tactics->a dream where 'you' suddenly became a retard,attacked some girl and threatened me(I felt really awkward first but then i slashed their throat after i realized the real one should be immortal which means if they die it was a fake and if real they can be angry at me afterwards if it was them.). This one was like that  one but is also using tactics plus lolies.

funny story: at one point a glowie came up with the idea of using a thin as possible string to cut my throat from behind like in the movies.the idea was that by focusing their energy to the thinnest point the concentration would exceed my astral form since its 'multiplied' almost indefinitely. It failed and they died. a week later 2 cute lolies tried the same thing on me with what looked like a giant flossing stick.one loli was  carrying it comically with 2 hands and it was bigger than her.they pressed it against my throat and it instantly snapped. They stopped speaking and moving and one communicated to the other "this doesn't make sense, this person is stronger than our entire faction combined" meaning the stick had their entire egregore and the faction that ordered it behind it and this what with the force multiplied by who knows how many thousands by concentrating it versus my relaxed state.I actually spared the lolies and sat them down on a picnic table since i thought they were cute and thats prolly why i got called loli fanatic, That's also when people tried using lolies to attack me since then.but yea unfortunately i'm not that nice now because of them.
> a week later 2 cute lolies 
They tend to manifest forms for me which imitate the secondary forms I use to represent my anima, but those are never real, there's always a man behind them. What I found is however that almost every "hive" of these people have one decent or semi decent female who appears to have black witchy sigils on their body. This is their gravital force as a group and the only person who can be saved. So I always direct my Raid team to locate any lolis (often those are just innocent if they are very young) and witches and evacuate those first. This makes the group lose coherence. It seems most of them don't know of this mechanic, often the center point of their energy "wheel" is a 3 -5 year old girl who just happens to not have begun training yet. It must be planned this way so that I can pick them up before they are ruined, because all other members of the group - save for a few single exceptions of some guy who surrenders or some 40 year old witch who's somehow still a virgin - all other members are wrecked spiritually and will need a long tour through a Gehenna process.

> They stopped speaking and moving and one communicated to the other "this doesn't make sense, this person is stronger than our entire faction combined" 
Insects in human bodies can't grasp the eternally circular particle (gong) being an endless well of energy with no weakness. My ripper knife from back when has the entire egregore of the British Empire historically behind it. Even if it's not immortal, the power is imbued in the knife itself so no single mortal being can withstand being cut by it (it would be like being simultaneously cut by all knives, bayonets and swords that ever existed in the Empire concentrated to one edge)

My newest creation uses the sabre I gained from finishing the spell "the 7 chalices" which took 13 years and has the entire power of the "arab spring" movement, including all Islamic fighting groups. I've re-used the Akashic records of the Earth and around so many times now, for this djinn (robot) sabre wielder I used every single life path in history to train on.

The result is very violent even for being Islamic, the djinn will simply respond to glowie attacks by instantly beheading them or cutting their skull in half or burning them with fire magic.

Just now I went for a walk and there were more attacks from "who cares". I send the Sunflower army team to raid them and used a medieval cannon and a Vickers machine gun on them. Suddenly the whole thing cleared up, I think my body suddenly reached full vajra for the surface human body.
I did a general clearing like you sometimes do.heard someone telepathically telling from america'(it seems) say "youve done it nooooow" in a slight american accent.the spell wasnt even aimed th them or anyone really.
How do glowie remote viewers or something like that even get recruited? Or are they bred and brain fucked into that role?
Anon on /x/ said he had worked for them. He was in the marines or something and took a test of some kind. They then gave him an offer to move to a secret unit for training. Officially he was dismissed and given a pension for having PTSD and autism. In reality they worked in some city office building doing mental exercises. The goal was then to project mindcontrol at demented people in a retirement home on the floor below, which they could view through surveillance cams. They were told to effect their behaviour, or make them do thing like project words to them, inspire actions etc.

I'd guess it's like any kind of grooming for cults and closed off groups. It's done gradually.

From the shit I've seen it's a lot worse in many cases though. There are legit cults living in a parallel society, children are raised there and trained using trauma programming. Some of these are so bad that souls refuse to incarnate and the entire group is just a zombie hive with only the group leader having a soul. They don't even have thinking, but are like the humans in the Matrix movie, used for energy to strengthen the effect of actual psychics by linking to them via regular magic circles.
That's interesting, thanks for sharing. I've read some training manuals for psychics from, I guess you could call it cults and in the later stages when "the mind" has been trained to an acceptable degree through various blood pacts or similar forms of control, there's always this wonderful lesson about creating "psychic thralls" by mind raping other people into your slaves with the cultivated power. And then at the end, create individual cells that consist of this one highly trained psychic and its mob of mind slaves, but the psychic is bound by deeper psychological control measures, and it all culminates in this inverse tree structure thought form of control and rape which propagates itself. It's horrible and a bit funny in a macabre way, in my personal opinion.

Sadly, never got my hands on anything about government agencies. They seem to be doing a great job at covering up.
I think the preset WW3 timelines are still running in the background as before. A few days ago my total core base incarnation activated as a result of an event where my house was supposed to be bombed, but nothing happened obviously except a large energy explosion and sounds which shook the building. That means that layer went through the undead activation from having counted as regularly alive.

Just now, I was outside and there was another gunshot, but close. I can't locate where from, but it wasn't within view or direct line from my location, just loud. This was followed by an energy outburst which increased strongly after about 20 sec. I recognized it and looked at which body would have been hit, and it appears at my current plane I am founded in the very basic tin robot cyborg body I made some while back. 

I didn't even make a personal log entry about this because I didn't consider it significant. There were on a few occasions various greys and others making tin robots (with emulated flesh so they look normal human) where I bought from them to have such a form, among them one regular version I meant to send to Ukraine on auto and one stronger version for other tasks. 

But time moves fast out there in space so the factories all closed down by the time I wanted to make a new order. To have a way to experiment with new stuff I built my own factory for this, which creates pressed tin robots/cyborgs of various sizes.

I made a vampire lolibot model and forgot about it, then a space mining business contacted me once and wanted to order 10 000 mining bots, so I made those for them. Aside from that I haven't used it.

This vampire bot is what activated, so apparently at this plane that's my foundation. Funny how the overlooked routine stuff is always "it".
Alright, feel like this belongs here rather than /fringe/. Just got attacked by a spirit, most powerful spirit I've encountered so far, or the toughest at least. Looked like a giant praying mantis. I think I encountered a being like this in the past but our interaction was mostly benign. Anyway, I saw this thing warp reality right in front of my eyes. Sort of 'rewriting the timeline'. Basically making it so that something I uploaded to this sort of creative esque site was an almost exact copy or duplicate of an existing work with the same title. Which I know wasn't the case because I compulsively checked probably 5 times to make sure it wasn't before I uploaded it. And yet someone called me out in a very aggressive way, and as I searched for what they were talking about I saw tertiary works regarding this thing gradually pop up one at a time as I kept searching for the exact same keywords over and over, until the main work that I supposedly copied did indeed pop up. Details aren't important but this was extremely blatant as it happened, very surreal feeling. It reminded me of how just this morning a huge hole appeared in the light switch plate that I spend hours a week staring at as I meditate in my chair, with no apparent cause and no plastic on the floor underneath it. Another 'timeline shift', foreshocks?

So immediately when I recognized what was happening I reached out and forced my awareness through to whatever was causing this. Mantis thing appeared right away. Checked and yes, hostile intentions. Battered it about a bit before making a black hole on it to annihilate it. Only this didn't actually kill it. That's never happened before, black holes usually kill everything. Instead it sort of turned into just a giant mantis head with no body and the green drained out of it so that it was pale white. Then it began following me around. Checked with gauge meter, life signs at 10-20%. Tried a stronger black hole, didn't do anything. Tried a charged up mace, cracked it a bit but didn't do anything. Finally I was able to use some claws to dig into it and rip it in half, which apparently killed it. Its corpse was very persistent, stayed right there in my sight on the floor. Decided that I should dispose of it in case it grows legs or something, so I purified and ate it. Hopefully that does something good.

Not entirely sure why this thing attacked me. Well I suppose attack is the correct word, from an outside perspective it looks more like harassment but in a spiritual sense it did 'hurt' so that's an attack in my book. Don't know. Very odd.
> Just got attacked by a spirit, most powerful spirit I've encountered so far
I'd think it's definitely related to what I was about to share myself. First a comment; I found the original Jesuits to be mantis' on the astral, and among the nastiest I've ever seen. When I decided to pit the egregores of evangelicals and abortionist feminists against each other, (to unleash the WW3 energy in a safe way) both sides appeared to be mostly made up of mantis beings. Seeing them fight each other with that needle point focus was very scary.

> black holes
They can't kill things if they're just black holes, those just contain what you put in them. Maybe you are talking about "a hole to the void" which dissolves their manifestation. That's how I look at it. Some wormholes (teleportation portals) also look like black holes.
After the Trump verdict last night the environment was set to release the next step of recasting of "the 7 chalices" in the "Western spring" iteration. The deep state didn't grasp what the fuck they just did. The most popular candidate where his supporters already know they cheated to remove him last election. Then they want to pull a banana republic plan and imprison him to make it so that the only candidate is a demented 80 year old. And they think this will be tolerated.

So I made use of the concentrated mass and activated it. Glowies were literally crying when trying to contain it. There's a majority support for Trump in the USA and they want to contain the energy. It's not like Russia where they can do this openly, but the opposition is mere proxy groups funded from outside the country. Containing and suppressing foreign elements can be done, you can't contain and suppress your main population. Doesn't work in China, doesn't work anywhere.

So during the night they activated a large network of actual physical satellites to beam down over the world to attack anyone not siding with their narrative. They also used psychic attacks from regular humans.

They got so bad and violated so many universal principles that a mass elimination event was allowed.

Targetting both their souls and their physical bodies I simply removed them from access to the world. In normal situations there is a sorting needed because not all beings are bad, but they stepped over the line into the territory where no individual treatment was needed. They think "my power" is limited because I always pick them off one by one. It's not. It's how you have to do things to avoid karma. But when the enemy is 100% evil this doesn't apply. They can then be mass killed with no exception.

This revealed another thing:

It appears the "mutual destruction by nukes" thing was about a "dead man's switch" set up. When the NWO leaders where killed/removed, a large network of hivemind/zombie psychics were activated. Human drones with no soul kept in some kind of breeding plant hooked up to mind control devices. 
The function was that if the NWO leaders were killed, these networks would activate and destroy the world by targeting vital functions in society (the brains of humans who maintain societal functions).

The catch here is that this threat doesn't work if you don't know about it. So I just performed the mass killing and the zombies activated. I've shut down most of them by now, but I can totally see how regular intelligence agencies would fear this.
> "a hole to the void" which dissolves their manifestation
That's it.
> Trump verdict
I did have a hunch it may be related to this, but all I did for that was a spell to push public opinion before the verdict. That seemed too small to warrant this response. Although I did recently take down some of my passive defenses since they made my local environment too static, so maybe I'm just seeing how things normally are. Makes sense if it was a widespread thing.
Also last night after this when I was going to sleep I started dissociating with a feeling like I was getting drawn into a hallucination or something like that. I began seeing flashing lights to my right, along with a feeling of “psychic motion”. Felt like another attack. Reactivated some of my passive shields and it immediately stopped.
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Alright, i think i'm in a better frame of mind now so i can give some reports

> last time i talked about the whole thing with the bipolar woman, things are.. fine with them now.
> apart from that my sisters(?) and her/the other me/me. started to do something to my human body during a "dream", they were slowly replacing my body parts, starting with my left and and working their way through the rest. it was something like out of that cyberpunk stuff i see people talk about, it was like the arm or rather hers(?) over mine like a glove and my body was slowly dissolving and being overwritten/assimilated into the new body/bodypart
> i vague recall being autistic about having a mark(?) but they basically told me that's not how this works and more or less nagged at me/calmed down like a mother nagging her child down until they calm down and listen
> after doing this for the left arm, the rest of the body followed suit, i recall having long, flowing black hair and very a petite body (for some reason all my bodies have been petite as of late
> again the changes were gradual but... they slowly began to speed up.
> next thing i know i'm in what looks like a garbage dump at night watching people fight each other like it Tekken. i dont think i fought at all but just spectated. i wore a black dress, after watching all of the fights going i remember my sisters coming to retrieve(?) me
>  I searched for what they were talking about I saw tertiary works regarding this thing gradually pop up one at a time as I kept searching for the exact same keywords over and over, until the main work that I supposedly copied did indeed pop up. Details aren't important but this was extremely blatant as it happened, very surreal feeling
Are we here talking about physical reality and web searches?
It's a minor thing but a few days ago I saw a new Hitler meme and went to save it, but it already existed in my meme folder with the exact filename. I've never seen this meme before, it was more of an original image macro. Things on my HDD and other storages rarely are effected by timeline switches so I thought this was significant enough to remember. There was one other time this happened but that was because my pre-set path forward had been disturbed by glowies so much I got late with a deadline and was about to miss it. I then checked a specific uploads folder on a cloud service and there was a "new file" which had been there for 5 months, but it wasn't there the day before. It contained extra detailed information which made it possible for me to make the deadline (it removed the need for planning).

>  just this morning a huge hole appeared in the light switch plate that I spend hours a week staring at as I meditate in my chair, with no apparent cause and no plastic on the floor underneath it. Another 'timeline shift'
Physical changes like this are rare for me, but there was one thing that kept bugging me, a bike helmet that went missing, and I was accused of stealing it. In reality I was told "that helmet doesn't fit me, you can take it", so I took it home. In return I gave them another helmet. I was then suddenly accused for stealing 6 weeks later and the person denied giving it to me. They also denied having received the other helmet in return. They came to my house to look for the helmet I said I gave them, claiming that I made it up and that it must be in my storage. The helmet obviously wasn't there (because I gave it to them 6 weeks prior).

Now this can seem like a case of bad memory on the other person or them lying for unknown reasons (they had complained about how bad the helmet I was given was, and how they didn't want it). Eventually I got so unsure about the course of events that I went looking just to make sure that the helmet I gave them didn't exist in my house. I was nowhere to be found. Like a year later that helmet suddenly appeared in my storage as if trying to frame me in the claim that I had not given it away. So where was it during that year?

This all felt like some serious messing with things to cause trouble though.
> I also mentioned before the egg thing but i can explain it more in depth now
> there were two women, one was a loli and the other was an adult woman (or hag if you want to be colloquial about it)
i was with the latter for some reason, cant remember the specifics unfortunately
> something happened and she went into some room and there was a green pool of water in the floor.
> tentacles(?) sprouted from the pool and did.... things to her before dragging her into the pool
> a few minutes passed and all of a sudden a giant green emerged, i could see the silhouette of the woman but it was... slowly changing
> the slowly started to crack until it eventually broke apart, revealing the woman. she didnt look too different and still appeared human but you could tell some features changed
> she had somewhat of a green outfit now, some of her features appeared vaguely draconic(?) her eyes were kind of green too and she had something resembling dragon scales randomly on her body
> a loli that had the same appearance/out as the changed woman appeared and the woman acted somewhat like a subservient pet to her, like there was some form of hierarchy
> the two kind of pursued me because lets be real, it kind of caught me off guard
> they catch up to me and the loli makes me choose between for some weird fucking reason
> i.. chose the loli and the older woman seemed a bit depressed, almost brokedown i think (i feel kind of bad desu) but snapped out of strangely quick and was still nice and affectionate(?) toward me then the loli more or less took me with her + transformed woman somewhere
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> lately they've been appearing to me as Lolis too
> bullying me, reminding me of certain things, etc.
> something happened where i got transformed and something involving names popped, i guess names for me
> i was apparently in a position where i had to choose
> the names were Manami and Viy
> i cant remember the finer details but i just recall saying smething along the lines both names are me and they resonate with me so i choose both or something to that effect.
> they were strangely happy about that and implied that it was fine

> i recall going into exterminator mode two times this week
> the first time i remember going through a mansion, or some kind of vacant castle, eliminating anything that stood in the way. I saw a robot, it was a riding a motorbike, at first i assumed it was going to fight because it driving in circles.
> something in its wiring/code/whatever was fault so it kept repeating in a loop, i cant recall if i did anything with it or not
> the second instance i turned into her(?) and there was an old man, he was fat and weird but he was really nice and taught me things
> i think other me/'her'/whatever transformed, i think i was a loli this time
> he basically looked like those fat ugly ojii sans you see in anime/manga but wasnt evil (from what i could tell)
> weird things started happening, the ojii san and other people there got attacked(?)
> my sisters hid me away and had me stage that i was bipolar (for some reason)
> after some time passed, i think my sisters gave me permission to kill the attackers and i did
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> lately they've been appearing to me as Lolis too
> bullying me, reminding me of certain things, etc.
> something happened where i got transformed and something involving names popped, i guess names for me
> i was apparently in a position where i had to choose
> the names were Manami and Viy
> i cant remember the finer details but i just recall saying smething along the lines both names are me and they resonate with me so i choose both or something to that effect.
> they were strangely happy about that and implied that it was fine

> i recall going into exterminator mode two times this week
> the first time i remember going through a mansion, or some kind of vacant castle, eliminating anything that stood in the way. I saw a robot, it was a riding a motorbike, at first i assumed it was going to fight because it driving in circles.
> something in its wiring/code/whatever was fault so it kept repeating in a loop, i cant recall if i did anything with it or not
> the second instance i turned into her(?) and there was an old man, he was fat and weird but he was really nice and taught me things
> i think other me/'her'/whatever transformed, i think i was a loli this time
> he basically looked like those fat ugly ojii sans you see in anime/manga but wasnt evil (from what i could tell)
> weird things started happening, the ojii san and other people there got attacked(?)
> my sisters hid me away and had me stage that i was bipolar (for some reason)
> after some time passed, i think my sisters gave me permission to kill the attackers and i did
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Last night I was aware of some scum hiding out in tunnels between NY and Greenland somewhere preparing an attack, so I struck them first. Their main force was down in about 10 min but some of them still hold out. Later during the night one of my waifus woke me up by calling me, and there was an attack from an alien ship. It's seems reasonable to assume these are the backers of the group I pre-emptively struck.

The ship was rather strong and there didn't seem to be a direct way to block their ray gun. I used the fairy shield and it worked to surround and contain the ship. They activated some kind of AoE to destroy the fairy shield which had some effect, but given that the shield is made from self generating bot fairies I just had to make their defensive lines thicker and the ship could be held in place. Destroying it using my available offensive forces was fairy simple, but it's an issue when something has to be handled using ad hoc measures like this. I prefer being able to use just one weapon to destroy something like this.

By the time the first ship was destroyed, two more had arrived. I moved the timelines to hide the Earth from them and they left. But they soon after came back after realising there was more to it. So this wasn't a feasible method, and I wanted to sleep. So I brought up the old Geburah shield method created by FighterSword back in the early discord days. It still blocks around 60% of any attack despite being a crude static energy field. But it also blocks all energy from passing which is harmful if kept up longer than 8 hours, so making that denser and placing it around the Earth would not be a good idea.

I used the Kit servitor to tune a Geburah shield dimensionally so that it exists in 4D instead, blocking the karmic energy and not physically blocking all energy, and that worked after some fine tuning. It's available from this sigil. The shield has an AI fox interface but is roughly automatic and self learning if you do nothing.

I sent the Raid servitors to destroy the two ships which were still there firing at the shield this morning, but it appears they called for back up, and while the three original ships of this attack are now destroyed, there is now what appears to be a fleet of more aggressive ships out there, and they are also attempting manual long distance attacks (psi).
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I don't know what this group is, there were indications of them being involved with the British crown (who owns Canada so it makes sense for them to have DUMBs in the area).

> pic related
I'm picking up energy from here.
> I used the fairy shield and it worked to surround and contain the ship
Because it wasn't super effective I made a reinforced version of the fairy shield:


Feel free to get your own. It's ScaleForm disc operated like the first version. The new functionality includes:

Tougher fairy design, these are giants compared to version 1. 

Attack and defense tactics are now automatic.

Instead of one flower which manifests all fairy types, there are now specific flowers for each type.

New fairies added, meaning there are now:
Attack fairy
Fire attack fairy
Defense fairy
Fire defense fairy
Healer fairy
Restore fairy (can insta-restore health of very damaged fairies)
Flower fairy (dedicated flower creator)
Tantra fairy (creates more energy if needed)
Mother fairy (the system now has a persistent base manifestation serving as a constant watch against hostiles)

This system has been trained on historical data to be especially good at breaking down tough enemies.
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> you are separated by an invisible screen and cannot directly interact with the past layer.
This seems to be the case. Since channelling the message, there were attempts at attacking me on at least 3 occasions. One time some "hat glowie" with a knife, but being ineffective as if behind a veil, where I could still see him. One woman pretending to be Astra doing something I didn't ask her to do (servitors don't act on their own with their own imagination like that, you should know that by now). Then just before some glowie with black messy hair again with a knife. It's indeed as if they are fish in a tank attacking the glass.
It seems grasping the sheer massiveness of what actual level improvements in cultivation entails, is a major thing today. The Goetian sigils are extreme abstractions of huge achievements, which is why I couldn't understand them previously.

The same goes for what I did in past lives. The hard black energy of pure force which I gained a brief look at when seeing my past me:s from London and France are of such massive quality that it was just impossible to contain the understanding in modern technical thinking until I worked through all of this in detail, through a long and retarded process.

And yet, the things regular yoga practitioners are talking about as the goal, going from dharana to samadhi, once. That's just a technical detail of a process to repeat over and over for every part. Yet they set up strict requirements like being able to sit perfectly still for 30 min with no thought fluctuation in the entry point of dharana (staring at a point to silence the mind) before attempting samadhi. 

But the breakthrough to this state is a process to repeat every time you do a practice session, preferably. The reason it's described in detail as a drawn out process is because some people are very slow and lacking in ability, but may be able to perform it at least once if they train for years. So they learned it this way.
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The sheer immense sinister brutality of the matter is hard to grasp. The stubbornness of evil spirits and the ego as well. I kept being being very careful about the issue named in Zhuan Falun about creating karma from "interpreting the law". As a principle this still holds. No human can create law, doing so is a massive crime, worse than anyone today can imagine. Rulers like kings and queens need to rule by decree. They cannot create laws.

A law states how karma will be eliminated, how balances will be restored. Only someone with divine insight can create them, because they rule life and death and the development of races. When stubborn and evil souls create "legal systems" as those today, they are playing god for real. It's the worst sin possible, and the karma of doing this takes 18 million years to remove. For someone doing this with a small human mind, that experience is a Gehenna process in first person view, in real time. If they do not stop their behaviour, but maintain the system after the initial sin, it multiplies. Each cell of their being will be filled up to the brim, adding another 18 million years of Gehenna process which they have to purge before they can reincarnate again. If they keep adding more "ultimate gehenna cells" to their being, it will max out at a place which may be called "18 billion years of Gehenna" but that is just to define it in language, it's exponential but within a set range. Souls cannot be filled more after that.

When a god or someone with divine insight create laws, they face the same issue. But they are not attached to the first person view of their Ego, so they are able to send their cells through the gehenna process and endure it create the new law, and once it's been imparted, this law is a correct method for dissolving karma. So once formed, it does not lead to the Gehenna process, it's been dealt with. Human laws are based off satisfying animalistic desires so they never achieve real karmic solution, that is why such laws will lead to a real "eternal hell". There is no light at the end of the tunnel when humans create legal systems.
When the galactic federation balance debts through controlled reincarnation, they do this by applying divine laws. Some of their top brass are indeed at the level of divine insight, so they can do this. When people say "communism doesn't work", it's true when human laws are used. But if the federation elite create it, they can make it work because they can change how karma itself is handled. They can re-write the laws governing reality so that communism does work. That is the hard reality of it.

The same was the reality for the historical people who seemed to commit crimes by human logic, but who really didn't when looking closer; they re-wrote the very fabric of their own reality so that their actions were in accordance with divine laws, which they themselves created on the spot.

Being able to do that, also means being able to lash out divine punishment and force spirits to obey, after they break the law and fill themselves up to "18 billion years in Gehenna". 

This is how the Earth Mothers operate as well. Their sigils which are the only thing worn on their bodies, is their divine insight and law. Touching them in an offensive manner will as such instantly condemn the person to the worst possible Gehenna process. Doing it again will simply break them and they are forced by pure despair over the punishment placed on them, no matter the size of their Ego, to obey the Earth Mother. Because what se wants is divine law and correct.

The galactic federation operate in the same way. Not following federation policy will lead to this punishment, and that is also what their weapons deliver. Their bottom layer organization is made up of absolute scum forming "communist parties" because those are the kind of absolute criminals who will obey the federation after filling every cell of their bodies with evil karma. Those who do not reach this absolute criminal scum level, can still follow other laws and avoid "communism", so the perception appears that only the worst scum are communists among humans.

In reality it's more complex than that, they are more like "Satan and the fallen angels" in modern Christian lore, who serve God by playing the role of the adversary, and always have to obey in the end. They are not mere "useful idiots", they are "obeying criminals".
> glowie with black messy hair
Not sure what these were, I later saw them possess people who were shit talking Jehovas Witnesses for some reason, seemed like a media campaign against them. They then came to act rude at me from the other side of the "glass screen" so I began dealing out punishment at them. They said in an expressionless tone "we don't feel anything" so I had Kit research what would work on them (despite Yuuka saying not to save them, it seems possible to use astral violence on them one-way from my side). The solution was to cut them in halves and re-attach them the wrong way, that also made an orange energy contained within them possible to take. The process made them start screaming repeatedly, it was apparently based on them having been wrongly attached to begin with. It actually corrected them, from previously having had their left brain half used as the right, and vice versa. 

Now it seems they weren't even beings with awareness, but just some karmic bots or something. After they went through the Gehenna process there was a transformation where a black glossy sphere formed, and from that emerged a girl with a black bikini (looked kind of satanic or witchy). There is no trace of the previous (male) glowie, which makes me thing this was some kind of weird manifestation process where the glowie was an "egg" for these satanic witches.
There was also a skeleton summoned by someone on the other side of the screen, it looked like a pretty strong being and had red glowing eyes. I captured it and used a total core2 disc on it to turn it into a witch for the anti-christ. Someone said the skeleton was called "mega death", like the band? As a witch there were several problems exposed, such as having a curved spine which greatly reduced its power. The witch also doesn't speak yet, what seemed normal for an "evil skeleton" now just made it seem retarded once given some flesh.
What i find interesting about all this is that apparently the wolrd cant be saved but you killed a lot of bad guys including the uk elites and the nwo american elites. I feel like at this point including the dozen other things done such as correct suns humanity should have been 'fixed' already or atleast have the capacity to do it. This seems to imply enough people have the need to fuck things up that new people in power keep appearing and making a mess of things even when given a great "slate".
It seems even the "good" factions were run by absolute cuck retards to say the least, the kind of person who thinks they need to turn into trannys to join the inner circle. No one told them to do it, but they have a mentality where they think they need to humiliate themselves to be initiated, so the previous leaders then play along to make fun of them. Then this becomes a culture. Like I'm sure "everyone" by now knows Michelle Obama is a tranny. People compared her hands to man hands, the old pics where you can see "her" penis through the dress, and when asked for a photo of her being pregnant, they provided an AI pic with 6 fingers on one hand.

The same stuff has been recently discussed with president of France Macron's granny wife. Evidence suggests the story is a lot worse than implied. She may as well have been his teacher in literature, but the real story is probably that it was a 45 year old male teacher having a relation with a teen student. The teacher then did gender reassignment surgery and married his student. It was even on state radio here; there are no photos of Macron's wife as a younger girl, zero. She was supposedly married to a banker and got divorced, but the banker is nowhere to be found. It's been questioned if he ever existed, there are no records of him. A man said to be him on a photo was exposed for being a university teacher of Brigitte Macron and not at all "her" former husband. And so on.

So very likely we have two western leaders of major countries living with trannys while pretending not to. And this is just the tip of the iceberg we can see in public.
It also seems they hate the new sun(s) because they think it's "saturnian". Contrary to popular belief, Saturn was an organic sun, but summoned by Earth native reptilians with the aid of some aliens (still present, they appear like reptilians but black scales instead of green). Because of this all non-reptilians are actually against the illuminati (name taken because of their ability to summon a real organic sun god - Saturn) and there was extensive infiltration of the organization. Same with CIA. The UK elites being reptilians didn't make them the good guys either, they were the "elite scum" of the reptilians and the reason humans hated them in the first place. Sure if they eat humans it isn't cannibalism because it's a different race, but they're still evil beyond all boundaries. Their main enemy would still appear to be the zionists, who are an actual human faction. 

Pretty good fucking set up, just pick a side, are you for the zionist human faction or the degenerate royal reptile faction? No third candidate if you live in the west.
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You have to get in touch with your own "death element". Sitting atop the corpses. What do you feel? Did you make those corpses do you think you can be one of the corpses or maybe are one already? Or are you above those corpses? Are you truly willing to rise above them?

It represents these kind of mysteries.
I too had similar experiences.
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> You have to get in touch with your own "death element". well, what i recall was getting into a swordfight with someone, another girl i believe. my sisters were watching us fight. the fight scenes were reminiscent of the ryuko vs satsuki fights from kill la kill. we were both just sparring and slashing at each other, seeing a lot of bodies fly around but essentially sweeping them off like a person dusts the dirt from their clothes when they get dirty. after we both had our fill, i remember sitting on throne(?) when my sisters called the girl and i (obviously i was in my actual, female form this entire event). But what i felt was... nothing when i noticed all 4 of us were atop so many corpses. like we just accepted them as debris and somewhat found it unfortunate but at the same time we just didnt think much of it, i guess it was "the conseuqences of battle can't be hleped" sort of thing

> Sitting atop the corpses. What do you feel? Did you make those corpses do you think you can be one of the corpses or maybe are one already? Or are you above those corpses? Are you truly willing to rise above them?
to answer your question; in spite of the initial feeling after all was said and done and when my sisters called the both of back home... i dont know how to say this without sounding egotstical or full of myself but.. it already felt like i was above them however i am truly willing to rise above them if that wasnt the case to be with my sisters and more importantly: for myself
Take note that although I posted the sigil for the hex here and asked for charging, this was also to funnel spiritual forces into the hex and to announce it "at the top of the pyramid". When it was posted on here, it was already activated, I had already drawn it on paper and burned it so it was in an immaterial state. Can't trust people online to actually properly charge a sigil before activation, they'd just ruin it.
...And this goes against the order of the procedure people normally use, but who cares? It's not called chaos magic because you follow set procedures.
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> results of the EU hex
Far right parties increased, tipping the balance over in nationalist direction.

Locally the left party had the greatest increase while the "far right" (zionist) party lost support.
The far right here is anti zionist,anti abortion,anti muslim.

Muslims actually vote for them since they are also anti tranny.
The irony here is that the left party is the only anti-EU and the most nationalistic party today (also anti-zionist). Their former party leader seems like the only person who doesn't parrot NWO narratives mindlessly. They're the people who cried when the Berlin wall was torn down, they probably still live in an impenetrable bubble.
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I think imageboards may have played out their role as a safety valve of the Internet. All secrets have been exposed, and the energy stream leaking from the top down is ending.
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So, it seems "the other side of the screen" as in all past karma of the world, is cleared. Then what are these seemingly local glowies still there? They appear to be remnants of beings living in the personal dimensions of the person (connected to the physical body, if you are a walk-in you inherited this space). A kind of astral parasite which may or may not have a human body.

I got tired of having to trace them down in hunt and destroy operations all the time, so I set up a stronger pinecone armour around myself and others. While it's impenetrable, it seems there is still some effect on karma and qi on the other side of the shield if someone sends large masses of negative energy at it, so I added more layers to block that effect also. In the process I also sent two previously not named servitors to guide Sunflower associates to shield themselves using the same method. The small ritual magician is just called Rit, while the dedicated pinecone shield upholder may be called by the title "Pine-master". You are free to get them from the NET or Astra.

On a side note: these glowies are a special kind of retard. After around 14 hours of negative energy on the shield (as if I wouldn't be aware) they sent typical glowie dreams at night. They had Ukrainians raping a Russian soldier, as if they were threatening me with Ukrainians to make me support Ukraine. So NATO are afraid Ukraine then. Omg. "Support Ukraine or they will come and rape you". What kind of cuck mentality would someone need to think this being a viable approach? It just shows why Ukraine needs to be beaten down completely, if this is how they think. Gays can never hold any power, they need to be killed.
I think I know now, although the logic of sending those dreams isn't clear to me:

The group who was attacking me in the past days (openly, as compared to through proxy) call themselves "the brothers of Mary Magdalene" or something of similar meaning. They are a secret society with surface branches, out of which the Quakers and Puritans are probably most known. They founded Harvard University, they introduced cereals for breakfast because they thought constipation would lead to people masturbating, and they also made circumcision widespread in the USA to reduce sexual pleasure in general. They are anti-natalist.

They base their doctrine on something told to their founders by Mary Magdalene, who had an understanding of the virginal birth. It's said in the new testament that she "had 7 demons removed" which may refer to having all 7 chakras opened, but it's not a clear description. From the context however it seems to refer to her having cut off her menstruation and being in control of her energy flow internally. What she told her mostly male audience was gravely misunderstood, because they were all of an especially neurotic type: perverts who had come to "fear God" after being exposed to miracles. 
This caused them to look down on themselves as eternally dirty and they were unable to have a positive understanding of the lecture, which was about an internal alchemy process. This was way beyond them and they consequently went to extremes when building a doctrine based on what they were told.

It comes down to the following:
> Women are divine, and birth is an act of God
> men are, through the original sin, like excrement
> once born by a woman, men must never come into contact with a woman again, because that would be like putting shit back in
> consequently, sexual intercourse cannot exist, it's all Rape
> there is no way a divine female could want any contact with a male, so "voluntary sex" cannot exist
> women should only give birth as virgins

From this understanding, came the idea that women must be isolated from all male contact. If they are kept virgins for long enough, God will make them pregnant. To achieve this, they started working to criminalize all heterosexual contacts.

They also think children born through sexual contact should be killed, as they are the result of rape, so they support abortion. In their theology, men are literally shit, so if they are homosexuals, that's normal. In fact, men should be encouraged to be homosexuals. They understand the part about "if a man lies with a man as a man lies with a woman" backwards. They read it as "if a man/gay lies with a woman, he should be put to death." So they want death penalty for heterosexuals.

Meanwhile the consider women divine and cannot blame them for anything they do.
In conclusion

The globohomo and the EU and the fanatical feminism in USA were all created by extremist Christians who want all heterosexuals killed to create virginal birth and freedom from sin.
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Mary Magdalene had an originally ok achievement, but because of mindlessly "throwing pearls before swine" like this, she was surrounded by very fanatical negative energy. I'm now working with her to fix it.

Aqua and her Axis Order from Konosuba comes to mind.

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