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Honestly most of these people are trolling and are race realists. Blacks didn't contribute to civilization, they have no claim or heir to any empite. Blacks, Africans, have committed countless atrocities against each other, including participating in their own demise, selling their own people off (of other tribes) to the jewish slave ships.

Iris needs to stop being such a fucking crybaby about race. 
> indians will outbreed

Nobody cares about outbreeding except the people with inferiority complexes. Nobody envies a swarm of ~80IQ people who have done nothing to maintain their own nation but gladly come to ours to work for gas stations and take tech jobs they are absolutely not skilled enough for, or worse CEOs (old CEO remains on the board of shareholders collecting a check while an indian is placed "in charge"). Have you ever heard the term quality over quantity? I'm looking forward to the upcoming race war, I'm going to give people like you a very early appointment with God

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whites do the same. Kill their own people (WW2) and have even done it in benefit of Blacks. 

Its not about envy so be nice to your new countrymen, they will replace you.

> looking forward to the upcoming race war, I'm going to give people like you a very early appointment with God

Youll get to meet him before i do. You lost and no bullet was required.

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It's original file of one from site's front page. That link looks like this:

All of these can be changed, I'm not an expert but they look like ImageMagick parameters:
/v1/ to /v2/
/fill/ to /crop/
w_980 = width
h_406 = height
al_c = alignment
q_85 = jpeg quality
usm_0.66_1.00_0.01 = unsharp mask
enc_avif = codec
quality_auto = some another quality
112d56_a85e84fefec9485fb47c0e657f81d3dc~mv2.jpg = download filename

Usually there are just a few versions of same image pre-scaled and pre-cropped to set number of resolutions for use as thumbnails and at different browser window sizes. This one does 'em all. You can pass any parameters, and it will letterbox, crop, scale and compress in real time, server-side. This is how WIX handles images apparently.

"srcset" tag in page's source points to another resolution, which loads when your page is scaled at >200%:

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Threemilk reuploads:

The Complete Threemilk’s Youtube Channel Guide:

Previous Thread:  >>/41445/
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Bianca Devins / Oxychan
Discussion #4

A thread to discuss Bianca Devins aka Oxychan and the events surrounding her death

previous thread: https://endchan.org/agatha2/res/95109.html

related threads:

post rares if you have any
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Cutetopia edition

https://www.tiktok.com/@trixydixydoo?_t=8rwwfs5jhco&_r=1 [Embed]

21 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer
why do you keep bumping your own thread? every compliment you've gotten here was written by yourself. no one in your neetcord servers even knows what agatha is. no one here cares about you because you look like a trashy stacy and keep shilling your shitty discord blogs pretending to be anons.

you pretended it was you larping as a schizo after people called it awful. you're also coping by saying you intentionally draw fucked-up anatomy, but it doesn't look stylized, it looks like a 13-year-old who just got a drawing tablet.

i'm not friends with him? tf, i don't even know that name lol

ok, i saged my reply, happy?
also i'm not even in neetcord lmfao, haven't been for almost half a year, i'm active on neutral's server and i sometimes lurk around what remains of e-harem
and i have literally not complimented myself lol

even in my own old blog i made it clear from the start it was schizo rambling larp, i don't even write poetry 
also empty insults don't affect me, idc if you think it looks bad or if you think i'm untalented, i have fun drawing and i'm not a retarded insecure bitch who let's the comments of nobodies on the internet who hide in anonymity affect me at all, i don't feel any type of way towards compliments or insults from anyone at all actually, i just respond as i am expected to or truthfully

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not directly no, but she did post under various names. all in the same spirit of 'hopeless femcel neet looking for blabla'. I fell for it, I never knew she was a whore.
Also I don't think she was ever serious about it. I'm an hour away from her in the same country and could've adopted her immediately but she prefers this.

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